Q & A

Posted: January 20th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 61 Comments »

Lots of questions yesterday and I simply didn’t have time to answer them all.  I’ll address them here.  First, I just put up a new post at ScoutsNotebook.  The RT for Auburn is the kind of blocker I think Howard Mudd could like quite a bit.  I didn’t write up notes on the LT from Washington because I just watched a bit of him yesterday, but he could be an Eagles type.  Not sure with him, but he got my attention.  I’m trying to find us some mid-round OL for depth, assuming we lose Winston and/or King Dunlap.

* * * * *

What happens if Marty gets a HC gig?  The easy thing would be to hire Brad Childress to come back as the OC.  He and Andy remain good friends.  Childress needs to get back in the game.  If Brad goes elsewhere, the Eagles could promote David Culley.  He’s been the WR coach for the Reid era, but in recent years has gotten more involved in designing gameplans.  I do not think the Eagles would go outside the organization.

Will Jamar Chaney’s injury affect him for 2012?  I have no idea.  Neck injuries are never a good thing for a LB.  That is a collision position.  The surgery was “successful” so that certainly sounds good.  Whether the injury affects Chaney on the field or his ability to get back on the field remains to be seen.

Instead of Luke Kuechly, shouldn’t the Eagles address MLB in free agency?  That would be fine with me.  Luke is my favorite player in the draft.  I want the Eagles to get him.  That doesn’t mean he’s the only answer out there.  I would be fine with the Eagles signing a guy like Curtis Lofton to settle MLB for the next 5 years.  Or go get a band-aid like London Fletcher for the next 2 years.  Then we can use pick 15 on a WR or impact DT or OLB or whatever.

My point is if the Eagles do pass up paying big bucks to a LB in FA, make sure you get Kuechly or some other highly regard prospect in the Top 50.  Don’t address MLB with a 3rd round pick.  That’s not good enough based on our misses in recent years.  If we had a strong track record with mid-rounders, that would be fine.  We don’t.

I do think a rookie MLB (who isn’t a project) can play well and have a big impact on the defense.

What is DeSean’s trade value?  Asante’s?  These are tricky questions.   We would have to put the Franchise Tag on DeSean in order to deal him.  That means that DeSean and the new team would have to negotiate a long term deal before we could pull off the trade.  The fact the new team would be paying him big bucks would lessen the trade value.  The fact that there is a strong FA class of receivers and a strong draft class of receivers also hurts DeSean’s value.  I don’t know that we’d get a 2nd round pick for him.  Possible, but not sure if that’s likely.  Sam might be able to address this.

Asante won’t have ideal value because he is older and due big money next year.  That said, there are quite a few teams who are desperate for CB help.  Initially I thought we’d have to settle for a 3rd round pick, but it won’t shock me to see a good team pony up a late 2nd rounder for Asante.  He has his drawbacks, but when he’s happy and on his game, he can be a difference maker.  That’s worth something.

Could Jason Campbell be a backup QB target?   Absolutely.  And he would be a good fit.  He’s been a solid starter in the past.  He’s played in the West Coast Offense since his days at Auburn.  He would be much more natural in our offense than VY.  I’ll write up a full post on the QB situation.  Sorta complicated.

Could the Eagles still be planning to make a move at DC?   It is possible, but as I wrote last night…don’t change for the sake of it.  Only make a move if you’re making a clear upgrade.  I don’t know if hiring Todd Bowles or Jack Del Rio to come in and run the defense would be a clear upgrade…for 2012.  Remember, Andy needs to win now.  Bowles would be a better long term move, but it might take a while for the guys to adapt to his ideas.  Wade Phillips was able to get the Texans turned around quickly, but he’s a veteran coach who knows how to teach his system.  I’m not sure there is a veteran coach who can teach his system that’s available.  Am I missing someone?

Maybe there is a shocking move in store, but I sure can’t come up with any good ideas.  It really does seem like Juan will be the guy in 2012.  My only hesitation is that Andy hasn’t called a PC to come out and announce that.  Then again, he could simply be waiting until they hire a CBs coach so that he can kill 2 birds with one stone.  This is where trying to read the Eagles moves/non-moves can lead you to paralysis by analysis.  And heavy drinking.

Is Juan good enough?   This discussion really needs to take place after Andy’s PC when we know who the entire staff is and we can accurately evaluate the situation.

Marques Colston vs DeSean…who ya got?   As I wrote for PE..com this week, we saw the value of physical WRs last week.  Demaryius Thomas, Hakeem Nicks, Anquan Boldin, Andre Johnson…those guys played well in the postseason.  I’d rather give big money to a big WR.

Before I can say Colston is a player we should specifically target, I’d have to do research on his age and durability.  Those things factor in when deciding who to give a big contract to.

Why has the Red Zone defense been so awful the last 2 years?   That is a great question.  I wish I had a definitive answer.  I don’t.  I’d love to go back and study some games to see what the problems were.  That might have to wait for after the draft.  Fixing RZ defense is critical.

Draft stuff…Could Nigel Bradham or Bruce Irvin be targets for SAM?  Bradham couldn’t get off a block if you gave him a sledgehammer, forklift, and 2 skunks.  Athletic guy, but really struggles to deal with blockers.  Irvin is a pass rusher.  No interest in him at SAM.

If you want a big SAM, go for Audie Cole.  Played MLB at NC State this year, but was OLB in the past.  6’4, 245.  Legit size.

61 Comments on “Q & A”

  1. 1 Anonymous said at 1:48 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Thoughts on Bobby Wagner at SAM? 3rd round prospect.

  2. 2 Jonathan said at 5:36 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    watched him on some games and he is a WIL LB that needs to play lower and be more physical…..5th round talent

  3. 3 Liam Garrett said at 1:54 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Thanks for getting back to us.

  4. 4 Liam Garrett said at 1:59 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    What do you think the Eags would have to do to trade up for Blackmon?

  5. 5 Anonymous said at 2:40 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Tricky question. If Blackmon is a Top 5 prospect, he’s not worth moving up for. You don’t sell out to get a WR. If Blackmon falls down to around pick 10 and it is a matter of giving up 15 and a 2nd rounder, that’s different. I love Blackmon, but you just can’t overpay for a WR when we have talent there now, good choices in FA, and other good choices in the draft.

    Blackmon is a luxury target you go for if the price is right.

  6. 6 Matt G said at 3:40 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    what are your thoughts on guys like jarius wright & joe adams?

  7. 7 Anonymous said at 4:07 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Like both guys a lot. Joe could be 2nd Rder with his WR/RS ability. I’d love to add him.

    Wright is small. DeSean’s size, but not as fast. That means he’ll go in the 4th/5th Rd. Good player. I need to study more tape to decide how he might fit us. Will be important for him to run a good 40.

  8. 8 Jonathan said at 5:36 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Wright will move up the charts come draft day due to speed and play making ability….he goes in the 3rd

  9. 9 Phila Phans said at 2:11 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    [Why has the Red Zone defense been so awful the last 2 years?] I got this one. It’s the youth and inexperience in the middle of the field. The Eagles get beat from the 30 in, by getting attacked in the middle of the field. The LBs and Ss are fooled by play action, inside moves after taking outside position and they get beat getting run on up the middle. They either need veteran help or their younger players to understand what teams are doing to them. I don’t think the lock out helped them because, basically, this year was an extension of the rookie seasons for Coleman and Allen. I think both players would benefit greatly by reviewing film all off-season on what was done to them. Something they didn’t get last year.

    Chaney didn’t have an off-season learning the MIKE. I also think Nnamdi was hurt because he never knew what his young safeties were going to do and got caught up trying to do too much, rather than just concentrating on his job. I think he was cheating in sometimes thinking he’d need to help.

    All of these added up to hurt the Eagles red zone defense, IMO.

  10. 10 Anonymous said at 2:18 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    What happens if Marty gets a HC gig?
    Then T_S_O_P will do a merry old jig!

  11. 11 Anonymous said at 2:40 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I meant to say that.

  12. 12 ike said at 2:20 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    T-LAW wrote:

    “Bradham couldn’t get off a block if you gave him a sledgehammer, forklift, and 2 skunks.”

    I can’t imagine how, even with 3 more months, you’ll be able to describe a player’s weakness with a line better than this one!!!

  13. 13 Anonymous said at 2:59 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I originally thought Bradham might be a great early round target given his tackle #s at FSU so I watched him closely in a few games. Think you are right because most of his tackles are after the RB has gained a lot of yards. That great FSU d-line also helped keep blockers off him. Still maybe a 3rd-4th round choice who can be “coached up”.

  14. 14 Anonymous said at 4:08 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    He’s not a bad player, but we just need to all be on the same page about what he can do. He’s not a run stuffer. Better on the move & in space.

  15. 15 Anonymous said at 2:27 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I know they had the worst D in the NFL this year, but if the Packers fire Dom Capers, I could see the Eagles pursuing that. Judging by their comments, Banner and Laurie wanna be like the Packers.

  16. 16 Anonymous said at 2:27 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Yeah he’s a 3-4 guy, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

  17. 17 Anonymous said at 2:41 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Capers wouldn’t fit here at all. No chance.

    Plus, I can’t see GB firing him. The scheme wasn’t the problem for them. Players just underachieved.

  18. 18 Anders Jensen said at 3:27 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    They missed a guy like Jenkins aswell.

  19. 19 Anonymous said at 2:35 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    “Is Juan good enough? This discussion really needs to take place after Andy’s PC when we know who the entire staff is and we can accurately evaluate the situation.”

    I think this pokes directly at one of my issue with Juan. If we had brought in Spags or another solid veteran, would we still need to wait for ARs PC to have legitimate reason to believe our DC could get the job done? With Juan, our positional coaches have become a lot more important because we expect them to help Juan out. Long term, I wouldn’t view that as a huge issue because every DC has to develop over time, but we are very much talking about a one year window right now. I certainly am not trying to argue Juan absolutely can’t get the job done, but the fact we need to know who the entire staff will be to judge is a concern in itself for me.

  20. 20 Anonymous said at 3:11 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    That’s fair.

  21. 21 Brian Winings said at 2:53 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I am hoping the Packers’ DL coach Mike Trgovac gets a look for DC. I know last year he said he wasn’t interested in taking another job outside of GB because it was his daughter’s senior year in high school and he didn’t want her to have to change schools, but that also means she is graduating now and that obstacle shouldn’t be there anymore.

    Trgovac and Juan were the two line coaches in Philly under Ray Rhodes from 1995-98 so they know each other and Trgovac might be willing to work with him in some capacity. Also, Trgovac LOVED Cullen Jenkins and might look forward to getting the chance to coach him again. Many Packers players are blaming the regression of their defense in part due to Jenkins’ departure.

    Here’s a quote from Trgovac right after their loss to the Giants:

    “I don’t want to get into who we missed, but let me just tell you something: Cullen’s a rare bird. He is a rare bird. There’s not very many guys like him. But, in this defense, still, you can create some things that’ll give you opportunities (to generate pressure on the quarterback). And we obviously didn’t take advantage of them as much. We didn’t have that type of guy.”

    With Capers potentially leaving GB, I understand that could create a situation where Trgovac might become their new DC (or at least a strong candidate). There are a few guys on that staff who could take that job other than him though (Winston Moss). But, it could also create a situation where the timing might be right for him to leave. He might want another crack at DC somewhere, and obviously we all know he was fairly successful as DC in Carolina from 2003-2008 running a system that is not too dissimilar from what the Eagles want to do (one gap 4-3).

    It makes too much sense.

    I know Trgovac’s name hasn’t been making the rounds this year, but it’s not like we’ve heard a peep regarding anything out of NovaCare so far this offseason so we have nothing to work with. All the Spags stuff was fan and analyst speculation anyway.

  22. 22 Anonymous said at 3:12 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Didn’t see Trgovac’s comments on Cullen. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. Definitely an interesting guy. I’d be fine with adding a guy like him to the mix, if it didn’t mean major schematic changes.

  23. 23 Anonymous said at 12:03 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Don’t think Carolina was a one gap 4-3 under Trgovac.
    Look at their DTs (and it’s easier to coach with Peppers!)
    2003: Peppers – Buckner – Jenkins – Rucker
    2004: Peppers – Buckner – Morehead – Rucker
    2005: Peppers – Buckner – Carstens – Rucker
    2006: Peppers – Kemoeatu – Jenkins – Rucker
    2007: Peppers – Kemoeatu – Jenkins – Rucker
    2008: Brayton – Kemoeatu – Lewis – Peppers

    More of a traditional 4-3 set with a big LDE, a true NT, a “3” and a speed rusher at RDE

  24. 24 Anonymous said at 3:21 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I’ve always heard almost every analyst say that the only defensive stat that matters is points allowed, period. How did our Defense rank in that category this year?

  25. 25 Anonymous said at 3:52 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    10th in Pts allowed. Problem is we were too erratic. We shut down several teams, got lit up by others. If the D can become more consistent, it has big time potential.

  26. 26 Anonymous said at 3:56 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    10th in the NFL
    3rd in the NFC
    1st in the NFC East

  27. 27 Kammich said at 3:25 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I have no interest in selling out for a WR in the draft. I love Justin Blackmon, I think hes a complete prospect that has the physical makeup much akin to the guys like Colston and Nicks that you mentioned. I also really like Kendall Wright.

    But we’ve got a fairly ‘complete’ receiver in Maclin. We’ve got a possession guy in Avant. We’ve got a size guy if Cooper ever begins to blossom. Theoretically, we’ll be drafting a replacement for DeSean… a burner. And its been proven in recent years that you can find a really impactful burner later in the draft. Mike Wallace in the 3rd, Antonio Brown in the 6th, obviously DeSean in the 2nd. I’d much rather take a 4th round stab at someone like TY Hilton or Joe Adams and save those 3 picks in the first two rounds to bolster the defense.

  28. 28 Liam Garrett said at 5:12 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Good points.

  29. 29 Anonymous said at 3:45 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I think Eagles go with a DT in 1st round because it is their pattern in the past and it is also pretty clear that when you face a good QB, as they will often next year, pressure is the only hope. You can have any back 7 you want but if you give an accurate QB with command of his offense time to throw he will pick you apart 9 times out of 10.

  30. 30 Anonymous said at 5:05 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Juan will be back, and I’m not really worried about that. The new defensive scheme with Washburn in place reeked of good intention this year, but player personnel and experience in the scheme rendered it useless for most of the season. An off-season will help it come together more efficiently next season (hopefully).

    MLB should be addressed in FA. Regardless of the talent at LB in the draft this year, I just don’t want to rely on another rookie at MLB next season. Said it before and will say it again…. Trade for DEMECO!!!

    Keep Desean. How many years did we whine about not having even decent receivers? Now we have some (Jax, Mac, Avant), and people want to get rid of the most accomplished of the group. I too believe that Mac will probably end up being the best of this group when all is said and done, but people can’t deny that Jax can produce magic. He is so frustrating at times, but can change perception in 5 seconds of game time. The talk of needing a BIG red zone target always annoys me. I think it is more of a playcalling issue in the RZ than it is a player personnel issue. If they decide to let Jax walk, they have to replace speed, not size.

    RG3…. doesn’t he just seem like the QB for the Eagles future? GET HIM!!! Do it. Do it.

  31. 31 Anonymous said at 6:17 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I do think DeSean is a very valuable weapon and his speed opens up a lot for the offense. That being said, size is a valuable asset for a WR, particularly in the redzone. Play calling can certainly improve, but if you have a talented, big, physical WR, you can create a mismatch by simply having him on the field. With DeSean, you have to create that mismatch by play calling and finding a way to get him into space. Ultimately, I support bringing back DeSean, but if they let him walk and bring in a physical WR instead, I wouldn’t really be upset.

  32. 32 Anonymous said at 8:52 PM on January 22nd, 2012:

    Really good description:

    “The new defensive scheme with Washburn in place reeked of good intention this year, but player personnel and experience in the scheme rendered it useless for most of the season.”

    The moment for me was the goal-line blitz against Buffalo where Jarrad Page ran right by Fred Jackson as he scores. Good call, and sometimes the difference between executing inside the 10, where 7 can become 3, is the difference between winning and losing close games.

    Sometimes people are being delusional thinking they’re close, but this defense really is. You can pick out certain games and certain moments and think “dang, if we just had the guy in position make a play there it’s different ballgame.”

    And we can say that on offense too. Take care of the football. Tackle.

  33. 33 Dan said at 5:17 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    The red zone defense has been bad the last 2 years because the situation at Linebacker has been bad for the last 2 years. It’s no secret that other teams have used their Tight Ends against the Eagles very effectively, and when you’re dealing with the shortened field in the RZ that’s a huge factor. Speedy Wide Receivers are less of a threat than the bigger targets that TE’s tend to be.

    I’d be willing to bet the Eagles have had to draw up defensive schemes for Red Zone situations that try to account for that weakness, creating greater opportunities for the other skill players to find the End Zone. Point being that statistically you might not notice a huge impact with specific regards to TE’s in the Bird’s RZ, but their impact is felt nonetheless as the whole defense is forced to compensate for the weakness.

    When the situation at LB is fixed (cross your fingers), the Red Zone defense will improve significantly.

  34. 34 Anonymous said at 5:54 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    I watched Audie Cole in his bowl game and was hoping for a little bit more. He seemed a bit slow to react as the play developed. Later in the game, he seemed to pick it up a bit more. I’ll be interested to see how he does in drills at the combine. I know he knows what he’s doing on the field, I’m just wondering how athletic he is. Is he quick and instinctive?

  35. 35 Anonymous said at 8:41 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    A SAM prospect I’m really high on is Keenan Robinson of Texas. Has a nose for the ball. Fluid in his drops and looks aware in zone coverage. Seems to run with TEs pretty well.

  36. 36 Anonymous said at 12:06 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    I’d go with Acho over Robinson.

    Robinson always plays kinda soft, good athlete, but to me better suited to being a backup for a couple years while he adds strength and proves his toughness on STs, but could back up all three spots.

    Acho isn’t as good an athlete, but if our SLB is more like an ILB, he’d be a solid candidate for a two down SLB you pull in the nickel, which is really what we’re looking for. Smart, tough, like his brother. And he’d be a solid backup at MLB in a pinch.

  37. 37 Anonymous said at 1:50 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Thats exactly why I like the kid. We are already going to probably have Chaney/Fokou competing for the job. While they may not be great like you said they are a two down player. GIve Robinson a year or two to grow up, nut up, and he has all the tools to be a very talented player.

  38. 38 Anonymous said at 5:54 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    actually I agree there’s no reason to think Luke Kuechly can’t be good as a rookie (in contrast to my hedging otherwise the other day). Rookie MLBs of similar size have performed well as rookies: Beason, Willis, Vilma.

    Mayo, Urlacher, and Cushing, who are bigger, also played well as rookies. 9 out of 10 Rookie Defensive Players of the year were linebackers before Suh won last year, with Peppers being the only non-LB during that stretch.

    Kuechly is the only MLB in the draft who is likely to play at that level, though, and it’s unlikely he would fall to the Eagles, so if you don’t get a Free Agent you are stuck with having to trade up or risk losing him to the Cardinals or Cowboys.

  39. 39 Kammich said at 6:16 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Arizona is the only team that really concerns me about taking Kuechly ahead of us. There are a few other teams with ILB needs ahead of us, but none so pressing to warrant spending a top-10 pick on a “meat and potatoes” LB.

    Obviously, everything I just said could change after the Combine. But I think Kuechly is a fairly known quantity for teams, and he’ll probably be less effected by Combine drills than just about any other player involved in the process.

  40. 40 Anders Jensen said at 8:54 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    All of the teams infront the Eagles have much bigger needs on much more important positions such as CB, DL and OL

  41. 41 Morton said at 6:42 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Patrick Willis, Jerod Mayo, Brian Urlacher, and Brian Cushing were all physical specimens who jumped out of the gym at the combine, in addition to being productive in college.

    So far, we know that Luke Kuechly was “productive” (in that BC college scorers favorably “gave” him alot of tackles, specifically, many downfield). He appears to be a relatively unathletic prospect, however. If the Combine confirms this suspicion, then it would be an error to select him with a first round pick.

    First round picks spent on LBs can only be spent on physical specimens who can excel in both run support AND pass coverage. Two-down LBs need not apply. “Hard workers” need not apply – you can take fliers on those guys later in the draft. The only way to justify spending a first round pick on a LB, especially a 4-3 MLB, is if that player is a physical freak who can do everything – blitz, cover, blow up run plays. See: Patrick Willis. Luke Kuechly is no Patrick Willis.

  42. 42 Anders Jensen said at 8:59 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    You know both Willis and Mayo was 6-1 240 lbs out of college? Kuechly is 6-3 237 right now. Also Brian Cushing was taken for steroids so using his size combing out is very misleading.

    Kuechlys tackle stat is not inflated by college scorers or him only making the tackle several yards down field.

  43. 43 Anonymous said at 12:07 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Do not believe any stated sizes until the Combine or the bowl games where they get honest weigh ins.

    Players routinely shrink an inch and ten pounds.

  44. 44 Joe Taylor said at 10:16 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    You just named Brian Urlacher and Pat Willis….2 of the best players to ever play MLB…They’re are both physical specimens. You don’t see many players like them in the league…

    At the worst, Kuechly will be just as good as Sean Lee and Laurinaitus.

    You talk about his size…That’s what a strength and conditioning coach is for…Trent Cole was 250 coming out of college. He is now 274.

    As for athleticism, he’s not the greatest athlete but he can get the job done. How many tackles does he have in his career at BC? Exactly..

    Did you see Urlacher get juked by Tom Brady, years ago??? Tom Brady is NOT athletic and Urlacher is considered an athletic LB..And when he got juked it was years ago, when he was still in his prime I’m pretty sure.

    What he will lack in athleticism he will make up with smarts. He will become better every week. As for size, he has great size. 6’3, 235? I will also definitely get bigger after a few years, guaranteed. He will probably be in the 240-250 range eventually.

    Sean Lee was said not to have good cover skills because he lacked speed to cover TE’s. Luke will be solid in pass cov, and if he isn’t right away, it’s fine.

    Keenan and Casey were doing great at the end of the season. I think Casey with an offseason will actually surprise people with his play.

  45. 45 Kammich said at 12:44 AM on January 21st, 2012:

    Is Kuechly relatively undynamic as an athlete? As it stands, yes.

    Is he a two-down linebacker? No. If you really think so, tell that to Miami’s Tommy Streeter after Kuechly tracked Streeter and his 4.40 speed thirty-five yards downfield to break up a pass this year.

    I don’t think Kuechly is “untouchable,” or some sort of saint. I don’t think he’s Brian Urlacher. But to assert that he’s some scrub who needs to come off the field every 3rd down just shows that you’re not paying attention.

    Sit down, Morton.

  46. 46 Eric Weaver said at 12:48 AM on January 21st, 2012:

    “The only way to justify spending a first round pick on a LB, especially a 4-3 MLB, is if that player is a physical freak who can do everything – blitz, cover, blow up run plays. See: Patrick Willis. Luke Kuechly is no Patrick Willis.”

    People thought that about Aaron Curry too. Like any pick, you just never know.

  47. 47 Anonymous said at 5:44 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Beason was the same weight and is .07 faster.

    I flagged your post as inappropriate by mistake.. sorry. I just hit F. I agree that we should get a FA.. Andy and Morton may agree on this one.

  48. 48 Septhinox said at 7:31 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    Hey Tommy,

    When you do your research on Colston, can you also add Vincent Jackson as well?

  49. 49 Joe Taylor said at 9:51 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    And Stevie Johnson. Stevie has speed, and size at 6’2, 210. Just ask Revis if Johnson is good.

  50. 50 Anonymous said at 10:28 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    True, if size is your only complaint with DJax. If you are ready to part ways with him because of his showboating antics and tendency towards primadonnaism, Stevie is not the solution.

  51. 51 Joe Taylor said at 11:18 PM on January 20th, 2012:

    What he acted like he shot himself but that’s the only thing I think hes done wrong. DeSean has run along side the goal line, flicked the ball at Perry Fewell, drop the ball before scoring, turn around before scoring and falling into the end zone, held out in training camp, and many other things that I just cannot think of on the top of my head.

    Stevie Johnson in my opinion is a really good WR. Good speed and size. He can run multiple routes, and doesn’t struggle vs. press. The only problem with him is his catching..He’ll have his drops but I can live with it. It’s not that bad. DeSean doesn’t have great hands. He constantly drops balls when he does sideline curl routes. And remember the Pats game? He didn’t reach for one ball because he was scared and and the other deep ball he dropped.

    Anyways I’d rather bring in Johnson and try and find a way to keep Jackson. If a team wants to play their safeties back then Stevie and Maclin can do deep middle routes and Avant can work the short slants and Jackson can keep going deep. We can play the deep ball or play small ball.

  52. 52 Anonymous said at 8:57 PM on January 22nd, 2012:

    Stevie Johnson had that big drop and blamed God on Twitter. He had some message scribbled on his shirt and got fined for that after he showed it while scoring a TD. Not major crimes, but dude definitely seems like he’s got a screw loose.

    I wouldn’t mind bringing him in, especialyl as you said in addition to Jackson. I bet Buffalo wants to keep him and he wants to stay though, and Colston (probably wants to stay with Saints too) and VJackson and DBowe would be way higher on my list of wants.

  53. 53 Eric Weaver said at 12:51 AM on January 21st, 2012:

    Johnson, I think, fits what the Eagles do better than any of the bigger guys like Colston and Jackson.

  54. 54 Joe Taylor said at 12:59 AM on January 21st, 2012:

    Yeah because he’s faster than both. And quicker..And has some size..Perfect pickup for us.

  55. 55 Kammich said at 1:06 AM on January 21st, 2012:

    One of the things I like about Stevie Johnson is that he plays with a chip on his shoulder. He also has made a career out of making Ryan Fitzpatrick look good… to the tune of 6 years and $59 million dollars.

    That said, I’m still not a fan of paying big FA bucks or a high draft pick on a WR. I like what we have. Even if we lose DeSean, I’d rather just expel a 4th round pick on someone like Joe Adams or TY Hilton.

  56. 56 Anonymous said at 11:26 AM on January 21st, 2012:

    remember when we had takeo spikes and we put him at weak side linebacker cause that’s where he wanted to play?

  57. 57 Anonymous said at 12:29 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Free agents to consider (PFF has a nice list, includes their overall ratings):
    Rex Grossman QB 9 WAS – he’s not a starter but he does have guts
    Chad Henne QB 4 MIA – didn’t play badly in a bad situation
    Jason Campbell QB 7 OAK – someone should sign him as a starter, but if not
    Kyle Orton QB 7 KC – limited arm strength, but could win you a game or two
    Dan Orlovsky QB 7 IND – if you can win games in Indy last year, nuff said
    Dennis Dixon QB 4 PIT – flier on talent
    Josh Johnson QB 4 TB – flier on talent

    Michael Bush RB 4 OAK – probably too expensive, but what a pair with Shady
    Mike Tolbert RB 4 SD – cheaper bruiser
    Tim Hightower RB 4 WAS – tough but limited
    Kevin Smith RB 4 DET – solid backup if healthy
    Earnest Graham FB 8 TB – a solid vet who does it all, what Brown should have been
    Michael Robinson FB 6 SEA – got to be an upgrade over Schmitt
    Jacob Hester FB 4 SD – got to be an upgrade over Schmitt

    Marques Colston WR 6 NO – durability a key issue
    Robert Meachem WR 5 NO – speed at a reasonable price
    Pierre Garcon WR 4 IND – if you can look decent in Indy . . .

    Jake Scott G 8 TEN – old Mudd player
    Jeremy Zuttah G 4 TB – if you want a younger version of Mathis
    Jeff Saturday C 13 IND – if he’s interested in coaching, backing up for a year
    Mike Pollak C 4 IND – coming around, another Mudd player

    Trevor Scott DE 4 OAK – coming off an ACL, should be much better in 2012
    Derrick Harvey DE 4 DEN – move him to DT and try to salvage his career
    Jason D. Jones DE 4 TEN – move him back to DT and salvage his career
    Amobi Okoye DT 5 CHI – he might blossom with Washburn

    London Fletcher MLB 14 WAS – the battery bunny, keeps on going . . .
    D’Qwell Jackson MLB 6 CLE – not sure he can play 3 downs, but plays the run
    Curtis Lofton MLB 4 ATL – cost will be the issue
    Joe Mays MLB 4 DEN – come on home Joe, maybe he’s got a clue about coverage?
    David Hawthorne MLB 4 SEA – just a solid guy, makes me think of Pierce
    Jameel McClain MLB 4 BAL – bring some Raven ‘tude to this defense
    Dan Connor MLB 4 CAR – low cost depth options
    Larry Grant MLB 4 SF – low cost depth options

    Erin Henderson SLB 4 MIN – two down SLB a lot cheaper than his brother
    Jarret Johnson SLB 9 BAL – not sure he’d fit, but it’s tempting
    Manny Lawson SLB 6 CIN – Bengals did his training at SLB, fast, tall
    Leroy Hill LB 7 SEA – undersized for SLB, but physical

    Roderick Hood CB 9 STL UFA – meaner than Hanson
    Dimitri Patterson CB 6 CLE UFA – lousy starter, physical in the slot

    Michael Griffin S 5 TEN – talented, probably overpriced for his talents
    LaRon Landry S 5 WAS – just to piss off Danny boy, will hit at SS
    Dwight Lowery S 4 JAC – would be a good 5th DB, former CB
    Tom Zbikowski S 4 BAL – depth, STs and attitude

  58. 58 Anonymous said at 9:03 PM on January 22nd, 2012:

    Lot of exciting names on this list, I can’t wait to have free agency in March this year. If they address LB, I think those early picks become significantly more valuable to us, with the flexibility it’d give us and the lack of need to produce immediately.

    Among some favorites you mention … Michael Robinson might like to come home (Penn State, Va. native). Garcon would be a good fit for this offense. The bit WRs would be even more fun.

    Love the LBs you mention but can’t see how some of those teams would let those guys walk.

    Hood & Dmitri … blasts from the past. Landry would be great for the eight games he’s healthy. Zbikowski, I just love that he boxes.

    Tolbert would be great. I’d take Jason Campbell too.

  59. 59 Jonathan said at 5:34 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    Keuchly will be an NFL bust……he will be trucked by NFL players…. he is a mediocre talent on a poor team and will not be anything in the NFL….


  60. 60 Anonymous said at 6:30 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    i wonder why the eagles or media ever considered chuck cecil as DC…

  61. 61 Anonymous said at 6:35 PM on January 21st, 2012:

    also i’d love to have ray rhodes back. did he ever coach with andy in green bay?