Fletch Lives

Posted: June 13th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 115 Comments »

Anybody need to borrow a couple of bucks?

If so, you might want to hit up my pal Fletcher Cox. He’s going to have some fat pockets for the next few years (or decades). The long-awaited deal between him and the Eagles finally went down.

This caps off an outstanding offseason. All the key players who needed them got new deals. The Eagles didn’t lose any players that the team wanted kept around. I’m not saying the team made perfect moves and is headed for the Super Bowl, but it sure feels like they did what needed to be done, especially considering the resources they had to work with and which players were available.

The two biggest moves were drafting Carson Wentz and extending Cox’s deal. Wentz is all about the future. We’ll have to wait and see how that move pans out. Cox is all about the present. He is the team’s best player, apologies to my good friend Donnie Jones, and is the kind of talent you build a defense around. Cox can be a special player in Jim Schwartz’s attacking 4-3 scheme.

Take a look at PE.com’s Top 5 plays of his from 2015 and you can see some incredible ability. I can’t wait to see what Cox does now that he can attack off the ball on every play. The sky is the limit.

The Eagles handled this negotiation well. They consistently praised Cox, knowing that every positive comment would cost them another $37 (unofficial estimate). They didn’t play games with him or his agent. Howie Roseman has done a great job when it comes to getting mega-deals done with Eagles stars. He works well with agents, which helps the team and the players.

Joe Banner generally did a good job at negotiating deals, but he sometimes negotiated too well and left players and agents confused. Things would almost have an adversarial feel. The Eagles lost Jeremiah Trotter in 2002. Corey Simon left in 2005. Donte Stallworth in 2007. Brian Dawkins in 2009. Those were tense, tight negotiations that didn’t end well for the Eagles. That’s all changed since Roseman took over negotiations.

Say what you want about the Eagles, but they have been very aggressive this offseason. One of the keys is that the money was well spent. They paid stars “star money”. No Byron Maxwell’s got star money. The Eagles also put big money into young players and guys in the prime of their career. Cox should be a top flight player for the next 4 or 5 years, hopefully more.

It also feels good to be pumping that money into homegrown talent. That means you drafted well and the players have developed as hoped, or better. Remember when the Eagles struggled to find defensive talent in the draft? That seems like a long time ago when  you think about Cox, Bennie Logan, Vinny Curry, Brandon Graham, Mychal Kendricks, Jordan Hicks and Eric Rowe.

The short term outlook for the Eagles still isn’t ideal, but there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic.

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115 Comments on “Fletch Lives”

  1. 1 daveH said at 10:10 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Here is s gift:
    Gary Gulmsn on Bill gates and don trump

  2. 2 daveH said at 10:17 PM on June 13th, 2016:


  3. 3 Fletch Lives - said at 10:20 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    […] Tommy Lawlor Anybody need to borrow a couple of bucks? If so, you might want to hit up my pal Fletcher Cox. […]

  4. 4 BobSmith77 said at 10:34 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Cox got paid. I thought Roseman might drive a slightly tougher bargain but he has been like Uncle Sugar this offseason handing out contracts left and right.

  5. 5 Fufina said at 10:44 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Deal is actually pretty good for the birds, with a lot of the guarantee not real true guaranteed $$, and the cash flow is pretty good in the first 3 years. Gets expensive to keep Cox in years 4-5-6 of the deal but either he will be worth the money at that point or the Eagles will be in a situation to move on.

  6. 6 BobSmith77 said at 10:52 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    I didn’t think it was a bad deal from the initial details disclosed as you highlighted. Just was a question whether they would give him at least $60M+ guaranteed and make that kind of investment in a DT.

    This team last year had kind of an odd allocation of their salary cap especially at RB. This year it will be the same with the dollars they have allocated at QB, S, and DT now.

  7. 7 wee2424 said at 11:37 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Which is a much better way to allocate a teams funds.

  8. 8 wee2424 said at 11:33 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    The Curry deal reflects projected production which isn’t exactly ideal, but it may very well be justified with what it seems his production may be this upcoming year. We probably had to pay him that or lose him to another 4-3 team looking for a good pass rusher.

    Keep in mind the cap is going up. You have to look at contracts with an adjusted view towards the rising cap.

  9. 9 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:23 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    As if This money wasn’t going to get spent either way the next two years whether we paid Cox or not.
    It’s a pleasure to give these types of lucrative deals to deserving players that we drafted. Nothing worse than not being able to retain quality Talemt that we drafted

  10. 10 Mark F said at 11:14 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    kudos for Cox and pleasure in the same reply

  11. 11 scratcherk said at 11:37 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Mama, there go that man.

  12. 12 P_P_K said at 11:43 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Both the Eaglea and Fletcher handled the whole period of negotiations in a professional manner. Never a whiff of bs. All too rare.

  13. 13 wee2424 said at 11:46 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Shame. I was really looking forward to seeing him do crunches on his front lawn.

  14. 14 Susanhparr1 said at 11:50 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    <"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tv649x
    two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here

  15. 15 wee2424 said at 11:51 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    Ahhhhhhhh! Nobody clicks on your shit!!!

    It sucks when you go to see the reply to your comment and its this crap.

  16. 16 TommyLawlor said at 12:15 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    I think I just banned “her”. I’ll keep an eye out for this spam.

  17. 17 A_T_G said at 12:20 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Wait, Monica isn’t part of your in-home LASIK? Then what did she have me send her scans of my credit card for?

  18. 18 Baloophi said at 1:59 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    I thought she the one guaranteeing that Maclin would re-sign with the Eagles?

  19. 19 TommyLawlor said at 7:56 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    @ ATG, your CC info is safe with me and Monica…as far as you know.

  20. 20 Mark F said at 11:15 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    I always hit report the moment I see this invasive crap…

  21. 21 wee2424 said at 7:54 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    They are like cockroaches Tommy. They never die.

  22. 22 P_P_K said at 11:58 PM on June 13th, 2016:

    A guy like Fletch doesn’t need a six-pack. He’s got a whole keg.

  23. 23 wee2424 said at 7:52 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I just really wanted to see a shirtless fat man named Cox do crunches.

  24. 24 P_P_K said at 8:24 AM on June 15th, 2016:

    I think there’s some web sites for that sort of thing.

  25. 25 Greg Tulino said at 12:36 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Let’s jump to next offseason for a moment since everyone thinks our roster is “shit” and we are the worst team in this bad division. ( Personally I believe we could make a run to win the division and maybe a home game in the playoffs, but all the so called pundits think this roster is crap and we are destined for a 6-7 win season.)

    Lacking a 1st round pick in 2017 draft I am hoping Sam Bradford plays well this season and we can turn that into an extra 2nd round pick in 2017 after we trade him.

    I believe we will have the money to sign a true #1 WR in Free agency and get another starter at LB. These are certainly areas where we are considered weak this season. No real deep threat go to WR that demands extra attention in coverage. We are also lacking LB depth and our starters all have injury history’s so if any of them get injured we are in trouble at that position.

    Another area the “experts” state we are weak is at RB. Well next year’s RB’s class seems like it will be loaded with talent and we will be in a good spot to draft a potential stud at RB. We will also likely need to draft a potential replacement at RT assuming Lane Johnson moves to LT and Jason Peters gets released.

    I recognize it will take another off-season with some smart free agency spending and a good draft class to get this roster to a point where we can be considered true contenders in the NFC.

    I am still really looking forward to this season to learn about Doug Pederson as a HC and to see how good our defense can be. Say whatever you like, but I also want to see us be as competitive as possible and will be rooting my ass off to see this team win and compete this year even though we will likely need another strong offseason to be in a position to play for a championship.

  26. 26 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:16 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    doubt that we overpay for some free agent #1 WR

  27. 27 Greg Tulino said at 1:19 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I believe the team is giving the young core ( Jordan,Josh and Nelson) another year to prove their worth, but its possible that Huff is cut after this year and that Nelson is not much better than what he showed in year one. If that’s the case I definitely would expect the team would go after a legit #1 WR in FA. We will see how it plays out. Hopefully all of our WR’s progress and that is not an area of immediate need next year, but does our current WR core really scare any defenses? IMHO the answer is no so I think the team will need to address that next offseason.

  28. 28 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:42 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I agree, only I think if they do decide that we need more help at WR, they will opt to invest more draft picks into the position, rather than go free agent shopping for #1’Wrs.
    realistically, a young QB like Carson Wentz needs to spend 4 or 5 years in this west coast offense before he grows enough to be ready to carry a team to Contender status… Knowing that it will take Wemtz 4 or 5 years, there is no point in paying 70million to some other teams WR in the next two Offseasons. We could draft two more WRs and groom them in time for when wemtz is ready to carry a team to contender status
    Invest Big Money in DT, DE, QB, LT, CB, with the safety position getting more IMPORTAMT each year, WR is NOT one of the crucial positions, lol heck even Jordan Mathews said that “everyone knows you don’t need some 80 million dollar WR, Im a WR and even I know that”…
    If and When we pay big money to a WR, it should be for a WR that we drafted and developed

  29. 29 Greg Tulino said at 2:08 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I agree with the premise of spending big at the positions you eluded to above. The team has gone back to that approach under the new regime.

    Depending on how the WR core plays this year will ultimately determine how aggressive the approach will be to upgrade the position. If we can do that via the draft then that’s great. I do feel we will work to upgrade this area in the offseason. Hopefully that can be accomplished in a manner which does not involve over spending in free agency.

    I also agree with you that it generally takes 4 or so seasons for a QB to master the WCO. Let’s hope that Wentz learning curve is better than that with Chase, QB coach, off coord, and head coach all helping to get him up to speed. Other rookie QB’s have led their teams deep into the playoffs early in their careers as well. If our defense eventually turns into a top 10 D with an above average O-line Carson might be ready to lead us deep into the playoffs sooner than expected.

  30. 30 Sean Stott said at 12:10 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I don’t see anyone out there saying the roster is crap. It’s just the first year in a new system so you could temper expectations, but most of the talent, save a good WR, is there.

  31. 31 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:12 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I see plenty of people claiming that we have the worst roster in the division which Couldnt be further from the truth

  32. 32 Greg Tulino said at 1:15 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    That is what I was referring to. Several beat writers, national experts saying our roster is not that good and worst in the division. Of course we recognize that we have areas of need and you can’t fix everything in one off-season. Very few people giving us a chance to be 8-8 or better and compete to win the division.

  33. 33 BobSmith77 said at 12:40 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    If this team wins 10 or 11 games, clinches the NFC East, and gets a home playoff game in the first round then Pederson will be in the running for coach of the year.

    6-8 wins sounds about right and if they get an injury to Bradford that forces Daniel to get multiple starts then push it down to 4-5.

  34. 34 ChoTime said at 1:08 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    It’s like you agree with it, but somehow blaming the talking heads for saying it? Have a take, but can the passive-aggressive stuff. The team _does_ have question marks on its roster, and it played so bad last year it got its coach fired.

  35. 35 bill said at 3:00 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    “played so bad last year it got its coach fired.”

    Hmmm. Not sure I can agree with that characterization. I think the firing had a lot more to do with off-the-field stuff, “family atmosphere,” political machinations, denials of accountability, and plain-old personality conflicts. Undeniably, they didn’t play well enough during the season, but it wasn’t an “Andy Reid’s last season” level disaster, not even really close. Compare Chip’s first three seasons with Pete Carrol’s in Seattle, because I have a feeling that Lurie was aware of the timeframe needed for a dramatic transformation of the roster. I think if Chip wouldn’t have evaded accountability for his personnel decisions – “I’m not the GM!” – he would’ve been given a chance to right the ship this year.

  36. 36 Dan in Philly said at 6:24 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Tommy, I remember how much you wanted the Eagles to draft Fletch with your “Bring me the head of Fletcher Cox” article (long time reader). Would you say he might be the best Eagles DL since you know who?

  37. 37 TommyLawlor said at 7:55 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    You just gave me a good idea for an article. I’ll need some time to put this together, but I’ll rank Eagles DL of the past 25 years.

    #1 is obviously Derek Landri.

  38. 38 A Roy said at 12:16 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Unfortunately, the bottom 25 list would be a lot longer than the top 25.

  39. 39 Mac said at 1:35 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    That sounds like some kind of crazy Philadelphia style math.

  40. 40 A_T_G said at 1:37 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Wouldn’t they both be about 25 long?

  41. 41 Jernst said at 2:22 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    give or take…haha

  42. 42 A Roy said at 9:43 PM on June 17th, 2016:

    Just saw your response. My line was a tongue in cheek comment about the number of good ones versus the number of bad ones.

  43. 43 MAR2691 said at 12:16 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    #2 Trevor Laws
    #3 Vic Abiamiri
    #4 Mamula

  44. 44 BobSmith77 said at 12:36 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Given it is the doldrums of the season before camp starts, I’d love to see your Top 10 list of Eagles’ DL the past 25 years. White is #1 but I would be curious to see where you rank others.

    Simmons would obviously be up pretty high. Ditto Douglas.

    William Fuller should be up there too. Dude was a stud here who almost always get overlooked. Always amazed at how he was able to consistently fight through double teams and just how strong he was. Easily would be one of the top FA the Eagles ever signed too.

    Andy Harmon would likely get overlooked by any fans under 35 but he was a solid/very good starter for years. He would probably be on my list or very close to it.

    I wouldn’t put Kearse on it. Overrated here, never had the same explosiveness after the knee injury, and always seemed to be dealing with nagging injuries to his lower body while he was here.

  45. 45 Jernst said at 2:21 PM on June 14th, 2016:


  46. 46 Cafone said at 4:48 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    You don’t have to do them all. Just compile a list until you get to Jason Babin then stop one before that.

  47. 47 ChoTime said at 1:08 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I still think of that title, too. The best and rarest things are those that stick with us for years.

  48. 48 Ark87 said at 7:33 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Fletch, I don’t want your money, just a favor. Please don’t take the team to the strip club with your new-found fortune to celebrate.

  49. 49 Corry said at 7:37 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Donnie Jones, you reading this? No more strip clubs for the boys. Please pass the word on.

  50. 50 MattE said at 8:54 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Donnie Jones doesn’t go to stripclubs…. he owns them. (i’m feeling the Chuck Norris style jokes/references coming on for Donnie boy).

  51. 51 BobSmith77 said at 12:28 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Good luck trying to enforce that ban.

  52. 52 Corry said at 1:25 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    If anyone can do it, Donnie can.

  53. 53 MattE said at 8:52 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    …..especially Cheerleaders (ya know the one where Agoholor got extorted haha)….speaking of which, if a stripper has not tried to extort you for more money at ANY strip-club, than you really haven’t experienced a strip-club IMO.

  54. 54 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:14 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    I got a kick out of Richie Incognito congratulating Cox on his new Deal, tweeting that Cox is worth every penny.
    Next up, the bennie Logan extension

  55. 55 eagleyankfan said at 8:43 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Cox Jersey ordered. Hoping to break the trend of me buying a jersey and losing that player or having them suck(white/Vick/5/DJ/Asante/Namdi/Bradley)….

  56. 56 P_P_K said at 10:35 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    If something happens to Fletch we’ll know it’s your fault.

  57. 57 BobSmith77 said at 12:38 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    You bought a Nnamdi jersey?

  58. 58 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:10 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I bought a Kiko jersey smh….. It’s going to become one of my Dogs Gameday jerseys now

  59. 59 A_T_G said at 1:35 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    The neighbors will call the SPCA, and with valid reason.

  60. 60 Mac said at 1:36 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Make sure you take the name plate off before you give it to your dog.

  61. 61 eagleyankfan said at 3:23 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I am ashamed…

  62. 62 The original AG said at 6:48 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    So if he has a bad season, we know who to blame.

  63. 63 dval437 said at 9:08 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    “Finding defensive talent in the draft” and then listing Curry, Graham, Kendricks, and Rowe (2nd – missed Wilson, 1st – missed you know who, 2nd – missed Wagner, and 2nd – missed we shall see) is somewhat overrating or premature for these players and should not be in the same sentence as Cox, Logan and Hicks.

  64. 64 D3FB said at 9:14 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Guys, Mickey Loomis isn’t the GM. The cap is exploding. We have a ton of money coming off the books next year. We paid a 25 year old stud alot of money. But it in no way effects our financial ability moving forward. Stop hand wringing. We’re in good shape with almost all of the young core locked up.

  65. 65 RogerPodacter said at 9:41 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    what sort of money do we have coming off the books next year?
    i assume bradford is the big one, dropping him probably pays for Cox next year on its own. Are there other big ones i’m not thinking about?

  66. 66 Nick C said at 9:53 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Bradford and/or Chase Daniel, Peters, Barwin?, Graham?, Kendricks?, Ryan Mathews, Marcus Smith.

  67. 67 RogerPodacter said at 11:13 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    nice. thanks!

  68. 68 D3FB said at 12:13 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Bradford, Peters, Sproles alone is over 30 mil. Barwin would be almost 8 mil. Mathews would be 4 mil.

  69. 69 Ark87 said at 9:43 AM on June 14th, 2016:

    Great points, but I haven’t seen all that much negativity around here, or are we nipping this one in the bud?

  70. 70 D3FB said at 12:15 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Little bit of well JJ Watt hasn’t overcome shit QB by himself, the Bucs and Dolphins both have expensive DTs and are shit therefore casuality type stuff came up yesterday.

  71. 71 Ark87 said at 1:17 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Ah, It’s an interesting discussion for the offseason. I think the deal matches the market well enough, and love that we have Fletch around for a long time. But always valid to wonder if the market is wrong. Like take Reggie White and the incredible cast that shared that DL with him, and the rest of the D, a Brilliant defensI’ve mind. And it didn’t add up to even a playoff win. Or you could take the Flacco angle. Ravens could afford to be a good enough team to win a superbowl before his contract, after it is questionable. He’s a Franchise qb so the market rewarded him handsomely, but did that in term sabotage the team?

    Lastly, I just want to reaffirm that I love that we extended Fletch, but the discussion is harmless.

    I think establishing our stars and keeping them around is an essential step 1. Step 2 to is getting an edge through a strong draft or 2 to have a bunch of contributers on rookie deals. While we don’t have a bunch picks anymore, the big one will be Wentz giving us some franchise level seasons on his rookie deal. Then step 3 will be good old fashioned luck. Fact is that no one has good odds of winning the Superbowl, no matter how good you are. Just the nature of being 1 of 32 teams.

  72. 72 BlindChow said at 2:08 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I think assessing the merits of current DT value is completely fair. Some people don’t understand that just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should.

    I don’t know whether this will be end up being a great deal for the Eagles or not. It’s worth discussing, because that’s Impact Player money, so you should be getting an Impact Player.

    It’s perfectly valid to point to other situations where teams spent big bucks on a player in the same position and had little to show for it. That isn’t to say it can’t happen here, but there’s certainly no need to be defensive when someone points it out.

  73. 73 Ark87 said at 2:51 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, market put you in a tough spot. Basically you have to be in the ballpark of the highest bidder (hypothetical bidder in the case of extensions), not the average bid (likely to be closer to true value). So you get the fun choice, become a worse team by losing your top player, or give up the Cap space, which you have to decide the odds of getting more impact with that money via future extensions/impact FA signings. Tough choice to make with no clear answers, makes for good discussions

  74. 74 peteike said at 2:13 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    easy formula, draft more Fletcher Coxs and less Marcus Smiths

  75. 75 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:38 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    MS2 may start to change that bust label this year

  76. 76 peteike said at 2:46 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I am hoping so, just who popped in my head for my bad joke

  77. 77 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:52 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    I feel you. MS2 is certainly a lot closer DANNY Watkins than he is to Cox right now. Hopefully that will begin to change and the kid can end up working his way onto that Late bloomer brandon Graham path. VINNY Curry, BG required Patience from fans and eventually were able to earn a second contract with the team. Hopefully MS2 can be next in line. BG and Barwins eagle career will be coming to an end close to the time when we would have to extend Marcus…. Hopefully he earns it
    It would he another middle fingers up to Chip if Marcus can start to produce

  78. 78 P_P_K said at 4:05 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Hire more Jim Schwartz and less Bill Davis.

  79. 79 peteike said at 1:08 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    to add to this, how many years was this team the salary cap champions of the league or well under the cap. Im fine with the team spending and there is plenty coming off the books. Whats far worse is letting an all pro guy you drafted walk. Whats the point of drafting well if you cant keep your investments.

  80. 80 ChoTime said at 1:10 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    They were salary cap champions and going deep into the playoffs during the same period, so I’m not going to hold it against them.

  81. 81 peteike said at 1:42 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    not that entire time, when they brought in TO and Kearse they were spending

    edit: then TO in his driveway happened lol

  82. 82 Bert's Bells said at 2:13 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, too bad they weren’t going deep into the playoffs before those signings.

  83. 83 peteike said at 2:14 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    then the signings got them over the hump and then well, not far enough

  84. 84 Bert's Bells said at 2:18 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Except the Eagles won the NFCCG without Owens. Kearse played well enough, but wasn’t really the difference maker (Hollis Thomas though).

    So I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

    Teams win in the post season and keep themselves in good cap position every year -including the Andy Reid Eagles.

  85. 85 peteike said at 2:22 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Sometimes spending works, sometimes it doesnt, not really trying to prove that point either way. You can back up that argument on both sides. I just recall fondly many years of fans complaining about Thrash and Pinkston not being enough and always being under the cap through some lean years also hence the original salary cap champions comment

  86. 86 Bert's Bells said at 2:29 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, I don’t think anybody will disagree with that.

    In fairness they did try to address WR through the draft. They just made a whole bunch of terrible picks.

  87. 87 Kimberleycross said at 12:30 AM on June 15th, 2016:

    <"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tu202x
    two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here

  88. 88 Glendadhaskins3 said at 1:05 AM on June 17th, 2016:

    <"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tp218n:
    two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here

  89. 89 Insomniac said at 6:43 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Those millions should have been spent on the fans!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait..

  90. 90 FairOaks said at 8:14 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    We don’t really need salary to come off next year. Cox’ cap hit do 2017 is under 10 million, likely less than the franchise number tag we were going to pay. 2018 is a 18 million cap number that we will likely need to do. 2019 is a 22 mil cap number which will probably force a renegotiation unless the cap really explodes. So this is probably a 3 year contract really. And likely less than the 5th year option plus two franchise tags which many were ok with.

  91. 91 ChoTime said at 10:47 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Good job, you just won an argument against no one.

  92. 92 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:08 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    It blows my mind to see fans complain about the cox extension… As if these Cap nerds have a fraction of the cap understanding that Roseman has?,,, we have a GM who is an absolute STUD when it comes to cap management, As long as Roseman is in charge, the cap is literally the last thing Eagle fans should be worried about
    Enjoy the fact that we retained one of the best young player in the NFL
    Once other players sigń extensions in the next 2-3 years, Cox contract will start to look like a bargain
    We have all types of money coming off the books in the next few years, most of which will probably be replaced by some rookie contracts
    The Texans are able to pay Watt a ton and give Big Money to Brockweiler. We paid cox over a time frame that we will have a QB on a cheap Rookie contract.
    This is a time to Celebrate, no reason why anyone should be less than thrilled by the cox extension… THE GOAL is to DRAFT Cox type studs who go on to command this type of money. Drafting and Extending Cox is a Major success

  93. 93 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:27 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Curious to see Leodis MCKelvin in action…. PFF practically crucified him last year giving him negative grades across the board. Hopefully he can stay healthy and prove to be closer to player that is impressing coaches, teammates and media at OTAs than the player PFF graded out very poorly
    Really anxious to find out if JaCorey Shepard is as talented/promising as the chip kelly regime thought. We retained Undlin who I assume saw what Chip kelly saw in JaCorey last year, so hopefully the kid is legit and comes back strong from this injury
    Will Jalen Mills continue to impress when the pads come on in training camp/preseason?
    How much better can Nolan Carroll be now that he has a year or experience starting on the outside under his belt?
    Rowe seems like the type of corner that is at a disadvantage in OTAs not being able to press and play Physical. How much better will he look at training camp when he can put his hands on WRs and get Physical?
    is Ron Brooks more than just a quality Special teams Addition?
    Is there another yoûng corner like Rice who can usurp one of these guys roster spots? Realistically I would think that Denzel Rice needs to take JaCoreys roster spot to make this team

    Any chance someone makes the roster at Safety other than Jenkins, McLeod, Ed Reynolds, Maragos and Blake Countess?
    Pederson BETTER find roster spots for Maragos and Braman

  94. 94 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:35 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Darren McFadden broke his elbow, out for two months
    DISGUSTING!! The ridiculuos Baylor Boosters are trying to bring Art Briles back as HC after a one year suspension. reinstating Briles for the 2017 season, will once again prove that these disgusting Adults, DONT GET IT, comtinuing to put football above everything else….. If Baylor reinstates Briles it’s going to be a disaster

  95. 95 peteike said at 1:45 PM on June 14th, 2016:


  96. 96 Jernst said at 2:28 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Details of the deal:


  97. 97 Jernst said at 2:34 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Basically a 4 year extension with cap hits of $6M, $9M, $18M, $22M, with three team option years where he can be cut for substantial savings at cap numbers of $20M, $17M and $17M from 2020-2022.

    So, essentially, if Fletcher Cox continues to be a beast in his year 25 and 26 seasons, we have him at a severely discounted price. If he’s still one of the best DTs in the league in his year 27 and 28 seasons we have him locked up for those years at what is current (2016) market value (might be discount at that future point if the cap continues to rise as expected) and if he’s still a beast in his years 29, 30 and 31 seasons we’ll have him at what projects to be a substantial discount with ability to cut/trade him at any point after 2019 for a bunch of cap relief if he declines at all.

    Overall, not a bad contract for a true stud player like Cox!

  98. 98 Jernst said at 2:44 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    By comparison, here is the cap numbers for Olivier Vernon that the Giants will be paying over the next few years: cap numbers the next five years will be $13M, $16M, $17M, $19.5M, and $19.5M. Ewwww.

    I’ll take Cox at $6M, $9M, $18M, $22M, $20M any day.

  99. 99 peteike said at 2:45 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    excellent breakdown, thanks

  100. 100 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:28 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    It’s amazing to see how most of the highest paid DTs in NFL history have played under Jim Schwartz, Schwartz defense helped many of those players get their insane contracts being featured in his attacking 4-3
    Cox managed to turn himself into a super expensive DT having not played for schwartz yet, and got to this level by dominating in schemes that weren’t best suited for his talent under Coordinators Like Juan Castillio, billy Davis.. WTF is Cox going to look like in a scheme tailor made to excentuate his Talents, and a DC who is going to unleash him like we never seen before?
    Cox got to this Haynsworth, Suh, Marcel Dareus level without Schwartz and his 4-3 attacking scheme, I have little doubt that we are about to see him reach new heights.
    Cox doesn’t turn 26 until the end of the season, im convinced we are going to see a 25 year old who’s performance is going to put him on the map for a defensive player of the year Candidate, and he will do it in yeàr 1 with his new defensive coordinator. Scary to think what he will look like at the age of 26, after cox and schwartz have a Yeàr of experience working together under their belts
    I want to see Cox and Schwartz completely wreck opposing QBs this yeàr. Eli already has nightmares of Cox and that Doufus GM did NOTHING to improve an OL that is primarily responsible for the Giants being dominated by the Eagles over the last 8-10 games.
    I don’t see how at this stage, Romo’s body can possibly withstand cox slamming him into the ground and bring his entire body weight crashing down on Romos Back/Rib/collarbone area. I know schwartz DOESNT get Carried away with Blitzing, but when we play Dallas, I hope to see schwartz send hicks blitzing behind Cox all game long… With Kendricks, Hicks, Malcolm Jenkins, Rodney Mcleod, Schwartz has some very capable blitzers to play with and send after QBs, especially when we blitz behind twists and stunts from our DL
    We need to put an end to the Cousins hype and stop the mini winning streak the skins are trying to build on against us
    With 3 starting linebackers who are all solid at blitzing and Capable in coverage, we might as well Green Dog blitz all season long. Everytime an opponent keeps a RB in to block, send a LB on a delayed Blitz to eliminate the extra man advantage trying to block our DL

  101. 101 Tdoteaglefan said at 9:17 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    So happy we locked him up before the world is able to witness the havoc that hes gonna create this year in this scheme. His price wouldve gone up exponentially of we had to pay him after this upcoming season

  102. 102 Rellihcs said at 2:50 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Can some capologist out there crunch the #s on this for me?

    Which is greater?

    # of dollars Fletcher Cox will earn in his career (contracts so far including the new one)


    # of sentences posted on this blog by Gian GEAGLE per week on average?

  103. 103 the DONALD said at 2:51 PM on June 14th, 2016:


  104. 104 Bert's Bells said at 2:52 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    If he doesn’t use punctuation do they count as sentences?

  105. 105 RogerPodacter said at 3:20 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    how about you compare the number of typos or random words in caps instead? less debate about what counts as a ‘sentence’

  106. 106 ChoTime said at 10:45 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Well, I appreciate humor that never gets old, like the Iverson practice quote, but consider that putting to put together 1M words (let alone sentences), would require one to write 2,379 words a day for a year. The reason this pricked my interest is that I write for a hobby, and there’s a general rule that you don’t write anything publishable before you’ve put down about 1M words of trash. For our most voluble poster to write 102,000,000 sentences a week–and I don’t mean just do it once, actually average that, would require him to write &)*)&$!!#$# shit… keyboard..breaking… down… must… hit… escape… button…

  107. 107 Rellihcs said at 3:43 AM on June 15th, 2016:


  108. 108 eagleyankfan said at 3:55 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    http://dal.247sports.com/Bolt/Darren-McFadden-breaks-elbow-undergoes-surgery-45800750 not sure why this news makes me smile a bit

  109. 109 P_P_K said at 4:03 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    You might be smiling because you are cognizant of one of the few, unassailable, consistent truths in the world: Cowboys Suck.

  110. 110 Cafone said at 4:41 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    One more reason to run Elliot into an early retirement this season.

  111. 111 P_P_K said at 8:23 AM on June 15th, 2016:

    The kid will be expexted to carry their Offense.

  112. 112 Cafone said at 4:38 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Take that Denver! That’s what you get for not offering a 1st rounder for Bradford you cheap bastards. Enjoy Paxton Lynch and a Von Miller holdout.

  113. 113 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:00 PM on June 14th, 2016:

    Just seeing this news now. Yay! Yay! Yay!

  114. 114 Kimberleycross said at 12:30 AM on June 15th, 2016:

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  115. 115 Ben said at 11:52 PM on June 16th, 2016:
