PHI 7, NYG 3 – 2nd Half Thread
Posted: September 30th, 2012 | Author: Tommy Lawlor | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 238 Comments »Slow start, good finish. More of the same, please.
Slow start, good finish. More of the same, please.
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Ouch, Asomugha out.
Has Mac been targeted yet?
Loved the run, but if he kept running up the sideline instead of cutting it inside he gains at least another 5 yards.
What’s this trick play where the QB gives the ball to the RB and the RB just runs with it? Is this some sort of Arena league garbage?
Shove it down their throat!!
punch it in no fg here
I say run it again.
a TD would have been nice. But some nice running on that drive. A nice quick throws too.
Real good drive.
2nd goal run, I think if shady just follows havili he gets in.
Darn, I think McCoy had a TD on 2nd down if he followed Havili’s block. No chance on 3rd.
Shady went too wide on that.
What is up with our coverage unit tonight?
i thought we had the best special teams coach in the land
We’re also without out two (maybe 3) best ST players
April looking more like December…
Let’s give it some time. A lot of new guys in there. I believe we’ll have one of the better units by the end of the season
Special teams coverage just crappy.
Gonna give me a heart attack.
Giants haven’t turned the ball over… jinx!
I HATE that salsa dance.
Yep I fuckin hate Cruz.
I hate NBC playing his stupid salsa music. Barf.
I want the defense from the first 28 minutes to come back.
ryans looked hesitant on the TD pass, I thought he had an angle on it…
i want our offense to be able to score from 1 yard out.
and where’s our defensive line been on those last two drives, no pressure at all.
One thing that really bugs me is that every kicker in the league seems to be able to kick it out of the endzone, except for ours.
I think that’s on purpose, kicking high and short in hopes of stopping them inside the 20. Of course without our best ST’ers that might not be a good idea
Our special teams needs to step it up big time or we’re in trouble
Momentum shifting…WTF was that. All day and terrible decision
Funny thing happens when you establish the run: The play action pass actually works.
We need to answer back with points.
so play action works after you actually run it?
Good to know he can hit a wide open receiver…
By the way, don’t run anywhere near JPP
That reminds me, why not a bootleg with Vick at the goal line???
Are you serious? Blowing timeouts in a tight game can really come back to haunt you.
Once more, is Maclin playing?
I saw him once… on the sideline.
For a team with “so much talent” it sure is easy for these guys to absolutely disappear during long stretches
Yep, not that you’d notice.
One target
Two now
Hmmm…a timeout that they may need later? Nah
nice kick fgs are not gonna win it for us though
Especially with our Defense currently MIA.
That stalled pretty quickly, but a nice kick.
Good to see with McBriar holding.
And now, let’s talk about Drew Brees….for…what reason?
Holy shit, make a tackle for crying out loud
If we lose this game, it’s going to be because of these mammoth run backs.
oh my god are you kidding?! ST – wtf?!
Special teams again..?
Just have Henry kick it deep
we’d start with better field position if he kicked it over the sideline!
Ha, yep.
Nnamdi has a visor now, half a hour too late.
Hmm, a timeout? They might need that later.
Nice stop!
Nm, i take that back.
Cox blew that play up!!
Really? Was that our “let’s not cover Cruz because they’ll never expect it” defense?!
Damn it
Can I quote you on that?
that looked way to easy for a 4th and 1 play
Probably a good play design. High risk, high reward.
Um, that was a little too easy. So much for that solid defense we showed in the first half. I’m feeling another damn salsa dance coming soon.
Craptastic. Two scores set up by our crap special teams
I feel like that’s our team in a nut shell. Come up huge one play, just to have a the next be a huge letdown.
Lets see if Vick can match Eli drive for drive in the 4th quarter
Eli has basically been kept clean the last 17 minutes, maybe a bit longer. I think we need to hit him and force a TO, or they’ll keep marching for the rest of the game.
Definitely could use a turnover here…
Ask and ye shall receive.
Great call on the to!
Zach, we’re totally claiming that as an assist!
nice pick take a knee
Terrible decision to take it out, but great play by DRC.
That’s surprising!
Now THAT is effective blocking. Just trip the oncoming blitzer.
Bell makes one hell of a block with his right big toe!
Didn’t like the way Havili carried that ball.
We’ve got the mojo now.
All the weird handoffs in our run game always make me nervous.
Come on Reid/MM give me a ghost reverse.
Nice rhythm on this drive
This is, by far, our best game this year. Lets finish it.
I think if i tried to make the cuts that McCoy makes, the MCLs, ACLs, PCLs, and any other CLs in my knees would explode.
Nice drive! Sustain it big time
The announcing is great. Two drives ago Collinsworth was saying how disciplined the Giants are on the back side, now he says how terrible they have been all night.
So true. And both times…JPP.
Good catch.
Also scary: how every 1/10 passes from Mike Vick are a complete WTF moment.
It’ s nit picking during this game, but Vick has had a few – what the hell throws?….
we need a td here
and fail again
bid 3rd coming
Damn -but good decision by vick not to throw it and play it safe
Nice decision there by Vick. Take the FG attempt.
Agreed. TD would have been awesome, but don’t be greedy.
I like what I’ve seen from Vick so far. Not superman, just run the offense. Get the ball in the hands of the playmakers and make a play once in a while.
He even felt the rush behind him. Pocket presence?
I’m going to be a nervous wreck until they score a TD.
hey guys, as we catch a break – greetz from austria, europe!
Wait, Austria’s in Europe now? Thought it was next to New Zealand…
Man, that is Australia you are talking about ;)) I am from Schwarzenegger country 😉
Thanks, it’s never too late to get a geography lesson. But I was kidding.
who do u tell, its 5 am here 😉
So not Austrailia? Your from the one with Eveta then? Don’t cry for you?
Close pal – madonna hopefully never sings about my hometown 😉
Ug, 6 point lead: recipe for heartache.
This ^
I’ll be extrememly surprised if the birds don’t get the ball back
Finally starting to play like a play-off team. Nice play calls on that drive and good excecution
Sqib kick this thing.
Really, there is very little downside to an onsides attempt…
Maybe we should squib or kick it out of bounds….I’m just saying.
Our coverage team woke up! Hurray!
Great coverage. And you were worried.
The Bobby April Rope-a-Dope.
We may very well lose this game, but the maturity and decision making from Vick is very encouraging. Very much like the 2nd half against Baltimore.
Nice tackle Nnamdi
can Nnamdi still see??
That didn’t take long so glad we are kicking fgs
What the hell is nnamdi doing???
Coleman is biting on EVERYTHING.
It’s not Nnamdi. It’s Coleman biting on every play fake.
So, we will get the ball back…
and losing
Nnamdi always thinks he has help…
Way too easy
And he’s supposed to. Watch Coleman on the playfakes. He charges the line every single time.
That was sickening.
Did not like that drive
Just terrible play by the safeties
What the hell was that?!
Well blowing that went faster than I thought it would.
NNamdi has lost a step, we got him a year too late
Didn’t look good there.
That was awful….
Juan’s defense has really fallen apart in the 2nd half. If not for the gift interception from Eli, the Eagles might be out of it already.
Hey guyy, what do u think is our best CB?
I’m willing to give Nnamdi a break this game, but the safeties have been awful the last few drives.
Bobby April, on the hot seat.
I think it’s time we start looking at some different options in the return game, absolutely nothing over the first 4 games.
Need 7 here offense.
we just need this drive to last 6 more minutes and kick the fg
The Giants D is tired.
Niether team playing D right now
Theirs is tired. Ours is clueless.
Maclin is alive!
nnamdi asomugha is a liability. Is it just me or were we much better with him on the sidelines? It is about time someone mentioned it. If we lose I blame nnamdi asomugha. he might not of given up the TD but the only reason they were in the redzone was because he blew 2 plays in a row
Only so much you can do when you make a guy go one way and expect help from your safety who bites on every play fake.
WCO clicking again
that was really a pleasure to watch.
Excellent drive. need to top it off with 6 here.
Tomorrow I’m going to complain that the run:pass ratio isn’t always this balanced.
One of these days I would like a game like the 49ers had today. I can enjoy watching rather than being on edge the whole time.
Nice gameplan here. Maybe a shotgun draw or a shovel pass, but let’s keep it simple and kick the FG if we need to. TD would be nice, but let’s get the lead and if Eli wins it, so be it.
I know they think highly of Brown, but COME ON!
Please touchdown, please touchdown, please touchdown…
for us for us for us…
wow just wow
fgs are not gonna do it heartbreak incoming
wtf was that?
I actually like that call. Gmen just played it well
I think they wasted a down giving it to Brown. McCoy is our playmaker. Let him try to punch it in.
I didn’t have a major problem with the call. I may have preferred handing the ball to McCoy who has been gashing the defense in the 4th quarter, but it was a reasonably safe play, and I’m ok wih that.
Too much time left for Eli. We could have really used on of those close FG’s to be TD’s
Let’s pick off the first pass and save the drama.
If the safeties bite on play action on this drive, I think I might cry.
Jesus, what they need 35 yards?
I know you’ve all said it, but that coverage is disgraceful!
Come on DL
C’mon Defense. Show us how far you’ve come.
This kick off coverage has ruined my day.
how do you not get to the qb on that snap
Wow just wow that is your game
They’re in field goal range. Game’s over.
Long FG range is like 70 against the Eagles.
Can we get the replacement refs back?
That oen was bullshit. Bullshit.
except for a takeaway – the refs just cost us the game.
That’s gotta be OPI.
The refs giveth, the refs taketh away.
The curse of the long fg against us coming up
First missed FG against us in forever and it’s a TO
we are gonna get burnt by the icing the kicker that never works
AR should ban himself from EVER calling timeouts…
If he makes it they will fry Andy!!!
Heart attack
Can we agree never to try to freeze the kicker again???
So much for drama-free.
…I just lost another 5 years off my life.
hell yeah
never doubted…*ahem*
Another Eagles – Giants classic!
Heart attack city.
Each one of these wins takes another year off my lifespan.
Yea, but the losses take off two years.
Okay, go Bears!
So that was 1 combined sack by both teams the whole game?!
That’s what happens when you have 2 o-lines this good
i dont know if that last goal line play where vick was tackled is going to go down as a sack or a tackle for loss (was it a loss??)
i thought it was a pretty obvious running play that they were poorly trying to sell as a passing play.
Collinsworth is an Ass! Barden had Nmadi by the frickin head!!
and then tackled him!
I’m encouraged by Vick’s performance tonight. Shockingly, the games where we have a good run pass balance, our offense runs smoother.
barden clearly grabbed Nnamdi first. wasn’t even close
It’s 4.42 in the a.m. and I as always I have trouble sleeping when the Eagles are playing. I just woke and turned on the iPad to see the final drive. Now how do I get back to sleep?
Do you live with anyone? Surprise them with an amazing breakfast.
Andy Reid better get down on his knees and thank whatever god or gods he prays to because if Tynes had made that kick he would have been roasted like a hog on a spit this week.
That win felt dirty, the officials jobbed us twice, then Andy with the time out. Somehow even though we won I still have a bitter taste in my mouth.
Get used to the new normal.
Luckiest 3-1 team in the history of 3-1 teams.
3 wins, 4 points.
what is our overall points differential? -14?
so who else is too hyped up to have any hopes of sleeping tonight?
sleeping? it’s 6 in the morning on this side of the planet. Ive already missed out on sleep. The win makes it totally worth it. 😀
damn dude! lotsa respect for you staying up for this one! and yea, the win must make it all worth it in the end. hope you dont have work tomorrow!!!
I’ve been there: I lived in Holland for a year, and I used to stay up to listen to the radio broadcast of the games on the Internet (back when that was free). Totally worth it.
Whoever called the game in the 2nd half can keep the job and Marty’s keys to the team facilities.
How great was the Eagles last drive?
First quarter of the season is over and we are 3 and 1. Enjoy the win eagles nation. Looking forward to a first quarter report card from tommy and jimmy on the next podcast. Good night!
How big is that last pass interference? WOWOWOWOW
i am stunned this team is gonna give me heart failure
tommy, i look forward to your thoughts on the last drive that we had on offense. do you just try to run out the clock and take the short fg? do you try for the TD on each down or run out the clock on 1st and 2nd and then try for the TD on third?
regarding the 3rd down play…. what do you think was the call there? to me, it looked like it was a running play designed to go out to the right to run out as much of the clock as possible and take a short loss or no gain. do you think they were really looking to score a TD on that play?
extra question – if vick rolled out to that side and saw an open lane for a TD, would he or should he have taken a shot?
The best thing is that we won the game on a night where the team was honoring one of the all time greats in the city of Philadelphia.
I’m a big Andy Reid supporter but….he was almost a murdered tonight…that second field goal looks perfect from the camera angle, and I almost died in a fit of rage/depression. I had half the manifesto written out in my head for why Andy Reid needs to go by the time that second kick fell a hair short, then I was O.K.
it was short by what, like 2 feet? sheesh…..
On to Boardwalk Empire, Dexter and Homeland! Great win 😀
Looking back at that last drive, how many shots did the Giants have to advance the ball around the the two PI calls? 11? And only the officials could gain any progress. The defense stepped up, and overcame the heartbreaking calls that could have crushed their spirit. I don’t think we win that game last year.
We won the turnovers, the penalties, and the time of possession, we didn’t have a single sack. Strange.
This isn’t aimed at anyone in particular, and this page is way better than other pages, but if you don’t agree with icing the kicker, or doing it right before the snap, that’s fine. Just don’t criticize Andy Reid because Tynes missed the first kick. Andy Reid is not a psychic. That’s just the risk inherent in that tactic, and it’s a tactic that has become standard. Be reasonable.
Watching Spadaro and Trotter acting appalled by all the Negadelphians calling into and complaining about our victory is priceless. Just rejoice, Philly.