Dirty Bird Domination

Posted: September 14th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 1,152 Comments »

The Eagles are just getting dominated. All over the place.

The only thing keeping this from being a complete disaster is the lack of major injuries.

Eagles were down 17-0 at the half in last year’s opener. Also down 17 this year, but feels different. ATL is better team and Matt Ryan is a stud QB.

Ugly night. Gonna take some big plays to turn this around.




1,152 Comments on “Dirty Bird Domination”

  1. 1 John Galt said at 8:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Little disappointed in that half…

  2. 2 Joe Minx said at 8:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Way too much cocky shit talking in here the last week. This is why they actually play the games.

  3. 3 xeynon said at 8:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    For sure. The Eagles fanbase needed a reality check and the Falcons are serving one up in a big way.

  4. 4 phillychuck said at 8:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fan talk doesn’t mean squat.

    Chip Kelly on the street by mid-season? (just kidding…I think)

  5. 5 Joe Minx said at 8:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Has nothing do with the outcome but it makes it so when things like this happen it hurts twice as much.

  6. 6 Corry said at 8:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    the body language of the players is just bad.

  7. 7 Allen3000 said at 8:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    What makes it scary is that we aren’t simply making boneheaded plays…We are just getting dominated in all facets of the game. They are dominating the line of scrimmage.

  8. 8 Dizzie_D said at 8:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Of all games to play terribly in, there’s nothing worse than doing it in the first game; all the build-up and all that summer optimism drained away.

  9. 9 John Galt said at 8:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Tommy, I like the no major injuries storyline, I figure we can also go with, “at least they will be motivated for next week”

  10. 10 DarthBanner said at 8:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    At this rate the division race will be over by Halloween

  11. 11 DarthBanner said at 8:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So far every Chip Kelly offseason move is blowing up in his face.

  12. 12 xeynon said at 8:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    How dare you question the Tao of Chip!

  13. 13 John Galt said at 8:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Haven’t seen much of the ducker since about three mins after kick off

  14. 14 SteveH said at 8:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He’s been there. He’s depressed as any of us.

  15. 15 Corry said at 8:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s been a pretty good team effort to suck.

  16. 16 Donald Kalinowski said at 8:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wow. All this trash talk about the Cowboys and Eagles look worse than the Jaguars. Anyone else looking at 2016 mock drafts yet?

  17. 17 DarthBanner said at 8:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    and potential available coaches

  18. 18 Donald Kalinowski said at 8:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The offensive line sucks they’re getting dominated.

  19. 19 botto said at 8:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can’t wait for the game to start

  20. 20 D3FB said at 8:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hold me.

  21. 21 SteveH said at 8:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Suicide pact D3FB?

  22. 22 D3FB said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s been one half.

    If we look like this week 4 then sure.

  23. 23 teltschikfakeout88 said at 8:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The OL is not getting any push…they are getting worked…..this game is making me question whether Peters is on the STEEP decline or just a bad half….

  24. 24 phillychuck said at 8:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So what would be the minimum acceptable 2nd half performance?

  25. 25 John Galt said at 8:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  26. 26 teltschikfakeout88 said at 8:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Need the D to get a quick three and out….

  27. 27 Greg Richards said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Need the D to sack Ryan, knocking him from game, and return the forced fumble for a TD.

  28. 28 Donald Kalinowski said at 8:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maybe Heath Evans was right

  29. 29 xeynon said at 8:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Reality check time, guys.

    The Eagles have an offensive line that starts a couple of completely mediocre non-entities and has no depth.

    The Eagles have a young receiving corps that, while talented, lacks experience in pressure situations.

    The Eagles have a quarterback who has always struggled to throw the ball deep and doesn’t deal well with pressure.

    The Eagles have a secondary with a lot of question marks in it.

    These are all weaknesses that have been there all along. One good half against the Packers did not erase them. They are weaknesses that will hamper the team throughout the year and are the reasons it is likely not a Super Bowl contender. And they’re being exposed now.

    This team is still good enough to make the playoffs however. Readjust your expectations to realistic levels and enjoy the season.

  30. 30 Corry said at 8:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    From what I’ve seen, they’re actually not good enough to make the playoffs. They’re being dominated in the trenches, receivers can’t catch, and Bill Davis still has no idea how to defend against the deep pass.

  31. 31 phillychuck said at 8:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Is it that easy to game plan for our offense? Looks a lot different than pre-season.

  32. 32 Flyineagle45 said at 8:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hey my tv is on espn I thought the eagles were supposed to play tonight?

  33. 33 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Turn it off. Trust me.

  34. 34 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They’re attacking out guards with stunts. Ugh.

  35. 35 xeynon said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I can see Dan Quinn sitting in his office late at night analyzing the Eagles’ roster for weaknesses, seeing the names “Andrew Gardner” and “Allen Barbre” first on the depth chart, and thinking “Bingo”.

  36. 36 Greg Richards said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s always given our line trouble but they get better as year goes along.

  37. 37 BC1968 said at 8:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    A quick defensive stop here and give us false hope please.

  38. 38 Corry said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Kendricks on special teams?

  39. 39 Insomniac said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    WOW my professor lets us out early to catch the game and I come home to this? wtf happened?

  40. 40 Joe Minx said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Reality, unfortunately.

  41. 41 Insomniac said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m guessing the secondary is as advertised?

  42. 42 SteveH said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s too horrible to describe.

  43. 43 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Its worse than it looks.

  44. 44 OregonDucker said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nightmare in an alternate dimension.

  45. 45 SteveH said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cox again. Should have 2 on the game.

  46. 46 anon said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  47. 47 Corry said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    fletcher Cox with another sack. Refs desperately looking for a reason to throw a flag.

  48. 48 nicolajNN said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Could have for holding or hands to the face of Cox

  49. 49 BC1968 said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Don’t give up

  50. 50 GEAGLE said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If we are going to turn it around it has to start with trenches.. Simp,e as that… And ST give us a damn spark

  51. 51 BC1968 said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Please stop them

  52. 52 GEAGLE said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I knew Cox woke up wjen the ref stole his fumble

  53. 53 Insomniac said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cox penetration!

  54. 54 Iskar36 said at 8:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cox has to come up big right now…. and I’ll see myself out.

  55. 55 scratcherk said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  56. 56 shah8 said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    everything is better…

  57. 57 anon said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  58. 58 Corry said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    There ya go Thurmond! I take back the cracks about your tackling ability!

  59. 59 McNabbulousness said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    thurmond=ball hawk!

  60. 60 GEAGLE said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Settle down boys!,, back up in YThis bitch like WHOA!

  61. 61 JoeBlow said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    TD and we are right back in it!

  62. 62 SteveH said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  63. 63 BC1968 said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  64. 64 teltschikfakeout88 said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Thankyou…please get a TD ofense

  65. 65 xeynon said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wow… awful throw by Matt Ryan. That was Sanchezesque.

  66. 66 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    RUN THE BALL!!!!!!!!

  67. 67 Corry said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Must ahve gotten the Fipp stare at half time.

  68. 68 GEAGLE said at 8:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    JP put the run game on yor back daddy

  69. 69 Flyineagle45 said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Let’s get it

  70. 70 GEAGLE said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Make me pay Sammy

  71. 71 Ark87 said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Lessons of the half:

    1) 3/5 of a great line is not a good line

    2) fixed the X plays, broke everything else

    3) 2014 means nothing. Preseason means nothing.

    Once those 3 principles are established, we might be able to look like an NFL team in this second half

  72. 72 BlindChow said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No, we still gave up plenty of X plays…

  73. 73 Ark87 said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    More than 20 yards? They were passing with extreme ease. Didn’t see anything over the top. Our dismantling has been pretty systematic. Not sudden or as fluky as an x play.

  74. 74 D3FB said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    1. Dallas starts Leary and Free

    2. Shannhan has done a good job with play calling. Good play calling is like good pitch calling. It’s a brand new O so it’s not like the Eagles have a set number of plays to expect it’s alot of well the QB ran some of this successfully here the OC ran some successful stuff there, heres what we think they will do.

    3. There has been too much turnover for 2014 to mean anything and obviously preseason is preseaon.

  75. 75 xeynon said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    1.)Leary and Free are average NFL starters, possibly slightly better. That’s miles ahead of Barbre and Gardner, who might be the worst starting G combo in the league.

    2.)Other coaches get paid too. They’re going to call good plays sometimes. You have to be able to counter what they’re doing, or you shouldn’t be drawing a salary as an NFL coach.


  76. 76 Iskar36 said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Huge Huge play. Need to capitalize

  77. 77 Corry said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    that’s at least 3 dropped passes tonight.

  78. 78 Insomniac said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Get this comeback started

  79. 79 JoeBlow said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  80. 80 McNabbulousness said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    ask and you shall receive…i mean run…

  81. 81 shah8 said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    bradford turned down an open guy on the right for a covered Murray…

  82. 82 sonofdman said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Is noone getting open or is Bradford afraid to throw it?

  83. 83 BC1968 said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run. Nobody’s open?

  84. 84 anon said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    MD29 probably mising that OL

  85. 85 scratcherk said at 8:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  86. 86 scratcherk said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  87. 87 JoeBlow said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  88. 88 teltschikfakeout88 said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yes….a rushing TD??

  89. 89 shah8 said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah, just say no to the spirit of Andy, and run the ball.

  90. 90 SteveH said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  91. 91 dandynator said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  92. 92 Corry said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    THEY LIVE!!!!

  93. 93 GEAGLE said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! BANE JOHNSON BITCHES!! Kelce dogg!,

  94. 94 anon said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    ooh, just run outside

  95. 95 BC1968 said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    What a slow developing play, but who cares!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. 96 BlindChow said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wow, it’s like a different team.

  97. 97 Iskar36 said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s about fucking time.

  98. 98 Insomniac said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  99. 99 oreofestar said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Did something happen

  100. 100 anon said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    eagles pick and rush td by DM 29, back in the game.

  101. 101 wallacemnw said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Kelce wow.

  102. 102 SteveH said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The spirit of Dick Foles haunted the first half.

  103. 103 BC1968 said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wow, we couldn’t have asked for better

  104. 104 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So, was that style of handoff intentional? o_O

  105. 105 McNabbulousness said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    sanchize style!

  106. 106 Flyineagle45 said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m not gonna get my hopes up

  107. 107 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You’re learning son, you’re learning.

  108. 108 nicolajNN said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You will when we’re up at the 2 minute warning, then disappointment

  109. 109 BC1968 said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Stop laughing Dallas.

  110. 110 Greg Richards said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Okay, D, step up again!

  111. 111 GEAGLE said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    “Are you Not entertained???”-SPANIARD

  112. 112 wallacemnw said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If we pressure Ryan we have a shot.

  113. 113 GEAGLE said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We have a shot? They are lucky if they have a shot.. If they scored 20 in one half WTF are we capable of?

  114. 114 BC1968 said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  115. 115 GEAGLE said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn skippy

  116. 116 nicolajNN said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Honestly, I was about to complain about another outside run, then TD, whoops

  117. 117 FairOaks said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Negates the horrible TD at the end of the first half. Back down 10.

  118. 118 JoeBlow said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    yup score should be 13-10 right now

  119. 119 BC1968 said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Well Kiko had an amazing play, it evens out. Best team wins. Most of the time.

  120. 120 Insomniac said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I just saw the Kiko INT. Holy shittttttttttt

  121. 121 McNabbulousness said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    kelly’s going to have him practicing with the first team receivers this week

  122. 122 anon said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    eyha that was crazy. i’d say he “flashed”

  123. 123 BC1968 said at 8:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Defense dominated last drive, let’s do it again! That’s our defensive front! Best in the league!

  124. 124 xeynon said at 9:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Food for thought… has there ever been a C who accounted for a higher percentage of the overall value in an interior OL than Kelce does with this Eagles team? If I had to assign percentages I’d say it’s about Kelce 95%, Barbre 15%, Gardner -10%.

  125. 125 scratcherk said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    there is some funny math there.

  126. 126 xeynon said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The badness of Andrew Gardner can demolish the laws of mathematics. Demolishing an NFL offense is child’s play in comparison.

  127. 127 kevinlied said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The change in momentum coincided with (corresponded to?) my switch from beer to bourbon. Gonna be a rough morning tomorrow.

  128. 128 wallacemnw said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    you are not kidding.

  129. 129 BC1968 said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  130. 130 wallacemnw said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Need some ST help.

  131. 131 Flyineagle45 said at 9:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Do it again!!!

  132. 132 Insomniac said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Has Maxwell struggled against Julio?

  133. 133 Greg Richards said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  134. 134 anon said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    that’s putting it mildly

  135. 135 Insomniac said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ok I didn’t want to go by the box score but I guess its true

  136. 136 Ark87 said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Julio has been destroying us. He’s getting the Dez Bryant treatment. That is, pretend the elite WR doesn’t merit extra attention.

  137. 137 Insomniac said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Huh..I thought we just did that since we don’t have anyone that could cover him.

  138. 138 wallacemnw said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  139. 139 FairOaks said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That implies we were trying to cover him…

  140. 140 GEAGLE said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  141. 141 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run Blitz

  142. 142 BC1968 said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    COme one now, F them up!!!

  143. 143 BC1968 said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can’t let that happen, come on.

  144. 144 GEAGLE said at 9:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’ll give it to Maragos, he crushed him

  145. 145 Greg Richards said at 9:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Our run D needs to step it up.

  146. 146 Corry said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Holding or offensive PI.

  147. 147 anon said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  148. 148 GEAGLE said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Get EM boys… Time to EAT!!!!

  149. 149 BC1968 said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Offensive holding

  150. 150 FairOaks said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Offensive PI. Their second call for blocking before the pass, which is pretty rare.

  151. 151 BC1968 said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Chip made it known apparently. Good coaching

  152. 152 Flyineagle45 said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I think we used everything we had one that one defensive int

  153. 153 scratcherk said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Julio limping?

  154. 154 oreofestar said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Better not be I need him for fantasy

  155. 155 anon said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    so thisis your fault. What more could you need he’s probably got 30+ points

  156. 156 GEAGLE said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Time to Fuckn Eat,,, VINNY, I need you Bruh!!!

  157. 157 BC1968 said at 9:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yes, come on, don’t let that play happen.

  158. 158 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd down. We’re good on these right?

  159. 159 JoeBlow said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Come on get the stop on 3rd

  160. 160 anon said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No pass rush

  161. 161 Insomniac said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    How are we not getting pressure on an OL that has more injuries than we have on our team? (ok maybe I’m exaggerating there but still that OL is shit)

  162. 162 Greg Richards said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They’re going max protect.

  163. 163 GEAGLE said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Vinny I need you !!!

  164. 164 Corry said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jenkins couldn’t hang onto that one either. DAMMIT FEATHERSTONE!

  165. 165 scratcherk said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  166. 166 anon said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    he needs to stay on the juggs machine, like don’t even go home next week

  167. 167 SteveH said at 9:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Malcom needs to start using stick’em.

  168. 168 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  169. 169 wallacemnw said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    pass rush helps

  170. 170 BC1968 said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Game is turning like last FUCKING YEAR

  171. 171 Iskar36 said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    For fuck sake Jenkins! Catch the ball!!!!!!

  172. 172 BlindChow said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jenkins needs Jugs time.

  173. 173 scratcherk said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  174. 174 BC1968 said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Punt return TD

  175. 175 ConcussedFB said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nice catch fork hands.

  176. 176 scratcherk said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Not even forks. Sporks.

  177. 177 Corry said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ok, now that shit was impressive.

  178. 178 xeynon said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Malcolm Jenkins will not surrender his crown as the NFL leader in dropped interceptions without a fight.

  179. 179 wallacemnw said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3 tonight?

  180. 180 Flyineagle45 said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    All the DBS need to catch 1000 balls after training

  181. 181 dandynator said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    fletch is dominating so far

  182. 182 Insomniac said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    as expected

  183. 183 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Boykin woulda caught that.

  184. 184 shah8 said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Matt Ryan has lost some composure. Making some wild throws…

  185. 185 anon said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    thats what happens when you get pass rush

  186. 186 shah8 said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  187. 187 SteveH said at 9:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fletcher Cox beasting out here this game, should have 2 sacks and a FF already. He’s gonna make some seriously money.

  188. 188 BC1968 said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Well we need to prove we can drive the ball. Heavy dose of running and they can’t go full on to our QB, then big plays will happen.

  189. 189 anon said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    yeah i’d prefer to have MJ catch the ball and leave us in + territory

  190. 190 BC1968 said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shit luck punt.

  191. 191 Lewwyn said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jeez what a punt.

  192. 192 Insomniac said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    whoa what a punt

  193. 193 Greg Richards said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn, sorry luck.

  194. 194 scratcherk said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Somewhere, Kempski just spluged his pants.

  195. 195 CrackSammich said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Literally can’t catch a bounce.

  196. 196 miked718 said at 9:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jenkins needs some time with the JUGS

  197. 197 Lee Yan said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    two dropped int for jenkins

  198. 198 Flyineagle45 said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wait the falcons had a punter activated?!?

  199. 199 BC1968 said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    2nd punt, can’t say that after the 1st

  200. 200 GEAGLE said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Go unbalanced line, move Quicker Lane outside of JP and run right at Beasly

  201. 201 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    RUN THE FUCKING BALL!!!!!!! We have $60 million in our backfield.

  202. 202 Corry said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Peters not having a good day

  203. 203 Greg Richards said at 9:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’d like Ryan Mathews to get some time.

  204. 204 BC1968 said at 9:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Won’t lose much on that.

  205. 205 GEAGLE said at 9:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Get Jordan going and stop playing with them

  206. 206 Corry said at 9:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    how is that not a penalty for leading with the crown of the helmet?!

  207. 207 FairOaks said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He didn’t count as defenseless but I thought that was illegal regardless?

  208. 208 SteveH said at 9:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    holy shit that was direct helmet to helmet and Mathews popped right up.

  209. 209 GEAGLE said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    BEASTMODE.. Looked pissed too

  210. 210 BC1968 said at 9:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Falcons celebrating, Matthews all business

  211. 211 shah8 said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    again, passes are way too short.

  212. 212 BC1968 said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Big time 1st down

  213. 213 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  214. 214 scratcherk said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    two flags.

  215. 215 anon said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    coming all the way back

  216. 216 BC1968 said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  217. 217 GEAGLE said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You can’t throw a flag on every Fuxkin play

  218. 218 scratcherk said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  219. 219 Insomniac said at 9:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    dink and dunk offense so far?

  220. 220 BC1968 said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  221. 221 scratcherk said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  222. 222 scratcherk said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  223. 223 BC1968 said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That play looks good if they run it right.

  224. 224 Flyineagle45 said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I h8 this so much and my neighbors can’t stand me right now

  225. 225 GEAGLE said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Get me the POPE!!!

  226. 226 GEAGLE said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    There it is!!!

  227. 227 scratcherk said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  228. 228 Corry said at 9:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh no…no no no.

  229. 229 GEAGLE said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Relax he is a beast

  230. 230 BC1968 said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    WOWOW What a run! THen shit, he’s hurt. He’s ok

  231. 231 scratcherk said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  232. 232 anon said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    dislocated shoulder

  233. 233 scratcherk said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    slammed his head on the ground

  234. 234 GEAGLE said at 9:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Looked like he was fine trying to get the trainer to leave him alone

  235. 235 shah8 said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Again, pass are WAY TOO SHORT.

    We’re basically punting on the higher reward for higher risk when we pass as opposed to running.

  236. 236 GEAGLE said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Come on trainer, leave him alone, he is fine

  237. 237 BC1968 said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He looks good.

  238. 238 McNabbulousness said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    soft ass fucking calls by the refs

    missed a huge targeting hit on matthews

  239. 239 Insomniac said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    o no huff and cooper are in?

  240. 240 BC1968 said at 9:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Looking like the better team now

  241. 241 BC1968 said at 9:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  242. 242 Flyineagle45 said at 9:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This is our superbowl

  243. 243 BC1968 said at 9:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  244. 244 GEAGLE said at 9:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Flags are a joke… Just call a flag on anything we do

  245. 245 GEAGLE said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nvmd,, dumb rookie

  246. 246 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sproles time

  247. 247 Greg Richards said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    These refs are horrible.

  248. 248 BC1968 said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  249. 249 scratcherk said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  250. 250 xeynon said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hey, a contribution from Agholor!

  251. 251 BC1968 said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run after the fucking catch !!!!

  252. 252 GEAGLE said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  253. 253 Corry said at 9:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Rhythm. We got a rhythm.

  254. 254 BC1968 said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Strong arm.

  255. 255 scratcherk said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  256. 256 GEAGLE said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The crowd keeps screwing with me. Eagkes fans cheer so loud I think the Falcons made a play

  257. 257 Spooonius said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    wearing them down now…

  258. 258 Ark87 said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    feels like more penalties this game than the entire preseason

  259. 259 Spooonius said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    time to go for it all

  260. 260 anon said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    look how small ck’s play card is

  261. 261 Flyineagle45 said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They can’t play this way against buffalo! I have to get a bills logo tat if they do

  262. 262 79mr2t said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run the ball!

  263. 263 GEAGLE said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Why you breathing like that defense!???

  264. 264 Insomniac said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You know what I quite like Miles Austin now that’s he’s not a dirty Cowgirl

  265. 265 scratcherk said at 9:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  266. 266 GEAGLE said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Falcons getting ran the fuck over

  267. 267 Corry said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This officiating crew is calling EVERYTHING.

  268. 268 scratcherk said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  269. 269 GEAGLE said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jesus this is a joke

  270. 270 Spooonius said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    there was nothing there

  271. 271 Spooonius said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    well at least now the refs can see holding

  272. 272 BC1968 said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Guess you can’t overcome everyfuckingthing

  273. 273 scratcherk said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  274. 274 xeynon said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Alright, we’ve got them gassed. Keep running plays.

    But goddamn, dem penalties dough’.

  275. 275 GEAGLE said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That call was absurd

  276. 276 BC1968 said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  277. 277 Spooonius said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    no flag>?!!?!?

  278. 278 Insomniac said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    hey refs ..l..

  279. 279 BC1968 said at 9:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We are wearing them down. 3 RB”S, tearing them apart.

  280. 280 GEAGLE said at 9:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Why you breathing defense? Ryan !athews fresh running Falcons the fuck over

  281. 281 SteveH said at 9:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    “Darren Sproles scatting out of the backfield” …

    I don’t think scatting means what Gruden thinks it means.

  282. 282 scratcherk said at 9:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  283. 283 GEAGLE said at 9:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Looked ok

  284. 284 Corry said at 9:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He’ll be fine. he’s tough.

  285. 285 BC1968 said at 9:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He’ll be back.

  286. 286 GEAGLE said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Carry us LANE!!!!

  287. 287 scratcherk said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Celek helping out

  288. 288 Insomniac said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    o nononononono

  289. 289 Greg Richards said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Peters out.

  290. 290 Corry said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  291. 291 scratcherk said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  292. 292 GEAGLE said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yo he facemaksked Sproles you better cakk that ref

  293. 293 BC1968 said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Facemask baby!!!

  294. 294 BlindChow said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Even the Falcons refs couldnt pretend that didnt happen…

  295. 295 Michael Winter Cho said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn I love sproles

  296. 296 scratcherk said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    thank you, i thought they wouldnt call it

  297. 297 nicolajNN said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Surprised they didn’t find something to call on us to offset

  298. 298 Insomniac said at 9:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Paging Belichick, you will be hunted down if Tobin sucks

  299. 299 GEAGLE said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nah he is solid on the left side.l sucks on the right

  300. 300 anon said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    sproles might be the best player on this team

  301. 301 GEAGLE said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run Falcons the fuck over!!!

  302. 302 79mr2t said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  303. 303 BC1968 said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  304. 304 Corry said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Peters was back in.

  305. 305 wallacemnw said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  306. 306 BC1968 said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We are rolling now, F this

  307. 307 GEAGLE said at 9:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ryan Mathews,,. Where’s the battering RAM!!!

  308. 308 scratcherk said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Peters back

  309. 309 scratcherk said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  310. 310 Spooonius said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    easy peasy

  311. 311 Corry said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Someone get that ball for Bradford!

  312. 312 wallacemnw said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Thank god Peters was not seriously hurt.

  313. 313 GEAGLE said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    BOOM!! Back up in this bitch like WHOA!!!

  314. 314 Insomniac said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Let Murray hit the holes through the middle wth

  315. 315 Flyineagle45 said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The refs are pornstars in disguise effing us so good

  316. 316 Lewwyn said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Holy crap that drive

  317. 317 GEAGLE said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Funny, I didn’t see Cowboys RBs do that last night.

  318. 318 BC1968 said at 9:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    2 Touchdowns from the old Cowboy. There’s a new Eagles in town baby!!!

  319. 319 wallacemnw said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    4 10 yd penalties.

  320. 320 Corry said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    On some really weak calls.

  321. 321 BC1968 said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Leave all the crying bitches in the first half thread.

  322. 322 anon said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    glad we started a new thread

  323. 323 BC1968 said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    LOL that was the key last year. I think it’s part of the game plan.

  324. 324 Iskar36 said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I blame Tommy for the bad start. Clearly set us up with bad juju in the first thread. Needs to do a better job at putting us in a position to win.

  325. 325 BC1968 said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yep, can’t mess up the Eagles’ juju.

  326. 326 oreofestar said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    woah woah woah

  327. 327 BC1968 said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Someone had the team at 2-4 wins, just a few really bad comments. It was sad to see.

  328. 328 Iskar36 said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That was a fantastic drive. Overcoming several big penalties. Moving the ball down the field. Keeping the defense on their heels. Fantastic to see that.

  329. 329 nicolajNN said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So that was like a 120 yard drive right?

  330. 330 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So did we gain like 150 yards on that drive?

  331. 331 GEAGLE said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Tempo tempo tempo, and our backs are still fresh, ready to steamroll you bitches

  332. 332 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Like I said…I was hoping for improvement in the 2nd half….I think we are seeing it…

  333. 333 OregonDucker said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I felt that if I didn’t comment we would score. I will shutup now.

  334. 334 Insomniac said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    lol nope. they started scoring because I started watching 😉

  335. 335 Nelson ALGore said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    please continue with the hot hand

  336. 336 OregonDucker said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No comment!

  337. 337 Greg Richards said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Then it’s your damn fault they were struggling in the 1st half! You must be punished!

  338. 338 Nelson ALGore said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    no watching the 1st half of all games this year

  339. 339 Insomniac said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    traffic was a beach…and that was in the parking garage ughh

  340. 340 Nelson ALGore said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    good job knew we ‘re due

  341. 341 Corry said at 9:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    THAT drive is what I expected in the first half.

  342. 342 anon said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    now we just need some downfield passing.

  343. 343 Corry said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The defense will loosen up if we keep feasting on them with these dump offs. They’ll have to adjust.

  344. 344 BlindChow said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Without the penalties?

  345. 345 Corry said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’d be preferred. But honestly, some of those calls were just weak.

  346. 346 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The call on kelce was a joke…

  347. 347 Nelson ALGore said at 9:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    kelce with that invisible hold really a vet move

  348. 348 Nelson ALGore said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Glad to get the TD but even happier to see JP back on the field

  349. 349 Jernst said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Times a thousand. He’s second only to Bradford in the can’t lose category.

  350. 350 MattE said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He is a savvy vet he needed a water break.

  351. 351 Lewwyn said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Now I think the Falcons are gonna be tired, tired, tired. And our D just got some much needed rest.

  352. 352 GEAGLE said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ryan the battering Ram Mathews is fresh and ready to run dudes over, I infinitely appologize for all the shit I talked about him these past 5 years

  353. 353 Jernst said at 9:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sorry guys…I had the wrong shirt on under my jersey. That whole first half was on me. Problem has been fixed. All is right with the world again.

  354. 354 A_T_G said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We knew it was your fault. We were just trying to be polite. It is about damn time, though.

  355. 355 Flyineagle45 said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If this was god of war we would be fighting the sisters of fate right now. I feel like every play there’s something we have to overcome

  356. 356 oreofestar said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I did watch that drive, nice I’ve cooled down let’s win this

  357. 357 BC1968 said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Down 3 points that fast. 1 int, 1 defensive stops, 1 short drive 1 long drive. Thank to Matthews, Sproles, Murray, Bradford, O-line playing better. We are fucking rolling!

  358. 358 nathaniel driver said at 9:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Worried about the Pope — any news?

  359. 359 Corry said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He’s fine. was back on the field.

  360. 360 nathaniel driver said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    good – I missed that. Thanks!

  361. 361 GEAGLE said at 9:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He is a thug, in a good way, not the fake DEsean way… He was telling the trainer he was fine, but trainer insisted on cuncossion protocol.. He is fine.. BLESSED even…

  362. 362 BlindChow said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He’s back in.

  363. 363 GEAGLE said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bennie is, time to spike Matt Ryan into the turf,. Make it hurt a bit

  364. 364 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    More Cox!!!!

  365. 365 Corry said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    C’mon D. Keep the momentum on our side.

  366. 366 botto said at 9:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn chip trolled us hard that first half

  367. 367 Insomniac said at 9:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He needed some fodder for the media to write about

  368. 368 nicolajNN said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t feel like we did anything really different, the ol just started blocking

  369. 369 FairOaks said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It can also take time for the pace to wear down a defense.

  370. 370 nicolajNN said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  371. 371 79mr2t said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Time to put these bitches in their place. I want domination this entire 2nd half.

  372. 372 GEAGLE said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s comin…. Time to eat

  373. 373 79mr2t said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hell ya! Serve it up boys.

  374. 374 GEAGLE said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    B Dot Grizzle.. Need that fumble in my life daddy

  375. 375 BC1968 said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Penetration baby.

  376. 376 BC1968 said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This weird thing called adjustments, wow

  377. 377 scratcherk said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Foreign concept with andy

  378. 378 Corry said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  379. 379 Insomniac said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn Kendricks got in the backfield so fast

  380. 380 BC1968 said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    HOld easy call.

  381. 381 A_T_G said at 9:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cox put Ryan horizontal with one hand on that replay.

  382. 382 Nelson ALGore said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    serving some graham and curry with a tall mug of barwin

  383. 383 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I like that Hankerson guy.

  384. 384 BC1968 said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    ATL trying to hang on for dear life.

  385. 385 Corry said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Curry read that one.

  386. 386 BC1968 said at 9:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  387. 387 wallacemnw said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  388. 388 A_T_G said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    How is that not grounding?

  389. 389 BC1968 said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Threw it in the ground. I know, I’m being greedy.

  390. 390 Corry said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh come on D!

  391. 391 scratcherk said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  392. 392 anon said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  393. 393 BC1968 said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s a killer.

  394. 394 Corry said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    and hold on Kendricks. Kelce was called for less.

  395. 395 Jernst said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    that call on kelce was pathetic, he kept disengaging and punch the guy in the shoulder pads. It was text book blocking.

  396. 396 A_T_G said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Rolled the dice too many time.

  397. 397 wallacemnw said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  398. 398 BC1968 said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    INT time

  399. 399 Greg Richards said at 9:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    How the hell do you give up a 20-yd run on 3rd and 15?

  400. 400 SteveH said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd and long was our problem last year too.

  401. 401 FairOaks said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  402. 402 scratcherk said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    we didnt blitz

  403. 403 FairOaks said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ugh, you’re right. Rushed four and they got an OL on Kendricks and wrapped him up.

  404. 404 BobSmith77 said at 9:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This team has to be bottom 5 since Davis took over on stooping 3 & 10+ situations.

  405. 405 BlindChow said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Billy Davis

  406. 406 GEAGLE said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That pissed me off. They need to pay

  407. 407 Insomniac said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  408. 408 wallacemnw said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Huge chance; Lost.

  409. 409 GEAGLE said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Time to eat!!!

  410. 410 ConcussedFB said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The holding calls are going from ticky tack to how the F did you miss that>?

  411. 411 BC1968 said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    WE got it

  412. 412 Flyineagle45 said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    When did the falcons get Adrian peterson

  413. 413 GEAGLE said at 9:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Attaboy BG,, they got to pay daddy

  414. 414 Corry said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Too many missed tackles. Come on guys. Quit sliding off.

  415. 415 GEAGLE said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Punish them

  416. 416 BC1968 said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    K they were bound to get something, let’s stop them now.

  417. 417 A_T_G said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Get that ball.

  418. 418 BobSmith77 said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Too many missed tackles

  419. 419 Greg Richards said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Refs missed holding call on that run on 3rd and 15.

  420. 420 anon said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    wouldn’t be the first one.

  421. 421 scratcherk said at 9:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    they didnt miss any on us

  422. 422 Jernst said at 9:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    thats for sure

  423. 423 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Refs ran out of flags when we are on D

  424. 424 79mr2t said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gimmie a turnover

  425. 425 FairOaks said at 9:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Play-action pass coming soon?

  426. 426 Jernst said at 9:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    that’s a 100% possibility. If we’re not ready for it Davis needs to be slapped.

  427. 427 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    But we don’t give up X plays?

  428. 428 Jernst said at 9:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    lactose intolerance

  429. 429 A_T_G said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    As soon as Julio comes back.

  430. 430 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Big run by tevin Coleman….kiko was close to making a play….but didn’t.

  431. 431 BobSmith77 said at 9:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Kiko looks a step behind the action yet and dear lord Ryans look like he is running with lead weights in his shoes.

  432. 432 BC1968 said at 9:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We need a big time play. Please!!!!!!!!

  433. 433 BC1968 said at 9:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Big 3rd down

  434. 434 GEAGLE said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Not losing to a pack of hitches who are up on,y 3 at home and need to kill clock to save its defense from being sodomized..TAKE OVER!!!

  435. 435 Corry said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Byron Maxwell….why?

  436. 436 scratcherk said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    maxwell getting burned on slants

  437. 437 BobSmith77 said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can that to almost any pass play. He’s been just flat out bad tonight.

  438. 438 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell burnt

  439. 439 BlindChow said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They’re actually targetting Maxwell. Money well spent.

  440. 440 Flyineagle45 said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wasn’t maxwell supposed to be legit

  441. 441 Greg Richards said at 9:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    GD, Maxwell.

  442. 442 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell needs to wake up and smell the coffee

  443. 443 Insomniac said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell looking like Sconces

  444. 444 79mr2t said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell needs to start earnng some of that money.

  445. 445 scratcherk said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    our caverage is terrible

  446. 446 Greg Richards said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Okay, have to stop them here outside of FG range.

  447. 447 GEAGLE said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sack fumble… Get home boys!, gotta eat NOW!

  448. 448 Corry said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bill Avis does this every goddamn game. We get the momentum, have things going our way and then they come up with a HUGE drive.

  449. 449 scratcherk said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    where does the Bill Avis thing come from?

  450. 450 Allen3000 said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bc the ‘D’ isn’t in him.

  451. 451 scratcherk said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ah… Clever.

  452. 452 Allen3000 said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    My guess is that it’s a play off a famous rap line. MC Eiht…I left out the G cuz it ain’t in you’

  453. 453 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Dude we have given up 3 points in the second half…cmon man….

  454. 454 Corry said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I posted this mid drive…when we weren’t stopping a thing.

  455. 455 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So you retract the comment or just want to wait till we get deeper in the 4th Q?? LOL

  456. 456 Corry said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nah. I have a deep distrust and dislike of Bill Davis. I think he’s often over matched and slow to make adjustments.

  457. 457 Flyineagle45 said at 9:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I wonder if fletcher stole maxwells jersey

  458. 458 anon said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    not seeing a big difference right now.

  459. 459 Greg Richards said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Our secondary still sucks.

  460. 460 Insomniac said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s the first week and we’re up against one of the better WR duos in the league..but yea a secondary made up of mostly journeymen DBs what do we expect?

  461. 461 anon said at 9:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    one high priced guy that’s gotten beat by a 34yo w/ bad knees

  462. 462 Insomniac said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    shit is Roddy that old?

  463. 463 Jernst said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    yea and he just had his tin man knee drained last week. and had elbow surgery and hasn’t played at all in the preseason. Maxwell is not earning is salary tonight.

  464. 464 Jernst said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell looks like garbage … I still have hope though, but not because I’ve seen him do anything today that’s reassuring

  465. 465 BobSmith77 said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Need to hold them to a fg here.

  466. 466 scratcherk said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    hold please

  467. 467 FairOaks said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wish granted.

  468. 468 scratcherk said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    INT please

  469. 469 GEAGLE said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maragos got trucked

  470. 470 Corry said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Do we not use our arms for tackling? Is that not allowed?

  471. 471 anon said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    thank god.

  472. 472 BC1968 said at 9:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yes love you holding.

  473. 473 BC1968 said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Tackled him

  474. 474 SeanofDead said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Poor tackle attempt by Kiko

  475. 475 GEAGLE said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They hold way worse then we do.. They better call that

  476. 476 anon said at 9:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    need a stop this drive is taking 4ever

  477. 477 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd and 7. Fucking hold them.

  478. 478 GEAGLE said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Vinny, I need you bruh.. Explode

  479. 479 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Barwin is god.

  480. 480 Corry said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So lucky to not get a flag there.

  481. 481 scratcherk said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Headsy play by Barwin

  482. 482 scratcherk said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I thought it was clever..

  483. 483 Iskar36 said at 9:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I see what you did there…

  484. 484 SteveH said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Whew, that’s using your head Barwin.

  485. 485 GEAGLE said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fuckin BARWIN… That guy is a stud

  486. 486 FairOaks said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If the receiver stopped for the underthrown pass it might have been an easy PI. Of course he would have taken a massive hit.

  487. 487 Iskar36 said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ooooffff, that was way to close.

  488. 488 BC1968 said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  489. 489 anon said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wow, matt ryan looks the other way it’s a TD, barwin looks good

  490. 490 79mr2t said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  491. 491 Flyineagle45 said at 9:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I know we are gonna lose still

  492. 492 BC1968 said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    K TD we are up by one.

  493. 493 GEAGLE said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Way to hold em… BIG TIME BOYS!?.. Now finish gassing and running this defense over

  494. 494 Greg Richards said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Down by 6. Need a quick TD so that if they score again, we’ll get ball again.

  495. 495 xeynon said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gonna disagree with you that that was an “excellent coverage play” by Barwin, Johnny. He got beat on the play and didn’t get his head around… a bit more contact or a better thrown pass and that’s either a pass interference penalty or a completion.

  496. 496 Corry said at 9:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    the way this officiating crew has been calling ticky tack stuff, we’re lucky it wasn’t a flag.

  497. 497 Jernst said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    luckily it hit his head before he hit the receiver. Once the ball is tipped, you can make as much contact as you want.

  498. 498 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’d argue with you but your logic makes to much sense…and I am no grudges appologist….

  499. 499 BlindChow said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    True about coverage, but the pressure forced a bad throw, so you can still credit the defense for the stop.

  500. 500 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I would agree with you, but I’m going to take every little break we get right now. Was Deion Sanders level coverage as far as I’m concerned.

  501. 501 Nelson ALGore said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    but it was still the difference between a td and a fg.

  502. 502 GEAGLE said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Dude, an OLB on a WR? You are asking a bit much… Just the fact we got out of that without the blitz getting home is HUGE… For not turning around he seems to time the dive as well as you could hope

  503. 503 xeynon said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m not saying Barwin should have been able to cover the guy well. Just that Jon Gruden, who’s paid for astute football commentary, said something really dumb.

  504. 504 nicolajNN said at 9:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Barwin’s smile seemed to show that he knew he got a little lucky there

  505. 505 Allen3000 said at 9:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shut your mouth and make a play on defense. SMH at trying to start sh*t with the opposing kicker.

  506. 506 Nelson ALGore said at 9:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    But why don’t they coach brawn to get his head around??? lol

  507. 507 BC1968 said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No matter what, we’ve recovered, we’re a real team, it took a bit to get going with all the new faces. I feel good about this team still.

  508. 508 BobSmith77 said at 9:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Another game, another night where the Eagles are likely to have to score 27-28 points to win this game.

  509. 509 anon said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  510. 510 BobSmith77 said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Davis has varied up the blitzes and brought more pressure from the edge but the Falcons have been hurt by Ryan this half. Some crappy reads and non throws have put the Eagles back into this game.

  511. 511 anon said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    pass rush starting to register, but we got SUPER lucky on that blitz

  512. 512 Allen3000 said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Agree, but it’s not crazy to expect our offense to score 27+ a game. Chip is an offense guru so it should be expected.

  513. 513 BobSmith77 said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah it is. Averaging 28 pts on offense is a very high expectation.

  514. 514 Allen3000 said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Against one of the worst defensive units in the NFL? I disagree.

  515. 515 SeanofDead said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Chip waving the cameraman out

  516. 516 scratcherk said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Lol at Chip shooing hte camera

  517. 517 BC1968 said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No kickoffs have been kicked short so the other team could recover it. Impressive.

  518. 518 Greg Richards said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Need to move the kickoff back to where it was before so KRs have a chance to make a play.

  519. 519 BC1968 said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Especially indoors where they can kick field goals if they want to.

  520. 520 A_T_G said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Never going to happen with the concussion concerns.

  521. 521 Insomniac said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Guys please. It’s not Maxwell playing but it’s Rowe having a jersey crisis.

  522. 522 Jernst said at 9:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I had the same problem earlier

  523. 523 Jarock said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Don’t we wish. Anyone else willing to admit Billy may be a bigger problem than the talent?

  524. 524 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Admit? I think its a repeated shout.

  525. 525 Allen3000 said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Lol. I was about to say….

  526. 526 Jarock said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sorry, heard a ton of “it’s the lack of talent in the secondary” this offseason. All I heard this summer was, “secondary is going to be so much better.”

  527. 527 Insomniac said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Possibly but I don’t think the assignments are the issue. Maxwell looks like he has more issues that we don’t know.

  528. 528 Jarock said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s the position the scheme puts the DB’s in over and over. I’m not saying that Maxwell is elite, but he was extremely solid last season in Seattle’s scheme. Playing for Billy, suddenly it’s torch city.

  529. 529 Flyineagle45 said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We are gonna need 27-35 a game

  530. 530 GEAGLE said at 9:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gas them, run them over

  531. 531 scratcherk said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  532. 532 GEAGLE said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Tempo!! Let’s go!!

  533. 533 scratcherk said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  534. 534 A_T_G said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We didn’t want to score too fast.

  535. 535 GEAGLE said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    POPE!!!! Bow down bitches

  536. 536 Corry said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.

  537. 537 SeanofDead said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Got em on their heels

  538. 538 BC1968 said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  539. 539 anon said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    sammy b getting clobbered, he’s going to be sore tomorrow.

  540. 540 BobSmith77 said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yup. The oline pass protection has left a lot to be desired and peters has notably struggled.

  541. 541 BobSmith77 said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford finally taking what the defense is giving him and getting it out quick.

  542. 542 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    About time that F’n Ertz contributes.

  543. 543 A_T_G said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Holy hell, Zach.

  544. 544 79mr2t said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  545. 545 BC1968 said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ertz so good. Sorry that was corny

  546. 546 scratcherk said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  547. 547 Corry said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  548. 548 Jarock said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That was a TD!!!! WTF refts??

  549. 549 GEAGLE said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    “LETS ROCK”-Al Bundy

  550. 550 scratcherk said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  551. 551 BC1968 said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Got his hand over

  552. 552 shah8 said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This drive is very pleasing to me.

  553. 553 scratcherk said at 9:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  554. 554 Allen3000 said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Beautiful drive. Love it!

  555. 555 GEAGLE said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  556. 556 anon said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Look at all you fair weather fans

  557. 557 BlindChow said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    To be fair (weather), they looked like hot garbage in the first half.

  558. 558 Insomniac said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Chip what the hell are you doing?? We’re scoring too fast!!!

  559. 559 BobSmith77 said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Trac meet time

  560. 560 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Barbre with the assist.

  561. 561 FairOaks said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sort of lead block in reverse.

  562. 562 BC1968 said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fucking lucky, that was a TD before….Red zone offense!!

  563. 563 anon said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    i needed that too, have matthews and bradford

  564. 564 BC1968 said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You got screwed, hope you still win though! Glad they scored!!

  565. 565 GEAGLE said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    My dogs think im nuts,, im standing on my coach with a joint in my mouth batting my chest like Tarzan

  566. 566 wallacemnw said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    My dog is terrified when shit goes bad.

  567. 567 A_T_G said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Chips challenge aversion just cost me 10 fantasy points.

    But I’m good with it.

  568. 568 SteveH said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I was going to complain about that too, but then I also have Ryan mathews, so I didn’t actually lose anything lol.

  569. 569 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Its one of those times, Chip is smart. 1st and goal from the 1? Don’t waste the challenge.

  570. 570 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hell yeah

  571. 571 Lewwyn said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  572. 572 SeanofDead said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    And Boom goes the dynamite!

  573. 573 Jarock said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hey D, need a stop!!!

  574. 574 79mr2t said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That took 2 whole minutes

  575. 575 FairOaks said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I believe that was Barbre who basically pushed everyone over the line after Mathews was stuffed at the one.

  576. 576 Insomniac said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Paging Sproles, we’re waiting for you to get into the TD lobby.

  577. 577 Mitchell said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sometimes I hate this rollercoaster ride, other times, I love it!

  578. 578 BlindChow said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Didn’t we hire a guy just to handle challenges?

  579. 579 BobSmith77 said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Kelly’s dating challenges?

  580. 580 Corry said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    In his defense, he’s got like 5 seconds to see the replay and then relay it.

  581. 581 xeynon said at 9:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Barbre scored that touchdown. Well done!

  582. 582 BC1968 said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh god, we need to copy and paste some of the 1st half comments. LOL

  583. 583 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Don’t tempt fate.

  584. 584 BC1968 said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Just like last year, we need the same result though. A better season too!

  585. 585 BC1968 said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Still need our defense to step up though.

  586. 586 Bob Brewer said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can we stop them please?

  587. 587 GEAGLE said at 9:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s the. TAKEOVER… “If they scored 20 in one half, WTF are we caoable of?”… Bout to find out! RUn AWAY with this… right Here, right now, STEP ON THEIR THROAT! They are ready to lay down,.. Just give them one last push

  588. 588 Greg Richards said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell needs to redeem himself with a pick-6.

  589. 589 wallacemnw said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford 2nd half: 13-14

  590. 590 Jarock said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Disturbingly reminded of the Jax game last season. Hope we get a similar result.

  591. 591 scratcherk said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Now thats waht i’m talking about baby

  592. 592 BobSmith77 said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So miss Stan Walters on the radio.

  593. 593 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    All too easy.

  594. 594 Corry said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh for cryin’ out loud.

  595. 595 scratcherk said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  596. 596 Bob Brewer said at 9:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s too easy.

  597. 597 BobSmith77 said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  598. 598 BC1968 said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Who made that call?

  599. 599 CrackSammich said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    real worried about that clock.

  600. 600 anon said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    maxwell getting mollywhopped like his name was fletcher

  601. 601 SeanofDead said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Asomoguah v2.0

  602. 602 GEAGLE said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shut it downs boys

  603. 603 xeynon said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So how much of his signing bonus should Maxwell have to return after this game?

  604. 604 scratcherk said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Going for that cheese

  605. 605 79mr2t said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    God damn maxwell

  606. 606 BC1968 said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  607. 607 Mitchell said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Im sorry but the only dbs who can single cover Jones are Sherman and Revis.

  608. 608 Jarock said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sherman got torched by Nick Foles this weekend. Beat deep twice. Got away with PI on the one too.

  609. 609 GEAGLE said at 9:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shhhhh let us pretend julio doesn’t do this every week… But Maxwell was paid 60mil? Julio was paid 70 for a fucking reason

  610. 610 BobSmith77 said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jenkins is so overrated and he got burnt often last year down the stretch too

  611. 611 SteveH said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I love how Matt Ryan faked that the wrong way lol.

  612. 612 BC1968 said at 9:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No hold? Or tackle? Wtf

  613. 613 A_T_G said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  614. 614 Greg Richards said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Eagles D is “Just let them score” so we can get ball back.

  615. 615 Bob Brewer said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I want to throw up on third downs….

  616. 616 BC1968 said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sack them out of FG range!!

  617. 617 BobSmith77 said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Crazy not to keep going against maxwell as much as they can. He is playing timid and not reacting well.

  618. 618 John Galt said at 9:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ball game play here. Get off the field!

  619. 619 anon said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  620. 620 Corry said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s like everyone shook off the rust at half time.

  621. 621 scratcherk said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    bryant is fucking money, ugh

  622. 622 John Galt said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Thank you quinn

  623. 623 John Galt said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn, thought he would miss for some reason

  624. 624 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fipp do your magic!!!!

  625. 625 Bob Brewer said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    For the love of Jebus miss it.

  626. 626 Allen3000 said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I get that it’s Julio Jones, but Max got absolutely burnt there. He can’t be this bad. He can’t be, can he???!!

  627. 627 anon said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    not seeing a big difference between him and williams today

  628. 628 BC1968 said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nice play, should Kendricks be out there?

  629. 629 Bob Brewer said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  630. 630 Greg Richards said at 9:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    46 yarder isn’t that hard.

  631. 631 Bob Brewer said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t want to rely on Parkey making it.

  632. 632 BC1968 said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We’ll take another td please.

  633. 633 BobSmith77 said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Davis and his vanilla blitzing schemes.

  634. 634 Insomniac said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Load up the RB train Chip.

  635. 635 Greg Richards said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Now, Eagles need to score but it’s be nice to use a little clock.

  636. 636 anon said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    have time for 2-3 more scoring drives

  637. 637 GEAGLE said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fuck the clock.. Score right away

  638. 638 nicolajNN said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah and Chip Kelley Eagles’ teams have proven to be great at that 🙁

  639. 639 John Galt said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This is that danger zone timewise where if we do score it leaves just the perfect amount of time for Ryan

  640. 640 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If we just give up another long pass, Falcons won’t burn much time either.

  641. 641 TXEaglesFan said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to Bryant making a field goal…I remember that 60 harder he hit back in 2006 to beat us after Westbrook amazing td

  642. 642 teltschikfakeout88 said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn X plays….but we did hang maxwell out to dry with 8 men in the box…

  643. 643 A_T_G said at 9:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Against one of the best. Last year, that was acTD against either corner.

  644. 644 BC1968 said at 9:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We need a td here, don’t want to go up only 1 and then shit my pants at the end of this stupid game.

  645. 645 wallacemnw said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  646. 646 scratcherk said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    at the end? oh, if only…

  647. 647 Flyineagle45 said at 9:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell should put some of that money in my paypal

  648. 648 Jarock said at 9:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Last team with the ball wins. Calling it now 🙂

  649. 649 scratcherk said at 9:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    O line is definitely the reason the O is doing better

  650. 650 BobSmith77 said at 9:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Watching billy Davis coach defense is like watching groundhog’s day.

  651. 651 sonofdman said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Watching billy Davis coach defense is like watching groundhog’s day.

  652. 652 BlindChow said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ugh, Matthews going backwards.

  653. 653 FairOaks said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hate the negative RAC. But, got the first down next play.

  654. 654 Corry said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jordan Matthews getting a work out.

  655. 655 Jarock said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gonna need a hot tub.

  656. 656 GEAGLE said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Tempo tempo tempo

  657. 657 scratcherk said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run please?

  658. 658 GEAGLE said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradfords completing like 90% this half

  659. 659 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We do have RBs don’t we?

  660. 660 Insomniac said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford needs his 50 throws first

  661. 661 BobSmith77 said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Don’t need no stinking rbs

  662. 662 BobSmith77 said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hell with running I guess

  663. 663 Corry said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Agholor first reception I believe.

  664. 664 Greg Richards said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd and 1. Big.

  665. 665 GEAGLE said at 9:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gash this Defense,,,

  666. 666 Greg Richards said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn, NFL Game Tracker.

  667. 667 BC1968 said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Wow nice

  668. 668 Corry said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Darren Sproles: Team MVP.

  669. 669 GEAGLE said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Let’s Go!!!!!

  670. 670 BobSmith77 said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sproles looks like he did last sept with fresh legs.

  671. 671 scratcherk said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    ALA Braxton

  672. 672 anon said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    say it again sproles might be best player on the team

  673. 673 BC1968 said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Madden spin

  674. 674 GEAGLE said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Foot on their neck!!!

  675. 675 Corry said at 9:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hold, Huff. Or Kelce.

  676. 676 GEAGLE said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Come on

  677. 677 TXEaglesFan said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sproles going to play until he is 45

  678. 678 scratcherk said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  679. 679 BobSmith77 said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s video game football.

  680. 680 79mr2t said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run, run, run.

  681. 681 GEAGLE said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Trample this D

  682. 682 FairOaks said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Legit call unfortunately.

  683. 683 BC1968 said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He threw him like a bitch

  684. 684 Jarock said at 10:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    At least that one was a legit penalty.

  685. 685 GEAGLE said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The body slam was almost worth it

  686. 686 BobSmith77 said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Stupid penalty

  687. 687 Corry said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Speaking of no adjustments, Quinn isn’t making any.

  688. 688 Allen3000 said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Why was that ‘an easy call to make.’ – Gruden ??? Yes he had the guy locked in his arms, but he wasn’t grabbing/holding the jersey. Whatever.

  689. 689 Allen3000 said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t think I caught the full replay. I guess it was an okay call, not going to complain too much.

  690. 690 BC1968 said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ok penalty ran the time you all wanted ran.

  691. 691 Insomniac said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Riley Cooper?????????????????

  692. 692 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Go for it.

  693. 693 John Galt said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  694. 694 scratcherk said at 10:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We will lose if we kick

  695. 695 anon said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    gotta go for it

  696. 696 BobSmith77 said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shotgun on 1 yard to go is fucking retarded.

  697. 697 xeynon said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yup. If there’s one play in football I hate more than that old swing pass to Todd Pinkston Reid used to run, it’s the shotgun run on short yardage. I watched that final 4th down play in the Seahawks/Rams game yesterday and facepalmed… just did it again.

  698. 698 DamonL86 said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    how do u not get 1 yard

  699. 699 Corry said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  700. 700 GEAGLE said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Defense will NEVER grow by protecting it… Gotta let them work it out on the battle field… All these new players, it’s the only way to grow… Whether we scored or need To get the ball back, defense still had to make a play to win…let’s go!!

  701. 701 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fipp fake.

  702. 702 John Galt said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This is gonna hurt

  703. 703 DamonL86 said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    great job

  704. 704 Corry said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  705. 705 Bob Brewer said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I knew it.

  706. 706 anon said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    yeah me too, WTF were they thinking

  707. 707 shah8 said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That last play, Bradford had to keep.

  708. 708 anon said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    they should have just gone for it, 4th and 1 and they’ve been moving the ball at will, don’ understand why you sette for a field goald there givne that the D gives up points on every drive.

  709. 709 Jarock said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh !@#$. That may be ballgame folks.

  710. 710 Corry said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    our idiot kicker.

  711. 711 BC1968 said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    OUr kicker SUCKS

  712. 712 Bob Brewer said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Dammit Parkey

  713. 713 John Galt said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gotta go there

  714. 714 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Inexcusable….in a dome…..that is all on parkey

  715. 715 Jernst said at 10:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    are you fucking kidding me

  716. 716 Insomniac said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  717. 717 GEAGLE said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This kid missed in a dome. Jesus Christ I didn’t want to have to worry about him… Take this over COX!!!

  718. 718 xeynon said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s officially time to start worrying about Parkey. Alex Henery disease.

  719. 719 BobSmith77 said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Coaches screw up so often and the call there was to slam it home twice with Murray or Matthews.

  720. 720 FairOaks said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We did try that on 3rd down…

  721. 721 BobSmith77 said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Out of the god damn shotgun

  722. 722 BC1968 said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hope he gets a redemption kick.

    Up to the defense now.

  723. 723 Greg Richards said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    WTF, Parkey.

    Young kickers are so unpredictable. Can look awesome one year and go into a tailspin the next.

  724. 724 CrackSammich said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    next call is an easy one…

  725. 725 oreofestar said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  726. 726 TXEaglesFan said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Waited to long to call for FG

  727. 727 Jernst said at 10:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    first off, Matthews wasn’t touched, he tripped over Kelces feet so the spot was bullshit. Then we miss a 44 yard FG…WTF.

    PS I hate these refs so goddamn bad

  728. 728 Jarock said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The third and ones are one of the few times I really wish Chip wasn’t so in love with the shotgun spread.

  729. 729 GEAGLE said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Could have hurried up, lined up and gOT the yard

  730. 730 BobSmith77 said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fucking retarded and one of the dumbest things coaches do. Odds are against it

  731. 731 Flyineagle45 said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Game over

  732. 732 BC1968 said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3 timeouts and defense needs to make a stand, that’s all there is to it.

  733. 733 EaglesFANqq said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Byron Maxwell sucks

  734. 734 Insomniac said at 10:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We need 3 stops, get down the field, and hope Parkey doesn’t miss? Man I don’t think that’ll happen..

  735. 735 BobSmith77 said at 10:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You have two backs who are supposed to be hammers and you don’t go for s conventional run on 3 & 1.

  736. 736 Allen3000 said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t get it either. ‘Turrible.’ – Barkley

  737. 737 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gotta run blitz here. Take risks. Need ball back.

  738. 738 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd and 1

  739. 739 TXEaglesFan said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd and one we were golden last year on D

  740. 740 John Galt said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bad timeout

  741. 741 anon said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Eagles getting held up and down the line. can’t get off blocks

  742. 742 BC1968 said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Game here.

  743. 743 GEAGLE said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This kid missed in the dome.. I can’t get over it

  744. 744 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gave up 9 on two obvious run plays….

  745. 745 Corry said at 10:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  746. 746 oreofestar said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Eff this

  747. 747 oreofestar said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I spoke too son?

  748. 748 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    God bless you Jenkins

  749. 749 GEAGLE said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Big boss play Malcom!!!

  750. 750 BlindChow said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    holy shit

  751. 751 shah8 said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    oh, god, still hope…

  752. 752 anon said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    jenkins can’t catch but he can tackle!

  753. 753 GEAGLE said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Like a Boss!!!

  754. 754 scratcherk said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  755. 755 TXEaglesFan said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I wish every play was 3rd and one for our defense

  756. 756 John Galt said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Get down there and make a kick kid

  757. 757 anon said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    need a TD

  758. 758 Corry said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh yeah. Screw the FG, go for the TD.

  759. 759 A_T_G said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He can kick the extra point.

  760. 760 BlindChow said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We hope.

  761. 761 Lewwyn said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    thank god

  762. 762 Jarock said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Last team with the ball . . . . thank you Falcons for giving it back to us 🙂

  763. 763 BobSmith77 said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Big time play

  764. 764 Lewwyn said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    my god my heart

  765. 765 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Was that a Billy Davis D making an adjustment? No f’n way!

  766. 766 GEAGLE said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I never hear any props for Billy whenever they make a play, but when the 60mil corner gets beat by the 70mil WR! Billy sucks..Yous are funny

  767. 767 Corry said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nope, still don’t trust him and definitely don’t like him.

  768. 768 GEAGLE said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sounds like a personal problem

  769. 769 Corry said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh yeah. it’s mostly an irrational hate.

  770. 770 Jernst said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell has been beaten by everyone tonight. He better get his shit together and fast.

  771. 771 GEAGLE said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He has been beaten by Julio and Roddy, who do this every week, when the pass rush don’t get home

  772. 772 Jernst said at 10:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sorry I expect my $66 million CB to make one single play. Just one. Julio, yes, he does this to everyone, Roddy, no, this isn’t 2008, it shouldn’t look that easy for him to get open any time he wants against a CB being paid that much money.

  773. 773 Jarock said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Billy is more than willing to bring pressure. Sometimes it comes up big, but it also puts the DB’s in a very difficult position consistently. Sorry, not crediting Billy for being Billy.

  774. 774 GEAGLE said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t think asking Maxwell to line up across from Roddy white is Billy’s fault.. You can’t ask your corner to stop the other teams #2, WTF are we doing?

  775. 775 Jarock said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The problem is every offensive coordinator knows what coverage the Eagles are going to use 90+ percent of the time. On top of that, they are asked to single cover a ton even when the team doesn’t blitz. Tough sledding for any corner.

  776. 776 Allen3000 said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They both brought their D- game tonight.

  777. 777 BC1968 said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Guess the game isn’t over yet. Like I said 3 stops and get the ball back. Parkey redemption. Oh nooooooo. Shitting pants officially

  778. 778 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Good, because I really hate those knock-off soiled jeans.

  779. 779 A_T_G said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He can redeem himself with an extra point kick.

  780. 780 Lee Yan said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    jenkins is the man

  781. 781 BobSmith77 said at 10:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Does Henery shank it left or right?

  782. 782 CrackSammich said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    go home, youre drunk.

  783. 783 BobSmith77 said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bad joke and no booze

  784. 784 Greg Richards said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If you’re ATL, do you dare punt to Sproles or just aim it out of bounds?

  785. 785 BC1968 said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Vegas gave the falcons 2 and a half. Wtf do they know? Geez.

  786. 786 Flyineagle45 said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Should have paid revis

  787. 787 Nelson ALGore said at 10:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I want a fucking touchdown don’t trust parkey the last month or so

  788. 788 Greg Richards said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Damn, good punt.

  789. 789 BC1968 said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s probably Parkey or nothing.

  790. 790 BlindChow said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    50 passes

  791. 791 BobSmith77 said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Stupid play calling. It was Reid like

  792. 792 SteveH said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jesus time waster of a completion there.

  793. 793 oreofestar said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Parley will likely have to redeem himself

  794. 794 DamonL86 said at 10:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    oh well

  795. 795 Insomniac said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t think I can handle this

  796. 796 Greg Richards said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3rd and 8.

  797. 797 BobSmith77 said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Blitz pickup has sucked tonight

  798. 798 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ball game….

  799. 799 DamonL86 said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  800. 800 BobSmith77 said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  801. 801 shah8 said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  802. 802 shah8 said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    There was just too damned much Andy Reid this game.

    Too damned much substitution of runs with super short passing.

  803. 803 shah8 said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We never had any business losing to the Falcons!

  804. 804 BobSmith77 said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Amen brother

  805. 805 Corry said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  806. 806 GEAGLE said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nooooooo,they can’t lose

  807. 807 Bob Brewer said at 10:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Deserved loss.

  808. 808 anon said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  809. 809 BC1968 said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  810. 810 BobSmith77 said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Matthews lack of strength there really hurt

  811. 811 Insomniac said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    52 throwing attempts.
    13 rushing attempts

    Did Andy come back?

  812. 812 FairOaks said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Right on the hands of Matthews….. ugh. Right through them, and he popped it up.

  813. 813 79mr2t said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  814. 814 oreofestar said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Eff Parkey

  815. 815 anon said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    i agree but wasn’t really parkey’s fault

  816. 816 oreofestar said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can’t miss from 42 in a dome

  817. 817 Jernst said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    exactly. no excuses

  818. 818 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  819. 819 Avery Greene said at 10:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bad play all around in every phase.

  820. 820 livingonapear said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can’t play that poorly in the first half and expect to win. Blerg.

    So now we hammer the Cowbos and feel better.

  821. 821 EaglesFANqq said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Good night suckers. Eagles suck and falcons defense does too

  822. 822 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford looked nervous….don’t understand what happened in that drive except we had to pass…really wish we had run game…for the other three quarters,,,,

  823. 823 Avery Greene said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford was fine, he didn’t drop the ball

  824. 824 BC1968 said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Exactly, he was practically perfect in the 2nd half.

  825. 825 Jernst said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    bradford is the real deal. Matthews dropped a clear first down that hit him square in both hands

  826. 826 BC1968 said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Falcons 6 points in the second half. Dropped int’s, one dropped TD. One dropped 3rd down pass, missed fg etc.

  827. 827 SteveH said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  828. 828 nicolajNN said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Aaaah, that familiar feeling of Eagles football *sigh*

  829. 829 Corry said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I can’t believe how angry I am right now.

  830. 830 Greg Richards said at 10:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Didn’t deserve to win. Can’t skip a half and then have to rely on your fricking kicker.l

  831. 831 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cmon man it was 42 yarder in a dome…..kickers get paid to score points too….

  832. 832 Joe Minx said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    44, but still.

  833. 833 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Like last year, I’m putting most of this loss on the coaching staff. Chip and Billy. Different personnel, but they look like exactly the same team.

  834. 834 Avery Greene said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Billy was terrible tonight

  835. 835 sonofdman said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Billy wasn’t great. But the offense didn’t show up in the first half and the defense held the Falcons to 6 in the second half.

  836. 836 Insomniac said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If getting Bradford means that we’ll throw 52 times in a game then maybe we should have signed more WRs instead of committing 10+ million per year in our RBs.

  837. 837 anon said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    we should spend more than $500k per guard.

  838. 838 Insomniac said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    ssssh Chip will think you’re a dumb dumb if you tell him that

  839. 839 anon said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    330yds, 2 picks, 1 td. Looks like a sanchez line to me.

  840. 840 Jarock said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Especially on 50+ passes. Nothing to see here kids.

  841. 841 BC1968 said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    NOt even close, 2nd pick was on receiver, first was on the offensive line. He killed it in the 2nd half.

  842. 842 Jarock said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford was Bradford. Captain checkdown and made a bad throw under pressure. Sure he was accurate on short passes, also gave us nothing down the field. Bad drop costs us a chance to win, but the first half was brutal. He is who I thought he was.

  843. 843 EaglesFANqq said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Check down??? They have no deep threat. Everything’s underneath

  844. 844 GEAGLE said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Did you see Brady throw all game in the Super Bowl short underneath crossers? This is how you Attack seattle/Falcon secondary scheme, and 4 verticals, RB underneath . kicker and the Pope came up short..

  845. 845 Jarock said at 10:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    OL gave the receivers time to get down the field. Bradford took the underneath throw every stinking time. We may not have a Desean style deep threat, but we have multiple guys who can get down the field when given time.

  846. 846 Nelson ALGore said at 10:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    bad throw? went right thru his fucking hands

    still think they looked better than giants and cowboys

  847. 847 Jarock said at 10:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The first pick was an awful throw. Second wasn’t his fault.

  848. 848 Flyineagle45 said at 10:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    #payrevis #hitthejugsson #0-1cleanthisshitup

  849. 849 79mr2t said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Run/pass ratio really pisses me off

  850. 850 GEAGLE said at 10:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I hear you, but Bradford completed like 90% in the second half, and we ran like 10 times that didn’t count cuz of holding…. This is on the kicker..PERIOD

  851. 851 79mr2t said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Parkey definitely has to make that and Bradford was great in the 2nd half but chip should have pushed the run game in the 1st half when we were playing like shit. Could have possibly turned the tide before the half.

  852. 852 GEAGLE said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I better see a Ornery Fucking team show up and make a Point against Dallas next week..as in, that game better be over by the second quarter. I’m sick.. Bradford was amazing.. I want to blame Chip, but if he can’t ask Cody to hit that kick im a dome then WTF are we doing? How can I put that on Chip, even tho I wanted to hurry up and go for that so bad.
    Fucking only a 3pt favorite was a fucking curse,.. Fuckin vegas

  853. 853 EaglesFANqq said at 10:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The eagles sucked. Chip sucked

  854. 854 Dragon_Eagle said at 10:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Parkey should’ve made that. But Chip and Billy have real issues that put this team in that situation. Did that team look any different than last year? Hardly. Chip needs to rethink his play calling and Billy needs to go.

  855. 855 DarthBanner said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Deserved to lose. Only showed up for a half and Parkey lost his clutch. Backs against the wall already in week two. Morons.

  856. 856 GuitarDreamer131 said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can’t lose these kinds of games…ugh…terrible.

  857. 857 anon said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    ACV was mentioning that foles always seemed to leave the field w/ the lead

  858. 858 GEAGLE said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford was awesome

  859. 859 BlindChow said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s when he had special teams and defense to make up for his turnovers.

  860. 860 ACViking said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    And what’s Bradford’s excuse for the first half?

    All I said abt Foles was that inside 2 minutes he’s excellent.

    Can’t say that abt Bradford yet

  861. 861 anon said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    0-2 is basically the season, i think it’s good we got punched in the mouth all that SB hype was too much

  862. 862 Joe Minx said at 10:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Completely unacceptable. Looked exactly like the same team from last year.

  863. 863 DarthBanner said at 10:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can we cut Maxwell? What would that cost?

  864. 864 Sean Stott said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Remember Asomugha?

  865. 865 Insomniac said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Don’t even need to go that far back to see the awful CBs we had. Rowe might be one in the making if he’s getting mentored like this.

  866. 866 McNabbulousness said at 10:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    kelly not being decisive on that fourth down was the turning point of the game. parkey needs to make that, but kelly needs to know wtf he’s going to do

  867. 867 McNabbulousness said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    and the right call was to go for it and not let the falcons drive down the field and bryant kick a fg with no time left

  868. 868 anon said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    all this $$ on RBs for that very reason. We were making fun of TC last night, CK going to get same reaction tomorrow

  869. 869 BobSmith77 said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This. Brutally stupid play calling there.

  870. 870 BobSmith77 said at 10:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford not to blame. This oline stuck tonight for the most part and yet again billy Davis can’t stop the pass or the big plays.

  871. 871 Allen3000 said at 10:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Pathetic showing. Never understood the sky high expectations. Secondary still has glaring holes (although I do think they will be better). Our O-Line has major issues that need corrected asap. Having Bradford drop back 50+ times a game is a disaster. You have the reigning NFL rushing champ paired with two legit RBs and still can’t run the ball? Still refuse to run it on 3rd and short.

    Yes, I’m mad. I’ll be fine in a few days. This team is fundamentally flawed and hopefully they haven’t bought into the hype.

  872. 872 Joe Minx said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford was getting obliterated most of the game. Poor guy will never hold up under these kinds of conditions. F’ing inexcusable.

  873. 873 DarthBanner said at 10:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maybe Chip shouldn’t have cut the two starting guards.

  874. 874 oreofestar said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I remember the last time we lost by this score, Saints game another awful game with bad kicking and dropped passes when it mattered

  875. 875 anon said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    63yds rushing today

  876. 876 Jernst said at 10:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    half of them were in garbage time at the end of the half while chip was determined to get sproles injured for literally nearly zero potential benefit

  877. 877 BlindChow said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I hope Chip learns a lesson about going for it on 4th and 1. He got conservative last year too.

  878. 878 Bob Brewer said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It was the right call, just needed to be made sooner. But his hesitation to me means he doesn’t trust Parkey. That’s a bigger issue.

  879. 879 CrackSammich said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You’re hindsighting the shit out of that one. At that point in the game, you go for the lead.

  880. 880 BlindChow said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I was calling to go for it at the time. So was half the fan base, I bet.

  881. 881 Insomniac said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Do we blame Parkey? Yea it hurt to miss that but I don’t think that the Falcons will try to run the clock out if they were losing by one. Matt Ryan is great at 2 minute drills and Bryant can hit out from 50ish.

  882. 882 SteveH said at 10:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m not too pissed at Parkey because Chip ran him out there way late, he had almost no time between setup and snap.

  883. 883 Jernst said at 10:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    no excuse for chip not have made the decision whether to go or not on a 4th and 1 before he even made the choice to run on 3rd down. Gotta plan for the fact that it might fail and have your mind made up before the play clock is running down.

  884. 884 DarthBanner said at 10:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He’s showing more and more that he isn’t cut out for the job.

  885. 885 Jernst said at 10:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Well that’s just absurd. He’s plenty cut out for the job. He just waffled at a very important moment, that was inexcusable. But, he’s got two seasons worth of evidence that he’s at the very least a well above average head coach.

  886. 886 Sean Stott said at 10:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Eagles lost because:

    1. They didn’t play the first half
    2. Malcolm Jenkins missed 2 INTs
    3. Byron Maxwell struggled or at least was portrayed as struggling
    4. Butterfingers Matthews (I thought it was Cooper)
    5. Parkey.
    6. CK not being aggressive on 4th and very short.

  887. 887 anon said at 10:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    7. no pass rush

  888. 888 McNabbulousness said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    mostly right

    add bad refs/calls to that list and you’ve got it

  889. 889 Jernst said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    portrayed?? He got beaten like a red headed step child all game by every player he lined up against and didn’t make a single positive play. Definitely did not earn his paycheck at all tonight.

  890. 890 Insomniac said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    8. Not running the damn ball enough

  891. 891 BlindChow said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cooper actually caught everything that was thrown at him… Weird.

  892. 892 Corry said at 10:18 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    All the same damn mistakes of last year again. X plays on D. Imbalance in the run/pass. This is fucking stupid.

  893. 893 GuitarDreamer131 said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yup. And Billy Davis is absolutely out of his mind. YOU TAKE THEIR BEST PLAYER OUT OF THE GAME AND MAKE THEM BEAT YOU WITH SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!!!

  894. 894 MattE said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I hate everything

  895. 895 BobSmith77 said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Peters looked very mortal tonight and that is a huge red flag to me.

  896. 896 GuitarDreamer131 said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    other than that one bad play, I thought he was fine. Looked great on that screen to Mathews that got called back.

  897. 897 Joe Minx said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah. Got worked over by a rook. The kid is good but still. That was very troubling.

  898. 898 anon said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    might lose to speed rushers, he’s old.

  899. 899 teltschikfakeout88 said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The rook made one play….peters shut him out the entire second half….

  900. 900 BobSmith77 said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Struggled on several plays tonight including on a few stunts and blitzes.

  901. 901 Jarock said at 10:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s communication not talent. Problem with starting two new guards.

  902. 902 MattE said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  903. 903 oreofestar said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I kinda threw my iPad across the room lol glad it’s ok

  904. 904 BC1968 said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    One game, take your tissues then come back excited for next week.

  905. 905 Joe Minx said at 10:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    For once could we just fucking win one of these kinds of games? It seems like we lose way too damn many games that end exactly like this one did.

  906. 906 McNabbulousness said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    maxwell looked like bradley fucking fletcher tonight

  907. 907 GuitarDreamer131 said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yup. He sure did. Julio just absolutely ate him up. Terrible.

  908. 908 Flyineagle45 said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We blow gonna be a 4-12 season which blows because we might have just tried to get mariota.

  909. 909 unhinged said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    3 years into Kelly era and pressure on the QB without exotic blitzing is still an issue.

  910. 910 Jarock said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I am so sick of “it’s not Sam’s fault.” I’m not saying it was all him, but he was part of the problem. I’ll repeat Jaws concern and say, he’s got to be willing to stare down the barrel of the gun. Saw a ton of checkdowns and almost nothing down the field. 50+ attempts nets you 336 yards or 6.4 per attempt. That sucks people. That’s what Bradford has been his entire career as a pro.


  911. 911 Jernst said at 10:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford was nearly perfect in the second half and lead consecutive 92, 95 and 80 yard drives for TDs and then had a 4th drive where he was again perfect until his running backs tripped before getting through the line, but where he lead the team in position for what should be a nearly automatic lead. And, then, he hit our best WR directly in both his hands for a sure fire first down that was blantantly dropped. Shut up!

  912. 912 BC1968 said at 10:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He couldn’t have played any better in the second half and the int was a ball he threw into his OWN receiver’s hands.They weren’t running the ball, they depended on him in the second half and he led them to 21 points. Jernst you’re 100 percent correct.

  913. 913 Jernst said at 10:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If Bradford was the problem, I’m the new queen of England. Maxwell couldn’t cover me tonight and I’m a 5’9″ white guy. Our guards suck dick. Bradford got drilled 27 times tonight in the first half and when we finally gave him a bit of protection, yet with no run game, he lead 3 consecutive 92, 95, and 80 yard TD drives. Each of which took just over 2 min. What a joke that people are talking shit on his performance of all things.

  914. 914 BC1968 said at 10:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Completely agree, this town is “Blame the QB crazy” all the time no matter what. Some people find it unbelievable a team can lose and it not be the QB’s fault.

  915. 915 Spooonius said at 12:03 AM on September 15th, 2015:

    i should expect that reaction, but today it really surprises me. I’ll rewatch the game later, but for now I saw of reason for optimism. I didn’t think that they were going to win the Super Bowl tonight. Or lose it either for that matter.

  916. 916 xeynon said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I think Jarock is overreacting, but Bradford’s inability to throw deep effectively is a legitimate concern. It’s always been a weakness of his and we certainly can’t say this game is reason to forget about it.

  917. 917 BC1968 said at 10:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I thought Bradford has a strong arm. Isn’t that why Foles is gone?

  918. 918 xeynon said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah but throwing deep is about more than arm strength. It’s about anticipation, confidence, aggressiveness, being able to loft the ball correctly, not being too risk averse… those are all traits we know Foles has, Bradford not so much.

  919. 919 Jernst said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The issue has never been his ability to throw deep. He throws a beautiful and accurate deep ball and has many times. Yes he’s had a poor yards per completion numbers which, it’s not an excuse, its a fact, he had a shitty offensive line and no deep threats. But, whatever, I don’t feel like arguing what he did three years ago in St Louis. Nothing about tonight made me concerned about Bradford. In fact, quite the opposite. I was angry they took the ball out of his hands on that 3rd and 4 that we gained 3 yards. He was perfect all second half. Let him keep firing.

  920. 920 Insomniac said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Just one game man.

  921. 921 BobSmith77 said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Blitz pickup stunk tonight and the pass protection was shoddy most of the night.

  922. 922 xeynon said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m not gonna overreact based on one game, but this is a big concern of mine.

    Bradford has always sucked at throwing deep. Not struggled, not been mediocre, sucked. He’s one of the worst deep throwers in the league over the last 20 years. Defenders of the trade made that out to be all the fault of his receivers in St. Louis, but I think tonight is a piece of evidence that’s not necessarily the case. He’s going to have to learn to be more aggressive and decisive if this offense is going to reach its potential.

  923. 923 Joe Minx said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Need to see the All-22. If there were guys running free downfield I’ll agree. That wasn’t the sense I got watching it live though.

  924. 924 xmbk said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Stats and the eye test say otherwise. We’ll see.

  925. 925 xeynon said at 10:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Stats say he’s really bad at it. Both conventional, and advanced.

    The eye test, well.. he does throw a beautiful spiral and has a strong arm. But I don’t see him pull the trigger enough, which I think is part of his problem.

  926. 926 xmbk said at 5:40 AM on September 15th, 2015:

    There are some stats out there that disagree with you. I’ll link when I get a chance to find them again. But I definitely did not see all the open guys that were missed consistently by both qb’s last year, at least not on first watch.

  927. 927 BC1968 said at 10:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He got the shit beat out of him and still overcame it and they scored 21 second half points. Not a lot of QB’s could do that. Not sure if guys were open downfield, guess Tommy can analyze that. They didn’t hand the ball off at all though. That’s not fair at all to any QB with a pass rush killing you like that.

  928. 928 Jarock said at 10:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Beat the shit out of? He took less hits today than Foles did in any of his games last season. His stare down the receiver and throw it straight to the defense was as bad as any back foot throw Foles made last season too.

  929. 929 Jernst said at 11:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    you obviously didn’t watch the same game that I did

  930. 930 Jarock said at 10:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    6.4 per attempt. Stats highlight the concern.

  931. 931 xmbk said at 5:44 AM on September 15th, 2015:

    Funny, when Brady or Manning has second half like that, they are “picking the defense apart” or “taking what the defense is giving”. Crappy start for sure, but the disappointment has led to overreacting to the other extreme.

  932. 932 Joe Minx said at 10:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You really think Foles would have done any better in this? See pretty much all of his games from last year as evidence, cause this one was basically the exact same shit from this team all over again.

  933. 933 xeynon said at 10:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    For me it’s not necessarily that Foles would’ve done better. It’s that after the trade, everyone overemphasized Foles’ weaknesses and downplayed his strengths, while doing the perfect for Bradford. Bradford is not a perfect quarterback, even leaving his injury issues aside. He’s always been very bad at throwing the deep ball – much worse at it than Foles – and tonight he didn’t show any evidence that’s going to change. Lacking the deep ball in our arsenal will really hold this offense back unless the problem can be fixed.

  934. 934 xmbk said at 10:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No, everyone did not. As a matter of fact, after the trade most people did the opposite, as polls at the time show.

    And his deep ball is significantly better than Foles.

  935. 935 BC1968 said at 10:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I thought that was exactly the reason he took Bradford over Foles. Just because he didn’t throw deep balls doesn’t mean guys were open. He made a few nice, strong sideline throws. Well I can definitely name one that I pointed out that Foles could never make.

  936. 936 Jarock said at 10:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    All I’ve heard from the commentators all summer.

    As for his deep ball being better, he doesn’t pull the trigger, so arm strength means nothing.

  937. 937 xmbk said at 5:42 AM on September 15th, 2015:

    Didn’t see all the open deep shots that were overlooked last year, and were blatantly obvious even during live broadcast. Did you see some?

  938. 938 xeynon said at 10:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    People talked themselves into Bradford awfully quickly then.

    Foles’ stats (both conventional and advanced) suggest that he is a much more effective deep thrower than Bradford, over pretty large sample sizes for both players. It ain’t always pretty, but he’s willing to let it fly and allow his receivers to make a play, and occasionally he does throw an absolutely perfect deep ball (watch the throw he made to Austin in overtime yesterday – lofted into his hands between two receivers, just a thing of beauty). Bradford has a strong arm and throws a tight spiral. But he has never been effective throwing deep. The numbers are what they are.

  939. 939 xmbk said at 5:50 AM on September 15th, 2015:

    Don’t agree with what you keep saying about the stats. He had a magical season for sure. But holding the ball too long and throwing jump balls does not make you an effective deep ball thrower, just a desperate one. We’ll know more in a few games, but Bradford still looks like an upgrade to me. If the first half was an anomaly, he’s a significant upgrade.

    I like Foles, but watched the Rams game yesterday, and he is not a fit for our offense.

  940. 940 BC1968 said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ertz said that Bradford has a stronger arm than Luck, not sure about that, but not sure about where you’re getting that Bradford has a weak arm.

  941. 941 Jarock said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    For the record, never said his arm was weak. He’s not willing to throw down the field. He takes the checkdown almost every time. Arm strength is fine, willingness to let it go isn’t.

  942. 942 Jernst said at 10:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    None of us can comment on whether or not he missed downfield opportunities because none of us were watching the all 22 film. All we can see is what he did. Which was display pinpoint accuracy, play a nearly perfect 2nd half and single handedly make this offense look unstoppable as it drove up and down the length of the field 3 and half times to pull us back from the edge of defeat, while getting no help from his running game, no help from his WRs and under a well above average amount of pressure, if that’s Bradford’s “weakness”, sign me the F up!

  943. 943 Spooonius said at 11:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s what I saw. I could understand the hate if you switch the first and second half, but things started to click. Bradford took what was available and consistently moved the chains. They were much better on both sides of the ball in the second half. Losing sucks, but let’s not get crazy.

  944. 944 xeynon said at 10:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Where did I say he has a weak arm? I said he’s bad at throwing the deep ball. Those are two different things.

  945. 945 79mr2t said at 10:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Your a joke

  946. 946 Mitchell said at 10:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I thought he stared down the barrel several times. He got lit up quite often, IMO.

  947. 947 BC1968 said at 10:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He made some reads, stood in there and got blasted, you’re exactly right.

  948. 948 Avery Greene said at 10:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sam played well the 2nd half. I can’t blame him for the bad play around him.

  949. 949 MattE said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Dude I fucking quit

  950. 950 BobSmith77 said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bryan maxwell new nickname from my friend – the human torch. I am using it

  951. 951 MattE said at 10:20 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Fuck the birds

  952. 952 MattE said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They are shit

  953. 953 xeynon said at 10:21 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hopefully this cools off all the ridiculous hype and excessive cockiness we’ve seen around Eaglesword this preseason.

    It’s going to be a fun season, but this team is not a juggernaut and has some real weaknesses. We’d better get used to the idea that we’re going to lose our share of games this year.

  954. 954 Insomniac said at 10:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Secondary is still almost collegiate level despite some flashes.

  955. 955 oreofestar said at 10:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    if we beat the Gurls I’ll feel better but whenever we lose the week sucks

  956. 956 oreofestar said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Well good night, going to bed pissed but tgs is in 5 hours

  957. 957 D3FB said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    yayyyyyyyyy lets all overreact!!!!!!!!!!!

  958. 958 Insomniac said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    SCREW YOU BELICHICK YOU CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  959. 959 Avery Greene said at 10:23 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s the alcohol. Let me have this.

  960. 960 nicolajNN said at 10:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  961. 961 Corry said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I would however cut Parkey.

  962. 962 A_T_G said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    But, but… this is how the 0-16 Lions started out!

  963. 963 Jarock said at 10:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This weekend went about as bad as I can imagine. Cowboys play like garbage and still manage to win as the Midgets give away the game. Meanwhile Philly plays like Philly played most of last season. New personnel, same old issues. Lose on a heartbreaker, but didn’t look good most of the game. Going to hear a ton of !@#$ all week at work.

  964. 964 anon said at 10:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    no st, big difference

  965. 965 Iskar36 said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I understand this sarcastic sentiment, but the same can be said about the over optimism from the preseason. You can overreact in both directions.

  966. 966 D3FB said at 10:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Personally I would like to think most of the OMG 10 Superbowls!!! was a bit tongue in cheek.

    This team has a 7 win floor and a 12 game ceiling.

    But cut Parkey, Bradford is shit, Maxwell is trash, Billy Davis is a high school level coordinator, our OL is shit, blah blah blah.

    There is one trusim in football: You’re never as good as you think you are, and you’re never as bad as you think you are.

  967. 967 BC1968 said at 10:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Sanity from an Eagles’ fan after one game? You are truly off your rocker sir!!!!!!!!

  968. 968 Jarock said at 10:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    1. Parkey missed a kick. Tough break, but he’s been nicked so I’ll excuse it for now.
    2. Bradford played exactly like he did in St. Louis highlighting what those of us who questioned the trade have been saying since the beginning.
    3. Billy’s issues haven’t changed since his first season.
    4. OL was actually decent. Struggled a bit in the running game but gave Bradford plenty of time for 90+ percent of his 50 dropbacks.
    5. Agree with the sentiment, but concerned that the issues that the personnel changes were supposed to fix reared their ugly heads again today.

  969. 969 BC1968 said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    OL sucked the whole first half. When they finally played well, Bradford was nearly perfect and led them to 21 points in the 2nd half.

  970. 970 Joe Minx said at 10:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    OL was anything but decent. Worst OL performance I’ve seen in the Chip era, including last year when we were starting MOLK, Tobin, & Gardner. Unbelievably shameful.

  971. 971 Jarock said at 10:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Just rewatched the SF game the other day. Going to have to disagree with you. That OL was unbelievably inept that day. Zero sacks but no time either. I’ll rewatch this game sometime this week, but Bradford had time on the majority of this dropbacks. Sure he got rushed on a few blitzes and twists, but that’s going to happen. Was more disturbed by the lack of production in the running game, especially on our bread and butter play, the inside zone.

  972. 972 D3FB said at 11:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    2. That’s literally what the game plan called for. Several players said after the game that the Falcons were playing alot of zone so the coaches wanted to attack it with quick throws and let the guys get yards. You’re just finding reasons to be mad at him.

    3. No one seems to be able to cleanly explain what they want Billy to do better. Apparently since he cant simulataneously bracket a reciever, load the box versus the run, and blitz, people get mad. We came out and played alot of zone early, and they were painfully efficent. Then we went to a more conservative man and we couldn’t get pressure so they killed us on 20 yard drag routes. So we moved to a blitzing iso man coverage, and Julio Jones makes a couple nice plays. The concept that Billy doesn’t adjust somehow is wrong. They gave up 2 TDs. One of those on a very short field.

    We lost the game due to sloppy play, penalties, abandoning the run game. Things just kind of snowballed. It’s not some great unfixable issue. We aren’t the Raiders.

  973. 973 Jernst said at 11:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    best post in this thread…by far. People are looking to blame whatever individual boogie men they personally dislike to rationalize the loss.

    Really, we passed a lot in a game where we were down by tons of points, the defense couldn’t stop the opposing teams offense and our running game was going backwards?? No way! What an idiot Chip is for adjusting at half to a pass heavy attack that scored 3 consecutive TDs and got us back in a game we had every reason to lose.

    The only time we get any pressure is when Billy creates it with his scheme. We have terrible talent at CB it seems, and it’s Billy’s fault that no matter what coverage he calls we get beat.

    I just don’t get it

  974. 974 Spooonius said at 11:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    well said, well said.

  975. 975 Jarock said at 11:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    If our game plan is for Bradford to play like he did in St. Louis and check down everything, I have no idea why we traded for him. He was mediocre at best in St. Louis and his backups consistently put up similar numbers. I said at the time of the trade that we overpaid and now that we finally have real live action, he played exactly like he did in St. Louis. 6.4 yards per attempt is poor by any standard.

    I want Billy gone. His defensive moves are all reactions to what the other team does. Yes, he’s willing to change up, but his overall scheme stay the same and constantly puts his corners on the island even when they aren’t bringing pressure. He constantly fails to scheme to take away, or even limit, the other teams best player.

    I’ll agree that sloppy play hurt, but as to abandoning the run, we got nothing out of it early and were in a hole by the 2nd quarter. I’m merely pointing out that I saw the same exact thing a lot last season. That team went 10-6, but had major issues on defense and weren’t able to move the ball on offense against top defenses. Kelly made major changes in response, but the same things cropped up this game.

    I hope the Eagles started to read and believe their own press and will bounce back with a focused effort next week. Not saying that the problems are unfixable, but I wonder if the coaching staff is capable of correcting them.

  976. 976 scratcherk said at 10:25 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It was just a very sloppy game. And we still almost won. I’m not throwing in the towel on the season just yet.

  977. 977 jpate said at 10:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m sure its addressed but wtf is 52 passes to 16 rushes??

  978. 978 nicolajNN said at 10:28 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We had games like that last year too, don’t understand it, never even tried to establish run game

  979. 979 Joe Minx said at 10:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    OL sucked worse than any time I’ve seen them under Chip. Just like last year, basically had no choice but to throw every play.

  980. 980 BlindChow said at 10:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Last year there were games when we were averaging 5 yards per carry and we still wouldn’t run it. Kelly might have the same problem Reid had. Is there a virus in Philly?

  981. 981 Jernst said at 10:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    exactly. We were down by 17 at the half, our defense couldn’t stop anything, and our running backs were doing nothing. Complain about play calls all you want, those play calls got us back into the game and gave us every chance to win. The players sucking on the field and personnel moves/lack of personnel moves on the offensive line, were the problems.

  982. 982 Insomniac said at 10:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    To honor Belichick’s comment, START STEPHEN MORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  983. 983 nicolajNN said at 10:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cut that bum, couldn’t even offer enough emotional support to pull off win, let’s trade for Barkley

  984. 984 Insomniac said at 10:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    nah man Rex Grossman is still on the market

  985. 985 Flyineagle45 said at 10:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Shady and foles are gonna sleep well tonight

  986. 986 HawaiianEagle said at 10:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So much fir the dallas trap tame theory…

  987. 987 Corry said at 10:27 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Kelly at the podium.

  988. 988 BobSmith77 said at 10:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I wasn’t confident on this game and had the Falcons with the points. Make some adjustments and hopefully get a much needed win next week in a big game.

  989. 989 MattE said at 10:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Stone hand matthews

  990. 990 MattE said at 10:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We looked worse than Dallas and ny combined

  991. 991 FairOaks said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    In the first half. We looked just fine in the second. Problem was the first half was just too awful.

  992. 992 Jarock said at 11:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Mirror image of the Jags game. Better opponent, bitter result.

  993. 993 Jesús M Hernández said at 10:30 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This was a whole nightmare at 330 am in Europe… Why Matthews, why Parkey, why Chip….

    Ok overreactions aside, maxwell looked like fletcher today and I’m not too worried about the offense as I’m concerned about my emotions in Chip Kelly’s roller coaster

    Good night everyone

  994. 994 BobSmith77 said at 10:31 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The defense to me tonight was the bigger concern. That and the overall sloppy and unfocused play. This team wasn’t prepared to play and themselves a big hole on the 1st half.

  995. 995 BlindChow said at 10:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I seriously hope Parkey feels like garbage.

    He deserves to feel like garbage.


  996. 996 Corry said at 10:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Cody “Oscar the Grouch” Parkey.

  997. 997 Joe Minx said at 10:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Not going to absolve him of blame but there were some extracurricular circumstances there.

  998. 998 Jesús M Hernández said at 10:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can Tebow play corner?

  999. 999 Jarock said at 11:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    On this team, he’d be an upgrade.

  1000. 1000 Corry said at 10:33 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jesus this is going to be a long ass week

  1001. 1001 Joe Minx said at 10:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    And now Bradford’s going to be X-rayed.


  1002. 1002 Jarock said at 10:34 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Just made my weekend. @#!$ man. As I repeat


  1003. 1003 Avery Greene said at 10:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1004. 1004 scratcherk said at 10:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    on what?

  1005. 1005 Jernst said at 10:35 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1006. 1006 BobSmith77 said at 10:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1007. 1007 BobSmith77 said at 10:36 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The man from G.L.A.S.S.

  1008. 1008 anon said at 10:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    he got hit a lot

  1009. 1009 BobSmith77 said at 10:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He did. I didn’t have issues with how Bradford played tonight even in the 1st half.

    The o-line sucked tonight in the 1st half and they didn’t do anything well. Made some adjustments and picked up the blitz/edge pressure a bit more but Bradford was also throwing 1st/2nd read a lot more in the 2nd half.

  1010. 1010 anon said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    yea bradford took a lot of hits to suck in rushers in the 4th quarter — OL is terrible…

  1011. 1011 BobSmith77 said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They missed Mathis alot tonight and Boykin to a lesser degree.

  1012. 1012 Avery Greene said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Neither would have made a difference

  1013. 1013 BobSmith77 said at 10:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gardner stunk tonight, got called for a holding penalty, and the guards were an issue all night.

    Chip lost all confidence in the OL to run especially anything inside tonight. Kelce also got little push and struggled on the indie runnings plays tonight.

  1014. 1014 Joe Minx said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Gardner was abysmal. Chris Brown ripping him severely on twitter.

  1015. 1015 Avery Greene said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Still, Peters, Kelce, and Johnson had penalties. The OL just didn’t play well. If it was just Gardner/Barbre, I’d agree with you.

  1016. 1016 A_T_G said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I am getting reports that Bradford may have injured his neck when the sky fell.

  1017. 1017 BC1968 said at 10:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    From all the crazies overreacting you mean? Probably.

  1018. 1018 Joe Minx said at 10:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    FWIW ESP says he didn’t notice anything wrong with him as walked in for the X-ray.

  1019. 1019 FairOaks said at 10:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    We’re screwed then.

  1020. 1020 jpate said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Not a single other person has reported this yet

  1021. 1021 Joe Minx said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    DGunn said it too.

  1022. 1022 jpate said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    just saw that..damn it

  1023. 1023 A_T_G said at 10:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The Vikings didn’t let Peterson touch the ball on the first drive.

  1024. 1024 Flyineagle45 said at 10:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Don’t make bets to get tats with friends rooting for other teams

  1025. 1025 anon said at 10:37 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Julio Jones caught 9-of-11 targets for 142 yards and two touchdowns in
    the Falcons’ 26-24, Week 1 win over the Eagles on Monday night.

  1026. 1026 Avery Greene said at 10:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m done with Billy D. He should have known better than to give Julio so many open looks.

  1027. 1027 sonofdman said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    There is a reason why Julio gets paid so much.

  1028. 1028 Joe Minx said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He just doesn’t have it. Nice guy, great talker, horrible DC.

  1029. 1029 BlindChow said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I wonder how much is talent. Maxwell couldn’t handle it.

  1030. 1030 Avery Greene said at 10:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I think it’s that he’s a one spot guy. He’s not a follow the receiver guy, let him focus on his side.

    I felt like they didn’t press much tonight.

  1031. 1031 BlindChow said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    They’re not going to press. It would probably make a difference, but Billy D. apparently doesn’t like that. They didn’t press last year, they didn’t press during the preseason, and they won’t start pressing now.

    It’s de pressing.

  1032. 1032 BobSmith77 said at 10:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1033. 1033 Media Mike said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He had since April to scheme up on how to slow Julio down.

  1034. 1034 BobSmith77 said at 10:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The Falcons scheme really well when the Eagles blitzed in the first half with a lot of max protection and figuring out when the Eagles were in zone and taking advantage.

    They went right at Maxwell from the get go though with Jones on him especially in man and when they had max protection

  1035. 1035 Avery Greene said at 10:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Then change it. He stayed single on Julio for the majority of the game.

  1036. 1036 Media Mike said at 10:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Billy is incapable of that.

  1037. 1037 BobSmith77 said at 10:53 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1038. 1038 BobSmith77 said at 10:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I had Jones at 100+ yards and a 1 TD. Even worse.

    He simply ran by Maxwell tonight time and time again tonight. So much for jamming him at the line effectively. Flame on, Human Torch!

  1039. 1039 Jarock said at 11:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hey Billy. That guy torching you over and over? You might want to double him. Signed every Eagles fan . . . . ever.

  1040. 1040 anon said at 10:38 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    After going 15-of-27 for 117 yards and one pick in the first half,
    Bradford threw just four incompletions in the second half after coach
    Chip Kelly put the pedal to the metal and upped the tempo of the
    offense, putting everything on his quarterback’s shoulders.

  1041. 1041 Insomniac said at 10:41 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He looked good but he paid for some throws. You have 2 good RBs that you refuse to use. Is Chip trying to make a statement about Bradford after how Foles managed to beat Seattle?

  1042. 1042 Jarock said at 11:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I think Foles and St. Louis made the statement.

  1043. 1043 Jernst said at 11:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    refused to use? What other option do you have when Demarco has 4 rushes for negative 4 yards and Matthews has 4 rushes for zero yards in the first quarter and you’re down by 17 at the half. Yes we passed an absurd amount, but thats because we fell so far behind early and couldnt stop the Falcons offense in the first half and our run game was doing nothing. Switching to an absurdly pass happy offense in the second half was the absolute right move. It got us to score three consecutive TD and should have won us the game.

  1044. 1044 Insomniac said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The Niners has already ran the ball for 1/3 of our total runs already in like 3 minutes

  1045. 1045 Corry said at 10:39 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I hope Matthews remembers how awful this feels and he gets way better for it. Clearly he wasn’t the biggest problem, but he blew it in a big moment:


  1046. 1046 Joe Minx said at 10:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah I could do without ever seeing another tipped ball INT to end a comeback attempt from this team.

  1047. 1047 anon said at 10:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1048. 1048 Insomniac said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Highpointing the ball was never one of Matthew’s strengths as a receiver.

  1049. 1049 Corry said at 10:44 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That’s fine, but the ball did hit him in the hands.

  1050. 1050 Insomniac said at 10:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    if it’s not natural for him then it’ll be hard to do.

  1051. 1051 Corry said at 10:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I get that I’m angry. I just don’t honestly care. The ball hit him in the hands.

  1052. 1052 Jernst said at 10:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That wasn’t a highpointing play. I have no idea what insomniac is talking about. Matthews had to jump, but he wasn’t high pointing a rainbow bomb, he was catching an ever so slightly high frozen rope that he had to hop for.

  1053. 1053 scratcherk said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    What is Bradford getting xrays on

  1054. 1054 BobSmith77 said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bruised ego.

  1055. 1055 anon said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    DeMarco Murray rushed eight times for nine yards and one touchdown and
    caught 4-of-5 targets for 11 yards and a second touchdown in the Eagles’
    Week 1 loss to the Falcons Monday night.

  1056. 1056 anon said at 10:40 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    cowboys blogs going to go wild

  1057. 1057 Avery Greene said at 10:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He didn’t have much help. He pounded those yards when he could have been stopped for a loss. He’s a workhorse, and we should have used him more.

  1058. 1058 anon said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Darren Sproles rushed five times for 50 yards and caught 7-of-9 targets for 76 yards in the Eagles’ Week 1 loss to the Falcons.

  1059. 1059 Avery Greene said at 10:45 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It seems he got more targets.

  1060. 1060 BobSmith77 said at 10:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So much for the ‘Big Guys Beat Small Guys’ tonight.

  1061. 1061 Joe Minx said at 10:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Everything got completely out of whack.

  1062. 1062 Jernst said at 10:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You’re right, this loss is totally on Bradford…

    Run game looked like shit today

  1063. 1063 Jarock said at 10:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Running game was horrible all night. Won’t argue that. Even when we started to make some hay on the sweeps, refs flagged everything that even resembled a hold. There were some legit penalties, but there were a ton of phantom calls too. When your running game is more about speed and spacing and less about ‘move that guy’, it will limit your effectiveness.

  1064. 1064 Jernst said at 11:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Exactly, all the more reason to be impressed with Bradford. That one 95 yard drive that relied totally on his passing was really a 135 yard drive when you account for the 4 holding penalties that all killed huge first down plays, that he continued to over come, and that 135 yard drive took 2min and 36 seconds off the clock in a game where we were down by 17 and needed to pass to have any hope of coming back.

  1065. 1065 Jarock said at 11:32 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Drop back, picks teeth, checks down. Rinse and repeat. Hit once on the drive that they took the lead 24 – 23 (just rewatched). Rewatched the drive where they made it a 3pt game (that was the 135 yard drive btw) and Bradford was touched once the entire time. He held the ball on that throw too and still checked down. When we were down by 17, Thurmond’s pick setup the offense from in close and we scored on the sweep.


  1066. 1066 BC1968 said at 10:42 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford is the least of the Eagles worries. The very least.

  1067. 1067 Jernst said at 10:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Thank you! first sane thing I’ve read after this game!

  1068. 1068 Corry said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Bradford said he’s all good and “don’t worry about it” regarding his x-rays.

  1069. 1069 Flyineagle45 said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I think our backfield is a 3 headed monster in pixars upcoming monsters inc movie

  1070. 1070 scratcherk said at 10:43 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Chris Berman is a horrible commentator

  1071. 1071 Daniel said at 10:46 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Good News is that we only have to mull over this for six days.

    Bad News is that Dallas gets another bit of scheduling love and gets to play their biggest divisional opponent with a short week of rest.

    Worst News is that our security team needs to be entirely refitted for letting Bradley Fletcher sneak into the stadium and play with a Byron Maxwell jersey on. Maxwell meanwhile has been spotted in the Caribbean spending his gigantic contract on pina coladas.

  1072. 1072 Joe Minx said at 10:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Thanks for making me chuckle. Really needed that. This weekend has sucked major donkey balls.

  1073. 1073 Media Mike said at 10:47 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I cannot stand these gutless playing down to the level of the opponent losses. All the worse is when they take place in front of an undivided national audience. Shame nobody was motivated to play well for 60 minutes tonight based on how putrid last season ended.

    Major bummer, but Dallas needs to die next week and we’re back in business.

  1074. 1074 DarthBanner said at 10:48 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Or we don’t show up for 60 minutes (again), Chip gets outcoached (again) and we are 2.5 games back just 2 games into the season.

  1075. 1075 Joe Minx said at 10:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I know. It’s infuriating. They should have blown this team out, at least on offense.

  1076. 1076 Media Mike said at 10:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Totally vile lack of effort for the first half.

  1077. 1077 BobSmith77 said at 10:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Falcons played well tonight especially in the 1st half. Give them some credit.

    Eagles aren’t going to face teams with Jones/White combo each week on the turf which exposes this team’s lack of speed in the secondary.

  1078. 1078 BC1968 said at 10:49 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Good news is next week at this time we’ll be talking about the Eagles at 1-1, 1-0 in the division, will be heading up the play the Jets. Oh yeah, and the Pope will come to save us all!!!

  1079. 1079 nicolajNN said at 10:50 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The Pope will do nothing, God is punishing us for cutting Jesus, I mean Tebow

  1080. 1080 BC1968 said at 10:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Oh crappp…..The Tebow factor with the Pope coming to town? You’re right, we’re done.

  1081. 1081 BobSmith77 said at 10:51 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Good point about tonight – Falcons special teams including their coverage units outplayed the Eagles.

  1082. 1082 Joe Minx said at 10:52 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Chris Brown recaps the positives from this game for the Eagles:

    1. Sproles

    That’s it.

  1083. 1083 Avery Greene said at 10:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So we got outcoached. They didn’t seem prepared for the game, and got outplayed in the 1st half. What changes Game 2?

  1084. 1084 BobSmith77 said at 10:54 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Super set of over reactions. Eagles win next week and they’re fine.

    All of the people who bought into the 15 preseason passes by Bradford came crashing back to reality.

    Defense to me has been the most maddening part of this team to watch since Kelly arrived and I saw no different tonight. Eagles simply are going to have to score 28+ pts to win against a good team which is freaking ridiculous for the 3rd straight year.

  1085. 1085 BC1968 said at 10:55 PM on September 14th, 2015:


  1086. 1086 Joe Minx said at 10:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t know that it’s the loss people are getting over emotional about so much as it is the same ish from last year looks like it hasn’t gone away.

  1087. 1087 BC1968 said at 10:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    What has me angry that’s not an overreaction is the fact that they didn’t do enough in preseason together with the new guys. They needed more plays to gel together, get shit together. I think that they lost a half of football, and ultimately a game by not doing that. Having said that, I agree with Bob that they win next week.

  1088. 1088 anon said at 11:04 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    falcons are NOT a good team. Cowboys are WAY better, though luckily no dez. Hopefully murray breaks off a big game.

  1089. 1089 Jernst said at 11:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It really isn’t the same at all. The QB play was outstanding, instead of infuriating. Nearly every pass was perfectly accurate and on the money instead of watching wide open WRs be overthrown all game long. The starting guards suck this year. So that’s new. Last year our backups sucked and our starters were injured. We just did nothing to fix our lack of depth, we just released the two good players and let the shitty back ups become the starters. CBs are just as bad….that’s actually the same.

  1090. 1090 Corry said at 10:56 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Seeing some replays from the run game, Andrew Gardner does a whole lot of just kind of standing there watching the running back get tackled.

  1091. 1091 anon said at 10:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    “he’s consistent, he’s always where he should be”.

  1092. 1092 Corry said at 10:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I guess they’ll work on him using his hands and doing something next year?

  1093. 1093 BobSmith77 said at 11:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He stunk tonight and the Eagles got outmuscled and outhustled on the interior including Kelce.

    Kelce is really valuable to this scheme and what they try to do but he gets outmuscled way too often.

  1094. 1094 Jernst said at 11:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I hate Andrew Gardner. The guard position is going to seriously hinder this offense. Should have just given Mathis the cold shoulder during his yearly offseason request for more money and have him play at a probowl level this year like we did last year.

  1095. 1095 CrackSammich said at 10:57 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I don’t mind Maragos being on the filed as much as I do Jenkins being the slot guy instead of Thurmond.

  1096. 1096 anon said at 10:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    jenkins would be better if he could catch. he had 3 pbus today

  1097. 1097 CrackSammich said at 10:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I just imagine he would have been better helping with Julio over the top. I’ll wait for the All 22’s there.

  1098. 1098 Corry said at 10:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell lead the team in “desperately running after the receiver after the catch”.

  1099. 1099 Joe Minx said at 11:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Internet roasting Maxwell almost as much as Julio. Roto called him a wanna-be No. 1 corner.

  1100. 1100 Avery Greene said at 10:58 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maragos didn’t impress me at all. Thought he was a step behind quite a bit. That 5th DB spot really is an issue.

  1101. 1101 BobSmith77 said at 10:59 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Jenkins to me is the most overrated player on this defense. For all of the props he gets off the field, you would think he was one of the better safeties in the league. He is average with stone hands and gets beat too often on deep plays since he doesn’t have the speed to get over.

  1102. 1102 anon said at 11:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    tha’ts b/c everyone else is terrible almost to a T.

  1103. 1103 BobSmith77 said at 11:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Too early to say that yet but yeah there is a lot of mediocrity out there and that was even before Boykin got traded/injury they have had.

    Desperately need Rowe to meaningfully contribute this year and can’t afford for him to be a Smith III this year.

  1104. 1104 anon said at 11:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    hard for me to see him getting on the field the way he was getting beat by 3rd stringers and we have crazy WRs on this schedule

  1105. 1105 Joe Minx said at 11:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Seriously what was that? Is that going to be a regular thing? Cause lol if it is.

  1106. 1106 Media Mike said at 11:00 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    It’s BIlly Davis not knowing what he’s doing.

  1107. 1107 Joe Minx said at 11:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Makes sense.

  1108. 1108 Corry said at 11:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ok, I’m done being angry, but now I want to know where the plays broke down and who broke them down. I hope everyone’s ALL-22 breakdowns go up fast.

  1109. 1109 Spooonius said at 11:01 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    So…. I’m actually encouraged by this game. Hated losing, but when that offense gets in gear, watch out. I didn’t see anything that can’t be fixed. The secondary is suspect, but they’re incrementally better than last year. They faced the best receiver in the game and next week maybe the second best. At least that’s what i’m telling myself.

  1110. 1110 Joe Minx said at 11:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    No Dez next week.

  1111. 1111 anon said at 11:03 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I didn’t see anything that can’t be fixed. The secondary is suspect

  1112. 1112 BobSmith77 said at 11:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    More consistent pass rush would help otherwise they are going to give up their share of big plays and yardage again.

  1113. 1113 DarthBanner said at 11:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Looked like the same team that pissed away a playoff spot last year. Arrogant, out coached, and only showing up in spots.

  1114. 1114 HawaiianEagle said at 11:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Dez out…

  1115. 1115 Avery Greene said at 11:02 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Can we stop the Boykin talk. He didn’t get a snap when the Steelers secondary was getting torched on Thursday. The issues were schematic, not talent.

  1116. 1116 Media Mike said at 11:05 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I am still livid over that phantom illegal contact penalty on Kiko.

  1117. 1117 Avery Greene said at 11:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Or the lack of calls on our side. Jordan had a helmet to helmet from a defender, Logan/Cox got held a few times – I felt like it was just a bad day all around.

  1118. 1118 anon said at 11:07 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    that’s what happens when you are SB crowned before the season starts and you’re playing on the road.

  1119. 1119 Joe Minx said at 11:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Horribly ridiculous. When you don’t impede the progress of the receiver there shouldn’t be any license to call that.

  1120. 1120 SteveH said at 11:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    That… wasn’t really phantom dude. He hooked his arm and turned him. It wasn’t the most flagrant penalty ever but it existed. It just came at a really shitty time for us.

  1121. 1121 anon said at 11:06 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    He took wanna-be No. 1 corner Byron Maxwell to the woodshed, beating
    him on his second score and later roasting him for a 44-yard gain down
    the right side, pretty much having his way with him anytime Maxwell was
    lined up across from Jones.

  1122. 1122 BobSmith77 said at 11:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Maxwell looked shell-shocked on the 2nd half when they zoomed in on him after the Jones bomb where Jones simply just ran right past him.

  1123. 1123 anon said at 11:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    doesn’t have earl thomas back there making him look good.

  1124. 1124 BobSmith77 said at 11:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nope only Jenkins who didn’t bite but was simply too slow to get over to make a play on the ball.

  1125. 1125 Avery Greene said at 11:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    The first half, I think the secondary was biting on the cheese.

  1126. 1126 BobSmith77 said at 11:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah. It was like the Ghost of Nate Allen was back there.

  1127. 1127 Spooonius said at 11:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Most definitely

  1128. 1128 anon said at 11:08 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    bulletin board material.

  1129. 1129 Avery Greene said at 11:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Julio takes a lot of corners to the woodshed. I don’t think any one corner can stick him. That goes on Billy D for leaving him on an island all game.

    I’m not ready to say Maxwell is a bust because Julio took him to school. They moved him too much IMO. They need to figure out that 5th DB, because Maragos isn’t working. They should have doubled Julio. So now, they realize Maxwell isn’t shadowing a receiver and they should double the elite receivers.

  1130. 1130 anon said at 11:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:


    bmarsh, etc. etc. going to be a long year for him

  1131. 1131 Avery Greene said at 11:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I’m not worried about Djax. The rest of them have complete games.

  1132. 1132 Flyineagle45 said at 11:09 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    You Dan Quinn aka Dairy Queen is a sweet coach for sure. The falcons will be relevant again this year. Chips gambles were terrible just pay revis you turd.

  1133. 1133 Joe Minx said at 11:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah Revis was never coming here. They need to actually find some real damn talent at that position & develop it.

  1134. 1134 BobSmith77 said at 11:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Nope and they can’t afford for Rowe to be a spectator all year this year.

  1135. 1135 BobSmith77 said at 11:10 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I say the guy I thought was the worst out their on offense was Gardner and on defense Maxwell although Ryans was a close 2nd. Ryans looked like he was running through molasses tonight.

  1136. 1136 anon said at 11:11 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    he probably needs more time, but he could be done

  1137. 1137 BobSmith77 said at 11:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    One move this offseason I thought was just really bad. Yeah he may be a leader and all but after they picked up Alonso it didn’t make much sense.

  1138. 1138 Avery Greene said at 11:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I buy the depth issue. I just don’t think he should be on the field as much tho.

  1139. 1139 anon said at 11:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    probably needed him to get the D settled down, but agree brad jones might be better at this point.

  1140. 1140 Avery Greene said at 11:12 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Yeah, all our ILBs are working off rust. I still think Ryans is a 3rd OLB on this team at best.

  1141. 1141 BobSmith77 said at 11:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Being charitable tonight. He looked like a guy who was 2 steps behind on everything and he wasn’t the swiftest guy last year.

  1142. 1142 Avery Greene said at 11:15 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I agree. I am being charitable because he’s a very smart LB. He can’t move as fast, and he’s usually good on diagnosing plays. But like Peyton, his time is winding down. I hate to see a solid player fall off the cliff.

    Here’s an admission. I’m a homer and I have favorites. He’s one of them, and it’s hard to let go.

  1143. 1143 Jernst said at 11:14 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Ryans is done. That should be expected. He’s 31 years old only 9 months removed from his second achilles rupture and he had little speed to spare to begin with. Maxwell looked like hot garbage. Every season, every player is going to have a game that’s his worst game of the season, let’s just hope maxwell had his in game one and this is as bad as it gets. He looked painfully slow though.

  1144. 1144 shah8 said at 11:13 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This Vikings-49’ers game is one of the worst… Still 0-0, and not from awesome defense. Even the refs are blind…

  1145. 1145 Joe Minx said at 11:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    This is by no means meant to be any kind of excuse for this crap tonight, but I hate when the Eagles play on MNF now.

  1146. 1146 BobSmith77 said at 11:16 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    How long does Davis double-down, put Maxwell 1-on-1 in man vs the best WR, and not play press?

    ‘If I just keep hitting on 13 and 14 things are bound to turn around’

  1147. 1147 Avery Greene said at 11:17 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    My complaint all night more than anything. It’s like giving Atlanta free yards.

  1148. 1148 D3FB said at 11:24 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Both the Maxwell bombs they were playing press, Maxwell just missed his jam.

  1149. 1149 SteveH said at 11:26 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Hey D3FB… We still on for 4 weeks from now?

  1150. 1150 D3FB said at 11:29 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    I mean I saw what I needed to see in the second half. But if we’re 0-4, holla at ya boy.

  1151. 1151 BobSmith77 said at 11:19 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    Curious to see the blitz numbers and a breakdown on Ryan’s success especially when the Eagles sent 5 or 6. Only 1 sack tonight and didn’t seem to be that many pressures or hurries either.

  1152. 1152 anon said at 11:22 PM on September 14th, 2015:

    were saying that falcons kept 6-7-8 guys to block and often had only 2 receivers and then we only rushed 4 a lot, but couldn’t cover 3 guys w/ 8 people