Free Man

Posted: January 16th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 358 Comments »

Free at last, free at last. Thank god almighty, Doug Pederson is free at last.

That’s a fancy way of saying the Chiefs lost and the Eagles can now officially name Doug Pederson as their new head coach. Excited?

Even if you don’t love the hire, it is always interesting when the new guy comes in. You aren’t used to his press conferences so they seem more interesting and informative. There are new coordinators and the hiring of a full staff. None of us had heard of Jerry Azzinaro 3 years ago. He came to be a fun guy to learn about and follow.

The announcement could come as early as Sunday. I wouldn’t imagine there will be a press conference until Tuesday (Monday is Martin Luther King Day).

There is no real news today.

You don’t really expect those guys to say anything else, but it is still nice to hear.

Mostly quiet on the assistant coach front. Les Bowen had this a couple of days ago and I missed it.

Les nailed the Pederson hire so he’s one to definitely listen to right now. As for new guys…

We’ve heard Schwartz’s name mentioned as a possible DC target, but it is hard to tell if those are quality rumors or simply speculation. Schwartz is my choice so I hope they are true.

Tennessee hired Mike Mularkey today as their head coach so there are no more openings. That means veteran coaches like Schwartz, Mike Smith and Lovie Smith will have to decide if they want to be a DC or sit for a year and hope for the best. Expect rumors to pick up in regard to those guys and their futures.

I’ll write more about the DC spot in the next couple of days.


The end of the KC game was painful to watch. It did lead to one tweet that absolutely killed me.



358 Comments on “Free Man”

  1. 1 Bebin Abraham said at 11:07 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Did you mean Mike Smith or Mike Pettine. In any case Mike Smith got hired by the Bucs, he reunites with his old OC Dirk. I think Jim Schwartz might be pulling for that Tennessee job as he lives in Nashville. I would love to land Schwartz or Pettine though and Childress or Shurmur as OC. I would love to have both coordinators have some HC experience or be seasoned NFL coaches.

  2. 2 Greg Richards said at 11:15 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Cardinals being agressive and passing the ball is going to give Rodgers 2:00 to try to get the tying TD.

  3. 3 Greg Richards said at 11:21 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Damn, Rodgers might pull it off.

  4. 4 FairOaks said at 11:24 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Rodgers outsmarted himself there. I’ve seen him try to run the quick play instead of spiking it, but in that situation… calm things down. Wasted probably 15 seconds with the extra time to get a real play off plus the actual time of the play.

  5. 5 SteveH said at 11:32 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Rodgers just wanted to make things more dramatic for TV.

  6. 6 FairOaks said at 11:25 PM on January 16th, 2016:


  7. 7 Greg Richards said at 11:26 PM on January 16th, 2016:


  8. 8 Insomniac said at 11:26 PM on January 16th, 2016:


  9. 9 Insomniac said at 11:27 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    That’s a damn TD.

  10. 10 FairOaks said at 11:28 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    I think so. I think he had control and pinned it before the punch out, and even then I think the ball hit his arm and never hit the ground. At worst the play stands, I think.

  11. 11 SteveH said at 11:28 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    It never hit the ground that I can see.

  12. 12 TXEaglesFan said at 11:28 PM on January 16th, 2016:


  13. 13 SteveH said at 11:28 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    That’s insane, how is that possible.

  14. 14 Insomniac said at 11:29 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    It’s possible when you’re Aaron Rodgers

  15. 15 JoeBlow said at 11:29 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    …..still have to hit this extra point

  16. 16 SteveH said at 11:29 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Watch Crosby blow this.

  17. 17 GENETiC-FREAK said at 11:29 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Hahaha Rodgers aye

  18. 18 daveH said at 11:31 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    The only ARod

  19. 19 SteveH said at 11:29 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    60 yard catch and 40 yard catch to save the season… This just doesn’t happen in football.

  20. 20 FairOaks said at 11:31 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Is the plural “hails mary” or “hail marys” ?

  21. 21 Insomniac said at 11:30 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    OT boys. Extra football for the night

  22. 22 daveH said at 11:31 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Congrats to Andy for leading a fantastic team to . . . Well You have an 11 game win streak to remember .. and a minute last drive to argue about

  23. 23 SteveH said at 11:31 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    lol the coinflip. This game is ridiculous.

  24. 24 TXEaglesFan said at 11:32 PM on January 16th, 2016:


  25. 25 Insomniac said at 11:32 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Flipgate lol

  26. 26 Dragon_Eagle said at 11:32 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Is that an actual rule – if the coin doesn’t flip its a do-over? And, if so, does the NFL rule book use the word “do-over”?

  27. 27 SteveH said at 11:33 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Haha, it’s something for the rules committee this year. Also refs now must undergo mandatory coinflip training.

  28. 28 Insomniac said at 11:34 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    How do you screw up a coin flip in the first place? It’s not like they’re at GB where it’ll be too cold to move your fingers sometimes.

  29. 29 JoeBlow said at 11:34 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    put Blandino in charge of that

  30. 30 The original AG said at 11:55 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    I wouldn’t put him in charge of anything. He should have been fired last year.

  31. 31 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 1:24 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

  32. 32 xeynon said at 12:34 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    The do-over always worked to decide controversial plays in the schoolyard growing up. Don’t see why it can’t work for the NFL.

  33. 33 daveH said at 11:32 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Coin flop miss hap

  34. 34 Greg Richards said at 11:32 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Refs can’t even flip a coin right.

  35. 35 Greg Richards said at 11:33 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Gregg Rosenthal

    1m1 minute ago

    The Packers had 4th-and-20 from their own 4 with 55 seconds left and no TOs

  36. 36 SteveH said at 11:34 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Is anything impossible when Aaron Rodgers is the QB?

  37. 37 Insomniac said at 11:34 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Winning with the Browns

  38. 38 SteveH said at 11:35 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Of course the Packers blow it.

  39. 39 Dragon_Eagle said at 11:36 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Fitzgerald sucks. No excuse for not scoring there.

  40. 40 xeynon said at 11:36 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    That was classic Reid clock management at the end of that game.

  41. 41 SteveH said at 11:36 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Haha Rodgers is like … really?

  42. 42 Insomniac said at 11:36 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    This game is the craziest game ever.

  43. 43 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 1:23 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Not really ‘ever”. 4th quarter and coin toss were ridiculous though. ;~D.

  44. 44 xeynon said at 11:37 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    This has got to be one of the best playoff games in NFL history. Amazing.

  45. 45 Insomniac said at 11:38 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    The funny thing is the craziest playoff games ever feature both teams playing each other.

  46. 46 SteveH said at 11:37 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Clay Mathews really blew it. He let up a little bit and totally had Fitz at the 50.

  47. 47 Media Mike said at 9:11 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    He must have stopped to pick up some HGH on the ground.

  48. 48 BlindChow said at 10:18 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    The Byron Maxwell special. At one point he was trying to swipe the ball rather than tackle.

  49. 49 Greg Richards said at 11:37 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Hold them to a FG, Pack.

  50. 50 Dragon_Eagle said at 11:38 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Wow. Great, great game.

  51. 51 Greg Richards said at 11:38 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Damn. OT shouldn’t be so reliant on a coin toss. Go to college rules.

  52. 52 xeynon said at 11:57 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Fitz made a play to win it. I don’t have a problem with that result, the Cardinals earned it.

  53. 53 SteveH said at 11:38 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Ah well, craziness aside the better team won. Great game though.

  54. 54 RichEagle said at 11:39 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Great call Arians.

  55. 55 xeynon said at 11:40 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Arians is a great coach. Going to enjoy him embarrassing Chip twice a season instead of only once from next year.

  56. 56 RichEagle said at 11:40 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Do not like Arians but did not see that one coming.

  57. 57 xeynon said at 11:58 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    I wish we had hired Arians instead of Chip. :-/

  58. 58 TXEaglesFan said at 11:40 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Fitzgerald left, Fitzgerald right, Fitzgerald up the middle.

  59. 59 Insomniac said at 11:40 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    That last play showcased the importance of WRs (stud playmakers in general) and OL. You’ll be witnessing it 6 games a year now Chip Kelly.

  60. 60 myartz04 said at 11:56 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Riley Cooper makes that play. Easy.

  61. 61 The original AG said at 11:59 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Always good to bring humor into the equation.

  62. 62 xeynon said at 11:59 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Chip doesn’t like the way Fitzgerald lets go of the ball after he’s tackled though. That guy could never play for Chip, doesn’t fit the culture.

  63. 63 Greg Richards said at 11:41 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    That sucks for Rodgers. Lead your team to the tie on a miracle and then never get the ball in your hands again.

  64. 64 wee2424 said at 11:56 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Despite the changes I think the OT rules are still BS. The other team should absolutely have the opportunity to tie with a TD.

  65. 65 eagleyankfan said at 8:53 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Why? TD s are hard enough to come by…let a lone in OT. Game ended perfectly….leave that stuff in college

  66. 66 ChoTime said at 10:56 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Maybe he should have been happy for the one miracle he got and not ask for two!

  67. 67 Flyin said at 11:59 PM on January 16th, 2016:

    Tommy, I have a question…

    What year were you at Eagles Training Camp that you made your debut with Dave Spadaro? I’m thinking ’03 or ’04. Am I close, or should I commit myself to the alzheimer’s wing?

  68. 68 Dan in Philly said at 12:01 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I am probably the only one who hates hail Mary’s, so I’m slooooooo glad Arizona won that game.

  69. 69 ChoTime said at 10:56 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Hail Mary’s are BS. Heck, one and done playoffs are BS.

  70. 70 The original AG said at 12:21 AM on January 17th, 2016:

  71. 71 Jamie Parker said at 12:33 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Friggin Marion Campbell blew it…

  72. 72 Flyin said at 12:34 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    “more violence, MORE VIOLENCE” turned out to be just a tease for those hard up for more sacks in reach of there grasp.

  73. 73 The original AG said at 12:49 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Random fact:

  74. 74 Cafone said at 12:54 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Pederson’s main experience bullet point is that he runs the Chief’s two minute drill?

  75. 75 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 1:25 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yeah, but, but, 2 of the former Eagles say he’s a great guy!

  76. 76 bentheimmigrant said at 4:26 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    The drive started with more than 2 minutes left. Maybe it was Reid.

  77. 77 BobSmith77 said at 1:23 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Very entertaining start to the playoff weekend. Reid really put his ‘foot in mouth’ during the post game press conference:

    “I’m not sure exactly what you’re talking about,” Reid said when asked about the clock management late in the game.

    Then Reid said, “We wanted to get a play off. There was 2:20 on the clock.
    We wanted to make sure we got our best personnel on the field for that
    play, and we didn’t get that done.”

  78. 78 BobSmith77 said at 1:32 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Going to be interesting to see how Reid is viewed in KC this offseason though because even though he has won a lot in KC (31-17), he is 1-2 in the playoffs and 1-4 since ’09.

    Still is 27th too all-time in coaching winning pct during the regular season (min 100 games) although several active coaches have better winning pct – Belicheck, McCarthy, Tomlin, Payton, J. Harbaugh.

    He’s tied with Rivera too but Rivera has only coached 80 games (5 seasons).

  79. 79 Julescat said at 9:08 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Chefs won’t have another cupcake schedule next year like this season

  80. 80 Eagles News: Jeremy Maclin thinks Philadelphia fans should be excited about Doug Pederson - said at 6:21 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    […] Eagles Pick Pederson – Iggles BlitzDoug Pederson isn’t here to be Andy Reid 2.0, but he is here to move things back in that direction. Pederson played for Reid in Green Bay and Philly. He coached here for 4 seasons and followed Reid to Kansas City. Pederson has seen Reid when things are good and bad. He was part of the 4-12 disaster that led to Reid’s dismissal. He’s also been part of an amazing 11-game winning streak this season. Critics see this as Lurie hiring a “Yes Man” type of coach who will fit in and not rock the boat. I certainly get that perception, but I think it missing a big part of the equation. Roseman’s future and reputation will be greatly affected by this hire. Lurie’s legacy will be affected. I don’t think the average person understands how much Lurie wants to win. It kills him to be the lone NFC East team with no rings. […]

  81. 81 Mark F said at 7:34 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Watching the end of the chiefs game was eerily similar to what happened the last time we played New England in the post season…

  82. 82 Bob Brewer said at 8:00 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    God I’m dreading this hire. I could be wrong but Pederson does zero for my faith in this organization.

  83. 83 kevinlied said at 9:08 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    It’s pointless to get excited or despondent about a head coaching hire, especially one without a head coaching track record in the NFL. We don’t have enough access to enough information to even pretend we know anything about how it will turn out. Certain members of our media actually criticized the hire because Pederson said “gosh” when he recounted his meeting with Lurie and Roseman. Give me a damn break.

  84. 84 bill said at 9:34 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Any of the guys they could have hired this year (including Payton), I would have reserved any judgment until I saw their staff. None of them had the “program builder” rep that Chip had, and therefore, IMO, the opposite coordinator was as important as the head coach. With Pederson, I want to know both coordinators, but other than that, I don’t think he’s necessarily any better or worse than any of the “hot” names.

  85. 85 TypicalDouche said at 9:31 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Might as well give up on the constant complaining about the hire because it’s done and they’re is nothing you or anybody else can do. Time to ride the wave and hope for the best.

  86. 86 ChoTime said at 11:00 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    And what a wave that will be… baby!

  87. 87 Media Mike said at 9:36 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I’m not wowed by the hire, but I want to see the staff, the new personnel guys, smart / targeted free agent signings, and draft picks.

    Then we can get into some actual football and start drawing some conclusions.

  88. 88 Greg Richards said at 8:54 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Bwaah haaa haaa!

    Alex Marvez
    Verified account


    Source tells @NFLonFOX that @49ers are hiring @Eagles WRs coach Bob Bicknell for the same position on Chip Kelly’s staff

  89. 89 BlindChow said at 9:09 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Thank the Lord, we’re free at last!

  90. 90 Media Mike said at 9:14 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I’d like to see that fake tough guy get in Boldin’s face like he did to DeSean; he’ll be spitting out teeth. F Bicknell.

  91. 91 ACViking said at 9:43 AM on January 17th, 2016:


    Well done!

  92. 92 Media Mike said at 9:49 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    The underused DeSean Jackson jersey in my closet won’t allow me to forget anybody associated with removing one of the most unique and dynamic playmakers from our team…………EVER! Bicknell will always remain on the villains list.

  93. 93 Greg Richards said at 9:54 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I can forgive getting rid of that little punk. Letting Maclin go? Imbeciles.

  94. 94 Media Mike said at 9:59 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Reverse in my book; but they had to keep one.

  95. 95 Media Mike said at 9:21 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Welcome to Seattle Sunday!

  96. 96 Media Mike said at 9:26 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    No mention of the obvious holding on the 4th and 20 play that got the ball to mid-field that would have backed up Green Bay even further into their own end zone?

    Green Bay needs to shut up……………..and apologize for only getting Lacy 5.1 fantasy points in their week 15 matchup vs. Oakland.

  97. 97 A_T_G said at 9:31 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Green Bay usually strikes me as pretty classy, but they sound like sore losers today. They are complaining about a catch call that led to zero points and allowed enough time for the tying drive and a redone coin flip in which they lost both flips.

  98. 98 Media Mike said at 9:33 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    They contributed to me losing my semi-final, and around an extra $400 as a result, so they are the definition of classless.

    But they were very sore losers.

  99. 99 TypicalDouche said at 9:29 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Ryan Day, Bob Bicknell, and possibly Billy Davis joining Chip in San Fran…Chip bringing most of the failing crew with him. Please take the LBs coach with you as well Chip.

  100. 100 Media Mike said at 9:35 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Balke / York: Chip what are you going to do better in your 2nd chance as a head coach?

    Chip: Call plays so fast that all of these terrible assistant coaches I’m about to hire can’t have enough time to give bad coaching in-game.

  101. 101 kevinlied said at 9:51 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Is it odd that someone touted as an innovator is recycling the same coaches? Seems like things could get stale without adding new voices to the discussion.

  102. 102 P_P_K said at 9:52 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I think he’s more of a control freak than an innovator. He’s found a group of “yes men” who will jump at his command.

  103. 103 TypicalDouche said at 9:55 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    At this point all of things said about Chip being a genius, offensive mastermind, players coach, adaptable coach, out of box playcaller can all be thrown into the shitter because he showed he that he was nothing but an egotistical, dictator type, megalomaniac.

  104. 104 kevinlied said at 9:57 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I don’t know about that. I think he deserves a chance to prove he has learned from his mistakes. Doesn’t do a damn thing for us, but it’s crucial to his legacy. Bringing Bicknell, Day, and Davis on board would not be a good start.

  105. 105 Media Mike said at 9:59 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    He doesn’t deserve squat. The book on Kelly has been officially chiseled in stone and made permanent when Lurie fired him. If a person’s poor job performance for my preferred organization happened; that remains the lens through which I’ll see them in perpetuity.

  106. 106 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 10:02 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I haven’t seen anything about Billy D moving to SF. I heard Chip had already interviewed with somebody on SF’s staff for DC… hard to say what’s true till its announced I guess

  107. 107 ChoTime said at 11:01 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Interesting… what will it mean, if anything, if they are successful over there?

  108. 108 Media Mike said at 11:05 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Did you realign Arizona and Seattle out of that division?

  109. 109 ChoTime said at 11:14 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I have not really been paying attention. So is realignment a done deal?

  110. 110 Media Mike said at 11:16 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    No, I’m just saying that San Fran is buried with a bad QB, empty roster, and two juggernauts in their division. Kelly is set to cash in another $24 million to fail.

  111. 111 ChoTime said at 11:19 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yeah, it is not exactly like Mike Tomlin taking over from Cowher, is it? But I don’t think the jury is out on Chip. His college career and 2013 did happen. I am interested to see how he does in SF. He will earn it, if he does well.

  112. 112 Media Mike said at 11:22 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Chip has MILES to go as a leader of men to be on a level with Tomlin.

  113. 113 ChoTime said at 4:53 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Point was the stacked roster he inherited.

  114. 114 A_T_G said at 9:36 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Coach Azz has the title assistant head coach here, right? So if we wanted to keep him here, there isn’t a symbolic promotion Chip could give him is there? Assistant TO the head coach?

    Sure, it would be petty and likely detrimental to our team, but it is a fun thought.

  115. 115 Media Mike said at 9:37 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    We’re going to a 4-3, so I’d like to wish Azz well in San Fran with the talented group he’ll be coaching. Especially when they add Bruckner at #7 overall.

  116. 116 Dave said at 9:49 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Saw this on Twitter this morning:

    AFC Super Bowl QB
    03-04 Brady
    05 Ben
    06 Peyton
    07 Brady
    08 Ben
    09 Peyton
    10 Ben
    11 Brady
    12 Flacco
    13 Peyton
    14 Brady
    15 Ben/Brady/Peyton

  117. 117 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 9:53 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Even without those 3 QBs, those are still the best teams/staffs in the AFC. Well, maybe not NE but PItt and DEN are still SB competitors.

  118. 118 Dave said at 11:02 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I would argue the opposite. Take away those QBs, those staffs would be run of the mill. Colts are contenders every year until Peyton gets hurt. Now they have Luck and they are better than average but nothing special.

    Now look at Denver’s record before Peyton

    Denver’s record after Peyton

  119. 119 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 12:48 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Is the drop off between Peyton and Os big enough? I don’t think this Denver team needs a manning to be a SB contender.

  120. 120 Dave said at 12:51 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    There is a reason O was benched.

  121. 121 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:20 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Peyton hasn’t let it up either. I’m just saying this Denver team doesn’t have to live or die with an Elite QB performance. I just think Denver and Pitt are legit teams….Not like GB where the sun rising depends on Aaron Rodgers. Or like Az

  122. 122 Dave said at 1:30 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I agree somewhat with Denver. Their defense is elite and O has played well. Pittsburgh was barely kept afloat with Vick and Landry starting 5 games. Big Ben came in to play last week with a separated shoulder, that will tell how the team thought their chances of winning with healthy backups.

  123. 123 ChoTime said at 11:02 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Parity, baby!

  124. 124 Media Mike said at 11:04 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I hope the 2016-2030 list is populated by equally as good franchise level QBs.

  125. 125 BlindChow said at 11:19 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Good thing we’re in the NFC then:

    NFC Super Bowl QB

    03 Delhomme
    04 McNabb
    05 Hasselbeck
    06 Grossman
    07 Manning
    08 Warner
    09 Brees
    10 Rodgers
    11 Manning
    12 Kaepernick
    13 Wilson
    14 Wilson
    15 Wilson/Palmer/Newton

  126. 126 BlindChow said at 11:21 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    This might be more a statement on the state of AFC teams than AFC QB’s.

    Most people’s list of best NFC QB’s would probably be headlined by Rodgers and Brees, yet they were only in one Superbowl each…

  127. 127 Dave said at 12:49 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Here are the reasons

    Rodgers – McCarthy is a horrible coach
    Brees – Mickey Loomis is a horrible GM equally bad in Personnel decisions and salary cap management.

    This is a case where these guys are surrounded by subpar coaches/management.

  128. 128 Media Mike said at 11:21 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    *2015 Wilson/Palmer

  129. 129 TypicalDouche said at 9:57 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    All my residential Philadelphia brethren, I’m taking my son to Philly today to have his first real Philly cheesesteak. Can I get some ideas as to where to get a great cheesesteak for a first timer?

  130. 130 Media Mike said at 10:01 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Rather than all of us give you our favorite places, I’d look at the list and see where you’d most enjoy the parking, neighborhood, and anything else you’d like to do.

    This ranking wouldn’t be mind, but it might give you a good jumping off point.

    Enjoy the meal!

  131. 131 TypicalDouche said at 10:05 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Thanks for link brother it is truly appreciated. Is there any one spot you would suggest?

  132. 132 Media Mike said at 10:08 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I might suggest doing 2 or 3 and splitting a steak at each one just to get a sample. I’m a Pat’s guy, but I know that wouldn’t even rate close to the best. Hopefully some of the other folks here can give you a better rundown.

  133. 133 TypicalDouche said at 10:10 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Sounds good, thanks again brother

  134. 134 anon said at 10:28 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    jim’s, i went to penn so abners has a place in my heart

  135. 135 ACViking said at 10:32 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Same here

  136. 136 MS said at 10:59 AM on January 17th, 2016:


  137. 137 P_P_K said at 10:35 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I lived at 45th and Spruce and walked to my classes.

  138. 138 anon said at 10:37 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    40th and spruce for me. Good thing i stopped taking math after firs semester would have never made it to DRL.

  139. 139 kevinlied said at 10:38 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Co-sign Abner’s. My freshman year at Penn, we’d always buy beer there. Never got carded until April 1, the guy asked me for ID. As I was pretending to feel around my pockets for it, he said, “just kidding. April’s fools.” I’m sure things have tightened up since then.

  140. 140 P_P_K said at 11:25 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Ah, the good ol’ days when we were young and foolish. Now, just plain foolish.

  141. 141 daveH said at 10:16 AM on January 17th, 2016:


  142. 142 A Roy said at 10:38 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    It’s a personal preference thing. My favorite, and I’ve tried many, is Mamma’s on Belmont Ave. Easy access and parking, too.

  143. 143 ACViking said at 10:42 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    If you ever take your son to AC, must go to the White House Sub shop.

    Intersection of Arctic and Mississippj Avenues.

  144. 144 A Roy said at 10:43 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Coming with friends in a couple weeks and we stop for lunch before going to the casino. Do they sell beer?

  145. 145 Media Mike said at 10:45 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Drink after you’re done gambling or you’ll end up selling your prize possession to some asshole car dealer who will spin off all of the most valuable parts.

  146. 146 A Roy said at 10:51 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    We’re like Paul Hornung when it comes to that. “Practice, practice, practice.” (Old Miller Lite commercial…probably on youtube somewhere.)

  147. 147 Tdoteaglefan said at 11:07 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Good article, thanks for sharing. Although he was a self destructive addict, Tose had a good heart. Which is much more than we can say about that dbag Braman

  148. 148 A Roy said at 11:08 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Tose was always interesting.

  149. 149 Media Mike said at 11:12 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Braman can rot in hell. And to see how much of our team he destroyed by pocketing ungodly levels of profit rather than investing in players that has now been turned around for disgusting levels of political contributions………………… irks me. Our dollars purchased Marco Rubio instead of Keith Jackson, Reggie White, Keith Byars, Clyde Simmons, Seth Joyner, Eric Allen, and William Thomas.

  150. 150 ACViking said at 10:54 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    No beer.

  151. 151 A Roy said at 11:08 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Damn. Well, I may still walk over there from Caesar’s. It doesn’t appear very far.

  152. 152 JoeBlow said at 1:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    White house is great!

  153. 153 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:27 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Please go to South Street and take your kid to jim steaks on 4th and south… No where else compares… Plus south street is a fun street for you and your kids..

  154. 154 The original AG said at 11:30 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    If you guys have time, either go to the Art Museum (free on Sundays I think) or the Franklin Institute (or both).

  155. 155 ICDogg said at 12:47 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Art museum is free only on the first Sunday of each month. The Barnes, too, though limited number of admissions, need to go early for the Barnes. But again, only the 1st Sunday of each month.

  156. 156 The original AG said at 1:01 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I haven’t lived up that way in almost 11 years. Good to know though. There’s a Pixar exhibit coming to the Franklin Institute in March, so I’m gonna try and get up there for that sometime in April.

  157. 157 ICDogg said at 1:05 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Haven’t been in the Franklin Institute since they first opened the Omniverse Theater, so that’s got to be 20 plus years.

  158. 158 The original AG said at 1:09 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I went there in August for the Lego exhibit (awesome btw), and then we went to Fantasy Fest. I remember because a buddy of mine is from Wisconsin and we played GB that weekend in the preseason, so we decided to hang out in the city.

    It’s still a pretty cool place to visit.

  159. 159 ICDogg said at 1:09 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    That was the original name of the IMAX theater there.

  160. 160 The original AG said at 1:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    They are playing Star Wars in their IMAX theater right now.

  161. 161 Insomniac said at 11:31 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Go to John’s and get him his first roast pork sandwich too. Two birds one stone.

  162. 162 D3FB said at 6:09 AM on January 18th, 2016:

    Jims on South St

  163. 163 Media Mike said at 10:19 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Here is an attempt at a draft to get Coach Pederson some help. It assumes a short term deal or tagging of Bradford, a few modest signings on the O-line, WR, and DB, and the overall desire to develop a first round QB over the 5 years we can hold him on bargain basement wages.

    Getting Wentz at 28 would give him a 5 year deal that would top out at about $6 million in his option year in 2020. Frankly, I’d like that level of control for a QB in 5 years as a first rounder, rather than 4.

    Round 1 Pick 28 (K.C.): Carson Wentz, QB, North Dakota State (B+)
    Round 2 Pick 28 (K.C.): Kyle Murphy, OT, Stanford (B+)
    Round 3 Pick 14: Jerald Hawkins, OT, LSU (A)
    Round 3 Pick 16: Jayron Kearse, SS, Clemson (A+)
    Round 4 Pick 15: Yannick Ngakoue, OLB, Maryland (A-)
    Round 5 Pick 14: Christian Westerman, OG, Arizona State (A)
    Round 5 Pick 23: Jordan Williams, WR, Ball State (A+)
    Round 6 Pick 13: Lloyd Carrington, CB, Arizona State (A)
    Round 7 Pick 12: Jason Fanaika, DE, Utah (B+)
    Round 7 Pick 31: Javon Hargrave, DT, South Carolina State (A)

  164. 164 Media Mike said at 10:25 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    FUCK. Never mind. The 5th year option isn’t keyed the the guy’s draft position only, it rips off the team’s cap by making it a low grade version of the franchise tag. Still cheaper than a long term deal, but not nearly team friendly enough.

  165. 165 FairOaks said at 12:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Correct. RGIII’s option next year is over 16 million for that reason. Which is why he’s certain to be let go before free agency since it would become fully guaranteed then — before, just guaranteed for injury (thus they didn’t even let him see the field this year). The 5th year option thing only makes sense if they really are among the better ones at their position — picking up the option on Fletcher Cox was a no-brainer, for example. It will be interesting to see who get picked up from the 2013 draft — Lane Johnson probably will but I’m not sure any of the three picks above him will.

  166. 166 Media Mike said at 12:50 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    At least the 5th year option for guys drafted 11 through 32 isn’t as bad.

  167. 167 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 10:25 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I like it. Sticky thing is trying to determine where Wentz falls. Looking the 3rd best QB in the draft and might have the highest upside.

  168. 168 Media Mike said at 10:28 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I’d still rate Goff WAY higher than Wentz, potential included, but we need to start taking long term shots at QB. GOff being left for us at 13 is a LONG shot. We lack ammo to trade up, but probably shouldn’t even be discussing that due to the number of holes in the roster.

    Trading down AND getting our non-Goff QB of choice seems to be a necissity unless some generational talent makes it to our pick at 13.

  169. 169 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 10:32 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Not disagreeing with the logic.

    I can see some team that is talented but only missing a QB (Texans, Rams) or a team with an gaining QB taking Wentz.

    I don’t think Goff makes it past 2.

  170. 170 Media Mike said at 10:41 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Until I see the Browns actually draft Goff rather than “invest” in Haslem’s love child RG3; I’m not buying it.

    The Texans, although I know it is rather cliche, are going to take Hack.

    We’ll see what the Rams do in terms of Lynch vs. Cook vs. Wentz.

  171. 171 mark2741 said at 10:43 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I know this is completely off-topic, but was thinking about Chip Kelly’s tenure here and what went wrong, and it hit me that the first season he ran all kinds of new and interesting formations, and then that all went away. Remember the “unbalanced” offensive line? Lane Johnson splitting out as a WR? And I distinctly recall their tempo in the first half of his first game, against WAS on Monday night, was faster than ever. And then he just simply went away with it and went very vanilla…

  172. 172 Media Mike said at 10:44 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    That’ll happen when you run off a lot of the good talent and don’t have enough players of quality to trust that non-vanilla can be executed properly.

  173. 173 MS said at 10:45 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    But that’s impossible. We all know that whatever he did do, it didn’t turn out that well, but we do know for sure that he didn’t attempt to adjust. He changed nothing. The media said so so I know it’s true.

  174. 174 mark2741 said at 3:33 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Thinking back, it’s like he did adjust – going from the unpredictable to the completely predictable. Regardless, I will certainly be watching to see how he does with the 49ers. I have a hunch he’ll be successful in year 1, with the players raving about how fresh they feel due to the smoothies and tempo, then follow a similar pattern to the Eagles’ and start complaining in year 2.

  175. 175 MS said at 3:42 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yeah we will see. I don’t like to predict the future.

  176. 176 meteorologist said at 10:50 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Didn’t trust his players because they weren’t good enough anymore

  177. 177 Media Mike said at 11:03 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I know I like Tampa 2 more than others on here, but any chance Lovie (much like Wade Phillips) humbles himself and takes a DC job?

    I’d really like a vet DC here running a 4-3 system.

  178. 178 Greg Richards said at 11:08 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    He’s getting paid anyway by TB. Doesn’t make sense to take a DC job right now. I seriously doubt he’d get a 3rd HC job.

    Wait, forget that. Mike Mularkey got a 3rd HC job so anything is possible.

  179. 179 BlindChow said at 11:12 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    What if Lovie’s very passionate about football and just loves being involved in coaching?

    I’m surprised so many people think money is the only thing that should determine whether or not a coach take a job or not.

  180. 180 Media Mike said at 11:17 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    I think what Greg was saying is that Lovie isn’t going to be pressed to take a coordinator job rather than waiting for another HC offer like he did when Chicago fired him.

  181. 181 BlindChow said at 11:27 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Ah. I suspect if he wants another shot at HC, becoming a successful DC again is the only way to do it.

    TB’s defense was pretty miserable the last couple years, but there are plenty of coordinators whose defenses were consistently top-notch until they became HC’s themselves (see Schwartz and Gus Bradley).

    Anyways, I wouldn’t be shocked if he did sign up to be coordinator someplace…

  182. 182 ICDogg said at 1:01 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I expect he will.

  183. 183 The original AG said at 11:13 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Bob Bicknell to the 49ers. Thank god.

  184. 184 Media Mike said at 11:18 AM on January 17th, 2016:

  185. 185 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:25 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Best news of the offseason. Glad Chip took his hack WR coach. Bicknell allegedly loves Riley Cooper, he is welcome to take him too to San fran..
    Hope San Fran enjoys the new criteria judging tbeir WRs on how well they block.
    good Riddens….

  186. 186 Media Mike said at 11:26 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Cut Cooper, have him sign in San Fran. Sign Boldin, who is a free agent from San Fran.

  187. 187 The original AG said at 11:28 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    OMG, I don’t know what I’d do if we did that. That’s champagne worthy.

    That’s “I’m okay with Roseman”-worthy.

  188. 188 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:31 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Boldin? No thanks…. You want a rookie QB jn Wentz, but sigń an ancient WR a few years away from retirment home? Sounds contradictory to me..
    .. You either go young and blow it up, or you keep SAM in place and contend in which case it makes more sense to add a veteran, but someone who is under the age of 30 please… Then again, I’d rather not sigń any teams free agents
    Id give the Niners a draft pick to take Cooper

  189. 189 Patrick said at 11:43 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    One of the best things I can imagine doing for a young QB is to get him a veteran WR who can provide a reliable target.

  190. 190 Media Mike said at 12:03 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Exactly what I was going to say. And he’d help mentor the young guys the right way.

  191. 191 Dude said at 12:04 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Boldin is a gutsy, reliable receiver. I’d take him any day.

  192. 192 Media Mike said at 12:07 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    And he knows how to tailor his route running to get first downs, not 4th and 2s.

  193. 193 jpate said at 11:39 AM on January 17th, 2016:

    Gotta teach them 49 receivers how to block

  194. 194 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:09 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Amazing how the media hates on Philly. When Chip was the coach of the Eagles, media would rip chip and laugh at us constantly… Chip goes to the Niners and now Shefty and analysts are calling the Niners “winners for landing Chip kelly”… Smh

  195. 195 Media Mike said at 12:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    F them. F all of them.

  196. 196 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:13 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  197. 197 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:13 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Ditka interviewed Ron Rivera, some interesting stuff.
    It Wasnt always smooth sailing for Rivera in Carolina, he was asked what led to the turning point of his Carolina era that got them to the level they are at now.
    Rivera said what changed everything for him in Carolina was when he realized he didn’t have the type of relationships he needed to have with his players, so he had a desk moved into the players locker room so he could better build those relationships with his players…. Intesting to see a successful HC care about, what is said to have been one of chips biggest flaws… Wonder if chip learned anything from his philly demise and makes drastic changes to his approach in San Fran, or will his ego keep him from making any changes?

  198. 198 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:22 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Hoping Carolina kicks Seattles ass today…
    An analyst said something I agree with, Panthes will need Charkes Johnson and Jared Allen to show up today, without a pass rush, Wilson can make it a long day for Carolina .
    For a great Carolina defense, their edge rushers ARENT Anything Special whch can be very costly when you get to this level against all the top QBs..
    If Carolina still had Greg Hardy, they would really be nasty…
    Carolina is also dealing with some injured CB’s…. Average pass rush, with backüp Corners is a bad combo this deep in the playoffs… Seattle shouldn’t have even gotten this far but a kicker Commited an epic choke job gifting seattle this opportunity. Im hoping Carolina puts an end to the seattle success.
    The winner of this game has to feel pretty good with how badly Carson Palmer choked in last nights playoff game. Even more worrisome is the GB DL and OL kicking the Carfinals ass in the trenches
    It’s a shame that the Steeles vs Denver game lost so much of its luster with the steelers being a shell of the high powered offense we saw this season. A healthy Steelers offense vs the Denver defense would have been an epic matchup, Damn shame we are cheated out of what should have been a geat matchup

  199. 199 Media Mike said at 12:50 PM on January 17th, 2016:


    Cam must go.

  200. 200 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:20 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Must go where? Id like to see Carolina win it all this year

  201. 201 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:23 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Don’t the Niners have a Great FB? Or did he retire too? Wonder if Chip would give up a FB for his beloved Riley Cooper, or Taylor Hart (to pair with Duck DE Arik Armstead)

  202. 202 Media Mike said at 12:52 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Not needed. We can draft mini-Gronk at FB.

  203. 203 Bert's Bells said at 1:07 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    He’ll be s regular Mike Maddux.

  204. 204 peteike said at 1:09 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Oh nice ben wondering about DTs mom. Thats cool gonna be emotional for him today

  205. 205 JoeBlow said at 1:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    you may be thinking of Tom Rathman who was a beloved FB for niners fans?….he is now the RB coach and is sorta like their version of Duce. He has survived 3 coaching changes already

  206. 206 ACViking said at 1:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    The FB is Bruce Miller. Just finished his 5th season.

    Under contract ’til 2017. Cap hit for SF if he’s traded/cut is about $900K, I think.

  207. 207 ICDogg said at 12:54 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Gotta keep Fipp.

  208. 208 Media Mike said at 12:55 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I believe they are. And hopefully with a healthy raise in thanks for him staying put while the new coach was being finalized.

  209. 209 RobNE said at 1:45 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    He is under contract no?

  210. 210 The original AG said at 1:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I don’t think there was one pass play on that drive. If Seattle can’t stop the run in this game, they are in serious trouble.

  211. 211 jpate said at 1:14 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Wow. what a start

  212. 212 ICDogg said at 1:15 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yes. Great pressure defense.

  213. 213 jpate said at 1:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    yeah, felt seattle was a little overrated. Down the stretch the best team they beat was Pitt and cardinals who didn’t have anything to play for

  214. 214 JoeBlow said at 1:15 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    i love it, really want to see Carolina and Arizona go head to head

  215. 215 bill said at 1:16 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    If the Seahawks don’t win decisively on D and STs, they could get blown out.

  216. 216 Media Mike said at 1:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  217. 217 ICDogg said at 1:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  218. 218 Media Mike said at 1:18 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  219. 219 jpate said at 1:21 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    So short is better than starr?

  220. 220 Media Mike said at 1:21 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  221. 221 bill said at 1:21 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    gotta throw that away.

  222. 222 The original AG said at 1:26 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Seattle’s #1 run defense is struggling.

  223. 223 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:27 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Have to account for Cam too

  224. 224 The original AG said at 1:27 PM on January 17th, 2016:

  225. 225 JoeBlow said at 1:28 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    think he was just fired as San Diego OC?

  226. 226 The original AG said at 1:30 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    We’ve (generally) been assuming they are keeping some of the coaches from Chip. That might not be the case.

  227. 227 laeagle said at 2:01 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Interesting because I believe that SD had a pretty potent offense at times. Also because I don’t believe Reich is a classic WCO guy.

    Interesting in a negative way because he just got fired by a pretty bad team. Though that might have been the scapegoating necessary to keep McCoy as coach.

  228. 228 The original AG said at 2:02 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Sometimes a change of scenery is helpful.

  229. 229 The original AG said at 1:29 PM on January 17th, 2016:

  230. 230 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:30 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  231. 231 jpate said at 1:35 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    While offensively giants are a better choice for a coach (macdoo) defensively eagles are much more attractive.

  232. 232 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:54 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Im not that interested in Soags, but you are right, the defensive talemt we have is LIGHTYEARS ahead of the Giants

  233. 233 The original AG said at 1:31 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Some good news guys…

  234. 234 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:33 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Doesn’t make up for Spags as DC

  235. 235 bill said at 1:45 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I guess I was wrong that last week was Wilson’s annual WTF! game in the playoffs.

  236. 236 myartz04 said at 1:46 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    What’s the consensus on Spags as DC?

  237. 237 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:46 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Good grief

  238. 238 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:52 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    No thank you! But isn’t he staying with the Giants?

  239. 239 Greg Richards said at 1:57 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I don’t like it either, but despite the media reporting he was staying in NY the Giants themselves have said that situation is fluid. We did just hire Flajole, who is one of Spags’s best friends.

  240. 240 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:03 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Considering Novacare is being turned into an Andys rejects reunion, hiring Spags WOULDNT surprise me in the least bit, but I wouldn’t be thrilled about it, although it could be much worse. Spags is No Juan Castillo…

  241. 241 ACViking said at 1:48 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Alex Marvez tweeted:

    Tim Hauck to be hired as Eagles DB coach

  242. 242 Tdoteaglefan said at 1:48 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Who? And why? Undlin leaving with chip?

  243. 243 The original AG said at 1:59 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Former Eagles safety (as well as other teams) and because he knows the position.

  244. 244 JoeBlow said at 1:52 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    the safety from like the Rhodes era?

  245. 245 ACViking said at 1:56 PM on January 17th, 2016:


    Coached Browns DBs from 2012-14

    Then worked as DC for his brother at UNLV

  246. 246 Greg Richards said at 1:55 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Some teams have two coaches with DBs coach title(versus one with the asst DBs title) so it’s possible Undlin stays too.

    Hauck was Cleveland’s secondary coach in 2012.

  247. 247 jpate said at 1:56 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    According to wiki he has no coaching experience….

    Edit: Stand corrected but still an underwhelming hire.

  248. 248 laeagle said at 2:00 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    why is it an underwhelming hire? Was there some set of criteria that you had specifically written down in your notebook? Something in particular you look for you your DB coach?

    Hauck actually has quite a bit of coaching experience, and was a fiery player when here. Seems like a good hire to me, but I’ll admit to what you should also admit: how the hell are we able to make a judgement about him right now? You’re just being negative because you enjoy it.

  249. 249 jpate said at 2:21 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    What? How do I enjoy that? Pretty ignorant thing to say based on a 16 word comment. I didn’t say anything conclusive like “he is def gong to suck”. I said it’s underwhelming because I thought he was replacing Undlin as the DB coach and he doesn’t match up to Undlin’s reputation. But now we know he is going to be the assistant, so I can care less, hope he’s good.

  250. 250 FairOaks said at 2:24 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    If we are hiring defensive staff the team must know who the DC is then, right?

  251. 251 The original AG said at 2:24 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Good point, and it just might be Spags.

  252. 252 SteveH said at 1:53 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    My god the Panthers are just taking the Seahawks out behind the woodshed and beating their ass.

  253. 253 bill said at 1:54 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Wilson’s lack of vision in the pocket is showing. But the Panthers are really schooling the front 7 of that vaunted D.

  254. 254 ICDogg said at 1:55 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Time to take them seriously

  255. 255 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:55 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Nah this one of those public ass beatings you see in the supermarket or on black friday

  256. 256 ACViking said at 1:57 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    This season, the bye week is paying off. Like the old days

  257. 257 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:57 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I don’t understand why mIke Shula doesn’t get more reapect. for an offense that was supposed to have one of the weakest group of WRs, the offense Shula runs is just tailored perfectly around the skill set of his playërs.
    Cam deserves a world of credit for their offensive success, but I don’t think Shula gets enough credit for the offense that has been built around Cam..
    That doesn’t Neccessarily mean Shula will be a great HC, but he deserved to have a few interview opportunities

  258. 258 James said at 1:59 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Wish our Oline would open holes like that, freakin massive.

  259. 259 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:01 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I love their OL schemes. Look at the double teams they hit Logan and Cox with all game.. Was very impressed with the OL schemes they used to get the best of our elite OL…. No one handled Logan as well as the Panthers were able To do. Great game plan against us

  260. 260 nicolajNN said at 1:58 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Clariifying: Cory Undlin remaining as @Eagles secondary coach. Tim Hauck being hired as asst DBs coach. Sorry for confusion. @NFLonFOX— Alex Marvez (@alexmarvez) January 17, 2016

  261. 261 ICDogg said at 1:59 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  262. 262 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:59 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    BIGTIME NEWS!!! Thank you sir!!

  263. 263 Aaron said at 1:59 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    if the panthers score here, its over, total ownage by the panthers

  264. 264 Greg Richards said at 1:59 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Clariifying: Cory Undlin remaining as @Eagles secondary coach. Tim Hauck being hired as asst DBs coach. Sorry for confusion. @NFLonFOX

  265. 265 Greg Richards said at 2:00 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Be happy.

  266. 266 ICDogg said at 2:00 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I like Undlin

  267. 267 ICDogg said at 2:00 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Cam at his best

  268. 268 SteveH said at 2:00 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Cam took that next step this year everyone was waiting for. MVP season.

  269. 269 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:01 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    He has been amazing this year.. Scary to think what would have been had Kelvin Benjamin not gotten hurt

  270. 270 HawaiianEagle said at 2:00 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Omg Andy mismanages clock. First time for everything…

  271. 271 SteveH said at 2:02 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Jesus, Panthers look scary good.

  272. 272 The original AG said at 2:03 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I thought AZ would be the representative in the SB. I’m starting to think it may be Carolina.

  273. 273 Aaron said at 2:04 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    the panthers D I think will stop the cards, also dont think the cards D can hold down the panthers O

  274. 274 Iskar36 said at 2:06 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    That game should hopefully be a lot of fun to watch, regardless.

  275. 275 ICDogg said at 2:02 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    The rout is on

  276. 276 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:06 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    As a fan, I get worried when our team is completely blowing out the opponent in the first half, I always worry about Human nature kicking in at halftime and the team taking their foot off the gas.
    Being in this position the Panthers are fortunate they experienced something similar a few weeks ago against the Giants, so hopefully they learned their lesson about not allowing a team to get back into the game and how no lead is safe at halftime… Id love to see a very Embarressing loss end Seattles season.

  277. 277 myartz04 said at 2:05 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Remember when we almost beat the panthers?

  278. 278 Aaron said at 2:12 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    remember when we bout beat alot of teams, actually trying to forget about this season

  279. 279 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:15 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Shame that the Wrs picked that game to have their worst game (drops) of the season… We were cheated out of seeing what Bradford could have done against that defense,,, but clearly the better team won, Panthrs handled our DL better than our OL handled the panthers DL

  280. 280 Iskar36 said at 2:05 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    This might be one of the most dominant ~25 min of football I have seen. Jeez. I thought the Panthers were underrated coming into this game against an unbelievably lucky Seattle team, but I did not see this impressive of a performance.

  281. 281 xeynon said at 2:08 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Cardinals are the best all around team in football, but the Panthers aren’t far behind and have the better QB. Should be a hell of an NFC championship team and I think either will be a heavy favorite against the AFC representative.

  282. 282 Aaron said at 2:12 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    right now, for both teams in this part of the season, the panthers are the best all around team, just on how they’re playing the last few games,

  283. 283 xeynon said at 2:13 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I think you can make the case. But with their injuries in the defensive backfield and so-so receiving corps I give the Cardinals the slight edge.

  284. 284 Aaron said at 2:15 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    so, so receiving corps?

  285. 285 xeynon said at 2:18 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yeah. Greg Olsen is a very good TE but Devin Funchess and Philly Brown? One of the few duos I think is less talented than the Eagles’.

  286. 286 bill said at 2:16 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Good points, but I think the Panthers’ O is perfect for exploiting the Cards’ D, too. That great secondary isn’t going to help them stop Cam in the read option all that much. Likely be low scoring game. Also, doesn’t Palmer have a hand injury, or did someone lie to me last night?

  287. 287 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:13 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I dunno man… It’s rare that the Panthers get their ass kicked at the Line of scrimmage as bad as the Packers whooped on The Cardinals at the line of scrimmage…
    cam newton showed up looking amazing, Carson Palmers playoff struggles continued…
    Kind of Dissapointing that Patrick Peterson didn’t stop Jeff Janis from tying the game in crunch time

  288. 288 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    The seattle OL has gotten better. but going into this game, I thought it was pretty clear that Panthers OL was more equiped to stand up to the elite seattle Front 7, then Seattles OL would be able to stand up to the dominant Panthers front 7… The one question was if the Carolina edge rushers would show up, which was important since they were counting on some backüp Corners, but so far that pressure off the edge showed up, and seattle is struggling to hold up..
    Of course it’s important to remember that the Panthers edge Rush is abke to succeed because of all the mayhem Kawaan Short creates in the interior, similar to how eagles defenders often get sacks because of the work Cox does

  289. 289 xeynon said at 2:07 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Watching Seattle get curb-stomped is pretty fun. I’m sure Richard Sherman will be very talkative and Wilson very eager to declare how disappointed God, being a Seahawks fan, is after this performance.

    Also, does Media Mike want to reconsider his “Scam Newton” point of view? The guy has developed into a great QB.

  290. 290 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:08 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Wilson is the only Seachicken I like

  291. 291 xeynon said at 2:11 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I like him as a player. I dislike his grandiose posturing about his religious beliefs and his eagerness to talk about his sex life in public.

  292. 292 SteveH said at 2:11 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    The original born again virgin.

  293. 293 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:15 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    He never seems to put other people down or anything like that so it doesn’t really bug me. I think other pro athletes do a lot worse but I can understand how it might run people the wrong way or come off preachy.

    I don’t think he’s reached Tebow levels though

  294. 294 Aaron said at 2:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    what are tebow levels?

  295. 295 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:25 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    The Pope hasn’t even reached Tebow Levels..

  296. 296 Aaron said at 2:25 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    tebow levels?

  297. 297 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:26 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Of annoying preaching

  298. 298 Aaron said at 2:27 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    oh, he annoys you, just turn it off, or maybe you just want to be mad, this game stinks, except for the star wars music

  299. 299 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:32 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Huh? WTF are you talking about? A harmless Anti TEBOW joke? Fuck off!

  300. 300 Aaron said at 2:19 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    sex life? When did he say something about that

  301. 301 xeynon said at 2:22 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    He was talking about how he wouldn’t have sex with Ciara because God told him not to or some such.

    Just rubs me the wrong way. Any God that can’t be bothered saving orphans in Syria or the like but does care about whether the Seahawks win and whom Russell Wilson does or does not fornicate with has some very skewed priorities.

  302. 302 Aaron said at 2:23 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Not God, just wilson, didnt hear about that, gonna have to find some news about it,

  303. 303 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:24 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I love Micheal Bennett and KAM!!!!!

  304. 304 Tdoteaglefan said at 2:36 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yeah Kam is my of my favourite players in general. Wilson and sherman are the 2 other players i like on that squad

  305. 305 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:23 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    “Mediocre” Panthers WR’s beating the great L.O.B…

  306. 306 Greg Richards said at 2:14 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I like Frank Reich as an OC choice. A year ago he was getting HC interviews. One bad season when SDG’s offensive line and receivers were all in the hospital in traction doesn’t make him a bad coach. I think he was mainly fired because McCoy doesn’t have a connection with him and wanted to re-hire his friend, Ken Whisenhunt, for the job. I also think it’d be nice to hire someone with a background not inside the WCO box that can provide a different perspective.

    Spags? No, I’m not on board with that. He had one great year as Giants’ DC but since then his units have stunk. We just hired Flajole, who is one of Spags’ best friends. Spags was supposedly going back to the Giants but at the PC the Giants said that situation was fluid. That told me that Spags was a possibility here. I think Giants fans are hoping he chooses us so they can hire someone else better.

  307. 307 The original AG said at 2:16 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Hard to make crappy players look good. They have no talent in NY on defense, and their best player blew up his hand.

  308. 308 Greg Richards said at 2:20 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    If it was based off just this 1 year, I’d agree. His record has been poor for awhile. I’d love him as a LBs coach or secondary coach, not as a DC.

  309. 309 The original AG said at 2:22 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I’ve seen worse, but I think his success went downhill with the talent.

    I think he can do a good job if he has talent, but he’s not a guy that’s getting everyone to play above their level.

    So IMO, that makes him an average DC.

  310. 310 Telmert said at 2:53 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Actually, no one has ever seen worse than the 7042 yards Spags defense gave up in 2012 for NO. Worst in the history of the NFL. He was fired after only one season, and Rex Ryan (!) took them to #4 in yards in the league (4891) the very next year. His next DC job was last year in NY – the third most yards given up in the history of the league (6725). Two different teams, back-to-back for the coach, historically bad defenses – hard to do.

    On Reich – I wonder if they’re speculating about him being contacted for the OC job. He only had two years as OC in SD and may not have many options to stay in the league. I wonder if DP is looking at him as QB coach?

  311. 311 Telmert said at 2:56 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Could be the same for Spags as for Reich, BTW. If the NYG do not bring him back, he’ll have to take a position coach job to stay in the league. Maybe he’s been in contact with the Eagles and the writers are assuming it’s for DC…

  312. 312 Greg Richards said at 2:15 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Alex Marvez

    2m2 minutes ago

    Alex Marvez Retweeted


    Alex Marvez added,


    Report: Pederson eyes Frank Reich as offensive coordinator –

  313. 313 James said at 2:21 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    “he interviewed for head coaching vaccines” LOL, Hayes can’t even spell vacancies now?

  314. 314 xeynon said at 2:16 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Shut up Pete Carroll. God that guy is annoying.

  315. 315 The original AG said at 2:18 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Does Russell Wilson get ripped for not throwing to the first down marker like Bradford does when he does it?

  316. 316 Aaron said at 2:19 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    nope, he’s not an eagle

  317. 317 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:22 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Does Wilson ever get ripped for anything?

  318. 318 The original AG said at 2:24 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    If SB had the game Wilson had last week, and played up to this point like him today – people would be saying the Eagles still need to find their QB of the future.

    I don’t hate Wilson, I like him actually. But I don’t get the Bradford hate.

  319. 319 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I get the bradford hate, pure stupidity lol… For Starters, even if we don’t want SAM and SAM doesn’t want to be here(which I don’t know to be the case), a GM with a Brain after what we spent on SAM, would Franchise SAM, and force the team he planned on signing with to give up something for him in a trade. Chip is gone, ENOUGH OF THE GM AMATUER HOUR.. Letting SAM just leave is stupidity at its finest..
    IIf someone wants to tell me that they DONT trust his body fine, but you have to be clueless to not want to see another 3 years of the level of QB play we saw the second half of this season… People are absurd to think they can find. QB who would perform better than sam can the next 3 years, even crazier to want to give up on a QB who even his silly haters have to admit was still improving for us, and it’s a shame enough people don’t respect how hard it is for a QB to show improvement each week while the team around him was on a steady decline.
    I don’t believe we can get a QB who will play at a higher level than Bradford would give us the next 3 years if SAM continues to play at the level we saw this year, but realistically, I strongly doubt we have even seen the best of SAM yet…. Crazy to łet cap space be the difference between having a quality QB and being completely irrelevant with no QB striving to reach the Texans ceiling lol..
    Apparently people can’t grasp the concept that we can pay to Keem SAM, and STILL look for the RIGHT QB in the draft. Keeping SAM allows us to be able to have the patience to draft the RIGHT QB when he comes our way in the next 3 drafts, instead of doing what the most dysfunctional teams like the Browns do and draft QBs out if desperation which is the biggest mistake you can make. It’s so hard to find a franchise QB it takes some serious stupidity and hubris to think that we can just go in any draft and get our QB whenever we need one.. 5 drafts could pass without us being able to land our Franchise guy… You know this is a weak QB draft, and next year looks much better, and if you have a brain you will know that We can’t realistically get a QB who will play the position at a higher level than SAM will if he gets the next 3 years of continuity,,.. We also happen to be in an extremely winnable division, we would be dumb to not try to position ourselves to win the NFCE next year while gradually rebuilding.
    If Howe and Doug P have a brain, they will hand SAM the 5yr deal that we can get out of After yeàr 3 that it will take to keep him, and instead of being forced to draft the best QB available, which ISNT neccessarily the RIGHT QB we can entrust the franchise to, keeping SAM, gives us 3 drafts to find The RIGHT QB, and hopefully he can get a year or two on the bench behind SAM before he takes over, and the best news is we don’t have to suck, we can compete for a division NOW, and when we find that right QB in hopefully one of the next 3 drafts, he will have had some time to learn on the bench, and hopefully we will have a Quality team in place when the young man is ready to step in and replace Bradford..
    We have to be insane to be irrelevant with NO QB over Cap space, especially when signing other teams free agents is a joke. There may be 5 players on this roster that I wouldn’t be willing to lose to keep SAM.

  320. 320 The original AG said at 3:19 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    People never take in the fact that the Eagles had the highest drop rate in the league. He misses a few throws and that’s what they base his completion percentage on. Shame really, I think he could be solid QB for us.

  321. 321 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:27 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Worst than that is how many INTs, failed 3rd downs and Drop TD passes were a Direct result of the drops… There were so many key drops that I can’t even imagine what Sams numbers would be without those drops killing drives,
    Then you take into account, all the moronic pre snap penalties setting us back that Bradford had to fight thru.
    Also Factor in the fact that he didn’t get to play behind the quality run game, or a Quality OL that we would have hoped to see. The running game DIDNT protect him enough, and the OL didn’t protect him enough.
    It’s a shame he doesnt get the respect he deserves for the second half of the season.. This team was supposed to Carry SAM as he eased back into the game, instead most of the team was declining while SAM tried to carry them
    We haven’t had a QB in so long, Baffles me how fans can not appreciate the level of QB play he gave us

  322. 322 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:25 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Before this year… almost everything

  323. 323 xeynon said at 2:23 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Sure, I’ll rip him for it. Looks like Carroll will too.

  324. 324 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:31 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    On one hand, it would be great to see Seattle eliminated with some historically Embarressing 54-0 shutout ass whoopin,… But it would also be great if Seattle could get back into this game, as a fan who has to sit thru another entire half of this game…
    I know that I want Carolina to win, Out of all the teams left, I prefer seeing Carolina a win the SB… Im also rooting for them because I think they give me the best chances of not having to watch the Patriots win another SB….
    Smh, Hauska picked a great time to miss his fist playoff FG…

  325. 325 Bert's Bells said at 2:44 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    It’d also be cool to see another team not named the Eagles win their first Super Bowl, right?

  326. 326 SteveH said at 2:36 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    So maybe Russell Wilson should, like, have some sex with Ciara. He’d probably be better at the football if he did that.

  327. 327 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:39 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    During halftime?

  328. 328 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:54 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    If his God told him not to, probably should rethink his religious beliefs

  329. 329 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:49 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    This kind of sucks, it’s bad enough we are being robbed of the chance to see the potent steelers offense against the elite Denver defense, would have liked to see an epic battle between Carolina and the Seahawks but Panthers showed up ready to kick as and take names, while Seattle showed up looking like the team that got lucky last week and was gifted a win against the vikings
    Hopefully Seattle can show some heart and make thngs interesting.. Not the epic day of playoff games I had hoped for in what should be the best weekend of the NFL season.
    fortunately we have some awesome Free UFC fights tonight. Epic Bantleweight championship fight, and in the awesome co-Main event, show some love for Philly’s(Kensington/North Catholic) own Eddie Alvarez trying to earn a Lightweight title fight By beating one of the biggest names in the game, Anthony “SHOWTIME” Pettis coming off of just losing his title to RDA!!! Biggest fight of Eddie’s career, Showtime Petfis is very tough to beat, should be epic. If you aremt familiar with the philly fighter. He is like a mini lightweight MMA version of Rocky Balbao, his strength is being able and willing to Absorb punishment to dish out punishment. Stylistcally Eddie is a very fun aggressive fighter, which should make an epic fight against Showtime who’s crazy arsenal of attacks includes the greatest highlight KO ever when he jumped off the cage and kicked Bendo in the head to win the wex title. Crazy match up this should be
    Also a fun Heavyweight fight against two Brawlers: Ronda Rouseys, ugly, Giant, VIKING looking boyfriend Travis Brown against former New York Giants TE Matt “Meathead” Mitrione….. If TODAYS playoff DONT deliver competitive games, the UFC fights shpuldmt have a problem saving the day

  330. 330 oreofestar said at 3:03 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Damn it

  331. 331 The original AG said at 3:05 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Kurt Coleman returns.

  332. 332 ChoTime said at 3:05 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Prediction: homeristic elements will opine Bradford is a better qb than Wilson because a couple bad games and the almighty #eyetest

  333. 333 The original AG said at 3:06 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    All QBs have bad games. I don’t know anyone here is saying that SB is better than Wilson. Two different types of QBs.

  334. 334 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 3:06 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Wait, what? Nobody will do that

  335. 335 ChoTime said at 3:07 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Just wait and remember over the next few months

  336. 336 JoeBlow said at 3:11 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    i’m going to write it down and put it on my refrigerator

  337. 337 ChoTime said at 3:14 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Dude I’m not worth precious refrigerator space!

  338. 338 eagleyankfan said at 3:14 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    You mean like before the season started…. People said they’d never want Cam as qb?

  339. 339 Tdoteaglefan said at 3:13 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    No way anybody in this community will say that..too many level headed people here

  340. 340 ChoTime said at 3:14 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    All it takes is one

  341. 341 The original AG said at 3:18 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Maybe the troll?

  342. 342 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:20 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Doubt it,,, doubt you can find one person that wouldnt trade Bradford for Wilson..
    But that doesn’t mean Sams ability ISNT grossly under rated

  343. 343 ChoTime said at 4:55 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I’ve got my eye on you, Geagle!

  344. 344 bill said at 3:57 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Nah. But I’ll continue (as I have all along) that many overrate Wilson, based off of the fact that he has had some truly horrendous playoff games over the years that people sweep under the rug because he’s already been anointed as a HOFer.

  345. 345 oreofestar said at 3:05 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    If Seattle comes back I swear

  346. 346 Greg Richards said at 3:06 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    It appears as if the Eagles have fired or released from their contracts several of Chip’s support staff. We already know they fired Marynowitz, James Harris(chief of staff), and Marcus Sedberry(director of player engagement). Based on the latest update of the Front Office section of their website it appears thy have also let go:

    Josh Gibson, Director of Player Development
    Shea Tierney, Analyst
    J.P. Crowley Hanlon, Logistics Coordinator
    and 2/4 of the equipment assistants

  347. 347 Dave said at 3:17 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I’m curious if they keep any of the sports science personnel

  348. 348 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:22 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  349. 349 Greg Richards said at 3:27 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    They haven’t let go any of the sports science department yet and I’ve read in the media(don’t recall who) that they’re not going to.

  350. 350 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:35 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    I read that we plan to keep our sports science department, but I don’t know if that actually means keeping the people would ran it this year, especially since Hulls was brought here by chip..
    Id like to see us keep him, but THATS kind of silly of me to have an opinion when I haven’t gotten the slightest clue whether or not he is the best guy we can get for the job..

  351. 351 Neck Folds said at 3:35 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Wouldn’t the equipment assistants technically be Howie’s staff?

  352. 352 A_T_G said at 3:08 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Kurt Coleman beat deep behind a McDermitt blitz that doesn’t get home. Where have I seen this before?

  353. 353 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 3:09 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Yeah not understand all the CB blitzes. Esp your All Pro CB

  354. 354 ChoTime said at 3:10 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Guess Seattle is making cam beat them, and to his credit, he’s making the throws

  355. 355 JoeBlow said at 3:18 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    that Joe Buck Knows his football!

  356. 356 Aaron said at 3:19 PM on January 17th, 2016:


  357. 357 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:21 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    Would be nice to see Seattle get to 21 by the start of the 4th… I want Carolina to win, but I prefer an exciting finish

  358. 358 The original AG said at 3:22 PM on January 17th, 2016:

    New thread up.