Instant Reaction – Eagles Are Kinda Decent

Posted: August 29th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 135 Comments »

The Eagles went to Lambeau Field and led 25-0 at the end of the 1st quarter. Aaron Rodgers wasn’t playing. There was no gameplanning. But this was still the Packers and it was still at Lambeau.


Sam Bradford was 10-10-121 with 3 TDs and the Eagles offense was like a machine in the first half. Add in a long kickoff return and a pick-six by Walter Thurmond and you have one hell of a game, let alone a half.

Best of all, there were no major injuries.

The Eagles look great right now. Yes, it is the preseason, but you see the Eagles starters dominating everyone they go up against. And it isn’t like the schedule has been easy. Colts. Ravens. At Packers. Those are playoff teams. The Eagles have dominated them with a variety of weapons.

The regular season is the real test, but you can’t ignore how well the Eagles have played this summer. Someone tried to explain to me that the 2008 Lions, who went 0-16, finished 4-0 in the preseason and that showed you just how meaningless summer football is.


The Lions did go 4-0, but they won two close games and two mild blowouts. That team won the preseason games, but they didn’t do anything special in them. Nobody was watching that team and wondering if they might be Super Bowl material.

The point of the preseason isn’t that the Eagles are 3-0, but rather that the team has played so well and looks like a juggernaut. I’m not ready to put the Eagles in the Super Bowl quite yet. I have been blown away by how well this team has played. I’ve never seen anything like this by the Eagles. I need to do some thinking to see who this team reminds me of.

I’ll have a lot more on the game on Sunday. For right now, enjoy thinking about how good the team has looked this preseason.


135 Comments on “Instant Reaction – Eagles Are Kinda Decent”

  1. 1 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 11:57 PM on August 29th, 2015:

    I know it’s preseason, blah, blah, blah … but I love this team!

  2. 2 JoeBlow said at 12:04 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Zach Ertz hasn’t even stepped on the field yet

  3. 3 Ark87 said at 12:15 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Going to feel like an eternity till week 1. From now until then, the only news concerning our starters will be bad news. Here’s hoping we don’t hear anything about them until then.

  4. 4 Insomniac said at 12:18 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Good lord. Steve Hauschka nailed a 60 yard FG

  5. 5 ac134spectre said at 12:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Well, the team looked really really impressive. Of course the Pack defense has its issues though.

  6. 6 phillytrue said at 12:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I have to agree. Been watching this team since the 70’s. They have never looked this good. If the defense is competent, then we will go a long ways. Great things await.

  7. 7 Jarock said at 2:59 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    That’s still a big “IF” imho. Prove me wrong, Billy Davis.

  8. 8 GEAGLE said at 8:42 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Defense will be much more then “COMPETANT”

  9. 9 OregonDucker said at 1:03 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Tommy, if you’re trying to remember who this team reminds you of, I can suggest a college team, that Chip once coached, who put up similar numbers.

    I think we can safely state that now the NFL is on notice – the Eagles are coming!

  10. 10 Duracell said at 7:25 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    That’s true, I see a lot of New Hampshire in this team.

  11. 11 RobNE said at 7:36 AM on August 30th, 2015:


  12. 12 D3FB said at 7:43 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Fuck Johns Hopkins as a Staff, a Record Label and a motheruggin crew

  13. 13 Tdoteaglefan said at 8:34 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    And if you down with john hopkins then fuck you too!

  14. 14 xeynon said at 1:03 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    As someone who’s been a Bradford skeptic, I have to give him his due – he looked fantastic tonight. The accuracy and touch on his passes is a sight to be seen. If he can stay healthy and deal well with the pressure he’ll get once defenses start scheming more he has Pro Bowl potential in this offense.

  15. 15 Michael Winter Cho said at 1:46 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I wish I could have seen it. Were the passes dink/dunks or did some of them have some air under them?

  16. 16 jpate said at 1:48 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    10/10 121 yards and 3 TD's. QB Sam Bradford looks ready to fly. #Eagles— uSTADIUM (@uSTADIUM) August 30, 2015

  17. 17 xeynon said at 1:54 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    No bombs, but some decent midrange throws (20-25 yards) that were pinpoint. Highlights are on

  18. 18 ATLeagle said at 7:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    great, this is what I wanted to see. I didnt get to watch the game, and the low (LOW) QB rating for a perfect night worried me. I feared Bradford’s dink and dunk when Chip got him, and as much as it is hard to complain about the results, I dont see a season of success in 5 yard passes.

  19. 19 Jarock said at 2:58 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m with you, xenyon. I, too, was highly skeptical of the Bradford trade and of all the good press we’ve been hearing out of camp. “Show me you can do it when people are trying to hit you and maybe then I’ll be convinced.” Hard not to feel convinced now. Great showing.

  20. 20 laeagle said at 2:04 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’ve not been a Bradford skeptic over anything but his health. So I haven’t been forecasting doom and gloom. But I was certainly not ready for what I saw tonight. I thought Bradford would have success, but still look a bit rusty. NOPE. The guy looked poised, accurate, and zippy with his passes. The high pass to Matthews, where only the receiver could get it, and where he knew that Matthews specifically could get it: that was a thing of beauty, the kind of thing we haven’t seen around here in forever. Accurate passing matched with receivers who can make something out of nothing. Paired with a powerhouse of a run game. Tied up with a difference making special teams. It’s going to a be a very fun year.

  21. 21 JoeBlow said at 2:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    feel the exact same way, I knew Bradford was talented and he was in a hopeless situation in St. Louis, but it is amazing was a simple accurate thrower can do in this offense. granted, he still has to prove it during the reg. season, but i wouldn’t describe tonight as impressive but maybe more like…refreshing? The ball never hit the ground

    Also, when i went to the Eagles first open practice, JMatt just stood out from every other player on the field. You could just tell by his demeanor and how he carried himself that he’s a big time player…made a great snatching catch on Bradford’s last drive

  22. 22 A_T_G said at 2:18 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I missed the display because I was busy drafting Bradford to my fantasy team.

  23. 23 JoeBlow said at 2:22 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    did my draft the other day….got Jmatt, Rmat, Eagles D/ST and Parkey (kinda of nervous about him now)

  24. 24 Anthony Donovan Stokes said at 10:04 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    you messed up you’ll need a WR, Kicker, and Defense on their bye

  25. 25 CrackSammich said at 2:29 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Well shit. It feels almost blasphemous to be this optimistic for the season.

  26. 26 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Good from starters. But man our backup QBs are pretty bad. Rowe looked bad along with Biggers. Also where is the pass rush??

  27. 27 Fufina said at 5:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    We were not using any of our core blitz’s and stayed in our base defence a lot. Especially when in 3-4 so much of the pass rush comes from the different blitz’s and the threat of them.

    Rowe made some rookie mistakes and Biggers is the 5th CB, playing against a deep and talented Packers WR core. Lets be realistic in what we are expecting from the secondary when it is rotating different guys out every play with little chemistry. Most of the big plays came off screens and missed tackles rather than fundamental coverage issues and i feel that is more an issue of people trying to hard to make impact plays rather than playing fundamental football.

  28. 28 Media Mike said at 8:16 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    The entire team quit at halftime.

  29. 29 SteveH said at 4:41 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Lots to get excited about but those Tebow 2 point plays man…

    I bet Chip brought Tebow here just for that purpose, and he’s been all giddy and excited building up the moment of his grand reveal this evening of the completely unexpected Tebow 2 point play, then womp womp wooooomp.

  30. 30 Media Mike said at 8:12 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    He essentially sucks. If the team doesn’t want to keep Barkley, they need to just go with 2 QBs until a vet they like shakes loose for the 3rd spot.

  31. 31 myartz04 said at 8:28 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Totally agree. Most certainly no one is going to sign Tebow if he’s cut. Maybe the same with Barkley. They know the system and are only a phone call away…I would rather keep 1 more talented player than 3 qb.

  32. 32 Patrick said at 8:29 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I dont know what i’ll do if Tebow makes this team. He is so absolutely horrible I cannot fathom how Chip had him in for a workout and still signing him. It’s so obvious that he simply cannot fucking throw the ball, it’s not thats he is awful at it, he CANNOT throw the football. Tim Tebow is a QB that cannot throw the football at the NFL level, end of experiment.

    At this point, i’m starting to label myself as a FA NFL QB looking for a team, because I can’t be worse that Tesus. Granted, theres no way in hell im better, but the offense will literally not do worse with me in there, because it’ll just be another guy who have no business playing QB in the NFL.

  33. 33 Media Mike said at 8:32 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Agreed. I’ll continue to say they should simply go 2 deep at QB until they need to add another guy.

  34. 34 Patrick said at 8:37 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    A made the same statement in a few posts back, Tebow or Barkley shouldn’t make the team, because they simply are not 1 of the 53 best players on the roster. If Chip practices what he preaches, they won’t cut a better player just because the position is QB.

    Still thinking it won’t happen and either Barkley or Tebow makes the team. I’m still kinda hoping we’ll end up signing a young UDFA type QB that Chip kinda likes.

  35. 35 Media Mike said at 8:39 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    We’ll see, but there are going to be a few hard to cut guys. WR and RB, although I could solve that problem by cutting Cooper, are positions where you might lose a guy you want if you’re stuck keeping 3 QBs to start the year.

    I don’t want to lose a guy…………especially Barner. And with Boykin gone I really want Tutu and Maehl both on this team for spec teams play.

  36. 36 Jernst said at 9:53 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yea, unfortunately for Tebow throwing a football is kind of a big deal for an NFL QB. It’s like probably the most important skill, I’d say, if I had to pick one. Being able to occasionally rumble for a few yards like a lumbering FB just isn’t high up there on the necessary skills for a QB. He’s the worst QB I’ve ever seen and I remember Bubby Brister…but, you’re completely right. Once a guy proves he can’t throw a football isn’t that the end of the “him as a QB” experiment?

  37. 37 Jernst said at 9:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    This! There’s some decent skill position players that aren’t going to make the 53. I’d rather go with two QBs than lose some of them. Hell I’m sure if we cut either of those guys we could sign them midseason no problem. I doubt anyone’s itching to sign Barkley or Tebow.

  38. 38 James Adair said at 12:48 AM on August 31st, 2015:

    I don’t he is showing any of the plays that he is planning on using in the real season.

  39. 39 lewis don said at 7:01 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Im putting the Eagles in the superbowl.

    Ive seen what I needed to see. The throws that sam bradford made were the same throws we were excited about when we watched tape of him in saint louis. I think he looks even better now.

    I know st louis has to be like….pissed. Nick foles hasnt looked good at all so far in the preseason. Well he looks like nick foles without desean jackson.

  40. 40 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 9:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Last night Foles was 10 -11, 128 yards, 1 TD, PR 145.5

    He was running for his life the entire time though. Poor Nick.

  41. 41 lewis don said at 4:06 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah I saw the line this morning. Nick will be ok. Rams oline has some work to do. I dont hate the rams.

  42. 42 RobNE said at 7:23 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Replay is on at 9 am

  43. 43 Media Mike said at 8:02 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’ll officially get myself hyped up for a deep playoff run if this team decides to take care of business by winning a long stretch of game games to start the season going into the game at Dallas on November 8th.

    Individually, at Atlanta, vs. Dallas, at Jets, at Washington, vs. Saints, vs. Giants, and at Panthers should all be wins. I want to see the 7-0 start.

  44. 44 P_P_K said at 8:49 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m right with you. 7-0 is doable.

  45. 45 Media Mike said at 8:53 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah if you look at quality of opponent we’re talking a 6-10 Falcons team, 9-7 or 8-8 Dallas, 5-11 Jets, 3-13 Washington, 9-7 or 8-8 Saints, 4-12 Giants, and 6-10 Panthers.

  46. 46 Anders said at 8:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think the NFC will be between GB, Eagles, Dallas, Hawks and some mystery team (Vikings very likely), but dam the top of the AFC is just bad. You either have the Steelers who will have a scary offense, but has zero defense and same with Colts or you have teams like the Bills and Chiefs with potential great defense and okay offense.

    Of all the teams in the AFC, the Chiefs looks like the most complete team

  47. 47 Media Mike said at 8:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Dallas is riding the escalator back down a few notches.

  48. 48 Anders said at 8:23 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    That offense can still carry them, but I think they are the worst of the good teams in the NFC

  49. 49 Media Mike said at 8:25 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    The RBs are significantly diminished, they’ll need to pass more, and the o-line isn’t as good at pass blocking as it is at run blocking. The D is also very low on talent. Those are some bad dominoes to have falling. They’re not terrible, but 8-8 / 9-7 seems like a more appropriate bracket for that team than last year’s effort.

  50. 50 P_P_K said at 8:49 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think this is a fair analysis. Without Murray taking all those snaps, there is more pressure on Romo and his bad back.

  51. 51 Media Mike said at 8:50 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    And it cracks me up Dallas is still more believing they were a bad (in their minds) call vs. Green Bay away from winning at Seattle the next week rather than a worse series of call giving them an undeserving win vs. Detroit.

  52. 52 GEAGLE said at 8:31 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    It’s been like a gazillion years since we saw the same two teams in two NFC championship games itwo years in a row…. History tells us that either the hawks or Packers won’t make it to the NFC finals…. If the Pack or seattle DONT make it that far, Eagles have as good odds as anyone at replacing one of last years Teams in the NFC championship.
    With that said, this city is absurd. After months of media saying Chip didn’t know what he was doing as a GM, one pre season game, and I wake up this morning to drive 5 minutes to get Coffee, and all the Radio talk is about SUPERBOWL, smh….

  53. 53 RobNE said at 8:33 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    The pats are the team in the afc until they lose their last game.

  54. 54 Patrick said at 8:34 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    It’ll be a cold day in hell when I doubt the combined evil forces of Emperor Belichick and Darth Brady. I agree that their team doesn’t look as stacked, but those motherfuckers will be in the playoffs and they’ll be dangerous, again…

  55. 55 GEAGLE said at 8:38 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    6’division games against some NASTY,defenses this year…

  56. 56 RobNE said at 8:48 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    But except Miami the qbs suck.

  57. 57 Media Mike said at 8:51 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Tie Rod Taylor / Cassel and Fitzy/Geno = Laughable.

  58. 58 GEAGLE said at 9:00 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    with the defenses in their division, I will be really surprised if he makes it thru this season healthy….. Just the cheap shots dirty Donkey Kong Suh will hit him with…. Got some NAST DL on the Jets will be looking to get paid after the year….. PATS OL is nothing special, good luck with Marcel Dareus, Jerry Hughes, Mario Williams…… And he has to get thru the eagle front 7…

  59. 59 Media Mike said at 9:02 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    At a certain point, thanks Goodell, guys don’t even try to hit Brady if the play is even close because a flag will surely follow. I know Suh doesn’t give a F about a flag / fine, but Brady is generally not touched due to biased officiating.

  60. 60 GEAGLE said at 9:04 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’ll enjoy watching Suh stomp on his legs, bite his arm, twist his balls… Whatever dirty ish Suh hits him with

  61. 61 Patrick said at 8:50 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    4 super bowls.
    They’re evil. I dont know what but at this point my best guesses are blood magic, jet fuel melting steel beams or the Illuminati.

  62. 62 P_P_K said at 8:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Hate to say it, but I garee.

  63. 63 RobNE said at 8:42 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think steelers regress. It is Pats then a big gap. Colts are ok but pats run for 300 yards every damn time against them and colts have no answer. Chiefs looked good against pats last year too how did that work. Until the afc east actually improves not just on paper pats will get a bye and be in the afc championship game. Afc blows right now.

  64. 64 Media Mike said at 8:45 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    We’ve chatted about this before, but I’m WAY higher on Denver than you are. Kubiak will be very tactical with how Denver uses all of its weapons on O and Wade Phillips will get that D murdering people all year.

  65. 65 RobNE said at 8:46 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I hope so. I want the pats to be challenged.

  66. 66 Media Mike said at 8:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    They will be, but I don’t see the Pats being much worse than 11-5 or 12-4 again.

  67. 67 Anders said at 8:51 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Manning has zero arm strength left. His passes do not even reach its targets anymore.

  68. 68 Media Mike said at 8:59 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    That was 100% injury related last year. That leg injury totally f’d up his throwing technique because he was never an arm thrower. They’re going to be more run-heavy this year and have a better D in the process. I don’t think Manning is shot at all, but I know that’ll require some live snaps to prove.

  69. 69 Anders said at 9:03 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I do not know if you have watched last nights game against the Niners, but he had several passes that just floated in the air and never reached the spot it was suppose to hit.

  70. 70 Media Mike said at 9:04 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I hear you, but again I’ll defer to what regular season games look like. You may well be right, but we’ll find out in two weeks.

  71. 71 Greg Richards said at 9:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Last night, he was throwing ducks all over the place.

  72. 72 P_P_K said at 8:46 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’ve been saying something simillar about the NFC. Nelson going down will be a big blow for the Packers. If Bradford stays healthy and the Eagles play strong through the whole year, the NFC Championship game will involve Seattle travelling to Philly.

  73. 73 Allen3000 said at 8:24 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Sort of reminds of the 2010 offense when they were clicking on all cylinders. 2010 was different in that we had guys like Shady, DJax, JMac, and Vick who were capable of busting off a HUGE play at any given moment. I love our current weapons on offense, but they don’t possess the same kind of ‘wild card’ quality that those guys did.

    With that said, we have more consistent, reliable, and productive weapons overall imo. Bradford, if healthy, is more accurate than Vick. Murray is more versatile than Shady and will be a more reliable runner through the tackles and at the goalline. We have a superb back up in Ryan Matthews and Sproles is dangerous when used effectively. Ertz and Celek is a great combo and we have a very solid core of WRs. I’m definitely concerned with our OL depth, but we should be good there if we remain healthy.

    The defense is a different story. I actually feel pretty inspired by this group. I would have loved to have seen what Jacory Sheppard offers, but I’m feeling good with this unit. We won’t be elite, but I think we can be a top 8-12 unit – which might just be enough for us.

    I still can’t get too high on this team. Far, far too often in the Shady (not blaming this on Shady at all) era the team would play so brilliant at times, only to falter down the stretch when it really mattered.

  74. 74 Media Mike said at 8:31 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    My only worries for this team are as follows;

    – depth (they’re paper thin at a few positions)
    – lack of a mass murderer at ROLB (but that was also a problem last year
    – relative inexperience in terms of playoff game winning mentality (but that would grow over time)
    – will Billy Davis get out-schemed vs. better OCs in big games?

    But looking at the schedule; I’ll still go 11-5
    4-2 vs. division (lose at Dallas and one other game that causes me to make death threats to my TV!)
    3-1 vs. NFC South (I smell a Billy Davis gets his lunch eaten by Sean Payton loss)
    3-1 vs. AFC East (not beating New England)
    1-1 vs. Detroit / Arizona (I’m not sure how that splits, but calling 2-0 there is cheeky)

  75. 75 GEAGLE said at 8:32 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    9am eAgles vs Packers on NFLN

  76. 76 Media Mike said at 8:32 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I bet Sproles scores a great TD on a swing pass.

  77. 77 RobNE said at 8:37 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Missed it last night but me and the 6 year old are impatiently waiting for 9 am

  78. 78 Media Mike said at 8:37 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m sure booing Tebow on a replay will be just as rewarding for you and yours as it was for me last night.

  79. 79 RobNE said at 8:38 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    1st qtr bloodbath is what I want.

  80. 80 Greg Richards said at 9:26 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I bet our offense is awesome in the 1st half but Barkley/Tebow suck in the 2nd.

  81. 81 A_T_G said at 9:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Thanks. Better late than never.

    Cobb just went down on the replay. Is that a broken collarbone?

  82. 82 Crus57 said at 9:18 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    He thought it was but the x-rays were negative

  83. 83 A_T_G said at 9:31 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Good. They can’t lose both WRs in a week.

  84. 84 D3FB said at 10:19 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Especially since I have A-A-ron in fantasy.

  85. 85 A_T_G said at 10:25 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Tried to wait too long on Bradford and forced to settle for Rodgers, huh? There’s always next year.

  86. 86 RobNE said at 8:38 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Bradford looking good is 20x more important than the other things we are concerned about.

  87. 87 P_P_K said at 8:43 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I can only name a couple of qbs who look so poised and in-command at that position. The guy is amazing. I know it’s the pre-season, but it’s obvious Sam has the tools and demeanor to be an extraordinary qb. All he needs is his health.

  88. 88 Media Mike said at 8:41 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    So was anybody else doing laundry late last night to remove the poop stains from their drawers after Lane Johnson got hurt? The depth on the line frightens me.

  89. 89 RobNE said at 8:55 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    What do you think Matthews could get in receiving yArds? Most optimistic guess?

  90. 90 Anders said at 8:56 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    around 1200-1400 yards

  91. 91 RobNE said at 8:58 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m tempted to throw a value bet on him in Vegas to lead league. I love those high odds gets. Bradford for mvp?

  92. 92 Media Mike said at 9:01 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    We won’t be losing enough games for Matthews to get the garbage yards needed to lead the league.

  93. 93 RobNE said at 9:28 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Fair point

  94. 94 Media Mike said at 9:00 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I like Matthews at 80ish catches. That’s 5 a game. If we get him up a tad on average to 15 yards a catch. 1200 is my guess.

  95. 95 GEAGLE said at 8:56 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Wait TIL Bradford gets ERTZY and Huff on the field too…

    Shame that both Barkley and Tebow look like dog crap… Should have tried to trade Barkley and a 4th for like Glennon or Ej Manuel right after Barkley had his solid first preseason game….. Rather take a look at Logan Thomas or someone who gets cut soon…
    Unkess we add a new #3 QB. I’d rather give the #3 job to GJ Kinney, if GJ, Batkley and TEBOW all suck as QBs at least GJ brings some other skills to the table … Hoping the Bills decide not to keep 3 QBs
    Jeff Maehl played his ass off last night. He will make someone’s team. Wonder if we can trade him for a player another team was going to eventually cut?
    pleased with how Burton is developing…he is a ST Deamon but I also like him as a weapon on offense…he should get some occassional snaps like James Casey would get… Clearly chip wants to attack defenses with waves of fresh weapons

  96. 96 Media Mike said at 8:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m not getting ahead of myself on Ertz until I see him on the field week 1 and getting the most snaps of any TE on the team.

  97. 97 GEAGLE said at 9:02 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    There is nothing to get ahead of…. Kid is a legit weapon in the passing game, no matter what the snap count says

  98. 98 Media Mike said at 9:03 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I agree, but will they use him enough and is he going to play a full 16 games. His receiving numbers last year were maddening due to the piss poor personnel decisions on playing time for Ertz.

  99. 99 FairOaks said at 9:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    A lot of it might be the health of the offensive line as well — if they need help (i.e. keep the tight end in to block more often), well, Celek was your guy. And that OL needed help all year long.

  100. 100 Greg Richards said at 9:23 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I don’t agree on this one. I have watched Celek handle DEs one-on-one in pass protection. I’ve seen Celek manhandle the DE in opening up run lanes. I understand why he gets the number of snaps he does. I think he’s a tad overpaid, but he still has value. So, Ertz is going to split snaps with Celek when you have 1 TE on the field. You could go with more 2 TE sets but then that limits the number of 3 WR sets on the field and that includes the package where Sproles is in as a 2nd RB acting as a slot WR. That package gives defenses all types of nightmares.

    We just have too many good players.

  101. 101 GEAGLE said at 9:37 AM on August 30th, 2015:


  102. 102 Greg Richards said at 9:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Scrap Tebow and Barkley. Options if you want a 3rd QB:

    Josh Johnson, NYJ(assuming Jets release him)
    Ryan Griffin, NO(potential waiver claim)
    Matt Blanchard, GB(know he had the one pick, but before that showed potential)
    David Fales, CHI(if they only keep 2 QBs)
    Joe Webb, CAR(if they only keep 2 QBs but that probably won’t happen)
    Matt McGloin, OAK(if they only keep 2 QBs)

  103. 103 GEAGLE said at 9:17 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    With Thurmond being such a ballhawk, im starting to get the feeling that moving his playmaking to safety could wind up being a Brilliant move.. Leave him in centerfield to read QBs eyes, and go get us that ball back..
    malcolm Jenkins talked last night about the Nickel battle… “right now we have our starting secondary in place, but we are in the process of finding out who the 5th best DB is?” It can be a safety or CB.. Whoever the 5th best DB is will play in our Nickel, if it happens to be a safety, Jenkins or Thurmond will move to the slot…. My money is on Jaylen Watkins or ROWE,.. Doubt any of the safeties prove more game ready then those two young corners

  104. 104 Greg Richards said at 9:20 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Rowe is a little raw. Watkins has impressed in coverage but he needs to tackle better.

  105. 105 GEAGLE said at 9:36 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I despise rookie corners. I won’t be mad if ROWE sits all year…
    Both Watkins and ROWE are young, so no matter who ends up starting, he should be much BETTER in November after half a season under their belt, then they will be in early September…. The good thing with starting Raw youngsters is they can grow significantly over the course of the season…
    Watkins ability to play Safety and Corner makes him in an interesting option for our Nickel… Even if we don’t LOVE him at the slot(which I think is his best position), we could move Watkins to safety in Nickel and bring Thurmond or Jenkins to cover the slot… Watkins has to be the leader for the Nickel job because he can play safety or Slot in our nickel package ..
    Technically ROWE can Also play safety, he doesn’t know the safety posituon in our offense, while Jaylen has practiced at safety and nickel

  106. 106 iceberg584 said at 9:23 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    So Alejandro Villaneuva is pretty close to making the Steelers’ 53-man roster. They moved him to offensive tackle and he’s packed on about 90 pounds (!). Supposedly, he has had an impressive preseason. I love that we gave him a chance and helped him break in to the league, but I wish we had thought of the possibility of moving him to offense (especially because he played TE at West Point).

  107. 107 Greg Richards said at 9:24 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    At that point, he was around 230 pounds. He needed the time to pack on weight. We couldn’t waste a PS spot on him last year.

  108. 108 GEAGLE said at 9:39 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Steelers also started out our former draft pick Joe Kruger at DE in place of Tuitt…

  109. 109 Greg Richards said at 9:40 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Think Tuitt was hurt.

  110. 110 GEAGLE said at 9:43 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah he is,,,

  111. 111 Greg Richards said at 9:28 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    There’s a chance that the Titans cut OG Andy LeVitre today. Wasn’t good last year when that entire line was a dumpster fire but was very good the 3 years prior to that. Doesn’t seem a great fit for the Titans’ scheme which is more power based. Might be of interest.

  112. 112 GEAGLE said at 9:31 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    LEVITRE getting possibly cut makes me wonder if that’s why Chip refuses to call andrew Gardner the starter even tho everyone knows he won the job at this point…. Wondering if they plan on trying to get Levitre… He has been a bust for the Titans, but that’s there fault, Levitre is a zone blocking guy, who has no business in their power blocking scheme. We can’t trade for Levitre because his contract is absurd, but I wouldn’t be surprised if chip already spoke to his agent

  113. 113 Greg Richards said at 9:37 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    The thing is the Titans may keep him around just for depth because his salary is guaranteed(what I’ve heard, haven’t actually looked it up) and they don’t actually save anything by cutting him. If they are going to cut him though, it’d make sense to do it now so he can catch on with another team. I’d expect MIA to have interest too and they’re actually in a worse spot than us.

  114. 114 GEAGLE said at 9:42 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Another issue is im pretty sure Levitre only plays on the left side, so we would need to stick him next to Peters and Move Barbre into Garners spot..
    Hopefully there are a handful of lineman Eagles have identified that they want to go after if they end up getting cut

  115. 115 Greg Richards said at 9:45 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    You mean left side. Some OL can shift from side-to-side and some can’t. LeVitre might not have played in regular season games on the right side but he may have practiced there. That’s something I’d expect a pro personnel department to do research on.

  116. 116 D3FB said at 10:16 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Played RT some in college.

  117. 117 GEAGLE said at 9:29 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    loved seeing how efficient Sammy was in the REDZONE… Great letting him go for it on 4th n goal, Bradford held the ball to let the route unfold, with the defender closing in on hitting him, SAM delivers the beautiful TD strike to Burton….. Between an accurate QB who is really good at Fades and back shoulder throw, and two bruising Power RBs,,,,

    Add Huff and ERTZY and I have no idea how defenses are supposed to try to match up with all these weapons we will throw at teams in waves… Chip always schemes his WRs running open, with SAM quick decision making, ability to see the field, and pin point accuracy and touch, I don’t know how teams are going to match up with us

  118. 118 TypicalDouche said at 9:45 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Poised, patient, vision, and accuracy were on full display for Bradford yesterday and it was a thing of absolute beauty. The return of Huff and Ertz makes it almost unfair the heights this offense can go with Slingin Sammy back there. His ability to see what’s going on so quickly to go with his very quick release and accuracy and ohhh man this can be a record setting offense.

  119. 119 RobNE said at 9:33 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Watching Hundley makes me depressed we are debating Barkley v tebow.

  120. 120 SteveH said at 10:55 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Might have had a #culture problem.

  121. 121 A_T_G said at 9:48 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    So, last week I said I wasn’t buying the explanation that we wanted to get game tape of Kip Smith kicking.

    It does not ring more true this week.

    Parkey is either hurt or Chip has him stashed somewhere with electrodes stuck to his head helping him get past the mental block.

  122. 122 FairOaks said at 9:54 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah. But if it was serious we would have signed another kicker this week. I think Kempski tweeted that Parkey had tweaked his leg per Kelly; if it was regular season he would have played but they are keeping him out for now. If Kip Smith is still on the roster after the cutdown to 75 then I’d expect the same thing for the last regular season game too.

  123. 123 A_T_G said at 10:00 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Why keep it secret? Are they afraid other teams are going to hoard kickers when they cut down to 75?

  124. 124 RobNE said at 10:08 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Chip only says what he has to.

  125. 125 Jernst said at 10:15 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    The last time a kicker of ours tweaked his league but was able to play in the regular season, Akers tore his hamstring in half on the opening kick off and we watched a series of back up TEs and street FAs kick for us for half the season.

    Not saying it’s necessarily that bad. But, a tweak can become a serious injury real fast. Let’s hope it’s a sprained ankle of calf muscle that will heal over the next two weeks and not a hamstring that could linger for awhile.

  126. 126 D3FB said at 10:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    It’s got to be a minor tweak in the lower body. I’m guessing he’s subconsciously favoring it and throwing his mechanics all to hell. So shut him down until it’s cleared up. No need to screw up his muscle memory, or blow his confidence.

    As far as not going public with it?

    Hell if I know but kickers are fragile.

  127. 127 Jernst said at 10:20 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think Chip purposely hides or is vague with injuries as just part of his standard operating procedure. My guess is his feeling is that even though it doesn’t hurt you substantially to reveal the extent of injuries there’s absolutely nothing to gain by revealing that info. If a team knows Parkey is hurt they could conceivably spend some extra time preparing for you going for 2 or going for it on 4th down which wouldn’t benefit you if indeed you needed to do that more often in the first game or so while he’s still recovering.

  128. 128 A_T_G said at 9:59 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    That GB corner was awful cocky for causing th first incomplete pass…two quarterbacks and 20 minutes into the game.

  129. 129 FairOaks said at 10:59 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    That was the one where Sanchez missed the open receiver, and missed an even wider-open receiver on the other side of the field, right?

  130. 130 Jernst said at 10:10 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I had one of the most surreal interactions with a Cowboys fan last night that I feel compelled to share. I’m watching the game last night at the bar and this Dbag in a t-shirt that he cut the sleeves off of and a Cowboys hat walks up to me and notices I’m wearing a Bednarik jersey. He stands in front of me smirking and shaking his head and says, “Eagles fan? Really?”

    The conversation then goes as follows:

    Me: it’s ok…I understand if your jealous

    Dbag: Jealous? BHahahahaha! You guys got Demarco Murray! Are you kidding? That’s your starting RB? You guys aren’t going anywhere. He’s terrible!! Seriously, he’s the worst RB ever and he’s soooooo old. Good luck with that.

    Me: Let me know how Joseph Randle works out for you guys this year.

    Dbag: doesn’t matter who’s our RB. We’ll lead the league in rushing regardless with our oline. How many rings do you guys have?

    Me: How many Cowboys fans does it take to change a light bulb

    Dbag: *quizical look*

    Me: None…instead of changing it they just stand around and talk about how great the last light bulb was.

    Just simply stunning to watch the mental gymnastics that that fan base will go through to convince themselves that losing the leagues leading rusher in his prime to a division rival because they’ve chrinically mismanaged their cap
    while replacing him with pure garbage is somehow actually a win for THEM!

    I cannot wait for this season to play out and for them to realize how overrated that offensive line really is.

  131. 131 P_P_K said at 1:09 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    In a world of relativity, there is one, great, Absolute truth: Dallas Sucks.

  132. 132 HawaiianEagle said at 12:13 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Don’t know if anyone mentioned it but on the early Cobb “drop” where he was injured, in rewatching, Rowe stripped the ball. At least it looks like it to me. Very nice play.

  133. 133 BlindChow said at 12:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He only seems to make plays once he’s been beaten. But not every time he’s been beaten.

  134. 134 HawaiianEagle said at 12:18 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yes. Better late than never?

  135. 135 HawaiianEagle said at 12:23 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    And… I have to say that Sammy looks physically like an athletic Eli (or is that an oxi-moron?)