Some Hints

Posted: February 26th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 336 Comments »

After watching Doug Pederson and Howie Roseman speak at the Combine, I get the feeling the Eagles will be at least somewhat active in free agency.

I wasn’t sure how they would approach this offseason. The Eagles were burned by aggressive offseasons in 2011 and last year so I wondered if they might take a conservative approach. That would also keep money available for deals with Sam Bradford and Fletcher Cox.

At the same time, I think there is pressure on Roseman and Pederson to do well this year. All coaches and GMs want to win, but there are times when they know developing young talent and building for the future makes sense. I think the Eagles organization feels there is enough talent that this team can compete right away (also helps playing in a less than awesome division).

I don’t think the Eagles are going on some wild spending spree. It feels like they will target a starting OL. Beyond that, I’m not sure. You can argue that they should go for another OL or a WR, but some holes will be covered by the draft.

BGN has a post up with a report that the Eagles could target a veteran Safety. This nugget comes from Jason La Canfora, who knows the Eagles well. There are some good free agents at this position:

Eric Berry
Eric Weddle
Tashaun Gipson
George Iloka
Reggie Nelson

Why consider spending big money on another Safety after you just gave Malcolm Jenkins a new deal? Howie Roseman may be looking back to the last outstanding Eagles defense. In 2008, Dawk was the FS and Quintin Mikell the SS. Two veteran DBs with solid price tags.

If the Eagles are going to play a lot of Wide-9, that puts pressure on the Safeties. It overwhelmed Kurt Coleman and Nate Allen. Having a pair of smart, talented veterans would help that system work better.

Berry is a real long shot. I think the Chiefs will tag or re-sign him. The only problem with the other players is that there may be a bit of a bidding war for their services. Weddle just turned 31, but could be a good player for a few more years. Nelson will turn 33 in September. That makes him more of a band-aid.

If the market gets wild, I would think the Eagles back away.

As to Walter Thurmond, that’s a bit of a mystery situation. Does he really want to move to CB? Just how good was he in 2015? How much is he worth? I need to write a post on him.

I have no problem with the Eagles doing some free agent shopping, but they need to be more smart than aggressive this year. Sometimes you roll the dice and take chances. With a new staff in place and the team trying to figure some things out, I think they need to be careful about who they add. We’ll have a much better feel for the team a year from now.


More Howie from Indy

More Doug from Indy


Colin Kaepernick has been a hot topic the past couple of days. Chip Kelly and Trent Baalke both said he’s not going anywhere. Kap’s agent formally requested a trade. People in the know are sure that he’ll be dealt or cut.

What will happen?

Should the Eagles be interested?

Kap will be traded or cut. He is a great athlete, but Chip Kelly wants an accurate passer more than just a runner. And things have gone sour between Kap and the SF organization. That place just seems nuts these days.

The Eagles should not be interested. Kap still has big potential, but he needs the right situation. I think putting him in Philly to run Doug Pederson’s version of the WCO is just asking for trouble. Ideally you would love Kap to go to a team with the right offensive coach. Greg Roman in Buffalo and Chan Gailey in NY have had luck crafting systems around mobile QBs and a creative running game. Roman was the OC in SF when Kap was so dynamic.

The Rams and Browns would also be interesting spots because they are so desperate for good QB play.

It won’t shock me at all if Kap goes somewhere and becomes a good QB once again. He has a lot of talent. The 2012 and 2013 seasons were not some crazy fluke. Things just fell apart in SF. That was true for the whole organization. Kap shares some of the blame to be sure, but that was systemic failure and not just a player falling apart.

If things don’t work out with Sam Bradford, I would rather see the Eagles roll the dice on Chase Daniel than bring in Kap. Daniel probably won’t succeed as a starter, but he knows Pederson and will do/say all the right things. That’s important with a new coach, especially one like Pederson who doesn’t have the standard NFL track record.


336 Comments on “Some Hints”

  1. 1 Dave said at 8:26 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I imagine Chase Daniel is the plan B Doug and Howie talked about if Sam is not here. Draft a QB, groom him under Chase. That’s a solid plan, if you draft a worthwhile QB.

  2. 2 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:38 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Disagree….doug Pederson worked in 99 because we had the #2 pick in the draft and could realistically count on drafting a QB who could step in mid season and replace Pederson… Problem with Chase is that there is no QB prospect that you want to throw on the field mid way thru his rookie season, and putting yourself in position to watch Chase at QB for an entire season, season and a half, is an unbearable idea as far as I’m concerned.
    IMO chase should only be consideed as replacing Sanchez as Bradfords back up… If Doug Pederson and Roseman think Chase can replace Bradford, we will be screwed before this regime even starts

  3. 3 eagleyankfan said at 8:49 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Chase + rookie = #1 pick next year…

  4. 4 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:51 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Chase and a rookie will have Us picking #1 Til 2020… No thanks, I pay enough for Tickets and sat thru enough trash for the past two years

  5. 5 DanJ3645 said at 3:07 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I don’t want Tobago to sit through a thrown away season.
    But if we draft a QB of the future I want who ever is the best teacher / mentor possible.
    I’d rather have a season of pain with better potential of a long term starter developed correctly.

  6. 6 Dave said at 3:08 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    OK, so then what is the plan B they say they have? It’s not Sanchez.

  7. 7 bill said at 9:53 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I think Sanchez is the plan B bridge. He’ll lose as many games as Chase (due mainly to turnovers), but he can execute the offense better otherwise. Neither one is a long term solution, or even something to be happy about short term, but there aren’t too many available options for the bridge that are something to be happy about.

  8. 8 Dave said at 3:10 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Why would you assume Sanchez could execute an offense he never played in better than a guy that has run it the past 3 years?

  9. 9 Some Hints - said at 8:30 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    […] Tommy Lawlor After watching Doug Pederson and Howie Roseman speak at the Combine, I get the feeling the Eagles […]

  10. 10 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:35 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    If I’m not mistaken, the eagles have yet to miss this playoffs 3 years in a row since 2000. This streak is in Jeopordy, damn right they better be competitive next year. This isn’t the NBA where you have to suck for 5 years to stand any chance at getting “good”
    With that said, I expect a quiet Free Agency, one splash signing at Safety, and a few,backup additions similar to 2014 when we paid for Jenkins, but then only signed a depth addition in Nolan, and two ST players Braman and Gos… Im expecting something similar, splash Signing of a safety like ILLOKA, and a couple Backups… Nothing major

  11. 11 Anders said at 8:41 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Why should Doug be punished by fans because of Kelly’s and Reids failures since 2008?

  12. 12 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:49 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Why is that a punishment? I view that as being realistic about where we ar with the cap, still needing to extend Key Eagles, and with Chip messing up Rosemans Cap masterpiece, odds are he will want to carry over some cap for next year.
    If you call signing a young stud Safey like ILLOKA a punishment, we have different definitions of Punshment.
    Short term, most of our starting spots are filled, and I have the Eagles signing like 4 free agents(only one being a top shelf starter) , how many damn free agents do you want?
    Thinking the OL gets fixed in the draft, instead of FA…

  13. 13 Anders said at 8:52 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    “If I’m not mistaken, the eagles have yet to miss this playoffs 3 years in a row since 2000. This streak is in Jeopordy, damn right they better be competitive next year. ”

    For me it sounds like you will view 2016 as a failure if they do not make the playoffs because of Kelly’s failure to reach it.

    Signing Illoka is not a punishment, but it you and many others will be mad if Chase Daniels will be a bridge QB for a young guy instead of keeping Bradford at an overprice

  14. 14 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:04 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Gotcha…. My bad, thought you were talking about FA…when you look at the state of our division, I see no reason we shouldn’t try to win it.
    Why should Doug and Roseman be punished? Why should I be punished watching 3 years in a row of slop, when we are sitting in a unique position where our division allows us to contend right away, while BUILDING the team up..
    Im not so closed minded to always make it just about the results, if they miss the playoffs, it’s HOW they,miss it that I will judge the season.
    This division is Dog Crap, I see No reason why we shouldn’t be in the mix for this division title, especially when I think 95% of our starters this year are already on the roster today
    I also think the coaching change will provide an initial spark that we can ride to a successful season, and what will really tell us whether we have the right coaches or not is if we end up building on this next years success, or if it’s al down hill after year 1, when the newness of the coaching change wears off like we saw under the chip Regime.
    I see no reason why we have to chose between building and trying to win a division, when we are set up to do both
    Im not interested in pretending that you know there will be some crazy bidding war for SAM that makes the price outrageous

  15. 15 Anders said at 9:40 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I think we should be a playoff team with Sam, but if we go with chase+rookie there is a good chance we will be right on the edge

  16. 16 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:51 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Lucky for me, I dont believe for one second that it will be chase and a rookie… Im expecting SAM and a rookie,.. If Chase is an Eagle, he better be replacing Sanchez not Bradford…
    But If Bradford leaves, I think it goes without saying that NO ONE would expect playoffs with Chase and a rookie,, stop gap QB is a terrible idea when it will take more than half a season to get this crop of QB prospects ready to play in the NFL
    Even if we Love Wentz or Paxton, think we have to be crazy to put them on the field as a rookie,. I think Browns or whoever end up Drafting them, would be wise to keep them on the Bench for a year, preferably two years to give them the best chance possible at growing into a franchise QB… And if a team is REALLY LUCKY, they will be able to keep those QBs on the bench for two, even 3 years.. What Denver did with Osweiler IMO is by far the best possible way to give the kid you draft every chance Of growing into a a franchise QB,,, the problem is teams that draft them are so bad, it’s unlikely they can keep them on the bench for 3 Years..
    if we could get 3 healthy years out of SAM, while letting a kid like Wentz or Paxton sit and learn for 3 years, by far that would easily be the best case scenario for this franchise going forward… Whether or not we can pull that off or not, is the question…. Not sure it’s likely to find Wentz available at 13

  17. 17 eagleyankfan said at 8:56 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I don’t think it’s realistic for Pederson to gauge his own players in such a short notice. He’d have to rely mostly on HR(?) for the teams evaluations. That’s why I agree that it’ll be quiet. Unless(again) HR is the true majority voice in players. Going to be interesting for sure.
    Guard/Safety/tackle/lb? any 2 of the3?
    I wonder during the interview process if Pederson was asked a “3 year plan” and/or “5 year plan” and what the answer was. I’m ok with “I need year to evaluate” but HR might not have liked that…

  18. 18 anon said at 10:15 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    gotta fix that o-line. i think you have to be aggressive about that. tommy makes a good point about wanting a vet safety in the wide 9

  19. 19 EaglesGameBalls said at 9:24 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Why do you write such lengthy posts? I look at the paragraphs upon paragraphs and immediately decide to skip reading what you write. I am sorry but you need to be more brief.

  20. 20 Julescat said at 10:32 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    it’s all about you

    every post

    THAT is why you are a troll!

  21. 21 Buge Halls said at 10:33 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    On this point I agree totally with him

  22. 22 TypicalDouche said at 10:53 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I believe the Eagles are going to go after a big money safety like they did when they chased McCourtey. If Berry doesn’t get tagged I’m sure he’s their number 1 target, besides him in truly see them going after Weddle and Gipson with Iloka a the final option. My FA predictions are coming out with one starting safety, a starting guard, then the rest quality depth signings.

  23. 23 the DONALD said at 11:01 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    should grab the LG from KC as well!

  24. 24 TypicalDouche said at 11:05 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Oh absolutely Don!. Guard wise I see Jeff Allen as their number one target based on once again the Pederson connection. I would love Allen to come here and solidify the LG spot for the forsee able future. If they were somehow able to get Allen and Sweezy them they can focus on grabbing am OT and a center.

  25. 25 the DONALD said at 11:18 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    oh yea! get me some Sweezy too and we are set UP!!

  26. 26 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:36 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Doubt it…. Think they can fix the OL without having to pay FA…. But I’d love to see them sigń a quality Guard, hope im wromg

  27. 27 eagleyankfan said at 8:50 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    “We’ll have a much better feel for the team a year from now.” — you trying to start a fight?

  28. 28 ChoTime said at 9:20 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    So, reading the tea leaves, no rebuild. Whelp. Okay…

    On another note, a meditation on passing completion%. It just goes to show how much the league has changed and how one must be aware of context when using stats.

  29. 29 EaglesGameBalls said at 9:29 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    When are you going to man up and eat your own shit because Bradford played more then 4 games last year? Since you’re clearly not a real man of your word stop instigating people on here like you would own up to losing a bet if you did lose. You are a coward that only acknowledges when you are right, yet when you are wrong or like when the Eagles were winning the few games they won last year you would disappear for a while.

  30. 30 TypicalDouche said at 10:49 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Just another reason why I don’t understand how people salivate over Bradfords second half of the season last year. He wasn’t even a mediocre QB.

  31. 31 BobSmith77 said at 2:36 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I would rather see a step back next year then resign Bradford at $18-$20M, give him the helm the next 3 years, and try to scrap together enough to win 9 games next year & take a hopefully weakened NFC East.

  32. 32 EaglesGameBalls said at 9:20 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Good post Tommy. If Doug was a little longer into his tenure, I could see him trying to develop Kap or even the Baylor QB in Washington. But right now there is enough to worry about.

    Remember when I predicted that Chip Kelly would be fired from the Eagles. Here is a new prediction. Chip Kelly will be fired after one year from the 49ers because he IS that bad.

  33. 33 A_T_G said at 9:37 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    So, if we assume no Bradford or Kaep or other deep developmental project, who are you rooting for them to get in the draft?

  34. 34 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:04 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I am rooting for Chase Daniel and Mark Sanchize.

  35. 35 Julescat said at 10:31 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    you also predicted KC would win the Super Bowl

  36. 36 A_T_G said at 9:43 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I must not have had enough coffee this morning. I thought I read at one point Tommy saying that we hope Kap goes to NY because he could be successful there.

    That can’t be right. Why would want a successful Giant?

  37. 37 Mac said at 9:54 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    The *other* NY team.

  38. 38 Buge Halls said at 10:36 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Maybe you forgot there are two teams in NY and only one team with Chan Gailey and it ain’t the Giants.

  39. 39 Corry said at 12:04 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    have some more coffee.

  40. 40 A_T_G said at 1:41 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Ha! Good call.

  41. 41 BlindChow said at 9:45 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    If you’re concerned about the declining quality of the comment section here, try sending Tommy an email (listed in the “Contact Us” section above) to let him know your concerns.

    He might not be aware of the situation, so sending screencaps of any offending comments would probably be helpful.

    Just a suggestion. I think if he hears from enough people, he will take notice.

  42. 42 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:18 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Good idea. I just emailed him this one :

    TypicalDouche EaglesGameBalls • 18 hours ago

    When are you going to man up and eat your own shit because Bradford played more then 4 games last year? Since you’re clearly not a real man of your word stop instigating people on here like you would own up to losing a bet if you did lose. You are a coward that only acknowledges when you are right, yet when you are wrong or like when the Eagles were winning the few games they won last year you would disappear for a while.

    • Reply•Share ›

  43. 43 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:19 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    This was written to me by a 34 year old degenerate Father with a retarded son who grew up in the ghetto

  44. 44 Julescat said at 10:35 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    it might be time for you to leave

  45. 45 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:39 AM on February 26th, 2016:

  46. 46 Buge Halls said at 10:39 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    And this is what we flag as inappropriate!

  47. 47 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:40 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I just flagged your’s as inappropriate as well.

  48. 48 Buge Halls said at 10:42 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Way to go tough guy! They’ll review it and make the determination. See, you just proved what a loser you are and you are indeed the biggest troll here. Please, go back to where you’ll be welcomed.

  49. 49 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:44 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I’m the tough guy?

  50. 50 TypicalDouche said at 10:40 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Stop being such a little bitch. What happened to all your tough talk and now you turn into a little girl and are complaining about my one post exposing you for the coward you are. This should make it clear to everyone here that you have disrespected that you are nothing but a stupid childish troll. I stick to what I said to you and again when you’re ready to man up say the word.

  51. 51 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:41 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    WHy are you trying to Internet fight me bro? You trying to relive high school?

  52. 52 Buge Halls said at 10:43 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Maybe you should act like you graduated high school before you start calling other people out

  53. 53 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:44 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Im not calling anyone out. You are calling me out.

  54. 54 Buge Halls said at 10:45 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Go cry in a corner, son. I won’t bother feeding the troll again.

  55. 55 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:46 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I’ve never even seen you on here. In fact I haven’t even ever written a comment to you. Why the hostility bro?

  56. 56 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:42 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    This is what your son and his friends need to do at your house to you at their next slumber party :

  57. 57 Julescat said at 10:33 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    he does have a point

    you did puss out and disappear every time the Eagles won or when KC choked in the playoffs.

  58. 58 Buge Halls said at 10:40 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Just think we can speak like intelligent adults and still call him out without using the “7 words”

  59. 59 A Roy said at 10:20 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    A couple years ago, Tommy had the luxury of reading comments and frequently responding. It appears he’s stretched for time these days. We insatiably expect a post every day from him, so he’s working on the next few columns as opposed to remaining within the current one. Thus, sometimes the new kids get a bit out of hand. You provided a good way to give him some necessary feedback.

  60. 60 A Roy said at 10:21 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    And so, you’ve been trolled…

  61. 61 Buge Halls said at 10:38 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Oooorrrr, instead of flooding his e-mail with tons of messages, you can simply click the little “flag as inappropriate” icon to the right of every post.

  62. 62 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:39 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    I just flagged yours

  63. 63 BlindChow said at 10:40 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    And how has that been working out for us?

    Tommy might actually notice a flood.

  64. 64 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:40 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Or A_T_G

  65. 65 anon said at 10:52 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    i can’t believe tommy doesn’t know we have an issue – he’s addressed it before. best thing we can do is (a) not respond and (b) hope the eagles actually win some games.

  66. 66 BlindChow said at 10:58 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Honestly, you gotta question the intelligence of people who keep responding. I mean seriously, is this their first day on the internet or something?

    The fact he’s dealt with it before is what makes me think he doesn’t realize it’s still going on.

  67. 67 RogerPodacter said at 11:01 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    i’m really surprised there arent some sort of community moderator sort of deal here. we have plenty of reliable people here that are always in the comments that could do that sort of thing.

  68. 68 TypicalDouche said at 11:08 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Tommy would have to approve that and give a person the ability to do so. I sit at a computer all day at work and for the most part at home as well so I would have no problem taking on that role.

  69. 69 RobNE said at 1:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I nominate you.

  70. 70 Mac said at 11:04 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Tommy has banned him before… it’d be nice if he would appoint someone he feels he can trust from the comments section to help it take out the trash.

  71. 71 BlindChow said at 3:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I nominate AC Viking.

  72. 72 ACViking said at 4:58 PM on February 26th, 2016:


    More than happy to help Tommy.

  73. 73 ChoTime said at 11:06 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    It’s unfortunate that Disqus doesn’t have an ignore function. It makes life so much easier. But I would guess many don’t even have the discipline to use that.

  74. 74 scratcherk said at 11:05 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Ignoring all the arguments with one person is a lot harder than just ignoring one person. Please use your willpower all, and dont reply.

  75. 75 the DONALD said at 11:12 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    LETS GO EAGLES!!! NO matter the Coach, no matter the PLAYERS… die hard
    through and through and if your just going to make people mad at YOU with your posts, cut it
    out.. be a fan. if your not go to your teams page.. leave this one
    alone. If your gonna upset a few people w valid posts its called a debate and thats all good.. be respectful PERIOD.

    Gotta drop foul language.. whatever. just dont direct it at someone.. pretend they were sitting in front of you would you really flip out and cuss someone out that bad.. be real. be a fan. if not post on your teams site or make your own.. its free to make a blog.. 1

  76. 76 EaglesGameBalls said at 11:13 AM on February 26th, 2016:


  77. 77 the DONALD said at 11:37 AM on February 26th, 2016:

  78. 78 solid said at 11:44 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    You can’t say you didn’t see that one coming. Also made me chuckle a bit.

  79. 79 the DONALD said at 11:46 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    your first post ever? to say that? soooooooliddddd

  80. 80 Julescat said at 11:56 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    name change?

  81. 81 the DONALD said at 12:11 PM on February 26th, 2016:


  82. 82 solid said at 1:35 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Wow, Paranoid, much? I’m “solid” over on the eagles message board, if you want to check out my profile. I read this blog all the time. This cat has really gotten into your head.

  83. 83 Julescat said at 1:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    sock puppets usually out themselves because they can’t help but go back to trolling.

    if you’re not him you will be OK

  84. 84 the DONALD said at 3:11 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    odd response man. very defensive.. if your not a troll my bad.. .

  85. 85 TypicalDouche said at 12:18 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Definitely the same troll with another name because he is the only one that upvoted it.

  86. 86 The original AG said at 11:41 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Hi guys.

    In my many journeys through the Internets, I realize that it isn’t good for all people. Here’s some perspective about the people that enter into the bits of our world.

    There is a guy who’s positing the theory that Katy Perry is really Jon Benet Ramsey all grown up. Some people can’t be helped, and ignoring them is the way to go.

  87. 87 RC5000 said at 11:42 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Group 1 OL notes.

    OT Jack Conklin, OG/C Graham Glasgow looked good in many drills. Conklin appeared to wear down at very end but I don’t think it mattered much.

    There are some solid centers too in these drills. Austin Blythe, Jake Brendel looked like they could move really well. Did well in mirror drills but they both look small too so they’ll be late round picks.

    Mid to late round pick OG Joe Dahl was solid in many drills, the Eagles showed interest in him Sr. Bowl week.

    Taylor Decker was ok. He has elite feet in small areas but he struggled in one mirror drill. For teams who like strong right tackles, I don’t think they’re going to like Decker at RT.

  88. 88 The original AG said at 11:43 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Best case scenario for you in the draft, what player(s) would you like to see?

  89. 89 RC5000 said at 11:49 AM on February 26th, 2016:

    Out of this group, Glasgow in 3rd, Dahl in 5th or 6th but I like other OL in 3rd , there are several guards and centers but it’s hard to say who will fall. I do really like Conklin but it depends on QBs and maybe if elite defensive player falls to 13. I would consider Conklin at 13 or in trade down. I’m not sure about Decker.

  90. 90 TypicalDouche said at 12:17 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Decker absolutely isn’t worth the 13th overall pick, he seems best suited as a career RT in the NFL. Conklin at 13 is also a stretch imo, may have looked good in combine drills but to me his tape doesn’t show a guy that I see as a potential lengthy LT prospect in the league. Now a trade down to the bottom of the 1st then yes I would consider taking either.

  91. 91 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 12:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:


    So against grabbing an OT at 13 just because we need one, especially one not good enough to play LT

  92. 92 TypicalDouche said at 12:32 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Agree 100% Will. If their names don’t end in Tunsil or Stanley then there isn’t an o-lineman worth the 13th pick. If they do stand pat at that draft position then to me CB, LB, or even WR would be BPA.
    Edit: Also throw in D-lineman as BPA as well if neither of the top tackles fall.

  93. 93 Corry said at 12:33 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    BPA. I hope it’s a lineman, but I’m good with almost anyone as long as they’re the BPA on the draft board.

  94. 94 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 12:40 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I can live with BPA. This draft is deepest long the trenches; I just don’t want to reach for a lineman at 13. If we have to have a Conklin then trade back

  95. 95 Corry said at 1:02 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I think a trade back is a distinct possibility depending on how the draft falls, particularly if one of the top 3 quarterbacks starts to tumble.

  96. 96 Insomniac said at 1:13 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Conklin is a guard at the next level and not even a special one too like some of those OGs that were drafted in the top 15 in the recent years.

  97. 97 TypicalDouche said at 1:25 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I disagree with you. He looks every bit the part of a mauler type NFL RT.

  98. 98 Insomniac said at 2:19 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If you want to maximize his talent then you slide him inside. Conklin will be an average RT at best.

  99. 99 TypicalDouche said at 2:21 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Depends on blocking scheme. In a PBS he would be a perfect fit and an above average RT. ZBS and he would be lost.

  100. 100 Insomniac said at 2:25 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    We’re going to agree to disagree then.

  101. 101 RC5000 said at 1:42 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    That is incorrect Conklin is very long.

  102. 102 TypicalDouche said at 2:07 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    That still doesn’t mean he is strictly going to be a guard.

  103. 103 RC5000 said at 2:33 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Huh? I am saying he is a lengthy tackle. You said he wasn’t a lengthy tackle.

  104. 104 TypicalDouche said at 3:24 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Oh sorry about friend, I got your post and another post mixed up.

  105. 105 RC5000 said at 12:17 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Some OL 40 times, these aren’t all of them.

    walter football comment that unofficial times are BETTER:
    40 Times: For the 40 times, I use both the official times and the NFL Network’s unofficial times. I do this because the latter figures are more accurate. NFL teams use their own timed 40s anyway, so the official 40s are mostly meaningless.

    Unofficial Top 40s they tell you less with OL.

    OT Jason Spriggs 4.92
    OG Joe Thuney 4.93
    OT Caleb Benenoch 4.97
    OT Jack Conklin 4.98
    C Jake Brendel 4.99
    C Ryan Kelly 5.01
    OG Cody Whitehair 5.01


    Ronnie Stanley Notre Dame 5.18
    Vadal Alexander LSU 6052 326 5.56
    Jack Allen Michigan State 6012 294 5.27
    Le’Raven Clark Texas Tech 6052 316 5.14
    Taylor Decker Ohio State 6070 310 5.21
    Spencer Drango Baylor 6055 315 5.25
    Parker Ehinger Cincinnati 6062 310 5.24
    Joshua Garnett Stanford 6043 312 5.30
    Graham Glasgow Michigan 6057 307 5.11
    Joe Haeg North Dakota State 6060 304 5.14
    Jerald Hawkins LSU 6055 305 5.12
    Germain Ifedi Texas A&M 6056 324 5.25
    Denver Kirkland Arkansas 6044 335 5.54
    Nick Martin Notre Dame 6041 299 5.20
    Isaac Seumalo Oregon State 6037 303 5.17
    Brandon Shell South Carolina 6053 324 5.20
    Sebastian Tretola Arkansas 6041 314 5.42
    Landon Turner North Carolina 6037 330 5.56
    Chris Westerman Arizona State 6031 298 5.15

    Notables DNP
    Kyle Murphy Stanford
    Rees Odhiambo Boise State
    Max Tuerk USC
    Laremy Tunsil Ole Miss

  106. 106 ACViking said at 1:38 PM on February 26th, 2016:


    Love your work ethic.

    Request . . .

    Would you mind posting the 10-yard splits, too?

  107. 107 RC5000 said at 2:23 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    This isn’t every one of the OL. I split them where there’s a break but it’s not necessarily significant. Trying to make it easier to look at:

    Top 10 yard splits :

    Caleb Benenoch UCLA 6054 311 1.68
    Joe Thuney N. C. State 6045 304 1.70
    Jake Brendel UCLA 6041 303 1.71
    Connor Mcgovern Missouri 6042 306 1.72
    Isaac Seumalo Oregon State 6037 303 1.72
    Cody Whitehair Kansas State 6036 301 1.73

    Jack Conklin Michigan State 6056 308 1.75
    Joe Haeg North Dakota State 6060 304 1.75
    Ryan Kelly Alabama 6040 311 1.75
    Brandon Shell South Carolina 6053 324 1.75
    Jason Spriggs Indiana 6055 301 1.75
    John Theus Georgia 6064 313 1.76
    Graham Glasgow Michigan 6057 307 1.76

    Parker Ehinger Cincinnati 6062 310 1.78
    Germain Ifedi Texas A&M 6056 324 1.78
    Tyler Johnstone Oregon 6054 301 1.78
    Halapoulivaati Vaitai TCU 6060 320 1.79
    Chris Westerman Arizona State 6031 298 1.79
    Ronnie Stanley Notre Dame 6056 312 1.79
    Willie Beavers Western Michigan 6045 321 1.80
    Austin Blythe Iowa 6021 298 1.80
    Le’Raven Clark Texas Tech 6052 316 1.80
    Joe Dahl Washington State 6041 304 1.80
    Taylor Decker Ohio State 6070 310 1.80
    Nick Martin Notre Dame 6041 299 1.80
    Fahn Cooper Ole Miss 6044 303 1.81
    Alex Lewis Nebraska 6060 312 1.81

    Everyone else is below 1.81 or DNP…

    Other Notables:

    Vadal Alexander LSU 6052 326 1.92
    Jack Allen Michigan State 6012 294 1.85
    Evan Boehm Missouri 6021 302 1.91
    Spencer Drango Baylor 6055 315 1.85
    Joshua Garnett Stanford 6043 312 1.83
    Jerald Hawkins LSU 6055 305 1.88
    Denver Kirkland Arkansas 6044 335 1.96
    Sebastian Tretola Arkansas 6041 314 1.87
    Landon Turner North Carolina 6037 330 1.92

  108. 108 Insomniac said at 1:01 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    My god watching Tunsil mirror other guys is OL bliss.

  109. 109 ACViking said at 1:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Re: OTs – Jason Spriggs v. Lane Johnson

    Spriggs off to a great start.

    But he’s still a long way from LJ’s ridiculous Combine performance.

  110. 110 Dave said at 3:15 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Lane was given a draft grade of 86.9…out of 10. With that grade, he should be in the HOF by now 😉

  111. 111 The original AG said at 1:54 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If we grab a stellar OL @13 who can play LT, who plays LT? I was under the impression that LJ could play that position and was the heir apparent.

    I have no problem with LJ at either spot, but it would be nice to go back to the days when we had bookend Ts that could play.

  112. 112 eagleyankfan said at 1:56 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    interesting question. Are we addressing needs or pba? According to some, we’re “ok” on the OL(jus need 1 guard). According to others, if there’s OL to be had, drop back in a trade. There would have to be a monster OL at 13 and if he’s a monster, he wouldn’t have lasted. I’m not sure I go that way…

  113. 113 Tumtum said at 2:11 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Top 3 rounds I like BPA. Of course there will be times when there is so little delineation between players you can also err towards the need.

    Need it up later in the draft.

  114. 114 The original AG said at 2:27 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I would love to trade back and get two+ players that could start for us and solidify the line for the next 6-8 years.

    I would go for 3-4 linemen in this draft, hoping to land 2 starters. I feel that is our most glaring need, and that’s my dream for this draft.

  115. 115 Mitchell said at 1:56 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I think Staley could come in right away as a LT. When you watch him play you can see the natural LT ability.

  116. 116 Insomniac said at 2:28 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I know Duce is a little bigger than he was years ago but I don’t think he has the arm length, feet, or age to play LT.

  117. 117 Mitchell said at 5:56 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Lol touche. Fixed

  118. 118 Fufina said at 1:57 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    No way after Stanley’s combine he falls to 13, and Tunsil goes top 3.

    There is no OT i would take at 13 that is not a reach, and the OG’s are 2nd round types, so any OL pick at 13 will be a reach, and why would you reach for an OT when you have 2 starters for 2016? get a developmental higher upside guy and see how things work out in 2016.

  119. 119 RC5000 said at 2:48 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I agree they don’t have to take a tackle especially if a QB is there but having Johnson and Conklin for future would not be bad believe me. It could really benefit our QBs if the 3 QBs are gone and you build in the trenches.

    I don’t think Conklin is a reach at 13. He’s the same size as Lane and has a better base to anchor even though Lane is more athletic.. He could start for years like Runyan at RT and he’s more athletic than Runyan and he could play LT if needed. That is very valuable.

  120. 120 NinjaP said at 3:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If you want an OL in the first trade down then take one.

  121. 121 RC5000 said at 4:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I was discussing Conklin because that is the OL I like. Tunsil and Stanley will probably be gone. I’m not really sure I’d be happy with Decker. He is weak and he doesn’t always with his blocks and finish guys off like a Runyan or Conklin.

    You can’t assume there will be a trade down to get Conklin but if there is I obviously have no objection. That would be great if the QBs and defensive studs are gone but it would need to be a lock because we need to upgrade QB or OL if we don’t get a defensive star. There is no other first round OL I like.

  122. 122 b3nz0z said at 2:05 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    make lane compete for it

  123. 123 The original AG said at 2:28 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I absolutely agree with this. I’d take that attitude towards all the positions.

  124. 124 Tumtum said at 2:09 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I wanted to be cute and say that JP plays LT. Then I thought about it, and I will say: JP plays LT. I have a feeling the new staff will want him around for another year at T. Maybe he moves inside the next season. Not saying we shouldnt get a stud at 13 if he is available though. Just not sure he starts year one… at least at T.

    In the future.. meh who cares. Let them figure that out. That situation will have to play itself out. Is the other kid as mean as Lane? Is he a lifelong tackle that is a bit more savy than the QB Lane? Vise versa?

  125. 125 Mac said at 2:21 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Lane Johnson, after we acquire Mitchell Schwartz in FA.

  126. 126 Media Mike said at 5:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I don’t like any of the OT prospects at 13. Tunsil and Stanley will be gone. Decker is a straight up wuss. Conklin is a RT.

  127. 127 Tumtum said at 2:04 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If the Eagles “can’t afford” Walter Thurmond, not sure how they could afford Berry. Berry is just an amazing player, the likes that the Eagles haven’t actually acquired for a while. Not that they haven’t tried. Getting him would probably top getting Asante Samuel and fall behind getting The Freak.

    As Tommy said though.. no chance the Chiefs let that guy walk. It would be like us letting Cox walk.

    I still prescribe to the Seattle school of finding a QB. Sort of like finding food in the wild. Turn over every rock, and if you find something edible that won’t kill you, eat it. Would need him on a Sanchez or Young type of deal (the first Sanchez deal). If he doesn’t win the job, he doesn’t make the team. Don’t think he offers much as a back up.

  128. 128 TypicalDouche said at 2:19 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Its isn’t that the Eagles “cant afford” Thurmond because they absolutely can, I just don’t think they want him back. Also although I agree with Tommy that Berry is likely to be tagged , its isn’t set in stone. The Chiefs have an abundance of quality free agents they want to resign and have to decide if Berry is the likliest franchise candidate. Besides Berry though there are other safeties that I would rather have then Thurmond, i.e. Weddle, Gipson, and Iloka.

  129. 129 RogerPodacter said at 2:27 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    i think the Thurmond situation might be more about money. i’m sure neither side has a great idea of what he is worth in FA, so its probably a mutual ‘test the waters’ type deal to get a ballpark number, and then the two sides meet again and see if they can strike a deal.
    pure speculation, but thats what it feels like to me.

  130. 130 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Not only is his value tôugh to guage, we don’t even know if he will get offers to play CB, slot CB, or safety… He could get two teams to offer him a CB spot, and other tems who want to pay him to play Safety
    He has to be one of the hardest FA this year to guage his market value

  131. 131 RogerPodacter said at 4:18 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    another big unknown is what Schwartz wants to do with this defense, or how Thurmond would fit in there, if he would at all.

  132. 132 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:43 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Id love to have Thurmond back, but probaly doesn’t make sense to pay him what he will ask for, when there are so many better options available like ILLOKA and Gipson. He would have TO cost half of what someone like ILLOKA will cost for It to make sense bringing walt back for me..

  133. 133 Tumtum said at 4:20 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Ill be honest I don’t know those guy…at all.

  134. 134 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:22 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    ILLOKA, 26 year old Safety from the Bengals, 6’4 225lbs and surpringly very capable in coverage for a safety that size… Perfect Interchamgeable safety to form a tandem with Jenkins,,
    Tashuan Gipson comes from the Browns, former CB, stylistically think Jarius BYRD type, More of a ballhwaking center field type in Single high safety, or two deep Shell, but this past year Cleveland started to use him more in the box, so while people call it a down year, in the long run, this “Down year” could be better for his development against the run, since he is already a stud against the Pass.
    Normally I don’t think we would see a team łet a kid like ILLOKA get away, but the Bengals have like 3 or 4 starting DBs that are free agents, and they have a safety in Shawn Williams that the Bengals DC claims is ready to start, so we should be taking advantage of a young stud like ILLOKA changing teams
    There is a handful of safeties besides Those two who are also interesting, can’t ask for a better free agent crop of safeties

  135. 135 Tumtum said at 4:19 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    You know I do recall the Chiefs being in quite the cap pickle…. Not sure if they sorted that out. Just sayin!!

  136. 136 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:42 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I expect the safety to be the most expensive contract Roseman gives out this offseason to playërs from other teams,,
    Outside of the QB position, there isn’t a bigger immediate need than Safety, and we are very fortunate that for once, we happen to have tbis safety need during a year where the safety free agent market will be as good as I recall in years..
    But I think It’s more likely that we look to safeties coming off their rookie contracts like ILLOKA and Gipson… Doubt Berry changes teams, and I don’t expect the Eagles to have interest in the older guys like Weddle ,Neison, Rashad jones types

  137. 137 Insomniac said at 2:20 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Who decided that it was a good idea to allow Ike Taylor to be a media personality?

  138. 138 TypicalDouche said at 2:22 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Most likely the same people that continue to put Michael Irvin, Deion Sanders, and Ray Lewis on TV as “experts”

  139. 139 Insomniac said at 2:26 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Neither of those guys are as bad as Taylor. MJD is ok.

  140. 140 TypicalDouche said at 2:28 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    They pretty much are all morons that in no way should be on TV as so-called “experts”. I agree that MJD, LT, Warner and a couple of others are ok.

  141. 141 Tdoteaglefan said at 2:29 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    probably somebody who watched the “NFL top 100 players” noticed him as the most prominent voice and decided that could translate into being a full time commentator.
    He was amusing at times with a soundbite here and there, and comedic facial expressions, but that’s completely different from providing extensive commentary and analysis

  142. 142 Media Mike said at 5:32 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Good grief. How many f-ing Steelers are they going to keep putting on TV.

  143. 143 solid said at 3:04 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Hi all. New poster, old-time reader/lurker since the old EaglesBlog. Don’t post since I get more out of reading everyone’s ideas, and a lot of what I would probably post in terms of the team has already been bandied about at length by someone else. Posted one reply today just because I had a genuine laugh out of one poster’s response to someone else. No offense intended, but it called me out of my hole haha. Anyway, I get more out of this blog and comments section than I do out of the official message board. Great amount of insightful contributors on here.

  144. 144 Dave said at 3:12 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Official message board…TATE. Ah, I miss those days 10 to 15 years ago.

  145. 145 Joe Minx said at 5:22 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Trust me, you aren’t missing anything now. It hasn’t gotten any better.

  146. 146 TypicalDouche said at 3:25 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Welcome friend. Sorry for mistaking you for one of the troll’s alter egos. “EaglesGameBalls” is one person to ignore for future references.

  147. 147 A Roy said at 4:15 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If he’s been lurking, he already knows GEagle is verbose, EaglesGameBalls is a troll and you’re a TypicalDouche.

  148. 148 TypicalDouche said at 4:19 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    lol Ok so maybe Geags uses too many words at times to express what he is trying to say but there is nothing really wrong with that. Yes we all know the troll is who he is. Now yes I am TypicalDouche and can come off as one at times so I don’t know if you are saying that in a derogatory way or anything but I try not to be an asshole to the good people on this blog. I only attack the troll, which he deserves.

  149. 149 Julescat said at 4:27 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I was a bit offended when the troll started complaining about the length of someone’s post.

    you don’t have to read it. stop crapping all over somebody else’s hard work.

  150. 150 A Roy said at 4:39 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Just having fun, my friend. That should be what this is about.

  151. 151 TypicalDouche said at 4:41 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I agree pal. Sorry if I came off a little smug there, with the trolls recent exploits its hard to get a read on whether someone is purposely being a dick or not.

  152. 152 solid said at 9:03 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Yes, I am very familiar with the writing style of most of the commenters on here. It’s not all that bad. I just tend to scan until I find good discussion. Now that we have the combine, I can feed on all the overreaction to spider charts and the like. Offseason discussion is always fun, especially since we have to figure out what this “new” regime has its sights on.

  153. 153 P_P_K said at 9:11 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Remember when having 40 comments on EaglesBlog was a big discussion?

  154. 154 RC5000 said at 3:20 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Longest OL, these guys are all pretty close.

    Ht Arm Length

    Pearce Slater 6066 35 1/4
    Le’Raven Clark 6052 36 1/8
    Germain Ifedi 6056 36
    Stephane Nembot 6066 34 5/8
    Ronnie Stanley 6056 35 5/8
    Taylor Decker 6070 33 3/4
    Shon Coleman 6054 35 1/8
    John Theus 6064 34 1/2
    Jack Conklin 6056 35
    Vadal Alexander 6052 35
    Halapoulivaati Vaitai 6060 34 1/4
    Tyler Marz 6066 33 1/2
    Alex Lewis 6060 34
    Dominique Robertson 6045 36

  155. 155 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Roseman said some important things that I don’t think fans take into account enough when doing their offseason projections.
    When the RB position came up, he talked about the importance of having a good mix and balance of young players and veterans at each position and how you want to avoid a situation where you have to replace all the players at a position during the same offseason, which is a big part of the mess Chip created at RB. I still have a hard time believing all three RBs will be back this year for this exact reason, the tricky part is the RB we want to get rid of the most, is the hardest contract to get out of at this time. So im not sure what the answer is. Not having options do we just get rid of our best RB in Ryan Mathews since it’s a more manageable contract to get out of right now? This option would kind of suck, but if we know all 3 RB need to be replaced in the next two years or so, maybe getting out of the Mathews contract first ISNT a terrible idea..I know ideally we could get Murray to restructure his deal and make it a more TRADEable contact if he wants out of Philly bad enough, but taking a 13mil cap hit to get rid of him is not a realistic option IMO…. Maybe we can get some type of value from Ryan Mathews in a trade? We know we have to transition to a youth movement at RB in the near future, maybe Its a good idea to start that transition now?
    Roseman also talked about how if you want to get rid of a starter, you better have his replacement in place already and that its crucial to try and avoid losing starters without already having their replacement as much as possible, which is something I always try to stress this time of year.,.too Often this time of yeàr we look at IMMEDIATE NEEDS when it comes to our draft and free agent projections, but I think you get a more accurate picture of what the Eagles may do if you view NEEDS in terms of what you need AFTER this next season… For Example, if Fans are counting down the days Til next year when we can get out of the Maxwell contract, you can’t kick the CB NEED down to Next season. The Healthiest way to do it is to Draft the kid who we hope will replace Maxwell, Peters, Murray or whoever Next year, in THIS DRAFT! It’s important to look at NEEDS a year ahead of time as much as you possibly can. Unfortunately situations will come up where you have an Immediate NEED that has to be addressed right away for example our Starting Safety problem, but for the Most part, I think we can get a more accurate picture of what positipns the Eagles will look to address if we look at what we will NEED after this next season, ESPECIALLY when we are talking about the Draft… I assum GMs try to avoid thinking that a rookie can immediately take care of a starting Need, and more Times than not, our DRAFT NEEDS are positipns the GM expects to need in a year or two…The more we try to anticipate future needs. The better idea we will have of how our decision makers see things…
    marcus Smith is the Perfect example. Let’s put to the side whetner he pans out or busts for a second, the Eagles had the right idea when they drafted him. at the Time the Eagles had Trent Cole, BG, Barwin, and curry playing DT. But the Eagles knew that after the season Coles cap numbers would go thru the roof, and we drafted MS2 not because OLB was a NEED at the time, but because we were being smart enough to forsee future need a year or two ahead of time, if we knew we wanted to get out of the COle contract in a year or two, that becomes an immediate draft need!..we can argue if they evaluated MS2 correctly, but they were right about targeting that position when they did, even tho he would have a handful of guys ahead of him as rookie.
    If you know there are certain starters that we probably will get rid of after this season, they NEED to be Treated as IMMEDIATE DRAFT NEEDS…. It’s not 100% unavoidable, but if you get to the point where you get rid of a starter, and then have to go find his replacement, that’s as dysfunctional as it gets and its something EVERY GM tries to avoid,,
    So NEXT YEARS starting NEEDS, are THIS years draft NEEDS.. Always try to draft guys a year or two I before we have to count on them. The more we can do that, the healthier our roster wilL be

  156. 156 TypicalDouche said at 3:43 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    In regards to your RB statement, I truly believe all 3 will be on the roster this year. Pederson seen first hand last year that you cant have enough good RBs. Now if they were to cut one I don’t think there is a chance in hell that it would Ryan Mathews, I think Sproles is the more logical cut candidate. I know he is a weapon in the return game and passing game and I know Mathews is injury prone but he is the best back on this team plain and simple. Next year they can get out of Murray’s contract so he’ll be gone and Sproles is more then likely gone next year leaving Mathews as the lone back with any rookie or FA they bring in which would clear things up as far as RB wise for the future.

  157. 157 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:04 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If they cut a RB, Im sure they would draft one, or find a younger one at least… I don’t think we would get rid of one to make room for keeping Barner.
    We are going to have 3 Rbs whether we keep all 3 or not…I view Ryan Mathews as the best of the bunch at this point, but he has his flaws(durability/fumbles)..
    I think they would love to draft a RB to pair with Sproles and Mathews.. I just have a hard time seeing them work out a wAy to get out of MURRAYS contract this offseason… Im not hoping that they cut Ryan, but if they want to start the transition to the cheaper youth movement, Ryan is probably the easiest contract to get out of, and the RB that can fetch some value in return via a trade…I wouldn’t at all be surprised if all 3 Rbs are back this year, and we start making changes next offseason. But if the Eagles are just counting down the days til they can get rid of all these RBs and go yoûng, I wouldn’t crush them for getting rid of Ryan if they conclude that he is the easiest to move at this point…
    Im not sure there is any decision they can possibly make at RB That would really piss me off right now. I understand that Chip put this franchise in a Horribke position when It comes to RB, and I can’t rip Roseman if he feels that the best course of action is to ride it out with these 3 for another yeàr..
    I do Know that what Pederson was able to accomplish with 3 Rb in KC is very different than the situation he could have to juggle here. FOr starters their Main Bellcow was lost for the season, more importantly, he had yoûng, no name backups, who have so much less Ego than 3 veteran Pro Bowl type RBs,.. I don’t THNK any of our RB were happy last year with their workload, SPROLES said this much andd claims it will be a problem if we don’t get rid of one of the 3… Darren is a classy, team guy. When he says something like that publically, I cant just overlook it… Our 3 RBs were all unhappy under chip who’s goal it was To run 90 plays a game, how are they going to be happy with their workload when Pederson wants to run 20 to 10 less plays than Chip?
    Hopefully Demarco can.make things much easier and renegotiate his deal to make his contract TRADEable to the Eagles and Cowboys or whoever would take him off our hands… But if Murray thinks we are going to let him leave and taking a 13mil Cap hit, he is delusional
    I really don’t know what to expect this offseason at RB. I know what we would like to do, but im not sure that it will be possible

  158. 158 BobSmith77 said at 3:47 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    TOO MANY CAPS . . .

  159. 159 NinjaP said at 3:47 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Tommy why do you want to keep Sam? What’s the appeal in having like the 25th best QB in the NFL?

  160. 160 TypicalDouche said at 3:53 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    But but but his second half of the season 7 game stretch was magical and showed that Bradford can play at a mediocre level for a stretch!. Ok all jokes aside I totally agree with you in regards to Bradford.

  161. 161 ACViking said at 5:19 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    TD . . . Remember — you *must* respect the Sleeves:

  162. 162 TypicalDouche said at 5:24 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Those sleeves I have the upmost respect for, Bradford’s sleeves on the other hand I don’t.

  163. 163 Tumtum said at 3:59 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Viable option for right now.

  164. 164 Julescat said at 4:29 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    well, you could end up with the 26th best QB or worse.

    it’s all about the price

  165. 165 Media Mike said at 5:31 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Correct. Keeping Bradford in a deal that is team friendly and you can cut him out of as soon as the next guy is ready is key.

  166. 166 The original AG said at 3:52 PM on February 26th, 2016:

  167. 167 TypicalDouche said at 3:54 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    He is looking and is going to get LT money.

  168. 168 Tumtum said at 3:58 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I like that dude lots. Not sure I would pay him LT money.

  169. 169 TypicalDouche said at 4:00 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I hear ya Tum and I am a fan of his as well. Only thing is that being that he played LT for the final four games of the season and played at an extremely high level he is going to get that money. Hell I would consider it making him a full time LT after seeing how well he played.

  170. 170 Tumtum said at 4:04 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    All else fails you know he is capable of all-pro guard play. I just hate the idea of paying someone for 4 games.

  171. 171 TypicalDouche said at 4:07 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I definitely understand where you’re coming from. Osemele is a unique situation. He has started every position on the o-line except center, everyone already knows he is a yearly all-pro guard, but the fact that he played LT and RT and at high levels has his stock through the roof at the moment. Good for him for putting himself in such a good situation with great play.

  172. 172 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:31 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    He can literally play anywhere but Center, he wants 10mil a year and will end up getting it

  173. 173 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:31 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Allegedly he wants 10mil a year… I love that kid, but too rich for our blood this offseason

  174. 174 ACViking said at 5:17 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Raiders need a LT.

    Raiders have more cap room than the GOP.

  175. 175 TypicalDouche said at 5:21 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    lol thumbs up on the analogy, but you are right the Raiders are flushed with cap space and would be down right dumb to not make an offer to Osemele.

  176. 176 Tumtum said at 4:01 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    According to PFT the Eagles are willing to listen to offers on “unhappy Demarco”. Why would he still be unhappy? Only reason I can come up with is the presence of the other guys and the fact that they both showed they were better in Chip’s system. Chip is gone.

    I feel like this is more of Howie trying to remove the stains of Kelly. I think he is a pretty darn valuable guy for a WCO. Another move that is pretty meh, in my view.

  177. 177 BlindChow said at 4:09 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I wonder if he made enemies in the locker room with his demeanor on the sideline (and on the plane after games…).

  178. 178 Dave said at 4:21 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I wonder if Demarco realized that Matthews is a better RB than him and that he would be overshadowed and berated by fans when Ryan is breaking long runs and Demarco is stuffed for missing the hole. If Ryan Matthews wasn’t here Demarco probably wouldn’t feel unhappy. I guess he doesn’t want the Ryan Howard treatment.

  179. 179 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:18 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Darren Sproles made it clear that two of them will work well, but that we can’t keep all 3 without having some big Problems,.. I don’t think he was being selfish or talking trash, and IMO we should take him very serious,
    The problem is chip made a mess and limited our flexibility at this current moment with our RB situation. The RB we want to get rid of might be stuck in philly one more year..
    Someone speculated Murray ISNT happy because DUCE is still here, and that’s who ‘a rotations he didn’t agree with…. No idea how true that is, but Chip is gone, can’t get mad at him any more, Shurmur and the QB coaches are gone so he can’t be mad at them.. DUCE is however still here, so maybe it’s a good theory on why he still wants to leave Philly..
    Murray wamting to Leave is the headline, but I’d bet you NONE of our RBs want to be here if the Eagles don’t get rid of one of the 3…. if the,Eagles traded away Ryan Mathews tonigjht, I bet Murray changes his tune and becomes fine with remaining in Philly
    I can’t believe what a mess chip created out of one of the most devalued positions in the Pro’s… It’s amazing how Badley Chip botched the RB position, how could he make such a mess in one friggin Offseason at a position where he already had an All pro at? It’s amazing To me.
    Id love to be able to trade back and draft Zeke Elliot, but chip took that option away from us

  180. 180 ACViking said at 5:15 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Sproles’s entire career — w/ SD and NOLA — has been spent as the 3rd RB.

    With the 3rd fewest carries.

    But, once he landed in NOLA, the most receptions.

    Sproles is not the one who may be unhappy w/ a 3-back stable.

  181. 181 Joe Minx said at 5:20 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I think it’s more of Ian Rappaport being wrong about yet another thing.

  182. 182 Media Mike said at 5:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    It becomes very difficult to actually research news items when you’re too busy keeping the collective phallus of the New York Giants in your mouth at all times.

  183. 183 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If the report were true, I think there is a better chance that the Eagles would be giving Murray permission to seek a trade, instead of “the Eagles listening to trade offers”… Why would the Eagles listen to trade offers? We would give him away if a team wanted to take him off our Cap. There is nothing for us and a trade partner to talk about..
    There is no reason for teams to talk to the Eagles, it’s more realistic that teams wouldhave to negotiate with Murrays camp and get him to agree to a restructuring to get them to take him off our hands, so I don’t think there is anything for teams and the Eagles to discuss at this point which makes me question Rappaports “report”
    Makes me think that if the report was accurate we would be heating “Eagles gave Murray permission to seek a trade”, instead of what Rapport is claiming that “Eagles are listening to trades”…

  184. 184 Mac said at 6:14 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Good ole’ poptart… not good for much, but the kids like ’em.

  185. 185 RC5000 said at 4:12 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Top 10 RB Combine Notes. Much better to look at website link to ALL RBs at end with all the drills.

    1.Ezekiel Elliott -Very good 40 for size as expected 6-0, 225 4.46 40…he didn’t participate in bench press

    2.Derrick Henry – Phenomenal combine. Excellent 4.52 40 for 6-2 1/2, 247 . 37″ vertical , 10’10” broad jump, 22 reps

    3. Devontae Booker – DNP except 22 reps

    4. Alex Collins – 4.57 40 at 5-10, 217. 28.5 VL, 9-5 BJ, 18 reps. Was a pretty meh showing but he’s a good positive yardage RB.

    5. Jordan Howard- 34 vert 10-2 BJ, 6-0, 230 , 16 REPS, DNP 40.

    6. Kenneth Dixon -4.54 40 at 5-10, 215 , 37″ vl, 10-1 BJ, 18 BP.

    7. Paul Perkins – 4.52 40 at 5-10, 208…32″ VL, 10-4 BJ, 19 BP

    8. Kenyan Drake – 4.44 40 at 6-1, 210, 34.5″VL, 10-3 BJ, 10 BP. He’s been overshadowed by Henry so he may be a little under the radar. He has a lean build, he looks like a slightly thinner Ricky Watters physically.

    9.C.J. Prosise -4.46 40 at 6-0, 220, 35.5″ VL, 10-1 BJ, DNP BP

    10. Daniel Lasco – 4.44 40 at 6-0, 209, 41.5 ” VL, 11-3 BJ, 23 BP. Obvious huge combine star. Had trouble staying healthy. He’s a good player.

  186. 186 BlindChow said at 4:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Derrick Henry’s 3-cone was terrible.

  187. 187 RC5000 said at 4:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    No surprise he’s huge, he’s straight ahead runner, and he’s never been a shake and back.

  188. 188 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 6:02 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Yeah, you don’t draft that guy for shake and bake. Give him the ball and get out of the way

  189. 189 Insomniac said at 6:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    7.2 for a man his size isn’t all that bad.

  190. 190 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:46 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Missed some of the action. Is he the one who looked a lot more like a tight end?

  191. 191 Anders said at 3:47 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    He will be like Brandon Jacobs, need a head of steam to do any thing

  192. 192 Dave said at 4:16 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I’m back on the franchise Bradford bandwagon. I don’t want to go into next year with Sanchez, Foles, or Chase Daniel as the QB with a 3rd or 4th round QB being groomed to take over.

    It seems apparent the Browns will take a QB at 2.

    With Romo going through surgery for his collarbone, how can Dallas not take a QB at 4.

    Now Kaep doesn’t want to play for Chip. Not sure Chip passes up on Lynch at 7, who can be a dual threat QB.

    Don’t forget the Rams could easily leap frog us with that extra 2nd round pick if one of these QBs fall past #10.

    That leaves us sitting with a bunch of projects for the rest of the draft as our future franchise QB.

  193. 193 TypicalDouche said at 4:22 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    “With Romo going through surgery for his collarbone, how can Dallas not take a QB at 4.”…Jerry Jones believing Romo can play another 5 years is the reason they may pass. Lets hope they stick to that.

  194. 194 Dave said at 4:23 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Good news for Dallas is that if they pass on QB and Romo gets hurt early in the season again, they will probably be drafting top 5 again next year.

  195. 195 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:29 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I will die laughing if Dallas thinks they can get away with not drafting a QB in the top 100… It would be so great to see them think they can get away with not drafting a QB,or go the chip route and think drafting a guy like Barkley in the 4th will save them..
    Im hoping Dallas Drafts Bosa.. I will cry if I have to watch J Ramsey in a cowboy helmet

  196. 196 TypicalDouche said at 4:36 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I would be ecstatic if they take Bosa. One of the most overrated players coming out of college in recent years.

  197. 197 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:19 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Suped up Trent MUrphy as far as I’m concerned

  198. 198 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:26 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Wentz Big Hands vs. Goeff tiny hands..
    Wentz used to playing in the Cold vs California Goeff
    Heck when Hue looks at Wentz he probably resembles his former Ginger QB Dalton,,
    Wentz upside,intruigs me more than the rest of this rat pack of QBs, but I don’t believe he will be available at 13… And even if you get Lynch or Wentz type projects, I don’t believe they would Develope quick enoufh to put them on the field the second half of their rookie year… If WHATS best for their success is sitting on the bench for a year and a half to two years, people have to be out their damn minds to think they will be willing to watch an entire year of Daniel or Sanchez, if NOT MORE than a year, to do what’s best for the development of these young QBs…
    Having to sit thru 16-32 sundays of Chase Daniel, Mark Sanchez is a level of torture this FANBASE is full of shit if they think they will be willing to endure.
    I also think we have to be morons to pay 3 veteran RB, 9mil for Jason Peters, and give Celek a new deal if we are going with young QBs.
    If we wanted to go with a stop gap bumb and a rookie, we could have easily freed up another 10 to 20mil worth of cap space

  199. 199 Greg Richards said at 4:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    It shouldn’t be viewed in a 1-year framework. You might have to take your lumps this year to position yourself to have a better chance of getting a franchise QB in next year’s draft.

  200. 200 Dave said at 4:49 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If that is the thinking, I’d rather trade #1 this year and next year to get a franchise QB this year. At least he would have a year of development in by the end of the season.

  201. 201 Greg Richards said at 4:58 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Depends on what you think of Goff/Wentz vs. the potential QBs in next year’s draft.

  202. 202 Dave said at 5:22 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    My comment was tongue in cheek. I don’ want to trade next year’s #1 under any circumstance.

  203. 203 Media Mike said at 5:29 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    And anybody pining away for DeShaun Watson or Greg Ward in 2017 has my permission to put a gun into their own mouth and pull the trigger.

  204. 204 ACViking said at 5:04 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    That’s exactly what Belichick’s been saying . . .
    (under the alias of “D3FB”).

    But only as long as the Eagles think one of these QBs is franchise-worthy.

    I think the coach’s favorite is Goff.

  205. 205 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If they plan on letting SAM walk and replace him with a joke lIke Chase Daniel and a rookie years away from being ready to play than we should be clearing an extra 10 to 20mil worth of Cap space.
    If we are going with a rookie and a career backup, then:

    1) Jason peters has no business being paid 9 million to be Here, when we will have to get rid of him before we are ever competitive again
    2) Celek has no business being extended if SAM ISNT going to be here
    3) no point in keeping SProles here who will be gone by the time we are competing for the playoffs again
    4) Sanchez should be cut
    5) might as well also cut Ryan Mathews while we are at it..
    6) trade Barwin
    I see,no reason why we should be paying any of these,guys if we proceed with a career backup, and a rookie QB years away from beings ready..
    You either build to compete NOW. or you clean house Of all the contracts who will be gone before we are ready to compete for the playoffs.. Why would we pay more than anyone for 3 veteran RBs if we are going with Chase Daniel? At that point, might as well cut SProles, cut Ryan Mathews, replace them with cheap young Rbs, and cut Murray next offseason. You either rebuild, or you try to win the division, half and half makes no sense to me…. Then again, im not sure why the hell anyone wwould want to go full rebuild when we our roster is already more then capable of competing to win this division, and Roseman has us set up to be able to retool while trying to win the division.. To piss that away and go with Chase, just the thought infuriates me.
    If SAM ISNT coming back, they better have a plan B better than Chase… Chase should be plan X… Try to acquire Glennon, Zack metenberger, or FOLES….Chase Daniels shouldn’t even be considered as an option to be a #1 QB under any circumstance

  206. 206 ACViking said at 6:50 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If they plan on letting SAM walk . . .

    The only way the Eagles would be “letting” Bradford go is because Bradford is asking for more money than the Eagles think he’s worth.

    That means Bradford does not want to return.

    Otherwise, the Eagles would have to give him a blank check.

    Which is a pretty stupid way to run a team.

  207. 207 P_P_K said at 9:07 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I wonder just how far apart are the Eagles and
    Bradford .

  208. 208 P_P_K said at 9:06 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    “You either build to compete NOW. or you clean house Of all the contracts who will be gone before we are ready to compete for the playoffs.”
    Truth that.

  209. 209 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:44 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Regarding Kaep: Any team in NY State would be fine, with his girlfriend taking a job in NYC. She is some sort of DJ so would have the menfolk sniffing around constantly. Then, of course, who knows what Kaep thinks? His agent is fanning the flames.

  210. 210 Greg Richards said at 4:33 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Allow me to rant a bit. All these media non-geniuses keep saying that the Eagles will have a $13M dead $ hit if they trade Murray. That’s completely incorrect. Is it just one idiot that reports bad info and all the other idiots are copying him or are all the idiots just super lazy and go to a website(Over the Cap or Sportrac) and think that all they have to do is parrot whatever that website lists as the dead $ hit without placing that in context and with an understanding of the cap?

    The $13M dead $ figure is if Murray is cut. It is comprised of $4M in remaining prorated SB that would accelerate if he was either cut or traded, $7M of guaranteed 2016 salary, and $2M of guaranteed 2017 salary. If he’s traded, all that guaranteed salary would move to his new team and the Eagles’ dead $ hit would be just the $4M. Is that really that difficult? Is it really that hard for the media to understand this and make correct reports?

    Of course, getting another team to trade for Murray and his $9M of remaining guaranteed salary is no easy task but that’s a different matter. Makes you understand why Reid would give the media cliches and Chip would barely talk to them or outright lie to them. They’re morons.

  211. 211 BobSmith77 said at 4:40 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Eagles need to engage in an ‘Inception’ with Jerry Jones to make him think it would be a great idea to bring back Murray and trade a conditional ’17 3rd round pick in the process.

  212. 212 BlindChow said at 4:47 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I hope there’s at least a couple teams interested so we can get more than just a conditional 7th…

  213. 213 OldDocNewSeason said at 4:50 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I would take the conditional 7th with one-hand and use the other to gleefully give a handy to whichever GM was foolish enough to have offered it do us.

    For better or worse, we’re stuck with him unless we somehow engineer a trade for some other unwanted player on a lousy contract.

  214. 214 RC5000 said at 5:01 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I doubt teams want his contract and a huge cap hit for a RB.

  215. 215 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:18 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Agreed.. Trading his contract as is IMO ISNT realistic, so the ONLY real option to get rid of Murray is taking the 13mil Cap hit
    Think the best case scenario is finding a trade partner Murray wants to play for Bad enough to restructure his deal to make it a more TRADEable contract for the team we are trading him to… I think getting rid of Murray for 4mil instead of 13mil is ALL THE TRADE VALUE the Eagles care about in trading Murray, so I don’t think Demarco has to restructure his deal for us, he needs to restructure it enough to make a team agree to trade for him
    Getting rid of murray for 4mil NOW, instead of keeping him for a year or cutting him and eating 13mil is Plenty of trade value/Incentive for the Eagles to do the deal. I don’t think even think we would need to get any draft picks in return to do that deal… So it’s not like he has to restructure his contract for us, he just needs to restructure it enough to make it work for the team trading for him. hopefully a team he wants to play for bad enough to make him restructure is interested in him, but as is, I dont see a team trading for his contract, and what we get in return means nothing to me… Id gladly trade Murray and our 7th round pick for a teams 6th round pick.. Because getting a team to take Him off our hands brings plenty of value as is.
    It allows us to replace an expensive older RB with a cheap young rookie. It allows us to keep Ryan and SProles happy splitting carries between the two.. That’s valuabke enough to do the trade, no need to get draft picks in return..
    Hopefully a team he really wants to play for reaches out and gets him to restructure his contract enough for a team to be comfortable taking him off our hands…. easier said than done when you look at his horribke tape from last season

  216. 216 Media Mike said at 5:26 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    To me that’s worth it from the money savings end. And if we don’t trade him I hope they run him until he breaks the single season record or dies of exhaustion.

  217. 217 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:28 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Hell yeah!!!. No need to get draft Picks to make the trade worthwhile for us..
    Id trade Murray and a 7th for a 6th round pick in a heartbeat, unfortunately I would think that he would have to agree to a restructuring to make a team take him off our hands..

  218. 218 Media Mike said at 5:25 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Same dumb fucks that were anti-Bradford who kept quoting the $25 million dollar exclusive rights franchise tag when that level of tag was clearly never in play.

  219. 219 GermanEagle said at 4:55 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Anybody else having problems with igglesblitz on your iPhone lately??

  220. 220 TypicalDouche said at 4:56 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Having an iphone is your first problem, team android all day!. Jokes aside though friend sorry I cant help with that.

  221. 221 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:40 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I was having problems with Chrome since I let Samsung “update” my phone. I’m now using plain Google, not Chrome, and it seems to be better.

  222. 222 The original AG said at 10:47 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Install a different browser like Firefox or Chrome.

  223. 223 ACViking said at 5:06 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Greg Richards . . .

    Where you been? Hope everything’s okay.

  224. 224 Greg Richards said at 8:22 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I’ve been around. I posted earlier in this thread. Took a couple of days break because nothing has really been happening.

  225. 225 Nu_B said at 5:25 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Just the picks, no trades. Hope this one makes Media Mike proud.

    Your score is: 8721 (GRADE: A+)

    Round 1 Pick 13: Carson Wentz, QB, North Dakota State (A+)
    Round 3 Pick 14: Austin Johnson, DT, Penn State (A+)
    Round 3 Pick 16: Derrick Henry, RB, Alabama (A+)
    Round 4 Pick 15: Joshua Garnett, OG, Stanford (A+)
    Round 5 Pick 14: Jason Fanaika, DE, Utah (A+)
    Round 5 Pick 23: Rashard Robinson, CB, LSU (A-)
    Round 6 Pick 13: Kevin Byard, SS, Middle Tennessee (B-)
    Round 7 Pick 12: Yannick Ngakoue, OLB, Maryland (B+)
    Round 7 Pick 30: Derek Watt, FB, Wisconsin (A-)

  226. 226 ACViking said at 5:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Washington using Tag on Cousins.

    What effect, if any, does that have on Condon’s thinking about Bradford’s market price — as I suspect it has absolutely zero on Roseman’s views.

    Redskins to franchise tag QB Kirk Cousins Kempski (@JimmyKempski)

  227. 227 Media Mike said at 5:34 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Cousins would have been a target of several teams. Houston and Cleveland for sure. Also St. Louis I’d imagine.

    Unless a serious suitor comes into the picture for Bradford, I can’t imagine Howie bending an inch.

  228. 228 b3nz0z said at 5:35 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    plus i wouldn’t take anything DC does as being intelligent enough to emulate

  229. 229 Media Mike said at 5:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I don’t blame them for tagging Cousins. If they want to keep him no matter what and his agent was being unreasonable; they’re welcome to enjoy tag life.

  230. 230 anon said at 5:38 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    WAS knows he’s gotta play against that Jim Schwartz defense, won’t be as easy as it was this year.

  231. 231 anon said at 5:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    eh, they have the GM that built seattle’s SB team, he’s had a huge impact in one year. Not the same old skins.

  232. 232 Media Mike said at 5:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    San Fran

  233. 233 anon said at 5:39 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    GM for SF until 2010. Then went to SEA where he helped draft Wilson, Sherman, etc.

  234. 234 b3nz0z said at 5:39 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    give it time. the owner is still the owner

  235. 235 anon said at 5:40 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    here’s hoping.

  236. 236 b3nz0z said at 5:41 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    put it this way – how’d their two super bowl winning coach turn out just a few years back

  237. 237 P_P_K said at 9:03 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    “…I can’t imagine Howie bending an inch.”
    Especially if Pederson is seriously interested in bringing in Daniel.

  238. 238 anon said at 5:36 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    DAAAAAAAAAAAMN. Gotta mean Cousins was asking 20+ for basically one season of being good. Think it makes sense for WAS b/c it’s really a prove-it year.

    For sammy b means nothing b/c cousin’s numbers were way better than his – and they went to the playoffs. Plus they’d dicked cousins around for years making him play behind RGIII.

  239. 239 ACViking said at 5:46 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Early Spider Charts are up.

  240. 240 RC5000 said at 6:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Wow…5th rounder anyone? Or 3rd?

    Notre Dame linebacker Jaylon Smith was once considered by many to be the best defensive player entering this year’s draft, and was thought to be a potential top-10 selection. But after tearing his ACL and MCL in January, Smith’s status for the 2016 season is in question, as Dr. David Chao (formerly the Chargers’ team physician) tells Alex Marvez of FOX Sports that Smith may need a “redshirt season,” meaning he might not be available until 2017.

  241. 241 ACViking said at 6:33 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Even worse, JSmith may have suffered some nerve damage expressing itself in his ankle.

    Ligaments are one thing. Nerves — as JR Reed knows too well — are a whole other ballgame.

  242. 242 Mitchell said at 9:24 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Nerves can regrow, better than ligaments actually. The problem is time. A damaged nerve can literally take years to completely regenerate compared to a ligament, if left untreated will never heal. I guess the technology repairing nerves isnt as sophisticated as repairing ligaments. Of course it all depends on severity of nerve injury.

  243. 243 Rockedupeaglesfan said at 10:01 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Typically, at approximately 1 year, a nerve injury has reached its maximum amount of improvement. And while you are correct that *some* nerve injuries will experience more healing on their own than ligament, no one would trade a nerve injury for a ligament. Your last point hits the nail on the head, that ligament repairs are far more effective and reliable than nerve repairs or grafts.

  244. 244 Mitchell said at 10:35 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    All peripheral nerves (not CNS) will heal more than ligaments ON THEIR OWN. Ligaments have extremely limited blood supply because of their”laminated” structure, decreasing spaces for arteries. So, if there is NO intervention peripheral nerves will heal faster and to a greater degree. When ligaments are “fixed” there isn’t a great deal of natural healing, rather surgeons reattaching ligament to bone artificially. I believe nerves grow at approximately 1-5 mm a day as long as the nerve cell is intact.

  245. 245 Rockedupeaglesfan said at 10:56 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    So would you rather have a peroneal nerve injury like J Smith or an MCL sprain? I’d take the MCL. And I’ve seen many heal on their own with no intervention. So I get what you are saying about blood supply, but it’s an oversimplification of the comparison.

    Also, don’t minimize the role of healing with these ligaments or tendons that are grafted to reconstruct a ligament. It’s a crucial step to recovery.

    Intact is key. A nerve that isn’t intact is a catastrophic injury. A ligament that isn’t intact, maybe not such a big deal

  246. 246 Mitchell said at 11:33 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    A first degree will heal sure a second? yeh. Its not an oversimplification, its just how it is. The ligaments will heal AFTER intervention, its not like they are going to reattach by themselves. Nerves have that capability. A severed nerve CAN be a catastrophe or it can just be a long road to recovery. Same with ligaments, the big difference is there is more “technology” with ligament repair. Of course I would rather have the MCL sprain, or the J.S. injury but they are different degrees.

  247. 247 Rockedupeaglesfan said at 8:38 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Not true. Grade 2 MCLs heal all the time with proper care.

    You say that ligaments can’t retire some selves, will nurse can’t either, so I’m not really getting your point.

    The difference isn’t just more technology, the difference is recovery for ligaments is much faster than nerves. You are posting that ligaments have no potential to heal, that’s not true. Think about every time in NBA player rolls an ankle. They sprain ligaments in the ankle, and they’re out a few games because it heels on its own. That doesn’t happen to nerves that are stretched.

    Anyone with any knowledge of ortho surgery would take even a complete MCL tear over a peroneal nerve injury that is causing deficits like JS has. They may require surgery to get back to play, but the long term outlook is much better for the MCL

  248. 248 Mitchell said at 8:55 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    A complete tear of a ligament WILL NOT heal by itself. A complete tear of a nerve CAN heal itself.

  249. 249 Rockedupeaglesfan said at 9:46 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Please feel free to cite a source. A nerve that is not intact, like after a bad laceration or an accidental cut during surgery will not heal. It will require surgical intervention to repair it, and even after a very complex surgery, patients will often have deficits. Only very young kids(pre-puberty/still growing) have a good shot of complete recovery.

    So again, degree or not, the nerve injury is far more career threatening. And nerve healing is far more complex than you are representing.

    Per wiki:

    “Surgery can be done in case a nerve has become cut or otherwise divided. recovery of a nerve after surgical repair depends mainly on the age of the patient. Young children can recover close-to-normal nerve function.[3] In contrast, a patient over 60 years old with a cut nerve in the hand would expect to recover only protective sensation, that is, the ability to distinguish hot/cold or sharp/dull.[3] Many other factors also affect nerve recovery.[3]

  250. 250 Mitchell said at 10:22 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    You are missing my point. I never said it was a FULL recovery every time but they do regrow through Wallerian Regeneration which you can also look up on Wikipedia. And while NFL players in specific are not yoing kids they arent 60 either. Your above citation actually proves my point. I agree that the nerve injury is more career threatening and i keep agreeing with you about it and you keep arguing. The larger the distance of laceraction the less it will heal. IT all depends on the extent which I keep saying over and over. A complete nerve tear will heal more than a complete ligament tear.

  251. 251 Rockedupeaglesfan said at 12:28 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    I don’t mean to argue with you, but I think when you write healing people will equate that with a return to functionality. They are young, but the healing environment changes after kids are done growing. And an NFL needs to not only regain sensation and motor function, but also full strength. This is very rare

    I used wiki to explain what I have seen first hand. My citation refers to surgical intervention for a complete tear. This contrasts your statement that these nerves heal on their own. And again, even with surgical repair these people often have permanent deficits. .

    Your citation contradicts your statement that a nerve injury will heal any gaps caused by laceration.

    From your own article in the conclusions:

    “In addition, they cannot support growth over nerve gaps caused by mechanical injury.”

  252. 252 Mitchell said at 12:32 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    O, ok. I see what youre saying.

  253. 253 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:35 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    We wish… Even if he can’t play next year he is getting drafted in round 1

  254. 254 ACViking said at 6:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If Smith has nerve damage — as he tweeted — it’s hard to see any team spending a 1st Rd pick on him.

    Maybe not even a 2nd.

  255. 255 TypicalDouche said at 6:38 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I highly doubt it now brother. With the news coming out that he has severe nerve damage he really might plummet in the draft. Ekpre-Olomu was drafted in the 7th and Aaron Colvin went in the 4th round and those were 2 highly regarded prospects who didn’t have the severity of injury as Smith has.

  256. 256 nevadausa16 said at 6:39 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    yes. yes. but those are just facts.

  257. 257 TypicalDouche said at 6:40 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Sounds like facts might be a little misleading.

  258. 258 Insomniac said at 6:42 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    None of those guys were as highly regarded as Smith.

  259. 259 TypicalDouche said at 6:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Ok they weren’t regarded as top 5 picks but they were regarded as first round picks before their injuries so although they weren’t on Smith’s level they were very highly regarded.

  260. 260 ACViking said at 6:47 PM on February 26th, 2016:


    There’s some suggestion now that Smith’s suffering from “Drop Foot” — due to a collateral injury to the peroneal nerve (which is what JR Reed had).

    Major setback if true.

  261. 261 RC5000 said at 6:52 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    He won’t be as highly regarded any longer if this is true. He won’t go in first if it’s all true no way. The NFL draft just doesn’t work like that.

  262. 262 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:52 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I sure hope im wrong… Think it’s more likely differemt teams will view his medical situation differently

  263. 263 TypicalDouche said at 6:54 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I honestly hope we’re both wrong because I am a big fan of Smith. I really wish the kid the best because for this news to come out right before the draft is just terrible.

  264. 264 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:58 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Doubt there is a 30 team consensus on his medical situation, but I guess it’s possibe. Hope not for his sake

  265. 265 TypicalDouche said at 6:35 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    May even go undrafted with the nerve damage being terrible news. That could be degenerative.

  266. 266 ACViking said at 6:31 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Speaking of hints and hieroglyphics . . .

    Anyone want to translate what Bowen’s second-hand interpretation of what Roseman “indicated” may mean:

    Roseman indicated Eagles don't want to go into free agency not knowing what QB $$ setup is. Tagging or signing are the only ways to know…— Les Bowen (@LesBowen) February 26, 2016

  267. 267 TypicalDouche said at 6:41 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Its hard to transcribe anything Les says anymore. I really have no clue what that means, my only assumption is that Roseman possibly wants to know the QB situation asap. Just a guess.

  268. 268 ACViking said at 6:43 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Total head-scratcher.

    Not sure why media folks — including those on the Capitol Hill and White House beats — don’t ask interviewees more often:

    “So what exactly do you mean?”

  269. 269 Dave said at 7:14 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Like this…

  270. 270 anon said at 8:46 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Think Les’ isn’t a great interpretation. I’d take the statement on its face. Howie wants to know what QB situation is before FA. I think if Bradford tests, they’ll call Chase, that deal can get done quickly and Sammy B will be on his a** and we’ll draft a guy at 13.

    Bradford really has no great options so I wouldn’t hear anything Tom Condon is saying unless it looks like 3 years at 15-18/yr.

  271. 271 P_P_K said at 9:00 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Dana Bash tried last night when asking Trump about his health care plan. That was a spectacle.

  272. 272 FairOaks said at 8:37 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    And “don’t want to” is not the same thing as “will not”.

  273. 273 TypicalDouche said at 8:40 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Where do you see “will not” anywhere in there?

  274. 274 FairOaks said at 11:48 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    You don’t, which was kind of the point. Bradford will likely hit free agency despite what Bowen posted.

  275. 275 A_T_G said at 9:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I think it is pressuring Bradford. A message that if he wants to see if any pretty girls will dance with him in free agency, he might just come home to an empty house.

  276. 276 The original AG said at 10:50 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Apt description.

  277. 277 Baloophi said at 2:35 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Based upon my single life experiences, it is possible to both dance with pretty girls and still go home to an empty house. Minus the pretty girls part. And the empty house part since I always had roommates. Roommates who would eat all but one cookie from my box of Cookie Crisp. Good times.

  278. 278 A_T_G said at 8:54 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I almost used that exact metaphor, but didn’t think there was much chance of us resigning Tebow.

  279. 279 Gian GEAGLE said at 6:54 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    LOL Nkemidche said he was with Tunsil when he fell out the window… I hope Tunsil never speaks to him again

  280. 280 TypicalDouche said at 6:58 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    He also said that the drugs found in that hotel room he was in wasn’t his but no one wanted to fess up to it so he took the blame. He has Cowboys written all over him and really hope they take him and pair him with the angel Randy Gregory.

  281. 281 Gian GEAGLE said at 7:01 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    That would be so great. Didn’t he say he was drunk, not high when he fell out the window? Whatever the deal is, if he has any brain cells left he will tell the truth and not think he is smart enough to get away with lying to NFL teams with expensive Security teams who will find out almost everything about a kid..

  282. 282 Joe Minx said at 10:58 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    What a D thing to do. Also said the media has tarnished his image. Dude doesn’t get it even a little bit.

  283. 283 Howie Littlefinger said at 7:01 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Kaep could be Pedersons McNabb…

    Though personally I would pick Wentz at this point

  284. 284 Gian GEAGLE said at 7:12 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Would u really be comfortable gambling on Wentz falling to #13
    I don’t see KAp appealing to us. All his physical talemts are pretty worthless when they come with such underdeveloped Football IQ… I also doubt a former QB like Pederson would overlook the lack of leadership KAp brings to the most important leaderships.. You find out the most about a QB by how he handles adversity, and Kap Failed on so many different levels once he had to face adversity… Im sure Harbaugh could overlook his leadership flaws when he was a kid and everything was roses and unicorns for the Niners… He got paid, adversity hit, and he imploded on the field, and in the locker room…l
    See no scenario where we won’t pay SAM, but we will pay KAp..
    KAp and RG3’are untouchable as far as I’m concerned. poor football IQ, poor leadership skills, to me makes all their Physcal ability WORTHLESS!

  285. 285 Dude said at 1:34 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I’m not sure I get all the Kaep hate around here. Sure, he’s not the 2nd coming, though neither is Bradford, Foles, or the ‘Chize. He’s shown that he can play at a high level (which neither Bradford or Sanchez have, Foles debatable) and he can run (which none of the others can do). He crumbled in a bad situation, which both Foles and Sanchez have done. He has multiple playoff wins, as does Sanchez, though Sanchez’s relied heavily on the Jets’ defense. He’s proven to be pretty durable, which neither Bradford nor Foles have.

    Plus we have some, aparrently, good QB coaches this year. Could they get the relatively young Kaep back into shape? Is it worth a shot? How much would we have to give up to get him? Chip isn’t the savviest trader, and SF might be ready to move on from him. I think, at worst, he’s a lateral move from Bradford with more upside. If the price is right and Howie can get him in a team favorable contract, why not take a chance? We’re not in a good position to get a top QB in the draft and any other QB is essentially a punt.

  286. 286 Mac said at 9:51 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    So what you’re saying is that it’s not Kaeppenin’

  287. 287 anon said at 8:43 PM on February 26th, 2016:


  288. 288 RC5000 said at 7:02 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 19m19 minutes ago

    Source: The 2016 @NFL salary cap was just set at $155.27M.

  289. 289 TypicalDouche said at 7:36 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    The Eagles have more then enough money to be players in free agency. Lets hope for at least one, 2 would be a dream, starting caliber guards and a safety then the rest, mostly depth, should come from the draft.

  290. 290 Greg Richards said at 8:20 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    They have enough room but when the cap rises for the Eagles, it rises for everyone else too. More leaguewide cap room also inflates the asking price of all the free agents. It doesn’t really change the Eagles’ buying power relative to other teams.

  291. 291 TypicalDouche said at 8:25 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I completely know and understand that Greg. I was just speaking in general about the Eagles. They are teams with tons of cap room, like the Raiders, but I feel like Philadelphia, with the players already on the roster, have enough cap space to sign enough quality players that this team could be competitive next year.

  292. 292 Fufina said at 8:31 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Depends who the starting QB is. If it is Bradford they will compete for the division… but that is about it, since they will not be good enough to beat Seattle, Carolina, Packers in the play offs.

  293. 293 TypicalDouche said at 8:35 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Being competitive in the NFL starts within the division first so that was strictly what I was referring to. Honestly though whether its Bradford/Sanchez/Chase Daniels/ or a Rookie, if this team signs or acquires in general 2 starting caliber guards and one safety then this team can be competitive. I truly believe that in such a weak division that if the team has success in this draft and free agency that regardless the QB and a rookie HC that they can be in talks to win the division.

  294. 294 solid said at 9:10 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    If the report is true that the Eagles are targeting a high end safety, I get the sinking feeling they are looking at Weddle. There is and will be a lot of youth at multiple defensive positions and I think Schwartz may want to inject some more experience at key positions rather than drafting to potentially start.

  295. 295 A_T_G said at 9:38 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    But they have a leader at safety. I hope not Weddle. I am still hoping for Iloka.

  296. 296 solid said at 9:46 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    While this is true, if they had another stalwart at the other safety position, they would be free to shift Jenkins around if need be. I’m not exactly confident in our nickel position at this point in time.

  297. 297 TypicalDouche said at 10:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I want Berry, Gipson, Weddle, Iloka in that order.

  298. 298 Baloophi said at 2:54 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Campaign button:
    I Like Iloka

  299. 299 TypicalDouche said at 7:45 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Can the Eagles please take a chance on a Clemson receiver, specifically Charone Peak. After Chip forced the birds to take Huff over the likes of Martavis Bryant they need to take a chance on Peak. His career is eerily similar to Bryant’s in that he didn’t put up big numbers in college because he sat behind talented receivers. A 4th or 5th round pick on a chance on a kid that is 6’3 and 215 lbs is very much worth a late round pick.

  300. 300 Mitchell said at 9:18 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    I endorse this message although i have to watch his tape.

  301. 301 TypicalDouche said at 10:29 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Very similar to Bryant ‘s Clemson tape. Big, tall, speedsters that can adapt to the NFL.

  302. 302 Mitchell said at 10:30 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    DON’T SPOIL IT FOR ME!!!!!!!!

  303. 303 TypicalDouche said at 10:32 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Sorry pal, it’s just the tape won’t show much because he didn’t have the opportunities.

  304. 304 Mitchell said at 1:50 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I watched a bit. Looks to me like he is pretty decent at the stem of his route, with the caveat that he needs to think he is getting the ball. When its a run play he comes out of the gate so much slower that the defender, especially at the next level, will know that he is run blocking. I thought he had a good head fake and subsequently got open, he stacked the defend and caught the ball over his shoulder. Didn’t look super awkward. I believe he has some speed but at 6’2″ he has long strides. I also like the swagger he brings. Very physical player.

  305. 305 Mac said at 10:02 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Let’s hope the Eagles take a peak at Peak.

  306. 306 D3FB said at 10:33 PM on February 26th, 2016:

  307. 307 The original AG said at 10:47 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Do you like either of these guys?

  308. 308 D3FB said at 11:09 PM on February 26th, 2016:

    Adore Goff.

    Cook is Brian Hoyer, but an asshole.

  309. 309 RC5000 said at 12:37 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Why does it matter if you don’t want Cook at all?

  310. 310 D3FB said at 1:17 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    But the thing is Cook isn’t a day 3 QB. I more just found it amusing because #narrative. Cook is billed as this strong stand in the pocket QB, and everyone whines about Goff being such a twig.

    Neither one is too small is my point. 225lbs is pretty much where you want your QB to be if he’s not naturally a super thick guy. And Cook is almost 2 years older than Goff.

  311. 311 Joe Minx said at 11:08 PM on February 26th, 2016:


    “At the NFL Scouting Combine, a pro team asked Baylor T Spencer Drango to reveal his Internet browsing history.

    Drango did ultimately share his search history, noting that ‘I search a lot of food, directions, how to spell words because I’m dyslexic, things like that,’ said the 6-foot-6, 320-pounder. In addition to mentioning the weirdo search history question, he also spoke out about his dyslexia, noting that, ‘It’s different for everybody. There’s no clear-cut [way to overcome it]. Albert Einstein was dyslexic and obviously he’s way smarter than I am.’ He admitted that at times early in his football career, the disorder would cause issues in implementing
    play calls, but that’s no longer the case. Said Drango, ‘God’s blessed me with this platform that I have so if I can encourage kids and other people in my situation that have similar circumstances, it’s an outstanding opportunity to do so and I will.'”

  312. 312 A_T_G said at 12:17 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I am sure he is hoping to go to either us or the Jets in the draft, two organizations where the fans regularly spell out the team name in the cheers.

  313. 313 ICDogg said at 2:30 AM on February 27th, 2016:


  314. 314 Dominik said at 8:10 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I hope for Drangos sake that he knows the “browse private” option in modern day browsers when he’s searching for porn on the internet.

  315. 315 The original AG said at 12:02 AM on February 27th, 2016:

  316. 316 peteike said at 1:10 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Saw that on ticker. He denied it prior, get this clown away from rebuild. Too bad it will be near impossible

  317. 317 The original AG said at 1:24 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I’m a Murray fan, but I don’t like malcontents.

  318. 318 Nick C said at 1:57 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I’m really thinking the organization leaked this to gauge interest. Right when everyone has the most cap room and we could have the slightest chance of someone trading for him.

  319. 319 The original AG said at 2:12 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Good point. But I don’t like the idea of Mathews/Sproles as our RBs, which means we need to get one in rounds 1-3. I particularly not fond of a RB @13, and we have no 2nd.

  320. 320 A_T_G said at 2:18 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I hear Joseph Randle might be available…

  321. 321 The original AG said at 2:14 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    I should add I love Sproles, but not not a main back. Mathews has proven he’s injury prone, so we’d need another back. I hate Barner, and he’s not an option.

  322. 322 The original AG said at 2:19 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Can someone explain this tweet to me? Is this for real?

  323. 323 TypicalDouche said at 6:59 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Twitter beefs between guys like that always turn oit very entertaining.

  324. 324 Greg Richards said at 8:19 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    It’s for real, but no one seems to know what it’s about. I’d bet on Rapaport.

  325. 325 ICDogg said at 2:25 AM on February 27th, 2016:

  326. 326 Baloophi said at 2:44 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    This picture makes me sad: a couple of narcissistic Millennials who will never escape their sense of entitlement, and a guy in a KUIU shirt.

  327. 327 TypicalDouche said at 6:59 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    who are the guys in the photo with murray?

  328. 328 A_T_G said at 12:42 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    Good question. I thought everyone else knew. Hopefully, cap specialists from some other organization.

  329. 329 益群网 said at 3:46 AM on February 27th, 2016:


  330. 330 Bleeding Green Nation :: Eagles News: There's a Fletcher Cox reference in the new Star Wars movie - Rainy Monster said at 6:39 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    […] Some Hints – Iggles BlitzAfter watching Doug Pederson and Howie Roseman speak at the Combine, I get the feeling the Eagles will be at least somewhat active in free agency. I wasn’t sure how they would approach this offseason. The Eagles were burned by aggressive offseasons in 2011 and last year so I wondered if they might take a conservative approach. That would also keep money available for deals with Sam Bradford and Fletcher Cox. At the same time, I think there is pressure on Roseman and Pederson to do well this year. All coaches and GMs want to win, but there are times when they know developing young talent and building for the future makes sense. I think the Eagles organization feels there is enough talent that this team can compete right away (also helps playing in a less than awesome division). […]

  331. 331 Insomniac said at 9:17 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    It’s not a class of really athletic QBs this year.

  332. 332 RC5000 said at 11:53 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    There are a good number of good athletes though. There are only a few good really athletic QB …Lynch, Wentz, Hogan, Brissett, Jones, Adams. Goff is very solid athlete. Even Cook and Hackenberg aren’t total stiffs.

    Lynch and Wentz 9-10 broad jumps which is very good for QBs. Lynch had a 36″ vertical. They’re just getting to 2nd group.

  333. 333 Insomniac said at 12:03 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    They’re average athletes but not freaks. I don’t know where you’re getting these numbers from but they’re definitely not from the live feed.

  334. 334 Insomniac said at 10:50 AM on February 27th, 2016:

    Something that bothers me about Driskel. He almost always throws below the WRs chest and near their hips no shorter throws. That can allow for very easy strips for the defense.

  335. 335 RC5000 said at 1:07 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    Russell Wilson broad jump 118″ (same) and he was 204 at combine. Wilson VL was 34″. He ran faster at 4.55 40 and I imagine he’s more agile than Wentz and Lynch who are big.

    Cam had 126″ broad jump and 35″ VL but he’s one of the most athletically gifted quarterbacks in draft history.

    Mariota 36″ vertical, 121″ broad jump at 6-4, 222. He ran 4.52 40

    That’s one freak in a given year but Lynch is 6-7, 244. He isn’t as freaky as Cam but he’s better than average for sure. Wentz is pretty athletic also.

    Who are the other athletic freaks that are good? There’s Kaepernick ,RG3, Manziel but they’ve been failures. We could probably get one if you want.

  336. 336 A_T_G said at 1:43 PM on February 27th, 2016:

    Wentz is certainly not splashing any cold water on the hype. Mayock is using him as the example to point out what the other guys are doing wrong