Bryce Brown is Good

Posted: June 1st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 29 Comments »

Chip Kelly wants to run the ball. That means that Shady McCoy will get his 250-300 carries. It will also mean, we hope, lots of touches for the other RBs.

It is easy to forget how good Bryce Brown looked last year.

The fumbles are a huge issue and do need to be fixed. Bryce and the coaches are working on that. The other thing for me is that Bryce fell in love with big plays and got a little too focused on big run lanes. Sometimes you have to “run for 4 and hope for more”. Big plays will come if you do that.

There has been some positive buzz on UDFA Matthew Tucker from TCU. There is no extended highlight tape from him, but here are a few plays which show his potential. Good size/speed guy. Not as explosive as Brown, but runs well for 6-1, 227.

It really will be interesting to see Shady, Brown, Polk and Tucker in action this summer.

Oh yeah…and that Felix Jones guy, too.


29 Comments on “Bryce Brown is Good”

  1. 1 awful waffle said at 12:56 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    It’s amazing to watch highlights from that Saints game and then remember the team scored 13 points. I’ll always have a lot of love for Andy Reid, but RUN THE BALL MAN.

  2. 2 TommyLawlor said at 1:14 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    That was a bizarre game. The RZ was like the Great Wall of China.

    So many yards, so few points. Ugh.

  3. 3 Gary said at 2:32 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Tommy, Bryce had 19 carries for 178 yards and 24 for 169 in his first two starts, and then just 12 for 6 yards and 16 for 32 in his next two. What do you think happened? Did defenses key on him and not really worry about Foles, or was he just trying to hit a home run every play? I specifically remember him having terrible blocking against Tampa Bay (though I think they did have the #1 run D).

  4. 4 GEagle said at 5:34 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    thats a damn good question if anyone cares to go back and look at the film…

  5. 5 Neil said at 11:22 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Trying to hit a home run every play. Not to mention the playcalling, which featured no inside runs. But the outside runs that were called Brown tried to bounce outside like he was playing high schoolers and quite a few of those ended up being ridiculous losses like of five yards.

  6. 6 Aleandro green said at 6:34 PM on June 1st, 2013:

    all he tried to do was turn the corner on every play lol

  7. 7 TommyLawlor said at 11:27 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Tampa was the best run D in the league. They were the worst pass D. They sold out to stop the run.

    Part of the reason Brown put up such huge numbers is that CAR was struggling on D and Dallas too. Injuries had hurt both teams and left them vulnerable to an explosive runner. That’s why I was not getting caught up in the hype (like Baldinger).

    I think Cincy played the run well and Brown’s bad habits had set in by then.

  8. 8 Mitchell said at 3:03 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Size? Check. Explosiveness? Check. Acceleration? Check. Ability to lay the lumber? Check. He looked pretty incredible at times last year. Looking forward to seeing what he and Shady can do this year with an improved line.

  9. 9 GEagle said at 5:55 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    you sound like my girl, right before we go to bed…lol

  10. 10 Kevin said at 2:08 PM on June 3rd, 2013:

    SEVEN DOWN VOTES? C’mon, this is the best comment I’ve ever seen on this blog. I mean, *I* lol’d.

  11. 11 Conor Mc Namara said at 5:16 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Reading for a while but First time posting here but love the way he breaks 2/3 tackles every play, and in the Carolina game especially you can see he is deceptively quick on the long TD run when the safety takes a horrible angle towards him. Excited to see him next year with chip

  12. 12 GEagle said at 5:46 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    welcome! fly birdies fly

  13. 13 GEagle said at 5:45 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    From B-Grizzle’s interview with Spadaro:
    -Goal is to report to TC at 255lbs

    “Demeco’s advice to Graham: Relax, make sure you read your keys, dont panic, when all else fails GET TO THE BALL”
    “First preseason game, I wanna go out there showing what its gonna be all year”
    “I used to be nervous about this defense, but now that we know what we doin, opponents should be worried about what we are going to be doin this year, Im that confident in what we are doing…safeties is alot better, our coverage is a whole lot better..Im not worried about teams running on us like they have been doing because I see a big difference just with the attitude. Everyone is communicating, upbeat, the change was good”…

    “if we got alot of guys who not scared to be coached up and critiqued by other teamates, we should be good…I dont feel like we had that last year, where we could police somebody without them taking it personal. This year I think we will be good because everyone isnt afraid to say something to other people”…WOW! Could that statement be more telling then the 2012 eagles?

  14. 14 GEagle said at 5:48 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    I heard that Mathew Tucker has been turning some heads, which has me torn because chris Polk is just such a good can just tellhis boyish love for the game. I could listen to Polk talk all day…really sounds like a good kid, but I heard Tucker can run

  15. 15 TommyLawlor said at 11:29 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    The guys who play best will get jobs. Maybe Polk lights it up. Maybe Tucker. Can’t wait to see the guys in action.

  16. 16 Geagle said at 11:31 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Dying for the pads to come on…is next weeks mandatory camp still in shorts? Sorry…you just answered below

  17. 17 A_T_G said at 2:36 PM on June 1st, 2013:

    How likely is it that we keep the 4 of them and release Jones if they look good? Is Jones an insurance policy, or would we be afraid to have that much youth?

  18. 18 Anders said at 6:26 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    I think Brown is gonna tear it up. While he did fell in love with the big play, I love how he does not dance, but just hit the hole hard and then just accelerate. For such a big RB, he got very very good speed.

  19. 19 TommyLawlor said at 11:31 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Tremendous potential. We’ll find out how focused, driven and coachable he is this year. Handling success isn’t easy.

  20. 20 Corry said at 7:48 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    I watched every one of the Eagles games last year and saw those runs as they happened live, and yet re-watching them, I still get nervous when he swings the ball away from his body.

  21. 21 TommyLawlor said at 11:30 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    You and me both.

  22. 22 Tumtum said at 8:56 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    All of those highlights and not one dump off or screen pass. Interesting.

  23. 23 GEagle said at 9:34 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    1)anyone know if the pads come on for next weeks 3 day mandatory camp, or are they still in shorts?
    2)MANDATORY 3day camp is June 4th-6th…well the Superbowl Champ Ravens are invited to meet Obama at the Whitehouse on the 5th..I didnt crucify Cary for the wedding, the dental work or the recital because it was not mandatory, and not much different from a guy like Shady sitting out for “ankle soreness” on a 90degree day..but I PRAY Cary doesnt even consider trying to wiggle out of MANDATORY camp next week to reap a superbowl reward. I pray the thought doesnt cross his mind, and that he doesnt even bring this up to our coaches…I know this has been written about, but has anyone read if Cary has metioned it yet?…So far, I dont think it has been that big of a deal, but this could get bad and start to snowball quickly…we really dont need this

  24. 24 TommyLawlor said at 11:31 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    I’m pretty sure there is no hitting/tackling until TC.

  25. 25 Geagle said at 11:32 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Thanks..that’s what I thought. Like I said, I’m the king of wishful thinking lol

  26. 26 aceandson said at 11:38 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Some nice downfield blocking in a few of those big runs by Brown. In one play against CAR, Avant drives a defender -probably a DB -15 yards. On a few the OL gets to the second level, and Jackson even puts his shoulder into a guy, jams him and cuts his angle (which about what we can expect from a player his size).

    Play like that is what might keep Avant on the roster.

  27. 27 GEagle said at 7:22 AM on June 2nd, 2013:

    I wish we could count how many Key blocks Avant has made through the years that Have sprung players for TD’s

  28. 28 Thomas O'Leary said at 11:44 AM on June 1st, 2013:

    Honestly, the most striking thing about the Matt Tucker highlights is how slow he looked after watching the Bryce Brown tape.

    And he’s fast for a guy that big.

  29. 29 SteveH said at 1:44 AM on June 2nd, 2013:

    Man Bryce Brown looked sensational at times last year. What a specimen. For a kid who barely played college ball he looked right at home with the big boys. If he’s able to develop further, he could absolutely be a stud.