New Guys

Posted: January 20th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 399 Comments »

Say hello to Coach P and his new pal Jimmy. They’re here to save the Eagles.

Okay, that might be overstating things a bit, but Doug Pederson and Jim Schwartz are here to return the Eagles, who went 7-9 in the weakest division in the NFC, to being a legitimate playoff team and title contender. This team was talented enough that “rock bottom” for them meant consecutive blowout losses. Rock bottom for most teams is a 2 or 3-win season. That said, this team was flawed enough that they had chance after chance to save their season and seemed to find different ways to blow games just about every time.

Doug Pederson had his introductory press conference on Tuesday (you can watch the whole thing here) and it was up and down. You could tell he was a bit nervous. Pederson stumbled over some of his words and offered strange answers to a few questions. Most notably, he talked about how the Chiefs moved the ball slowly in their playoff loss to NE because they wanted to score, but not leave time on the clock for Tom Brady. That doesn’t make much sense at all. The losing team always wants the game to last as long as possible. That gives you more chances to score and make up ground.

Pederson wasn’t the head coach so we don’t know just how much he agreed with the strategy, if that is really what they were thinking. Remember that he is an Andy Reid disciple. They protect the players and take the blame. KC was missing Jeremy Maclin and Alex Smith wasn’t exactly slinging darts around the field. If you can only move 4 yards at a time, you do that. Let’s move on from that.

Pederson gave some generic answers. He wants his team to be tough, to work hard every day and to be aggressive. I’ve heard debate team coaches use the same description for their squad.

I hated the answer Pederson gave when he talked about not having specific schemes, but rather shaping things around his players. No, no, no. You absolutely need base schemes that you believe in. You tailor and adjust components of those schemes to fit the current players, but you must have schemes that guide your personnel decisions and are based on your philosophy. Trying to adjust every season to the players you have is not the way to go unless your name is Bill Belichick and you are a coaching freak. Mortal coaches need schemes. I hope Pederson simply meant that he’ll adjust his playbook to the personnel at hand. He better have some core beliefs and plays that he will build around.

I did like Pederson talking about creatively using the players on offense. He talked about lining up guys in different roles and different spots. He talked about not being static, as in RCB vs LCB or Riley Cooper almost always being on the left side and Jordan Matthews mostly being in the slot. Move players around. Mix things up so you don’t become static and predictable. Chip was very disappointing in this aspect.

I liked it when Pederson talked about giving the QB freedom at the line of scrimmage. Pederson is a former NFL QB and I’m sure he would have loved to call his own plays. KC gave Alex Smith a lot of freedom at the line and he helped the team get red hot and make the postseason.

Pederson will improve with the media as he gets more practice and grows into the role. I watched press conferences for other candidates during the hiring process and none of them were polished in front of the TV camera. As long as he’s comfortable with the players and commands their attention, he’s good to go.

We got introduced to new defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz. Les Bowen covered that.

JIM SCHWARTZ, introduced Tuesday as the Eagles’ new defensive coordinator, said he doesn’t want to be typecast as someone who requires a 4-3 setup or a Wide 9 alignment of his defensive ends, though he has used those elements to great success in Tennessee, Detroit and Buffalo.

 Schwartz said the biggest constant in his career has been that he has coached teams that were strong up front, and it all flows from that.

“If you can generate rush without blitzing, it really gives you an advantage as a playcaller,” said Schwartz, who turns 50 in June. “There’s nothing worse, as a defensive playcaller, than knowing you have to blitz to get pressure on the quarterback . . . I’ve never labeled myself a Wide 9 guy . . . There’s 32 teams in the league that line up in a Wide 9 at some time or another.

“I’d say if you want to label a defensive style or front there, it would be ‘attack.’ It’s not a read-and-react system. It’s not a lateral, line of scrimmage – we want to attack, we want to knock back, we want to put pressure on the quarterback, we want to create negative plays.

“I like this group (for that). Again, that’s very attractive. Fletcher Cox. (And) I know he’s a free agent, but Cedric Thornton. Vinny Curry, (also a) free agent. Connor Barwin. Those are guys that can do that. Brandon Graham, I had him at the Senior Bowl, man; he was my MVP. I think we helped him get drafted (13th overall) in the first round. He might owe me a little bit of that signing bonus. I think he had three or four sacks in that game.

“Those guys all fit that style. They’re ‘attack’ players. If we can get after the quarterback without having to blitz, we’ll be in a great position.”

I wish Schwartz had come right out and said he would run the 4-3. It makes me nervous that he wouldn’t commit to that.

That said, I can live with the 3-4 if it is a 1-gap, attacking style. Wade Phillips does a great job with a 1-gap 3-4. Some coaches love the 3-4 because it gives you more creative options for who to rush. You can send any 4 guys from the front seven and you aren’t blitzing. The offense doesn’t know who to block. I still prefer the 4-3, but as long as the players are flying off the ball, I can live with a slightly different style.

Schwartz was my top choice for DC. Not only does he want to attack, he’s good at it. He had outstanding defenses in Tennessee and Buffalo and dramatically improved the D in Detroit. Having a scheme is good. Being able to teach it is just as critical. Football isn’t just a sheet of paper with X’s and O’s on it. You have to be able to teach the nuances of how to make the scheme work. Schwartz has done that.

The key for me in all of this is finding someone to build a defense around Fletcher Cox, who looks like a special player. Schwartz has had stud DL thrive under his watch. Jevon Kearse, Albert Haynesworth, Kevin Carter, Kyle Vanden Bosch, Antwan Odom, Cliff Avril, Ndamukong Suh, Nick Fairley, Ziggy Ansah, Jerry Hughes, Marcell Dareus, Mario Williams and Kyle Willams all thrived under Schwartz. There are DTs and DEs in that group. There are big guys and small guys. Suh had his only 10-sack season while playing for Schwartz.

I think Cox, Brandon Graham and Bennie Logan can all thrive in his scheme. Vinny Curry is a free agent, who hopefully the Eagles will now find a way to keep. He is perfect for an attacking defense. I’ll get into specific roles for players in a later post. The point is that I think Schwartz can get the most out of these players. Bill Davis got good production, but he was handcuffed by Chip Kelly wanting a 2-gap scheme. That limited how much you could attack.

For the first time in a long time, I’m genuinely excited by the man running the Eagles defense.


399 Comments on “New Guys”

  1. 1 P_P_K said at 8:27 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    “For the first time in a long time, I’m genuinely excited by the man running the Eagles defense.”
    Truth that.

  2. 2 TheTazmanianDevil said at 8:37 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    And I don’t think the last one was Billy Davis.

  3. 3 lib4 said at 11:32 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Shoot as long as we win games 10-9 I can deal with Pederson Reid-esque clock management issues

  4. 4 lcwboyboy said at 8:31 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Did Tommy just say he’s excited by a man?

  5. 5 mg1313 said at 9:40 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Obviously he meant sexually excited. People are always purposely misinterpreting.

  6. 6 ChoTime said at 11:36 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Oh, behave! (Austin Powers voice)

  7. 7 A_T_G said at 12:16 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    We are all excited by Cox. What is the big deal?

  8. 8 Ark87 said at 8:43 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    The only thing that might be a concern is Schwartz might be legitimately crazy. But I guess there are worse things.

  9. 9 Bacon & Iggles said at 1:21 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Oh man, ya can’t just leave it like that! lol Crazy?? ‘Splain yerself!

  10. 10 Gary Barnes said at 8:44 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Like the hire of DeFillippo as QB coach as well as Schwartz at DC.

    Very glad also to hear Lurie confirm they will be hiring a player personnel guy. Hopefully that person will have final say. I cannot imagine anyone worth their salt would accept answering to Roseman on personnel. If it is a yes man under Roseman, we’re screwed IMO.

    Roseman’s victim performance yesterday was interesting as well. Most of the media bought it and reported that he seemed very subdued, “beaten down” and humbled. I do not buy that at all. He clearly ramped up his office politics game even higher last season and ended up winning the battle over Chip. He may be pretending to play nice for the time being, but leopards do not change their stripes. As McManus said on PTL last night, he was standing next to Roseman during Lurie’s PC announcing the firing of Chip and Roseman was glowing.

  11. 11 Ark87 said at 8:45 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    leopards don’t have stripes

  12. 12 Gary Barnes said at 8:48 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    LOL..good catch.

  13. 13 RobNE said at 8:48 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    oh boy I have a great picture. Hold on.

  14. 14 RobNE said at 8:50 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    my wife took this photo on our safari. The next one is the leopard with a kill.

  15. 15 Ark87 said at 8:54 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    that look! Would not feel comfortable behind the camera, even if in a car.

  16. 16 RobNE said at 8:55 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    how about an open air jeep?

  17. 17 Ark87 said at 8:56 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    nope! just nope! So much murder in its eyes!

  18. 18 ChoTime said at 9:15 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    That’s the same way house cats look at us, you know, it’s just they’re smaller.

  19. 19 Ark87 said at 9:31 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    exactly. I know they’d kill us if they could. For no particular reason.

  20. 20 ChoTime said at 11:36 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    There’s a reason… practice, instinct, pleasure.

  21. 21 ChoTime said at 9:14 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Damn I hope she was using a zoom lens… gives me the willies!

    Leopards are maneaters. Recommended reading: The Red Hourglass: The Lives of the Predators

  22. 22 RobNE said at 9:20 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    it was a zoom but you can see the grass is tall, so it wasn’t that far away. 25 feet?

  23. 23 eagleyankfan said at 10:07 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    what did it kill?

  24. 24 RobNE said at 10:54 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    it looks like a stuffed animal no? it’s a type of antelope called a Impala. They are everywhere.

  25. 25 A_T_G said at 12:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Easy E had one of those. They must be native to Compton.

  26. 26 Bacon & Iggles said at 1:34 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I have to know, what did it kill? Do you know?

  27. 27 RobNE said at 2:21 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I answered below, an Impala (a type of antelope)

  28. 28 Crus57 said at 3:42 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That top photo says to me “Call me Jacksonville one more time, I dare you.”

  29. 29 Forthebirds said at 9:21 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I would be glowing to if they fired the man who demoted me and gave me back my own job. I was a Chipbot for a long time, but clearly Chip gave Lurie plenty of reasons to fire him. Some fans blame Howie for hiring Chip. Now they blame him for firing Chip. Makes no sense to me.

  30. 30 Gary Barnes said at 10:39 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    It takes two to tango from my experience plus we have other run-ins Roseman has been part of with Gamble (which clearly to me was part of his war with Chip), Banner and Reid near the end. Roseman is the last guy standing out of that whole crew plus Chip’s crew.

    That is NOT by accident nor is it totally by merit either. It would quite naive IMO to believe Roseman sat on the sidelines all last season after being pushed out, spent his time “reflecting” on his own mistakes and is now “humbled” and ready to play nice with other people. Yea right.

    The guy is a political operator behind the scenes and has been for years. He has Lurie’s ear and trust for some reason and has used it. I was happy when Chip got fired and agree he was at fault for many things while here including the unprofessional back stabbing war with Roseman. But so is Roseman and he is STILL here in a very prominent role.

    Hopefully, he will be instructed to focus on contracts/cap issues and the new personnel guy will have control over the roster in coordination with Pederson. Roseman can have input as it relates to his responsibilities, but should not have final say IMO.

  31. 31 Forthebirds said at 3:01 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I am by no means a Rosman fan and can’t disagree with what you have said I can’ t imagine anyone supports him and can’t fathom why Lurie does. If Lurie hires a personnel guy who is over hin, I will belueve the front office mess is being straightened out. Chip and Howie were a marriage made in hell. I hope Lurie learned his lesson. Still I can’t blame Rosman for gloating. He hired Chip. Chip took his job, and now Chip is gone and he has his position back. I would be gloating in that scenario. I was once passed over for a position and someone less qualified was hired for it. That person was fired after two years of ineptitude, and I then got the position. I felt vindicated, and Howie I am sure felt the same way, except in his case he did not perform well in his job. None of this is pretty but it is is human nature.

  32. 32 xeynon said at 12:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Time will tell on Roseman. I will say that I saw more humility and self-reflection from him in that one PC yesterday than I’ve ever seen from Chip. Interesting that he copped to being the one who made the call to draft Marcus Smith. It explains why Kelly was so unwilling to play Smith even in low leverage situations (though it’s also interesting that Smith actually made some plays when he did get on the field toward the end of year – maybe Chip was holding him back?).

  33. 33 Gary Barnes said at 1:53 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Believe what you want, but I do not buy it. It is easy for him to take responsibility for Smith now since it makes him look like the good guy and he is safe regardless. Chip has already been run out of town and Roseman has already avoided accountability.

    If he blames Chip for that yesterday, it reinforces the negative views of him and, even after Roseman took responsibility for it, many still believe Roseman “covered” for Chip and it was Chip’s pick anyway. Thus, Roseman comes off as gracious and humble. It was brilliant political theater IMO by a master craftsman.

    Whoever decided to not have Roseman at the PC with Pederson and do his interview in the hallway is also a genuis. See, he is not in control! He was not even invited to the PC! LOL…

  34. 34 RobNE said at 8:47 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Even without the OC in place, I already feel confident that this coaching staff if we could do a do-over would over achieve on Chip’s 2015 season record. And I was (am?) a huge Chip fan.

    Switching to a 4-3 attacking defense, not thinking your skill players are interchangeable (i.e., not targeting Cooper, Austin as much), just moving the QB under center (see Murray’s big run in the Giants game). It just kind of surprises me how bad I think Chip did as HC last year.

  35. 35 Ark87 said at 8:53 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    The only thing that should hold us back is the O. The O will basically depends on some young players making big leaps and contributions. I assume there will be some new blood at O-line, and it really boils down to how well that all comes together. From there we just need one of these receivers to be everything we hope they can be.

  36. 36 ChoTime said at 9:16 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah, but playing conservative, smart football on O would have helped the D boatloads and probably would have gotten us to the playoffs.

  37. 37 Ark87 said at 9:58 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    true, but not a contender. Just such a gap between good enough to make the playoffs in the NFC East and contending these days. And I do mean contending in the minimalist sense. Basically able to be competitive with the best teams in the league, rather than be favorites to win the SB.

  38. 38 RobNE said at 10:55 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    right I agree, my point was just if you re-did the season I am confident we are better.

  39. 39 Ark87 said at 12:07 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    agree, I think. I’m trying to be open to the possibility that is could take a season for Doug to get his feet under him though. And closing the gap between the scheme in his head and his roster, from both directions, is a hit or miss thing. Some coaches are great at looking at their guys and figuring out the very best version of that team. Some guys just have a vision they are chasing and it takes time to fit it all together with reality.

    The defense should be improved on serveral levels. As Cho alluded to, the context the defense plays in should be more friendly to success. And also the scheme and coach are likely a significant upgrade.

    Just trying to keep expectations low for now

  40. 40 ChoTime said at 11:58 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I agree. It is a tough call whether to go for a solid team with a roof or Hinkie it all and shoot for the moon.

  41. 41 Ark87 said at 12:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The O might need some Hinkie action, but the D has some great young pieces to build on that we can keep around long enough for the O to get in shape.

  42. 42 xeynon said at 12:21 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Reid and Pederson did a good job building an offensive scheme around their personnel in KC, with a run-first offense centered on Charles which effectively used Smith’s mobility, decision-making, and short area accuracy to keep defenses from loading up to stop the run too much. I think he could build a good offense around Bradford, assuming it won’t cost us $25 million a year to sign him and he’s worth bringing back. We need to build up the OL though.

  43. 43 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:11 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    agreed, just respecting time of possession alone, and having a Coach who inspires his players to play for them, would have made a huge difference this year, not to mention, Pederson would have put Murray in best positions to succeed instead of Chip who gave him a boatload of money, then threw Murray in the trash when he wasn’t the best fit for chips Offense, behind an OL that couldn’t run block… Just being willing to run whatever puts our players in the best position instead of chip sticking to his offense no matter how much talemt it’s causing him to waste…
    I think changing Chips practice style to a more traditional style that corrects mistakes on the field, caring more about QUALITY of Reps instead of quantity of reps should get us back to Discaplined, detail oriented, fundamental football.
    People like to say Chip was a terrible GM but a good coach, and that may have proven to be true in the past, but there is no way you can look at the 2015 eagles and say that we were a well coached team… We showed consistent signs of being a bad, poorly coached team
    I Also like that Pederson will slow it down at the line of scrimmage, let bradford audible, worry more about getting the best play to attack what the defense is doing, instead of snapping the ball as fast as we can even if the defense is showing that they are in position to stop the play call
    I also Hate how chips entire strategy is based off counter punching what the defense does, fuck that, grow some balls, and Attack, Make the Defense adjust to us!!!

  44. 44 Dominik said at 8:58 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Schwartz got me excited, also. Say/think whatever you want about Pederson, it’s total wait and see with him. I wrote here that I don’t like his hiring. Not because he can’t have success, but because there’s nothing in his CV that looks like he has a good chance to have success. If he can beat the odds and turn out to be a good HC, we’ll see. I hope for it, obviously. It’s possible, but imo not very likely.

    Schwartz, on the other hand, KNOWS how to run a Defense. I don’t think he’ll ever be a good HC, but he knows Defense. Like most of you, I hope for the 43. Maybe run a hybrid scheme. Most importantly, like Tommy pointed out: attack the offense. This vanilla 34 really wasn’t exciting to watch.

  45. 45 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:00 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    If we are going to rip the Cheifs strategy(time management) at least get it right and understand their thinking correctly.
    For starters, their choice of strategy showed how much Bellicck was in their head, but THATS pretty common. See Pagano’s boneheaded play against the Pats..
    My understanding of the situatuon is that they purposely wanted to Kill the clock, so that if they didn’t get the onside kick (25% chance of converting onside kick in playoffs) BRady would only have about 50 seconds instead of the Pats getting the ball back with 3 minutes left. The thinking was that if they miss the onside kick and the Pats only have 50 seconds left on clock, it’s more likely that Bellichick calls 3 run plays in a row trying to kill the clock, and KC was stopping their run game just fine.. But if BRady got the ball back with like 3 minutes left, odds are Pats would have run their normal offense which KC didn’t come close to stopping all game, KC didn’t get a single sack on BRady, and ONLY HIT HIM ONCE which is unheard of..
    I don’t care to debate whether this is sound strategic thinking, or flawed reasoning due to Bellichicks being in their head, but my understanding is that it was done purposely as opposed to one of Andys traditional piss poor clock management.
    Then again, we shouldn’t even be having this convo because asking that question to Pederson was bush league, typically philly trash media

  46. 46 BobSmith77 said at 9:44 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    It wasn’t bush league and his answer was a poor one. He just couldn’t bury Reid publicly on it after Reid did so much for him.

  47. 47 A Roy said at 12:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Agree. He didn’t want to throw AR under the bus.

  48. 48 xeynon said at 12:24 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah, so much this.

    What’s Pederson going to do, come out and say that the guy who gave him his first professional coaching job and is his #1 mentor is a boob who doesn’t know how to manage the clock? McLane is such a twat sometimes.

  49. 49 Dominik said at 10:56 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Wanted to post the same thing. I assume you listened to Cowherds explanation, because he basically says the exact same thing.

    For others who want to watch:

    I shared T-Laws reaction when Pederson said they didn’t want to give the ball back to Brady. But I have to say, the argument that it gets more likely the Pats call 3 run plays the lesser time is on the clock makes sense, and that they stop these 3 run plays is also much more likely.

    In theory, you lose around 2 minutes or so, yes, but you could argue it makes it much more likely you get the ball back.

    And don’t forget, the Patriots threw the ball on 2nd down, but (1) that’s Belichick counter punching and (2) they were very lucky it was a completion that ended the game.

    I’m not saying Reid was right. But at least it now makes SOME sense to me.

  50. 50 xeynon said at 12:30 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Cowherd frequently gets on my nerves but that is one of the best contrarian takes I’ve ever heard. He does about as good a job of arguing for what Reid did as you can (though I still think certain parts of Reid’s clock management, like not getting two plays off before the two minute warning to save a timeout, are indefensible).

  51. 51 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:51 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    He is someone I regrettfully don’t get a chance to listen to enough. Its rare that I catch his work

  52. 52 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:47 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah, Cowherd broke It down well, and I like how he talked about this crazy notion that there is only one way to do things at the end of games.
    I don’t know if this was my prefered strategy, but it makes more sense than just labeling it another andy reid brain fart in clock management… There was strategy behind his methods
    When an elite Defenae only hits bRady once all game, I don’t have a problem with KC thinking they had to do something different

  53. 53 Dominik said at 1:55 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah. I think we in Philly are so used to ARs clock management problems that we overreacted to it. Myself included. Like you said, we can argue about right/wrong, but there is some logic behind it. It’s not a “oh my god, time is running out” mistake.

  54. 54 JEinOKC said at 9:07 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Do you think his non-commitment to a particular defensive front has more to do with the fact that most those guys were built for the 4-3 but just spent 3 years building 3-4 skills? On one hand, the years of having guys play out of position was painful, but now they’re all versatile enough to be able to mix in some interesting hybrid looks.

  55. 55 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:13 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I love that Schwartz coaches from the sideline with his troops instead of sitting in the sky box
    I also like that Schwartz brings the Fire and Emotion, While Doug P is a more quiet Todd Bowles type.. I think they compensate for each other’s weakness well
    Schwartz is all Fire and Emotion… Something this team clearly lacked all year starting with A coach who thought he shouldn’t have to rally the troops
    Cox is going to have a scary season

  56. 56 Sam Bradfords Chicken Legs said at 9:16 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I wanna see that fire in our defense. I hope those guys feast early. Buffalo bought in quickly, I hope we do too. And that we have the personnel to make it all work.

  57. 57 mksp said at 11:29 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    “Fire and Emotion”

  58. 58 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:16 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I hate Chip Kelly, jackass is interviewing mIke Vrabel for DC… I would have loved to have Vrabel on our staff… But a first time DC would have to be crazy to sign on to be chips DC and have to play second fiddle to chips offense not caring how it effects the defense.. And why sigń on for a controll freak who wants to tell the DC what defenses to run? Stay as far away from chip as you can Mr. Vrabel!
    Vrabel a former player has money in the bank, I hope he passes on becoming Chips DC

  59. 59 xeynon said at 12:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think Vrabel would be an extremely questionable hire. Running the defense for Chip “time of possession doesn’t matter, keep the three-and-outs coming” Kelly is a tough way to cut your teeth as an NFL coordinator.

  60. 60 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That’s what im saying, he has to be batshit crazy to take his first DC job working opposite the Chip kelly offense… VRabel is a highly regarded guy, he will have his DC opportunities, and he probably has cash in the bank to the where he doesn’t have to jump and take any DC job available to him… For Vrabels sake, I hope he stays im Houston, and waits for a better opportunity

  61. 61 P_P_K said at 9:22 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    There’s a story about Abe Lincoln that somewhat reflects my feelings on Pederson’s hiring. At least the importance of him surrounding himself with smart, capable people (like Schwartz).

    Lincoln was not considered particularly savvy during his lifetime. A reporter once asked him, “Mr. President, when you sit with your Cabinet, how does it feel to be the least intelligent man in the room?”

    Lincoln responded, “Like I am doing an excellent job appointing my staff.”

  62. 62 DanJ3645 said at 9:29 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Secret of management.
    Find clever motivated people to do all the work.
    Then make sure that you have their back if anything shit happens.
    Help them get promoted and then you have plenty of new people ready to come onboard as they know you’ll help them get where they want to go.

    Reading that back sounds an awful lot like some of Andy Reid’s better qualities…..

  63. 63 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:23 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    On one hand, we have to fix the AMATUER mess chip created paying absurd amounts of money to the RB position.. I feel like we have to get rid of one of the 3 veteran RBs, but I dont really know which one I want to cut
    chip used Murray so poorly, that I can’t even judge the guy based off last season, but if old age started to strip him of his ability like some people seem to think, I highly doubt we would have seen Murray Hurdeling over defenders with ease.. Use Murray to his strengths, improve the OL and Id be very excited to see what Murray can do next year, plus can’t get out of his contract anyway right now
    I damn sure don’t want to give up Ryan Mathews size and Explosion,
    I think one Of the big winners in the Doug P hiring is Darren Sproles! Think of how well Andy and Doug use pass catching RBs like Westbrooks and Jamaal Charles.. I think Sproles is going to love playing for Doug and should have his biggest Recieving season as an Eagle
    So on one hand, I think it’s amatuerish to pay so much for RB’s, on the other hand, I don’t know which I would be ok giving up?

  64. 64 RC5000 said at 9:30 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    You have to draft a starting RB if you give up Murray. Mathews is a part time B

  65. 65 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:46 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    When did I imply that he could stay healthy?….. Yes I hated Ryan Mathews with a passion befire he got here, he was one of the RBs who I felt like always fumbled the ball when games got really Gritty, which ended up proving true in the second half of the season…. But the guys talent was NEVER in doubt, just sucks that he can’t last 16 games playing as physical as he does..

    Not sure how I could keep hating someone who is the most talented RB of the Eagles…. If I had to bet on Murray or Mathews, going forward Id bet that Mathews has more left in the Tank, but I kind of want to see what they look like with a coach who doesmt line up in shotgun for 3 straight years before I decide who I want to proceed with past this season.
    I think the best way a stable of Rbs should be built is 1 quality Veteran Like Shady, paired with a talemted Cheap rookie like Karlos Williams, but it’s also important to have a Sproles, Theo Riddick type of 3rd down pass catching RB… Maybe we could keep all 3 RBs one more year, but at least 1 needs to be replaced with a cheap rookie contract after next season

  66. 66 Fufina said at 9:52 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Sproles is a hell of a luxury at $4.5mil. Especially since we are locked into Murray for 1-2 more years and Mathews was by far the best back last year i think he struggles to stay on the roster. Think you can find a gadget back in the 4th/5th who can do some of the things Sproles does (no where near as well)

  67. 67 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:54 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Can’t disagree.. But with Sproles career winding down, maybe he agrees to Pay cut, so he can finish his career in Philly instead of having to move his a family again when he Only has a year or two left in the league… But if he isn’t willing to work with us on his contract to remain in Philly, I have no problem getting rid of him instead of paying him 4.5

  68. 68 Fufina said at 9:57 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Hope they have a discussion with Sproles, Celek and DeMeco; all of which would be good vets to keep around but not at their current $$ in the roles they project to play on the team. Signing a 1 year extension for all 3 that basically spreads out this years salary over the next 2 and guarantees this year could work for everyone.

  69. 69 peteike said at 10:56 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Im fine with just paying Sproles for his last year here, he earns it with production so I dont feel like hes over paid at all.

  70. 70 peteike said at 10:55 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I feel same exact way about Murray, Im just not sure we know what he has left. Some of the signs werent good so maybe were just hoping here that he has something. Being stuck with him Im sure we’ll find out. Sproles has 1 yr left on his contract right? hes a keeper for sure. My wife just bought me the 2016 Eagles calendar and hes on the cover. No Riley Cooper either.

  71. 71 Julescat said at 9:43 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    is Schwartz in line to be the next Eagles coach when the Pederson era ends?

  72. 72 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:47 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Nope!!! More likely that they are trying to groom DUCE, although I would have expected to elevate Him from RB coach which apparently ISNT going to happen,.

  73. 73 Fufina said at 9:50 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well i have no idea where he is in the ‘process’. Could easily see him getting a ‘run game’ role of some sort where he draws up and develops running plays for the team as a stepping stone to be able to call plays.

  74. 74 anon said at 10:14 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    OCs typically come from QBs coaches. RB coach is a dead end job.

  75. 75 ChoTime said at 11:37 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    His last role was apparently to take the blame for poor RB rotations. We’ll see if he’s rewarded for his loyalty.

  76. 76 the DONALD said at 9:58 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    thought they would up him to Run game Coordinator title or something..

  77. 77 eagleyankfan said at 10:09 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I don’t see any evidence they are going to groom Duce for anything. As you said – they didn’t even elevate him with basically a vacant staff. If DP is a complete failure, would doubt it if they bypass Schwartz in order to give Duce a chance.

  78. 78 A Roy said at 12:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Who’s the TE coach? That might be a progression for Duce towards future OC.

  79. 79 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:43 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Not what I heard..

  80. 80 Iskar36 said at 10:23 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Honestly, I don’t think finding the next guy in line has anything to do with their planning right now. We may not be blown away with Doug Pederson, but the one thing I do believe is that Lurie hired him because he believes Pederson can be successful. Lurie’s focus is entirely on surrounding DP with the best guys that can help make this work and not on figuring who will take Pederson’s job if/when he fails. Lurie is hoping Pederson can be the head coach here for a long time and that guys like Duce are targeted for other teams’ jobs because the Eagles are doing well. In 2 or 3 years, depending in how the team is doing, that’s when they will reevaluate and start deciding which coaches are important to push forward as potential guys which are next in line. For now, they are coaches who Lurie and Doug and the rest of the FO believes are best positioned to help this team.

  81. 81 Fufina said at 9:48 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Watched Pedersons sit down with Spuds and he was much more comfortable and smooth in that situation, gave much clearer and more confident answers. Think he had some butterflies in his stomach for the big show with our ‘friendly’ media. Hope that side will improve.

    I need to remember that everything anyone says at this point is pretty generic and frankly meaningless. Doubt Dougy P has sat down and really hit the tape for each individual player, and that is especially so for Schwartz. By the time we get the the league meeting in March they should have some better answers to give and be in a situation to make choices.

    I do hope they are aggressive with trying to restructure the roster and go for a young QB to be Dougs guy. 17 years since we have tried to draft a QB to be the franchise guy is too long.

  82. 82 RobNE said at 9:55 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Right Chip was a freaking master jedi with the press. Doesn’t mean much.

  83. 83 bridgecoach said at 11:41 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I respectfully disagree. It means a lot. Chip has vision. Chip has focus. And that allows him to speak clearly and with gravitas to players, coaches, front offices, media and fans.

    Pederson has already demonstrated that he has neither vision nor focus. You don’t get better at press conferences. Andy Reid was here 14 years and he never got better. Coaches dont have the time to work on their speaking style, they either have it or don’t. Andy gave awful PC, but he controlled the room and was in command of his faculties. Doug was out of his depth and clearly not in control.

  84. 84 RobNE said at 11:47 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    let’s fire him. We’ve seen all we need to see apparently.

  85. 85 Iskar36 said at 11:48 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    A nervous press conference is certainly not an ideal start, but I’m not going to conclude he was out of his depth based on a single press conference. Let’s see what he can accomplish and how things change over the season. If he still looks nervous and uncomfortable, then maybe we should be concerned. After his first PC… I’m not ready to make conclusions.

  86. 86 bridgecoach said at 1:53 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I hear your point and respect it. I hope for the best, but as bad as Andy Reid was at PCs, I still remember his introduction of Jim Johnson as DC. Don’t you remember how he said he hated facing him on the field and always promised himself he’d be his first call if he ever got to be a head coach? Contrast that with DP on Schwartz.

  87. 87 FairOaks said at 2:28 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    So if Pederson had lied like Reid did on that front*, you’d feel much better about him?

    *Go search recent posts from ACViking on that story; Reid’s teams faced a Johnson defense exactly 1 time in his entire career — and scored 40 points on it. Maybe it took more adjustments than Green Bay wanted, but… there was an amount of fib in Reid’s statement.

    Making snap judgments on press conferences is … really not a great idea. Obviously it’s part of first impressions, but it will only show up on the field in the end.

  88. 88 bridgecoach said at 2:50 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The point of the press conference was to get to know him – to answer all of the questions everyone is asking. He shared no vision, no scheme, no organizational plan. His top selling point was that he is comfortable in his own skin, which was demonstrated false again and again. What did he convey, he is not in charge…and probably shouldnt be.

    His DC announcement had nothing behind it – why did he select Schwartz? He didn’t. Others decided, handed him the note card for him to read at the press conference.

    I get that we want to be optimistic. But Doug Pederson hasn’t earned our confidence. Our Front office hasnt earned our trust either. While I remain devoted to our Eagles, both DP and the Front Office need to earn my respect. And instead of bridging that divide, they widened it.

  89. 89 Gary Barnes said at 2:01 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Who cares about their PC? My god, it is one of the most annoying and stupid criticisms of Reid or any HC. Wins and losses, how they treat their players, coaches, the fans etc. are all much more important.

  90. 90 ChoTime said at 11:55 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Actions -> Words.

    There was so much tea-reading of Chip Kelly’s press conferences, parsing each statement; creating theories and deducing future moves and actions based on them. In the end, most of what he said was garbage, and we all knows what happens when garbage in.

  91. 91 CrackSammich said at 9:59 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    1-2 can’t miss QBs per draft, 32 teams. 17 years seems about right from that math.

  92. 92 Fufina said at 10:20 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well we have not even tried… and you can get guys in the mid-late 1st who can be great. Big Ben (11th), Rogers and Flacco all are franchise SB QB’s that have been taken outside the top2.

    Think this is a good draft to try since this team is not going to get the no.1 pick any time soon and trading for that is killer and not a slam dunk (see Skins).

    Wentz, Goff and Lynch all have the skills sets and tools to be franchise guys. Lots of questions about the adjustment and it will be a risk because it always is with a QB, However i think all of them have the ‘potential’ and frankly that is all i ask for.

  93. 93 anon said at 10:28 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    sammy b doesn’t have potential? has a much better skill set.

  94. 94 Fufina said at 10:47 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Sammy B 1) costs $18mil more probably, and 2 i think he has less potential than any of them… why because he is 5 years into the NFL and still has not shown anything more than when he came into the league.

    He throws a beautiful football, its one of the purest throwing motions i have ever seen. And that it. The rest of his game is incredibly mediocre and uninspiring. With that kind of arm talent he should be able to attack defenses and take control and dominate games at times… and he has NEVER done it.

    Think this narrative of improvement only happened because he improved from bad to rank average last year. he was rarely good last year and never great.

  95. 95 anon said at 11:13 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    5yrs is really 3 since he was out 2. i don’t think you can really look at him as a veteran, still has a lot of growing to do. hard to grow into a system and attack defenses when you havea different system every year. he may be overpriced, but i think he’d grow into that K w/ some continuity.

  96. 96 Dave said at 11:47 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    People throw around $ signs like that is a reason not to sign Sam. If the owner, front office and the head coach think he is a franchise QB (not Flacco, Ryan, or Dalton tier 2 QBs), they will pay top dollar. If they view him as a tier 2 QB, he is gone.

    As a fan who painfully sat through the NFL Salary Cap Champions years in the 2000’s, people seem too hung up on money for a quality QB. Eli will make $21 million through 2019 but you don’t hear Giants fans saying he should dumped to draft a QB with potential in the 1st round. I personally would rather have Sam than Eli at this point in their careers.

    After watching him get better this season, the only real downside I see to Sam is injury concern. Skill set is unquestionable.

    For the sake of argument, let’s say they sign Sam to $22 mil/year, making him the highest paid QB in the league. Let’s also say that the skins give Cousins $18 mil/year. Both 5 year deals. The difference between the two is cutting Jason Peters this year, which will save $25 million.

    So I put the question to you this way, would you rather have Sam Bradford and no Jason Peters, or Kirk Cousins and Jason Peters. I myself would rather have Sam than Kirk.

  97. 97 ChoTime said at 11:53 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    My man, if you think the 2000s Eagles was painful, you are in for a world of hurt.

  98. 98 Dave said at 11:57 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    When I said painful, I meant we were referred to as salary cap champions, never Super Bowl Champions. But hey, thanks for the negativity anyway.

  99. 99 ChoTime said at 12:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well, I’m glad you know what you meant.

  100. 100 Dave said at 12:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Sometimes I forget I have to dumb down my posts so people as yourself can understand them.

  101. 101 jaws80 said at 2:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I just wouldnt or couldnt on principle be the GM that made Bradford the highest paid QB ever, even if I agreed signing Bradford was better for the Eagles. Just on principle.

    Bradford has this weird Jedi-like golden child public image power thing going on, so he could miss two years cus of very bad knee injuries and still get a Foles and 2nd rd pick from a trade, after years of very average QBing. “The potential of his golden arm and Bradford name is so great, maybe we should give him 24 million because we will make him reach his Rogers-like potential….” So sign and trade him while the Bradford name and arm still has this power of making NFL people over value him.

    Or sign him to 18 million a year, which still should be over valuing him, or at least a very fair deal for a 6 year veteran who still banks on the “potential” label.

  102. 102 Dave said at 11:14 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think your missing one important change in philosophy since Flacco, Rogers, and Ben were drafted, quarterbacks have become the new running back. What I mean is running backs used to be overdrafted and overvalued first round commodities, now the QB has taken that role and the RBs have been devalued. Off the top of my head, I’m thinking about Wheeden, Manziel, Ponder, Geno Lewis, EJ Manuel, etc. Not sure what kind of player will be there at 13 this year.

  103. 103 bill said at 12:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well, Kolb was drafted just outside 1st round – so I think he qualifies as an attempt, just a very poor choice.

  104. 104 Mac said at 1:42 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    More than one good option to pick up at OT this year in free agency. Schwartz, Beachum, Glenn… someone who can handle the job and is younger than 28. I think that’s where the rebuild starts. It’d be nice to pick up at least 1 Guard in FA as well.

  105. 105 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:50 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Funny how on one hand, chip doesn’t value Fullbacks who are supposed to be one of the best blockers on the offense, yet Chip basically judges his WRs on ability to block? Weird…
    But for our sake, Niners should trade us their FB, and Bicknell and Chip can have tbeir great blocking WR Riley Cooper back
    Josh Huff for Torrey Smith(he has too much personality to play for chip lol)???
    Taylor Harr for Navarrow Bowman? Lol

  106. 106 jaws80 said at 12:16 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Reminds me of when Cooper was used as a lead blocker in the 4th and inches at the end of the first half of the Arizona game. I forget who wrote about it, but someone showed how the play Chip ran was likely partially due to success another team had with the same play in the same situation against Arizona. The other team used a fullback blocking the lone DB or LB in the hole at the line and it worked. So without a fullback, I wondered how could Chip have copied this play. Turns out Chip had Cooper in motion from the left side, paused, ball snapped, and Cooper tried to be a lead blocker but got pushed back a yard, and Mathews was stuffed at the line.

  107. 107 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:58 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    How is no one talking about Scumbag josh Innes calling Kelce a “House Negro” on the radio? Thought Kelce’s response was great
    How much longer is Innes going to be allowed to pollute this city. Id rather listen to Elliot Parker for 10 straight hours than to spend an hour listening to disgusting Josh Innes,,.

  108. 108 Fufina said at 10:01 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Innes is a troll, and a pretty good one at doing that. As long as you just think of him like that and not listen to any actual opinions then he can be funny to listen to.

  109. 109 BobSmith77 said at 10:04 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    It was a stupid comment but people get way too offended (faux Internet outrage) today.

    There were probably some kernels of truth to the comments too even if it was a very poor and foolish analogy.

    Innes could have just said Kelce was a ‘boot licker’ instead if he wanted to use another ‘colorful’ analogy.

  110. 110 ACViking said at 10:12 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    The people complaining are many of the same people who are continuing to listen — which just proves how ignorant they are.

    If these complainers want Innes off the air, change the channel and stop listening to the guy.

    Kill his ratings. Don’t blow hot air about being offended.

  111. 111 laeagle said at 11:07 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    We say that and yet we can’t resist responding to our own resident troll. And so he, like Innes, is still around…

    Perhaps harsher measures are necessary, after all.

  112. 112 the DONALD said at 12:29 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    the troll here is happy right now it seems.. in time he will blow up again and get vulgar and irrational..

  113. 113 RobNE said at 12:45 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I was going to bribe Tommy for a moderator (like agree to pay his way to Mobile etc.) if I won the lottery, but my plan didn’t work out.

  114. 114 Mac said at 1:34 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Who are you guys talking about?

  115. 115 ACViking said at 2:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    A local Philadelphia sports-talk host on WIP 94.1 named Josh Innes.

    Recently, he made a remark about Jason Kelce using a racially disparaging term that should have gone out of style in 1865 with the 13th Amendment’s adoption abolishing slavery.

    Here’s a run down on the story.

  116. 116 Gary Barnes said at 2:07 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    But Kelce is neither a house negro or a boot licker…thats the point, Innes mistakes basic decency, respect and courtesy for Kelce not being his own person which is idiotic. Kelce very much is his own person as anyone who has seen or listened to him for five seconds would know.

  117. 117 BobSmith77 said at 2:28 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If Innes was a journalist working for a major media outlet and wrote that, it would be a bigger deal.

    It’s sports talk radio. It is like complaining about the lack of decency and respect at jello wrestling night. There are certainly lines you can cross too with sports talk radio quite quickly.

    Just tired of people obfuscating and wasting time on such petty moral outrages.

  118. 118 Gary Barnes said at 2:04 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Agree, it was disgraceful and if WIP had any integrity (which they do not and have not for decades) he would have been fired today.

  119. 119 CrackSammich said at 9:58 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think it would be a waste to not show multiple fronts defensively. Everybody in our front 7 has professional experience in the 3-4 and 4-3 except Hicks (Barwin?).

    I don’t get the great love for the 4-3, either. I realize there’s a bit of a tradition there with the Eagles of old, but I’m not much of a tradition guy.

  120. 120 Patrick said at 12:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Hicks played pretty much every position at LB in both the 43 and 34 defense at Texas, at least according to himself. I think the only position he didn’t play was 34 OLB. College and all, but Hicks does has experience.

  121. 121 eagleyankfan said at 10:14 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    “For the first time in a long time, I’m genuinely excited by the man running the Eagles defense.” — apparently not excited about the HC hiring. Cautiously optimistic about the HC.
    Faith in the DC. Hoping it’s not a case like years ago with JJ running a good defense for a few years but never having the “O” to match it. I know it’s a huge debate about Bradford. With a great D — you don’t need Superman at QB.

  122. 122 Corry said at 10:28 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    I am really excited about Jim Schwartz as our defensive coordinator. The defensive line should be excited, too. They’re going to put up numbers. Maybe not in the first year, but if you look at the statistics on Schwartz’s defenses, they get better and better. Can’t wait for them to take the field.

    I’m kind of “meh” on Doug Pederson, but if he has a strong staff around him, he’ll be OK. So far, on the defensive side of the ball and what I’ve read on the selected QB coach, it looks like he’s doing a good job of putting together a decent staff.

  123. 123 Fufina said at 10:48 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Is a really good interview… i like an ‘attack’ defense.

  124. 124 Bighouse1 said at 10:47 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Very rare yet fundamental disagreement from me Tommy. Of course Pederson has belief in a scheme! He is a WCO guy. His offense will have a lot of WCO concepts and terminology. It is tremendous that he recognizes that it is always about your players and maximizing their abilities. Reid never did. Chip certainly never did and he fundamentally doesn’t even understand this or believe it. “It’s not about the X’s and O’s is about the billys and joes” etc. I was very happy to see him make those statements. I always refer back to the Urban Meyer quote. Scheme is easy… it’s always about the players.

    Very refreshing to hear a coach that at least claims to get this point.

  125. 125 EaglesGameBalls said at 11:30 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Im most excited about the dline. Graham Cox Logan and Curry up front. that would be nice. The linebackers arent too far off. Would Kendricks be middle? Kiko I dont like at all, but Reid proved you dont need awesome LBs to win. I kinda like the 4-3 with this personnel and would be absolutely surprised to see them run a 3-4

  126. 126 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 12:25 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If we do switched to a 43, Hicks would be the MIKE with MK as the WILL and Barwin as SAM

  127. 127 Corry said at 12:29 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    For my money, Kiko is SAM. If we’re going to be attacking as much as I think we are, Barwin should be fine at DE.

  128. 128 TypicalDouche said at 12:30 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    My thoughts exactly on that subject, I just posted something similar above.

  129. 129 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:15 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Depends on which Kiko we get. the SAM might not be on the roster yet

  130. 130 Corry said at 1:23 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    True, but I think we’ll get at least a healthier Kiko, and I have far more faith in Schwartz making the most of his players than I ever did Billy Davis.

  131. 131 anon said at 1:25 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    plus he’s worked with Kiko before.

  132. 132 TypicalDouche said at 12:25 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The LBs fully depend on how Schwartz plans on using Barwin. If Barwin plays DE then the LBs would be Hicks – MIKE, Alonso – WILL, Kendricks – SAM. Barwin can always switch from DE to SAM in different formations.

  133. 133 the DONALD said at 12:27 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    did Kiko not play under schwartz? or was that the year he was hurt?

  134. 134 TypicalDouche said at 12:28 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    He was hurt that year. Kiko’s rookie year correlated with Pettine. Kiko also played the MIKE in that defense and no way should Hicks lose that spot to him.

  135. 135 A_T_G said at 12:28 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I thought I read that Schwartz was there when Kiko was on IR.

  136. 136 Corry said at 12:31 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    He was. Schwartz had 6 months with Kiko before Kiko blew out his ACL.

  137. 137 RC5000 said at 11:32 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    Ian Rapoport @RapSheet

    Ian Rapoport
    My understanding is Rob Boras expected to be #Rams OC. Shurmur would fill new passing-game coordinator role

  138. 138 anon said at 11:34 AM on January 20th, 2016:

    damn, no love for shurmur in the market, eagles getting zero credit for having top offesnes in 2014/2013

  139. 139 xeynon said at 12:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I LOVE the Schwartz hire. In addition to maximizing the talents of his DL, he also has a track record of getting great production out of athletic, versatile linebackers. Keith Bulluck was the best player on a lot of those Tennessee defenses and I’m excited to see what Hicks, Kendricks, and (hopefully) Alonso can do in his system.

  140. 140 Tumtum said at 12:15 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I wouldn’t take too much issue with the coaches saying they will play to their players strengths. I think a bunch of that has to do with how stringent Kelly was with his scheme, and they want to separate themselves from that. Andy was always pretty good with that. He wasn’t always as creative with his players as we wanted, but when compared to Chip he seems like a crazy innovator. Think of the way Chip used Lesean McCoy compared with how Andy used him or even Westy. Night and day.

    I must say I am actually much more excited about the coaching this time around. Schwartz seems like an incredible get. Pederson could fail horribly, but the guy has been around some great offenses, and I have more confidence in him now that I did in Chip when he was hired.

    My next opinion is very unpopular, but its mine sooo. I think Howie is a pretty solid GM. I think the drafts and acquisitions that he was in control of were all pretty damn good. He had some misses, mainly MS2, but that is unavoidable. Overall I think he has done a great job of manufacturing trades and drafting BPA.

    I honestly really like where the team is headed. I think the only thing holding this team back is the uncertainty of the O-line. If we can get that to an acceptable level, and get half decent QB play, I think this defense can carry the team to the upper echelons. If we somehow find a franchise QB… the dynasty begins.

  141. 141 monkeyshine said at 9:00 AM on January 22nd, 2016:

    I think chip held Marcus Smith back to prove Howie wrong. And I could’ve sworn that I heard “it’ll take a couple years for ms2 to develop” when he as drafted. He was a qb in high school and just came into his own his last year in college. I’m anxious to see what he can do with a real dc and hc.

  142. 142 Tumtum said at 5:22 PM on January 22nd, 2016:

    I don’t think he is much of a fit in the 4-3 is the big problem there. I think he gets cut.

  143. 143 A_T_G said at 12:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Holy hell. Tommy listens to press conferences by debate team coaches? That is hard core.

  144. 144 BobSmith77 said at 12:19 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    As we quickly are approaching another ’08-’09 moment, I have admit that I find who the Eagles hire or don’t hire doesn’t nearly concern me that much in the larger scope of things.

  145. 145 Sean Stott said at 1:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yea it’s bad so far this year. I really hope it can recover, another recession is not good.

  146. 146 BobSmith77 said at 2:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Nothing left in the global monetary or fiscal stimulus tools left globally including with the fed. If they go qe4 and make it large enough to actually have meaning, you could seriously disrupt global gov’t debt markets and even discolate the us treasuries market.

    At best, you get Japan which is bad proxy for the us for several reasons. At worst, it runs out of control of even the fed, ecb, and boj, we get the depression we would have had in ’09, extreme politics, and the wars that almost inevitably comes with it.

    If you got high rates of debt, pay them off as soon as possible, stay liquid, and don’t overextend yourself.

  147. 147 scratcherk said at 12:34 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    My goodness… Is there a more philly guy than Jim Schwartz? Just listened to his interview with Spadaro. It wouldnt have surprised me if he had said he was a 6th generation philadelphian and his mom dipped him in the schuylkill river by his heel at birth. I think this city will love him.

  148. 148 TypicalDouche said at 12:37 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    For the most part this city already loves him. The most highly anticipated defensive hire since the loss of JJ. I for one am extremely excited to see Cox get unleashed on opposing guards in any way.

  149. 149 anon said at 1:05 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Think this hiring is helping to see a lot of people on the Pederson hiring.

  150. 150 Sean Stott said at 12:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    There’s another video floating around where he talks about his defense. The dude curses like a sailor.

  151. 151 scratcherk said at 1:03 PM on January 20th, 2016:


  152. 152 Sean Stott said at 1:15 PM on January 20th, 2016:

  153. 153 RichEagle said at 1:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Interesting to hear the process of how to stop one particular play developed into a scheme.

  154. 154 Stephen E. said at 12:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I would go nuts to see Cox, Graham, and Curry back in a 4-3. No joke.

  155. 155 RobNE said at 12:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    so where are we on OC?

  156. 156 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:37 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Caplan claims that Its going to be the dude from the charges, like Dougie he is also a bob Lamonte Client

  157. 157 RC5000 said at 12:55 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Listening to Schwartz, he doesn’t really like labeling his scheme either. He talks about wide nine being an attempt to bring some 3-4 in. He said he uses some under. He also seems centered on scheming to his personnel.

  158. 158 A_T_G said at 1:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a case of the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction.

  159. 159 RC5000 said at 1:11 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Pederson left me with the impression his offense was a hybrid of the WCO in his press conference and also says it here at 3:45 mark. I don’t know how much detail he wants to reveal though but I think he wants to see what he has personnel-wise. I’m okay with mystery, that’s not going to hurt the team.

  160. 160 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:35 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Adam Caplan claims that talking to some of KC coaches, allegedly Dougie is more aggressive than Andy, more willing to Gamble than Andy.
    Caplan also says he has no idea WTF Lurie is doing with our front office lol

  161. 161 James said at 2:40 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Chip was supposed to be aggressive as hell. Remember Big Balls Chip? Except that never materialized because we never had a good QB.

  162. 162 Ark87 said at 1:26 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Interesting perk. Kiko’s wonder year was in Jim Schwartz’s Defense. Hopefully he can get the guy playing at a high level again.

  163. 163 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    No he didn’t. He played for Pettine and. Was injured when Schwartz coached the bills

  164. 164 Ark87 said at 1:48 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    yeah I saw it almost immediately and tried to fix and my Discus crashed, lol. Damn we should have gotten Pettine. I’d give anything to see THAT version of Kiko playing for us.

  165. 165 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:55 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah I’m having problem with Disque too

  166. 166 A_T_G said at 2:05 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I wouldn’t assume the two things are related. We have seen lots of incorrect information in comments without Discus crashing.

  167. 167 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Had Kiko never tore up his Knee, good chance he would have also looked like a stud on Schwartz system
    IMO the Kiko situation is all about his body. If another yeàr removed from the injury gets Kiko’s athleticism back to what KIKO was pre injury, Philly will love the Kid.. Unfortunately THATS not a given, some people get injured and never are the same again… It probably helps a little that he is still a young man, fortunately he is on a cheap rookie contract so it makes it easier to hold on to him in case he does regain his athleticism .. After last years tape he has NO trade value anyway, so might as well see what he looks like after another summer, hopefully he won’t suffer any physical setbacks

  168. 168 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:03 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Adam Caplan also claims that the reason Schwartz is our DC is because Schwartz analyzed the defensive roster of the teams offering him the DC position, and the talent the Eagles have in place on Defense really appealed to him.
    im sure we will line up in the wide 9 in clear passing downs at times, but he also knows what the LB and Secondary need to do in order to make the Wide 9 work, which Juan Castillo didn’t understand since he had no experience.
    Apparently when Schwartz uses the Wide 9 It’s mainly to generate pass rush without having to blitz, and dropping the LB and the back end into a lot of Zones. he is big on attacking and Disguise…

  169. 169 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:04 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Chips press Confrence just started and I already want to throw up… It’s live on NFL network and after it’s over, chip will do a one on one interview on NFL network
    I hope Bruce Arians and pete Carroll beat his teams to a bloody pulp

  170. 170 Ryan Rambo said at 2:05 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Chips presser if you care to tune in……….

  171. 171 Sean Stott said at 2:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I posted this below but I don’t want it to get buried, if you guys get a chance watch the Jim Schwartz video where he discusses how his scheme developed. Very insightful.

  172. 172 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:13 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Jed York throwing Shede at Lurie basically saying he doesn’t even know what Emotional intelligence means…
    Chip claims that his relationships were fine and that many of his former players text him when he was fired

  173. 173 TypicalDouche said at 2:24 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I’m sure Barner, Huff, and Hart texted him. Did any of the valuable players actually get in contact with him? Doubtful. The more Chip speaks the more he comes of as a smug pathological liar.

  174. 174 ACViking said at 2:27 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “Barner, Huff, and Hart texted him . . .”

    “. . . pathological liar.”

    Well done.

  175. 175 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:28 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Im sure there were good players like KELCE, Celek, jordan who reached out..
    I assume the problem is that NOT ENOUGH of his players felt that way,, it doesn’t really work unless the entire team is United, and I would think there was a solid amount of players who were very happy that he was fired

  176. 176 ACViking said at 2:24 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    When Tampa Bay fired Lovie Smith, Pro Bowl LB Lavonte David immediately tweeted that the firing was stupid.

    I don’t recall a single Eagles player tweeting anything in support of Kelly after his firing.

    And I don’t remember reading any quotes attributed on the record to any Eagles player saying Kelly’s firing was mistake.

    I get that the players ultimately answer to Lurie.

    But among the handful of the Eagles best players — Cox, Jenkins, Barwin, Matthews, Ertz — they didn’t come out *publicly* in favor of Kelly.

  177. 177 laeagle said at 3:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Agreed. We know there are guys that liked him, a lot. But we also know that there are guys who didn’t. A lot. And others who were lukewarm. The problem with a polarizing figure like Kelly is that, well, he’s polarizing, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to have locker room friction. There’s no way around it, unless he works harder at relating to players.

    Hell, if Tom Coughlin could do it, Chip should be able to. But I think he did enough damage and alienated enough players (or made them indifferent and apathetic) that we simply had to move on.

    And to further your point, it’s not just that he was fired, but that his firing was a surprise. With a surprise firing, you’d expect some kind of public reaction from someone. But nope, radio silence. That spoke volumes.

  178. 178 anon said at 5:32 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    It’s interesting guys winning SBs aren’t necessary the more “player-friendly” coaches though i guess BB skews statistics.

  179. 179 laeagle said at 5:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think every coach still in the dance BUT BB is what you’d consider a player-friendly coach.

  180. 180 laeagle said at 8:02 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think every coach still in the dance BUT BB is what you’d consider a player-friendly coach.

  181. 181 ACViking said at 2:26 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “Jed York said . . . ”

    Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would stop reading at that point.

    (Not criticizing GE for the comment. Saying York’s a putz.)

  182. 182 laeagle said at 3:06 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The difference between York and other bad owners is that somehow York thinks he’s a good owner.

  183. 183 Sean Stott said at 3:07 PM on January 20th, 2016:

  184. 184 RC5000 said at 2:26 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The proof will be in the pudding. I don’t even know what that means either.

  185. 185 Sean Stott said at 3:01 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    When you said you don’t even know what that means I initially thought you meant the idiom that you used. I always preferred the original version of that idiom – the proof of the pudding is in the eating. It makes more sense that way, but over time the proof is in the pudding became the accepted way to phrase it.

  186. 186 Mac said at 3:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Chocolate pudding. The more you eat, the smarter you get. It’s how Tommy invented Igglesblitz and in-home Lasik treatments.

  187. 187 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:23 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “I want to just coach football, im excited about just having to coach football”…wish someone would ask him why that was the same exact thing he said 3 years ago during his introductory press Confrence in Philly….. Reporters claim That in his interview he told the niners, he doesn’t want to deal with personnel, he felt like he had to in Philly because he didn’t think Howie could do the job well enough.
    Sounds like he doesn’t plan on Changing much, but gave his bullshit answer about how there is different personnel here so some things will be a little different… if that was true, Demarco Murray would have been used VERY VERY DIFFERENT
    He is already correcting reporters on BS semantics that It’s Not a Read Option, it’s a Zone Read, and that wilson and Cam are killing the league with Zone Read
    Wow, this dude is already getting Snippy with San Fran reporters

  188. 188 nicolajNN said at 2:27 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Eagles have hired Frank Reich as their OC. Done deal…— Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora) January 20, 2016

  189. 189 ACViking said at 2:30 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well, I guess Bradford’s gonna be unhappy that the Eagles didn’t choose an array of offensive coaches that suits his preferences.

  190. 190 eagleyankfan said at 2:41 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Bradford is going to have to learn — that this isn’t about Bradford…

  191. 191 Dave said at 2:51 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Not sure I get this. He was vocally upset about having to learn a new system again, not necessarily about personal relationships. Keeping Shurmur on would have potentially meant an easier transition to a new offense, that’s all.

  192. 192 RC5000 said at 2:52 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    This is very strong staff for Bradford potentially.. Reich and De Filippo and Pederson…

  193. 193 anon said at 2:30 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, bye Shurm dog.

  194. 194 ACViking said at 2:32 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If Shurmur turns up with the Rams as their “passing game coordinator,” the Rams’ offense is gonna be much better.

    While Kelly built the ground attack here . . .

    There’s no historical dispute that Shurmur substantially constructed the Eagles’ passing game.

    And week after week, receivers ran open through the secondaries. (Well, often they did.)

  195. 195 anon said at 2:35 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    3 success years of passing records for eagles qbs and he gets fired I think chip def helped expand his repertoire w/ package plays and the like. Be interesting if he ended up in houston w/ bradford.

  196. 196 ACViking said at 2:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:


    What I meant is the passing concepts themselves that the Eagles used. My understanding is Shurmur put those together.

    But the simplified play names, use of tempo, running scheme, package plays . . . those are presumably all Kelly’s work.

  197. 197 eagleyankfan said at 2:47 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    like a lot of stuff you post, but I can’t get behind that at all. I can’t buy that Shurmur would overrule CK and CK would say — ok, even though my history shows I’m imaginative and successful, let’s use your style…

  198. 198 ACViking said at 3:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Not sure I follow.

    Where did I say Shurmur overruled Kelly?

    All I said was Shurmur, by the accounts I read, designed the passing concepts.

    Maybe you could elaborate.

  199. 199 eagleyankfan said at 3:28 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    You used the words “passing concepts” were all Shurmur. I’m not saying that article is wrong, but I didn’t come away from reading that article that there was a division of ‘passing concepts’ were Shurmurs and the running scheme etc was all CK.
    It’s a nice article. Yes, CK showed in college that it’s not all about the passing game. But the passing game is very important in CK’s scheme. CK’s mastery is the passing game. He proved it at all his levels on college.
    Coming to the NFL and using his passing attack, would naturally be different, which is where Shurmur comes in. He helped. He has his own ideas and I’m sure there was a lot of collaborating with CK. I just don’t think there’s a division in the offense scheme as Shurmur was passing and CK running(simplified play names etc).
    I’m not surprised Huff was a bit confused with the complexity of the NFL. LOL. Poor kid probably never saw the complexity change coming…

  200. 200 ACViking said at 3:34 PM on January 20th, 2016:


    Your criticism of what I wrote’s a good one. I’m probably too far out on a limb regarding the division of labor.

    Is it better to say, Shurmur supplemented-amplified the route concepts and passing game that Kelly brought to the NFL?

  201. 201 eagleyankfan said at 3:43 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    🙂 (I know, I’m way to literal – I can’t help it)… The fans(maybe even fans outside of Eagleland) saw wide open wr’s(quite often) and will go after Shurmur for their offense. If CK was an offensive guru(I still think he is) and Shurmur was able to enhance that offense, Shurmur would be a great staff addition. IMHO, I think he’d help a lot of teams.

  202. 202 ACViking said at 3:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:


    No problem at all with your approach. Like the back and forth. Important to get a clearer understanding. You’re spot on here.

    And keep after me if you disagree.

  203. 203 ACViking said at 3:11 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Here’s an article from 2014. I guess they’re wrong?

  204. 204 nevadausa16 said at 3:13 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    he’s talking about the west coast offense passing. the article linked in AC’s comment basically says what he wrote in his comment

  205. 205 Sean Stott said at 2:31 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    It’s funny how all of CK’s jokes are falling flat. I honestly don’t think bay area people are going to ‘get’ his sense of humor.

  206. 206 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah he was trying hard to be funny, and no one bought any of it
    Then he got snippy with a reporter, and wiped his forehead of sweat afterwards

  207. 207 RobNE said at 2:36 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I hated feeling like 90% of the country (reporters and fans) wanted us to fail. SF can have that. Let’s put together our boring, huddling, attacking 4-3 team and stay on the down low.

  208. 208 anon said at 2:38 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Offense was fun to watch when it was working, frustrating when it wasnt. I thought we would do well combining that offense with a traditional offense like we saw in giants game — just need a less dogmatic coordinator.

  209. 209 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:43 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I hear you man,,, I like flying under the Radar.
    When Chip was the face of our Franchise everything he did ended up being National news… chip goes to the bathroom in Philly, and Stephan a Smith and Skip have a segment about it on their show, yet since we hired Dougie, it barely gets any Natipnal coverage, and I kind of like flying under the Radar
    Im also pleased that a coach will No longer be the face of the Eagles, and we will get back to playërs being the Stars of this team like Cox and Bradford

    I have a feeling that bradford and the WR will benefit greatly from this chamge, but we should probably see the Defense show the most growth (short term)
    The RB should benefit greatly from the variety that chips run game lacked, but that won’t matter until we get our OL and run blocking where we need it to be
    Im expect a good year 1, but if we can build on next years success will tell us if Dougie is legit or a pretender

  210. 210 eagleyankfan said at 3:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    it seems like every year, fans of other teams scream “well, the Eagles won the pre-season again”….tired of that…under the radar is fine with me…

  211. 211 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:05 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Hopefully we are quiet in free agency. Retain our own playsrs, and build thru the draft.
    We already have a good amount of players that we have to give big money extensions to over the next couple of years, in order to retain all our talent, we will have to counterbalance it with some cheap rookie contracts. it’s extremely important that we have two good drafts and add a few puppies who can step in sooner than Later. You can have expensive playërs, but you have to draft well to pull that off. I also think it’s important to not compound draft mistakes by trying to compensate by signing other teams free,agents.
    LEAVE FREE AGENCY ALONE!!! Hopefully Roseman has lerned that you can’t buy a top team..

  212. 212 HawaiianEagle said at 4:18 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Or even a mediocre team…

  213. 213 HawaiianEagle said at 4:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “…pay no attention to that (Pederson) behind the curtain…”

  214. 214 ACViking said at 2:48 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Really just hope to see the Eagles under Pederson:

    – huddle again, even if only 33% of the time

    – use a fullback, even if only 10 plays a game

    – run out of the I-formation a few times

  215. 215 RobNE said at 2:39 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    what happens when the QB tells Reich it’s over when you are down 32 in the 3rd quarter? oh boy here comes the story again.

    Maybe that means he will think no lead is safe. Run up the score, like Belicheat.

  216. 216 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:50 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If Ashton Kutcher still had the Show PUNKED, the greatest Prank Ever would be to make Demarco Murray think he has been traded to the Niners lol

  217. 217 sonofdman said at 10:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That is hilarious!

  218. 218 daveH said at 11:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    HEll oh hell.
    That wud be worthy of an SNL skit

  219. 219 Sean Stott said at 3:03 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    As someone who has lived in the bay area as well as Philly (now in So. Cal), I can confidently say that Chip Kelly is going to rub people the wrong way up there. His sarcasm and unwillingness to answer basically any non X’s & O’s question is going to bug the shit out of them.

  220. 220 Nailed It! said at 3:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Did anyone else see the report that Bradford (read his agent) asked for 25 million a year from the Eagles? Cause let him walk if he wants that much! Or was this a fake report I read?

  221. 221 TypicalDouche said at 3:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That was a report from ESPN. What makes the story even worst is that they are saying he asked for that much before ever playing a snap for the Eagles and coming off the back to back ACL tears. I know his agent plays hardball but if this report is true then I need some of what Bradford and his agent are smoking if they believe he should be the highest paid QB in the NFL.

  222. 222 Nailed It! said at 3:23 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    It literally made me do a double take scrolling through my twitter timeline! Crazy, crazy time to be alive if he thinks he is worth that much. I was thinking more 17-18 million tops for him.

  223. 223 TypicalDouche said at 3:25 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I hear ya, I literally laughed out loud that my neighbor in the office across from me came over and got a good laugh as well when he read the article. 17-18 is way beyond tops of what I think he deserves but he will most likely get that being the way the QB market is nowadays. I truly believe his agent is going to aim for the sky in negotiations.

  224. 224 Nailed It! said at 3:31 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Oh yeah only reason I say 17-18 is because QB is the most overpayed position in sports.

  225. 225 TypicalDouche said at 3:31 PM on January 20th, 2016:


  226. 226 jpate said at 3:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Good luck there SF

    I asked Kelly if he'd be a significantly different coach here than he was in Philadelphia. Kelly said you are what you are, but you learn.— Tim Kawakami (@timkawakami) January 20, 2016

  227. 227 Mac said at 3:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Life’s a garden, dig it.

    You wanna fight? How ’bout you stick your head up my butt and fight for air?

  228. 228 TypicalDouche said at 3:23 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    You crying boy? Maybe we’ll go back down to McDonalds and whamburger and some French cries.

  229. 229 eagleyankfan said at 3:31 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “you are what you are” …. I wonder if SF will start “Chipisms”….lol

  230. 230 Nailed It! said at 3:32 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Other presser overview: Chip Kelly is immediately the smartest guy at 49ers HQ and it's not by a little bit.— Tim Kawakami (@timkawakami) January 20, 2016

    He was in Philly too…

  231. 231 EaglesGameBalls said at 3:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    How are people this dumb?

  232. 232 RC5000 said at 3:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    You obviously don’t know the 49ers organization. It wasn’t a compliment.

  233. 233 JoeBlow said at 3:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Tim Kawakami hates ownership, especially the niners

  234. 234 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Hoping that slowing down the tempo. Trying to get off 60 plays per game instead of 90 plays per game helps rejuvinate Jason Peters a bit, or at least keeps him fresher throughout the season. less snaps, equal less chances to be injured. less snaps over the course of the season, not having to kill guys in practice throughout the season to have them prepared to handle chips pressure, hopefully will be good for some veterans like JP who seemed to have been beaten down by 3 years of chip tempo and Practice methods…at the very least it should extend peters career a little longer than continuing to strive for 90 offensive snaps per game.
    The way our defense just imploded mid season, it’s hard to think that 3 years of the added pressure of complimenting chips offense which caused our defenders to play more snaps then any other Defense didn’t play a role in how drastically what started as a quality defense this year, regressed so dramatically And became a complete disaster.
    Chip also thought that he had a better way of organizing the work week then every other NFL coach for example having guys come in on Monday when other teams use it as an off day. for a coach who thought he,knew how to manage the work week better than everyone else, his,record on short week games (Thursday, Saturday and Monday games) Wasnt very good.. Wonder what the effects will be from restructuring the work week schedule back to how NFL coaches typically run things
    So many signifcant and drastic changes are coming, hopefully the changes will be for the better and have a big impact on playërs performance, our guys will no longer get as many practice reps as everyone got under chip, but this new coaching staff will at least take the time to correct mistakes on the field, instead of just letting guys make mistakes in practice and not correcting them TIL they get to the classrooms later where you can make mental corrections in a class room, but you aren’t getting the muscle memory part of the corrections.. moving so Fast IMO but too much emphasis on quantity and not enough on Quality and I think that led to the 2015 team that showed so many of the signs of a poorY coached team,,. I assume, Doug Peterson will care more about slowing things down to where you can really address the Small details that make a difference in this “game of Inches”
    Who the hell knows how successful Pederson and this new staff will be in Philly. nothing to do but hope that Lurie got it right, and that it will be a long time before we have to do another coaching search… Im more concerned about LURIE finally getting the Front Office structure RIGHT!..seems like we have enough experience on the coaching staff for Dougie to succeed, but it won’t matter unless we also get rhe front office right…

  235. 235 Nailed It! said at 3:34 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If you have a minute take a quick look at this article by Chris Brown on the future of football strategy and how technology will change the game. I’ve always liked Chris and this is another excellent piece.

  236. 236 peteike said at 3:37 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Ill read it, I love Wired. I always try to get it with my free miles for mags stuff, excellent magazine.

  237. 237 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:42 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “Looking at all the HC openings, I only wanted one job, and I was fortunate to get it”-Chip

    LOL!! Im sure chip had zero desire to coach Mariota…. I understand there are certain things you have to say, but you don’t have to go out of your way to make statements that are blatant lies… If Chip was asked, wouldn’t you have prefered to reunite with Mariota? Obviously he has to say San Fran was his #1 choice, but if you aren’t being asked a question, you shouldn’t go out of your way to make statements that are lies..

  238. 238 TypicalDouche said at 3:47 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That’s hysterical. What makes it even funnier is that Chip reached out to the 49ers initially and received no known interest from any other team. If Mariota couldn’t convince the Titans to at least inquire about Chip then that should tell you all you need to know about how Chip is viewed by NFL owners. Also Trent Baalke and Jed York are clueless as to how to run a franchise so I am really looking to see how much of a dumpster fire the niners will be this year.

  239. 239 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I like that Bruce Arians seems to really enjoy beating down Chip Kelly and he now gets two times per year to try and make chip look bad, and that seattle defense should still be pretty good next year and they kicked our offenses ass last year.. Facing Robert Quinn and Aaron Donald twice a year can’t be much fun either. chip struggled in our crappy division, now he is coaching in one of the toughest divisions

  240. 240 TypicalDouche said at 4:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Agreed on all points and let me add to that in saying that the 49ers have one of, if not the, worst rosters in the NFL. If Chip couldn’t work his “genius magic” with this Eagles team there isn’t a chance in hell he can do it in San Fran.

  241. 241 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:11 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think the biggest TRAINWRECK will be chips personality with Kapernicks penchant for having a shitty attitude and not much football Charechter when adversity hits. Will chip have the Patience to deal with Kaps underdeveloped football brain?
    In philly, chip seemed to not have much patience for guys like Kapernick

  242. 242 TypicalDouche said at 4:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    And Chip also claims to rely heavily on repetitive accuracy from his QBs and the world has seen that Kaep does not have any sort of repetitive accuracy in him.

  243. 243 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    certainly won’t see Kaps face next to the definition of repetitive accuracy, football CHARECHTER or QB Intelligence…. But he runs fast and can throw hard…have fun with that Chip..
    I Hope Boone leaves the Niners in Free Agency. Chip DOESNT deserve to have quality Guards after what he did to us

  244. 244 TypicalDouche said at 4:52 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    And I hope Boone lands right in Philly.

  245. 245 ACViking said at 4:30 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    “biggest TRAINWRECK will be chips personality with Kapernicks penchant for having a shitty attitude . . . “

    Great point. If Kaepy even makes it to training camp, will he make it to the 53-man roster?

  246. 246 anon said at 5:42 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Feelings have really changed on Arians around here.

  247. 247 Media Mike said at 5:43 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Bruce needs to focus on beating down Cam on Sunday.

  248. 248 A_T_G said at 4:47 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Are we even certain Mariota wants to play for Chip again? That is a bit of an assumption on our part.

  249. 249 TypicalDouche said at 4:53 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That is a pure assumption on my part but that is due in part to the way Chip always raved about him and talked him up to the Peyton Manning echelon.

  250. 250 A_T_G said at 5:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Not just you. We all made that assumption. As more info comes out, though, it is clear a lot of players don’t like playing for Chip. It will be interesting to see if he collects a few followers from our cast offs or free agents choosing him over us, like happened with Andy.

  251. 251 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 5:06 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Wow. All that insider knowledge. Are you with the CIA? Tapping phones, intercepting emails? Did you know about Chip’s golden lab?

  252. 252 TypicalDouche said at 5:13 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Bad attempt at trying to be funny. It’s called reading articles from different sources saying the same things.

  253. 253 Media Mike said at 5:41 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Jed York is the ultimate spoiled rich brat who did nothing to deserve control of that team. His uncle built that team up from nothing into the greatest dynasty the league has ever seen, but due to some nonsense the league handed the team over to York’s smelly pirate hooker mother. Jed York is worse than Jay Snider was for the Flyers.

  254. 254 jshort said at 3:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Did you want him to act dopier than Pederson?

  255. 255 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    That be nice,,

  256. 256 TypicalDouche said at 3:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Has anybody, and more specifically Greg Richards, heard anything about Greg Lewis or the WRs coaching position in general?

  257. 257 Greg Richards said at 3:54 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Nothing out there since the Greg Lewis report.

  258. 258 TypicalDouche said at 3:56 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Cool, info always appreciated friend.

  259. 259 ICDogg said at 3:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I’d like to see one DT 2-gapping. Otherwise the middle linebacker has a much tougher job.

  260. 260 TypicalDouche said at 4:02 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I would think that would still be Logan’s job in Schwartz’s defense. Cox will be the penetrating 1-gap DT and Logan 2-gaps while diagnosing the play then attacking. It takes a lot of patience and smarts to play the NT in that kind of defense but I think Logan can do it. He should immediately start watching tape of Kyle Williams from a couple of years ago and try to emulate him.

  261. 261 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Love kyle Williams, he should have gotten even more respect then he gets. Dude has had a great career

  262. 262 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:33 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    LOL!!!! Don’t know when the last time was that I laughed this hard…
    The media went back and made a list of all Eddie Lacy’s food related tweets. I can’t stop laughing.
    Eddie Lacy aka “FEAST-Mode” Twitter:
    “Guess I’ll start my day off with some fast food”
    “Im about to get chinese food real fast, I’ll play ya when I get back”
    I just remembered that im sitting in class with a whole grilled snap wrap in my pocket”
    “I can’t stop thinking about eating China Food smh :(”
    “Man they got your boy in here eating a salad” (oh the Horror)
    “eating my ass off in here, knowing Im possed to lose weight”
    “That food though… #YESlord”
    “All I keep thinking about is food..,.#Sonic here I come”
    “China food stop,then back to my room”
    “Man that food messed around and made me sleepy”
    “This China food im about to go get though”
    “Been eating gummy bears for the last half hour”
    “Now all I need is someone to bring me some China food and I’ll be set”
    “China Food time”
    “Off to get some China food and back to the crib for the night”
    “I want a spicy chicken sandwhich wit a large Fries from Checkers”
    “All I can think about is a spicy chicken from Checkers”
    “This Chicken Biscuit I just got Though…#CLUTCH”
    “I want a spicy chicken Sandwhich so bad”
    “Im Hungry :/ ”

    Hahahahaha im dying… WTF is wrong with this dude? Someone get “FEASTMODE” some damn help.. Where is Richard Simmons when you need him?

  263. 263 peteike said at 4:43 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    hilarious “knowing Im posses to lose weight”

  264. 264 peteike said at 4:52 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Im amazed at all the bad fast food and probably cheap a.. chinese food he eats for a wealthy professional athlete. Compare that to Tom and Giseles diet:

    “Eighty percent of what they eat is vegetables and whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, millet, beans,” Campbell told
    “The other 20 percent is lean meats: grass-fed organic steak, duck
    every now and then, and chicken. As for fish, I mostly cook wild

    “[Tom] doesn’t eat nightshades, because they’re not
    anti-inflammatory,” explains Campbell. “So no tomatoes, peppers,
    mushrooms, or eggplants. Tomatoes trickle in every now and then, but
    just maybe once a month.”

    I asked Guerrero at one point if Brady is ever allowed to eat a
    cheeseburger. ‘Yes, we have treats,’ he said. ‘We make them.’ Like what?
    ‘Usually raw desserts, like raw macaroons.’ Ice cream made from avocado
    is another favorite, Guerrero said.”

    Maybe he can play til hes 50

  265. 265 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Most of the elite players go to extremes to take care of their bodies.. Not surprised that they reap the rewards…
    JJ Watt talks about How he goes to bed at 8pm every night starting in training camp because of the importance in making sure a body gets proper sleep..
    How pro athletes put such crap in their bodies I will never understand.. Even if you aren’t an athlete, a millionaire can literally spend his entire life eating the best of the best, how the hell can you settle for fast food? Chad Ochocinco used to Brag about how he lives of trashy

  266. 266 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 5:03 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    And some whine when their coach tries to institute a healthier lifestyle. “I’m a Grown Man”!!

  267. 267 Sean Stott said at 7:26 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    All that dieting stuff is a myth. The only things that matter are how many calories you eat, and whether you are getting enough vitamins/fat/fiber.

  268. 268 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 5:01 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Like Deion would ask, “But is he enjoying the ride”? That diet is extreme and 99% of normal people would not be able to sustain it. Nor should they. Maybe that tasteless cardboard is why Brady throws temper tantrums on the field from time to time.
    Raw macaroons are raw eggs.

  269. 269 Insomniac said at 5:04 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    When you have your own chef tailor to your taste, I don’t see why he can’t.

  270. 270 anon said at 5:29 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If you can handle marrying a model…

  271. 271 RobNE said at 5:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    this is impressive/insane. He doesn’t eat nightshades why? I googled this and I don’t see where hands down it’s bad for you.

    I think Brady has done well in the nutrition/taking care of himself. I think he does a lot of something (yoga? who knows). He has said when people ask what do you do he says I’ll tell you after I retire.

  272. 272 peteike said at 5:26 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Ya, its the anti inflammatory thing I guess. Theres probably a whole diet out there for sticking to those kinds of food. They dont say they are bad and they eat tomatoes at time but maybe not as good as they can eat. That is insane to go to those lengths. I thought the dessert was the best, man, treat yourself sometimes. Thats crazy discipline

  273. 273 Tdoteaglefan said at 6:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    they must be following some principles of the autoimmune paleo diet. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease a couple of years that point I already followed a relatively clean diet, and have always been involved in health and fitness heavily throughout my life, but in the past couple of years I have had to eliminate even more foods and add more restrictions + supplements. It’s been good, I’ve been in good health and been off of all medications for over a year now But although i know my health is significantly affected by cheating every once in awhile I still have to indulge in some “illegal” foods here and there.
    The fact that he can have the discipline to have those restrictions when his life is not adversely effected by eating said foods is part of the reason why he’s in conversation for being the G.O.A.T (as much as i had to say it)

  274. 274 Insomniac said at 5:03 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Authentic chinese food is delicious as fuck.

    source: am chinese

  275. 275 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:06 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Id bet it’s more of the nasty corner store, fried wings variety that Eddie is talking about, since he seems to also be big on fast food,
    Whenever im in Italy, obviously I go crazy for italian food, mainly the pizza,. But I always make sure to get some chinese food.. Cleaner,tastier Ingrediants, chinese food is so good over there

  276. 276 Insomniac said at 5:11 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I’m not going to lie but I haven’t had any bad wings from a chinese takeout place. You can get takeout from almost every chinese restaurant in the States you just gotta ask.

  277. 277 A_T_G said at 5:15 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Last month I was in NYC. We went into Chinatown for dinner. After walking past the guys selling jellyfish out of 5-gallon buckets we finally found one that had a menu with English subtitles, some familiar items for the kids, but some unfamiliar items for me.

    Wow. The stuff from the strip mall takeout spots shouldn’t even be allowed to use the same terminology.

    Takeout sweet and sour: authentic sweet and sour:: hot pocket: Geno’s cheesesteak.

  278. 278 Insomniac said at 5:24 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yup usually the authentic places do it right by getting the right equipment, fresh produce and chefs that learned from someone who was trained or was actually trained in China.

  279. 279 peteike said at 5:27 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    oh man, its soooo much better. Its so hard to find, near impossible if you moved away from the east coast like myself.

  280. 280 Insomniac said at 5:35 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    You gotta look hard if you’re in the Midwest but the west coast has great chinese food too.

  281. 281 daveH said at 11:21 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Frssh carp fish from the murky watertank in the dining room

  282. 282 daveH said at 11:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Did u dee the Sun Bright Hotel??
    Scariest hotel in the US

  283. 283 A_T_G said at 9:40 AM on January 21st, 2016:

    I did not, but now I am intrigued.


  284. 284 daveH said at 9:08 PM on January 21st, 2016:

    Nice find. The hallway pic at the bottom is the reality.
    That room w the bed is fake.. it is scary!

  285. 285 Tdoteaglefan said at 5:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    lol, I’m effing dying here…Seems like Eddie might be puffing some trees on his spare time

  286. 286 Insomniac said at 5:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    What else are you going to do in Wisconsin?

  287. 287 sonofdman said at 10:13 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    This would be funnier to me if it didn’t read like someone was tweeting a running list of my own thoughts.

  288. 288 Greg Richards said at 4:43 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Dianna Marie Russini

    4m4 minutes ago

    49ers have offered Mike Vrabel the DC job. 49ers waiting to hear his answer per sources #49ers

    Vrabel has potential as a coach, but not very experienced. DC with the strain that Kelly’s O puts on a D? Think it’s pretty obvious no defensive coach with pedigree wants to run Chip’s D.

  289. 289 Media Mike said at 5:35 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Vrabel is trash. He had no problem acting like the toughest guy ever in screaming and insulting bottom of the roster guys on Hard Knocks, yet couldn’t fluff Clowney enough once that lazy bum finally got on the field. I can’t wait until one of Vrabel’s players punches that Buckeye piece of garbage right in his face.

  290. 290 ConcussedFB said at 6:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    So you don’t like him?

  291. 291 Media Mike said at 6:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    If you’ve seen Hard Knocks, you wouldn’t like him either.

  292. 292 A_T_G said at 4:45 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Ark87, if I remember correctly, is a fan of left shark. For your consideration:

  293. 293 Ark87 said at 4:47 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I love all of it

  294. 294 johhnyblaze said at 4:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    San Fran signed cfl wr Eric Wright, I wonder if chip stayed would he had signed with us

  295. 295 A_T_G said at 4:56 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Nothing Chip did here makes me think he would have brought in the Wright wide receiver.

  296. 296 johhnyblaze said at 4:57 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Hahaha, gotcha!!!

  297. 297 jshort said at 6:54 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Rogers that.

  298. 298 Insomniac said at 4:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Why would Eazy-E play WR in the NFL?

  299. 299 johhnyblaze said at 5:08 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Eric Rogers, , smh…. My bad

  300. 300 anon said at 5:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    For ACV in particular, others generally. ACV noticed that Doug didn’t seem prepared for yesterday’s interview…

    My conclusion, also. Preparedness for a big presser is somewhat comparable to preparedness for a game, I think.— Tim Kawakami (@timkawakami) January 20, 2016

  301. 301 Media Mike said at 5:47 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Being a scam artist is hard work.

  302. 302 Insomniac said at 5:51 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    and the Chip Kelly is a genius seed has been planted.

  303. 303 Ark87 said at 5:54 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    don’t know how he will turn out as a coach. Flopping a presser 2 days after a season-ending loss and the transition that followed all while presumably in the midst of an intense search for a staff, I can forgive this one time. I do hope it’s not a sign of things to come though.

    I thought Schwartz’s observation was hilarious though.
    “…I’d like to thank my beautiful wife for being with me today, so happy to have this opportunit-”

    “yeah, yeah, wtf was up with that last drive”

    welcome to Philly, Doug!

  304. 304 anon said at 5:55 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    probably didn’t give pressers when he was a QB — media in KC is probably much friendlier considering they’re winning after a history of losing.

  305. 305 Ark87 said at 5:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I was actually thinking about QB’s and pressers recently. Have you noticed that like, almost every QB in the NFL can act well enough to pull off a pretty believable commercial? Even be competent SNL guests? What happened to the big dumb oafs doing their hooked on phonics cue card read? I wonder how much has to do with the modern emphasis on maintaining the face of the franchise and the shtick that comes with it.

  306. 306 BlindChow said at 5:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Doesn’t say much, considering how often Chip was outcoached in actual games.

  307. 307 ACViking said at 6:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    To be clear . . .

    What caught my eye was Pederson came to the lectern with no prepared statement or notes.

    Then he thanked the Chiefs’ owner before thanking Jeff Lurie.

    Seemed out of order. Both needed to be thanked. But shouldn’t Lurie get the nod first?

    It’s the sort of mistake (in my way of thinking) that’s easily avoided with a prepared script.

    In answering questions, DP did fine in his first visit to the DMZ.
    Even better for the interview.

  308. 308 jshort said at 6:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Might have rehearsed him for the interview. And AC I don’t have a confident feeling about the hire at all. Absolutely hate seeing Shurmur shown the door, getting a distaste for the whole organization. I’ve seen games at Franklin Field as a kid, so I’ve been around, ya know.

  309. 309 anon said at 6:07 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Oh, deity of your choice, why not Bicknell too?— Greg Richards (@igglesnut) January 20, 2016

  310. 310 anon said at 6:07 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Sad day Shurm dog, sorry it didn’t work out.

  311. 311 ACViking said at 6:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Will Shurmur be landing with the Rams (in some capacity)?

  312. 312 anon said at 6:29 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of options

  313. 313 jshort said at 7:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Wonder if Chip would have a spot for him?

  314. 314 A_T_G said at 7:45 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Isn’t Bicknell already in SF?

  315. 315 Media Mike said at 6:21 PM on January 20th, 2016:


    Here is what happens in a mock draft when Goff, Lynch, AND Wentz all go in the top 12 picks…………………

    Round 1 Pick 19 (BUF): Shaq Lawson, DE, Clemson (A)
    Round 2 Pick 18 (BUF): Kenny Clark, DT, UCLA (A)
    Round 3 Pick 14: Vonn Bell, SS, Ohio State (A+)
    Round 3 Pick 16: Tyler Boyd, WR, Pittsburgh (A+)
    Round 3 Pick 17 (BUF): Sebastian Tretola, OG, Arkansas (B-)
    Round 4 Pick 15: Joe Haeg, OT, North Dakota State (B+)
    Round 5 Pick 14: D.J. White, CB, Georgia Tech (A)
    Round 5 Pick 23: Nate Sudfeld, QB, Indiana (B+)
    Round 6 Pick 13: Aaron Green, RB, TCU (A+)
    Round 7 Pick 12: Kevin Hogan, QB, Stanford (A-)
    Round 7 Pick 31: Josh Forrest, ILB, Kentucky (A)

  316. 316 Media Mike said at 6:22 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    So what QBs would any of you like if Goff and Wentz are both gone? I chose to wait and wait and wait and the took two stabs with Sudfeld and Hogan.

  317. 317 Mitchell said at 6:54 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I like Hogan. I remember watching some tape but it was a while ago. Good pocket presence, anticipation and toughness.

  318. 318 Media Mike said at 6:55 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Good deal.

  319. 319 Mitchell said at 6:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Really a lot of qb prospects can be successful if they end up in the right situation, you know? Its about getting lucky but you know that. I think Hogan in the later rounds would be a good pick.

  320. 320 Tdoteaglefan said at 7:52 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Nice..would love lawson, clark and bell

  321. 321 Pennguino said at 6:38 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Still not sure why we kept Stoutland. It bugs me to see the former Ranger at left tackle for the Steelers. We had him in camp and they worked with him on the defensive side.
    If the coach was competent you would think he would have recognized that Villanueva had enough talent to cross the lines. Especially as bad as we were on the Oline side.

  322. 322 Media Mike said at 6:39 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The former ranger is a bit of a turnstile at LT.

  323. 323 Pennguino said at 6:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Agreed he was not an all pro. He was thrown into the fire. I am mostly looking at him from the development side. Former TE with good feet. He could grow into a dominant OT. Very raw.

  324. 324 CrackSammich said at 6:56 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Whoa now, revisionist history. The OL was very good and very healthy in training camp of 2014.

  325. 325 Greg Richards said at 7:06 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Villaneuva weighed about 240 when he was here. Gained a ton of weight in one year.

  326. 326 Nick C said at 6:39 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Guess Azz is gone as well.

  327. 327 Media Mike said at 6:39 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Pure 3-4 type coach.

  328. 328 Media Mike said at 6:45 PM on January 20th, 2016:

  329. 329 SteveH said at 6:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Somehow Chip is pissing me off more in SanFran than he did here, talking about how he wanted to go somewhere just to coach football, not worry about personnel. What a turd.

  330. 330 Media Mike said at 6:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Total fraud.

  331. 331 botto said at 6:57 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    isn’t it true that the issue was Howie? he wanted control only because of Howie, if he had maybe say, gamble, he would have not needed to make a power play?

  332. 332 Insomniac said at 7:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Except no one liked Gamble in the entire organization.

  333. 333 botto said at 7:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    oh, that’s probably why he got a long with chip.
    no body likes either of them….

  334. 334 Sean Stott said at 7:24 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Remember when he was escorted out of the building and fired? What happened with that?!

  335. 335 Insomniac said at 7:29 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Gamble probably threw a hissy fit for being confronted about all of the leaks. You rarely hear about what goes on inside the organization now.

  336. 336 DJH said at 9:42 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Youve mentioned this before. Have you just connected the dots yourself, or did someone get some inside information about the Gamble situation?

  337. 337 D3FB said at 12:22 PM on January 21st, 2016:

    Howie doesn’t leak. Chip hates the media. Leaks started around the time Gamble got here. Suddenly Eckel had “sources” Eckel also capes for Gamble to a hilarious extent. Noah Becker has traced the dots on twitter.

  338. 338 iceberg584 said at 6:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Total charlatan.

    I’m waiting for him to drop a pandering, “We’re from San Francisco and we fight.”

  339. 339 Insomniac said at 6:55 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Greg Lewis is the official WR coach

  340. 340 AsianEagle said at 10:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The Greg Lewis?? As in clutch 1st down G Lew??

  341. 341 Greg Richards said at 7:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    So, coaching staff so far:

    HC: Doug Pederson

    OC: Frank Reich
    QB: John DeFelippo(not official yet/assume that is still happening)
    RB: Duce Staley
    WR: Greg Lewis
    TE: Justin Peelle
    OL: Jeff Stoutland
    Asst OL/TE/Run Game – Eugene Chung
    Asst QB/Off QC – Press Taylor

    DC: Jim Schwartz
    DL: Still to come
    LB: Ken Flajole
    Sec/CB: Cory Undlin
    Sec/S: Tim Hauck
    Asst DL/Def QC: Philip Daniels
    Asst Sec/Def QC Dino Vasso

    ST: Dave Fipp
    Asst ST: Matt Harper

    Interesting that two Oregon guys that you’d think would be Chip guys in Justin Peelle and Matt Harper are staying. I think the Eagles would let those guys go if the requested it. Maybe it wasn’t only management and the players that Chip’s act wore thin on.

  342. 342 Julescat said at 7:39 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    did Chung coach here before?

  343. 343 nicolajNN said at 7:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yes, he was the assistant ol coach during Mudd’s time here, If I remember correctly he was fairly highly regarded, been in KC since Reid went there

  344. 344 bill said at 8:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Honestly? Not overwhelmed by the Pederson hiring, but this staff makes me pretty happy. Will have to see how it all works out and meshes, but I feel like it is a strong staff.

  345. 345 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 8:13 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Strong staff, a big Cox, and a big Johnson…looking like a great unit to me

  346. 346 JoeBlow said at 9:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    grew up with Dino Vasso, great kid!

  347. 347 The original AG said at 7:44 PM on January 20th, 2016:

  348. 348 botto said at 7:58 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    wonder why?

  349. 349 anon said at 7:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    MSII’s stats in the non-chip game.

  350. 350 jshort said at 8:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    His head’s still spinning from his HC’s presser

  351. 351 FairOaks said at 7:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well….. Lurie said wait until after the player personnel head search before he’d answer that. I don’t think he implied at all that Roseman has had his full control restored.

  352. 352 Greg Richards said at 8:06 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Here’s the thing: Eagles can’t say that Roseman or anyone else has control of the 53 right now because that would allow other teams to block us from interviewing them. If we keep it vague right now as far as Roseman’s level of control, we can interview whoever we want for the job. There might be some candidates that Lurie would be willing to give the power of 53 too. In contrast, if one of those targets declines, he may be more comfortable having Howie still in charge and a lower-level personnel director type behind him.

  353. 353 FairOaks said at 12:44 PM on January 21st, 2016:

    Very good point. It’s also possible that the player personnel guy could have final say on draft day, and Howie have control of the roster/trades/etc.

  354. 354 The original AG said at 7:49 PM on January 20th, 2016:

  355. 355 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:05 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Meaning Kendricks at SAM..? Would think him n Kiko would flip positions.. Or maybe Kendricks not in the equation hmm..

  356. 356 James said at 8:11 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    The SAM is taking on blocks a ton more correct? Putting Kendricks there seems stupid, maybe Kendricks is MLB?

  357. 357 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:19 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I was thinking Kendricks at WILL Hicks at MIKE Alonso at SAM.. Like Kendricks blitzing etc not too much focusing on the run n TEs like SAM

  358. 358 Mitchell said at 8:21 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Is Kiko going to be big/physical enough to play the SAM though? After this past year I would say no. Hope he gets healthy.

  359. 359 bill said at 8:13 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    One of Kendrick’s strengths is blitzing and just generally attacking upfield. Think he works well in what Schwartz has described. Not so sure about Kiko, if he even ever gets healthy again.

  360. 360 Insomniac said at 8:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Kiko Will
    Hicks Mike
    Barwin Sam

    Kendricks possibly traded?

  361. 361 The original AG said at 8:15 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I was wondering that, but Barwin thinks he’s going to move back to DE.

  362. 362 Insomniac said at 8:16 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I don’t think so. Curry and Graham is way better with their hands in the dirt than Barwin is.

  363. 363 The original AG said at 8:17 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Could he be a float? I can’t see them getting rid of Barwin, considering his attachment to the city and getting the Walter Payton? award from the NFL for outstanding off-the-field work.

  364. 364 Mitchell said at 8:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Move him to SS? Keep him for depth because the ILBs dont have tje cleanest injury history? Trade him? Lots of possibilities but I cant think of Hicks anywhere but MLB.

  365. 365 anon said at 8:20 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Plus he’s really the only guy that’s always where he’s supposed to be.

  366. 366 Insomniac said at 8:26 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Barwin is the most ideal SAM right now so I don’t think he’ll be. His contribution/personality would make him a pretty attractive trade target.

    Rookie Kiko would be a great WILL but the current Kiko shouldn’t be on the field.

    Hicks could play WILL/MIKE but he should stay MIKE with his instincts and play recognition.

    Kendricks if he ever becomes reliable can play all 3 LB positions but would best fit as a WILL with his freelancing.

    IMO, trade value wise it would be Hicks > Barwin > Kendricks > Kiko.

  367. 367 laeagle said at 10:16 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Wow, people are super down on Kiko. He was just coming back from that injury, which is a pretty typical injury. The timing was never good for him to play at a high level last season. Based on other, similar injuries, there’s no reason to expect that he can’t come close to his rookie year, at least in terms of health. People are judging WAY too much based on last year.

  368. 368 Pennguino said at 11:10 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Kendricks: Speed and shooting gaps are his best attributes. TE’s and RB ate him up in short area coverage. He doesn’t stack and shed well so “Sam” is not the best either. That makes him more of a “Mike” but he doesn’t have the instincts for the middle. With the DL attacking, it will be imperative that the LB’s have gap integrity and play discipline football.

    Barwin: The biggest LB we have. Could move down into a rotation with Curry and Graham. Could drop some weight and take the “Sam” position. Could be a hybrid joker role mixing the 4-3 / 3-4. He is a plug and play player. I think Lurie is a big fan in the intangibles he brings to the team.

  369. 369 The original AG said at 8:04 PM on January 20th, 2016:

  370. 370 anon said at 8:08 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    does that mean no tag and trade?

  371. 371 ACViking said at 8:37 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think — accepting as true what the tweet says — that the Eagles will, if the price is right, try to re-sign Bradford.

    That’s a message — again if true — to the rest of the NFL.

    Lurie, and maybe even Pederson (but definitely Lurie), may have been sending out signals at the press conference yesterday to Bradford and his agent.

    Something along the lines of . . .

    “We’d like to re-sign Sam. We’re interested in re-signing Sam. But if the price isn’t right or he doesn’t want to be here, we’re not simply letting him walk away. We’re going to force another team to pay for the privilege of having him.”

  372. 372 James said at 8:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Well that’ll be interesting. I mean honestly it is time we find our own QB to groom hope we find one in the next couple drafts. What are we gaining if we keep Sam, a 9-7 record maybe? We need a lot more talent folks.

  373. 373 anon said at 8:15 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    think sam has more raw talent than anyone we’ll find picking in the teens / 20s. Think it’s a mistake to drop him without a firm plan.

  374. 374 James said at 8:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I dont like the idea of paying top dollar QB money for a average QB. How much longer are you willing to wait for Sam to be good in the NFL? Its been 5 years already.

  375. 375 anon said at 9:04 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    He was out 2 years. Different schemes every year. Think if he was in a scheme w/ same players for a few years i think he’d get where you want him to be. You saw the massive amount of progress he made last year, especially in light of all the adversity on the team.

  376. 376 James said at 9:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Those 2 years are part of it though. You have to factor in that he is injury prone as part of the evaluation. Let’s get our own guy instead of a stop-gap piece since Chip didn’t know how to find a QB in the draft.

  377. 377 Mitchell said at 9:23 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    First 7 games: 61% completion, 1766 yards, 6.35 y/c, 9 tds, 10 ints, 20-20+ yard plays and 13 sacks. Last 7 games: 68.5% completion, 1959 yards, 7.68 y/c, 10 tds, 4 ints, 26-20+ plays and 15 sacks. From the first 7 games to the last 7 he improved in completion percentage, yards, yards/completion, tds, ints and 20+ yard plays while attaining 2 more sacks. I like that kind of progress personally. If we extrapolate, for fun, his tds and ints over a 16 game season we get roughly 23 tds and 12 ints with and 4500 yards. Keeping the completion for the second half of the year the same, one could argue he falls in, at least the upper middle third of qbs and perhaps even low top third of qbs. Hypothetically he would fall along the lines of Rothlesberger, Rivers, Stafford and Smith who are all franchise qbs. Not to mention the drops, drops and drops which the Eagles lead at a whopping 6%, .8% than the next team in the league!

  378. 378 anon said at 9:27 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    ~15% drop rate

  379. 379 Mitchell said at 9:38 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Where did you find 15%? That’s an insane amount.

  380. 380 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:22 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Think you either go all in with Bradford or let him walk or trade if possible.. New regime i would be on board getting a face of the franchise QB through the draft.. Chip never had that luxury or got fooled into thinking he had one with Foles

  381. 381 Dave said at 8:23 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Who is Doug Moore? This seems illogical.

  382. 382 anon said at 8:27 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    it says “DMooreNFL” how much more credibility do you need?

  383. 383 ACViking said at 8:32 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    This tweet reminds me of a line from The Graduate.

    Elaine (to Benjamin): “I don’t want you to go anywhere. Until you have a definite plan.”

  384. 384 Tdoteaglefan said at 8:46 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Heads up..the goldbergs episode about the eagles is on right now

  385. 385 daveH said at 8:59 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I always liked Jrvon Kearse. .thought he kind of got a bad rap w he wasnt eorth the money but i thought he was and wasnt like he wasnt double teamed 247

  386. 386 AsianEagle said at 9:29 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    He was constantly double teamed… he was a big factor in the super bowl run that year… if I remember correctly… I still remember that Super Bowl. I was living in Key West & watched at this awesome hotel bar on the Gulf…

  387. 387 sonofdman said at 10:00 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    He made a huge difference even if he didn’t get the big sack numbers in Philly.

    I was so pissed when he got hurt in overtime in that game against the Giants when the Eagles blew a 3 TD lead and should have never been in overtime to begin with.

  388. 388 Jernst said at 12:46 AM on January 21st, 2016:

    He was playing out of his mind in that game too. He almost singlehandedly had 3 straight sacks at the end of that game.

  389. 389 laeagle said at 10:12 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    As others have said, he was a HUGE part of our SB run. What TO did to open up stuff for everyone else on the offense, Kearse did for the defense. The only reason he faded was because of that nasty injury in the Giants game in overtime. A game that shouldn’t have gone to overtime. Without that injury, I don’t think his career takes such a dip.

    So anyone giving Kearse a bad rap is a freaking idiot.

  390. 390 daveH said at 11:14 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Nice. I watched that game and had forgotten that.. u remond me well .. i think something fumb hapoened that caused th OT.
    I loved TO slso .. Eagles best reciever ever .. andy couldve cut his fake morality lies bull crap and found a way to pay him .. a tiny bit more .. but instead he was completely ignorant. . And wasted a season. . Part of why andy is a liar

  391. 391 laeagle said at 10:29 AM on January 21st, 2016:

    Oh no, don’t do that. Don’t do that at all. The TO situation was ENTIRELY and UNEQUIVOCALLY of his own making. He was making a lot of money but bitching about his one year salary, completely ignoring his average yearly salary on that contract. He pouted after ONE YEAR that he wasn’t paid enough. No sane coach or GM would accommodate that request, because it’s patently fucking ridiculous. As I said, Kearse was just as important and you didn’t hear him bitching. Under no circumstances can Andy be viewed as the bad guy in that situation. TO had that role locked up entirely.

    The “Andy is a moron” narrative is tired. It’s inaccurate. It’s ridiculous. It ignores reality. You need to reassess.

  392. 392 daveH said at 9:02 PM on January 21st, 2016:

    I would have . Ha i just made myself laff .. but i would have never ever handled it the way andy did. However correct, He was way too uptight about it and i felt sttonhly that regardless of TO being a fool or whatever.. it would blow up. And it sure did. Andy needed to be creative. Somehow however untraditional it might be, but be unique and creative and embrace TO. Not stfd him. Even tho Rosenhouse all to blame also.
    But TO just gave the best season and best Super Bowl performance in framchise history. He was worthy of some codfling diva praise however ya handled it. ‘Key client prioritizing’ 101. Handle it and keep the valuable momentum .. not stfd him and initiate the train wreck. Andy got burned. Hurt us all.

  393. 393 A_T_G said at 10:09 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Did Bradford’s agent really ask for $25 million per year? Isn’t that significantly higher than the salary cap? What possible motive would we have to give him $25 million per year long-term when we could force him to take $20 million without the long-term risk?

  394. 394 sonofdman said at 10:32 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    I think you mean “franchise tag” instead of “salary cap”.

    The motive to give him more per year than the franchise tags is then we lock him up long term and can do funny math to spread out the cap hit unevenly in some way that may help. Bradford and his agent seem to have the attitude that he is a proven stud QB and should be paid like it. I do not agree.

    I agree with you, that I would rather just force him to take $20 million without the long term risk.

  395. 395 A_T_G said at 10:52 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Yeah, good call. Fixed.

    And unless that $25 per year is based on some funny money voidable years at the end, I would love to hear how the agent spins that as a good deal because of the accounting flexibility it allows.

  396. 396 since1961 said at 11:03 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    Thought I read that was a discussion last year?

  397. 397 AsianEagle said at 10:11 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    This defense has so much talent it’s ridiculous…. no wonder Mr Black signed here. I wonder now that Chip kept Billy D as his DC because he couldn’t deal with a strong willed DC.

  398. 398 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 11:32 PM on January 20th, 2016:

    A thoughtful point of view.

  399. 399 Eagles News: Fletcher Cox named best defensive player in the NFC East, again - said at 6:14 AM on January 22nd, 2016:

    […] New Guys – Iggles BlitzSay hello to Coach P and his new pal Jimmy. They’re here to save the Eagles. Okay, that might be overstating things a bit, but Doug Pederson and Jim Schwartz are here to return the Eagles, who went 7-9 in the weakest division in the NFC, to being a legitimate playoff team and title contender. This team was talented enough that “rock bottom” for them meant consecutive blowout losses. Rock bottom for most teams is a 2 or 3-win season. That said, this team was flawed enough that they had chance after chance to save their season and seemed to find different ways to blow games just about every time. […]