Shutout Perspective

Posted: October 15th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 97 Comments »

My column covered the shutout and tried to offer some perspective for it. I had forgotten how close the Eagles came a couple of times. The worst was a 2009 game vs the Falcons when they scored on the final play of the game. The final friggin’ play. Ugh. But that’s past us now.

The previous shutout came back in 1996. I started thinking about just how long ago that was.

* I didn’t own a computer in December of 1996.

* I knew the internet existed, but had no real understanding of it. What I basically knew is that my friend Steve would find pictures of naked ladies using his computer. I didn’t understand how, but that was okay as long as he kept finding the pics.

* For keeping up with the Eagles, I lived and died with Eagles Digest. I couldn’t wait for each issue to come in the mail. Being a long distance fan back then was incredibly difficult.

* Andy Reid was the TEs coach in Green Bay. I had no idea who he was.

* Chip Kelly coached the RBs at New Hampshire.

* Jim Johnson was the defensive coordinator for the Colts. I didn’t know a thing about him.

* Brian Dawkins was a rookie. So were Terrell Owens and Jon Runyan.

* Donovan McNabb was a Sophomore at Syracuse. Nick Foles was 7 years old.

* My favorite Eagles player was a tie between DT Andy Harmon and DE William Fuller. Loved those guys.

* My buddy Bob and I dreamed of a channel dedicated entirely to football. At the time, we watched ESPN2 for the info tracker at the bottom of the screen. That was a good source of info.

* My favorite TV shows were The Simpsons, The X-Files and Homicide: Life on the Street. There was nothing better than seeing the Eagles win on Sunday and then getting to see Scully later that night. She was sexy without trying to be sexy.

* PBR was hard to find. I drank a lot of Rolling Rock back then.

* The Linc didn’t exist. The Eagles still called The Vet home.

* Nobody knew who Mike Mayock was.

* Matt Millen was a reputable broadcaster that some said should get involved with running a team.

* The biggest difference between now and then? Dave Spadaro had hair. It wasn’t a full head of Bo Wulf quality hair, but it was still enough to make him the sexiest member of the Eagles Digest staff. Apologies to Bob Kent.

As you can see, the world was very different in 1996.

Let’s hope we don’t have to wait another 18 years for the next shutout.


97 Comments on “Shutout Perspective”

  1. 1 Flyin said at 7:03 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Due to your obsession for a shutout, it got in my head as well. Whenever the opposition scores their first points, I often say/think… there goes the shutout.

  2. 2 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:54 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Same here. Tommy pretty much everyone on this internet thing that follows the Eagles has given a tip o’ the hat to you for the shut out.

  3. 3 A_T_G said at 7:04 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    “…my friend Steve would find pictures of naked ladies using his computer.”

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  4. 4 GermanEagle said at 7:07 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Germany won the Euros in 1996, beating the Czech Republic 2–1 in the final with a golden goal during extra time; this was the first major competition to be decided using this method. This was Germany’s first major title won as a unified nation.

    If Germany continues to struggle beating teams like Ireland at home they will miss the Euros 20 years later though…

  5. 5 Flyin said at 7:20 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Golden goal = Extra time goal?

  6. 6 GermanEagle said at 7:22 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Yes, they used the sudden death back then. But soon after that they scratched this method in soccer again.

  7. 7 Flyin said at 7:26 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Is this correct…

    Time added to the 45 minute halves is “stoppage time”

    and Extra Time is two 15 minute halves?

  8. 8 GermanEagle said at 7:35 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Correcto mundo. Though I get confused with these terms in connection with soccer sometimes.

  9. 9 Flyin said at 7:40 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Thanks! With the bye week and the woman’s world cup coming up, I appreciate the soccer knowledge.

  10. 10 GermanEagle said at 7:41 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Is it woman’s World Cup again already?! Me likes some Mia. 🙂

  11. 11 Flyin said at 7:52 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I think they are starting the qualifying rounds soon, Hamm on it!

  12. 12 D3FB said at 12:11 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    Whose your soccer team of choice?

  13. 13 GermanEagle said at 5:03 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    1860 Munich, despite playing in the 2. Bundesliga. My dad used to play for them back in the days..

  14. 14 D3FB said at 3:22 PM on October 16th, 2014:

    Nice! Just wanted to make sure you weren’t a Dortmund fan, since I’m a gooner.

  15. 15 GermanEagle said at 4:18 PM on October 16th, 2014:

    Arsenal?! I like. Lived 6 1/2 years in london mate.

  16. 16 IrishEagle25 said at 9:38 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    The 14th of October has officially been declared “John O’Shea day” over here… In fairness ye only played half of yere team with injuries and the like…

  17. 17 GermanEagle said at 4:19 PM on October 16th, 2014:

    I didn’t even know half of the players!!! I’m happy for the Irish though. Hope you will qualify!

  18. 18 EagleNebula said at 7:19 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    More fun with 1996:
    That was when texting first made it to the US. From wikipedia “Mark Caron sent the first SMS Text message of “George are you there?” to Schmitt during a Sunday morning RF drive test on October 20, 1996.”

    And now we no longer have to make tedious phone calls.

    **Edit: reference material:

  19. 19 Henly125 said at 7:21 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Interesting fact. It changed the world for the better.

  20. 20 MaggieMagpie said at 7:50 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Umm. Better?

  21. 21 Michael Winter Cho said at 9:22 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Certainly. Now no one has to pass those folded-up notes that say “If you like me, check this box, if you don’t like me, check this box” in class.

  22. 22 Henly125 said at 7:20 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I knew those bullet points would lead to something spectacular at the end. Dave Spadaro had hair? Lmao

  23. 23 GermanEagle said at 7:21 PM on October 15th, 2014:


    Tommy or anybody else, do you guys know what the Eagles franchise record for fewest sacks allowed in a season is?!

    Tom33 said the following:

    Not sure if it’s the record, but in 1981 they gave up 22 sacks in 16 games. In 2008 they gave up 23.

    The Eagles are currently on pace to give up 18.6 sacks in 2014. Let’s see if Jason Peters can keep his pre-season promise…

  24. 24 SteveH said at 7:25 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Hey man, I had to work hard to find you those naked lady pictures

  25. 25 Flyin said at 7:30 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    You said hard…

  26. 26 Henly125 said at 7:26 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Anybody see McNabbs rankings for this week? The dude is a straight up hater. Wow.

  27. 27 Flyin said at 7:28 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I am a straight up McNabb hater. So I guess we’re even 😉

  28. 28 GEAGLE said at 7:30 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Yeah he has pretty much reached pathetic clown level..mdoes he have any fans?? Such a dork! He is a,cartoon clown, a cross between yogi bear and Scooby doo.. FOles NEEDS to become great just so the best QB in the history of our franchise is no longer represented by an idiot..I cant stand him…if I could go back in time, I would watch and enjoy McNabb as our QB, while purposely going out of my way to make sure I never hear him speak

  29. 29 Henly125 said at 7:42 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    His hatred towards the Eagles is crazy. I was a huge fan of the dude too. I really dislike him as an analyst.

  30. 30 GEAGLE said at 7:58 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Oh and btw, I already trust FOles more with a game winning drive then I EVER trusted Donovan to step up with the game on the line… Call FOles whatever you will, but in the biggest moments when we needed him to come thru, more times than not Nick has delivered.. Won like 13 of his last 15 games or something crazy like that.

  31. 31 GEAGLE said at 8:02 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    You know he hates how much we embrace FOles lol… But he can watch every one of Nicks press conference, and McNabb still wouldn’t even understand why this city loves Nick….ATLEAST IT DID BEFORE THIS SEASON.

  32. 32 Henly125 said at 8:39 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Lol.. He has to hate the way we embrace Foles. It’s also worth noting that Foles 2013 season tops all 14 of McNabbs (including 2004).

    Ok I’m gonna stop now.

  33. 33 BC1968 said at 8:30 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Number 5 will always love you forever!!!!!!

  34. 34 Mike Cappelli said at 7:40 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Nobody has Bo Wulf quality hair.

  35. 35 GEAGLE said at 8:04 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Do you know that your last name means hair? Is that just a coincidence? Lol

  36. 36 Mike Cappelli said at 12:08 PM on October 16th, 2014:

    Indeed, and yet I have male pattern baldness.

  37. 37 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:54 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I am not willing to wait 18 years for another shut out. I think I can wait about 10 more days.

  38. 38 MaggieMagpie said at 8:00 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    One year before I bought my first home PC. Was online by the end of 1997. Slow old dial-up, but, NO HACKERS, no viruses, easy to download embedded files or .wav files. Only a couple million people online, many of them with some idea of how the thing worked. Worked with Windows 95, then 98, could reformat or partition my own harddrive, load my own files. When my daughter went to the UK to work, we would make .wmv files, load on a CD and she could view them in a week. If short, we’d just e-mail. We could USE the Internet then, not just sit there like a blob of lard while Microsoft and the US government did our thinking for us.

  39. 39 Avery Greene said at 10:44 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    You just missed all the viruses at the time, lucky you. This was a year before I started working in IT. Two years before I learned about Linux, stupidly 10 years before I started using it.

  40. 40 P_P_K said at 8:16 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    “Brian Dawkins was a rookie.”

    I saw Dawk tonight on tv doing analysis on last weeks games. It was real good to get a glimpse of one of the all-time greats.

  41. 41 BC1968 said at 8:26 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Well Tommy I thought you said have an official picture for this page, your comment for your fav shoes sealed it. It’s terrible, but I love you man. 90’s reference, thank you very much.

  42. 42 BC1968 said at 9:35 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I tried to delete this one because the other one came up and somehow it came back up as guest. That’s weird, well anyways.

  43. 43 BC1968 said at 8:27 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Awww this is sweet, but how could it happen any other way? Cowboys left tackle Tyron Smith became the first offensive lineman since 2004 to be named Conference Player of the Week

  44. 44 BC1968 said at 8:29 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I’m not sure how to make these things come up on the page, cause who wants to click links? Especially this one

  45. 45 Flyin said at 9:10 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    JimmyK… you just got PoWned!!!

  46. 46 BC1968 said at 9:14 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Last week 2 hours I’m sitting around playing with paint on a bunch of picutres and after reading Tommy’s PE article I started fucking with the picture. I was really seeing how I could do Homer, and as soon as Tommy put the Simpsons up as his show, I said fuck it I’ll put it up., he may hate me, well even more now, lol…but there it is, my horrible paint. It’s not even photoshop, I have no computer skills. Except for that naked girl thing Tommy talked about. To be fair, I did other people as Homer and I figured that PBR is the closest you can come to Duff, so there’s that.

  47. 47 Flyin said at 9:19 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    F’ing awesome! This should go next to the Eagles Team Picture at the Art Museum.

  48. 48 BC1968 said at 9:29 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Oh Crap!! I didn’t know it really happened. That’s awesome!! Plus he runs his team pictures like his offense, quick and efficient. Chip is the best, dropping subtle hints like that.

  49. 49 BC1968 said at 8:33 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Chris Cooley knocking poor Jackson. McNabb got ripped after what? 2-3 weeks when he got there? Guess Eagles don’t belong in Washington:

    “Do not allow number 11 to ever be involved in blocking for screens,
    blocking for bubbles, picking for players in the pass game, [or] run
    plays to his side of the line of scrimmage,” Cooley said. “He WILL NOT
    TRY on them. Do not put him in in those situations.”

  50. 50 Flyin said at 9:54 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Do you have a link for this? What he says is exactly why I had no issue with the release of him.

  51. 51 BC1968 said at 9:59 PM on October 15th, 2014:

  52. 52 BC1968 said at 8:41 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Here’s a cool, spectacular, happy, stat that will make Tommy scream with joy. The last time the Eagles shut the Cowboys was Thanksgiving day

    November 23rd 1989 27-0.

  53. 53 Henly125 said at 8:43 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Amazing this is.

  54. 54 BC1968 said at 8:45 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Absolutely, the Bounty Bowl, Luis Zendajas got concussed by Eagles linebacker Jessie Small. Supposedly there was a payment plan made in the locker room ahead of time. Buddy had no knowledge of that of course. lol

  55. 55 Bert's Bells said at 9:09 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Jimmy Johnson >>>> Buddy Ryan

  56. 56 BC1968 said at 9:15 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I’m sorry sir, you must’ve found the wrong page.

  57. 57 Bert's Bells said at 9:20 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Not a fan of loudmouth losers like Buddy Ryan.

    The Giant team reminds me of him. Full of trash talk, living on past glory, coming up short when it counts.

  58. 58 BC1968 said at 9:22 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Shhh Don’t tell Tommy, Buddy is our God here. Although my dad, a huge Eagles fan, never once rooted for the Eagles while Buddy was the coach because of your same reason. Me, I root for the Eagles no matter what, even though Kotite was the most annoying coach I’ve ever had to deal with, I lived and mostly died with him.
    Edit: Dude, kind of hard to say the Giants have come u short, they have been the overachieving team of the decade, not counting one regular season playoff game. Buddy always beat the Giant in their glory years, then he came up short when it counted.

  59. 59 Bert's Bells said at 9:39 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Tommy’s a Landry guy.

  60. 60 BC1968 said at 9:48 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Oooo I hope Tommy is out and about somewhere doing his laundry instead of browsing through this. You’re scaring me dude,you don’t know what Tommy is capable of. None of us do, and it’s near Halloween.

  61. 61 Flyin said at 9:50 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Tommy is a fan of great coaches, doesn’t mean he is a fan of their teams.

  62. 62 BC1968 said at 9:54 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Yeah but the guy is slamming Buddy, I think Buddy is Tommy’s number one guy if I’m not mistaken? Of course you had Landry, Shula, Noll, lots of them back in 70’s-80’s.

    Really though? Landry is his fav coach?

  63. 63 Flyin said at 10:01 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Bert’s Bees is just stating their opinion. He was a loud mouth and it got old, but his time was special. It was a fun time. I would not compare it to Coughlin, since he does not talk trash. Buddy did. Coughlin’s players are the ones talking, not the coach.

  64. 64 BC1968 said at 10:03 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Oh def agree, he’s an all timer as a defensive coach, was more like a fire drill as a head coach. I don’t think things were in order at all. Got that Cooely link below for ya, nice chatting ,gotta walk dogs. Take it easy .

  65. 65 Flyin said at 9:23 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Buddy Ball was awesome! If you don’t like it, or weren’t around for it… I’d be happy to punch you in the face.

  66. 66 BC1968 said at 9:24 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    LMAO Buddy is God here! There would be no Tommy site had it not been for Buddy. My fav Eagles time ever, I don’t care what anyone says.

  67. 67 Flyin said at 9:42 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Cunningham is the greatest Eagles QB of my time. No comparison!

  68. 68 BC1968 said at 9:45 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Loved him dude. I was at one of the Jaws comes out and Cunningham comes in on 3rd and long and scrambles around for a 1st down. Then Jaws comes back in, and the boos rained down. LOL

  69. 69 BC1968 said at 9:52 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Also, Cunningham had a qb coach who died when things were going well, name if you have it? He went downhill after that cause Buddy had him do the you make 3-4 great plays our defense will take care of the rest. Imagine Chip with that long, lanky, speedy rocket armed QB. Can’t guarantee great things, but man, you can almost guarantee it.

  70. 70 Flyin said at 9:56 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I was so happy to see him have some support with the Vikes and have a stellar season out of retirement. He never reached his potential, and you can blame Buddy for that. Which makes Cunningham that much greater.

  71. 71 BC1968 said at 9:58 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Exactly, Buddy put no emphasis on the offensive line, the one guy he got that was supposed to make a difference was suspended for PED’s and never came back the same. Ron Solt. That Vikes team should’ve went to the Super Bowl and that would’ve been an all timer against those Broncos. Atlanta may have won, but everyone else lost because of it. Randall had an incredible year that year and it was great to see you’re right.

  72. 72 MaggieMagpie said at 2:58 PM on October 16th, 2014:

    Not 1960? Chuck B. Champions.

  73. 73 P_P_K said at 8:52 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    There’s pictures of naked women on the internet? Why didn’t someone tell me? Goodbye to Iggles Blitz.

  74. 74 TommyLawlor said at 8:57 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have mentioned that.

  75. 75 BC1968 said at 8:58 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    The Simpsons did an episode where Bart made a cartoon on the internet about Homer called Angry Dad. It shot to the top of the internet. Quoting the two best bar flies other than Barney from the show.

    Carl Carlson: You’re the Internet’s #1 non-porno site.

    Lenny Leonard: Which makes you ten trillionth overall.

  76. 76 Tumtum said at 9:03 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    1996 was a big year for my Eagles fandom. I was 11. I had been an Eagles fan my whole life as I knew it (roughly 3 years but that was a lifetime back then). I picked the Eagles mostly out of hate for the local team (Redskins) and love of Eagles players.

    The Ravens came to town. Most fans in my area (douchey skins fans) were not changingover. That could easily have pushed me towards the Ravens. For some reason I decided to hate them too. Fast forward to now and a few weeks ago when I got married my best man devoted time in the speech explaining to my wife how to deal with my unhealthy Eagles obsession.

  77. 77 anon said at 11:28 PM on October 15th, 2014:


  78. 78 P_P_K said at 9:10 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Dug out the history of Eagles shutouts. Total of 35 including the past two against the Giants. Here’s the earlier ones.

    9/20/92 30-0 Denver
    9/15/91 24-0 Dallas
    12/16/90 31-0 GB
    11/23/89 27-0 Dallas
    10/5/86 16-0 Atl
    12/20/81 38-0 St Louis
    11/16/80 24-0 Wash
    12/18/77 27-0 Jets
    10/31/76 10-0 Giants
    11/28/68 12-0 Detroit
    10/30/55 24-0 Pitts
    11/21/53 38-0 Chicago Cards
    11/20/50 33-0 Wash
    12/18/49 14-0 L.A. Rams, NFL Championship
    9/22/49 7-0 NY Bulldogs
    12/19/48 7-0 Chic Cardinals, NFL Championship
    11/14/48 45-0 Boston Yanks
    10/17/48 45-0 Wash
    10/10/48 45-0 Giants
    12/21/47 21-0 Pitts
    11/30/47 21-0 Pitts
    11/16/47 32-0 Boston Yanks
    10/5/47 23-0 Giants
    11/25/45 16-0 Wash
    10/22/44 38-0 Boston Yanks
    12/3/44 34-0 Brooklyn Dodgers
    10/2/43 “Steagles” 17-0 Brooklyn Dodgers
    11/28/40 7-0 Pitts
    10/26/38 Chic Cardinals (in Erie, Pa)
    11/25/34 13-0 Brooklyn Dodgers
    9/26/34 17-0 Pitts
    12/3/34 6-0 Giants
    11/5/33 6-0 Cincinnati Reds

  79. 79 GermanEagle said at 9:13 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I. Want. One. On. Thanksgiving.

  80. 80 BC1968 said at 9:17 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    This is a funny story! I was at the friggin 30-0 Denver game. Dan Reeves got in fg range at the end of the game and trotted out the fg team with boo’s raining down like crazy. MISSED! That place exploded like we just won a playoff game. Ah sweet, sweet Karma!.

  81. 81 Michael Winter Cho said at 9:28 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Just so you know, you don’t have to type the “0” if it’s a shutout.

  82. 82 BC1968 said at 9:40 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    What do you type? The Eagles beat the Giants 27

  83. 83 Michael Winter Cho said at 9:42 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Doesn’t have quite the same ring, does it…?

  84. 84 Flyin said at 9:44 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Thanks for filling in for ACViking! Difference is… you had to research it.

  85. 85 P_P_K said at 8:42 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    His shoes are too big for me to fill.

  86. 86 fran35 said at 9:37 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Not to derail the reminiscing, but did anyone watch the 30 for 30 Boston College Point shaving documentary? Turns out Mike Mayo k was roommates with one of the conspirators. Mayock admits to knowing about the whole thing before it ever happened because his roommate confessed to him that he was being pressured by the mob. Small world, crazy story.

  87. 87 Avery Greene said at 10:48 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    This is funny. I’ve been texting all day with a friend of mine (also an Eagles fan) and we’ve been arguing whether or not Dallas’s oline and dline are better than ours. He says they beat us in every phase of the game, that we don’t match up well. But this is also the same person that told me they were getting manhandled on Sunday. SMH.
    If they lose to the Giants on Sunday, and I think that’s a big possibility, what will be the excuses for him and the rest of the media.

  88. 88 Flyin said at 10:55 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I won’t get into excuses. Win or lose they still suck!

  89. 89 Avery Greene said at 10:57 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    LOL – I’m not bothered by anyone outside of Philly. But when your own fans are predicting the demise after surviving so many injuries and we’re still 5-1, makes me feel like they are missing the bigger picture.

  90. 90 Flyin said at 11:11 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    I agree. And the Cowboys suck!

  91. 91 GEAGLE said at 12:04 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    I can assure you we will win the battle of the trenches againsg the Cowgirls. I say them expecting our lines to be at full strength.
    if you take their DL against our OL and their OL against our DL, we win about 70% of the individual Battles in the trenches.

    Romo been escaping the edge pressure by the hair of his chinny chin chin,,,we make sure to get some pressure up the middle like we do with our twist, stunts mixed with A gap blitzes.

    We also do well against power run games. Much rather face a guy like Demarco instead of burners like Jamaal Charles and Gio Bernard.
    This team is built on character, intelligence,.. That cowboy team doesn’t know anything about that…we are led by the highly respected Meco Ryans on defense… They are led by that hoodrats Rolando McCoain.lno heart chump quit like 3 times…I’ll be damned if a team of cowboys breaks our battle tested, closely knit family…

    When it comes in the clutch they are led by a choke artist who always finds a way to lose…we are led by a kid that when the game is on the line, 52 men absolutely believe he will get them down field for that winning drive..
    Cowboys are a nice lil October story…but we are built for this marathon and we have a very strong foundation…

    Sweeping the Cowboys this year!!

  92. 92 Avery Greene said at 10:58 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Tommy, I’m sorry about your Orioles. I live down that way and I was rooting for them.

  93. 93 Flyin said at 11:17 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    Tommy, you are not responding to your readers like years past. Your content is awesome as always, just starting to feel a change.

  94. 94 Flyin said at 11:32 PM on October 15th, 2014:

    dJax is a piece of yesterdays meat. i expect a hundred up votes to this. otherwise you will be on the other list. starts now.

  95. 95 Eric Dein said at 12:15 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    I was at the game on Sunday and have been fortunate enough to go to many with my dad over the years.

    The very first game I ever saw in person was on Dec 1, 1996, where we shut out the Giants at the Vet 24-0. Like Nick Foles, I was 7 at the time. I still distinctly remember saying at halftime, “Dad, its pouring out!” and his response “its been pouring the entire game, you were too busy to noticed.” I spent that whole game running up and down the aisles giving high fives to my new Eagles family. I was stunned to learn that was last shut-out until this game, but am glad to be reminded of a pretty nice memory.

    Favorite player from the ’96 team: Kevin Turner. Not sure how a 7 year old came to cheer on a fullback, but I loved his tough nose football and begged for his #34 jersey to be my first Eagles jersey. Turns out we had no idea how tough he was, as we’ve seen recently in his fight against ALS.

  96. 96 GermanEagle said at 6:15 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    Absolutely loved Kevin Turner. Wish him well.

  97. 97 Dominik said at 8:26 AM on October 16th, 2014:

    My favorite TV shows were […] Homicide: Life on the Street

    As a huge The Wire fan, I tried to watch that show 2 years ago or so. Couldn’t watch it, the quality alone was awful (it wasn’t my TV). But I guess back in the days it was great, since I can’t imagine that a crime show with David Simon involved could be anything but great.