
Posted: October 4th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 480 Comments »


Losing to the Skins is never fun, but it is even worse when you build a lead and then watch Kirk Cousins march right down the field and throw the game-winning TD.

There were some good moments, but that was a really tough loss. The Eagles are now 1-3 and 0-2 in the division.

There is still a lot of season left, but the Eagles are now 2 games below .500. They do have some home games coming up, but I don’t even know if that’s a good thing. The team has struggled at The Linc since the end of 2013.

We have another long, miserable week to look forward to. Ugh.


480 Comments on “1-3”

  1. 1 oreofestar said at 4:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We suck

  2. 2 EaglesFANqq said at 4:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Fly eagles fly on the road to 1 and 3. Fly eagles fly let the redskins score if you olease.

  3. 3 Mitchell said at 4:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Ok. The Eagles suck. I agree with you. You win. Now get the fuck off this site. We dont need your bullshit.

  4. 4 EaglesFANqq said at 4:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Fly baby fly!!!

  5. 5 Buge Halls said at 8:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Just always wonder how big a loser you have to be to go to the blog of a team you don’t like and talk smack. Hey tough guy, go out in public in Philly and try it! It’s pretty easy from your mom’s basement!

    Troll on little boy, troll on.

  6. 6 DarthBanner said at 4:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Chip Kelly is turning into a disaster.

  7. 7 Corry said at 4:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t even know what to say at this point. This team does nothing right. Nothing. The defense can stop the run, but not when we need to. Can’t run the ball, can’t catch the ball. Can’t run a kickoff out of the end zone. Can’t make field goals. Can’t get off the field when we need to. Can’t stop the pass. Can’t close out a game. This team can’t win unless the other team makes more mistakes.

  8. 8 Mitchell said at 4:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Another joke of a game. If we dont fail in one way, we’ll fail in another.

  9. 9 EagleNebula said at 4:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Reverse jinx report week 2. Took Washington D in fantasy (last week took the jets D). Not sure what to make of it, last week it worked and the run game got going, this week the long ball showed up.

    However, last week I sat Sproles, this week I had to play him (along with Ertz and JMatt.). Think it’s time to drop all Eagles players since my bad luck is screwing it for everyone…

    Sorry everyone.

  10. 10 Corry said at 4:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Redskins had the ball for 41 minutes. 41 MINUTES.

  11. 11 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This Eagles team is a really bad team, Tommy. Like maybe 4 or 5 wins all season bad. We have a bad set of players and a poor coaching staff that appears outmatched too often. We are unprepared and inflexible. There are a few gems here and there (Cox), but our talent level has degraded since Chip took over. His offense is losing its potency and his GM skills, to date, look atrocious.

    Washington is not a good team either. But they outplayed us today and deserved to win.

    We need a coaching change at the end of this season. Chip had/has some good ideas, but he does not have the skill set (talent identification/GM ability), experience, or philosophy that works at this level.

  12. 12 Mitchell said at 4:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Thats the thing. Did you see the offense in the 3rd? It looked fantastic. Tje D has looked good too. We just cant put it together. I cant say I disagree with you at this point though.

  13. 13 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I know what you’re saying. If they could just put it together for more than flashes, we’d be really good. But that’s the thing, if everything doesn’t go perfectly, we look horrid. Things will not go perfectly and things not going perfectly is the norm, not the exception.

  14. 14 holeplug said at 4:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I just love it took chip until the 3rd q to go “hey wait that 1 washington corner hasnt practiced all week with a leg injury maybe we should attack him deep”

  15. 15 the guy said at 4:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s not just the loss, it’s the fact that all 3 losses have been in the NFC and 2 of them in the NFC East.

    Of course, this is a garbage offense so it doesn’t really matter.

  16. 16 Corry said at 4:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kelly still blames the execution. I’m officially on the fire Chip Kelly band wagon.

  17. 17 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Welcome aboard. Still a fair amount of room, but its no longer lonely.

  18. 18 JoeBlow said at 4:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    he’s right

  19. 19 Corry said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sure. They aren’t executing, but after 4 games of the SAME mistakes, you start to look at the coach.

  20. 20 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:32 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bingo! Give that man a cigar. Unless he’s a non-smoker, then give him a shot of Jack Daniels.

  21. 21 JoeBlow said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    players left a lot of points and first downs on the field, i kno i know, he picked the players, but some of these players have a history of performing very well, some are promising young guys…..this is an absolute brutal loss and i blame chip for a lot……but guys need to make plays, simple plays and they cant do it

  22. 22 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Other teams have mediocre players making great plays week in week out. Its our coaches.

  23. 23 JoeBlow said at 4:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    i see players being put in a situation to succeed and coming up short….that may fall on him as a GM but Sproles had a couple bad drops, Agholor with a drop and a boneheaded fumble, Kicker misses two easy ones, Matthews with more drops, O-line looking confused and not just the guards but Kelce and Lane

  24. 24 Corry said at 4:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Absolutely they did, and I was screaming for it that SOMEONE needs to make a play for the QB, but mentally they’re not there. I blame the Chip for them being unprepared and checked out. Just too many mistakes by too many players for it to be anything other than the coach.

  25. 25 EagleNebula said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    What else do you call it when players drop the ball/miss blocks?

  26. 26 Corry said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Poor coaching.

  27. 27 EagleNebula said at 4:32 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So the coach is responsible for a drop? That is the players job. You can blame preparation but it sure seems like the players should stay after work to hit the jugs, that’s on them

    Edit: actually, fine you can say poor coaching but that is still an issue of execution and preparedness for execution.

  28. 28 Corry said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    that’s the thing. They do stay late working with the JUGS machine. They’re lauded for it, week in and week out. They’re not prepared otherwise. I blame the coach for the team being unprepared and for being soft.

  29. 29 EagleNebula said at 4:38 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Soft? I would say sloppy, but you aren’t this stout against the run and still soft.

  30. 30 Corry said at 4:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The defensive line is about the only part of the team that isn’t. Those guys are terrific. But when I see Jordan Matthews drop the ball and then beg for the flag, I call that soft.

  31. 31 EagleNebula said at 4:50 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If he pretended to be hurt in the self tacklin maclin style I would agree, but he has shown toughness. Unfortunately he also has hands made of bricks

  32. 32 Corry said at 4:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I guess I should have also pointed out that Matthew’s hands are pretty tough too…like concrete tough.

  33. 33 EagleNebula said at 4:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Would make a devestating boxer

  34. 34 Corry said at 4:55 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Maybe that’s the problem. he’s got horseshoes stuffed in his gloves, Bugs Bunny style.

  35. 35 EagleNebula said at 4:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sadly, I still believe he will turn it around

  36. 36 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We practice more than any other team. That’s the philosophy. We get more reps, yet we still suck at execution? How?

  37. 37 EagleNebula said at 4:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That’s why I tend to look at the players. And I have to assume things go smoothly in practice but the game is messing with their heads. Coaches need to sort it out cause it is frustrating, but not a simple scheme/coaching change fix.

  38. 38 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Look. If it was one player making these mistakes that’s on the player. We are seeing everyone, and I mean everyone on offense, making mental errors and mistakes. That’s on the coaching staff.

    Your point is about mind set in a game. That again is on the coaching staff.

  39. 39 EagleNebula said at 4:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t disagree that the coaches are responsible, but is is more than just bad coaching. And to stop there is stopping short of really evaluating what can be done

  40. 40 Corry said at 4:54 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t think anything can be done at this point. We’re not going to go find a savior on the waiver wire, and the coaches aren’t going to make major changes to the staff or their philosophy at this point in the season. For better or worse, this is the team we started the season with, and barring injury, this is the team we’ll end it with.

    If we turn it around, i have no problem eating crow and saying that Chip is responsible for it. But for me, he’s responsible for the state of the team as it currently is.

  41. 41 EagleNebula said at 4:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t disagree that he takes the bulk of responsibility- and I am not looking for a savior. I want understanding which requires more careful study and discussion. And that is what I am asking for. It’s easy to point to a scapegoat , but that avoids a deeper look at causation and deprives us of understanding

  42. 42 Corry said at 5:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Well unfortunately, we’re coming off of a bad loss, so the knee jerk angry reaction is about all we have. We also have a coach who excels at the non-answer answer so understanding won’t come easy. At the very least you’ll have to wait until Wednesday when the All-22s get released.

  43. 43 EagleNebula said at 5:10 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Anger understandable. I am just trying to direct It where it belongs. One thing that is great about this thread is that when people are thread is that when people are calm the discussion tends to be insightful.

  44. 44 holeplug said at 4:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Lack of talent

  45. 45 Insomniac said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We knew that Chip brought in WR talent that aren’t reliable. Sure it’s the players fault for the drops but who brought them in?

  46. 46 EagleNebula said at 4:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So blame the GM and personnel decisions – yes same person but it would be more accurate to your complaint

  47. 47 Insomniac said at 4:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:


  48. 48 EagleNebula said at 4:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I am livid, but we should be discussing the real issues and not blanket statements that don’t match reality. Issues are with execution, and that is where they blame lies for coaches and players. And it is ugly to watch. You can argue it is players picked up, or the players mentally not being focused or practice habits, which is fair. But to say poor coaching as a blanket statement is a waste of time. Better to identify the issues precisely

  49. 49 xeynon said at 4:41 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    For one or two games? Sure. But this team has played terribly for all but a few quarters over 4 games. That’s 1/4 of the season. At some point, “the players aren’t executing my vision correctly” ceases to be a viable excuse. If they aren’t executing because they lack the talent, that falls on Chip Kelly the GM, who got rid of productive veterans like Jackson and Mathis and did not replace them with comparably talented players. If they aren’t executing because they don’t fully understand their responsibilities in the system, that falls on Chip Kelly the coach, for failing to teach them effectively. A fish rots from the head.

  50. 50 phillychuck said at 4:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This is about where I am on Kelly right now. It’s time to put up or shut up for him.

  51. 51 Buge Halls said at 8:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Dropped passes, missed kicks, stupid penalties that cost points. Just which of these are Kelly’s fault

  52. 52 Corry said at 8:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    All of them. It’s the coaches job to make sure his team is prepared and disciplined. If it was one guy making mistakes then it’s on that 1 guy. Even if it was 2 guys, I’d put it on those 2 guys, but this is a team taking turns making mistakes, and I place that blame on Kelly.

  53. 53 nicolajNN said at 4:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Silver lining: If all the players were to get injured in a season, which seems to be the case, I guess this one is an alright one to pick.

    On the other, the one player we were most afraid of getting injured back in the off-season(Bradford) seems to be doing pretty well, except now some would not mind him being out a game or two, just to see if Sanchez could do better. Oh the irony

  54. 54 BobSmith77 said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    He got hurt today and has his ankle wrapped. Ton of injuries today too.

  55. 55 BobSmith77 said at 4:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    ‘We aren’t executing’ and same broken record from Kelly in another very brief post game conference.

    Curious to see what he says tomorrow.

  56. 56 Insomniac said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Same old shit as Andy’s excuses but in different words.

  57. 57 BobSmith77 said at 4:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Too early for that but I tend it think it is a talent issue that has been really exacerbated by the amount of injuries they have had.

  58. 58 phillychuck said at 4:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Honestly, what the heck to expect him to say? All coaches say the same thing after a loss, with the possible exception of Rex Ryan, and he’s nuts.

  59. 59 Insomniac said at 4:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Dear Howie, I’m writing to you since you probably will be the GM again when you read this.

    All I wanted for this team was

    1. A physical tough WR that isn’t just physical after the catch (looking at your overrated Jordan Matthews).
    2. OL talent that isn’t just 29-30 year old journeyman
    3. A secondary.

  60. 60 BobSmith77 said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kelce played poorly yet again today including 2? penalties called on him.

    Can’t tell if he is just struggling because the guys next to him are playing so poorly or if he just doesn’t have quite the same ability to get outside & set blocks now.

  61. 61 holeplug said at 4:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kelce really hasnt looked the same since his injury last season. Starting to get worried :/

  62. 62 Dave M. said at 7:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kelce is too small. So is Tobin.

  63. 63 Joe Minx said at 4:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    There are so many things wrong with this team

    no pass rush
    holes all over the OL
    offensive play calling
    WRs not getting open or dropping balls
    the GM

    and on and on

  64. 64 Frencheaglesfan said at 4:32 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    that sproles drop is the really game killer. Bad throw though

  65. 65 JoeBlow said at 4:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    you have to make that catch man, Brady doesn’t put every ball on the numbers. This is the NFL

  66. 66 holeplug said at 4:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It weird he has no trouble fielding punts but cant catch 5 yard dump offs to save his life. His hands really arent very good

  67. 67 Jernst said at 9:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Always stuns me that he’s good for at least one terrible drop per game and EVERY SINGLE TIME the announcers go, “wow, you rarely see a drop like that from Sproles.”

  68. 68 Jernst said at 9:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The drops are inexcusable. People are looking to blame Bradford when he puts the ball on a wide open receivers hands and they drop it, because it was thrown all of 6 inches off the ideal mark. Sproles was wide open. The ball hit him in both hands even if it was to his back shoulder. He’s got to make that catch 100% of the time.

  69. 69 BC1968 said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Redskins suck, they beat us. We can’t kick extra points, field goals, we have no offensive line, sacks, can’t run the ball a lot of injuries. Gotta go with 11-5 now guys, sorry 13-3 ain’t happening.

  70. 70 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Giving up kinda quick on that 1st round bye, aren’t you?

  71. 71 BC1968 said at 4:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Good point, beating New England is the difference between 12-4 and 11-5, that’s the game that decides the bye.

  72. 72 Jack Meoff said at 4:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We need a Black quarterback! Get rid of the white one!

  73. 73 Dave M. said at 7:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    How about someone who is transethnic or transracial?

  74. 74 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No mud bloods. Pure bloods only. Check our team colors.

  75. 75 Jack Meoff said at 8:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    How about a transgender one? Maybe Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner is available!

  76. 76 oreofestar said at 4:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m glad we lost now, I won’t even bother with this team, won’t be watching our game next week I’ve got Spooky Cup to train for and a tanktastic basketball season to watch

  77. 77 xeynon said at 4:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I have been holding out on settling on the conclusion that Chip is a really śterrible GM whose personnel moves have torpedoed his chances to succeed as a coach. But this loss moves me to within critical distance of doing so. I thought the team would struggle early on and only predicted a 9-7 record, and I was one of the more pessimistic people on the board. This is worse than I thought possible.

    If they don’t get their act together, and soon, there is a very real chance of Chip going full Josh McDaniels and losing the team. The high-handed, control freak, “my way or the highway” crap only works in the NFL if you win, and he ain’t winning.

  78. 78 BobSmith77 said at 4:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s possible especially on a team with so many new faces and another L or two.

  79. 79 Joe Minx said at 4:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kelly’s not getting fired this year, but he’s definitely on the hot seat for next year now. This thing appears to be headed the way of Ray Rhodes.

  80. 80 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Unless he leaves for Texas in January.

  81. 81 Iskar36 said at 5:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t expect the season to remain this bad all year, but if it does, I don’t think Chip has enough of a goodwill built up to not be fired. He has won regular season games, sure, but taking a 10 win team and making it a 4-5 win team without any playoff success to your name is certainly enough to get you fired.

  82. 82 Joe Minx said at 5:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If Lurie didn’t fire Rhodes after his 3rd season he’s not firing Chip either. Next year is his last chance.

  83. 83 BobSmith77 said at 4:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Slow start doomed them again today. You can expect to come back down 13 or 17 pts at half and win games in the NFL even against a team like the Skins.

    Defense didn’t play well but they were gassed and depleted on that final drive.

  84. 84 Donald Kalinowski said at 4:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sam Bradford, Chip Kelly, DeMarco Murray, and that entire offensive line should be put in a human centipede

  85. 85 Dragon_Eagle said at 4:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I just lost my lunch. Thank you.

  86. 86 Donald Kalinowski said at 4:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Still a prettier site that what we just saw.

  87. 87 Joe Minx said at 4:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The Eagles may not have won but you do for that unbelievable metaphor.

  88. 88 Jordan said at 4:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This is just a bad Eagles team that Chip ran into the ground.

  89. 89 DamonL86 said at 4:41 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s going to be a long season.

  90. 90 mksp said at 4:44 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Really happy we payed Brandon Graham this offseason. He has exactly one pass rush move, and it doesn’t really work.

  91. 91 Joe Minx said at 4:44 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Has anyone ever been a bust twice for the same team?

  92. 92 BobSmith77 said at 4:45 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    He had some moments today but yeah he got paid to be a starter when he is a role player.

    Better than a guy like MS2 who was last seen on the side of a milk carton or even Huff at this point.

  93. 93 phillychuck said at 4:45 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Nice forced fumble today. Plays well v. the run. I think the pass rushing is scheme as much as talent.

  94. 94 Mitchell said at 4:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Getting pass rush out of scheme is nice but at some point you need to show and beat the guy in front of you.

  95. 95 mksp said at 4:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Say that to Ryan Kerrigan….

  96. 96 JoeBlow said at 4:46 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    he would be added to the list of players “chip got rid of” no matter what he was doing wherever else he signed if we didn’t bring him back

  97. 97 BobSmith77 said at 4:44 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Every player is saying they ‘need to execute’ in a robotic-like fashion.

    That is part of it but the bigger issue right now is the talent or lack of it especially with all of the injuries.

  98. 98 Mitchell said at 4:45 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sometimes talent can make up for lacj of execution.

  99. 99 Nelson ALGore said at 7:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Some of them just need to be executed

  100. 100 Corry said at 4:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I will say the one positive I did find, is that after Bradford played scared in the first half, he seemed to really wake up in the 2nd half. He looked like he was playing with confidence and seemed over all better. Yes he missed a few throws, but he just looked improved (last drive not withstanding). If ANYONE could make a fucking play for the guy, he’d probably look even better.

  101. 101 mksp said at 4:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Going into the 2014 draft, the major concerns with Jordan Matthews were that while he had size & straight line speed, he had zero quick twitch ability, poor hands, and was not a dynamic player.

    JMatt needs to get schemed open, regardless of how hard he works during practice

    At some point Chip will have to answer as to why it’s acceptable to have spent a 2nd and 3rd on Jordan Matthews and Josh Huff and get this production from them.

  102. 102 Mitchell said at 4:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    On the plus side, i can see Agholors talent.

  103. 103 mksp said at 4:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Agholor will be a stud.

  104. 104 Insomniac said at 4:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’ll be glad if he can be just as good as Emmanuel Sanders.

  105. 105 Donald Kalinowski said at 4:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Huff and Marcus Smith have been a waste. The Eagles should have traded both picks to move up and take Clinton-Dix.

    Another problem is when the Eagles draft only ONE offensive lineman in 3 years.

  106. 106 Mitchell said at 5:05 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I would have rather had OL then a S.

  107. 107 Insomniac said at 4:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I hated the Matthews pick and have to live with it. The hatred keeps coming out when I still see the same WR from Vanderbilt who was overrated as hell.

  108. 108 mksp said at 4:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So did I, and then felt like an idiot last year. Maybe I’ve been vindicated, but I don’t feel good about it.

  109. 109 Insomniac said at 5:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t think he’ll ever improve too so we’re stuck with just a bigger/unreliable slot WR that Chip loved for his personality.

  110. 110 Dave M. said at 7:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Josh who?

  111. 111 A_T_G said at 4:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I think we are a good OL and a player who is actually what Marcus Smith was supposed to be away from being really good. Unfortunately, I don’t think that is fixable.

  112. 112 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And a franchise QB. And a vet WR. And an NFL coaching staff. And a GM.

  113. 113 EaglesFANqq said at 4:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Cry eagles cry on the road to 1 and 3. Cry eagles cry. Chip kelly is smelly. Hit em low hit em lower and cry your fucking as off. Let the lowly redskins score if you please. Eagles fucking suck. Fuck you chip kelly you are fired you piece of dog shit

  114. 114 Joe Minx said at 4:50 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I think what I hate even more than losing is that watching this crap is making me lose my passion for football. Aaron Rodgers is putting on another clinic right now & I don’t even care to watch it.

  115. 115 Insomniac said at 4:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Look on the bright side. The Falcons were also bad last year and with a coaching change, they’re destroying (bad) teams. They don’t have an OL or much of an pass rush too!

  116. 116 Mitchell said at 4:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So what we have been the last 2 years?

  117. 117 EaglesFANqq said at 4:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    New coach new scheme with talented olayefs. Now nothing. Exposed

  118. 118 Insomniac said at 4:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Lucky I guess

  119. 119 Mitchell said at 5:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Im saying we did what the Falcons arw doing now. Blowing out bad teams. Now we cant even do that.

  120. 120 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:02 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Atlanta has a blue chip player in Julio and a franchise QB. The only player we have that was at that level was Peters, but I fear old age is catching up with him, too. McCoy is also at that level, but we traded him to Buffalo for a bad knee.

    Once Quinn got that defense playing half-decent, the Falcons can compete with almost anyone.

    I’m all for replacing Chip, but he’s not leaving the next coach with much to work with.

  121. 121 Insomniac said at 5:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    True. I feel bad for the new coach if we get one. You have a bunch of mediocre talent that might only fit one man’s egotistic vision.

  122. 122 Mitchell said at 5:09 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Our defense is actually pretty good minus the predator position. Its not fair to completely discount them when they have to play 3/4s the game every week. I think Agholor will be good as well.

  123. 123 Insomniac said at 5:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I was talking about the offense.

  124. 124 Mitchell said at 5:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I like our running backs and even Bradford but the line is rough. Still hope for Johnson.

  125. 125 Insomniac said at 5:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The issue is that Chip doesn’t really value the “less important” parts of an offense. OG/WR are really bad. We keep Cooper around for who knows why. Matthews and Huff are just YAC specialists. Expecting Barbre and Gardner to be something is a stretch. Ertz has to start at some point right?

  126. 126 Mitchell said at 5:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Ive been waiting for Ertz for a LONG time. Didnt really love the pick when it happened but I thought Id wait it out. Still waiting….

  127. 127 Dave M. said at 7:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Ertz will have a break out year next year (again).

  128. 128 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Fair point. There is talent on D.

  129. 129 Donald Kalinowski said at 4:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    They don’t look less talented, they look fundamentally challenged.

  130. 130 Donald Kalinowski said at 4:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Mike Jenkins, Jason Peters, Darren Sproles, and Conner Barwin are all having the prime of their careers being wasted

  131. 131 EaglesFANqq said at 5:04 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    They are past their prime.

  132. 132 Donald Kalinowski said at 5:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This team would be so much better wit Evan Mathis and DeSean Jackson

  133. 133 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:02 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    and McCoy and Maclin.

    And even Foles.

  134. 134 Jernst said at 5:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t think Bradford is elite on the Aaron Rogers level, but I actually think he’s much better than Foles. I’m not sure what people are complaining about with him. He has no time to throw. He’s getting drilled every time he drops back. And, his receivers couldn’t catch a cold. Yet he still threw for almost 300 yards, 3 TDs and 0 INT, with no line, no WRs, and no running game. He’s the least of our worries.

    The worst Oline I’ve ever seen in my lifetime is the true downfall of this team.

  135. 135 Mitchell said at 5:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    He has had plenty of time to throw. I think the better argument is against the stone hands and lack of run game.

  136. 136 Iskar36 said at 5:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    There is no question that Bradford’s potential is far superior to Foles. It’s not even close. With that said, I personally find “potential” to be one of the more harmful views to have on a player. Potential is an intangible factor and once the whistle is blown means absolutely nothing. Bradford has all the potential in the world, but if he doesn’t execute, thay gets you absolutely nowhere.

    In terms of Foles, I think you can argue that having him instead of Bradford would have resulted in largely the same results so far. The issue is that in addition to swapping Foles, we gave up a 2nd. Even if Foles isn’t the proper fit for Chip Kelly, you have to get value back in a trade and so far, we havent.

  137. 137 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:14 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This. I agree with Iskar. Realistically, yeah Bradford has by far the better pedigree. The best thing you can say about him relative to Foles is he hasn’t turned the ball over as much. But his play in general has not been inspiring and hasn’t exceeded what I would’ve expected from St. Nick. A wash until you realize we gave up a pick and took a bigger contract hit.

  138. 138 xeynon said at 5:13 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bradford this year is nothing better than a middling quarterback. Bradford over the course of his career has never been anything better than a middling quarterback.

    Foles was great in 2013, but has otherwise also been a middling quarterback, and it looks like his one great year was an outlier. However, he is much cheaper than Bradford salary-wise, and didn’t require surrendering a premium draft asset to acquire.

    If you think Bradford is markedly better than Foles – $12 million/year and second round pick better – the onus is on you at this point to provide evidence for that claim, and I have seen no reason to believe it exists.

  139. 139 BobSmith77 said at 8:56 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Disagree about the lack of time. Bradford’s pass protection overall has been above average despite some rough patches in the 1st half vs Falcons and today.

  140. 140 Jernst said at 9:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s been above average because he’s getting the ball out quick. But, there’s rushers all around him every time he drops back.

  141. 141 EaglesFANqq said at 5:04 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And herremans

  142. 142 Jernst said at 5:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Herremans is toast. Cutting him was the right move. Signing/drafting nobody to replace him and hoping one of our 3rd string scrubs would magically do the trick was the mistake.

  143. 143 EaglesFANqq said at 5:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    There is no continuity on the line

  144. 144 Jernst said at 5:10 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Couldn’t agree more! I was against both moves from the get go. DeSean was far from perfect both on and off the field but he opened up so much space for the offense.

    Mathis was just a pure ego cut. There was literally no need for it and no contingency plan in place to deal w his departure. We’re now left with the worst offensive line I’ve ever seen play in the NFL, we have no depth, no prospects in waiting and its destroying our entire offense and season.

  145. 145 xmbk said at 5:25 PM on October 4th, 2015:


  146. 146 Jernst said at 5:02 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’ve been a season ticket holder my entire life and can say without reservation that the Linc is field to the brim with some of the sorriest group of apathetic, could give a sh&t, fans I’ve ever seen. The lower level is nothing but rich business men and their apathetic families who could care less about the team. In recent years, I’ve been scolded for cheering too loud, told to sit down when I stood and cheered for a key third down on defense and have been looked at with eye rolls and scoffs when saying things like “come on…lets go D!” A lot of people leave at halftime if the Eagles are losing by 10 or more points. I just don’t see the same home field advantage and rabid fan base I used to at the Vet (Sh-hole that it was). All the passionate fans have been priced out and there’s little if any home field advantage anymore. The place is one of the quietest stadiums I’ve ever been to.

  147. 147 Joe Minx said at 5:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Totally agree.

  148. 148 EaglesFANqq said at 5:05 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    They’re rich. You are not.

  149. 149 Jernst said at 9:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Anesthesiologists make a decent living

  150. 150 xmbk said at 5:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Seen that in a lot of the new stadiums. Too many business seats, not enough real fans.

  151. 151 EaglesFANqq said at 5:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Tommy your optimism is welcome. I am sorry I hate Chip Kelly and wish I could root for these eagles. But alas until he is fired I can’t. Hopefully he will be gone by the bye week and I can start rooting for this team again.

  152. 152 Joe Minx said at 5:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And there goes the locker room…

    Murray says he isn't getting the ball enough. Says he thought he would be getting it more when he signed here. #Eagles— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) October 4, 2015

  153. 153 Insomniac said at 5:10 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I thought so too..

  154. 154 Mitchell said at 5:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It doesnt really matter though. We cant block for inside plays.

  155. 155 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Man you got a key player saying he wants the ball more not sure how that gonna fit with Chip Kellys i dont want players speaking out rule

  156. 156 Insomniac said at 5:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Any ILB with an injury history that we can trade for?

  157. 157 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:21 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Trade??? Screw that, just cut him. Doesn’t fit the culture. Its a football move.

  158. 158 xmbk said at 5:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No, it was a salary cap move.

  159. 159 Insomniac said at 5:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Great now he can go back to the Cowgirls or maybe he’ll go to the Giants

  160. 160 SteveH said at 7:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Would be nice if when he got the ball they it wouldn’t be on that goddamn outside stretch zone that gets blown up for -5 yards every other attempt. Fucking christ.

  161. 161 Media Mike said at 7:09 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    North /South!

  162. 162 GermanEagle said at 5:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Fuck the birds.

  163. 163 Mitchell said at 5:10 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I really dislike the Falcons, Seahawks and Ravens as well.

  164. 164 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If you were speaking Australian, I’d be in complete agreement.

  165. 165 Jernst said at 5:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Oh…and I sincerely hope that Caleb Sturgis contracts the most virulent strain of gonnorhea known to man and dies the most excruciating drawn out death imaginable.

  166. 166 Mitchell said at 5:14 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I would release him. Was the wind so bad you missed from 33 twice?

  167. 167 Iskar36 said at 5:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m not a fan of Sturgis by any means, but release him and then do what? It’s not like there is a clear quality kicker out there to go after. The issue is that despite the concerns over Parkey’s injury throughout the preseason, Chip refused to bring in any real talent to compete, or even to get a temporary tryout. He had an extra player in to work out at punter and then converted him into a pseudo kicker, despite knowing that Parker was unhealthy. Releasing Sturgis would be an emotional move, not a logical one. It just would lead to playing musical chairs at kicker.

  168. 168 Mitchell said at 5:25 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Its logical because he cant even kick from 33 yards…..

  169. 169 Iskar36 said at 5:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If Sturgis was signed at random, sure. The problem is, Sturgis was signed after the Eagles held tryouts for 6 or 7 kickers. He was the best of the bunch based on the Eagles scouting. That’s not to say the Eagles scouting is necessarily right, but I also hope that they are not just signing players blindly either. If they view Sturgis to be the best among the available FA kickers, you have to give him at least a few weeks to prove you wrong.

  170. 170 Henly125 said at 5:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This team is garbage. Chip is relying on his system to get production out of unproven WRs and his play calling has been absolute atrocious this season. The running game sucks, Demarco Murray is ineffective in this scheme, and Bradford struggles to barely complete 50% of his passes. It’s disgusting and I’m tired of expecting this team to be something that it is not. This team is clearly missing the talent that it has departed with the last two offseasons.

    Chip’s system has not reached any flashes as it did with Foles or even with Sanchez at QB. They were fortunate to get a few long pass plays for TDs, against a suspect Washinton secondary. I hate this group of WRs more than anything. No experience. More dropped passes than positive production. Sloppy sloppy sloppy. Jeffrey Lurie looks like a complete idiot right now for letting Chip gut this roster and turn it into a sack of marshmallows that can’t stop the likes of Kirk fucking Cousins in the 4th Qtr and cannot score on offense unless the defense breaks down and Sam Bradford some how manages to magically look past a check down and find an open receiver downfield.

    This team is a disgrace and deserves to be 1-3. Step your fucking game up, Eagles. Absolutely disgusting.

  171. 171 James said at 6:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Pretty much. Too bad we couldn’t temper our expectations at 8-8

  172. 172 ac134spectre said at 5:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I see lots of good signs from the defense. The offense? Well, you have lots of good from your new WRs that are getting open. The rest is the OL and QB. You have a couple good young guys at center and ORT.

    There is this big turn over from Andy Reid to Chip Kelly and this is a big transitional year where he took somewhat of a risk on Bradford, who is sucking big time.

    It is just that the team wasn’t going to be built in one day and it was going to take a couple years to transition over. You are just dealing of the shock of the regular season. It’s still early, give it some time.

  173. 173 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Is Jordan Matthews a little overrated??

  174. 174 Corry said at 5:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Completely overrated actually.

  175. 175 Mitchell said at 5:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I think he might be as much as I hate to say it. A good player? absolutely. A savior? No.

  176. 176 Iskar36 said at 5:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I agree with this. He is a very hard worker, so a guy that is easy to root for, but his hands have always been an issue and doesn’t appear to be a guy that can create separation on a consistent basis against quality CBs. He is a quality player, but not the study #1 WR he was hyped up to be prior to the season.

  177. 177 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If he was still in the slot with Maclin on the outside he’d be great in that role. He is not ready for prime time on the outside and doesn’t have the athleticism to be a #1. #2 maybe, but not a top receiver.

  178. 178 Jernst said at 9:44 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    yes…he always has been. He’s great as a complimentary slot guy, but he needs a true number 1 outside. Let’s hope Agholar becomes that guy otherwise add it to the list of big needs for next offseason.

  179. 179 xmbk said at 5:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Looking on the bright side, the board’s troll just blends right in now, you barely notice him.

  180. 180 JoeBlow said at 6:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    aside from the spelling errors your right….he is like Geagle’s evil twin

  181. 181 Media Mike said at 5:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Such a cluster F with this team. Brutal.

  182. 182 Daniel said at 5:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m over this season — moving on, I like how we look for next year if we can make some solid mental progress throughout the season.

    Let’s assume Bradford keeps knocking some rust off and gaining confidence every week. His deep throws looked beautiful today. I’m not as down on him right now as other people, but I didn’t expect him to look good coming out after not playing for 2 years. I get rusty at pool if I don’t play in a month, imagine not playing a more demanding sport for two years. I just want to see an upward trajectory on his growth.

    The receivers and backs are making mental mistakes dropping balls, we know it isn’t a lack of talent – we’ve seen these guys perform before. Everyone is trying to put the team on their back and it’s distracting from fundamentals.

    Our last draft class looks good. We get some OL in the next draft and maybe pick up a stud in FA and we are looking really good next year. We have a lot of young talent, and our contracts are pretty solid for the most part. We have a lot of good pieces (and young pieces) in place that need to gel and mature.

    We are two competent kicker games from being 3-1 instead of 1-3. With this many pieces trying to work together for the first time, we should have known wins were going to be ugly.

    Just give up on winning this season and instead try to appreciate that it is a rebuilding year and look for individual player growth.

  183. 183 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Too bad Mariota came out this year Eagles are primed for top pick lol

  184. 184 Media Mike said at 5:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Good for Mariota. These gutless pukes on our line would get him killed as well.

  185. 185 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    haha fair point. Cant believe how bad this OL is lol

  186. 186 Media Mike said at 5:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Strait up below the waist female anatomical parts.

  187. 187 Mitchell said at 5:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I think thr pass pro is actually pretty decent. Its this zone scheme with no continuity and lower talent at the guard position.

  188. 188 Media Mike said at 5:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Way too many plays were our G-C-G combo is getting dumped into Bradford’s lap.

  189. 189 Allen3000 said at 5:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to view this team anymore. We are not supposed to be in a rebuild mode. We supposedly upgraded the QB position and secondary. Yet here we are, markedly worse than the previous 2 seasons.

    What are the positives I should be looking for?

    Our entire OL save for maybe 1-2 guys will need to be upgraded/replaced in the very near future. We still have no long term solution at QB. We mistakenly invested far, far too much $ at RB position and are getting nothing in return. We have young WRs who show promise, but have yet to live up to their hype. On defense, we have some nice pieces on the DL, but are getting 0 impact from our edge rushers. We got some young promising MLBs. Secondary looks better, but we still have yet to draft and develop a young DB (and I certainly have no faith in Billy D developing one). The kicker situation is a complete mess.

    So uhhh….What will help you stay positive for the remainder of the season?

  190. 190 Mitchell said at 5:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Stay positive for a high pick.

  191. 191 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Happy pills, good IPAs, and funny brownies help.

  192. 192 Allen3000 said at 5:45 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Good IPAs for me! I need to restock my fridge with some Nugget Nectars.

  193. 193 Ernie McCracken said at 5:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I went after the Perpetual IPA’s pretty hard after the 1st qtr, it didn’t help, but I do have half a bag on.

  194. 194 GuitarDreamer131 said at 5:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Hate on Andy we all did at least he got one thing right…you always build from the lines. That will always give you a good chance to win any game. Our DL is good. Our OL is terrible. That’s on Chip. I don’t fault him for not drafting them as they drafted BPA and that is the right strategy. But he didnt do anything else and our whole team is paying for it. He can preach about execution all he wants but the bottom line is the talent just isn’t good enough. Poor talent doesn’t execute consistently and this is the result. It trickles down to the whole team. Offense can’t get going and then the defense is out there all game. It’s only a matter of time before the defense crumbles. Too much stress on one side of the ball. This is the result and I highly doubt it gets better. Sucks as I think we were all looking forward to this season. What a 180.

  195. 195 ac134spectre said at 8:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Hard to say rebuild mode bUT ask yourself of the star players you had, who is left?

    If you entertain that Bradford has never ever been successful it sounds more like a shot in the dark that the light is coming on.

    Not in total disagreement that it was the time to cut vets. But. The team has to crash to escape the grips of mediocrity.

  196. 196 KAJomo said at 5:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Apparently if the 49ers cut Kaepernick by April 1 the can get out if his contract with no cap penalty. If he were cut I would think we’d be an ideal fit. I know he will never be an elite passer, but I think the threat of him running would open everything up for this offense.

  197. 197 Mitchell said at 5:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Dont let Media Mike read this. Lol

  198. 198 Media Mike said at 5:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    You rang?

  199. 199 Media Mike said at 5:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:


    He’s low IQ scrambling garbage. I don’t want that trash under center here.

  200. 200 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    How much worse can it really be Mike?

  201. 201 Media Mike said at 5:39 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    A ton, to be honest. That type of football is a stain upon the NFL and I don’t want it here.

  202. 202 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So the same as what we have now basically, you just have a preference for this kind of crap versus that kind of crap.

  203. 203 Media Mike said at 5:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yes. I do.

  204. 204 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:45 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Fair enough.

  205. 205 KAJomo said at 5:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Can he be worse in this offense than Bradford?

    I dont see any options out there. Do we hitch our wagon to Bradford with a big money contract? Of the QBs in next year’s draft I only really like Jared Goff who will likely be a top 3 pick.

    Taking a flyer on Kaepernick seems like a low risk chance to take.

  206. 206 Media Mike said at 5:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yes, much worse. Look at the Arizona game last week.

  207. 207 KAJomo said at 5:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Is that worse than the cowboys game 2 weeks ago?

    What would you do at QB next year assuming Bradford doesnt improve substaintualy

  208. 208 Media Mike said at 5:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Draft. Play Sanchez. Add a pocket vet on a one year deal. Any of that is better than Kaepernick.

  209. 209 KAJomo said at 5:54 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Very weak QB class, Sanchez will never get you to a Super Bowl, and what Vet available is any better than Sanchez?

    Obviously you have something against Kaep and that’s fine, but the truth is we could be in some real trouble at QB and may have to be creative again in hopes of finding a solution.

  210. 210 Media Mike said at 5:56 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I have something against any guy who doesn’t primarily function from the pocket, making progression reads, and keeps his eyes downfield when he runs.

    Kaep is 0 for 3 there.

  211. 211 Mitchell said at 5:55 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Should have grabbed Greyson or Hundley.

  212. 212 Media Mike said at 5:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No thanks on either. Especially Hundley. I would have preferred Petty; especially if we’re going to be in that much shotgun.

  213. 213 Mitchell said at 5:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sure, that would have been fine. I was talking about more of a developmental player.

  214. 214 Media Mike said at 5:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I agree with the concept, but one needs to make sure the player can actually be developed.

  215. 215 Mitchell said at 6:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Greyson was my guy. I would have used a 3rd on him in a heartbeat.

  216. 216 Media Mike said at 6:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    He’ll get a chance sooner or later if the Saints smarten up and trade Brees.

  217. 217 ConcussedFB said at 6:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Thoughts on Joe Webb?

  218. 218 Media Mike said at 6:38 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That’s another guy’s pet project. Don’t pull me into that one as well.

  219. 219 SteveH said at 7:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Pffft, I see no reason not to give it a shot.

  220. 220 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:45 PM on October 4th, 2015:

  221. 221 Corry said at 5:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    How dare you.

  222. 222 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    You find something offensive in empty seats?

  223. 223 Corry said at 7:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No. The pictures didn’t load initially and it just came up as “…”, so I responded with “how dare you” just because.

  224. 224 dan quisenberry said at 5:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Man. That was just pathetic.

  225. 225 KAJomo said at 5:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I am not one that believes chip should or will be fired, but I am hoping chip shows an ability change and adapt. Will chip put more of a focus on the OL? Will he take a character risk for a special talent? Will Chip shake up the coaching staff?

  226. 226 Mitchell said at 5:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We started 1-3 in 2013 too. Problem is, we are further into the Chip era and should be able to blow these teams out.

  227. 227 EaglesFANqq said at 5:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The team is not good. Just stop.

  228. 228 Mitchell said at 5:54 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yes, i know, you little troll. You should of read further.

  229. 229 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    2-6 now in the last 8 games

  230. 230 Mitchell said at 5:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Wow. I didnt realize it had gotten that bad.

  231. 231 Media Mike said at 6:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Gut check has been failed.

  232. 232 Media Mike said at 5:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    There is a fundamental rot with the line play on this team. Couple that with some brain dead play calling on runs, poor scheme on D vs. the pass, and horrific kick……….and you’ve got a bad team.

  233. 233 Joe Minx said at 6:16 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No other way to say it. This team is BAD. People need to stop dancing around that fact.

  234. 234 Media Mike said at 6:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And that isn’t to say that they can’t start winning some games………….but not if they’re playing the same way.

  235. 235 Nailed it! said at 6:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I thought we played pretty well considering no Kiko no Thorton no Hart, Bair went down in the 1st, Peters went down in the first Kendricks left in the first and Maxwell went out in the first as well. Wonder what changes if we actually had depth on the defense for the whole game as well as Peters on the oline?

  236. 236 Media Mike said at 6:15 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No *Heart

  237. 237 NinjaP said at 6:09 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So Tommy what week should the Eagles start cleaning house? Or do we wait for Chip to go to Texas on his own?

  238. 238 ChoTime said at 6:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bright side. Seriously, there is one. Four games against teams that are all at least decent, maybe even good, and were in all four games. Even though the O is in disarray and SB is playing badly. They are not getting embarrassed here. They’re like an 8-8 team.

    Not what I was hoping for or expecting.

    Wee2424 said I was a glass half empty kind of guy. At this point, I would say, no, a glass 1/8th full kind of guy.

  239. 239 Allen3000 said at 6:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Strongly disagree. That was a bad team we played today. They were without DJax and few other notable starters. The Falcons are feasting right now on lousy competition. With their weak defense, we should have been able to beat them. We played a banged up Cowboys team and managed to look absolutely abysmal all game. Sure, we’re not getting blown out. But we are playing very sloppy, ineffective football right now.

  240. 240 ChoTime said at 6:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We’re missing players, too.

    By DVOA Rank, before today’s games:
    NYJ 9th, ATL 10th, DAL 15th, WAS 19th

    Not bad teams.

  241. 241 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And not good either. When we play a good team, we are going to get embarrassed (See Green Bay last year).

    Watch the games. For 1, maybe 2 quarters things go our way, but we are not a good team. Nor even an OK team that isn’t catching breaks. We’re just a bad team.

  242. 242 ChoTime said at 7:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yeah. I didn’t say we’re a good team, just an 8-8 type of team. Actually, last year we were an 8-8 type of team that got bailed out on special teams and d scoring.

  243. 243 JoeBlow said at 6:25 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Redskins are an improving team, had a really good draft and made some nice FA signings, they are by no means a pushover

  244. 244 anon said at 2:55 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    took a gm one year to turn that around

  245. 245 Patrick said at 6:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sorry what?

    The Redskins are not a good team, not even close.
    The Jets have no QB. Great defense, solid targets etc. But with not QB you’re irrelevant.
    The Cowboys with those injuries are not a good team.
    The Falcons looks very good.

  246. 246 Nailed it! said at 6:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Also, replacement kicker cost us 4 points.

  247. 247 Media Mike said at 6:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Idiot kickers.

  248. 248 BC1968 said at 6:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Every once in a while that preseason offense shows up and you think things are going to turn around. They couldn’t sustain 2 separate drives after they took the lead, that’s when your run game is supposed to shove it down the other team’s throat. I don’t understand how a team can dominate the line when playing against the run and then look totally inept when rushing the passer.

  249. 249 Media Mike said at 6:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And they didn’t line up and run Murray right at them. We’ve been waiting for that all year, yet it hasn’t happened. Unreal.

  250. 250 mksp said at 6:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Nick just dropped one in the bucket. He’s good for one of those a game.

  251. 251 EaglesFANqq said at 6:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Nick foles looks incredible

  252. 252 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So far today, mid-way through 3rd Quarter. Foles13/19, 153 yds 2 TDs 0 INTS

  253. 253 A_T_G said at 6:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bradford went for 270 and 3 TDs.

  254. 254 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bout the same as Nick once he finishes the game.

  255. 255 EaglesFANqq said at 6:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And 11.3 million cheaper

  256. 256 ConcussedFB said at 7:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    You think that Washington and Arizona have comparable defenses?

  257. 257 EaglesFANqq said at 6:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    What team in the NFL history of has ever had such an unbalanced time of possession and been. Successful. None

  258. 258 EaglesFANqq said at 6:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Good news the high up middle field sbl is dropping in price. Just don’t know whether to get one for myself or two and include my wife

  259. 259 Joe Minx said at 6:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    #Eagles right tackle Lane Johnson will undergo an MRI Monday. Fear is he re-sprained left MCL. #NFL http://t.co/xa1LRxFhTQ— Matt Lombardo (@MattLombardo975) October 4, 2015

  260. 260 Media Mike said at 6:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Not good.

  261. 261 GENETiC-FREAK said at 6:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Ah man for real.

  262. 262 Joe Minx said at 6:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Season is really over now.

  263. 263 JoeBlow said at 6:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    well that explains that last drive

  264. 264 EaglesFANqq said at 6:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Wow eow wow

  265. 265 A_T_G said at 6:41 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This probably goes against the grain today, but despite horrid OL play, Bradford threw for 270 yards, 3TDs (all legit, no garbage time), and no picks. I think he could be the answer. At very least, he is not the problem.

  266. 266 Avery Greene said at 6:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I disagree. He looked lost in the 1st half. But I blame the coaches. The Redskins ate up our defense and beat our OL in the first half. They weren’t ready to play in the 1st half.

  267. 267 A_T_G said at 7:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And despite their defense being completely prepared for what we were going to do, he was turnover free, kept his head up, and wasn’t gun shy when the opportunities finally came.

  268. 268 Iskar36 said at 6:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If he plays the way he did in the second half, absolutely. If he plays the way he did in the first half, he is still part of the problem.

  269. 269 Media Mike said at 6:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t disagree at all. I just can’t see it getting a ton better as long as this o-line keeps being deposited in his lap and they don’t call the right kinds of runs

  270. 270 EaglesFANqq said at 6:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    You are a total fucking idiot!!!!

  271. 271 Tumtum said at 7:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That’s pretty funny coming from you.

  272. 272 doublgee said at 7:15 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bad form bro. We’re all Eagles fans. Because not everyone agrees with you, it doesn’t mean he deserves your personal shots. Do you even know the guy?! SMDH

  273. 273 A_T_G said at 8:02 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That is possible, I am certainly willing to consider opposing views.

    On a running based team that can’t run, in a pocket that looked like the left flank at Little Big Horn, how is a 3TD, zero turnover performance a symptom of being the problem?

    Come on, there is plenty to work with and this is a safe place to make an argument. Put yourself out there. Stop hiding behind memes and name calling. Join the conversation.

  274. 274 SteveH said at 7:05 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I kinda didn’t feel that way. 2 of his long TD’s were throws over an injured and obviously unable to keep up Chris Culliver, and he still missed 3-4 wide open deep shots.

    It seems like every game he has 3-4 throws that make you go wow! that accuracy! (Like the 1st Zach Ertz TD that was called back, that was pinpoint). Then there’s about a dozen where you say what the fuck as he sails one 5 yards over the head of a wide open Miles Austin.

  275. 275 Tumtum said at 7:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The guy can’t take 2+ quarters to come out of a fog every week and ever expect to win.

  276. 276 A_T_G said at 7:44 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The fog wasn’t him, though. Teams have been completely able to shut us down, as if they were in the huddle. In that situation, you want a QB to weather the storm, prevent turnovers, and keep probing. Bradford did that.

  277. 277 ConcussedFB said at 10:38 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Im making a film called, Competent Play for a Half Every Other Week-The Sam Bradford Story! How much can I put you down for as an investor? If it goes well we can do a prequel where he time travels and storms Omaha Beach.

  278. 278 A_T_G said at 11:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I appreciate a good joke, but that line was a little insulting. I would say it was an offensive line, but I’m not sure because I haven’t seen a real offensive line yet this year.

    I think I should save my money to pitch in for a guard.

  279. 279 Jernst said at 9:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m not sure how much of a fog HE was in. With 5 min left in the first half he had dropped back to pass like 5 times total and was sacked on 2 of them. The offensive line, the receivers, our TEs, they all seem to be in a fog. I haven’t seen a single guy make a play for Sam Bradford yet this year. Not once. No WRs have made a tough contested catch to extend the drive. Not once.

  280. 280 Tumtum said at 1:09 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Nelson made a one handed grab, but yeah it’s the whole offense. Really baffled some want to blame defense.

  281. 281 Crus57 said at 8:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Don’t forget he actually threw a TD at the end of the first half, which was negated by Agholor’s formation penalty. I know WAS’s secondary is supposed to be terrible, but at least it proves that Bradford is capable of playing well, for this team.

    There’s obviously still a long way to go before that ever happens with any consistency, though, and the injuries we’re picking up aren’t helping.

  282. 282 Jernst said at 9:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Exactly. Sam Bradford (while certainly still knocking off some rust) is not the problem at all. He’s getting no help whatsoever. He has no run game, no offensive line and no one that can catch the football to throw to. If Agholar lines up a yard off the LOS (something that had no effect on the play) like he was supposed to and players caught the balls that hit them square in the hands you’re looking at over 300 yards and 4 TDs.

  283. 283 Avery Greene said at 6:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I was at the game and couldn’t handle it. Peters looks like he’s done. Kelce is not very good. I shouldn’t single them out too much because the whole OL was terrible today (generally).

    Peters got old, Kelce has been figured out, and we got no other studs on the line. LJ has been inconsistent. He has the talent, but not the execution.

    Also, Bradford looked lost in the 1st half. There were a few times he held the ball and didn’t get rid of it.

    That said, you can’t play every game and make adjustments at halftime and come back to win. You gotta be able to come out strong and adjust to what the other team is doing. That is entirely on the coaching staff. Both sides of the ball.

  284. 284 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Well said.

  285. 285 SteveH said at 7:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    At least we made a game of it. Imagine if the 2nd half had been like the first. Eagles nation would collectively be on suicide watch. As it is we’re just all either starting to drink, drunk, or asleep.

  286. 286 Jernst said at 9:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Our line is the worst unit I’ve ever seen while watching football. Lane has all the talent in the world. He gives up two sacks on consecutive plays at the end of the game and looks horrible. Peters is finished. I guess all that talk about him being in the best shape of his life was a bunch of crap. Losing 30 pounds in the offseason was a big mistake. He seems to have lost a lot of his power. Kelce is the best of the bunch, but he’s always going to need good guards around him because he’s so small, he can’t push big NTs off the line and will always need someone that can help him chip. The guard situation was a completely self inflicted wound and they are atrocious.

    Bradford, I actually feel sorry for. Most fans were baffled by the move when it happened and most were skeptical to begin with. The teams losing and the offense looks anemic so everyone seems to be bashing him. But, I’m seeing a QB that’s slowly knocking off the rust and making some really impressive throws (albeit inconsistently). But, he’s got no running game, an offensive line that gives him about 1.7 seconds before multiple pass rushers start to close in, and a receiving corps full of players who can’t catch the damn ball. Just look at some of the catches that guys made today for Cousins. No one on our team ever makes a play for Bradford. He’s throwing balls that hit the receiver in both hands and people are blaming him for the drop because the ball was 6 inches behind the ideal spot he should have thrown to. It’s ludicrous.

  287. 287 Joe Minx said at 9:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    This OL would give some of the ones from Buddy’s time a run for their money on the suck-o-meter. At least then we could still run the football a little.

  288. 288 Joe Minx said at 9:32 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Every game starts the same way. You can’t win doing this, ye this team has been doing exactly this now for the better part of a season & a quarter. And that despite a major roster overhaul.

  289. 289 Nailed it! said at 6:50 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If only Sproles/Bradford had just made that easy dump off.

  290. 290 Media Mike said at 6:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bad drop in a big spot. Not the best throw either.

  291. 291 Nailed it! said at 6:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yep, with 5 min left in the game another first down in WAS territory could have been all the difference

  292. 292 Media Mike said at 6:54 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Typical of the season so far.

  293. 293 OregonDucker said at 7:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yes Mike, it’s typical. The scheme was good, the play was there. So kill the coach?

    I’m pissed but hopeful this team can gel and move forward. Bad loss. I need a drink, again.

  294. 294 Media Mike said at 7:14 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’ll kill the coach over;
    – poor roster decisions with O-line
    – too may E/W run plays vs. N/S ones.

    But enough blame to go around with other folks as well.

  295. 295 OregonDucker said at 7:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    OL is a challenge with most teams. Yet they find a way to win. We find a way to lose. A 90 yard drive by the Skins tells us all we need to know. Right now, we’re losers.

  296. 296 Media Mike said at 7:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We gave up 9/17 on third down today, so I’m not letting Billy Davis’s inability to scheme up a D off of the hook either.

  297. 297 OregonDucker said at 7:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Me either. Fire him and anybody else responsible.

  298. 298 Jernst said at 9:21 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The one thing that really has surprised me about Sproles since he’s been here the last two year…he has awful hands. He’s good for at least one crucial drop a game. And, it’s something I just wouldn’t expect from a 3rd down specialist receiving back, especially one of his caliber. But, every week for the past two years I watch him drop a pretty easy catch and listen to the announcers say, “wow, you rarely see a drop like that from Sproles.” And, yet it happens every week.

  299. 299 Nailed it! said at 6:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m still with Chip, but I see this boat is getting lighter and lighter.

  300. 300 Media Mike said at 6:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Chip’s moves have really awful this year, but I don’t want him fired. Even if we finish 1-15. He should be given one more off-season and full season to get things going.

  301. 301 Nailed it! said at 7:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I agree.

  302. 302 EaglesFANqq said at 7:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t trust him with a first round pick. He can’t come back as gm. And he won’t not come back as gm so yeah he is gone

  303. 303 Media Mike said at 7:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Lurie doesn’t move that quick. I think the die is cast for one more full year after this one.

  304. 304 BC1968 said at 7:04 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Nah, you have to give him another year, just because things don’t happen immediately doesn’t mean it’s a failure. Missed FG in Atl, missed FG and extra point today, tons of injuries. One thing I question is the effectiveness of the smoothie program.

  305. 305 Iskar36 said at 7:04 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I disagree. Obviously it will depend on what kind of things went wrong, but at 1-15, presumably not much went right. Even more so, if we end up 1-15 (or something atrocious like that) Chip has actually hurt the team by releasing quality players in exchange for lesser ones. Chip took major risks this offseason that many people questioned. There has to be consequences if those risks do not work, especially if the moves you made are the primary reasons the team went 1-15. So under that scenario, sticking with Chip makes no sense at all to me.

  306. 306 Media Mike said at 7:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I still want to see another year.

  307. 307 Iskar36 said at 7:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s still early in this season, so many things can happen. I’m certainly not ready to fire Chip any time soon. My comment is strictly based on the scenario that the Eagles go 1-15 (or somewhere close to that). I think by the end of the year if all we are seeing is mostly the same or worse than what we have seen so far, another year doesn’t do anything for me but delay the change. Going 0-12 the rest of the year would show me enough that Chip made poor decisions in the offseason and was incapable of adjusting to the adjustments made against him.

    Of course, I don’t really expect us to be THAT bad the rest of the season. I’m just not on board the “In Chip We Trust” train and I don’t think he has done enough yet to be given a pass.

  308. 308 OregonDucker said at 7:13 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    A 90 yard drive by the Skins is BAD. The D is our strength, so by extrapolation, we are BAD.

  309. 309 Iskar36 said at 7:14 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Oh certainly we are BAD right now. I mean if we are this bad the remainder of the season.

  310. 310 OregonDucker said at 7:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I agree. And the truth hurts.

  311. 311 EaglesFANqq said at 7:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s okay. I’m your daddy. Cry to daddy

  312. 312 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’ve been pretty vocal about getting rid of Chip – perhaps overly so. I do agree that Lurie will likely give him another year IF he wants to stay. But even Lurie after a 1-15 season would seriously consider a change.

    That said, I think there is a better chance that Chip realizes he’ll be happier coaching a college team.

  313. 313 KAJomo said at 7:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I feel so much of this team’s struggles have to do with the OL. Better OL means better running game, less pressure on Bradford, and tge defense on the field less. The OG position was a serious muscalculation by Chip, a mistake I doubt he is likely to make again.

  314. 314 EaglesFANqq said at 6:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The rams offense looks incredible. So fast

  315. 315 EaglesFANqq said at 7:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Wow nick foles. Make me look like a genius

  316. 316 SteveH said at 7:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That’s crazy that Foles is excelling with perhaps the shittiest starting wideout corps in the NFL and that garbage OL. I thought for sure Nick would really struggle this year but so far he’s been adequate to good.

    Edit: Jesus those 2nd and 3rd TD throws were money too. Fun to watch if you were a fan of Foles when he was here (or maybe just painful now that he’s gone).

  317. 317 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:15 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And he’s doing it against decent teams for the most part: Seattle, Arizona, Pittsburgh, and Washington.

    PS Oh cool. I forgot I started Foles in FF today. Yay!

  318. 318 SteveH said at 7:16 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yeah Arizona and Seattle D are no joke.

  319. 319 BC1968 said at 7:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s weird that those are the two teams he beat. Their offense was pathetic against Pittsburgh and Washington.

  320. 320 SteveH said at 7:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s a crazy mixed up world these days.

    I feel good for him though. Anyone who can succeed with Stedman Bailey as one of your starting wideouts deserves all the shine they can get.

  321. 321 EaglesFANqq said at 7:32 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    #12 and Austin are no joke. Gurley looks incredible. Nick foles will be deep into playoffs

  322. 322 BC1968 said at 7:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Green Bay next week, Rams are a year or two away, plus the Jeff Fisher factor. But yeah, he should be happy he’s far away from this offensive line, or whatever is left of it.

  323. 323 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 7:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Division games should be looked at in a vacuum. Those teams usually play each other tough no matter what

  324. 324 EaglesFANqq said at 7:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Arizona stacked with backfield defensive players

  325. 325 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:04 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Naturally this was the year I took Agholor on the “any WR can put up numbers in this O” basis….

  326. 326 SteveH said at 7:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So I’m not really in full on fuck you Chip Kelly mode, but I wonder if he is starting to question some of his own moves or whether he feels like he just needs to inject via syringe some more technique and sports science into the players.

    Also, should be interesting to see how he handles Demarco Murray’s comments. Did he check to see if Murray would be a good #culture fit before he signed him?

    Edit: Also somewhere Howie Roseman is rubbing his hands together and giggling with glee.

  327. 327 EaglesFANqq said at 7:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If he loses his own confidence which I think he did. It’s total game over

  328. 328 OldDocNewSeason said at 7:58 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    DeMarco comments were fine if you get past the headline. I just wish they’d let him do what he’s good at, which is not running a sweep against three unblocked defenders for a five yard loss.

  329. 329 KAJomo said at 7:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Idk… He’s pretty good at running a sweep against three unclocked defenders for a five yard loss.

  330. 330 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:00 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Nailed it.

  331. 331 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    McCoy was awful at that. He would dance and juke to a 2 yard loss.

  332. 332 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Exactly. Terrible scheme fit. Take the big loss you’re given. No freelancing!

  333. 333 Eagle Central said at 8:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    All of u sound freaking ridiculous…like do yall really hear yourselves

  334. 334 Mitchell said at 8:11 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Actually no, because Im typing.

  335. 335 Eagle Central said at 8:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yeah but your saying it in your head while u type

  336. 336 Mitchell said at 8:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    But it doesnt make a sound if its said in my head. In order to hear you have to use your ear. I was using my minds eye to help convey my thoughts and since the eye sees and does not hear your statement is false, Eagle Central, my dear.

  337. 337 Eagle Central said at 8:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:


  338. 338 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No, but if I put a voice to what you just typed I get Alabama/Cowboys fan. Go away.

  339. 339 Eagle Central said at 8:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Uhhhh no..lifelong birds fan. U go away clown

  340. 340 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    7-year old Alabama/Cowboys fan.

  341. 341 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Try putting Morgan Freeman’s voice to what he types. That always helps.

  342. 342 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Didn’t work. I keep getting a young Jed Clampett.

  343. 343 Eagle Central said at 1:30 PM on October 5th, 2015:

    Clown hahahahaha

  344. 344 BobSmith77 said at 8:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Injuries right now are far and away the biggest issue. Good chance that they might be without 3 of their projected Opening Day OL starters next week with Peters, Johnson, and Gardner all out. Ton of injuries elsewhere with a bunched of guys banged up including Bradford who had minor ankle sprain today.

    Difference between making adjustments with starters vs starting a bunch of mediocre journeyman & a poorly-performing center.

    Still have 2 possible winnable games but if they lose both I do wonder if some of the new guys (rookies, FAs) won’t turn on Kelly.

  345. 345 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:15 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Seems like the more Andy Reid players Kelly gets rid of, the more we suck.

  346. 346 Buge Halls said at 8:16 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    You have to remember, none of those players are doing a damn thing this year either.

  347. 347 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:21 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Maclin looks good. Foles, Mathis are doing fine. DeSean/LeSean are hurt.

  348. 348 Eagle Central said at 8:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:


  349. 349 Ray888 said at 10:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Plus Herremans a healthy scratch and no sightings of Boykin.

  350. 350 Buge Halls said at 8:15 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Missed kicks, dropped passes, and stupid penalties. All these are fixable and the Eagles could easily be 3-1 right now. 11 points left on the field this week. At least two dropped passes for TD in the last two previous games. It’s not all receivers and it’s not all Bradford.

    The O-line seemed to come together for a little while. I wonder, as poorly as Peters has been playing this year, has he been hurt?

  351. 351 Eagle Central said at 8:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Thank you

  352. 352 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Are they fixable? Our kicker is bad. There isn’t a good option on the street.

    Our WRs are young. They’ll drop stuff.

    Our guards are bad. They’ll miss blocks.

    It’s entirely possible that this is who we are.

  353. 353 Mitchell said at 8:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Fixable but we keep seeing it over and over.

  354. 354 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t see how the OL is fixable. At least two starters are bad. One of those who isn’t is hurt.

    For obvious reasons I hope you’re right, but if you can’t keep your QB upright or open running lanes you’re gonna suck.

  355. 355 Joe Minx said at 9:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That’s what we said all of last year too. “Oh, this is fixable. That’s fixable.” But nothing ever got fixed. Chip shipped out what seemed like half the team in the offseason & here we are now, saying “it’s fixable.”

    Obviously not. Or if it is we don’t have people who know how to fix it.

    At some point you just have to come to terms with the fact that you are what you are.

  356. 356 Eagle Central said at 8:18 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Sturgis makes that chip shot field goal and extra point everybody on this blog has a different narative

  357. 357 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I dunno man.. 2-6 last 8 games.. Sort of like Kelce saying its a good thing Eagles lost.. Eagles win it still doesnt mask how bad this O is playing.. You seriously think this team is up to standard with the top teams??

  358. 358 Eagle Central said at 8:21 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I really do believe by the time December comes along we’ll be right up there

  359. 359 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:23 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    With this OL n inconsistent play from QB? Times ticking man.. Have to get it sorted sooner rather than later.. Already 2 games down in the NFCE

  360. 360 Eagle Central said at 8:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Beat saints next week and giants at home week after we’re right back at 500

  361. 361 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Goes back to my point of what Kelce was saying end of year.. Beat those teams to what lose in the playoffs?? Eagles arent up to par at the moment.. This OL is a shambles.. QB hot cold scared?? Offence in general is leaving this D out to dry.. Eagles shouldnt have to count on a Kicker who just got signed also cut from another losing team to win the Eagles the game

  362. 362 Eagle Central said at 8:31 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I believe u can count on any kicker to make those 2 kicks..yeah they aren’t there at the moment but what did u expect with 17 new guys playing significant time. It’s going to be a process to get everything gelled. I believe chip will get it together

  363. 363 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Process to get everything gelled.. Dunno if you seen my comments about Preseason but thats what its for.. Regular season about gameplan n body maintenance.. Just hard be be optimistic with what the eyes see

  364. 364 Eagle Central said at 8:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s only so much u can get done in the preseason tho

  365. 365 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    You can get alot done.. Change the approach to how they look at Preseason.. Use that time to play your starters more instead of using it on the Tebows n Barkleys.. This is where the grind is n where the gelling starts.. Injuries happen Preseason, Regular season not in season so that shouldnt be an excuse no to play starters.. Chemistry should never be an excuse in the regular season

  366. 366 Eagle Central said at 8:50 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t really think chemistry is the problem honestly. Can’t really put my finger on it to tell u the truth. But I do believe the O is close to having that game where they put it together for 4 qts

  367. 367 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Heres hoping man.. Hope these issues get corrected asap

  368. 368 ChoTime said at 1:46 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Wow, an optimist. Cool!

  369. 369 Eagle Central said at 8:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s not like somebody is going to run away with the division…it’ll be close all year just like it is every year

  370. 370 Ray888 said at 10:14 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Or next December at the worst. Remember we tried for years under AR to put at least adequate players at each position and to be respectable every season; where did that get us? If more experience doesn’t get us there by December of this year, another patch of talented, hard working players in next off season will. Do recall that we are on a quest to avoid the “insanity” of the past.

  371. 371 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:25 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Adding on 4 points doesn’t work like that. If Sturgis makes that field goal, then Washington doesn’t get the ball at the spot of the kick and we kick off to them. All the events after that are different – including the score. We could have won – or lost by more points.

  372. 372 Eagle Central said at 8:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    But it’s not like he’s going to miss chip shot field goals and extra points week in and week out

  373. 373 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 8:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Only because he might not be here anymore

  374. 374 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:28 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Surges didn’t lose this game. We had the lead at the end of the game. The defense lost this game by giving up 90 yards.

  375. 375 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The D played 41mins out there man lol How can you blame this on the D

  376. 376 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The defense played pretty good. They gave up some big third down plays though. BUT…they needed to preserve the lead at the end of the game, and they didn’t.

  377. 377 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 8:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    the Offense lost this game in the first half … couldn’t stay on the field again

  378. 378 Eagle Central said at 8:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Our D definitely didn’t lose us this game

  379. 379 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Our defense played well enough to win, but they allowed the Redskins to drive 90 yards to score the winning TD.

  380. 380 sonofdman said at 9:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Wasn’t the field goal at or very close to the end of the half? Washington didn’t get the ball at the spot of the kick, the half ended. And they still kicked off on the missed extra point. Typically, what you say is correct, but I’m not sure how much would have been different in this game.

  381. 381 BobSmith77 said at 8:26 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Nah. It would have been more like ‘they barely managed to beat a bad team that was missing a few key players already.’

  382. 382 Eagle Central said at 8:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    And we arent? Bad team or not skins always play us tough

  383. 383 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 8:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t think people get that division games are normally tough no matter how good or bad the teams are

  384. 384 OldDocNewSeason said at 8:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Doesn’t excuse the awfulness of the O in the first half today. Or in the first half vs ATL. Or in the entire game against Dallas.

    We’ve been mostly terrible at making positive yardage and scoring points. That doesn’t bode well.

  385. 385 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 8:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m not trying to excuse our performance ….

    Just pointing out that its hard to the division games are played in the Twilight Zone.

    The Pats can 15 -1 with their only loss coming from Miami or the AZ only loss this year might be to SL today, who may or may not make the playoffs….

  386. 386 BobSmith77 said at 8:30 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yeah but even against crappy teams the numbers are overwhelmingly against you going down into half 10+ pts (they would have been 10) on the road.

    Eagles are digging themselves into a big ditch, recovering, and still coming up a bit short. They aren’t good enough or explosive enough to be down double-digits at half and expect to win.

  387. 387 daveH said at 8:38 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    yeah agree.. im still saying that about rhonde barber’s interception

  388. 388 Eagle Central said at 8:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Big difference

  389. 389 daveH said at 11:14 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I should be past it by now … alas, I/we’ve got fat andy’s classic 2 minute drill of utter confusion in the super bowl to get past next

  390. 390 Insomniac said at 9:27 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The bad

    WRs/OL/secondary still sucks
    Bradford beats up practice squad secondary
    Ertz still can’t start since he still can’t learn how to block
    Murray is mad about his carries
    Jugs machine is getting a work out..hope Chip has a smoothie for it
    Kicker? What kicker.

    The good

    The Expendables a.k.a Cooper/Austin scored
    Bradford threw deep!!!!!!
    Murray finally got positive yards

  391. 391 Mitchell said at 9:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I dont think the defense in general is that bad. Including the secondary. We ask way to much in 41 mins of gameplay.

  392. 392 Insomniac said at 10:43 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I never said that the defense was bad. I said the secondary is bad.

  393. 393 Mitchell said at 11:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I don’t think it is. Jenkins and Thurmond are making play after play. I see Jenkins getting a TFL maybe twice a game every game. Thurmond is actually getting us some ints. Maxwell got burned by Julio but has gotten better since then. Carroll has been pretty good and even Rowe has had some good moments. I think the ONLY that Kelly may have adequately addressed is the secondary.

  394. 394 Insomniac said at 12:25 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    The only QB/WR core that wasn’t bad when we faced so far was Ryan/Julio. Jenkins is an above-average safety. Thurmond is just a cover safety that hits like a wet noodle. Maxwell might not be that bad but Carroll keeps extending drives with holding calls. Rowe is..well I don’t need to say much about Rowe.

  395. 395 Mitchell said at 6:58 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Hes had 2 holding calls and the forst one was complete garbage. I didnt see the second one.

  396. 396 E.A.G.L.E.S said at 8:20 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    All we hear is how Kurt Cousins throws interceptions – when will we get to see it? All this game was missing was Desean Jackson hauling in a bomb and strutting in to the end zone backwards.

  397. 397 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Go Saints. Give us some consolation.

  398. 398 Eagle Central said at 8:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:


  399. 399 BobSmith77 said at 8:32 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Injuries, slow starts, and OL are the biggest concerns in that order. I just don’t know how you replace 3 starters on the OL next week with journeyman and ‘coach them up/scheme well to overcome it’ either.

  400. 400 EaglesFANqq said at 8:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The eagles offensive line is the worst in the league.

  401. 401 BobSmith77 said at 8:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    For once, I won’t argue with you or come up with a quip. Without Peters or Johnson possibly next week, it is hard to argue to the contrary.

  402. 402 EaglesFANqq said at 9:44 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I said that before the preseason ever started!

  403. 403 BobSmith77 said at 8:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    For a team that emphasizes ‘sport science’ this team is having a ton of soft muscle injuries in the early going especially leg muscle pulls.

    There isn’t much you can likely do with breaks or even ligament issues but the pulls/strains are something you think they would be better positioned to deal with.

  404. 404 Corry said at 8:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    For the defense, I wonder how much of that is due to the number of snaps they’ve been playing. 2 games that I know of, the D has been on the field for 40+ minutes. That’s going to take its toll on the defense.

  405. 405 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Yip was just thinking that.. D is playing alot of mins out there

  406. 406 BobSmith77 said at 8:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    That’s true but they had 2? guys today with cramping during the game too who needed treatment including Peters.

  407. 407 Corry said at 8:38 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Just Fletcher Cox had cramps. And again, i point to the minutes played. I’m not sure what the deal was with Peters. He left the game before the half and never came back. that doesn’t strike me as a cramping issue.

    EDIT: Peters did have a quad issue prior to the game.

  408. 408 daveH said at 8:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    this SUCKS tommy !!!
    WTF are we going to do!!!
    we suck and we have no hope. this sucks ducks

  409. 409 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:37 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So whats the deal with Marcus Smith? Is it safe to say hes goneski next year??

  410. 410 BobSmith77 said at 8:42 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kevin Reilly was pretty tough on Bill Davis today in the 5th qtr. No consistent pressure again today. Said it was too easy to pick up the Eagles’ blitzes on the long counts that Cousins was going with today with motion/leaning toward the line.

    Today Cousins saw Barwin coming in to blitz on the final play and it created an opportunity for him that he took advantage of with a good throw to clinch the win.

  411. 411 daveH said at 11:22 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    like that insight- thank you (I don’t get the good local analysis up here).
    the football media is loaded with players & coaches; they are ripping our obviousness on O and on D.
    we must have dumb coaching!!

  412. 412 BobSmith77 said at 8:47 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Lots of #FireChipKelly tags on Twitter tonight. Arguably the most passionate fan NFL base but the most kneejerk/clueless one too.

    I still think Jimmy Rollins was the pro athlete who had the best pulse on this city including its ‘what have you done for me lately’ attitude with a fair few exceptions its history.

    I have no idea what good ‘firing Chip Kelly’ would do if it was actually done tomorrow by Lurie.

  413. 413 Eagle Central said at 8:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:


  414. 414 Insomniac said at 9:24 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I want him to step down as GM and bring Howie back to power. If the team stinks this much next year then axe him.

  415. 415 peteike said at 10:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    No effn Howie my god

  416. 416 JoeBlow said at 10:36 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    that’s why twitter is a palace for the attention seeking and over emotional people of this planet. It’s funny you bring up the J-Roll quote because i always think of it when a philly team is struggling and the “fans” are “pasionate” . i find a lot of times when a player or fanbase is described as passionate what it’s really saying is they are immature and obtuse. Too many sports radio listeners in this city

  417. 417 ChoTime said at 1:42 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Just saw a study that said tweets from people on mobile are more negative and egocentric. 🙂 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/10/151001093715.htm

  418. 418 BobSmith77 said at 8:51 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    MS2 was another healthy scratch today? Ugh. Unless they get savaged by injuries and have no alternative, I can’t see him suiting up.

    He’s a bust and it isn’t too soon to label him at this point if he can’t even meaningfully contribute on special teams coverage.

  419. 419 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Man i dont get it.. Team is lacking pass rush but you emphasize ST over potential impact on D

  420. 420 Eagle Central said at 8:55 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    U really think he’ll make that big of a difference? If he’s not producing in practice what makeshe u think he’ll do something in an actual game

  421. 421 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:56 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Potential is the key word.. But like i said Eagles are lacking pass rush not ST coverage

  422. 422 Jernst said at 9:05 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    What potential has MS2 shown? Despite racking up some nice sack numbers in college one year, his biggest deficiency in the pros has been pass rushing. He’s a terrible pass rusher. He was ok as in coverage, sub par in setting the edge and bad at rushing the passer.

  423. 423 GENETiC-FREAK said at 9:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Hence why i said potential.. Are Eagles not lacking pass rushers?? A lot of emphasis on ST but its not the ST that are struggling

  424. 424 Eagle Central said at 9:09 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    MS2 is a coverage linebacker at best

  425. 425 Iskar36 said at 9:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    “His biggest deficiency in the pros has been pass rushing.”

    I have to disagree. Not because I think you are underrating his pass rush, but because in phrasing it that way, it implies he has shown proficiency of some kind in ANYTHING that he does. He literally has done nothing in the NFL. I can not recall a player drafted in the first round at a position that does rotate in and out players (so QBs obviously wouldn’t count) who has done less in his first year and four games than Marcus Smith II.

  426. 426 daveH said at 11:19 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    (send us a link of your household chanting SMITH IS A BUST!)

  427. 427 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:57 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Teams playing at least 41 minutes on defense are 5-109 in non-overtime games since 1983, which is as far back as Pro Football Reference has time-of-possession stats.

  428. 428 Eagle Central said at 9:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So does anybody think we win next week?

  429. 429 Insomniac said at 9:29 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Hey Brees score some f’ing points why won’t you

  430. 430 Insomniac said at 9:34 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Just saw the Todd Gurley highlights. If the Rams can run the damn ball then why can’t we?

  431. 431 Henly125 said at 10:49 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    It’s quite simple, because our offensive line is hot garbage.

  432. 432 Insomniac said at 12:26 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Well so is the Rams OL.

  433. 433 Mitchell said at 9:40 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    If we do finish with less than 10 wins this year, the Rams are goong to look loke geniuses.

  434. 434 GENETiC-FREAK said at 9:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Rams get the high 2nd rounder too if Eagles season dont improve

  435. 435 Mitchell said at 9:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Exactly. We could win 4 games and they pick at the top.

  436. 436 scratcherk said at 10:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    By when do we have to bench Bradford to get a pick back?

  437. 437 Mitchell said at 10:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    We dnt get it back. The best we can do now is get a 4th if he plays less than 50% of offensive snaps.

  438. 438 nathaniel driver said at 9:48 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Anyone who knows a lot more about LBs have any comment on Hicks, today? To the naked eye, he looked to be playing well again. Also, what potential top 5 college players should I be scouting–looks like it is going to be a long season…

  439. 439 peteike said at 10:41 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bradford, Oline and coaching fall flat every first half minus jets gm. They are finding out its tough to play catch up and then maintain a lead. Ugly, Bradford is terrible and ck has turned conservative at the worst times. I liked trying reverse at least but Bradford gives them a quarter plus of play each game, not enough.

  440. 440 Henly125 said at 10:52 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    The Saints are in a transitioning period, particularly on defense, but watch our offense make them look like a top 5 D next Sunday.

  441. 441 Henly125 said at 10:55 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Kempski said it best prior to the season, the Eagles offensive line will doom them. It’s quite evident and disappointing to think that Kelly went two straight offseasons without utilizing a single resource to address the offensive line outside of signing undrafted FAs… And John Moffitt……….. #BARF

  442. 442 Henly125 said at 10:59 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Bill Davis said that the Eagles can win more games than they can lose with the defense playing 41 minutes a game. Is he serious? Does he truly expect us to believe he meant what he said? I understand he won’t throw the offense under the bus, but come on, throw a jab or two. The offense needs to be more efficient and could use some inside criticism from the defense. It’s just not fair.

  443. 443 JoeBlow said at 11:01 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I’m sure guys in that locker room are letting them know, and aside from that, the Offense should already know how much of a burden they have been to this team

    You don’t throw jabs through the media though, that does nothing for the team

  444. 444 Henly125 said at 11:03 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I wonder if DeMarco gets more than 10 touches next week.

  445. 445 JoeBlow said at 11:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    i hope they are all between the tackles

  446. 446 ChoTime said at 1:37 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    I was wondering about that. Never played team sports. Does it piss of the D when the O isn’t pulling its weight?

  447. 447 JoeBlow said at 11:02 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    one thing i know is that a lot of teams are playing like ass, even teams that are winning….like the Cowboys tonight might end week 4 3-1 with their roster depleted and looking unimpressive 4 straight weeks….hell i’d say their best game was last week when they lost. Their d-line is much more impressive than their o-line so far, their running attack has been average at best. Denver is undefeated and has been riding their defenses coattails very hard. Denver’s offense consists of their o-line getting smothered, throwing short pick plays as usual and this new play where Manning shot-puts the ball and Demaryius Thomas out jumps the defender for it, i swear he’s won about 10 jump balls so far this season. The Bills inexplicably got beat at home by the Giants today, as did the Cards at home against the Rams

    I guess what im really trying to get at is their is bad football being played all over the league. Thats not to excuse what we have seen from our beloved squad because their is no excuse for what the way they have played, just sucks they haven’t ended up on the right side of the scoreboard, in case they do figure this thing out….injuries ain’t helping any

  448. 448 Henly125 said at 11:02 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Chip needs to rethink his philosophy on time of possession. If the defense were on the field 6 minutes less, they’d have held Washington to just 16 points and would not have faced that 90 yard drive. The “fast break” offense is the reason the Eagles are 1-3 right now.

  449. 449 JoeBlow said at 11:08 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    they haven’t even gotten a chance to be “fast break” though. It’s consistent 3 and outs because guys up front don’t know their assignments or Sam is missing open players or they are flat out dropping the ball….last week and this week i have even seen them slow things up as far as tempo when they do move the ball

    Defense has made their mistakes but nobody was expecting this to be a top 5 D, just average. I think given the context of the situations they have been in through 4 games they have been above-average

  450. 450 daveH said at 11:17 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I think you make a great point .. i mean that’s how you actaully win a game and chip is sofa king focused on his ‘tactical playmaking’ mindset he doesnt even think about winning !!
    and chip might have no idea wtf to do .. he might be way over his head now .. he’s showing us his deeer in headlight face

  451. 451 Mitchell said at 11:06 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Special teams are important but if we aren’t getting amazing numbers from them every year, are they really worth putting so much emphasis on?

  452. 452 D3FB said at 5:01 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Whose spots are Braman, Seyji, and Maragos taking?

    Diaheem, Bailey, and Reynolds? One is on the PS the other two on the street.

  453. 453 Mitchell said at 7:02 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Youre right on this. Typing out of frustration, looking for answers.

  454. 454 Joe Minx said at 11:07 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Well it’s official. TATE took a poll & they want Chip fired now.

  455. 455 Mr. Magee said at 12:13 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    TATE? Link?

  456. 456 Joe Minx said at 12:17 AM on October 5th, 2015:


  457. 457 Mr. Magee said at 12:20 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Link does not work

  458. 458 ChoTime said at 1:36 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Wow. TATE being TATE. Haven’t been there in years.

  459. 459 Joe Minx said at 1:42 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Smart man.

  460. 460 Allen3000 said at 11:12 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Some interesting/depressing stats as we just completed 25% of the regular season:

    * We have amassed 6 sacks through 4 games which puts us on pace for just 24 on the year. Barf.

    * Malcolm Jenkins and Walter Thurmond have accounted for more than 2/3’s of our total tackles for a loss

    * Our avg. TOP is under 23 minutes a game

    * We have only returned 2 KO’s all season

    *Sproles leads the team in TD’s with just 2

    *Demarco Murray has run the ball 29 times for a grand total of 47 yards (1.6 ypc). Through the first 4 games last year he ran the ball 99 times for 534 yards and 5 TDs. Ouch. Dude is probably regretting his decision big time right now.

    * We are 3/5 on field goals for the season. Our opponents are 10/10

    On a positive note we are +1 in turnover ration! yay!

  461. 461 Mitchell said at 11:35 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    So Chip has fixed the turnover differential problem and the safety problem but now we have to worry about sacks, drops, the run game and pass rush to name a few.

  462. 462 JoeBlow said at 11:13 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Just watching the Saints and Cowboys and it’s amazing what receivers can do when they catch the ball first….Cole Beasely, Willie Snead……not phenomenal athletes but they catch the ball

  463. 463 Sean Stott said at 11:53 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    Who cares if they can actually catch?

    Do they have long arms?

    Are their hands big?

    What’s his 40 time?

    Those are the only things that matter.

  464. 464 Mitchell said at 11:33 PM on October 4th, 2015:

    I hate the Cowboys.

  465. 465 JohnDoe610 said at 12:08 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    So what hobbies are you guys going to take up for the rest of football season? I just moved to LA and I’m thinking hiking? Maybe archery?

  466. 466 HawaiianEagle said at 12:15 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    I have a marathon in DEC been slacking on training. No better time now.

  467. 467 Mac said at 12:16 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    You’ll shoot yer eye out kid.

  468. 468 HawaiianEagle said at 12:36 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Adios bart…

  469. 469 ChoTime said at 1:35 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Buying a new guitar multi-effects pedal that has like 100 effects. Going to program my drum machine. Work on my topspin forehand.

  470. 470 A_T_G said at 6:44 AM on October 5th, 2015:


  471. 471 A_T_G said at 6:46 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Now might not be the best time for sharp projectiles.

    Personally, I am going to focus on honing my powers of rationalization and projection.

  472. 472 BlindChow said at 12:18 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    LOL at everyone who thought this defense was great because we made Ryan Fitzpatrick look mediocre.

  473. 473 Mitchell said at 12:22 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    I don’t think its the defense as a whole, more like the coordinator. We have some good pieces but when you give up 19 yards on a draw play on the first possession of the game, its ridiculous. I felt it set the tone for the whole contest. That is Davis’ MO. I would MUCH rather have a 3&2 than a 3&20! That’s sad.

  474. 474 Tumtum said at 12:34 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    The defense is fine. They are doing very well considering the circumstances forced upon them by the offense. That isn’t just fluff or talk. The added difficulty is actually vastly understated.

    The offense is putrid and that is literally all of the problem with this team.

  475. 475 BlindChow said at 12:54 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    *Kirk Cousins passes 46 times (67% completion) for 290 yards and a touchdown, including a 90-yard touchdown drive to win the game*

    “The defense is fine.”

  476. 476 Tumtum said at 1:08 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    I would love to see the 85′ bears get that sort of time on the field and see if the results were any different. You had me fooled thinking you had a reasonable mind if you can’t see that the defense has to be above blame until the offense at least holds the ball for more than 2 minutes of real life time.

  477. 477 anon said at 2:35 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    it’s kirk cousins on a 90yd clock eating game ending possibly season ending drive. no desean jackson.

  478. 478 BlindChow said at 6:14 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    lol sure, that 42-yard run by Thompson on 3rd and 19 was the fault of the offense.

    I mean, they hadn’t even been on the field yet, but yeah, definitely the offense’s fault…

  479. 479 A_T_G said at 6:35 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    That is a whopping 6.3 ypa. Somehow 290 on 46 plays with one TD signifies that our defense was horrid, while 270 yards on 28 attempts with 3 TDs also shows that Bradford is horrid.

  480. 480 BlindChow said at 6:47 AM on October 5th, 2015:

    Never said anything about Bradford.