Curry’s Turn

Posted: February 2nd, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 255 Comments »

The Eagles continued their recent spending spree, this time giving DE Vinny Curry a new deal.

Great news.

Curry is the kind of disruptive force you want on your team. One of the big disappointments with Bill Davis and his staff is that they couldn’t make better use of Curry. In Jim Schwartz’s 4-3 scheme, Curry will play DE in the base defense. When they go to the Nickel or Dime, he can play DE, DT or even NT.

Curry should thrive in the 1-gap, attacking defense. He has the initial burst to beat blockers off the ball. He can also win by using a good rip move or by shooting hard to the inside. He mixes things up with power moves from time to time.

It will be interesting to see how the Eagles use Curry. Will he start at LDE? No matter how he, Connor Barwin and Brandon Graham are used, there will be more of a natural rotation because of the 4-3. All 3 guys played DE in certain sets under Davis, but Graham and Barwin were LBs in the base 3-4. That made the rotation a bit more complicated.

This is another good move by the Eagles. It is critical to find DL that can get to the QB or at least affect him with pressure. Just think about the Giants. Their DL struggled to get pressure and the team only had 23 sacks for the year. The 4-3 is predicated on having rushers that can penetrate and pressure. Curry has played well in a limited role the past few years, but he now has a chance to shine.

There is some risk. Curry has never been  a starter or guy that played a ton of snaps. You are paying him good money based on potential. There is an interesting point of comparison.

Griffen got paid based on potential and he has thrived as a starter for the Vikings. He has 22.5 sacks since getting paid and becoming a major part of the defense. Curry has the potential to be even better than Griffen.

Next up, Fletcher Cox. That deal is a bit more complex since it will involve a lot of dead presidents.


255 Comments on “Curry’s Turn”

  1. 1 Ryan Rambo said at 11:20 PM on February 2nd, 2016:

    Sweet! I thought Cox would get signed first, but I’m happier feeling like both will get done now. Get em’ Birds!!

  2. 2 Anders said at 3:43 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Curry is more of a priority target as he was an UDFA where Cox is first UDFA next year and there is still the possibility to tag him.

  3. 3 TypicalDouche said at 11:40 PM on February 2nd, 2016:

    Anyone remember what weight Curry played at in the past couple seasons? I’m sure he’d have to shed a bit to get more quickness, just curious how much.

  4. 4 Anders said at 1:50 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    He was around 270-280, which is perfect size for a DE. Curry is more than quick enough and the weight helps when her lines up inside

  5. 5 D3FB said at 2:26 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    He’s been playing in the 285lbs range, but he was having to work to maintain it.

    He’ll play at 265-270lbs. A more natural weight for him.

  6. 6 TypicalDouche said at 2:40 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    That is what I figured, I know it must of been hard to maintain the extra weight he needed to play in the 2-gap 3-4. Thanks for the info. brother.

  7. 7 Cafone said at 11:54 PM on February 2nd, 2016:

    More gold from Howie Roseman. He’s starting to look like a really good candidate for GM of the year.

  8. 8 Iskar36 said at 12:02 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    It’s funny. In a lot of things, Howie is an excellent Gm. Contract negotiation, most people think he is either above average or great. Getting value for players you are likely to cut, great. Having a decent sense of where guys are likely to get drafted by other teams, very good.

    If he can solve some of the talent evaluation issues he has, especially with the top of the draft, he would be a fantastic GM. I’m hoping that there are people in the room thay can help with that, especially this season. And hopefully after the draft, the guy we hire is great at it and Howie can work well with him… but that’s been the other issue Howie has had?

  9. 9 Cafone said at 12:12 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I personally don’t think it’s much of an issue. They have a entire scouting department for player evaluations. Their draft board will be put together with the input of many people before the draft ever starts. Once the draft starts, Roseman is going to be the best person to work that board and try to squeeze as much value out of the draft as possible, regardless of who they hire to oversee the personel department.

  10. 10 Anders said at 3:05 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The thing about the draft is that coaches has a lot of input into what type of players they want.
    Take Kelly, he didnt want any player with the slightest character issue and that hurts. He also had very specific size, speed, weight he wanted at certain positions.
    Schwartz and Pederson will have quite different ideas and most likely be less strict in terms of all of the above.

    In terms of talent evaluation, its tough to know how much Howie really was in charge of any of the drafts, but 2012 and 2013 look quite good right now.

  11. 11 FairOaks said at 6:33 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    It sounds like his big issues might be personal — being too good at the office politics game. Of course some people may never have given him a legitimate chance to prove himself in the first place and he is probably overly sensitive to that — and gives back in kind. Most stories probably come from people with an axe to grind so getting an accurate feel for how things really went down is not really possible for an outsider.

  12. 12 Greg Richards said at 7:50 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    “being too good at the office politics game.”

    Don’t hate the player.

  13. 13 DanJ3645 said at 8:08 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    the issue I see is how Howie deals with high quality people that are 1 grade below him.

    The worry is that he will then sabotage that person rather than risk them pushing him out, as that’s what he did.

  14. 14 A Roy said at 11:51 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Thank you, Kat Williams.

  15. 15 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:02 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Unfortunately perception can be more damaging then reality.. Roseman has a list of former colleagues that will swear that Howie is the backstabbing Devil and is impossible to work with… We don’t to what extent is reality, but it’s not hard to find guys around the league who despise Roseman and think so little of him. This reputation was already in place before Chip came to philly, and Roseman certainly didn’t help change the perception, once again proving that he can’t have a healthy working relationship with the coach, and even worse he got into another war with one of his personnel people he was supposed to be working with (Tom Gamble)
    When your reputation is already bad, once again proving you can’t get along with someone like Gamble certainly doesn’t help change opinions.
    Another problem is that guys we try to bring in for the Marynowitz job, many wll Probably assume that any time he disagrees with Howie, Lurie is always going to choose Rosemans side no matter what… Even worse is the fact that the outside will percieve this to be the case whether it’s true or not, so im not sure the Eagles job will do much for advancing a guys career. All his future employers will just assume that the candidate had no say and was just doing Rosemans leg work
    Signing on to work with a guy with Rosemans reputation is dangerous enough to a guys career, it Probably becomes an even bigger concern now that everyone saw LURIE do something so strange, “Demoting him” but keeping Him in the building giving the power to Chip, and before the season was even over, the owner had fired chip and restored Rosemans power.
    Hopefully reality isn’t as alarming as the perception. I wonder if Roseman will ever be able to shake this reputation, but once again failure to work well with Chip and Gamble will add to that reputation whether it’s really deserved or not…. Hopefully Roseman starts drafting really well, build a quality team and not have to care about his reputation. success is the best Deoderant…
    Roseman is sure depicted as a power hungry prick, im surprised he hasn’t been punched in his mouth yet, then again, his teeth already look like he has been chewing on Rocks

  16. 16 Anders said at 9:04 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The whole Gamble thing was Gamble that was the backstabbing guy leaking all sort of stuff to the media.

  17. 17 Cafone said at 9:06 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    It’s funny how Howie is the one that gets the reputation as a backstabber because of a bunch of people running around and stabbing Howie in the back.

  18. 18 Anders said at 9:07 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yep, Howies biggest problem is he isnt leaking anything to the media, so they instead run with stories from guys happy to leak everything.

  19. 19 fran35 said at 12:06 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Truthfully, I may have diminished expectations, but I am ecstatic that we at least have a legit NFL GM running the show. With Chip at the helm, it seemed as if all of the relationships with agents and other NFL GMs were lost. Folks can say what they want about Howie, but the guy is plugged in with the agent community and the NFL front office community. He may be an A$$hole, but he is our A$$hole. I know that many feel that Lurie is lost, but that is just the alarmists. As far as NFL owners go, Lurie is excellent. He pays alot to his decision makers and lets them do their job. I think the reason that Howie didn’t get removed from the org last year during Chip’s power play , instead got a raise, was because Lurie had committed to seeing the Chip thing through. By last offseason, their were alot of cracks on the whole thing, but Lurie wanted to see it through. When Chip claimed that Howie was hurting him, Lurie did the smart thing and removed Howie from the situation and let Chip do his thing. Unfortunately for the franchise, that set us back a few years. But in the end, it gave Lurie clarity and he was still able to keep the GM that had drafted alot of the talent that Chip gave away or alienated.

    I will get off of my soapbox now. I just think that the “not a football guy” gets thrown around way too much. The guy knows the in and outs of an NFL front office as well as any GM and he is a competitive prick.

  20. 20 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:08 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Once again, im talking about perception…Gamble has a better name league wide, and HOWIE isnt very well respected in all circles. reality is worthless if no one believes it… When you have the reputation of Roseman, people from a far will see the beef, and assume it was again, Howie’s doing, especially when he goes up a life long, second generation “Football guy” like Gamble..
    Hopefully HOWIE has a great Tenure, brings much success to this city, and his reputation won’t matter

  21. 21 Anders said at 9:09 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Good thing for Howie, is that the only perception that matters is Lurie.

    Gamble is living on his fathers name.

  22. 22 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:27 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I wish that was true… If perception gets in the way of attracting quality executives, than thats not the case,,, people make it out to be nothing, and maybe that is true, and his Poor reputation is exaggerated, but there is a heckuva lot of smoke dating back YEARS
    A good indication will be who they manage to attract for the Marnowitz vacancy.. Most likely it won’t be a big name with plenty past GM experience. Hopefully it’s a guy one level away from working his way up to a GM job, instead of having to hire someone who is like 4 levels away from working up to a GM job ..

  23. 23 Anders said at 9:47 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The position we are looking for is not a top level position anyway. It will be someone with good scouting skills that will report to Howie.

  24. 24 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:48 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I view it more as a Manager of the scouting department, coordinating and delegating the chores of his scouts

  25. 25 Anders said at 9:51 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    and that guy is often a scout who has worked his way up and he will need good scouting skills to be able to do the first sort before Howie and Doug gets to watch prospects

  26. 26 Cafone said at 9:11 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    If perception trumps reality, why can’t Louis Riddick get another NFL job?

  27. 27 Buge Halls said at 8:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I see the perception on the fan side, not the league side, except for a few vague references. Even you aren’t putting names out there, just a few nods to “league wide”. Come on, spell out the people you have heard talk down on Howie (except fan rants). Post links so we can all be in on it.

  28. 28 ChoTime said at 9:03 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The best players are the ones that don’t seem to be playing.

    The 2nd best players destroy everyone in their path and get coaches fired. 😉

  29. 29 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:31 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Im not sure if you are “Playing the politics game well” if you bring so much drama to the front office and have trouble working with your colleuges, some of which were hired by Roseman..
    Think a good GM is someone who makes the right decisions more times than not, knows how to Maximize his staff, and promote a healthy working environment… hard to know exactly how Roseman should be judged in those areas.

  30. 30 b3nz0z said at 9:28 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    the solution is to admit to himself that he’s not a scout

  31. 31 Iskar36 said at 11:55 PM on February 2nd, 2016:

    I’m parsing words here a little, but I think the Curry contract was the more complicated one. Cox is obviously going to be more expensive, but Cox doesn’t have much to leverage against the Eagles, at least this season. Curry could have decided he wanted to test the market rather than sign now. Clearly the Eagles would love to get this done now, but the reality is, they have al offseason to work on it. Yes, it will be significant money, but for a player like Cox, that is assumed. The templates are out there to make comparisons, so one way or another, if the Eagles are planning on extending him, o don’t see it being a major challenge.

  32. 32 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:32 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Even worse is the Fact that the Giants would have probably tried hard to sigń Vinny if we let him reach the open market. The last think I want to see is VINNY in a Giants uniform killing sam Bradford

  33. 33 Mac said at 9:36 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    How often will the Ginas play the 49ers?

  34. 34 D3FB said at 2:40 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The Cox contract is going to be more complicated due to the sheer size of it. If we don’t bring back Bradford it will be the cornerstone of which all other cap decisions are built around. It’s going to be 5-7 years, anywhere from 12-16 AAV. Things like escalators, signing bonus vs roster and workout bonuses. They could be $20 million apart and in reality not be that far apart.

  35. 35 82276 said at 3:12 AM on February 3rd, 2016:


  36. 36 Patrick said at 4:54 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Say what you will about Howies drafting, but homie is killing the off-season so far.

  37. 37 Media Mike said at 5:30 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    HOF vote this weekend. I’m hoping they don’t lower their standards again this year to allow any more questionable candidates into Canton.

    Here are my 5:
    1 – Orlando Pace
    2 – Brett Favre
    3 -TO
    4 – Marvin Harrison
    5 – Allen Faneca

    “6” – Eddie Debartolo (one of the greatest owners of all time)

    I can deal with Steve Atwater (8 time pro-bowler and very underrated player) and John Lynch (9 time pro-bowler, but somewhat of an overrated player) getting in, but both were far inferior players to Dawk.

    Morten Anderson would also be fine for enshrinement.

    My “no” list:
    – Kurt Warner and Terrell Davis are my too most aggressive “no go” players. Neither one has the overall career excellence to go with their limited number of top seasons to be a HOF player. Brief glimmers of Super Bowl excellence should never trump an entire career.
    – Joe Jacoby only made 4 pro bowls, being a “Hog” in and of itself isn’t good enough for enshrinement.
    -Edge James. Great player, but never quite HOF in my book. But he did have 15610 yards from scrimmage and 91 TDs in 11 seasons.. The Ass Clown voters let Bettis in with 15111 yards from scrimmage and 94 TDs in 13 years. But I’m still a “no” on James.
    – Kevin Greene is a “no” as well in my book. I understand he’s highly ranked in career sacks but; he was never that dominant by himself, would need a 25% increase in career sacks to be at the top of the career list, and only made 5 pro bowls.
    – Tony Dungy is also a “no” because if your claim to fame is that you had to get fired for John Gruden to allow your team to win a title and you won a title because you carried Peyton Manning’s golf bags vs. a putrid Bears team while choking countelss playoff games for your whole career in two cities……..well you get the point. Dungy isn’t that great of a coach.
    – Don Coryell is an interesting innovater, but so were Buddy Ryan, Bud Carson, etc.

    I’d also be a “no” on both senior candidates. Stabler was good but never that great and Stanfel only played 7 years.

  38. 38 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:30 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Dungy certainly doesnt have a HOF resume. Id induct Peyton manning as an offensive coordinator before I vote for Dungy
    Mike Martz is a prick, but I agree with him that Marvin Harrison, and either Torry Holt or Isaac Bruce should go in before TO. None of those WRs single handedly destroyed entire locker rooms

  39. 39 ChoTime said at 9:02 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Warner and TD were by far the best players of their (fairly short) windows and I believe their performances are near the top of what has ever been done. If the best players can’t get in the HOF, then it ain’t worth much.

  40. 40 Dude said at 10:55 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I think Dungy is a shoe-in because he was the first black HC to win it all, plus he is very respected in the league. He does a lot of behind the scenes work with troubled players, a la Vick. I’d be happy to see him get in.

  41. 41 Tumtum said at 7:50 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t quite ever remember an off season like this. Wonder what happens when the back end of these deals all coincide.

  42. 42 Anders said at 8:11 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Curry will most likely be cut by the end of his contract. Celek is gone sone and Ertz and Johnson will get new contracts if they deserve it and the cap will be like 200 million

  43. 43 Tumtum said at 10:05 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Cut because it is very back loaded or because you don’t think he is good?

  44. 44 Jernst said at 8:21 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The salary cap may well be pushing $200million in 5-6 years. And that’s not an exaggeration. These deals will most likely look like a bargain in a few years.

  45. 45 ICDogg said at 4:37 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I agree

  46. 46 ChoTime said at 8:59 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t remember an off-season like last year, either.

  47. 47 Tumtum said at 10:04 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Really true. Enjoying this one much more.

  48. 48 MattE said at 9:12 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    It’s always interesting in Philadelphia.

  49. 49 daveH said at 7:59 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Bandar Loves Curry

  50. 50 DanJ3645 said at 8:14 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    We all seem to be in agreement that the extensions / resigning are a good move by Howie/Eagles and it is going back to a previous method of squad building.

    What was the success rate of this methodology previously?
    I seem to recall Reggie Brown and Shawn Andrews as failures (for different reasons)

  51. 51 ChoTime said at 8:59 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Extending drafted players vs stocking a team with free agents is generally thought to have a much better chance of succeeding. But there are never guarantees. The Dream-Team and post-DT era Eagles have relied on FA, with mixed- to poor-results.

  52. 52 MattE said at 9:10 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Team Chemistry is not overrated any way you slice it.

  53. 53 ChoTime said at 9:28 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Well, maybe. If you draft a player, you have him for several years for cheap, and you can control his next contract. Plus, you know what he can do in your system, his work ethic, intelligence, personality. FA you are the highest bidder and you have limited information.

  54. 54 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:43 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Front office chemistry also Matters

  55. 55 Anders said at 9:11 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Trent Cole, Dawkins, Brown, Celek, Avant, McNabb, Jackson, McCoy all worked out. The last two didnt work out because of Kelly and not because of the contracts

  56. 56 BobSmith77 said at 9:56 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    McCoy extension wasn’t a great deal or idea.

  57. 57 Call Me Carlos the Dwarf said at 6:55 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The McCoy extension was a fine deal and a fine idea.

    They didn’t get him at a bargain rate, but they managed to make him feel respected while setting themselves up to be able to renegotiate after two years to lower the cap hit.

    Howie’s deals are designed around renegotiating every couple years, to keep cap hits low and flexibility high. The issue is when some dumbass comes in and fucks that cycle up.

  58. 58 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:27 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Great to see us be able to extend all these key young players before we even start cutting guys to create more cap space…

    If we could keep Nolan or Thurmond too, Id feel pretty good about the talent we were able to retain. Im not sure Schwartz will view Walt as a safety, but he doesn’t have to be a safety to provide good value, he is a rare DB that can play just about every position with the exception of Strong Safety… not sure we will be able to retain either.
    I really doubt we can extend Walt before free agency starts… But if the money he is looking for ISNT there, maybe we can jump in and get him locked up to a contract we can live with?
    Hopefully Undlin and Schwartz can point out some quality DB prospects, since it’s a position Roseman has done a poor job of scouting in his last few drafts even pre-dating Chips arrival…. Curtis Marsh….yuck

  59. 59 MattE said at 9:09 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t know how to feel about Thurmond…. I get a better feeling about him paired with Malcolm more so than him as safety in general, know what I mean?

    So maybe it was Davis’ mirrored scheme idea that helped Walt last year (which I was actually a fan of in regards to safety play), who knows………… hopefully Undlin lol.

  60. 60 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:14 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Im not sure Schwartz will view him as a safety…. But he doesn’t have to be a safety to provide value to our secondary.. If we had to project the starting secondary next year, I would assume it looks something like ROWE/Max on the outside, JaCorey in the slot, and a rookie or FA safety next to Jenkins… But in reality I don’t know that a rookie last year, who never played an NFl game (JaCorey) can be penciled in as a starting Nickel…. Be great if we could have a veteran like nolan or Walt competing with Shepard for that Nickel spot, but paying good money for slot corners, Probably isn’t our best use of resources.. A kid on a rookie contract at Nickel would be ideal.. But I’m not sure a new coach can afford to assume a guy who has never played can be pencilled in to start.. Who knows how the new staff views guys like watkins, Couplin..

  61. 61 bsuperfi said at 10:07 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    If Shepard can make it back, secure the nickel job, and play even competently throughout the season, it’ll be a huge boon. But I agree that I wouldn’t bank on it and think it’s way too big of a risk that we shouldn’t hedge our bet.

    Though, I do have to say that I’m excited to see what Rowe can do next year. Even if we have trouble finding a nickel and another safety (assuming we don’t sign Thurmond), we could still have a decent secondary. Or at least a secondary that is adequate with the pass rush we all think is going to emerge.

  62. 62 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:20 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Im hype about ROWE too… But we only have Max, ROWE. watkins and JaCorey under contract.. So unless they extend Nolan or Thurmond, they would probably have to draft another CB at some point any way..
    Wonder how Schwartzy will view Couplin, Ed Reynolds. And Maragos, since he probably won’t want Thurmond at Safety.. Lol will he think any of them are worth a damn? Im sure Fipp will pound the table for Maragos, but I have no idea what Schwartz will think of Ed Reynolds, Couplin, Watkins, Randall Evans?? Odds are we still have some work to do buildimg up our Secondary… Id love to not lose both Nolan and Thurmond, but I’m not sure how realistic keeping either will be

  63. 63 Cafone said at 9:12 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    My initial impression of Doug Pederson is that he’s in over his head. Hopefully I’m wrong.

  64. 64 MattE said at 9:15 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I’m banking (hoping is a better word?) on the Walsh>Seifert>Holmgren>Reid>Pederson coaching tree lol.

  65. 65 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:21 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t get that impression… I think he just needs to get comfortable dealing with the media..
    When Pederson Talks, he doesn’t come off as a bumbling idiot who is over his head the way Tomasula and KOTITE sounded… He just sounds a little nervous when talking to the media, but I’m sure he will adjust and get comfortable in that regard…
    Ultimately we will know if Pederson can coach by the product he puts on the field, and the relationships and respect he can command from the players…. Im not sure that needing to get comfortable with the media, equated to being over his head and failing to put a quality product on the field..
    Im not sure how one can form an opinion of a guy with no track record based off a few initial media interviews…. Hopefully he brings stability to the franchise, but we can just as easily be back in this position two years from now… Hopefully they got it right this time

  66. 66 Iskar36 said at 11:37 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I think the real question comes down to, does he show the same discomfort he shows the media when he is addressing the team. If his nervousness is just a function of being at a podium in front of a ton of microphones, then there is less of a concern. If his nervousness is a reflection of him feeling slightly overwhelmed by being HC so quickly in his career, then it is a concern.

    I lean towards it being the former rather than the latter. Obviously that’s what we all HOPE it is. At the end of the day, this is a guy that has been an OC, so he should feel more comfortable addressing the team relative to addressing the media. With that said, i don’t think you can entirely rule out the latter considering there is a still a lot about Doug Pederson we don’t know.

  67. 67 b3nz0z said at 9:25 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    did he lose a game already? cut a starter? trade a pick?

  68. 68 ChoTime said at 9:29 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    He has little experience and is making minor faux paux in the PR department.

  69. 69 b3nz0z said at 9:48 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    but we all agree the PR dance is absurd and irrelevant. judging a coach on his pressers is like judging a QB on his cooking.

  70. 70 ChoTime said at 12:18 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yeah, but what else are we going to talk about?

  71. 71 b3nz0z said at 1:50 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    2016 sack leader (graham); most picks (hicks); tackles (hicks); passes allowed (bmax); rushing yards (mathews); rushing TDs (sproles); dropped passes (matthews); receiving yards (matthews); receiving TDs (Ertz)

  72. 72 A_T_G said at 12:42 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    That is what makes me so nervous about Wentz. Who as ever heard positive reviews of North Dakota cuisine? What do they even eat up there?

  73. 73 Mac said at 12:59 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Ask these guys:

  74. 74 A_T_G said at 6:09 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Pssh, that is South Dakota, a veritable French bistro compared to its northern neighbor.

    I know Sturgis is in SD because a few years ago we visited the Badlands on what happened to be the week of the motorcycle rally. Our four-wheeled vehicle looked sorely out of place. I cannot remember encountering a more friendly crowd at a tourist destination, though.

  75. 75 Mac said at 6:15 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Oh dang… I missed on that one!

  76. 76 ChoTime said at 1:09 PM on February 3rd, 2016:


  77. 77 Anders said at 9:49 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Kelly was a master at the PC, he was a good HC for us right?

  78. 78 Insomniac said at 9:49 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Lying sack of shit that knew all of the right things to say

  79. 79 bill said at 9:33 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I’m very happy with the staff he’s assembled, which is the only relevant thing I can judge him on so far, so the evidence suggests otherwise.

  80. 80 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:36 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    True… He also seems to have made a decent first impression on many of our key players…
    But I’m not really sure how I could even form an opinion on what type of coach he will be based off a minescule Fraction of the info that goes into answering a question like that, nothing to do but play the wait and see game, and hope they got it right…

  81. 81 BobSmith77 said at 9:55 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I’d be more happy if he wasn’t going to be calling the offensive plays too. That to me is the glaring ‘red flag’ issue right now.

  82. 82 Ark87 said at 11:06 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Possibly but not necessarily. I just want the best person for the job doing those jobs. If he’s the best play-caller, he damn well better be doing it. If he isn’t he needs to be willing to step aside. But I don’t think calling plays on offense inherently detracts from his ability to be the HC on game day.

  83. 83 Tumtum said at 10:23 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Why is that your impression? I have yet to watch any PR stuff on him.

  84. 84 Cafone said at 11:51 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    In his interview on the radio yesterday he could still not acknowledge that there was anything wrong with KC’s final drive in the playoffs and he seemed to have no idea at all that fans are worried about the clock management issues we had under Andy Reid.

  85. 85 Tumtum said at 12:09 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Interesting. I get their logic there, but I think he would be insane not to admit that stalling out on the goal line was never in the plan.

    The logic is sound though. Milk enough time that the Pats are going to run run run punt to milk time, instead of running their whole offense and letting Brady do whatever.

  86. 86 A_T_G said at 12:37 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    It would be pretty bad form to talk about the mistakes of your mentor and boss weeks after moving on. And, honestly, trying to get him to do so is the only reason reporters are still asking.

    To me, in over his head would look like changing his statement and giving the story continued life.

  87. 87 Mac said at 12:57 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    That’s a pretty bold statement. Have you seen how tall he is?

  88. 88 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:42 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yesterday Doug made it sound like he will have control of the 53 man roster, which should be the case…

  89. 89 Anders said at 9:49 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I think its pretty normal that the HC determines the 53. Howie will handle FA and the draft, rest is up to Doug

  90. 90 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:52 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Absolutely… But there is nothing really normal about our front office situation, and after the bad experience with Chip, I wasn’t sure this would be the case, especially when we hired a first time HC who had no leverage..
    But yes, I’d view it as pretty damn dysfunctional to not give the HC control of the 53, so I’m glad Dougie cleared that up

  91. 91 ACViking said at 10:23 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Pederson said at his intro press conference he will *not* have final say on the 53-man roster. Can’t be more clear than that.

  92. 92 ICDogg said at 4:09 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Eagles are now a collaborative corporate environment where these decisions are mostly made in regular meetings. Ultimately it looks like Howie has final say, but it’s not as if he’s a loose cannon doing anything he feels like.

  93. 93 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:30 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Collaborative is just BS…. No GMs isolate themselves in a cave when it’s time to make a decision. Every GM, will hear the opinions of scouts and coaching staff, but ultimately the final call is made by the GM, or in our case, Roseman… The notion that Lurie WIll all of the sudden becone Jerry Jones and be the tie breaker if a situation arises where Doug wants to draft a Takle. And Roseman wants a WR, is Garbage. Not the least bit realistic… they damn sure won’t go around the table and vote on each decision..
    Every single Front Office is a collaboration, no GMs,make decisions without hearing the opinions Of his subordinates.
    Roseman is now even more powerful than Chip, regardless what title he now goes by..
    For better or worse. This is a Howie operation.. But so far, so good..

  94. 94 ICDogg said at 4:34 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I think with a guy like Chip you get a lot more individual decisions. Same with Rex Ryan.

    It’s not always about what power one has but how he uses it.

  95. 95 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:14 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Im sure chip made Gamble and Marynowitz at least feel like they had a voice. Azzinaro had a voice.. Fipp had a voice

  96. 96 ICDogg said at 12:47 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Not saying they didn’t. But one gets the impression that Chip’s way was far more authoritarian. Howie’s is more consensus-seeking. That’s sometimes a good thing but it’s harder to hold one individual responsible when a decision turns out to be wrong.

  97. 97 ACViking said at 10:28 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Pederson said at his intro press conference he will *not* have final say on the 53-man roster. Can’t be more clear than he was already.

  98. 98 anon said at 2:39 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    No wonder coaching options were limited. Sounds like howie has even more control than he did before he was demoted.

  99. 99 Greg Richards said at 4:02 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Most coaches don’t have control of the 53. I don’t know the exact number, but I think it’s like 8-10 that have it.

  100. 100 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:25 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Of course he does, that was obvious from the get go

  101. 101 Mac said at 3:43 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I thought Dave Fipp was in charge of the 53?

  102. 102 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:53 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I love it that DEmarcus Ware is the only cowboy to sniff a Super Bowl… The one classly likeable Cowboy is in the Super Bowl… Middle fingers up to Jerruh!!!!

  103. 103 MattE said at 12:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    if it had to anybody I am glad it’s Ware.

  104. 104 BobSmith77 said at 9:58 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Not crazy about this deal because your paying decent starter money to a guy who is no sure bet to start at DE.

    Curry strikes me as a guy who has good games but then disappears for long stretches too. You can lump Graham into the bucket too.

    Fair amount of money tied up in the DE spots too if Barwin/Graham/Currry are primarily going to be DE and Cox will be the other one (figuring they extend him too this offseason at huge dollars).

  105. 105 b3nz0z said at 10:23 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    i think it’s certain that cox is DT now

  106. 106 ICDogg said at 4:03 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    As he should be in a one gap system.

  107. 107 Birds4Life said at 10:53 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Curry had the 2nd most pressures on the team and only played in 35.3% of the defensive snaps last year. He has to be given a chance first, which he never got under Billy Davis. I don’t know how you watch him and not think he can produce if given more snaps.

  108. 108 bill said at 11:31 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I’m guessing Schwartz has identified Curry as a guy he really wants to keep. And Schwartz has a pretty good track record, so I’m willing to say it’s a good gamble. I thought Curry was a great fit for Schwartz’s defense right away – that first step is going to be very disruptive in an attacking scheme.

  109. 109 Mac said at 12:19 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    You crazy.

    Curry has by far the best first step of any Dlineman on this team. There are times where his burst puts him right in the olineman’s face almost as soon as the guy is moving his feet.

    He is a weapon that has just been put in the hands of the single most capable man to use said weapon in Schwartz.

  110. 110 A_T_G said at 12:30 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Just like with Lane, the team takes on the risk that they are paying a guy for a role that he ends up being unable to fill. Since the team has added risk and the player has added security, the team gets a discount if the player performs at the level both parties hope.

    In both cases, I think they are pretty safe bets. In this case, even more so than Lane, I think the risk of not getting what they are paying for is very small.

  111. 111 BobSmith77 said at 12:45 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Johnson is a well-established starter and a very high pick. Kind of apples and oranges.

    Curry is to me a bigger gamble. The only question with Johnson is how well he does if they move him to LT. If it doesn’t work, they can easily shift back to RT and be an above average or better starter. Considerably less downside risk.

  112. 112 A_T_G said at 5:59 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    And to me, Curry has done exactly the job he is being expected to do. Same spot, same opponents, same goal. He has been more successful on a per snap basis than anyone can hope as a starter. The only question with Curry is whether the rate remains high enough when the frequency increases as a starter.

    I see less projecting than with the assumptions that Lane will become more comfortable and more consistent when he switches to the left full time. I don’t think anyone would be satisfied if the performance against Dallas becomes Lane’s norm, but I guarantee everyone will be ecstatic if Curry maintains the 35% pressure rate that Birds4Life mentioned.

  113. 113 bill said at 12:49 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    From the second they announced that Davis would be running a 2 gap system, I knew Curry was a misfit. His skillset shines in a 1-gap system, and is, to a large degree, detrimental in a 2-gap system.

  114. 114 Tumtum said at 10:10 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Really am happy to be locking up all this young talent. I think these players are all very good, and should be kept around.

    It just sucks that we don’t have a QB for them to succeed. I said this about Chip and I will say it about Howie. Keep firing on every shot in the dark QB you can. Don’t be shy, and don’t be married to a guy that isn’t going to be “the guy”.

    Are there any Jeff Garcias on the market?

  115. 115 Tumtum said at 10:15 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I am assuming Bradford is going to cost more than he is worth. Really not sold on him enough to lock him up. It is also very telling that the media has been pretty aware of all these potential signing this off-season, and we have yet to hear a peep about Bradford.

    I also recall those who seem in the know about the cap around these parts saying that we can’t really afford to tag and keep him for the year (my original ideal plan).

  116. 116 b3nz0z said at 10:33 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    if there’s even a sniff of a bidding war i say we bail

  117. 117 ChoTime said at 12:19 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Hmm, I had you pegged as aggressively pro-Samford. Maybe I misremember.

  118. 118 Tumtum said at 2:35 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I’ve always been in the wait and see camp. If this was Chip’s team I might be more pro Sam. Don’t get me wrong, I am pro Sam. I think he is the best option for the team right now. He just hasn’t shown that he is healthy enough or good enough to command a long term deal.

  119. 119 anon said at 10:25 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    “Gargano: So Fletcher Cox is going to get extended …
    Schefter: Yeah, they’re not close right now.” quotes from article on bgn

  120. 120 Tumtum said at 12:12 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Fletch knows his value. No reason for him to settle for anything. Just guessing, but the Eagles are probably offering their standard young player contract extension. Fletch probably rightly figures that he can just get that amount even if he ends up on IR before the next season starts. He has absolutely no reason to settle for anything less than what he knows his value is.

  121. 121 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:24 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The opposite of what Elliot Parker said… Hmmm wonder which we should believe? Lol

  122. 122 RC5000 said at 10:46 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Welcome to the #ClemsonFamily, Brian Dawkins, Jr.!#ALLIN #Clemson— Clemson Football (@ClemsonFB) February 3, 2016

  123. 123 Insomniac said at 11:41 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    First thing that shows up after googling is that Dawkins Jr only got in cuz of the Dawkins name.

  124. 124 Julescat said at 12:11 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    a legacy

  125. 125 MattE said at 12:26 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Barry Sanders Jr. is stuck behind Ed McCaffrey’s kid hahahaha

  126. 126 RobNE said at 10:58 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Banner has said he doesn’t know why any player’s agent would do a deal right now, thinks the cap is going way up and all the deals (like Ertz) are team friendly.

  127. 127 RC5000 said at 11:26 AM on February 3rd, 2016:

    That’s a bizarre comment coming from him. Guys left money on the table when Banner signed them early. I don’t see a huge difference so the cap is increasing a little more than it used to…It’s security plus you get a big check now. You never know what could happen.

  128. 128 Mac said at 12:16 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Banner has found a trumpet to blow and is blowing it has hard and often as he can. “look at me, I’m an expert.”

  129. 129 ChoTime said at 12:21 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    That’s a good point. There will always be people who are more or less risk-averse, so some will take the $ and others will gamble.

  130. 130 RC5000 said at 1:03 PM on February 3rd, 2016:


  131. 131 A_T_G said at 12:23 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I imagine Banner privately questioned why agents allowed their players to sign the deals that he offered as well. Now that he does not have a stake in the issues, he no longer has an incentive to keep is opinion quiet.

  132. 132 RC5000 said at 12:53 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t know why he wouldn’t know why they’d sign an extension a year early. I guess he really thinks he got over on everybody.

    He never pointed out advantages for them signing now or he bullshitted everyone. It’s funny.

  133. 133 ICDogg said at 4:01 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t think he meant wait until a year from now… Just that they would get better deals in March or April than now.

  134. 134 Aaron said at 12:18 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    cut me mick

  135. 135 ACViking said at 12:42 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

  136. 136 SteveH said at 12:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Love locking up our talent, I think Curry is going to be a really good player, maybe even a star in our new system. It fits his skillset perfectly.

  137. 137 SteveH said at 12:31 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Interesting comments from Malcom Jenkins. Malcom seems like a pretty insightful guy, I wonder if Chip will evolve in any way at his next stop in SanFran.

  138. 138 jpate said at 1:15 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I would also add he wasn’t proactive enough in his scheme. He made adjustments after repeated failures, never anticipated any counters defense might be making. But many few coaches outside of BB can do that.

  139. 139 TypicalDouche said at 1:26 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    To use a boxing term, Chip was clearly a counter fighter. Always letting his opponents dictate his play calling. After a while that just didn’t work.

  140. 140 Insomniac said at 1:34 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    He also didn’t account for the punching power of his opponents when he himself had pillows for hands.

  141. 141 TypicalDouche said at 2:19 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Absolutely well said.

  142. 142 anon said at 2:38 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    he stopped countering as well.

  143. 143 Nu_B said at 1:26 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Just have to say, Vinny’s press conference today was glorious. I think resigning him was the best move of the offseason so far, other than maybe getting Schwartz in as DC. But you can tell Curry wanted to stay. I wouldn’t bet against him blowing up in the new scheme either. With 70% snaps I don’t think 12-15 sacks is out of the question.

  144. 144 ICDogg said at 3:59 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Good to see Vinny considered an important piece of the defense.

  145. 145 BobSmith77 said at 2:03 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The most damning line is that more and more researchers think with the exception of kickers/punters that no football players can avoid various levels of CTE damage.

  146. 146 Mitchell said at 2:10 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The brain has a limited ability to heal after trauma. In contrast if you cut your skin, the cells can divide and grow back. The brain cannot, at least to the extent of other tissues. Take for example, if you have a heart attack, the cells die and dont grow back, they are replaced with a fibrous/cartilage material, similar to the brain. I guess for me what the studies are finding comes as no surprise. The chronic trauma is like a thousand heart attacks except to the brain. The only way to stop CTE is to stop the trauma which is impossible unless you 1. Take away hits alltogether or 2. Create a helmet that doesnt distribute force to the head and finally 3. Develop a therapy to stimulate brain cell/neuron growth.

  147. 147 anon said at 2:37 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Thought there were better helmets out there, but nfl didn’t want to use.

  148. 148 Mitchell said at 2:54 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    They need to develop a helmet to reduce the force to the level that if hit it wont cause damage. A “trauma threshold” for CTE.

  149. 149 ICDogg said at 3:37 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    They need to make helmets softer on the outside so the head cannot be used as a weapon. This would provide additional protection while reducing several types of injuries caused by dirty play. Or maybe they could make the helmets like air shocks. Either way, they still have a different category of injuries caused by whiplash which no helmets can prevent, and that likely accounts for about a third of the “concussions”.

  150. 150 Greg Richards said at 3:59 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I see cars that get in accidents and the exterior of the car crumples but the force is distributed away from the inside so the impact isn’t felt, at least to the same degree, by the people inside. Perhaps they could make the helmets of a less rigid material is designed to shatter at a certain impact threshold. Obviously there are other issues that that could cause: the risk of players being cut by pieces of helmet that shatter, the need for eye protection from shattered glass, the time delay from cleaning up the field after a helmet shatters, the cost of having replacement helmets at the ready for each player. All those seem to pale in importance too protecting the players’ brain from a serious collision.

  151. 151 anon said at 4:08 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    NFL has almost endless $$ if they really wanted to do it they would.

  152. 152 ChoTime said at 9:18 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    When the market incentive reaches the tipping point, they will rapidly develop the necessary technology.

  153. 153 ICDogg said at 4:42 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Right, that’s the kind of stuff they need to consider.

  154. 154 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:37 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Is it only coz of the helmets? Rugby n League i dont think this is much or even an issue.. League they measured the impact to be a of a car crash.. So it makes me think its the helmets doing the damage even though its there to protect.. Thoughts?

  155. 155 ICDogg said at 3:39 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yes, I believe that the use of the helmets as weapons is a major piece of the problem.

  156. 156 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:42 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Why not just get rid of it then? I know it was part of the equipment from back in the days.. But think taking the helmet away will stop players torpedoing themselves n teach them proper technique in tackling.. You can still hit hard n i think players will actually play faster

  157. 157 ICDogg said at 3:47 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Because the helmets do provide protection for those that wear them. They have to figure out how to make them more effective for protection and less effective as weapons

  158. 158 TypicalDouche said at 3:50 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Or just ban Odell Beckham so he doesn’t try to head first torpedo anyone anymore. Boom helmets as weapons erased. On a serious note though I don’t get why the NFL, with the millions they make, cant afford to throw a good amount of money at some tech and neurology experts to design a helmet that absorbs hits without negative affects to ones head/brain.

  159. 159 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:04 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    A new technology, from the Seattle area.

  160. 160 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 7:21 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    You would think they have a competition with companies to determine who can make the “safest” helmet…
    I think the same company has been making the helmets since I’ve been alive. $$$$

  161. 161 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:53 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yeah thats what im getting at.. What is it protecting you from? Think they need to really have a look at do they need it or not n why they need it or not.. Like i was saying above Rugby n League no helmets n Leagues impact is measured to be a car crash.. I wear headgear but thats just so my ears dont get munted or ripped off when i hit people or join rucks

  162. 162 Ark87 said at 5:09 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Hard-top helmets spread the force of a blow across a larger area effectively eliminating the possibility of cracking your skull open (must have been a concern at some point). Unfortunately it preserves kinetic energy pretty well. So inertia being the bitch it is, your head suddenly going another direction sends your brain colliding into the interior your well-protected skull.

    While the old leather heads might have been insufficient for preventing tragedy on incidental contact, In a new technological age it might be time to give a soft pads another go (not just head either).

    The other aspect of this is it is hard to put face protection on soft helmets. Maybe we’ve had the helmets inside-out all this time. Hard-shell on the inside to protect the skull and anchor face-protection to, with minimal padding for comfort, and the majority of the padding on the outside (likely coated with a soft low-friction material to prevent neck injuries on collision).

  163. 163 anon said at 5:36 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    The could makes a helmet that’s layers soft / hard

  164. 164 Ark87 said at 6:21 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    yeah, speaking of layers. This problem has a few of them. Players are always going to want to put the most devastating hit they can on someone. Even if we make them soft enough so that players don’t throw their head into other player’s heads, or drop their head while running with the ball to become a battering ram, it probably won’t change the head as the primary target to light someone up (with a shoulder, forearm, whatever).

    which is why this needs to be the new standard of lighting someone into next week:

  165. 165 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:02 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Interesting piece. Developing in Seattle.

  166. 166 truehaynes said at 6:58 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Look at the sports science episode where they talk about the difference in g force experienced by rugby players and football players. Rugby your more likely to break a rib or fuck up something inyihr upper body, but in football the hits are so much harder because the players think there protected. But in actuality the hits are worse for the head and the helmet really doesn’t do much when your talking about the reactionary g force from a hard hit. Your brain is still smackih up against your skull helmet or no helmet

  167. 167 GENETiC-FREAK said at 8:55 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yeah thats the thing., Football players have helmets n have the false security of flying into things reckless.. Get rid of the helmets n players will think twice about flying in head first into things

    This got highlights from Rugby n League.. You can still smash people with no helmets.. Also check the tackling technique.. Something the Seahawks are incorporating in

  168. 168 Greg Richards said at 3:54 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    It seems to me that they’ve looked at almost exclusively football players’ brains to look for signs of CTE. Have they established a baseline with average people who don’t play contact sports?

  169. 169 bill said at 7:41 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    IIRC, the disease was discovered by a scientist studying alzheimers or some other degenerative disease, who then happened to come across a scan of a college football player and was shocked by the similarities. I’m pretty sure they have a massive database of baseline and multiple different degenerative diseases to compare it to.

  170. 170 mksp said at 12:53 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    This is a little like asking if scientists have analyzed clean water in order to establish a baseline for the polluted water in Flint.

    Apologies for being glib, but of course they have established a baseline, otherwise there is no scientific backing to the CTE story whatsoever.

    Football is very much embedded in my DNA at this point, but I would love to be able to stop watching it if I could. I’m not convinced watching football is an ethical activity on my part.

  171. 171 ChoTime said at 9:18 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    OT: I am reading a book called Anathem. The main character is kind of a scientist-monk. His order calls normal people who live outside “slines”, a corruption of “baselines”. The book is so immersive that when I leave the house and see normal people, I think of them as “slines”.

  172. 172 EaglesGameBalls said at 2:03 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I am looking forward to Howie Roseman being given the opportunity to control the roster with input from Pederson. I want to know who is responsible for each pick. I am sick of guessing over the past 15 years was it the coach..was it the backup coach etc. I think it will be a breath of fresh air.

    Pederson is a new coach. Let him catch up to the curve by coaching who he is given – with his input.

    Let the culture grow how it may ie Pederson becoming more involved over time.

    But if Howie drafts us 10 studs this year, then keep it going.

    I remember Lurie always saying that Roseman was always the most successful personnel picker based on his notes. I say go for it. Let Howie live or die.

  173. 173 TypicalDouche said at 3:16 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Might be safe to actually purchase me and my son Vinny Curry jerseys. Had to stop buying jerseys while Kelly was coach since no one knew who would be here one day and who wouldn’t.

  174. 174 ChoTime said at 9:13 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I am looking forward to Curry beasting this year.

  175. 175 TypicalDouche said at 9:41 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Agreed pal. I predict him to lead the team in sacks with Cox right behind him in sacks and Cox generating the most pressure.

  176. 176 ChoTime said at 9:16 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    By the way, I am a big fan of defensive players, so I approve your choice of going that direction for jerseys. Even during 5 and Westie’s heyday, it was Trotter and Dawk who got me pumped up during the games.

  177. 177 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:34 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Mychal Kendricks is expected to play weak-side linebacker in the Eagles’ new 4-3 defense.

    Kendricks will be new DC Jim Schwartz’s next DeAndre Levy. Levy was a do-it-all WILL linebacker under Schwartz, and it earned him a big pay day. Kendricks has the speed and range to make plays sideline-to-sideline, but is coming off a really disappointing 2015. Early projections have Kendricks at WLB, Jordan Hicks at MIKE, and Connor Barwin on the strong side. That’d leave Kiko Alonso as the odd man out. It’s possible the Eagles will look to trade Alonso.

  178. 178 ICDogg said at 3:49 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Barwin doesn’t seem like the right fit as a 4-3 OLB

  179. 179 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:55 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Im interested to see how he plays there if he does.. I was thinking Barwin rotating at DE with Alonso starting SAM.. But looking at last year i have more confidence in Barwin covering n stopping, setting the edge in run than Alonso

    I dont want to trade Alonso either.. Kinda puts salt in the wound that Chip made the trade for Shady then we trade Alonso the following year

  180. 180 ICDogg said at 4:47 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Either way they need some help at LB.

  181. 181 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:12 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    They are definitely draftong a LB. Even if KIKO, Hicks and Kendricks play every snap this year, we still need a back up, and im starting to think Mufasa’s Eagle career is about to end.. they are going to have to draft an ILB, probably someone with size that can add depth at SAM and Mike

  182. 182 anon said at 9:13 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    umm Goode, Acho, etc.

  183. 183 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:22 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Neither are starting caliber

  184. 184 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:22 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    barwin is going to be the DE in our new defense… With that said, if he is needed one week to match up with someone like Jimmy Graham, im sure Schwartz won’t have a problem adjusting a game plan to put his coverage ability to use… But predominently Barwin is a 4-3 DE in our defense… I don’t even think it’s debateable, but we are welcome to disagree

  185. 185 ICDogg said at 4:44 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I agree, he seems like a DE. With his skill set he could be the Joker in some alignments.

  186. 186 Fufina said at 7:44 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    They could look to do what Denver used to do with Von Miller. Play him at SAM on run downs and then drop him in to DE on passing/3rd down and take off a DT.

    Personally with I think Barwin plays DE all the time but they may look to get cuter.

  187. 187 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:10 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yes sir.. Im really not even sure where this confusion comes from after like 80% of his snaps probably came from hand in the dirt, on the edge of a 4 man line these past 3 years, or setting the edge against the Tackle…
    BARWIN himself sounded pretty sure that he would be the DE and not the Sam,which makes perfect sense…
    You really to need two waves of edge rushers anyway…Going to be interesting to see which Combo of the 3 will start together, and which will team up with Marcus. All 4 should get plenty of snaps.
    But You are right, he will probably the Joker piece for a veteran DC like Schwartz that he can move around and use in different ways depending on the specific match up. Even tho he will be listed at DE and usually play on the edge, if we are struggling with a TE, or injuries come up, im sure Schwartz knews that he has BARWIN in his back pocket that can fill in a few different ways.. I imagine Bellichick would be using BARWIN a different way every week. He should be a big asset to the Defense, even tho Vinnys role is expanding in a big way, and Hopefully MS2 gets some snaps

  188. 188 TypicalDouche said at 3:51 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Although Alonso was basically a tackling dummy last season, he is on a very cheap deal so no real point in moving on from him. If he doesn’t return to form this year then the Eagles will definitely cut the cord on him next year.

  189. 189 FairOaks said at 4:22 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    This. He’s cheap for two more years, and would likely be better than any other backup we’d sign for the same money. Very little reason to move on from him unless we get a significant return. The team could easily prefer Barwin at DE anyways.

  190. 190 iceberg584 said at 5:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Plus Kendricks and Hicks don’t exactly have a reputation for 16-game durability.

  191. 191 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:54 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I strongly, but respectfully disagree brother..
    1) Highly unlikely that Kiko gets traded. for Starters, when a team watches last years tape, we won’t be able to pay them to take KIKO. there is ZERO reason to trade KIKO, because he won’t fetch us any compensation worth a damn. he is also cheap enough to the point that it makes complete sense to hold onto him, and see if another year removed from the injury, makes a difference and gives him his explosion back… Heck just being able to trust that knee again, would make a difference wifh how scared he looked last year. Clearly, we haven’t seen anything close to the Real KIKO yet. unfortunately their is a chance he never gets that pre injury explosion back, but fortunately it’s not rare that a guy doesn’t get right until his second year removed from an Injury…
    Mufasa is the perfect example. he sucked his last year with the Texans, which was yeàr 1 coming off his Achilles tear, yet Roseman was smart enough to trade for him, and we end up seeing a drastically better Demeco year 1 for us, which was his second year back from the injury. we traded one of the best RB in Eagle history, for a LB that when Healthy is a real stud, can’t give up on him now, when we lack so much ILB depth and he is under control and costs little to hold on to, and see if he finally returns to form. If KIKO is finally healthy, he gets first crack at the starting SAM position where his Height, and ability to cover works well against opposing TE’s…
    I’ve always been a big BARWIN fan and I want him here next year. But I think its way more likely that Barwn plays DE and I don’t expect him to play Sam at all… The last 3 years, the way he was used and had success with Translates much more To a 4-3 DE which he played a ton more than calling him a 3-4 OLB would suggest.. He spent a ton of time linned up against a Tackle, with his hand in the dirt… his transition to full time DE will be so easy for him, he has been doing it for 3 years, rushiñg the passer from the edge, running all the twists and stunts that you see in a 4 man line, and setting the edge against theTackle in the run. Even BARWIN said he won’t be the Sam, not sure why there is confusion and people seem to not believe him… If we are having trouble with a TE like Jimmy Graham, maybe Schwartz busts out his ability to match up with TEs as a part of certain game plans. But I’d be surprised if he doesn’t spend at least 75% of his snaps at DE next year
    KIKO will get the first crack at Sam, Hicks will definitely QB the defense from the MIKE position, while Mychal flies around as our WIL… But while maybe on paper it might look like we are ok at LB, Id be shocked if we DONT draft a LB, most likely one with size that can play Sam or Mike.. Even if KIKO gets back to full strength, we lack depth…more LBers are on the way.l
    I think the soonest we could possibly cut KIKO would be late in the summer if he just looks like he will never be the same in Training camp.
    When it comes to KIKO, he will either be our starting Sam after getting healthy, have a big rebound year as one of the finalist for comeback player of the year, or he gets cut in August. Doubt a trade will be an option. if KIKO can’t win the starting SAM, I assume that player will be drafted and is not currently on the roster. if we needed an emergency Sam because of injuries, I think it’s more likely that they leave BARWIN at DE, and move MS2 to the SAM, but both will end up being part of our two waves of edge rushers, hand in the Dirt, 4-3 DEs..
    Drafting a LB is a big need…. Im thinking that HOWIE might have to make the very hard decision of releasing Mufasa.. In a 4-3 at his age, he can really only play the MIKE and we can’t put Hicks on the Bench, so I would think that Mufasa would prefer to try and go somewhere where he can at least compete for a starting spot, instead of setlling to enter the pure backüp phase of his career, but a backüp that can’t play ST may be a problem. I friggin love the guy, so it’s hard for me to talk
    Like this, but it may be time to pull the plug on Mufasa career, unless he came to us and said he would rather sit the bench as an emergency LB than to move his family again this last in his career. If he lets us alter his deal. Free up a little more Cap space, and sit on the bench for a year, and then possibly transition to coaching, I respect the man enough to keep him… But if he wants to play and compete to start, we will need to release him. Can’t play him and stunt Hicks growth. Hicks need to QB the defense from day one..

  192. 192 GENETiC-FREAK said at 12:13 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    My bad man that was from rotoworld

  193. 193 SteveH said at 4:02 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    In the wake of all these contract extensions, what were everyone’s favorite Chip Kelly contracts?

    I got Miles Austin at 2 million as my personal favorite, though Demeco Ryans with the guaranteed 6 mil plus over 2 years is a fun one too #leadership.

  194. 194 TypicalDouche said at 4:04 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Demarco Murray, enough said.

  195. 195 SteveH said at 4:04 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I’m holding out hope that Murray will be a good back now that Chip isn’t running him into those 4 yard loss stretch plays all the time, but I do worry his body is shot. He looked slow last year.

  196. 196 TypicalDouche said at 4:06 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    All we can do as Eagles fans is hold out hope that he will improve but realistically I don’t think anybody will be really surprised if he doesn’t. I totally agree with you that he looked slow. To me he looked beyond slow, more like a snail out there. Too many times on those stretch plays he couldn’t even make it out of bounds without taking a loss.

  197. 197 SteveH said at 4:08 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    A lot of those weren’t his fault though, teams knew the play was coming and he’d have 3 guys swarming him in the backfield almost before he got the ball.

    That being said, yeah he looked slow as shit a lot of the time. Awful signing.

  198. 198 anon said at 4:08 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    def too slow to run laterally.

  199. 199 b3nz0z said at 5:14 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    it looked like in Madden if you tried to run in space while holding down the truck stick

  200. 200 TypicalDouche said at 5:19 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    As much as I played madden I didn’t think of that, spot on reference because its very true.

  201. 201 EaglesGameBalls said at 4:15 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    bradford 12 mil and second rounder

  202. 202 b3nz0z said at 5:13 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    that second KILLED me. it took an hour to figure out i wasn’t reading it wrong

  203. 203 anon said at 5:37 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    you and everyone else. Though deal looks vindicated seeing how terrible foles was last year.

  204. 204 Ankerstjernen said at 5:28 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    I really thought that we were getting the 2. AND bradford for Foles at first. And thought it was totally brilliant on Chips part. Like he was, you know, a genious or something.

  205. 205 ChoTime said at 9:15 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Yeah, such a bad day that was.

  206. 206 FairOaks said at 4:18 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    We all liked the Ryans contract when it happened. It reduced the cap hit last year (and whatever wasn’t used became rollover space available this year). Damn good player who did play well in spurts this year, and he was probably a good mentor for Hicks.

  207. 207 anon said at 4:47 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    great lockerroom leader, best run stopper

  208. 208 A_T_G said at 5:49 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Is the Riley Cooper extention up for grabs? I’ll take that one.

  209. 209 botto said at 6:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I though howard did the contracts

  210. 210 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 6:58 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Yes. Even Chip said Howie is a great contract guy.

  211. 211 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:18 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Dave Spadaro: we had some problems this year with too many dropped balls that drove fans crazy, is that something that can be improved? “IT Will BE, NOT Can it…”-Greg Lewis.
    “Im big on guys that can really catch the ball. Id rather have a guy who runs a 4.9 but catches the ball well, instead of a guy that runs a 4.3 and can’t catch…I can’t wait to get my hands on the youmg guys and get them out on the field. technique is essential.. I pride myself when I played and coached on guys that can catch the ball. we drill that consistently daily, eyes, hands, fingers, focusing on the ball And then finish the play”-Greg Lewis..

    I enjoyed the Greg Lewis interview… He was with the saints last year and spent time with AGHOLAR during the Predraft process, evaluating him and claims he wanted to bring AGHOLAR to thee Saints but DIDNT have an opportunity to get him “now Im blessed to have an opportunity to coach Nelson. I like the workman like attitude they bring to the game. nelson is a hungry guy who wants to get better, good ball skills, has great burst, in and out of cuts, change of direction which is BIG… Huff has some explosiveness to him that I really like, it’s just fine tuning the little details of his techniques,route running and finishing plays.. jordan is a Beast in my opinion, just seeing Him out there, just a physical presence, he reminds me of a Jason Avant type, but with Big play ability”
    After Bicknell who seemed terrible, im excited about What Greg Lewis can do for our young WR’s. Greg Lewis is a guy who wasnt the biggest, fastest or strongest but built a career for himself.. I really like that he was a teammate of both T.O and Randy Moss,getting an up close, behind the scenes look at how two of the greatest WRs operated

    Vinny Curry changed Agents 3 times, eventually settling on the Agent that negotiated the Everson Griffin deal, which makes sense that his deal looks pretty similar. VINNY also seems to think that it wouldn’t have worked out this way if they didmt switch to A 4-4…. Scary to think what other players keeping chip would have cost us moving forward. I have to think VINNY very well may have been a goner had we not fired Chip.
    A lot of interesting Quotes circling today. I like hearing how Vocal and confident Curry is about Cox being an Eagle for a long time, Roseman also flat out told the media that we wants Cox here for a long time, which isn’t surprising. But it shows just how much we value and respect Cox for our GM to make that public statement during a time we are negotiating a very expensive extension…. curious to see who gets extended or renegotiated next. hopefully we see some cuts shortly after Febuary 8th instead of having to wait til March… Im going to be so annoyed if Cooper gets renegotiated and is allowed to stay if he takes a pay cut.. ENOUGH, please pull the plug! Plus I’m curious to see if Chip would want to bring him to San Fran..

  212. 212 iceberg584 said at 5:23 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Cooper will be gone if for no other reason than the front office doesn’t want to appear tone-deaf to the racial consternation of the past year. He is obviously nowhere near worth the distraction.

  213. 213 Aaron said at 6:08 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    what racial consternation, you’re an idiot

  214. 214 TypicalDouche said at 6:24 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Before you call someone an idiot you should find out what said person is talking about before you sound like the idiot. He is referring to when Riley Cooper made the racist remark at a Kenny Chesney concert and he is right that Cooper isn’t worth keeping around for anything.

  215. 215 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:26 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I think he is just an idiot. He would have to be living Under a rock to not know what Coop did

  216. 216 TypicalDouche said at 6:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I think you’re right brother. I still occasionally get suckered in by idiots and trolls.

  217. 217 Aaron said at 9:35 PM on February 10th, 2016:

    I know what happend you evil dooshbag

  218. 218 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 6:57 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Idiot or not, the ‘racial consternation’ reached nearly-hysterical proportions on the Internet. However, we have no idea what was said or done in the locker room or coach’s rooms. None. The players just went right on playing. Not last year, by the way. Two years ago.

  219. 219 ChoTime said at 9:11 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Actually, we have a pretty good idea of what black players think of that incident.

  220. 220 Kelce's Beard 2.0 said at 9:17 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    However, we have no idea what was said or done in the locker room or coach’s rooms. None. The players just went right on playing.

    FFS, go ahead and google “eagles player reactions to cooper”. there’s a litany of articles w/ quotes

  221. 221 iceberg584 said at 1:35 PM on February 4th, 2016:

    I find it hard to believe that Jeffrey Lurie, who is aggressively trying to improve the image and atmosphere of his franchise after the Chip Kelly experience, isn’t anxious to rid himself of Riley Cooper and all of the baggage that still comes with him.

  222. 222 Aaron said at 9:34 PM on February 10th, 2016:

    well you suck butt

  223. 223 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:38 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I sure as hell hope so… I just worry that replacing Miles Austin, AjiraTutu and Coop is a lot at one position For one offseason.
    if Reicht knows tutu from the Chargers, and Fipp fights to keep him on ST, maybe he gets brought back for one more year, making it easy to trash Cooper..
    Id love to replace all 3 WRs this offseason, Im just scared that it’s not very likely

  224. 224 Tumtum said at 9:00 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    ive been predicting the departure of Cooper since the year before his rookie deal expired. One of these days it will actually happen.

  225. 225 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 5:24 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I would love for Lewis to unlock the potential of our WRs. I think there is something there to work with.

  226. 226 daveH said at 5:41 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I dont want to be neg a tive ..but what did he say he pride(d) himself on? That part i xont remember. I remember it tons a yelling and disappointments and 1 catch in dismay

  227. 227 Chiptomylou said at 7:37 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    I remember him having pretty good hands but he couldn’t separate from and defender.

  228. 228 sonofdman said at 7:45 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Greg Lewis “sucked” because he wasn’t talented enough to be a good receiver in the NFL. He worked hard to carve out a career for himself as an undrafted free agent. Those are the type of players that often make very good coaches.

  229. 229 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:35 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Id def agree with that, im not even close to being ready to give up on any of the 3, even the knucklhead huff Who frustrates the crap out Of me… There is a lot of unlocked Talent and potential, hopefully G-lew can get it out of them.
    I really like that he sounds serious about not wanting to pigeon hole them in specific spot. He acknowledged that they will start in certain spots, but all 3 will be moving all over the field. he claims he wants complete WRs, who know how to play outside and inside which is a good thing as far as im concerned.
    I expect both Jordan and AGHOLAR To grow into quality LongTerm starters. If Lews can also unlock Huffs potential, they can becone a dangerous Trio. I look forward to pro routes. I think Sams intermediate accuracy can turn these 3 into quality catch n run weapons in a Westcoastish offense..
    Be great if Greg Lewis can prove to be the Answer

  230. 230 Sean Stott said at 7:01 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    nah you can’t coach catching that’s just not executing

  231. 231 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:23 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Vinny Curry said that even tho he was moved all over the line, if you break down his Sacks, most came against Offensive Tackles..
    HOWIE was asked about signing a guy to a big deal that was used so little in the scheme they used last year, and like most people he seems to project much more success playimg to his strengths in a 4-3.. He had 3.5 sacks this year, but the year before he had 9 sacks, and 3 more were taken away from Him by holding penalties he forced.. “how do you łet a guy like that get away.”.. Talked about the importance of the pass rush, how it’s not easy to replace a guy of Vinnys talents.. Seemed to think his 2014 production is more Indicative then this past season of how he will produce moving forward in our new,defense… Doubt many people would disagree… HOWIE also said that if you wamt to get a guy on the open market coming off a 9-12 sack season(2014) it would cost much more than what they paid for VINNY
    Derreck gunn is claiming that VINNY and Azzinaro never got along, and as a freshman at Marshall, Azzinaro told VINNY he wouldnt amount to nothing as qa defensive lineman (I assume this means he wanted to move him to a different position?). And Gunn points out that after Azzinaro moved on after Vinnys freshman year, Vinnys career really started to take off..and he claims VINNY probably would have left if Azzinaro was still here….problem is, Not sure what part is Gunn making assumptions, and which parts of this he heard from Vinnys mouth… They are about to air the sit down interview between VINNY and Gunn, maybe VINNY clears some of this up..
    VINNY Did say that this deal probably wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t switch to a 4-3, but im not sure,what he means by that? Does he mean that he would have wanted to leave, or is he saying that he would have never gotten this type of deal if Chip and his 3-4 were still in place… Whatever the case may be, im glad VINNY got the last laugh,and outlasted Chip… be HUGE addition to this defense if Schwartzy can get significantly more out of both VINNY and MS2 than we ever got under chip…, dount anyone would be shocked to see Vinny have a 12 plus sack season, with Cox also getting 10 plus sacks.. Actually, allowing Cox to shoot the gaps all game long, i wouldn’t be THAT surprised if he managed to get a Sack in every game.. God forbid that happens before we sigń him to an extension…
    Wonder if we end up seeing a Logan extension during the Summer, maybe right before the season? Logan is an excellent two gapper, but I expect his stats also to inflate moving to our 4-3.. I see Logan as a guy who can give us what Hollis Thomas gave us against the run, do a Lot of dirty work helping to free up Cox, but also provide a better pass rush than we expect. be great if his pass rush could reach a Marcel Dareus level..
    We should have a potent 4 man edge rusher rotation, two waves of beasts flying off the edge.. but, we probably do need to draft another defensive Tackle… I think we can keep Beau Allen, or Hart, but I wouldn’t want to see us keep both. Id much rather keep Beau Allen backing up Logan, trade Hart to the Steelers or the Niners, hopefully get a decent role player or late round pick in return for Hart… But we probably need to draft a 3tech backup for Cox.. We can always use more help in the trenches, but Cox is the man in our defense, so his backup doesmt need to be drafted in the first 3 rounds..

  232. 232 Insomniac said at 6:58 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    What a coincidence. I don’t think Taylor Hart will amount to anything so here’s a big fat fuck you to both Oregon guys.

  233. 233 Tumtum said at 7:46 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Vinny is the new Trent. Think he can be ever better though.

  234. 234 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 7:47 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    more talented than trent was for sure. god his first step is fantastic

  235. 235 daveH said at 7:57 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Forced offensive holding shud be tracked also.. nice call geagle

  236. 236 Media Mike said at 5:01 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Then Trent Cole and Brandon Graham would be up to 100 vs. Trent Williams if the refs actually called that penalty properly.

  237. 237 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:07 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Here you go Heath Evans. Another NFL ‘grown man’ displaying his maturity.

  238. 238 NinjaP said at 10:56 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Did you not read the article? It just said that kid was with his brother when his brother was cited.

  239. 239 laeagle said at 9:07 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Recent tweets regarding Kaepernick in SF are cracking me up:

    “JasonLaCanfora: Makes sense for 49ers to try to put on public face about keeping him, for trade leverage, etc, but there are major trust issues here”

    Ah, 49ers fans. You may hope against hope, but you have not yet learned the ways of Chip. Don’t worry your little heads about trade leverage, because Chip doesn’t care. He’s like a honey badger. He’s actively scheming either

    a) How he can just release Kaep into thin air with nothing received in return
    b) How he can use a 2nd round pick to get someone else to take him

  240. 240 Greg Richards said at 9:09 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Tag Bradford, trade him to Chip for Kaepernick. Then you have Kaepernick for a reasonable $12M this year and if he doesn’t prove worthy of his future high salaries then the Eagles can release him without cap damage. Honestly, if Baalke wasn’t in the way, I think this could happen.

  241. 241 laeagle said at 9:11 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    Wait, what? Why would anyone want Kaep at this point? Unless he comes as part of a package deal with SF’s #1 pick, I don’t want any part of that. I’d rather have that honey badger in the picture playing QB for us than Kaep. The guy just doesn’t seem to care about getting better at his job.

  242. 242 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 9:30 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I dont think thats true. He put in work during the offseason like every other QB. He even trained with Kurt Warner. He just had a really bad year. And playing in a system that isnt designed for him.

  243. 243 Greg Richards said at 10:47 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    With a horrible coaching staff.

  244. 244 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 9:28 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    I dont think Baalke is letting Chip anywhere near a phone to make any cuts or trades. I heard they took his thumbs too

  245. 245 Sean Stott said at 11:55 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

    On what planet is Kaepernick a better QB than Bradford?

  246. 246 ChoTime said at 9:21 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Just putting it out there, the one we live in in 2012 where he dominated the playoffs. You know, the playoffs where Bradford’s never been and would probably fold like up like a TV tray.

  247. 247 Media Mike said at 4:59 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Except we’d be stuck with Kaepernick on this team; no thanks.

  248. 248 ChoTime said at 9:10 PM on February 3rd, 2016:

  249. 249 anon said at 1:18 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    From BGN (2nd para is important one): Credit to Jimmy Kempski of PhillyVoice for discovering this. When asked if Pederson thinks the Eagles can win now, this is what he had to say:

    “I do. I really do. I think the pieces are there. Great talent on defense. The strength probably on this team is the defensive line, linebackers, tremendous talent there. I think the skill guys are as good, if not better than most of the National Football League, and there’s guys there who have made a lot of plays, young guys, that have made some great plays for this organization. Re-signing a guy like Zach Ertz, I was excited to get him and Brent Celek both wrapped up, Lane Johnson wrapped up.

    And then you start just kinda filling in. A hole here, a hole there, get some depth here, you know, get you a young quarterback possibly, and then you just start developing your talent and you see what happens after that.”

    later he says: I think the thing with going to Kansas City is we needed a quarterback. We needed one. So the immediate fix is to find the top available free agent. I think in our situation [now], you may not have to go that route. Therefore, the draft, there’s some good quarterbacks in this draft. I’d love to be able to pick one up, develop him, and eventually he becomes your guy over time. Several ways to skin a cat, but I think in our situation, I think we’ve got a quarterback that’s on our roster right now if he’s our guy that we can win with.

  250. 250 anon said at 1:18 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    Seems to me like decision is no Sammy.

  251. 251 GermanEagle said at 6:10 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    At least not long term. But the Eagles could still ride with Sammy for one year under the Franchise tag so this ‘young’ QB they will draft can sit and learn for a year.

    And quite frankly that should have been their approach all along!

  252. 252 eagleyankfan said at 7:34 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    That’s not how I read it. KC needed a QB so they went and got one. They have one here(Bradford) so there’s no need to get one. Draft a QB and develop him behind the one you have.

  253. 253 ChoTime said at 9:21 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    “I think the skill guys are as good, if not better than most of the National Football League”


  254. 254 eagleyankfan said at 8:01 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    ok – out of touch for awhile – has CK found his DC yet? (I’m to lazy to research, need more coffee)

  255. 255 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 8:06 AM on February 4th, 2016:

    some noname