Morning After Thoughts

Posted: August 30th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 258 Comments »

The Eagles led the Packers 39-14 at the half and that score did tell the story of the game. There weren’t a bunch of fluky turnovers or wild plays that created that score. The Eagles have been dominant in the preseason and last night was simply more of the same.

Let’s talk about some hot topics.

* Kiko Alonso didn’t play. Chip Kelly says not to be concerned, Alonso’s leg was bothering him so that sat him out. This isn’t ACL related so we can all relax. I guess I’ll buy that. Still would be nice to see him play.

* Cody Parkey also didn’t play. He was dealing with a minor leg injury so the Eagles just rested him.

* Now to the guys who did play. Sam Bradford was close to perfect. He was 10-10-121 with 3 TDs. The team scored a TD on every one of his drives. Bradford looked like the real deal. That led to me say this on Twitter.

I know, I know. This is only the preseason. He could struggle when the games are for real. He could get hurt in Week 2. But this is the best Sam Bradford has looked since he was at Oklahoma. He is now 13-15-156 with 3 TDs this preseason. All four of his drives ended in TDs.

I wondered what the heck Chip Kelly was thinking when he made the deal. The more I read and watched, I began to understand. Kelly explained himself well over the spring, which helped. Actually seeing Bradford play has completely sold me.

I get it.

And now I can’t wait to see Bradford play in a real game.

* Bennie Logan was dominant in the opener. He was somewhat quiet last week. He abused the GB offensive line last night. They had no answer for him. There were some backups in there, but the C was the starter and he struggled with Logan.

* At this point I would not keep Matt Barkley or Tim Tebow. I don’t think either one of them has won a roster spot. Barkley is in his third year. I know he plays with backups, but so do other third string QBs. Bryn Renner from Baltimore and Matt Blanchard from Green Bay both showed real promise in the fourth quarter of games. I’m not seeing any of that from Barkley. Go beyond the stats. I just don’t see a guy in control out there. And I don’t see anything special physically. The promise he showed in the opener has disappeared.

Tebow has had good moments, but has looked very rusty at other times. He hasn’t had real success throwing the ball since the opener. Based on what you’ve seen this summer, there is no way you would guess that he has starting experience and even won a playoff game.

Kelly may keep Tebow based on something he’s seen in practice or the desire to have an athletic QB who can do creative things. He certainly won’t keep him based on preseason play.

* Andrew Gardner looked to have a good game. He had a couple of blocks that stood out. On one he got to the second level and walled off a LB. On the other, Gardner pulled and kept a defender from getting to the RB on an outside run play. He looked solid in pass pro.

* Trey Burton had a good game. He caught 4 passes for 21 yards and a pair of TDs. Burton isn’t going to be a starting TE this year, but he can be an effective role player. He lacks the size to be a consistently good in-line blocker, but makes up for that with his athleticism, which makes him dangerous as a receiver in space.

* I’m starting to really like Walter Thurmond as the FS. He isn’t as physical as I’d prefer, but you get an athletic DB with good cover skills. And good hands. He picked off a pass last week and another one last night. TE Richard Rodgers slipped and the ball went right to Thurmond. He secured it and then high-stepped into the end zone.

There will be plays where his lack of physicality hurts the defense. That is part of the trade-off you have with him. And it is okay as long as he makes plays in the passing game.


258 Comments on “Morning After Thoughts”

  1. 1 sonofdman said at 9:55 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    “At this point I would not keep Matt Barkley or Tim Tebow. I don’t think either one of them has won a roster spot.”

    This 100%. I was saying that after the Ravens game and I think that even more now. Chip has been saying that he will keep the best 54 players and there is no rule saying you need to keep three QBs. Use the roster spot for someone else. Also, I don’t think Tebow will be picked up by another team, so they can always bring him back in car of emergency.

  2. 2 Kristopher Cebula said at 10:14 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think the only issue is that your starter has a history of injuries. Teams that have quarterbacks named Manning or Brady can afford to go the 2 QB route but it would be tough for eagles. They can probably practice squad kinne and maybe barkley though.

  3. 3 kevinlied said at 10:55 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Agreed. It’s easy to say that the season is over whether it’s Barkley/Tebow or Burton/Kinne/street guy behind center, but there are different degrees of over. There is a universe where Barkley can not turn the ball over and go 2-1 over a three-game stretch thanks to a great running game and good defense and special teams play, thus preserving a playoff spot. There is not a universe where GJ Kinne or Burton doesn’t look like hot garbage facing NFL defenses. I’m all for upgrading QB3 by bringing in a guy with NFL talent now and acclimating him to the system. But you can’t punt the spot.

  4. 4 eagleyankfan said at 10:16 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I don’t understand the love for Sanchez either. He never makes a play where I think “man, he has to be on my team”. With all the emphasis on back ups and depth, I don’t see where Sanchez fits the bill. He’s not very good….

  5. 5 Jernst said at 10:32 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Sanchez is what he is…a sucky starting QB. But, when you look around the league and see how bad some of the starting QBs out there are and consequently how bad some of the back-ups are, he’s a pretty decent back-up.

    If he has to start for an extended period, your team is going to be pretty mediocre. But, he can hold the fort down for a game or two (in this offense). That being said, I’d never want him as my starter and you’re right, it’s not like he occasionally makes a wow play in between moments of mediocrity. He’s fairly consistent with his inaccuracy, inability to see the entire field and throwing the occasional bonehead INT and these moments are only punctuated by moments of average at best NFL QBing where he simply does what’s expected of a QB. It’s sad, but that’s about as good as it gets these days with a back-up.

  6. 6 livingonapear said at 1:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    The only problem is that with Bradford’s all or nothing health, you won’t just have Sanchez start one or two games; if Sanchez is in the game, it’s pretty much for the rest of the season

  7. 7 FalKirk said at 2:22 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    “if Sanchez is in the game, it’s pretty much for the rest of the season”

    That’s just not true. You’re so hyper-focused on Bradford’s knees, you forget that Brander is subject to the occasional minor injury, just like every other quarterback in the league.

  8. 8 kevinlied said at 10:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    But there aren’t 25 QBs in the league that you can say that about. It would be nice to have two dynamic, playmaking QBs on the roster but no team is in that position. In the context of QB2s, Sanchez is more than serviceable. I won’t say he’s the best as I think it’s difficult to compare a bunch of guys who don’t play much, but he’s top-tier for me.

  9. 9 eagleyankfan said at 2:54 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Understood…. I’d rather a developing qb for the future. If Bradford goes down all hope is lost anyway… I guess that’s my only issue… Sanchez is serviceable for a game or two…

  10. 10 Greg Richards said at 10:56 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Look around the league. How many backup QBs can you clearly say are better than Sanchez? Maybe 4 or 5?

  11. 11 BobSmith77 said at 11:12 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    If the number is even that high. It is just frustrating to watch him miss at least a couple of big plays every game but that is why he is a backup.

    QB depth discussions have gotten no end of discussion and analysis where the two areas the Eagles do have real depth issues (OL and secondary) has gotten somewhat put on the back burner.

  12. 12 BobSmith77 said at 11:14 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    This isn’t pre free agency football either where teams that were willing to spend often had a quality backup too.

  13. 13 RC5000 said at 11:02 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Sanchez played fine last night. All you can expect is a QB that gives you a chance and can run the offense. I wasn’t happy either with his mistakes last year but there isn’t a lot you can do. Plus you hope another year in o and maybe he cuts down some of the errors. What’s your alternative?

  14. 14 FairOaks said at 11:20 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    He’s better than some starters. Not that I would want him as a starter, but you’re not going to get much better as a backup (unless maybe a young QB who will force his way into being a starter soon). You are not looking for amazing play there, just not many mistakes and reasonably efficient. I’m sure there are young QBs who flash, but they are also likely to make more mistakes if given extended time.

  15. 15 Media Mike said at 11:23 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    He’s an 8-8 guy if he starts. That isn’t good enough for a starters, but I echo your comment that he’s what you’d like as a backup.

  16. 16 FalKirk said at 2:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    The paradox of Sanchez is that he is one of the worst starter’s in the league but he is also the best backup in the league. He can win you a game if your starter misses part or all of a game, but he he can’t win over the long run.

    Having said that, now that the all-22 videos are available for viewing, it drives me mad to watch Sanchez neglect the open receiver on play after play. I think Bradford is going to have a spectacular year simply because Chip’s offense consistently gets receivers open and, unlike Sanchez, Bradford seems to recognize and throw to those wide open receivers.

  17. 17 Brendan Ekstrom said at 2:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Both guys are a waste of a roster spot at this point and on a team that heavily values special teams that isn’t anything to take lightly. One of these guys will be available on the street during the season. If not then Kinne will be and he can do everything Tebow can. He also isn’t too proud to be useful in other ways such as playing wr. Someone will be available.
    That being said I don’t think they will keep 2 qbs and if they are going to keep one id prefer its Barkley. Like k said don’t even think he really earned a spot but I do think he’d perform better if we saw him with the ones than Tebow would. mostly i just can’t stand this Tebow business.

  18. 18 Sam Morey said at 10:16 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I saw a good comment elsewhere–cut Tebow and Barkley, make Trey Burton (a college quarterback) the emergency 3rd stringer. With guys like Mosertt on the bubble, every spot on the 53-man roster really counts, and I agree that I haven’t seen anything resembling competence behind Sanchez.

  19. 19 eagleyankfan said at 10:20 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Watching the game – Dix is a nice player…

  20. 20 Charlie Kelly said at 10:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    If i was the eagles i would have signed rakeem cato as an undrafted FA, hell if its possible to sign CFL players right now id cut barks and tebow and give him a shot

  21. 21 Jernst said at 10:26 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I had one of the most surreal interactions with a Cowboys fan last night that I feel compelled to share. I’m watching the game last night at the bar and this Dbag in a t-shirt that he cut the sleeves off of and a Cowboys hat walks up to me and notices I’m wearing a Bednarik jersey. He stands in front of me smirking and shaking his head and says, “Eagles fan? Really?”

    The conversation then goes as follows:

    Me: it’s ok…I understand if your jealous

    Dbag: Jealous? BHahahahaha! You guys got Demarco Murray! Are you kidding? That’s your starting RB? You guys aren’t going anywhere. He’s terrible!! Seriously, he’s the worst RB ever and he’s soooooo old. Good luck with that.

    Me: Let me know how Joseph Randle works out for you guys this year.

    Dbag: doesn’t matter who’s our RB. We’ll lead the league in rushing regardless with our oline. How many rings do you guys have?

    Me: How many Cowboys fans does it take to change a light bulb

    Dbag: *quizical look*

    Me: None…instead of changing it they just stand around and talk about how great the last light bulb was.

    Just simply stunning to watch the mental gymnastics that that fan base will go through to convince themselves that losing the leagues leading rusher in his prime to a division rival because they’ve chrinically mismanaged their cap
    while replacing him with pure garbage is somehow actually a win for THEM!

    I cannot wait for this season to play out and for them to realize how overrated that offensive line really is.

  22. 22 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    These douchebags were in hiding while we dominated them the past decade. But the success the cowboys had last year seems to have brought them out from under their rocks. The Eagles need to put them back in their place!

  23. 23 Greg Richards said at 10:42 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Matt Lombardo

    47s47 seconds ago

    Per source, undrafted rookie C/G Mike Coccia has been released by the #Eagles. Cuts have begun.


    0 favorites

  24. 24 Jernst said at 10:46 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think the new guards have looked just fine. I’m particularly pleasantly surprised by Andrew Gardner. Barbre has looked solid at LG. The one area that has been a clear downgrade from Mathis is his ability to block on the move. His pulls and blocking on screens has not been to the level that we’ve come to expect from our lineman recently. There will be a few times this year when his missed block on the perimeter turns a 60 yard screen pass into a 6 yard gain.

    I was impressed with Hundley. He looked a lot better as a pocket passer than I had anticipated and showed some good accuracy. Obviously he still runs around a lot like most athletic rookie QBs, but he showed some serious promise I thought.

    I’m totally on board with cutting both Tebow and Barkley. Clearly the coaching staff is ready to move on from Barkley they’ve been trying to trade him all off season. Honestly, if they were both cut, I doubt either would get a bunch of calls. Maybe someone would take a flier on Barkley, but I doubt it. Both, and Tebow for sure, would probably still be available all year if we needed them.

    I’d love to see us be able to keep a real back-up safety on the roster (Reynolds or Couplin) and I’d like to see us keep an extra CB around as well. I’m not sold on Jaylen Watkins, Rowe looks like a rookie and Biggers seems capable of reverting to the garbage play he showed last year at any moment. CB and S are definitely the two spots that I think we lack some proven depth at. I know why Chip loves stocking up on ST demons, we’ve seen the results, but at some point he’s going to have a tough choice between a special teams stud that offers nothing outside of STs or having a back-up at a position of need.

    I love the new style of RB that we have. Always falling forward and always looking to gain 4 yards first and then get the big play, doesn’t provide as many jaw dropping highlights, but it keeps the chains moving and leads to more points. The difference is notable.

  25. 25 Greg Richards said at 10:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Barbre excels in pass-protection. Not great as a run-blocker or on second level but he’s paired next to two guys who are in Peters and Kelce. Gardner is a very good run-blocker and can get to the second level but doesn’t have great initial quickness and can get beat by more athletic, penetrating DTs. If you combined Barbre and Gardner, you’d have an All-Pro.

  26. 26 HazletonEagle said at 10:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    glad you noticed that about Barbre. I commented on it last night, but later on Mayock singled him out as doing a really good job on the 2nd level on a run play.
    He left a lot of yards on the field for us last night. I recall 2 plays that it stood out to me within the first 2 drives.

  27. 27 SteveH said at 11:04 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    So 1/2 of the Bradford equation is answered, dude can ball. Now we just need him to stay healthy.

  28. 28 Greg Richards said at 11:09 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m assuming that the sports science department is working on portable, personal force field technology.

  29. 29 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 11:11 AM on August 30th, 2015:


  30. 30 BobSmith77 said at 11:15 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Even if had an adamantium skeleton he could still easily blow out a ligament.

  31. 31 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 11:19 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah… but at least he wont break anything. Maybe we can start growing replacement ACLs in the lab

  32. 32 Ark87 said at 11:43 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Best go for the full package and get Wolverine’s healing powers too while we’re at it.

  33. 33 Avery Greene said at 11:44 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    We should have had it by now. The sports science department is slacking.

  34. 34 Greg Richards said at 11:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Eagles Nation

    4m4 minutes ago

    Cuts underway. Per @MattLombardo975, here’s who’s gone so far: Mike Coccia, Jared Wheeler, Kevin Graf, Alfy Hill, Mike Johnson, Jeremy Towns


    0 favorites

  35. 35 Greg Richards said at 11:13 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Surprised that Graf was released in this round of cuts.

  36. 36 anon said at 11:15 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    i’m not he’s looked terrible all pre season.

  37. 37 Greg Richards said at 11:17 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Better 2nd preseason game than 1st. Listened to game on radio last night so not sure how he looked(or if he even played).

  38. 38 anon said at 11:17 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    missed the game last night was it as awesome as it seems — i’m watching matty b on nfln right now…

  39. 39 Corry said at 11:23 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    It was. The starting offense was excellent and the special teams set them up pretty well the first 2 drives. The score was 25-0 at the end of the first quarter.

    After that…it was much less crisp…

  40. 40 anon said at 11:49 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    so we could have gone 100 – 0?

  41. 41 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 12:03 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    The GB defense had their hearts broken. No answer for RBs out the backfield. Sammy didn’t let a ball hit the ground. No one has found a way to stop Jmatt yet. Our TEs are going to give safeties fits

  42. 42 doublgee said at 12:21 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  43. 43 Ark87 said at 11:41 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    the first half was a lot of fun. Second half was very ugly. 3rd/4th sting couldn’t move the ball or stop anything.

  44. 44 Media Mike said at 11:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    “Kelly may keep Tebow based on something he’s seen in practice”

    Litteraly the worst thing NFL coaches do. Keeping any player over some clandestine made up bull crap rather than what everybody can see during a game if infuriating.

  45. 45 MS said at 11:37 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    So evaluating players in practice is entirely worthless? I hate Tebow the player (and the persona)persona but your comments are too extreme and silly.

  46. 46 Media Mike said at 11:40 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    It isn’t limited to Kelly and/or Tebow specifically. Practice players, workout warriors, and coaches’ favorites who look worse than other guys during live action against players on another team are an inherently inferior breed of player.

    I want the 53 guys (or 12 for basketball or 19 for hockey or 11 in soccer, etc.) who can play the best in live game action that has full transparency for all to see and evaluate.

    So practice isn’t worthless at all, but completely inferior to play in games. Especially when those practices get reduced significantly in reporter and fan access.

  47. 47 MS said at 11:47 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I hear you. But it’s not about fans and reporters. I trust Chip and the coaching staff to evaluate players WAY WAY better than fans or the media. No contest.

  48. 48 Media Mike said at 11:50 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I trust:
    1) Coaches’ eval of game tape vs. other teams
    2) What reporters who break down the game tape say/see. Especially when using all-22s.
    3) What I and other fans see in a game.

    43473987534473279) Anything that goes on in the echo chamber of practice. I find using that type of unchecked “evaluation” of players leads to nonsense decisions like drafting workout warriors like Mike Mamula over HOF players like Warren Sapp.

  49. 49 A_T_G said at 12:39 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Stupid Discus cut out the middle portion of your post, until I refreshed. I was surprised to see

    1648536) Ramblings of a coked out cheerleader bragging about her sexual exploits with players

    ranked lower than

    1648534) Overheard snippets of conversation between the couple in matching Eli jerseys at the booth behind me.

    Other than that, good list.

  50. 50 Media Mike said at 12:43 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    ha ha ha ha ha.

  51. 51 Rellihcs said at 2:03 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    To each their own, but you think that the collective minds of Chip and his extensive, carefully chosen staff of long time football minds and educators – you think that they don’t get extremely valuable evaluation time both in person and on tape? You don’t think that the unique, strenuous and varried drills (which actually provide more data – in minutes – than those preseason games – you don’t think that that is significant?

    REALLY? That’s just silly.

  52. 52 Rellihcs said at 2:05 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Like I said, it’s your right to have your own opinion, but I have hard time thinking anything but that every single NFL coach (edit – ANY sport, ANY level) in history and present would have a nice hard laugh (or just odd perplexed look on their face) if they heard your perspective on this.

  53. 53 Iskar36 said at 12:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    While I would heavily weigh decision making towards how players perform in games over practice, keep in mind that players get a very limited number of reps in games. With 90 players on the roster and only 4 preseason games, it’s not like you get a huge sample size on how a player will perform throughout the season. On top of that, some guys who are new to the team or young may take longer to develop, so in games get lost at times, but through the practices, coaches can get a sense of what that player’s true potential is. So while I do agree the games are definitely very important, I think you have to put at least some real weight into how players look in TC and at practices since that is where coaches get to see more of that player.

  54. 54 Media Mike said at 12:15 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Some, sure. But never more than live snaps vs. somebody other than your own team.

  55. 55 meepmeep said at 12:02 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah. Stuff like that is why Barner was kept over Josey last year.

    What’s he done on the field?! Obvious Oregon bias.

  56. 56 Media Mike said at 12:03 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Barner’s work, with some epic blocking in front of him, does nothing to make the decision to keep him longer than Josey last year incorrect.

    Hopefully we don’t lose Mostert.

  57. 57 meepmeep said at 12:13 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Is your real name Skip Bayliss?

  58. 58 Cafone said at 12:15 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    One goes broke betting against Chip Kelly’s personnel moves. He always turns out to be right. He’s like the Bernie Sanders of coaches.

  59. 59 Media Mike said at 12:18 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Mostly. Still don’t know why Chung was employed here however.

  60. 60 Ray888 said at 1:36 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He’s a self-proclaimed Socialist from the People’s Republic of Vermont?

  61. 61 Cafone said at 3:21 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    *Democratic socialist, an entirely different thing.

  62. 62 stephenstempo said at 5:12 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah. He’s just like the national socialists….. Well at least he’ll finally reign in all the unnecessary deodorant scents we have. Brilliant guy really.

  63. 63 Ray888 said at 6:34 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Prefer to let his self – described affiliation over the decades stand. He’s described himself this way as Mayor, as Congressman, and as Senator. No reason not to take him at his word.

  64. 64 GermanEagle said at 11:21 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I need to do some thinking to see who this team reminds me of.

    2004. With a happy ending this time.

  65. 65 A_T_G said at 12:29 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    My thought too. At times, these games aren’t even competitive.

  66. 66 P_P_K said at 1:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Imagine the Eagles revenging 2004 by beating the Pats in this year’s Super Bowl.

  67. 67 ian_no_2 said at 11:24 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Barkley regressed a bit in limited action against the Ravens after a breakthrough game against the Colts. He would have had a good game against the Packers if several people hadn’t dropped his passes which were right on the numbers. He lost his cool towards his receiver but he probably knew people would be waiting to dismiss him completely after the game. Everyone knows how it’s slim pickins for a team trying to grab an emergency QB, and that guy won’t have three years of coaching in the system. I praised the Bradford deal effusively as soon as it happened and I got
    online, defended Sanchez last year, and I think Barkley is worth keeping
    around this year in the second half of his rookie contract.

    It’s a legitimate question whether Peyton Manning would have had the same NFL career if his 28 picks and 71.2 rating as a rookie happened in Philly rather than Indy.

  68. 68 Media Mike said at 11:25 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    If was drafted #1 overall here, there, or anywhere………. he’d have been given the same chance.

    I don’t see what Philly has to do with it.

  69. 69 Greg Richards said at 11:27 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I suppose one could argue as a #3 QB he may have more value than others. I question whether he’s worth keeping on the 53-man roster over players at other positions. I think Barkley can pass to the PS as typically teams would rather keep players groomed in their system in TC over outside players.

  70. 70 ian_no_2 said at 11:39 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    He would, first of all, probably prefer to PS elsewhere for several reasons.

  71. 71 RC5000 said at 11:28 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Have no idea what you see in Barkley. He is average at best.

  72. 72 A_T_G said at 12:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I hear there are some Philly fans that would have been ready to dismiss Manning after his third preseason game.

  73. 73 Media Mike said at 11:35 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m in favor of keeping two QBs and then signing a vet off of the street if need be if Barkley is gone and the only other option is Tebow.

    Jason Campbell or Tyler Thigpen would both represent significant upgrades over Tebow.

  74. 74 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 11:50 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Think we can get Tyrod Taylor from Rex? Words I never thought id say.

    I wouldn’t mind Bryan Bennet from the Colts as a 3rd QB

  75. 75 Media Mike said at 11:52 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    Who the F wants a scrambling piece of human excrement like Tie Rod Taylor?


    And I doubt the Colts let Bennet go, but either case I absolutley don’t want a guy who has “mobile” as his primary trait as a QB on my team.

  76. 76 anon said at 11:55 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    tt can toss the ball

  77. 77 Media Mike said at 11:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’d certainly call him a tosser without any hesitation.

  78. 78 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 11:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    We are talking about 3rd QBs here. Taylor has looked good from the pocket this preseason. And Bennet has the Physical tools(Arm/mobility) to make him a developmental guy.

  79. 79 Media Mike said at 11:58 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’d rather draft a developmental guy next year, but keep a vet like Campbell / Thigpen handy if I need to hold down the fort for a few weeks until either Bradford or Sanchez were healthy.

  80. 80 ian_no_2 said at 11:54 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I said Hundley was a backup before the draft and he impressed, but I still think he is too inconsistent to be a franchise starter for a contender. Even in that performance there were some bad plays. Still, he showed he is now perhaps better than a handful of starters and could be better down the road. The Eagles only had the Hicks pick ahead of him, with Bradford and Sanchez inked, but just for fun:

    * Dallas picks LB Damien Wilson at 127, 20 picks ahead of Hundley at 147. Isn’t that a good thing?
    * Washington picks LB Martrell Spaight at 141
    * NY Giants pick S Mykkele Thompson at 144

  81. 81 anon said at 11:56 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    are you the same one making excuses for matt b and you’re judging a guy based on his 3rd preseason game

  82. 82 Media Mike said at 11:57 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I don’t like Hundley.

    I more worry about thing like the next LB taken after Hicks when discussing the Hicks pick.

  83. 83 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 11:58 AM on August 30th, 2015:

    I wanted Dawson too

  84. 84 Media Mike said at 12:06 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    To be 100% honest, I gave up on Dawson mentally after folks were saying we wouldn’t want him due to character concerns, but I still find it comical when folks said “Cincy was going to take Hicks if the Eagles didn’t”, but Cincy simply took Dawson with their comp pick.

    My preference for that pick was TJ Clemmings. It will remain so in perpetuity.

  85. 85 ian_no_2 said at 12:13 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m still not convinced Clemmings’ foot will be a lingering problem, tho I may be missing something, so I’m inclined to agree.

  86. 86 Media Mike said at 12:15 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Sam Hinke says not to worry about that type of stuff, so I’m sure Clemmings will be fine.

  87. 87 Greg Richards said at 12:15 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Not people. National and local(Cincinatti) media.

  88. 88 Media Mike said at 12:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I call BS on their claim as a way of, at the time, obfuscating their interest in Dawson. I think that was misinformation fed to people who would report it.

    I’m stick with Mayock’s “5th rounder” as the true value of Hicks until he proves otherwise.

  89. 89 Greg Richards said at 12:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Regardless of what one thinks of Dawson’s physical skills, he was likely a character reject on the Eagles’ board. So arguing Hicks versus Dawson is pointless.

  90. 90 Media Mike said at 12:35 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    For us, sure. But when comparing the career of one guy vs the next guy drafted after him at his position always has a point.

    Reggie Wayne is always used a a name to destroy the teams/players who went ahead of him to Indy.

  91. 91 A_T_G said at 12:23 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    You don’t think it is a little early to judge his ceiling?

  92. 92 ian_no_2 said at 3:09 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    My point was that whatever his ceiling is, I’m glad he’s not on a division rival. I think he has a chance to be better than Brandon Weeden, Ryan Nassib, Dustin Rhodes, and the DC gang.

  93. 93 Cafone said at 12:10 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Perhaps it’s more of a trivia thing than a real concern, but the Eagles’ two starting wide receivers have 2 catches in 3 preseason games.

    Maybe it’s time to update that depth chart.

  94. 94 Media Mike said at 12:10 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Or just cut Cooper?

  95. 95 Greg Richards said at 12:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m pretty positive that Matthews has more than that himself.

  96. 96 Buge Halls said at 1:05 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Jordan Matthews had three catches last night (and seven for the pre-season)! So, yeah, there’s that.

    Maybe it’s time to check your stats!

  97. 97 Cafone said at 1:19 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I wasn’t talking about the slot receiver.

  98. 98 Buge Halls said at 2:21 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    “starting receiver” – as usual, when proved wrong, you change your tune

  99. 99 Cafone said at 3:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    That’s a fake quote. Did you type it yourself, or just change my words after copy/pasting?

  100. 100 Buge Halls said at 5:22 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    You might want to read your OP again there d-bag – here you go:

    “Perhaps it’s more of a trivia thing than a real concern, but the
    Eagles’ two starting wide receivers have 2 catches in 3 preseason games.

    Maybe it’s time to update that depth chart.”

    I guess that whole part about the Eagles’ two starting wide receivers confused you. What a tool.

  101. 101 Cafone said at 9:35 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    The Eagles’ two starting wide receivers are Riley Cooper and Josh Huff. Don’t blame me. I don’t write the depth chart.

  102. 102 Buge Halls said at 6:10 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    And please tell us what other “starting wide receiver” is there? Cooper and…..oh yeah, Matthews! Face it, as usual you spouted off some nonsense without looking at the stats first and now you look like a fool!

  103. 103 Greg Richards said at 12:13 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Season over. I don’t see how they plan on ever winning a Super Bowl if they keep making asinine personnel decisions like this. I think it’s pretty clear that Chip is in over his head and that Lurie needs to re-install Roseman as head of personnel.

    Matt Lombardo

    29m29 minutes ago

    Per team source the #Eagles have cut G.J. Kinne.


    6 favorites

  104. 104 EagleNebula said at 12:15 PM on August 30th, 2015:

  105. 105 Avery Greene said at 12:35 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Awwww. I like Kinne. Why can’t he be our 3rd QB?

  106. 106 Greg Richards said at 12:22 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Eagles cut 12:

    This doesn’t include moving Acho and Shepherd to IR. One more move to make, likely involving some injury with a player.

    Kip Smith not cut yet, so maybe just making sure Parkey is ready to kick Thursday.

  107. 107 ian_no_2 said at 12:40 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Freddy Martino and Andrew Gleichart stay around for now. Kevin Monangai has obviously played well but with no chance of making the team. Josh Andrews lasted longer than his ’14 PS partner Graf, whom I thought had a chance of sticking.

  108. 108 Media Mike said at 12:22 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    For the record, the NFL forcing cuts down to 75 prior to the conclusion of the 4th preseason game SUCKS!

    I’d rather risk injuries to all of these sucky bastards who we’re going to cut anyway in game 4 rather than people who we’re going to keep.

  109. 109 EagleNebula said at 12:26 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’d rather no one get injured and the coaches evaluate players who have a chance to make the 53/practice squad

  110. 110 Media Mike said at 12:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’d always prefer that nobody get injured.

  111. 111 EagleNebula said at 12:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    So then we agree, ban Suggs from the NFL?

  112. 112 Media Mike said at 12:33 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Or from breathing.

  113. 113 Greg Richards said at 12:26 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    They really need to just get rid of the 4th preseason game. It will never happen due to the money they make, but it’s pointless.

  114. 114 Media Mike said at 12:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    It would be great to get rid of that game as part of adding the 7th playoff team in each conference.

  115. 115 Greg Richards said at 12:28 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    That 7th playoff game doesn’t have the same financial impact per team as the 4th preseason game does.

  116. 116 EagleNebula said at 12:34 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Maybe it does, yeah you lose ticket sales, but I would think the TV money on an extra weekend of play off football would more than compensate for the fewer games… Is there an economist out there who can do a study on this?

  117. 117 Greg Richards said at 12:36 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah, I don’t care enough about this issue to actually crunch the numbers.

  118. 118 Greg Richards said at 12:38 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    The Jets had some interesting cuts:

    Charles Robinson

    2m2 minutes ago

    #Jets cut 12, including #Chiefs 2010 2nd round pick Javier Arenas and #Texans 2012 3rd rounder DeVier Posey.

  119. 119 Greg Richards said at 12:38 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    They also released their backup C Dalton Freeman, who seems like a good fit for our scheme.

  120. 120 Dragon_Eagle said at 12:42 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    This sucks. I don’t have enough to complain about.

  121. 121 A_T_G said at 12:43 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    You didn’t see the news on Kinne?

  122. 122 Dragon_Eagle said at 12:47 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    NO! What happened?

  123. 123 A_T_G said at 12:47 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Apparently we cut all three GJ Kinne’s on the roster -the QB, the WR, and the RB.

  124. 124 Dragon_Eagle said at 12:49 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    You Bastards!!!!! We go through this every episode.

  125. 125 Avery Greene said at 12:43 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    1) Tebow is still on the team
    2) Barkley is still on the team
    3) One of those two will be on the team after preseason

    Let the complaining begin…

  126. 126 Media Mike said at 12:44 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    2 QB roster! Join the party!

  127. 127 Avery Greene said at 12:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Both have been underwhelming this preseason. I expected that from Tebow, but Barkley is just a huge disappointment.

  128. 128 Media Mike said at 12:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    So cut them both!

  129. 129 Bert's Bells said at 12:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    As long as there’s a third on the PS, I hope this happens.

  130. 130 Media Mike said at 12:46 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    My comment earlier was that I don’t like what’s out there in terms of developmental guys, so I’d keep Jason Campbell and/or Tyler Thigpen on speed dial if either Bradford or Sanchez go down.

  131. 131 Greg Richards said at 1:00 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Ryan Griffin, Saints

  132. 132 Media Mike said at 1:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Looks interesting and doesn’t appear to be a running QB.

  133. 133 Bert's Bells said at 1:06 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Need an arm for practice reps.

  134. 134 Media Mike said at 1:33 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    With the new CBA, there ain’t much practicing going on.

  135. 135 Dragon_Eagle said at 12:48 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m on board with that. Keep Barkley if you must, but ship Tebow to Washington for free ticket to walk on the Mall.

  136. 136 A_T_G said at 12:49 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Do you think, if we were to change the designation and jersey numbers for Johnson and Smith to list them as QB3 and QB4, that Suggs would lunge at their knees?

  137. 137 A_T_G said at 1:01 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Graf must have really disappointed.

  138. 138 OregonDucker said at 2:07 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He should be tar and feathered and run out on a pole.

  139. 139 SteveH said at 1:06 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Bring back Kinne for 3rd QB/utility man. Dead serious.

  140. 140 Bert's Bells said at 1:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  141. 141 Cafone said at 1:22 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He couldn’t beat out Barkley in 2013 or 2014. Why would he be better now after not playing QB for an entire preseason?

  142. 142 George said at 1:55 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    i mean i don’t think i could bring myself to eat out barkley either, don’t hold that against gj

  143. 143 SteveH said at 2:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Because I believe.


  144. 144 Ray888 said at 6:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Agree. Early cuts like this have not prevented CK from bringing back a player after week 1. Plus, he is PS eligible.

  145. 145 xmbk said at 1:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Find it amusing that the Ravens got all crybaby about a physical tackle on one of their players. Pretty sure the rules allow you to tackle wide receivers hard.

  146. 146 jpate said at 1:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I can’t believe harbaugh ran over to yell at Gruden, I don’t care about Gruden but harbuagh is looking like a real tool lately.

  147. 147 RobNE said at 1:49 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Both brothers are tools and whining crybabies

  148. 148 Media Mike said at 1:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah, John appears to have picked up far too many of Jim’s bad habits.

    Maybe Mr. Burfict will pay him a visit on a sideline play int he first Bengals / Ravens tilt.

  149. 149 xmbk said at 2:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Harbaugh’s always been an old school, hard nosed coach. Battles between them and Steelers or Pats are always classic, no quarter asked, none given.

    Just thought it was kind of ironic.

  150. 150 P_P_K said at 1:12 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    When I saw the title “Morning After Thoughts,” I figured I’d read, “What happened, she looked good last night at closing time?”

  151. 151 A_T_G said at 1:13 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    It seems like an appropriate follow up to Feeling Good About the D.

  152. 152 MattE said at 1:24 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  153. 153 wee2424 said at 2:15 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    That comment well deserves every up vote it gets.

  154. 154 Media Mike said at 1:31 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Paging D3, D3…………………

  155. 155 Media Mike said at 1:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    This was 100% D3’s boy. And he should be part of what I’m expecting to be a big season for Denver.

  156. 156 johnr said at 1:40 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Totally agree with you on Barkley and Tebow. Both are terrible. In fact, watching this game, I was thinking why the Eagles didn’t draft Hundley. The Packers got him in the 5th round and I would have been alright using our 4th round on him. He didn’t play great, but he has upside potential, which you really can’t say about Barkley or Tebow. And he’s probably more mobile than Tebow at this point. I’m not too worried about a 3rd QB situation but it, would be nice to start grooming a a QB for the future.

  157. 157 Media Mike said at 1:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Because Hundley stinks. He had an ok game because we made no effort to rush the passer. Hundley has no clue on how to progress through reads and too often reverts to running around rather than looking for open receivers.

    No thanks.

    From Greg Cosell

    “Hundley is not a natural thrower, with consistently poor lower body mechanics that negatively impact delivery, though he does have a naturally strong arm. Hundley did not show good awareness in the pocket, and did not feel and react well to bodies around him. He was too quick to leave the pocket and not comfortable with the needed patience of a timed passing game. He is not a progression reader at this point, and is slow to get through his reads. He does not have an intuitive internal clock in the pocket, and it’s hard to be an NFL starter without that. Though, at times he showed the ability to throw with anticipation and precise ball placement, and I saw some excellent throws, including outside void in “Cover 2,” back shoulder throws, and fade passes dropped right into the bucket.”–are-there-any-starting-qbs-outside-the-top-two-152516444.html

  158. 158 wee2424 said at 2:13 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He definitely needs to learn and develop, but I do think he has the physical tools, the smarts, and the character to maybe develop into a solid QB or backup at some point.

    I would rather have him over Barkley or Tebow and try to develop him.

  159. 159 johnr said at 2:26 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yes. Right on. Glad you understood my point! If you are going to have a #3 QB, it might as well be a developmental kid. If your #1 goes down, you pick up some crusty vet off the street to be your #2. No sense keeping a guy who has proven , over a significant length of time, he can’t play in the NFL, if you don’t have to.

  160. 160 GEAGLE said at 6:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah, I was happy to see Chip want nothing to do with him….

  161. 161 Media Mike said at 1:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    And I agree on cutting both!

  162. 162 wee2424 said at 2:09 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Some people were trying to project him as a 2nd or even first round pick for the Birds. Crazy talk.

    That being said I would have been very happy if we got him in the 4th. Getting him in 5th was a huge steal for the Packers.

    Speaking about draft projection, the draft pundits seemed to be way off this past draft multiple times. It’s very hard for anyone to try and project a draft but last draft the “experts” were off more then usual.

  163. 163 johnr said at 2:18 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yes. And I would add that it’s early to assess the pundits assessments. But I would agree that many were off. I think it’s sort of ridiculous that any of these pundits have the time to really scout all of the players.

  164. 164 GEAGLE said at 2:53 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Lol 1st and second round talk was comical… I don’t know how a QB prospect gets so drastically over rated, but whatever… He did some good things last night, but nothing to get crazy over

  165. 165 LongDong said at 1:57 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  166. 166 Avery Greene said at 2:00 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  167. 167 Iskar36 said at 2:07 PM on August 30th, 2015:

  168. 168 wee2424 said at 2:01 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Aren’t you in your 30’s with kids?

  169. 169 LongDong said at 2:12 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Nope I am 14.

  170. 170 wee2424 said at 2:19 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Hmmm, guess I mistook you for somebody else.

    Well when you get a little older you will realize that the things you say here don’t really get anyone mad like you think. They just make everyone roll their eyes at you and think you are a moron that has to much time on his hands.

  171. 171 LongDong said at 2:22 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Im not trying to get anyone mad. Are you mad?

  172. 172 wee2424 said at 2:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I should probably be disappointed in myself for responding to you since attention is really all you want.

  173. 173 GEAGLE said at 2:36 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  174. 174 LongDong said at 3:01 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    dont respond to me. its pretty simple. I dont give a fukc what you do.

  175. 175 LongDong said at 2:14 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I wonder what’s going to happen when they call a Darren Sproles wheel route in the regular season. It’s kind of telling that Chip Kelly won’t just run a vanilla offense in the preseason. Why is he so hell bent on having people tweet “I would like to formally apologize to Chip Kelly for ever questioning the Sam Bradford trade.” Why does that matter so much to Chip Kelly?

  176. 176 OregonDucker said at 2:30 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    With so much talent likely to be cut in order to reach 53, I hope we only keep 2 QBs. While this is risky, we need more depth in some positions where we have good talent. WR, ILB, and even maybe safety (where ST play may drive loading that spot).

  177. 177 Patrick said at 3:01 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    While I get your point, how risky is it really? If Bradford goes down, we saw last year how screwed we are with Mark Sanchez, at least in terms of winning the Super Bowl.

    If Bradford goes down and we’ll have to sign a FA off the street to be a backup and Sanchez goes down too, it won’t matter, the season will be over. I’d make the argument every NFL team is done if their QB goes down for any significant time. I’m sure they’re done if the 3rd QB has to play significant time.

    Its not like we have someone at QB who is worth keeping to make sure we dont lose him for the future. Makes much more sense to keep the rosterspot open for someone who can actually contribute to our season or who we do not want to see go to another team.

  178. 178 GEAGLE said at 5:00 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    You are talking about a coach who has only been here two years and he already had to use his 3rd string QB…

    Saying that our season is over if we have to play our #3’QB is oversimplifying things and not Neccessarily true…

    If you have to play with your #3 over an extended period like Half the season, YES you are SCREWED….. But lets say you lose your #2 QB early in the yea when your QB misses a game or two to a minor injury like a concussion, Quickily your #3 could be forced to become your #2… And what happens later in the year if you are in the middle of a playoff hunt and your starter has to miss the first two games in December? You can’t ask a #3 QB to carry you for half a season, but it’s not out of the question to ask your #3 to keep the team afloat for two games until the starter can return,. And if you ever have to ask your #3’to play a game or two, we are going to wish he was here taking reps in this offense during the summer.. As opposed to a guy we had to pick up in the middle of the year when a QB got hurt because we only kept two QBs..
    I wouldn’t do it,,. Keeping only 2 is playing with FIRE. And not worth keeping an extra guy who we could probably keep on the practce squad anyway…

  179. 179 Cafone said at 9:33 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Sproles can play #3 QB in a pinch.

  180. 180 GEAGLE said at 2:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Starting to think that moving thurmond to safety could end up proving Brilliant.. A playmaker like him should get many more opportunities playing Safety, then he ever got playing slot Corner… if Thurmond remains healthy, he is going to be extended.. In the future if we ever get a great safety, we can always move thurmond back to corner, so we can always find something to do with Thurmond if we extend him,,. Kid can prove to be a key signing for us… Here’s hoping he stays healthy….
    I would have to agree with Tom about Barkley, he is in his 3rd year of this offense, he should be looking much better then he has… I think his game 1 performance was under rated. He showed the type of command of this offense I was looking to see, but instead of building off his first game. It’s been all downhill for him since the Colts game… With that said “Rusty” is the understatement of the year when describing Tebows play… He flat out sucks! Dude has No business being a QB in the NFL. And he is too selfish to consider helping the team in other ways, so He can Fuck off as far as I’m concerned.. barkley might not be very good, but Barkley is an actual QB… TEBOW is an overgrown,Runningback playing QB…get him out of here ASAP and I want to forget he was ever allowed to wear the midnight green.,..GJ Kinney didn’t deserve to get cut before TEBOW..
    Graf clearly has t developed the way we would have hoped, no reason to keep him here… After a year on the practice squad, like Kenjon Barner, Graf should be showing Growth, but he is Not, thus he didn’t survive the 1st cuts…. BUNCHE is going to end up taking his Practice squad Spot…
    No Idea what to do about the #3’QB

  181. 181 wee2424 said at 2:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I thought it was a good idea when they moved him to safety, but he has far exceeded my expectations so far. It is preseason but he does look the part. Impressed how he made the mental transition as well.

    I don’t expect him to continuously make a tackle on a RB that is heading straight for him but I am happy that he doesn’t shy from contact and is more then willing to make the attempt. His coverage and ball skills more then make up for the fact he may not be the best tackler. I’m curious to see if he adds a little more weight to assist in that department next offseason, and if he can do it without hurting his coverage ability.

    He will be a huge factor in allowing less big plays for us, and also making the O think twice about going deep on him with his ball skills.

    Over the course of his career when he has been healthy he has looked as one of the better slot CBs in the league. With slot CB being a potential weakness for us his skills in that department cannot be overstated when he does come down.

    As far as the third QB comment you made, is it possible that we only keep 2? It’s a risky move but Barkley and Tebow are not looking good. Keeping 2 QB allows us to have more depth at a thin position or allows a guy that deserves to make the 53 actually make it whereas he wouldn’t have with 3 QBs.

    Not sure how I feel about only keeping 2 with none on the practice squad that could get called up, but I do think the option does have some validity towards it.

  182. 182 GEAGLE said at 2:59 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Highly DOUBT we ONLY keep #2’QBs… You are talking about a coach who has only been here for two years, and already had to use his #3 QB in games… And we no longer have an emergency QB like Brad Smith who is active every week… Trust me, I’m not happy spending a roster spot on Barkley or TEBOW either, but we can’t only keep 2 QBs… Way too risky, and for what? So we can keep a kid like Sheed Bailey or Tomilson who we shouldnt have trouble keeping on the practice squad….. With that said, Hopefully, something happens and we are able to get a better #3 QB then the knuckleheads we have now….
    hopefully the Bills cut one of their QBs…… ideally we would see a trade like Barkley, Jeff Maehl and a 5th round pick for EJ Manuel, but that’s a pipe dream….
    Maybe we get Lucky and a young QB we had pre draft interest in ends up getting cut….. If not, I don’t know what to do about the #3, I guess Barkley, at least he isn’t afraid to actually throw the damn ball, your guess is as good as mine, i don’t know what to do about this… Only way we could have kept 2 IMO, is if we had an emergency QB like Kinney on the 53 man roster

  183. 183 wee2424 said at 3:06 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah, like I said it is risky. I doubt Chip makes that call.

    If it were to happen I think the spot would go to a ST player. Maybe somebody like Tutu who is on the bubble would be kept. That’s really the only way that the player who was kept could consistently contribute to the team.

    Again, I doubt it happens, but it is an option for a situation that doesn’t really have any truly positive options.

  184. 184 GEAGLE said at 4:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I hear you. But I don’t view Tutu as being on the bubble,,
    We didn’t build an elite ST unit by cutting Tutu and Prosinski types.
    Doubt Tutu has dissapointed the Eagles, because he wasn’t signed because of his WR ability… We wouldn’t say Braman is on the bubble because he hasn’t played OLB well enough, we wouldn’t say Maragos is on the bubble because he hasn’t played Safety well enough, so I don’t think its accurate to say that Tutu won’t make the team because he hasn’t made enough plays as a WR, or that Prosinskis won’t make it because he HASNT playd Safety well enough..
    Tutu is a guy that on Most teams would be their BEST ST player…for us Tutu and Prosinski are easily one of our top 5 ST members that don’t return kicks…. There is No PRECEDENT for Chip kelly cutting Guys he brought here because of their ST ability..
    heck we lost two very important ST players in Casey and Brad Smith… Tutu was brought in to replace those ley ST contributors..

    I’m not even sure why fans want to get rid of him? If we cut Tutu, all that means is another year of Jeff Maehl. I know every fan has Sheed Bailey on the brain, but He NEEDS to spend a year on the Practice Squad, and he won’t make this 53 man roster THIS year
    tutu is like adding another Maragos/Braman caliber player to our Dominant ST… If we want to continue enjoying chip Kelly completely weaponizing our Special teams unit, we have to understand when he continues to prioritize ST play, more then offensive prdefensive ability when it comes to our Deep Reserves….There is NO precedent for Chip cutting an elite ST player he brought in, and we damn sure didn’t reach this level of Elite ST play by cutting the Tutu types.
    Even Spadaro basically told the fans he is a lock..
    I’d be completely shocked if he wasn’t on this 53 man roster, to the point where I would be comfortable betting on him making this roster…. fortunately we find out soon.. Ryan Mathews helped us land Tutu in free agency…. I know he hasn’t provided instant gratification in the preseason, but This kid will make an impact on our ST during the season.
    I don’t think chip will ever cut any of his 5 best ST players…. We didn’t build this ST Juggernaut by cutting the Seyr Arijututu types…
    And I also think the same goes for Prosinski… We are talking elite core ST players, and clearly we have to get used to chup valuing the players more then we have seen in the past .. Can’t wait TIL tne 53 man roster is set… Talemted depth is going to make for some tough cuts… I’m ready to learn our Fate for this season..

  185. 185 wee2424 said at 11:18 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I agree with everything you have said. Retaining another ST ace is important if we want our ST to continue to play at such a high level after good ST players left this off season.

    He was just an example I was using (admittedly a bad one) to go along with 2 QB theory.

  186. 186 Greg Richards said at 3:09 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Trey Burton is your #3 QB

  187. 187 kevinlied said at 7:44 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m interested in your take on this, as I really enjoy your posts. In my view, there’s a non-negligible chance that Tebow or Barkley would be better than a dumpster fire if called upon to start a couple of games. I don’t think the same is true of Burton, who couldn’t play QB in college, a level where Barkley and Tebow excelled. If Bradford got hurt, would the plan be to sign the best street FA available to back up Sanchez? If so, is Tyler Thigpen, a couple years removed from the league, better than Barkley or Tebow? Ideally, I’d like to poach a young guy with some upside for QB3 and cut both Tebow and Barkley. Short of that, I think you have to roll with one of them.

  188. 188 Mitchell said at 2:38 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Ryan Matthews constantly gets positive yards. He always falls forward. It is so nice to see our RBs getting positive yards consistantly, even if it is 3 or 4.

  189. 189 GEAGLE said at 7:34 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I have never been so excited about a kid I despised so much for the past few years.., I thought he was soft, mentally weak fumbling when games got Gritty.,, and I think if he was our franchise back I would still hate him and still have the same concerns… But I feel like the Time share, a complimentary role is PERFECT for this kid and I’m so excited about a kid I couldn’t stand before he got to Philly..

    This complimentary time share role could be the best thing that has happened for his career, and I really can’t wait to see the 4th quarter of the Falcons game, I assume we will have a solid lead, after wearing down their defense, keep feeding the tired defenses fresh doses of Mathews, Marco and every once n a while gash me wth Sprolesy… Shady was awesome in the 4th after wearing teams down, but I’m expecting this to be even better now that we add the physical nature of our new run game helping the tempo wear down defenders…it has to suck trying to tackle a fresh Demarco or Mathews in the 4th quarter when a defender is sucking wind, desperate for a substitution…
    They say with shady gone we lost that explosive home run ability, and it might not seem this way because he is 230lbs, but don’t be surprised if we see Ryan Mathews break some 40, 50, 60 yard runs.. Mathews can explode and if he gets to the Safeties, good chance he turns the Jets on and takes it to the house..
    For a 230lb, takes a seriously talented runner to give us some of the home run ability we got from shady… Putting him in a complimentary role can be perfect for him and eliminate the flaws that drove me crazy about him., basically I hated him because he was so damn talented and I never felt he came close to his potential..,, THat should change in this offense.,. We had so many great RBs on this city, but this is as exciting of a run game as you could ever ask for

  190. 190 eagleyankfan said at 7:37 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I agree. Matthews will be the nail in the coffin on a bunch of games.

  191. 191 Avi said at 2:46 AM on August 31st, 2015:

    dude also has a mean stiff arm too…

  192. 192 GEAGLE said at 2:48 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I want Sheed Baily, BUNCHE, Tomilson, Denzel Rice And Couplin on the Practice Squad… Like Kenjon Barner, hopefully they spend a year on the Practice Squad and come back like Gangbusters next summer ready to make the team…. I know everyone goes gaga over Mostert, but every team has a “Mostert” type who is playing well running against scabs…. next year, chip is going to find another Mostert or Josey type…. I won’t complain if we put him on the Practice Squad, but I don’t care if they flat out cut him either,,,
    Sheed Bailey just continues to impress. he has earned Pratts practice squad roster spot… A year of polish on our PS and he could come back and make next years team once we get rid of Coop and Austin..
    Tomilson didn’t play well last night but I like that caveman grizzly Mofo… This is a Big Strong Kid, he should be following Celek around 24/7.. Tomilson should try to Develope into a high caliber blocking TE who can eventually replace Celek when his Eagles days are over…Like Celek, for a big blocking caveman TE, he can make plays in the passing game… Stylistically he is a different type of TE from ERTZY and Burton. So I’m hoping we can grow him into an elite blocker these Next two years…
    I assume Couplin still has Practice eligibility left, no?…. Going into last night I thought Reynolds was clearly ahead of Couplin in the #5 safety competition.. I saw some good and bad from both kids last night, but I’m not ready to speak on their performance last night, I need to go back and watch all their snaps again first.

  193. 193 A_T_G said at 5:58 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I know it is the minority opinion, but I am not convinced that the Austin/Bailey outcome is set just yet. Austin was on the field this week, sharing the field with a lot of guys battling for spots. Hopefully the bean counters decide they got their money worth from his leadership in camp and give the roster spot to the guy that produced more.

  194. 194 GEAGLE said at 6:31 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I wish!!! But it would really really surprise me, but it would be a pleasant surprise,,,,,, I don’t know how willing they are to spend roster spots on young players that we can probably safely keep on the practice squad for a year

  195. 195 Ryan Rambo said at 6:11 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    So you don’t think we’ll keep 4 rb’s? I don’t think Barner will stick on the PS unfortunately.

  196. 196 A_T_G said at 6:18 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I think he was using Barner’s time on the PS last year and a belief that he makes the 53 this year as an example of what he wants from the youngsters he mentioned.

  197. 197 Ryan Rambo said at 6:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Oh ok…that makes sense now that I re-read it. Thank u for clearing that up good sir.

  198. 198 GEAGLE said at 6:29 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Where did I say that? I think Barner earned his spot on the Eagles… keep Barner, cut or practice squad Mostert

  199. 199 A_T_G said at 8:18 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    To be fair, for everyone else in the world an ellipsis denotes the continuation of a thought, so it would look like you were continuing your PS list when you said, “And Couplin on the Practice Squad… Like Kenjon Barner”

    No one around here is correcting grammar, which is good, but when you invent your own punctuation system you have to expect some misunderstandings.

  200. 200 Ryan Rambo said at 8:29 AM on August 31st, 2015:

    You didn’t. I misunderstood.

  201. 201 Nailed it! said at 2:54 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Both Eagles starting OGs grade out well by @PFF. Barbre is 5th out of 129, Andrew Gardner is 28th.— Brandon Lee Gowton (@BrandonGowton) August 30, 2015

  202. 202 Bert's Bells said at 3:54 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Once they get tape on Mathis PFF will knock every other guard down 5 spots. OG 1-5: EVAN MATHIS

  203. 203 Joe Minx said at 5:30 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    They dropped the Eagles OL rank from #2 last year to #6 this year based solely on the fact that Mathis is gone lol.

    Mathis was good but that’s ridiculous.

  204. 204 GEAGLE said at 3:19 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Allegedly, the piece of human trash, Scumbag Frank Clarke who the seahawks allowed into the NFL. “Tried to punch and Attack Phillip Rivers last night” LOL.y
    It’s no secret that this kid was going to be able to play in the NFL, but his Charecter is questionable at Best… I’d bet ANYTHING that at some point this scumbag will end up missing at least 4 games to some type of suspension..
    Seeing scumbags like him makes me appreciate our team of “Choir boys”… You don’t need to be a scumbag, or a criminal to be a good football player… We can find 53 quality olayers who turn into Animals for 60 minutes on Sunday whiile actually knowing how to behave as a decent human being,,, wish yeams would stop letting Trash like Clarke into the NFL…
    I’m Tired of it… I’m tired of all this Human,scum we let into this league… I think NFL teams NEED TO START BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE KNOWN TRASH they bring into this league overlooking human Charecter because of Talent…if you have a kid with a clean record, who ends up doing something bad and getting arrestedt it’s not the teams fault…. But when you bring a known scumbag with a track record for being a shitty human being into the NFL. Overlooking The fact that he is human scum because he is talented, and the KNOWN SVUMBAG ends up getting himself in trouble and dirtying the name of the NFL, it’s time to start penalizing the Front Offices who allowed a known scumbag into the league….. If Teams start being held accountable for allowing this type of Scum in the league when they go on and get in trouble, bet teams start thinking twice about putting Talent above all else.. If you bring a kid with a bad track record into the NFL and he gets in trouble, Teams should start being penalized. Take an extra draft pick away from them, and teams willl start thinking twice about the scum they łet on their team…
    Then again, since Chip won’t add human scum to his roster, it’s probably an advantage for us that teams will add any criminal as long as he can play, because teams will lose players to criminal or drug test suspensions while we only need to worry about guys missing games to injury

  205. 205 Avery Greene said at 3:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Kind of hard to keep trash out of the league when you have trash that owns some of the teams.

  206. 206 GEAGLE said at 3:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    This is also true…… But I would like to see a rule where if a team signs a guy with a Known History of behavior problems, overlooking his poor Charecter because of talemt, and he goes on to eventually repeat history and get himself in troubke again, the Franchise that brought him into the League should lose a future draft pick… .. this can’t continue…. We can’t see these scumbags terrorize society every single offseason.. Can’t continue to make these scumbags millionaires,.it has to stop … These teams hire ex FBI guys to dig into draft prospects and find out everything about them off the field, so if you are going to add a KNOWN Charecter concern to your roster, the team should also pay the price for allowing scum into the NFL…..find 53 kids who know how to play, and Know how to act, and ONLY give second chances to kids who actually deserve it and have a chance of keepimg thwir nose clean in the future…
    Every team knew Frank Clark can play. It’s no secret..all the teams passed on his high end talemt multiple times because of his Charecter or lack there of… The seahawks want to capitalize on getting a talemt like him way later in the draft then what his talent is worth, so when Frank Clarke inevitably gets arrested as member of the seahawks, they should have to forfit next years 5th round pick… The kid they drafted getting suspended ISNT punishment enough obviously, since the league gets more trashy and despicable each year…. Start suspending kids AND ALSO taking extra 5th round picks from teams, and maybe they will start to think a little harder when it’s time to overlook a despicable history because of talent,..

  207. 207 Greg Richards said at 3:55 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I voiced this on twitter and I still think it’s the best deterrent to signing guys with character issues:

    Players that are on the roster count toward the 53-man limit when they are suspended. The way it is now, at least at the beginning of the season, it’s almost a benefit to have a guy suspended because you get to keep a guy temporarily that you’d normally have to risk getting claimed on waivers. After the 1st week of the season, teams are usually more reluctant to shake up the roster and make transactions as the rotations are more settled in. So a team that had a player suspended can more easily sneak that player to the PS after another player’s suspension is up. If players that are suspended counted against the 53-man limit, then that benefit is lost.

    If you don’t want to risk having the size of your roster limited by suspensions, then you can either a.don’t draft/sign guys with character issues or b.cut the suspended player.

    I’m well aware that this would have affected the Eagles when Lane Johnson was suspended.

  208. 208 GEAGLE said at 4:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Suspensions are basically just like a 4 week injury…. Injuries are such a ,ahort factor for how each season unfolds… If you are going to stress injiry prevention and keeping your players healthy, it makes no sense to then have players who are going to end up missing weeks for arrests suspensions or failed drug tests…
    We are putting so much emphasis in injury prevention, but suspension prevention is easier to accomplish. It’s easier to add kids that won’t be criminals and get suspended then it is to prevent injuries… injuries you can’t comtrol, Charecter that doesn’t miss game to suspensions is much easier to control. 53 high Charecter players that won’t get suspended is basically like injury prevention..
    It’s hard enough for teams to overcome this injuries to their roster every year, if you also have key players missing months to suspensions you are really putting yourself behind the 8 ball…. Look at the Cowboys.. They have been relatively healthy this offseason and then they lose Scandrick who is probably their best DB.. If that’s not hard enough for Dallas to overcome, they start to season with Starting LB and DE Rolondo McClain and Greg Hardy suspended for a month… That’s 3’defensive starters they will have to replace the entire month of september…
    if chip Kelly keep this,roster healthier then most teams each year, while Also not loosing any players to suspensions, that should express itself into a Monster advantage for us year in and year out….

  209. 209 Greg Richards said at 3:45 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    If you’re bored, Texans-Saints is on FOX at 4:00 pm. I’m scouting the Texans. Based on the past, at least one of their guys cut will probably end up on our team.

  210. 210 GEAGLE said at 4:09 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    saints are actually on our schedule.., heck the saints are probably going to make the playoffs, we could end up playing them twice this year because of how crappy that division is… Falcons will be drafting in the top 5 next year, Panthers ARENT as good as they were last year, that team is moving backwards, and Tampa has a rookie QB….Saints aren’t a scary team exactly, but if they don’t win that weak division, their season will have been an epic failure..
    there is NO Team That I want to run into in round 1 of the playoffs more then the Saints or Cardinals… I DESPERATELY want to face the Saints again, with the entire season on the line… Do you know what our DL is Going to do to them Next time they get their hands on the Saints? This fanbase, ridiculuosly ripped Bennie Logan for a long time over that loss. Majority of the FANBASE wanted to draft a NT to replace Logan because of that Loss… Next time the “UNKNOWNS” get their hands on the Saints OL, it’s going to be a Massacre … Logan, Thornton, Cox will NOT lose next time they play the Saints,..
    I Desperately want to play the Saints with a chance to END their season. I want that for the Cardinals too, but I don’t think they will make the playoffs this year… Saints SHOULD win that crappy division. So fingers crossed we get to run into them in round 1 of the playoffs,… Really want to beat them in the regular season, AND then again in the Playoffs….. Plus Chip Kelly seems to also like Sean Payton players….although, I expect our free agency next year to be a very quiet one… I’d bet after this season we will care more about keeping all our players here Longterm then about signing some other teams free agents,,,

    But as a,Fan, Saints vs. Texans should be a fun first half…. Love JJ Watt, and Brandin Cooks is going to be a player that we will need to stop to beat the Saints.

  211. 211 GEAGLE said at 4:48 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Plus I love watching Baby Huey, Chris Polk… Wish I was in a dynasty league, I’d stick him on the end of my bench with the quickness in case his career takes off in Texas the next few years,.. When the kid gets snaps, he makes things happen whether It’s running, catching, blocking, returning kicks. Making special teams tackles…kid stays heakthy and he can really flourish in Texas,,
    I’m appreciative that Polk didmt end up in Dallas… Boy would that have Sucked!

  212. 212 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    How many more days until Washington cuts RGIII?

    I’m thinking this is the week its over.

  213. 213 Insomniac said at 5:57 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    They’ll probably keep him and trade him to the first sucker that offers up some value for him.

  214. 214 GEAGLE said at 6:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    No one is THAT much of a sucker are they? How can u be so weak at QB that you sign a bum too stupid to shut his mouth? Who wants a QB that throws more of his Lineman under the Bus more then he throws TDs?

  215. 215 Insomniac said at 6:33 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I don’t know about that. Jameis Winston looks pretty bad..

  216. 216 Michael Winter Cho said at 7:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Chip would sign him in a heartbeat if he were available for cheap.

  217. 217 Media Mike said at 7:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I hope not. RGMeFirst is garbage.

  218. 218 GEAGLE said at 8:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Yeah right.., No way

  219. 219 A_T_G said at 8:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I cannot think of one thing RGIII has done that makes me think, “yep, that is a Chip Kelly guy.”

  220. 220 HawaiianEagle said at 7:37 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Would cost $16.1M…NO takers for that amount of cash…

  221. 221 GEAGLE said at 8:21 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Lol 16mil for RG3? I wouldn’t waste 16 thousand of our salary cap on that chump

  222. 222 Greg Richards said at 5:58 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    All the coaches and front office people want him cut.

    Snyder wants him to stay.

    So he stays.

  223. 223 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:00 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Hope so. I wish nothing but the worst for that organization and owner.

  224. 224 GEAGLE said at 7:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Still think the dumb owner doesn’t have the balls to do what’s right, admit that they should cut their loses.. How disfunctional can you be to just pick up the 5th yr option guarenteeing his contract, yet you already want to trash him before the season starts? That’s like Cleveland Browns type of dysfunction

  225. 225 A_T_G said at 7:36 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I made him Mr. Irrelevant in our draft, taking him with the final pick. Once Washington trades him I will trade him, too.

  226. 226 Greg Richards said at 5:54 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Not a fit for our scheme, but:

    Adam Schefter

    4m4 minutes ago

    First surprise cut of the week: Bears are releasing veteran CB Tim Jennings, per source.

  227. 227 Insomniac said at 5:56 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He was declining for awhile now.

  228. 228 Greg Richards said at 5:59 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    To a degree, but I think it’s more about the new coaching staff running a new defensive scheme. Jennings is a Tampa 2 guy. He could potentially land with the Cowgirls considering Scandrick’s injury.

  229. 229 Nailed it! said at 6:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Also Tampa to reunite with Lovie… Plus Tampa needs Cb’s desperately.

  230. 230 Insomniac said at 6:27 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I would love to see that. Jennings is short and not as fast as he used to be but Jerry isn’t making the decisions anymore.

  231. 231 Greg Richards said at 6:28 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Still better than Morris Claiborne.

  232. 232 Insomniac said at 6:32 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I completely forgot about that guy. Claiborne would still be cheaper for them though.

  233. 233 Insomniac said at 5:55 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    King Dunlap: “I protect the quaterback at all costs”

    This sounds so familiar..but I just don’t know why.

  234. 234 Mitchell said at 6:01 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Even if Rowe has his share of rookie coverage break downs, you can count on him going after the ball. When he tackled Cobb out of bounds, I’m fairly certain he ripped that ball out for an incomplete. If it was in bounds, it may have been a FF. That would make 3 for him already. Impressive.

  235. 235 Mitchell said at 6:14 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I thought Watkins did a fairly decent job in coverage from the plays I saw. He seems to excel in pinning his man to the sideline. What did others think?

  236. 236 Greg Richards said at 6:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Good in coverage. Needs to work on tackling and aggressiveness on STs.

  237. 237 Mitchell said at 6:19 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    At the very least I think he is adequate back up material for the the first half of the season at the minimum.

  238. 238 GEAGLE said at 8:19 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Considering he plays 3 positions, probably safe to say he can be at least an adequate backup at one of the positions in our secondary… But like most young players, we should see a kid that grows over the course of this season getting stronger as he gains experience…. At least that’s what you hope to see…

  239. 239 Insomniac said at 6:25 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    He’s a lot better than last year so that’s actual progress.

  240. 240 GENETiC-FREAK said at 6:28 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Did ok. Rowe n Biggers not so ok.

  241. 241 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 6:52 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Can cover, but cant tackle

  242. 242 GEAGLE said at 7:17 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Can’t tackle? So he can’t do a fixable skill? Beginning of his 2nd year? Sounds good to me…

    A kid who can tackle, but can’t cover… THAT a problem!

  243. 243 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 7:20 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Relax. I didn’t saw anything about the future. As of right now, he cant tackle

  244. 244 GEAGLE said at 7:39 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Why the fuck do I need to relax? Where in that comment do you see agitation?

  245. 245 GENETiC-FREAK said at 6:37 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Is GJ Kinne really that bad of a QB compared to Barkley n Tebow??

  246. 246 Bob Brewer said at 7:08 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Regarding Tebow and Barkley, I think one could be on the roster after cut down day, then that QB gets waived for another cut QB. My money is on Tebow staying only because I think Barkley is so deep in Kelly’s doghouse it’s hard to get out. But who knows…

  247. 247 eagleyankfan said at 7:35 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    ok, I watched n re-watched some stuff…Biggers seemed to play unmotivated. I was disappointed in his play.

  248. 248 GEAGLE said at 7:59 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Thinking of what Chip has brought to this city
    Compared to some of my favorite times as an eagle fan, I’m so appreciative of what we already have in place going into year 3…. I assume Bradford probably looks around and feels just like we do as in “wow, what Am I going to do with all these weapons?”…,, It’s really crazy the arsenal chip stockpiled, and we ate seeing it without Huff and Ertz who can do damage in their own right…

    I think back to the Andy Reid “Glory years” amd 2004 was the best year we had.. But when you really look back on that offense, all it really was is a good OL, McNabb 55% completion percentage passer, The Great TO and The amazing “Wizard of Westbrook”… And that’s really IT.. We counted on two weapons, Westbrook and Owens and that was such a fun year with a potent offense… Fast forward to 2015 and we have more quality RBs then we had quality weapons in 2004….

    We are really going to attack defenses in fresh waves of weapons.
    4 RBs
    5 WRs, the 6th Tutu is just a ST player
    3 TEs..

    Those aren’t just what we have on our roster, Those are players we could see get playing time in every single game… How many other teams have that many weapons to throw at teams? Most teams have a #1, #2 WR and a slot, a good TE or two…. We legit have 5 WRs we are comfortable using in a game, the 3 youngins, Coop, Austin….would anyone really complain if they see
    Chip put Trey Burton in a regular season game?
    Weapons Galore…. Never seen anything like this, and I’m sure Bradford hasn’t either… if Sammy Boy can stay healthy, the kid can own this city.. Chip/Bradford/This defense/Elite ST and Philly fans…. Could be the perfect marriage… What’s funny is this is really like year 1 of the Chip/marynowitz era… What’s this thing going to look like next year after all these new players are comfortable in their roles with their new teammates.. Young players a year more mature and experienced, few more young talents added in the draft… I’m blown away by what we have in place, and what’s really amazing is we have this after just 1 offseason of giving chip control…future is very bright for Eagle Nation

  249. 249 anon said at 8:14 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    nate allen w a pick against the cardinals

  250. 250 GEAGLE said at 8:43 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Raiders D is whooping on the Cardinals,., for a team that invested so much in an OL, our DL is going to whip Carsons ass this year.. It will be glorious

  251. 251 GEAGLE said at 8:16 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I just want to know how many Olineman will we keep? Give me that piece of info and I feel good about the rest of the pieces of this roster puzzle..
    Frustrating not knowing if it’s going to be 8 or 9 lineman..,,The only ones I’m confident that make the roster are the starting 5 and Tobin…after Tobin I’m lost..
    I assume either Molk or Vandervelde need to be given a spot since Kelce needs a backup and Moffitt hasn’t learned the center position yet…

    I would prefer to see if we can get Moffitt back to what he was next summer before we give up on him..
    Possible Dennis Kelly
    Really frustrating to me to have no idea what to think of our backup OL and not knowing how many will be kept,,, think it’s safe to assume we don’t keep as many as last year,.

  252. 252 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:29 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’ll go with 8. Tobin, Moffit n Molk

  253. 253 GEAGLE said at 8:17 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Love that the last game is Thursday… Let’s hurry up and put an end to this preseason and hopefully get to the season healthy, ready to kick some ass and take names!!

  254. 254 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:25 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    I’m sold on Bradford and his QB skills. He’s been quite impressive. BUT, I’m still very concerned about his health – which was one of the reasons I didn’t like the trade. He’s taken a few big shots this preseason, and we just know there will be a-holes like Suggs taking cheap shots at him.

  255. 255 anon said at 9:04 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    Texans RB Chris Polk rushed 11 times for 22 yards in Sunday night’s third preseason game.

  256. 256 A_T_G said at 9:19 PM on August 30th, 2015:


  257. 257 A_T_G said at 9:24 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    In the Raiders game, Amari Cooper ran about an 8-yard out on second and six. When he turned to catch the ball he was looking directly into the sun, and the ball went right past him. The next play, on third down, Cooper ran the same route, QB made the same throw, and the Raiders punted.

    I have trouble imagining us calling that route in that situation. I find it impossible to believe we would do it twice, on consecutive plays.

  258. 258 JoeBlow said at 9:35 PM on August 30th, 2015:

    nate allen with 2 int’s