Offseason Update #1

Posted: January 2nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 65 Comments »

I started trying to write something on the DC situation, but with bowl games going on all day, it isn’t going to get finished.  Instead, I’ll cover a few hot topics

Rams fire Spags.  Sad to see our old friend lose his job, but happy that he’s available.  I have to believe the Eagles are interested in bringing him on board in some kind of capacity.  Spags won’t get any HC looks coming off the Rams disaster this year.  I’m sure a few teams will have interest in him as a DC.  We got lucky that the Giants won last night.  Tom Coughlin and Perry Fewell should be staying put.

Don’t necessarily expect Spags to be coming to Philly in the next day or two.  The Eagles have to make some internal decisions and Spags may want a few days to clear out his head and decide what he wants to do.

Eagles pick 15th.   My primary target is Boston College MLB Luke Kuechly.  He hasn’t declared yet, but I think he will.  Is he worth pick 15?  We’ve gotta see how he does at the Combine.  I think he could be worth that pick, especially to a team like us with such a hole in the middle.  Will the Eagles really spend a 1st rounder on a LB?  I think it is definitely possible.  Huge problem spot this year.  In the past the Eagles had other areas as bigger needs or had young players in place.  We need a minimum of one new starter at LB and maybe 2.  This could very well be the year we finally take one in the 1st round.

Style Points.   Look at Tampa and the NY Jets.  Both teams crumbled.  Both teams had coaches with a lot of personality.  Players coaches.  At times it seemed like the inmates ran the asylum.  Andy Reid remains a stick in the mud.  He’s boring at PCs.  He won’t let us know what he really thinks.  And yet…the players love him.  The Eagles were 4-8.  DeSean Jackson had contract issues.  Asante Samuel was doing his own thing.  You had a slew of veterans new to the team who could have aired frustration with any number of things.

What happened?  The coaches made some adjustments, some players got healthy, and some other players picked up their game.  The Eagles went 4-0 after that to finish 8-8.  Andy is more of a leader than people understand.  Rex Ryan standing at the podium and ranting about how good his team is gets mistaken for leadership.  Bullshit. That’s a loud mouth clown giving the press fun quotes to work with, nothing more.  Rex is a smart guy and can be a good coach, but he’s got to realize that his act only works when things are going well.  A great coach must be able to handle every situation.  Rex isn’t anywhere close to being a great coach and he’s backed himself into a corner. If the Jets don’t bounce back strong next year, he could be out.  Here’s a good article on some of the issues with that team.

Raheem Morris is already out in Tampa.  Terrific assistant coach.  Good communicator.  Good motivator.  Running a football teams calls for you to be a CEO type.  Rex doesn’t get that and neither did Raheem.  You can’t be the players friend.  You are the head coach and must run the team a certain way.  Players need to fear you more than like you.

Andy may come across like a big goof ball at his PCs and in some interviews, but that’s not the guy who the players deal with behind closed doors.  That version of Reid commands respect.  The players respond accordingly.  Andy may drive us crazy with his lack of personality and style of doing things, but there is a method to his madness.

What does fast finish mean?  Don’t think that Howie Roseman, Joe Banner, Jeff Lurie, and Reid will all sit around stoked by the 4-game winning streak.  The Eagles missed the playoffs and that’s unacceptable.  Changes will be made.  Remember the Bill Parcells phrase…”don’t let good enough be good enough”.  The front office will look at ways to improve the team.  That could mean changes to the coaching staff.  That could mean shaking up the roster.  There could be a veteran player we think is safe that gets shown the door.

The finish does give the players and coaches some confidence heading into 2012.  That can be important.  The players now believe in Juan Castillo.  Guys like DRC and Phillip Hunt have to be much more confident with their games.  DeSean played well at the end of the year.  Dion Lewis had a good day yesterday.  Brent Celek has to be sky high going into 2012.  And so on.

The hot finish doesn’t guarantee anything.  It doesn’t mean the team will win early next year.  It doesn’t mean that the players will play at the same level.  I do think the success is important.  You want guys to feel good about themselves.  You want them excited for offseason workouts and the spring practices/camps.

Clarifying Safety Talk.  I try to choose my words carefully when talking about players.  I have written that “the Eagles Safeties are better than people think”.  For some reason, people seem to mis-read this me throwing out the idea that Allen/Coleman/Jarrett are Dawk, Wes, and Andre.  No.  Not even close.

I do like Kurt and Nate.  I’ve also written about concerns with them.  Kurt is a limited athlete.  Nate has to stay healthy.  Both guys have to eliminate some mental mistakes.  My point is that some fans think of the Safeties as bad or even awful.  I strongly disagree with that.  I think Nate has very good potential.  Kurt has less upside, but is still talented.  As for Jarrett, the jury is still out on him.

I’m open to upgrading the Safety position, but I don’t know how realistic that is.  The draft lacks any top prospects.  There aren’t going to be great choices in FA.  I think the best bet is for Nate/Kurt/Jarrett to improve with a full offseason.  We need a 4th person to add to the mix.  That could be a veteran or draft pick.

Dave Spadaro said on Eagles Live that he’d love to add a top flight Safety.  Not sure of his exact wording, but it was something to that effect.  We’d all love to add an impact Safety.  I just don’t see any available.  LaRon Landry has played 17 games over 2 years.  Do you pay him big bucks?  Raiders SS Tyvon Branch has a strong reputation, but isn’t a big time playmaker.  Those guys appear to be the best choices.  This could be a case where sticking with your guys is the way to go.

There are some interesting guys in the draft, but no Troy Polamalu’s or Eric Berry’s.  Might be wise to take some real big or real athletic guy in the mid-rounds and see if you can develop him.

65 Comments on “Offseason Update #1”

  1. 1 Jason Afong said at 5:08 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Why doesn’t Marty Morn(won’t even try to spell) not get any looks as a Head Coach?

  2. 2 Anonymous said at 5:19 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Was HC with the Lions 8 or 9 years ago. Didn’t work well. Not meant to be HC.

  3. 3 Eric Weaver said at 7:37 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    A great phrase I heard years ago from Cowherd, “some people are just not meant to be #1 guys. And there’s nothing wrong with being a good #2.”

  4. 4 Anonymous said at 6:49 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Still, no offers says quite a bit. You’d of thought that Cleveland or San Fran (where he has history) may have at least interviewed. He gets nothing. Was it that bad in Detroit, and has he done nothing in the period between to repair his rep? Isn’t he assistant HC here?

  5. 5 Anonymous said at 5:22 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    With the Colts’ firing of the Polians (Bill & Son), if I were an owner of team in need of change, I’d think long and hard about bringing them on board.

    I don’t know about the kid, but Bill Polian put together SB teams in 3 cities.

    T-Law: any thoughts?

  6. 6 Anonymous said at 5:29 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Bill is great GM. Unsold on his son. And I think Bill will want his son to have key job anywhere he goes. Not a big fan of that.

    Bill’s also getting older. Might be wise for him to be advisor to team more than full on GM. That’s a real grind.

  7. 7 Anonymous said at 5:34 PM on January 2nd, 2012:


    Do you think Howie is completely safe? I know he’s Banner’s guy and all.

  8. 8 Anonymous said at 6:05 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I do think Howie is safe. For now. 2012 will be important for him. Needs Brandon Graham, Nate Allen, Danny Watkins, and/or Jaiquawn Jarrett (plus upcoming rookies) to start panning out. Has done well with pro moves, but draft classes less than ideal. Some bad luck involved, but that doesn’t excuse everything.

  9. 9 Eric Weaver said at 7:40 PM on January 2nd, 2012:


    Has the thought ever occurred that maybe it’s not Howie’s fault with the draft picks and maybe Reid or even the scouts are giving poor information? How confident are we in the scouting department?

    It seems they always draft some guys that you feel they should, so I would think they are quality people like you.

    Total brown-nosing there at the end.

  10. 10 Anonymous said at 7:47 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I’m going to do a write up on the Personnel side of things. Can’t just blame one person. Wish it was that easy.

  11. 11 Ben Hessel said at 9:16 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Graham was off to a good start, and got hurt when he seemed to really be coming on… Nate Allen had a promising rookie year, nothing insane but what you’d expect from a well rounded 2nd rounder. Then he got hurt, too…

    Danny had no training camp kinda, not really excusing him or the above mentioned, but I don’t think he’s really missed on them either. Only time will tell. Jarrett though…

  12. 12 Anonymous said at 5:33 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I really really hope Lurie/Banner don’t decide to blow up this team and make lots of major changes. To be honest I hope we don’t add many players in free agency. I am not keen on us becoming the Philadelphia Redskins. Focus on the draft and a few FA’s they think really fit.

    We need players at LB and if the right option is there at DC, go for it but you don’t finish 8th in Total D if you are /completely/ clueless. Our benchmarch for Castillo that I know you yourself mentioned Tommy was to see him consistently improve over the season, I don’t think you can argue anything but that.

  13. 13 Anonymous said at 6:00 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Nothing is getting blown up. No reason for it.

    Just wanted to emphasize that the FO is very disappointed with the season and won’t sit still just because of strong finish.

  14. 14 Ben Hert said at 6:07 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Would it be possible to hire Spags as the DC and demote JC to an assistant defensive coordinator or something like that so we don’t lose him? I really think that he could be a good DC if given the proper time to learn how to do it from someone as good as Spags…he was just put in an impossible situation this year. I really don’t want to lose Juan and I think he would do still do us some good on the defensive coaching staff.

  15. 15 James Coe said at 6:48 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I like Tommy’s suggestion from a previous post that Spags could come in as ‘Assistant Head Coach’. He could learn the tricks of the HC trade from Andy, ready to take over when the Reid era eventually comes to an end, whilst overseeing Castillo and helping to steer him in the right direction.

    Seems like an ideal scenario for everyone involved; Spags is obviously not in a position to be an NFL head coach yet, but appears to want his career to go in that direction. Who better to learn from than Reid?

    EDIT: BTW, I don’t actually think this will happen (I think we either keep Juan or fire him and get Spags) but I think it would be a pretty sweet situation.

  16. 16 Anonymous said at 11:11 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    It would be ideal for us as fans, but you’re right, it’s unlikely and could be a tenuous working environment.

  17. 17 Brandon Gleklen said at 6:09 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    What do you think of Mark Barron?

  18. 18 Anonymous said at 7:48 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Very good prospect. Can hit/tackle. Solid zone cover guy. Okay man skills. Probably a 2nd rounder. I don’t see him as definite upgrade on current guys.

  19. 19 Anonymous said at 7:03 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I don’t think the notion of bringing in Spagnolo as an assistant head coach-defense (or choose your own title) and keeping Castillo as defensive coordinator makes sense from an organizational standpoint. It’s an inefficient use of resources, and you run the risk of conflict between the two “leaders” of your defense — when you have two leaders, you have none, or however it goes. Either you think Castillo did enough to bring back, or you don’t, and you can him or demote him to a positional coach.

  20. 20 James Coe said at 7:10 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I guess it depends how well the guys work together. As I imagine the scenario, Castillo would still be the ‘leader’ of the defense – Spags would just another member of the management in the same way that Reid is…As it stands, Reid is within his rights to discuss the D with Juan, but at the end of the day, it’s Castillo’s unit. Spags would have a similar input.

    As for an inefficient use of resources, you could be right, but if they think that bringing Spags here to learn would secure the future of the team, it might be spending now to save later. I don’t know specifics; just a thought.

  21. 21 Anonymous said at 7:48 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I’ll talk about how this would work in a post.

  22. 22 Anonymous said at 7:20 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I think Juan is headed to the college ranks to be a D.C.

    But only if the Eagles can upgrade at DC with someone who’s willing to continue the scheme in a relatively similar form: W-9 w/ more blitzing and more man coverage, the way the Eagles played in the last 4 games.

    Unfortunately, I don’t anticipate any NFL team bringing JC on board as a D.C., even with Reid trying to pull strings McD-style. WAY, WAY too much heat in the media and among fans for that kind of hire. (“[Blank Blank], the team’s new HC has announced the hiring of former Eagles’ DC Juan Castillo — best remembered as the guy whose defense blew 5 leads in the 4th Q and was coaching O-lineman 12 months ago.” NFL Tix are too expensive for that kind of move . . . unless you’re the Eagles and have a humungous waiting list.)

    I like Juan. And think he made nice strides. But we really have no idea what the players really think. Or what Reid/Banner/HR really think.

    Reid refused to endorse JC the past two weeks for next season. Seems to me, Reid’s keeping his options wide open to move JC out.

  23. 23 Anonymous said at 7:50 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Reid hasn’t endorsed Juan likely because he simply wanted to avoid the subject altogether. The minute he says anything, reporters are going to hound him with follow up questions. Say nothing and that’s that.

    Juan going to college would be interesting. Might be great fit there.

  24. 24 Anonymous said at 7:33 PM on January 2nd, 2012:


    Do you see Brad Childress getting on anyone’s radar to be interviewed for H.C.

    He left Minn under some stormy circumstances. But that team improved every year until his last: 6-10, 8-8, 10-6, 12-4, 3-7.

    And, after this year, it’s pretty clear that the Vikes have some holes so big that not even Vince Lombardi could win with that team.

    Any chance the Vikes, despite choosing a QB last year, pull the trigger again if either RGIII or ALuck is there? Both are much better talents, it seems to me, than Ponder. MUCH better.

  25. 25 Anonymous said at 7:51 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Childress needs to rebuild his rep. Got mentioned as OC candidate in CLE, but doesn’t sound like that will happen. Should get a job somewhere this year.

  26. 26 Matthew Butch said at 7:38 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I’ve been debating the fast finish issue over on BGN for the past few weeks. The boneheads over there love to dismiss it with such comments as “We’re going 19-0 now!!” That’s not the point.

    Players are human. Imagine coming off a season of suckitude- 4-12. How hard are they going to work the next year? How much are they going to put in? Compare that to finishing strong at 8-8. The players know they are close. They know that if they work hard and study they can go far. They know how to fight when things are bleak. They know they can trust their teammates to be there.

    Ask the Giants how well finishing slow works out for them.

  27. 27 Anonymous said at 7:52 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Yeah, people hear you say something positive about the good finish and they automatically think you’re turning that into something great. No. It is a good finish. That’s it.

    It does give the players positive vibes moving forward. There is a sense of hope, and that is important when working in the offseason.

  28. 28 Anders Jensen said at 10:26 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    You got quite alot of haters on BGN because you think the safeties are better then what people think and because you are positive about the good finish, but still hate the overall season.

  29. 29 James Coe said at 11:13 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    The reason they hate is because they know they’re who he’s talking about when he says ‘people’ :p

  30. 30 Mac said at 1:33 PM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Oh you mean the “mere mortals” who foolishly choose to disagree with T-Laws everlasting nuggets of irrefutable wisdom?

  31. 31 Mac said at 1:07 PM on January 3rd, 2012:

    I love the finish because…

    I think it’s pretty clear that the players looked around the locker room this summer and said something like, “all we have to do is put on the pads… these guys around me are so talented that this is almost a sure thing.” The only one stupid enough to say it out loud was VY.

    I think these players needed a shitty season, but I also think they needed to work hard and get those last 4 wins. My hope like yours is that it builds momentum to work hard this off-season… next year we will find out if it had that effect or not!

  32. 32 Cliff Hall said at 8:28 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I think this will be our most interesting off-season of the Reid administration. Our record was mediocre, but our team isn’t full of holes the way your typical .500 or below teams are. Howie Long mentioned during half time of the Skins game that after the season ends, we should be favored to go to the Super Bowl again. I’m naturally optimistic, so I think he’s right.

    I can really only think of LB as our only HUGE need.

    QB should be on our shopping list, but does Andy draft a QB early if he’s feeling extra pressure to “win now?” (Side note: I think that’s a stupid way of looking at any NFL situation. ALL coaches feel like they have to “win now,” I’m sure.)

    WR might be a concern since we don’t know how the DeSean situation will play out. I really wish we’d just re-sign him and be done with it.

    I want a CB because I’m not confident in the Curtis Marsh experiment. Marcus Trufant is old, but seems like the physical type of corner we might like to play opposite Nnamdi. It’d be nice if Trufant was willing to sign a short-term contract while we develop a young guy.

    We’ll have the 15th, 46th, and 51st picks.

  33. 33 Cliff Hall said at 8:31 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    More on CB… I’d really like to just keep Asante. I know it’s not likely, but I’d be so much more confident in the secondary if Asante was back there. Unless we drafted a DB high.

  34. 34 Mac said at 1:40 PM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Sadly, I also think the Eagles are in the drivers seat to an extent. I just hope the players don’t have that mentality. I want them to be pissed and work extra hard this off season.

    I’m not sure who to trust after Luck and iii in the draft at QB, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a “Kolb” is sitting there in the 2nd round and Reid snatches him. One of the best aspects of Reid is the way he manages with an eye toward more than next year. How many times has he reinvented this team over 13 years? Even this last off season was only “win now” to the knuckleheads who don’t understand the methodical nature of Banner and Reid.

    Blackmon declared for the draft. (and my opinion is that Maclin has all the speed we need though i wouldn’t cry if we sign DJax)

    I love Asante as much as anyone, but even I think it’s time to flip him for a draft pick.

  35. 35 Anonymous said at 8:42 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Just something to think about…
    We have enough draft fire power that if we give up our 1st and both our seconds we can get as high as 4 overall (which is our buddy the Browns) if there is a player we absolutely covet.

  36. 36 Anonymous said at 11:24 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    As much as we need an impact guy, I think I’d rather have the three top-50 players. That’s three shots at an impact player.

    The year we got Maclin and McCoy in the same draft set us up for years.

  37. 37 Anonymous said at 1:05 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Oh I certainly agree. Outside of the top 5 or so players in this draft w/ the exception of our lord and savior, Luke, there is alot of very good value in rounds 2-3

  38. 38 Mac said at 1:43 PM on January 3rd, 2012:

    I think your point about being able to move up to #4 just shows how strong our position is in this draft. And I am all for more picks because you never know who’s going to blow a knee… There are few if any certainties in the draft.

    I also wouldn’t mind flipping some picks toward next year’s draft. Especially if we can get a 2013 #1 for a 2012 #2.

  39. 39 Anonymous said at 8:43 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I’ve been harsh on the safeties all year, especially Allen. Coleman made great strides throughout the year, imo. He finally started to play like a someone worthy of starting and with intensity. Athletic limitations can be overcome with wily instinctive play. I think Coleman is headed in that direction. I’m pretty comfortable with him at SS.

    Allen on the other had was extremely disappointing. I know people are pointing to the injury, but I think its deeper than that. When I watch him I see a player that is hesitant. His tackling form is poor in the sense that he ducks his head and leads with a single shoulder and often whiffs on tackles. He may have decent ball skills, but how many times have you seen him break on a play? He’s rarely in position to utilize those skills. He reminds me of so many young players that just never smoothly make the transition to the speed of the pro game. Hope I’m wrong, but I think he’s a big liability in the secondary.

  40. 40 Anonymous said at 8:49 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Fair enough.

    I do think Nate broke on the ball better in the last couple of weeks. There was a play vs Dallas where he looked really good at attacking a receiver over the middle and going for the ball.

    Tackling was inconsistent. He was very good at times, not so good at other times. 2012 is the season that will really tell us what to think of Nate.

  41. 41 Anonymous said at 9:21 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    tough to get a read on Jarrett due to limited action. I recall that he played pretty well in his season opener vs. Chi. He made a horrid read on the long Lynch td vs. Sea, and stuggled vs. Dall. He had 2 opportunities to make plays and just missed out. You’d expect a seasoned vet to make those, but a rookie with very limited reps gets a pass. My gut is that unless he really picks up the D next year, he’s stuck behind Coleman because Coleman doesn’t look like he wants to lose his job anytime soon. I doubt either can move to FS.

    They may have made a mistake drafting Coleman’s competition instead of Allen’s. Given the relative draft spots of the two, the reasoning did make sense at the time.

  42. 42 Anonymous said at 9:41 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Lurie has a press conference scheduled for tomorrow. I assume he will simply confirm the return of Reid and talk about his disappointment in this season.

  43. 43 Anonymous said at 9:58 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Yeah, he’s been getting lots of requests for comments on the season. Don’t expect any bombshells.

  44. 44 Dewey said at 9:46 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Kuechley over Upshaw? Really? I like Upshaw’s ability to both blitz and stuff the run from the SAM spot.

  45. 45 Anonymous said at 9:59 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Upshaw is 265 lbs. Pass rusher. Made for 3-4. Not a 4-3 MLB.

  46. 46 James Coe said at 11:07 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    What do you think of Travis Lewis? At this point, I’m thinking Kuechly, Tannehill, Lewis would be a good use of our first 3 picks. Not sure they’ll all fall far enough for us to get them, but would be pretty sweet.

  47. 47 Anonymous said at 11:51 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I go back and forth with Travis. Sometimes he can be very impressive. Would be interesting SAM for us, if we keep same system.

  48. 48 Anonymous said at 1:07 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Nonsense! Danny Trevatham or Keenan Robinson are going to be our SAM next year. Silly Tommy.

  49. 49 Sjampen said at 1:44 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Hell Yeah. Ever since T-Law(A nickname i instantly fell i love with) endorsed Trevathan i though the perfect use of 2 of our picks in the first 3 rounds was Kuechly and Trevathan. Tre’ might not start right away, even though it seems like a bad sign if he can’t win a LB spot here, but i think that kid is a baller, as Skip Bayless would say.

  50. 50 Anonymous said at 1:56 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Only concern with Trevathan is size. Need to find out if he’s really 6’1, 230 or if that is bogus.

  51. 51 Anonymous said at 10:23 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    My list of FAs, mostly 2nd and 3rd tier, because I don’t see a big offseason, maybe one big signing, but Howie will find those unsung heroes (Mathis, Landri), They’ll have six picks in the first 115 or so. I don’t expect a lot of changes this offseason, but I think they’ll want to build depth and competition going into camp and let everyone know no job is safe. They may also get more aggressive going after UDFAs, time to find their own Victor Cruz.

    Dennis Dixon,
    6-4 205 [4.58 3.81 6.91 28 ]
    Had some injury issues, and couldn’t beat out Batch in Pittsburgh, but might want to work with AR and MM, given Vick. A lot smarter than VY and more athletic.

    Rex Grossman
    He’s not a NFL starter, but wouldn’t be a bad #2 for a couple games.

    Mike Tolbert
    Would make a nice pairing with McCoy if the Eagles would use him.

    LaDainian Tomlinson
    Don’t know what he has left, but has the perfect skill set for this offense

    Earl Bennett
    6-0 209
    [4.48 1.51 15 4.22 7.15 26 9’2]
    Has yet to reach his potential, but could blossom in a more pass oriented system.

    Andre Caldwell
    Forgotten man in Cincy, worth a look see

    Pierre Garcon
    6-0 210 [4.48 1.57 20 4.19 6.90 36.5 10’5]
    Solid season with no QB, very small college player who’s just coming into his own, if the price is right, jump on him. With a real QB, he could breakout in a big way.

    A lot of big name FA WRs, although some will be franchised, it means there will also be bargains, and DeSean may drop his asking price once he sees who is hitting the market. Also makes it hard to trade him if franchised, since teams will have a number of FAs they can sign for a similar price.

    John Carlson
    Shoulder injury and coaching staff soured on his receiving skills and subsequently signed Zach Miller. Could be a cheap pickup.

    Trevor Scott DE
    6-5 256 [4.54 1.53 32 4.19 6.84 33.5 9’9]
    12 sacks his first two seasons, then really fell off. Blew out his ACL in November 2010, and never made it back. He would be my priority, he should be 100% in 2012 and could be a star in the wide 9.

    Kroy Biermann DE
    4 year backup with the Falcons, 12.5 sacks
    Undersized small college DE
    6-3 246 [4.80 1.65 29 4.43 6.95 35 9’9]
    Won the Buck Buchanan Award. Great small college pass rusher. More Cole than Babin, but could thrive in the wide 9.

    Derek Harvey DE
    6-5 271 [4.85 1.64 1.14 31 4.36 7.27 28.5 9’5]
    Lost some quickness as he bulked up in college, lost weight but never regained his athleticism
    Flop, but might be a possibility as a Jason Jones type Washburn DT.

    Phillip Merling DE
    6-4 276 4.73
    Never made it as a 3-4 DE or a SLB, but another guy who might be able to play inside for Washburn.

    Eric Foster DT
    6-1 273 [4.89 1.71 1.10 29 — — 32.5 9’3]
    Undersized but very quick DT, injured in the 4th game this season (partially dislocating his ankle).

    Jason Jones DT
    6-5 273 [4.78 1.59 1.14 18 4.32 7.29 30.5 10’3]
    Great 2010 season with Washburn, 3.5 sacks, 10 stuffs, moved to LDE in 2011 and had a meh season, 18-7, 3 sacks, 1 stuff

    Amobi Okoye DT
    6-2 301 [5.07 1.65 29 — 7.46 30 9’3]
    Underachiever, but will only be 25 years old in 2012.
    4 sacks off the bench for the Bears. Another good fit in the wide 9.

    Dan Conner LB
    6-3 233 [4.69 21 4.25 6.78 35 9’7]
    started 11 games, didn’t stand out at MLB, might be a better fit at SLB, will want to go where he can compete for a starting job.

    David Hawthorne LB
    Doubt Seattle lets him walk, but would be worth a real contract, good size, solid MLB who’s not a total liability in coverage.

    Wheeler, Philip
    6-2 248 [4.76 1.58 24 4.29 7.11 36 10’2]
    Pure two down 4-3 SLB, could be had at a reasonable price, was never a good fit in Indy’s defensive scheme.

    Jonathon Goff
    6-2 245 [4.63 1.53 28 4.26 6.86 31.5 9’10]
    Finally replaced Pierce at the end of 2009, solid but not special as the starting MLB in 2010.
    Tore his ACL in preseason, so should be ready for the 2012 season, Giants may not be willing to pay him.

    Larry Grant
    6-1 235 [4.76 1.55 20 4.22 6.77 31.5 9’5]
    Has bulked up, played well when he came in for Willis at ILB, could use the opportunity to win a starting job to encourage him to sign up.

    Manny Lawson
    6-5 241 [4.43 1.55 23 4.21 6.90 39.5 10’4]
    Moved to 4-3 SLB in Cincy and actually played pretty well, 31-21 1.5 sacks, 4 stuffs, 4 PD
    Didn’t play well enough for a mega contract, but may still have upside due to his great athleticism.

    Jordan Babineaux
    29 in 2012, but if Titans make Griffin their priority, he might be a good two year fix.

    Tyvon Branch
    6-0 204 [4.31 1.47 1.02 19 4.40 — 38 10’0]
    Tackling machine who’s not a great ball hawk, could be a great fit at SS if you want a guy who can play off the line as well as in the box

    Zbikowski, Tom ©
    5-11 211 [4.44 1.49 1.06 24 4.04 6.78 32 9’1]
    Was a better athlete than player in college, but 4 years of training by the Ravens makes him intriguing, as does his return ability and ST cover skills.

  52. 52 Anonymous said at 12:37 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    This is a pretty interesting list. I’ll have to review it more closely, but for the record … Tommy loves him some David Hawthorne.

    Pierre would be great in the Eagles’ offense. He’s got legit open field speed and can run with it after the catch. I didn’t realize he’d be available, I’ll probably start driving this bandwagon.

  53. 53 Anonymous said at 1:12 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Shotgun on that bandwagon good sir

  54. 54 Furt said at 10:28 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Style Points are a legit perspective.

    May sound lame to some because we pissed away any chance for the playoffs over a month ago, but I think this team “finished” better than 2009 and 2010.

    The Minnesota game last season was awful, and the 2009 back to back bedcrapping against Dallas was even more depressing.

  55. 55 Anonymous said at 11:02 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Any truth to the uncertainty of Washburn not coming back next year? Read some articles that seemed to indicate it was up in the air?? Sounds like crazy talk to me.

  56. 56 James Coe said at 11:16 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    Hopefully it doesn’t have anything to do with his disagreements with Marty. If it is, it can be easily fixed; there’s a good chance Norv Turner becomes available this week.

  57. 57 Mac said at 1:52 PM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Yea I’ll take Norv or Chilly over Marty.

  58. 58 Anonymous said at 11:26 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I think that is strictly tied to the idea that a new DC might not want the Wide-9. If we keep Juan, Jim stays. If we find a DC that likes the system, Jim stays.

    He’s not being fired for anything other than that.

  59. 59 Anonymous said at 12:38 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    See, and if Washburn and Castillo are connected, and Washburn is the real get here, I think it’s hard to justify his firing after the DL’s performance this year, and it’s even harder to foist his system on a new DC with his own ideas. Like Spags.

    So put some beastface LBs in the system and lets rock out.

  60. 60 Anders Jensen said at 1:40 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    I would really hate to lose Washburn, as the D-line have been really good this year

  61. 61 Anonymous said at 5:18 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    And if we lose Jim, we are overpaying for what will be an average DE in Babin.

  62. 62 Anonymous said at 9:13 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    I’d hope that even if Spags gets hired he tries to flex his system to fit the Wide-9. Why mess with the line when it was the best part of the D.

  63. 63 Steven Dileo said at 11:45 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    In Free Agency I want Shaun Hill and Jason Jones. From the draft I want Luke Kuechly, Kendall Wright, and Vinny Curry

  64. 64 Steven Dileo said at 11:59 PM on January 2nd, 2012:

    I still don’t know what to think of the DC situation. I don’t want to waste another year with the defense having to adjust to a new scheme but I still don’t know if I can trust Juan

  65. 65 Anonymous said at 12:32 AM on January 3rd, 2012:

    Whats up eagles fam, 1st Post on here. I hope Washburn comes back, Cole and Babin seem to love his system, it just needs to be tweaked against the run