Initial Cuts Are In

Posted: September 3rd, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 358 Comments »

Here we go.

For now, here is your roster.

QB – 2 – Wentz, Daniel

RB – 4 – Mathews, Sproles, Barner, Smallwood

WR – 5 – Matthews, Agholor, Huff, DGB, Turner

TE – 3 – Celek, Ertz, Burton

OL – 11 – Peters, Barbre, Kelce, Brooks, Johnson, Seumalo, Tobin, Wiz, Andrews, Gordon, Vaitai

DE – 6 – Curry, Graham, Barwin, Smith, Means, Braman

DT – 5 – Cox, Logan, Allen, Hart, Vaeao

LB – 4 – Kendricks, Bradham, Hicks, Tulloch

S – 4 – Jenkins, McLeod, Watkins, Maragos

CB – 6 – McKelvin, Carroll, Brooks, Rowe, Smith, Mills

ST – 3 – Jones, Sturgis, Dorenbos

They kept a lot of O-linemen. They went light at LB. Paul Turner made it. Rowe is still part of the team. Those are you headlines.

Obviously the Eagles can’t go with just 4 LBs. They will add someone. One target could be…Najee Goode. Howie Roseman mentioned that things could change in the next couple of days when asked about Goode. My guess is that the Eagles told him they’d like to bring him back. They felt they could cut him and that a backup 4-3 OLB wouldn’t be coveted by other teams.

The Eagles are likely shopping some players at positions where they are heavy. Could be trying to trade Eric Rowe or a DE or maybe some other player. There are 31 other teams trying to build a roster. This is a very fluid time in the NFL world. Nothing is set in stone.

This will not be the Eagles final roster. They will add a LB and could make other moves. I’m still guessing something happens with Rowe. I don’t think Paul Turner should rent a place quite yet. There could be a better WR or two that hits the market.

I’ll be scanning the cuts list to see if there are any players I want. No one jumps out at me so far. The Ravens cut LB Arthur Brown, who I loved coming out of college, but when a LB fails in Baltimore, that’s not a good sign. Goode has actually been a better player than him to this point.

There are a couple of big names on the market. RB Justin Forsett got cut by the Ravens. He would be an interesting addition to the rotation, but that would only work if you could IR Wendell Smallwood, which isn’t likely to happen. The Eagles like Mathews and Sproles. They like Barner as a backup RB and STer. Why add a RB who is about to turn 31?

Sitton is a surprise cut. No one is sure what the Packers are thinking there. He would be an upgrade at LG. I don’t expect the Eagles to pursue him. They want Seumalo on the field in the future. You don’t go sign Sitton for one year with a roster built like this. The Eagles are a young team right now.

Talent and fit are important. The Eagles want the best players, but they have to fit what is going on now and into the future.

Stay tuned.


358 Comments on “Initial Cuts Are In”

  1. 1 Initial Cuts Are In - said at 5:09 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    […] Tommy Lawlor Here we go. ROSTER MOVES: #Eagles have released 21 players to trim roster to 53. […]

  2. 2 Jarock said at 5:11 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Cutting Goode and attempting to trade Rowe or Hart makes some sense I guess. Risky, but Chip might try to talk Baalke into it and getting anything back for either guy would be a positive.

    Hope they have something in the works and either resign Goode or another linebacker quick. Going with just Bradham and Kendricks on the outside even for a day or two makes me very nervous.

  3. 3 Greg Richards said at 5:38 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    We’ll have 5 LBs by gameday. Either a waiver claim, a veteran FA, or Goode is re-signed.

  4. 4 xeynon said at 5:48 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’d say Chip would probably be willing to gives us a couple of first rounders for Rowe + Hart. If we tell him that one of them has a balky knee and has lost his lateral mobility he might even throw in Carlos Hyde.

  5. 5 Iggles Nation said at 9:23 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Throw in his boy Huff too. If he had full power, it would already be done. Do you think they’ve started on Howie’s statue yet? Dude deserves a ton of credit and clout for this off season. Pay dat man his respect

  6. 6 bdbd20 said at 5:52 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Gotta think Rowe ends up in Indy. Star QB in his prime. Big need at CB. Not sure what we could get back, but a conditional 4th would be nice.

  7. 7 Media Mike said at 6:29 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Grigson is a fool, so probably more than you’d get from another team.

    Slim pickings in the Colts LB corps and we already know their O-line sucks. So I’d want a pick, not a player.

  8. 8 D3FB said at 7:05 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Haeg plus something.

  9. 9 Media Mike said at 7:18 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I forgot they drafted your boy. That would be a quality addition.

  10. 10 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:11 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Im Assuming the Niners will try and pick up JaCorey Sheppard, unless Baalke doesmt at all care what chip wamts

  11. 11 John Galt said at 5:11 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    a little surprised Josh Andrews didn’t get cut. Feels like the one to go if we add someone

  12. 12 Jarock said at 5:12 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Still surprised he beat Greene. Not a fan of that move.

  13. 13 FairOaks said at 8:18 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Might be the guy to go when Johnson comes back off suspension.

  14. 14 Dave said at 5:23 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I would just like to thank Howie Roseman and the Philadelphia Eagles for ruining my plans to do yard work all day.

  15. 15 GermanEagle said at 5:37 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Such a shame we cannot IR Smallwood. Would love to sign Ronnie Hillmann!

  16. 16 Media Mike said at 6:27 PM on September 3rd, 2016:


    Smallwood is going to be a nice electric change of pace guy who needs to learn how to pass block.

  17. 17 Cafone said at 7:15 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He’s not saying cut him, he’s saying IR him.

  18. 18 FairOaks said at 9:01 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Can’t practice on IR. Not a great way to learn to pass block.

  19. 19 RC5000 said at 5:45 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    This was kind of obvious

  20. 20 Dragon_Eagle said at 5:50 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Good thing Bradford has knees of steel, literally.

  21. 21 Sean Stott said at 5:57 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    knees of steal amirite

  22. 22 ChoTime said at 6:57 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Imagine if Bradford went down in the first game or something. I swear Minnesota is more snakebit than the Eagles.

  23. 23 D3FB said at 7:04 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    For perfect cosmic pain it would have to involve a kicker missing an important FG late in a game and somehow Bradford getting hurt from it.

  24. 24 Crus57 said at 8:20 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Bradford not wearing helmet, gets hit in head by kick?

  25. 25 ChoTime said at 2:01 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    oh god, lol 🙂

  26. 26 Dave said at 5:56 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    How do you come back mentally when your femur dislocates from your tibia/fibula by merely performing a football move and not from a hit from a defensive player. That’s like getting a concussion from merely sneezing.

  27. 27 D3FB said at 5:50 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Guys the Eagles could put waiver claims in on

    TE- Beau Sandland
    LB- John Timu

  28. 28 Media Mike said at 6:26 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Sandland wound up on some of my first-pick drafts, so he must be good.

  29. 29 BlindChow said at 1:39 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    “Beau Sandland” is French for “Good Desert”

  30. 30 Sean Stott said at 5:59 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’m gonna be a little sad if someone claims Goode and we don’t get him back here on the 53. I don’t see how we’re gonna find another LB. Complete gamble to dangle him out there in the wind while we hope we can make a trade of Rowe or whomever else we’re shopping in time.

  31. 31 John Galt said at 5:59 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Especially when you kept Josh Andrews

  32. 32 Sean Stott said at 6:00 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    True, he really shouldn’t have made it over Greene

  33. 33 John Galt said at 6:01 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Honestly I don’t like keeping 11 o linemen either way. Would have kept Najee over both of them

  34. 34 John Galt said at 6:02 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    And I know Lane is getting suspended, but figure that out then

  35. 35 Media Mike said at 6:26 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    The f-ing league dragging its feet is brutal.

  36. 36 Greg Richards said at 6:09 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He’s a vested vet. Not eligible for waivers.

  37. 37 Sean Stott said at 6:12 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I think he could be a starter for at least 2 teams that I’m familiar with (Cowboys/Giants) so it doesn’t really make a difference if they have to claim him or sign him. Hopefully it’s been explicitly made clear that we will re-sign him.

  38. 38 bubqr said at 7:35 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Same here, really disappointed to see him cut, hate the risk taken there.

  39. 39 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:08 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’d claim him if im the Giants or Cowboys,,. Their LBs suck

  40. 40 GermanEagle said at 6:04 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Will Goode become our next Vandervelde?

  41. 41 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:31 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Was thinking that earlier.

  42. 42 DJH said at 6:11 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Hey guys was in the road all day. Anything happen today?

  43. 43 John Galt said at 6:11 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Nope. Went exactly like everyone thought

  44. 44 Greg Richards said at 6:40 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Wentz! Exactly like every one thought.

  45. 45 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:31 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Nothing to see here. Move along.

  46. 46 Jernst said at 6:49 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Nah pretty uneventful…there was one thing though…

  47. 47 eagleyankfan said at 6:13 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    The troll was right — just saying….lmfao

  48. 48 Sean Stott said at 6:17 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Wouldn’t know, blocked him ages ago. Life has been sweet.

  49. 49 RC5000 said at 6:18 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Did he predict a catastrophic injury to Bridgewater?

  50. 50 eagleyankfan said at 9:29 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t think anybody asked him to predict the reason….

  51. 51 RC5000 said at 9:47 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. He didn’t foresee shit. He just got totally lucky because Bridgewater went down and he was wrong last year. Eventually you’re going to hit on it if you keep saying a guy won’t be here. . lmao.

  52. 52 GermanEagle said at 6:22 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Don’t give him food… *smh

  53. 53 thebigcat2192 said at 6:19 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Does anyone know a site with a good list of league-wide cuts? Chasing down every teams twitter account and press releases is a hassle and I’ve only been able to find partial lists elsewhere.

  54. 54 RC5000 said at 6:20 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

  55. 55 Media Mike said at 6:25 PM on September 3rd, 2016:


  56. 56 thebigcat2192 said at 6:37 PM on September 3rd, 2016:


  57. 57 Media Mike said at 6:25 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Yeah, that’s been “fun” and all………….

  58. 58 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:07 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I typically use Rotoworld

  59. 59 RC5000 said at 6:26 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Jordan Tripp cut by Jacksonville.

    Linebacker Jordan Tripp was cut, per a league source. This was a surprising move, considering Tripp’s value as a linebacker who learned all three spots during the offseason program and was projected to be a core special-teams player. The release of Davis and particularly Tripp likely means Hayes Pullard has secured a roster spot.

  60. 60 Media Mike said at 6:29 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Nice work.

  61. 61 Media Mike said at 6:31 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Josh Sitton is probably shot from a physical standpoint.

    If the Giants sign him; he’s 100% shot from a physical standpoint.

  62. 62 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:07 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    No he was still balling last year and just turned 30 a month ago
    But we aren’t contending so he doesn’t make much sense for us,.. Im a big fan of that dude

  63. 63 truehaynes said at 6:37 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Yo geagle Chubb looks legit

  64. 64 GermanEagle said at 6:39 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Let’s hope Vikings will miss out on the playoffs and we could use a mid first rounder on a stud RB!

  65. 65 Media Mike said at 6:40 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    What if we used one on a guard?

  66. 66 GermanEagle said at 6:48 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Wouldn’t make sense. Rather had OT.

  67. 67 Media Mike said at 6:50 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Sure it does. Lane – rookie first round OG – Seumalo – Brooks – new RT.

  68. 68 Will Mahoney said at 6:51 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Isn’t Seumalo a Guard?

  69. 69 Media Mike said at 6:55 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    or a center.

  70. 70 GermanEagle said at 7:02 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Yes he is.

  71. 71 Will Mahoney said at 6:50 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    To replace Lane or Peters?

  72. 72 Media Mike said at 6:53 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    You need to replace Seumalo at LG because he’s headed to center to replace that rotting corpse who is currently “snapping” the ball and “blocking.”

  73. 73 Will Mahoney said at 6:54 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    That down on Kelce?

    Can Seumalo play center?

  74. 74 Media Mike said at 6:55 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    YES and yes.

  75. 75 laeagle said at 9:57 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Uh oh. Is this how it started with Barner?

  76. 76 Media Mike said at 6:28 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Apples and oranges.

    The Barner hate comes from Kelly keeping him here longer than Josey in 2014 in spite of Josey’s better play and longer than Mostert in 2015 in spite of Mostert’s better play. His existence on the practcie squad / roster violated the laws of the meritocracy.

    Kelce is different. He’s a player placed on a pedestal by a large segment of the fan base and he’s making a strong salary, yet his play has declined since he signed his contract extension. He strikes me as a guy that DCs have figured out and the exploitation of his physical limitations has really slowed our ability to move the football / score over the last few years. Add in his love affair with the microphone and you have a guy who I’m just really done with.

  77. 77 Media Mike said at 6:51 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    But mostly I was making; “don’t get your hopes up” jokes with a top notch RB.

  78. 78 Will Mahoney said at 6:44 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I hope they implode.

  79. 79 Tumtum said at 7:33 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Or they trigger the eaculator that makes the 18 pick a 2

  80. 80 Media Mike said at 6:39 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    You might have 4 RBs in this draft better than Elliot.


  81. 81 Will Mahoney said at 6:43 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Chubb, Fournette, Cook, Freeman, and McCaffrey.

  82. 82 Media Mike said at 6:45 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’ll have to get over the ugly uniform on Freeman.

  83. 83 Will Mahoney said at 6:48 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    That guy is no Marshall or Barner. Legitimate homerun threat and 3 down back.

    Who’s your favorite RB coming out?

  84. 84 Media Mike said at 6:55 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’m a Fournette fan, but odds are I’ll assume the Eagles aren’t taking one that high so I’ll find a mid rounder who I’ll be convinced we need to take who will be better than all of them.

  85. 85 Will Mahoney said at 7:01 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’d be fine with Cook, Freeman or McCaffrey.

  86. 86 GermanEagle said at 7:01 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    McAffrey. Thanks.

  87. 87 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:43 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Chubb or bust! 🙂

  88. 88 DJH said at 6:53 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    And if Howie (and Douglas) want any of them, you know Howie will get him.

  89. 89 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:42 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Such a stud!!!! Future eagle RB thanks to the vikings 🙂

  90. 90 GermanEagle said at 6:37 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’ve just had my draft today. Note: I am in a 14-teams keeper league, so most of the blue chip players were already protected. So here’s how I ended up. My starters (for now):

  91. 91 GermanEagle said at 6:37 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    And my reserves:

  92. 92 Jernst said at 6:48 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I think you’re gonna need more players. Just kidding…whatever you tried to upload isn’t coming through so, at least on my screen, there’s no players listed at all.

  93. 93 GermanEagle said at 6:50 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Mmmh, are you sure? Did you try to re-fresh Disqus? I can see the two pics..

  94. 94 Pennguino WWW-Win With Wentz said at 6:57 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I had to refresh and then click on the unresolved graphic
    Definitely a 14 team league. Who were your keepers?

  95. 95 GermanEagle said at 6:58 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    JMatt and Jimmy Graham. Which shows you my team sucked last season.

  96. 96 Tumtum said at 7:32 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    TBH i would of dropped Jimmy

  97. 97 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:51 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Same here. You have no team or reserves.

  98. 98 Tumtum said at 7:31 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    For a 14 team keeper that seems pretty durn solid man.

  99. 99 Tumtum said at 7:30 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I like JMatt last night…

  100. 100 Media Mike said at 6:41 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Bennie Logan must be in a bad mood watching this LSU game; hopefully his soon to be inked extension will cheer him up.

  101. 101 Media Mike said at 6:44 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Maybe get Bennie on the Linval Joseph deal + a few dollars?

    5 year / $31.5 mil signed in 2014 could slide up to 5 year / $40 mil for Bennie?

  102. 102 D3FB said at 6:58 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    8 per is probably the absolute floor.

    Damion Harrisons 5 year 46mil probably more market value.

    The league really doesn’t pay 1 techs so it’s hard to really get a good sense. I think 5 for 40-45ish would be reasonable but I don’t think it’s improbable that if he has a great year he could see 10-12 a year on the open market.

  103. 103 Will Mahoney said at 6:59 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I’m Hoping somebody else beats him to the QB a few times.

  104. 104 Media Mike said at 6:59 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    So lets get that done before he hits the market.

  105. 105 GermanEagle said at 6:52 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Fournette hurt!

  106. 106 John Galt said at 6:56 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He’s fine…but their QB plain sux

  107. 107 GermanEagle said at 6:54 PM on September 3rd, 2016:


    I’ve never seen such a dirty hit…

  108. 108 Duracell said at 6:56 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I kind of want to give him the benefit of the doubt in thinking he was a live returner, but that was vicious.

  109. 109 GermanEagle said at 6:56 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He knew what he was doing. Wouldn’t surprised me if he get suspended next week.

  110. 110 Media Mike said at 6:56 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    That was funny. I’m just upset that the losers at ABC cut away from the fight.

  111. 111 Dragon_Eagle said at 6:56 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He’ll be lucky if the punishment stops at ejection. Suspension looks highly likely and deserved.

  112. 112 HawaiianEagle said at 7:02 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Almost as dirty as when that deadskin hit Foles after the pick that wasn’t a pick

  113. 113 Media Mike said at 7:14 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Chris Baker. He should die screaming of cancer.

  114. 114 P_P_K said at 8:29 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Or by a Jason Peters beatdown.

  115. 115 Media Mike said at 7:09 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    That can’t happen again soon enough.

  116. 116 P_P_K said at 10:08 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Baker is still on their roster. If he goes after Wentz like he did Foles,I would hope he wouldn’t get off the field alive.

  117. 117 A_T_G said at 9:19 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I don’t think that is how cancer works…

  118. 118 BlindChow said at 1:34 AM on September 4th, 2016:


    *Chris Baker dies of complications from leukemia*

    MEDIA MIKE: that was for Foles you sonofabitch!

  119. 119 Media Mike said at 7:09 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’d be 97, so still have enough awareness to carry a grudge that long would be epic.

  120. 120 Media Mike said at 7:09 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Most likely the case. We can pick another malady to suit medical accuracy’s sake.

  121. 121 truehaynes said at 8:33 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    What are you talking about? Like what game

  122. 122 GermanEagle said at 8:48 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    You will probably see it on ESPN sportscenter. The LSU OL basically destroying a CB half his size after the play was dead.

  123. 123 A_T_G said at 9:21 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Or, through the marvel of modern technology…

  124. 124 SteveH said at 6:58 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Guaranteed you’ll laugh your ass off:

  125. 125 D3FB said at 6:59 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He’s gonna be 300lbs before his senior season.

  126. 126 Baloophi said at 7:04 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    As a new father I haven’t been around here for a while but I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s going on with the team. I mean, DeMarco Murray didn’t take a single snap in the preseason, we sign Stephen Tulloch to play in a 3-4, and I can’t even find Bradford on the depth chart! What the hell is Chip doing???

  127. 127 GermanEagle said at 7:04 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Congrats on fatherhood!

    We all pray that you haven’t named your son/daughter Sammy Sleeves though.

  128. 128 Bob Brewer said at 7:05 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He cut Bradford too.

  129. 129 D3FB said at 7:07 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Chip had a weird moment at the xmas party last year. Found out he had black ancestors and cut himself.

    Welcome back weirdo.

  130. 130 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:11 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Congratulations on being ordained. Good thing your Sundays won’t be dominated by Eagles football anymore, Chip named Blaine Gabbert the starting QB. Pray for us.

  131. 131 Media Mike said at 7:15 PM on September 3rd, 2016:


  132. 132 P_P_K said at 8:28 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Fatherhood hasn’t messed up your sense of humor.

  133. 133 The original AG said at 9:44 AM on September 4th, 2016:


  134. 134 GermanEagle said at 7:23 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Does Sammy Sleeves have a wife?

  135. 135 Nick C said at 7:28 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Believe he got married in the last few months

  136. 136 GermanEagle said at 7:32 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    He looks very metrosexual in that pic..

  137. 137 Dave said at 7:40 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Or a weekend golfer, take your pick.

  138. 138 Media Mike said at 6:34 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    You Americanized quite quickly my friend. I love all of the peoples of the world, but what passes for “men’s” attire in a lot of European cities I’ve visited isn’t exactly Brett Favre’s Wrangler jeans.

  139. 139 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:40 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Lol mark sanchez would disagree

  140. 140 ChoTime said at 10:55 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Don’t tell German Eagle, but this doesn’t play around here…

  141. 141 Baloophi said at 7:36 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I believe he’s married to mediocrity.

  142. 142 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:34 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Barnwell’s take on the trade:

  143. 143 Media Mike said at 6:33 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    This was really interesting, but Barnwell’s insistence on using that nonsensical made for ESPN version of QB rating clouds my ability to take his analysis of Bradford vs. Hill seriously. I think a lot of what he calls into question about the deal / player is valid, but I think it would be hard to quantify what the Vikings players fell about the situation. There were reports of a lot of thrown equipment, cursing, and upset when Teddy went down. The horrific nature of that injury had to be part of it, but I’m sure part of it was “we’re screwed” mentality because they don’t believe in Hill. Maybe Bradford, even if only for his “potential” and prior draft status, gets the team feeling better about being able to win games.

  144. 144 bubqr said at 7:34 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’m pretty sure when Barnwell was part of Football Outsiders he was not a fan of ESPN QBR, butt now I guess he has to use it.

  145. 145 Media Mike said at 8:08 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I just think people made that up as a way of excusing INTs to make Eli look better than he is.

  146. 146 ChoTime said at 10:54 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    QBR is actually pretty solid, Mike.

  147. 147 RobNE said at 9:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    c’mon not many people think Hill is as good as Bradford. It’s kind of silly. The Vikings are in a new stadium and the players feel screwed by Bridgewater’s injury. Sad! The Eagles know that Bradford is not the future and maybe after this year (where maybe they win the NFC, and maybe not) they get I don’t know, a 2nd? maybe? a 3rd? The magnitude of the offer let Howie say ok this year we now need to scramble, but it’s too good to refuse.

    I think the Vikings decision was weighed heavily by the new stadium.

  148. 148 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:29 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Vikings simply made an offer we couldn’t refuse… Simple as that

  149. 149 P_P_K said at 10:31 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’ll repeat myself in the hopes that someone might have uncovered information I haven’t seen. I wonder what the Vikes initially offered, and how Howie might have bargained up to the final deal?

  150. 150 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:39 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    HOWIE said there wasn’t much back n fourth negotiation… I assume it went something like:
    Vikings offer a 2nd and a 5th…
    HOWIE responds that it’s not enough. If we are to give up our chamce at winning a wide open division, we would need a first and 3rd in return..
    And they eventually settled on a 4th with conditions attacked instead of a 3rd rounder we may have asked for in addition to the first rounder
    Regardless what the media says, both the Eagles and Vikings had a solid Chamce to win their division and make it to the playoffs, we were basically compensated to switch positions with the Vikings. Now they have a chance at making the playoffs again, while we were compensated nicely for being knocked out of playoff contention before the season even starts
    If you are asking the Eagles to piss away the season so that the Vikings can have a shot at the playoffs, a first round pick shouldn’t be too much to ask…

  151. 151 P_P_K said at 12:39 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    “If you are asking the Eagles to piss away the season so that the Vikings can have a shot at the playoffs, a first round pick shouldn’t be too much to ask…”

    You must have been a fly on the wall of Howie’s mind.

  152. 152 Insomniac said at 8:10 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    I was just skimming through the cuts from every team and picked out some names.that weren’t mentioned before

    Jay Lee WR
    Justin Forsett RB
    Nate Irving LB
    Goerge Atkinson III RB
    Travis Feeney LB
    Arthur Brown LB

  153. 153 Media Mike said at 6:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’ve been requesting Feeney since we all really started digging into the draft. I’d like the guy as our SAM of the future.

    D3 cautioned me about Feeney needing some weight room work first, so he’ll probably stay on the Steelers practice squad and get tips from James Harrison on how to take PEDs and evade accountability for it.

    I think Tommy mentioned Brown (on Twitter perhaps) and some questions about why he couldn’t make it in Baltimore. I’d certainly find him interesting.

    A lot of writers are saying Forsett was a wink wink cut and he’d go right back to the Ravens soon.

  154. 154 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:28 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Id rather have Najee Goode back on the roster,than any of those players

  155. 155 DJH said at 9:18 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    In light of this latest Bradford trade, anybody care to take a stab at figuring out what picks Eagles gave up to go from Foles to Wentz?

  156. 156 Baloophi said at 9:43 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    They gave up the most picks by getting rid of Sanchez…

  157. 157 FairOaks said at 10:05 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    The Cowboys have them now…

  158. 158 meteorologist said at 10:22 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Nice work

  159. 159 daveH said at 11:39 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    This dude did it in eagles247 .. wuite impressive so i had to cut&paste his excellent work … one commenter pointed out he didn’t include the pocks given away by dear Chip with Folesy … but here. .see whstcha think:
    PhillyTeams 3 hours ago
    In Total –
    Miami gets:
    2016 1st Round Pick #13
    Eagles get:
    2016 1st Round Pick #8
    Cleveland gets:
    2016 1st Round Pick #8
    2016 3rd Round Pick
    2016 4th Round Pick
    2017 1st Round Pick
    2018 2nd Round Pick
    Eagles get:
    2016 1st Round Pick #2 (QB Wentz)
    2017 4th Round Pick
    Minnesota gets:
    Eagles get:
    2017 1st Round Pick
    2018 4th Round Pick (conditional 3rd or 2nd)
    Picks in total –
    Eagles gave:
    2016 1st Round Pick #13
    2016 1st Round Pick #8
    2016 3rd Round Pick
    2016 4th Round Pick
    2017 1st Round Pick
    2018 2nd Round Pick
    Eagles got:
    2016 1st Round Pick #8
    2016 1st Round Pick #2 (QB Wentz)
    2017 4th Round Pick
    2017 1st Round Pick
    2018 4th Round Pick (conditional)
    Eagles Picks Conclusion (over 3 Drafts):
    Gave 3 1st Rounders
    Got 3 1st Rounders
    Gave a 2nd, 3rd, 4th
    Got a 4th, 4th (could be a 3rd or a 2nd)
    Eagles got Wentz, a most-likely Franchise QB, for basically a 2nd Rounder and Alonzo, Maxwell, and Bradford.
    Good deal?

  160. 160 Media Mike said at 6:56 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    “Eagles got Wentz, a most-likely Franchise QB, for basically a 2nd Rounder and Alonzo, Maxwell, and Bradford.”

    Yes, that’s a good deal. Bradford was a dead end, Alonzo was a stiff, and Maxwell is a teammate / system dependent player. You could also include DeMarco in there if you wanted. All he cost us was a year of cap space and a realization that Chip Kelly really doesn’t know how to call plays.

  161. 161 P_P_K said at 10:28 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    “Eagles got Wentz, a most-likely Franchise QB…”
    I’m not there. More like, “Eagles got Wentz, who we all hope and pray will be a franchise QB or we’re screwed for a good long while.”

  162. 162 ChoTime said at 10:53 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    He’s a longshot. Howie’s proved to be a good wheeler and dealer, but it means little until he brings in great players.

  163. 163 P_P_K said at 12:37 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    A bunch of careers are riding on Wentz being a success. I agree, unfortunately, that he’s a longshot. I just don’t see him having a body of work that gives me confidence he can be an elite NFL qb. He can become one, sure, I hope he does, but I don’t see a resume that makes me confident. Hope I’m really wrong and the guy becomes the next Brady, or at least, McNabb.

  164. 164 ChoTime said at 1:15 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    He rolled the dice… there’s some logic to it. I don’t really see that he’s been too successful at other positions, either, unfortunately.

  165. 165 DJH said at 8:06 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Very cool. Yeah gotta include the crazy Foles trade that got us Bradford in the first place.

    But man getting a 1st and a 4th back is a game changer. Wow. And you know Howie will manufacturer at least an additional one or two other picks some way. Now we just need Wentz to be a true franchise QB. Is that too much to ask!?

  166. 166 daveH said at 10:40 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    ..and also have to include the 11Million paid to Bradford already

  167. 167 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:27 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    And we can look at it as the second rounder we gave up for Wentz, got us DGB (since Dennis Kelly is worthless and DGb was drafted in round 2)
    So we can look at it as paying Kiko, Maxwell, and Bradford for Wentz, and The second rounder we gave up got us DGB

  168. 168 RC5000 said at 9:38 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Howie: “Come on dude.”


  169. 169 Koy: The Legend of Neckbeard said at 11:10 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    hahaha thanks for pointing this out, Roseman’s either more likable or less likable this year. Your mileage will vary

  170. 170 SteveH said at 12:32 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    He seems really relaxed in that presser, of course fleecing yet another team probably makes you feel like a victory lap.

  171. 171 HawaiianEagle said at 9:50 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Cardinals waive Matt Barkley…its not too late!

  172. 172 Media Mike said at 6:39 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    For his sake, I hope he gets another full season of vested service. I think he’d pension out after a 4th full season.

  173. 173 Donald Kalinowski said at 11:14 PM on September 3rd, 2016:

    Jeremy Butler

  174. 174 Greg Richards said at 7:00 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Possibility. I like some other WR cuts more.

  175. 175 BobSmith77 said at 3:18 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    The Bradford trade is going almost universally panned even in Minnesota. I did like the guy whose comment was “we already have a non-mobile, veteran QB who can complete check downs. We need to trade a 1st rounder for another?!’

  176. 176 anon said at 4:02 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I forgot pat shurmer is in minny as TEs couch

  177. 177 Media Mike said at 6:29 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    It’ll help translate Turner into Reid for Bradford.

  178. 178 Media Mike said at 6:38 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    So I assume we’re all rooting in the best possible first round pick from this trade next year as opposed to a 3rd or a 2nd in 2018?

    I think the ultimate goal has to be for as many of us as possible to attend the draft. Boo the Niners pick of Watson at #1 overall, mock the Browns for trading down with #2 overall, screaming “BUST” when the Giants pick in the top 10, and ultimately arguing with each other over what the Eagles did wrong with the pick from the Vikings. I just hope we’re not waiting until the late 20s to do so.

  179. 179 Greg Richards said at 6:59 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’m not quite delusional enough to seriously dream of the Eagles winning the Super Bowl and thus Cleveland having the #32 pick. I am delusional enough to dream of Bradford blowing out his ACL the first time he plays and Minnesota falling apart on the way to a top 5 pick. Hey, that’s not really delusional at all!

  180. 180 Media Mike said at 7:04 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’m looking at a 5 or 6 win season for us, so Cleveland can pick 11th with our pick or trade down with it.

    I’m sure we’ll be going in the early 20s if the Vikings win a wild card and lose right away.

    I just need to make clear that the Browns are going to ruin their attempt to tank somehow and the Niners will wind up with the #1 overall pick.

  181. 181 eagleyankfan said at 7:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Vikes are not a bad team. The only issue for the next couple of weeks will be Bradfords learning of the offense. I’m still a Bradford fan but I understand he’s not elite. It’ll take time for him to get up to speed. Offense will have to be dumb downed a tick or 2. By then, who knows, he is prone to injury. Just a shame that we don’t get to see the ‘he practiced all pre-season, he’s worked with the 1’s a lot and we get to see the fruit of all that’….I would have like to see what he could do(knowing he was a lame duck)…

  182. 182 Media Mike said at 8:06 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Yeah, I think there could have been something solid there.

  183. 183 mheil said at 6:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    In answer to a question during his PC about who would start at QB against Cleveland, Roseman answered that the coaches would make that decision and that they were all out of the office. I would think that the coaches have to participate with the scouts in the discussions about the final 53 and it stuck me as a peculiar day for the coaches to be unavailable. Did anyone else see it that way?

  184. 184 Media Mike said at 6:48 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Pederson’s father passing away had a lot to do with that I’m sure. I don’t know if you saw that part of the presser. So I think it would be generally poor form for the underlings to be “available” while Pederson was dealing with a serious event of that nature.

    Under other circumstances I would agree with you and call BS rather loudly. I generally hate how limited the availability of the assistant coaches is.

  185. 185 Greg Richards said at 6:58 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I seriously doubt that the team was still in the decision-making process today. I suspect the coaches were in Friday to discuss cuts and Saturday was more about the personnel staff trying to find trades for players that were likely to be cut any way. There were some players that were told they were being cut or had made the team(if Jalen Mills’ twitter account foretells anything) late Friday night so it seems like the decision-making process was already complete. Howie said the coaching staff was coming back that evening, likely to discuss potential waiver claims.

  186. 186 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:19 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Pedersons father died

  187. 187 eagleyankfan said at 7:50 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Can the Eagles go into the season with only Chase and Wentz? I know Eagles are thin at some spots — but man, that QB situation seems even more thin…

  188. 188 D3FB said at 7:59 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think ideally they’d like a third QB on the roster, but probably 2/3rds of the league carries 3 QBs nowadays. Plus if Wentz and Daniels both go down in the same game in the next month or so Burton is probably just as good of an option to finish out a game as a QB who doesn’t have the playbook down.

  189. 189 Dragon_Eagle said at 7:55 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Daily Norseman rationale for the trade from Vikes’ viewpoint.

    Interesting nugget I did not know. Pat Shurmur is their TE coach. There’s a career with the wrong trajectory.

  190. 190 Media Mike said at 8:06 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think Shurmur is a good coach, so he’ll pick up another OC job eventually.

  191. 191 Dragon_Eagle said at 8:12 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    We’ll see. Working with Zimmer in Minny will hopefully help. Pat needs to distance himself from Chip.

  192. 192 Media Mike said at 8:17 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Long term Shurmur has a whole career as a Reid tree guy, so the 3 year with Chip shouldn’t be too much of a stain.

  193. 193 Dave said at 9:31 AM on September 4th, 2016:

  194. 194 anon said at 9:34 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    plus norv turner.

  195. 195 Greg Richards said at 9:22 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    There’s a rumor out there(started by me) that Doug wanted Shurmur on his coaching staff but Howie specifically vetoed it so that Shurmur could be planted in another organization to help facilitate getting rid of Bradford.

  196. 196 A_T_G said at 9:59 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I read that rumor (right here, right now) so it must be legit.

  197. 197 RobNE said at 10:58 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    People are saying…

  198. 198 anon said at 9:36 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    “The Vikings were a legitimate Super Bowl contender this year with Bridgewater running the offense and Mike Zimmer’s top-ranked defense looking to stay there this year, maybe even improve. Anytime you’re a Super Bowl contender, you have to be in win-now mode. ” — ok

  199. 199 xmbk said at 8:24 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Trade breakdown, accountant style: Eagles paid 11 mill for a 1st and 4th. Reasonable to expect that pick to be around 23 again. That means paying roughly 20 mill for 4 years of a player like Bud Dupree, Shane Ray, DJ Humphries, Johnny Manziel, Dee Ford or Darqueze Dennard (from the previous 2 years). Great deal if you focus on upside, pretty bad if you look at the downside. The real upside is if the Vikes tank.

    Probably a win-win for both teams, but the Vikes made a really solid deal when you consider that they got Bradford for 7 mill with an option on next year. That offense and fan base should be much better for his career.

  200. 200 DJH said at 8:30 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Good angle on all of this. But Eagles do have a lot of holes and a 1st and 4th give Howie/Douglas some much needed ammo to address them.

  201. 201 anon said at 9:33 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    look at our history of first round picks, prettyspotty

  202. 202 DJH said at 10:17 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Absolutely. But even an expensive, 50/50 shot is better than no shot at all.

  203. 203 xmbk said at 9:33 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    To put it another way, roughly 1/15 of this year’s cap space was spent to secure next year’s 23rd pick.

  204. 204 RobNE said at 9:42 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    but who cares about cap space in a year we are not winning the SB.

  205. 205 xmbk said at 10:02 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    It carries over. Cap space always matters, and way more than most fans (and Jerry Jones) think.

  206. 206 BlindChow said at 1:50 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    That money would NOT have carried over. The $11M was a signing bonus, already budgeted over the next two years.

    Seriously, we would be down WAY more money if we were paying Bradford his base salary. We actually GAIN $1.5M from this trade.

  207. 207 xmbk said at 1:59 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think this was in reference to Jackson’s savings carrying over, not Bradford’s.

  208. 208 BlindChow said at 2:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    This was in response to you saying “roughly 1/15 of this year’s cap space was spent to secure next year’s 23rd pick” and “cap space matters because it carries over.” Jackson was not mentioned.

    (Also vastly overstating the Vikings’ potential with Bradford imo)

  209. 209 xmbk said at 2:17 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Gotcha, the whole discussion revolves around combining Bradford’s signing with Bradford’s trade, both of which occurred this offseason. Thus, roughly 11mill was spent to secure those draft picks, as discussed.

    As for SB odds, the favorites have a 12.5% chance, according to Vegas odds (which will always be high). Minn has a 5% chance, if Bradford impacts that by even 1/2 of 1%, it’s statistically significant. By no means am I saying they are now powerhouse favorites, though if I were a Vikes fan I would be quite pleased with this trade. But a lot of that is because I value draft picks for what they are, not what they might be. Too many people get caught up in potential, or think that the success of draft picks can somehow be predetermined, if a team “knows what they are doing”.

  210. 210 BlindChow said at 2:38 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    So how do you “value” 1st round picks? Is it just the respective cap hit? Does player quality even factor in? (Not being snarky, just curious what you mean by valuing draft picks “for what they are.”)

    Another reason a lot of people like the trade is the fact the Eagles didn’t have a 1st rounder next year. Statistically 1st rounders tend to be better players than those taken in the lower rounds (regardless of “potential”). What is the value of going from not having a 1st rounder to having one?

    I think a lot of people are feeling this as an extension of the trade-up for Wentz (paying an extra $11M for a shot at a franchise QB is, presumably, a little different than doing so for just some random 1st round guy).

  211. 211 xmbk said at 4:38 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    My impression is that people frequently value draft picks for what they could be, rather than what they are. You can justify almost anything by saying it’s a shot at a franchise qb. But statistics can give you a more accurate evaluation of that shot, unless you assume you’re smarter than the other professionals. I think fans frequently expect mgmt to be smarter than average. Which is fine, we probably should expect that, both of ourselves, and as fans. But on average it’s going to be realistic, by the definition of average.

    I think getting rid of the disappointment of Bradford, the taint of Kelly, and embracing the excitement of Wentz may have fans overvaluating the genius of this move. Does Wentz actually develop better by being thrown to the wolves? Do we totally discount the reduced chance of winning the division this year?

  212. 212 BlindChow said at 6:21 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    You still haven’t defined how you value draft picks, other than to repeatedly say you do it better than everyone else.

    I do think we have less chance to win the division post-trade, but if Wentz isn’t ready they can put in Daniel. Either way, I would think Wentz has a better chance to develop as QB2 than QB3.

    And, like I said, having one (1) 1st round pick next year is better than having zero (0). And now we also have an extra 1.5M to play with!

  213. 213 The original AG said at 9:33 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Hoping they make the playoffs. An extra 3rd could be useful.

  214. 214 xmbk said at 9:37 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Is the 3rd contingent on making the playoffs, or making the conference championship game?

  215. 215 The original AG said at 9:37 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I thought the playoffs, let me look it up.

  216. 216 anon said at 9:41 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    nfc champs i think

  217. 217 The original AG said at 9:41 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    It looks like NFCCG. That’s also a good possibility considering they were basically there last year and fell apart on a missed FG.

  218. 218 holeplug said at 10:52 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’m hoping they go 2-14 and we get a top 3 pick

  219. 219 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:54 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    We don’t need a top 5 pick to draft Nick Chubb 🙂

  220. 220 xmbk said at 9:34 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Or yet another way, the highest paid player on this year’s team is a placeholder for next year’s pick.

  221. 221 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:17 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I dunno man…. The vikings sure gave up a lot for a stop gap QB who won’t be winning them the Super Bowl this year… It will be a better trade for The Vikings if Teddy can’t play next year..
    I assume Playing in a new stadium factored into them feeling like they had to get a starting caliber QB and not waste a year of what is supposed to be a playoff team.. but im one of the few Bradford fans in philly, and I never imagined we could get a first round pick for him. Let alone a 1st and 4th….
    We paid a lot for SAM, but THATS a sunk cost already

  222. 222 xmbk said at 10:28 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Maybe, we’ll see. 7 mill for a starting qb who is a significant upgrade over anyone else available is worth a lower first, imo. The odds are against them winning the SB, just like it is for the other 31 teams out there. But the chances have improved with this trade, to something not insignificant.

  223. 223 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:31 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Personally, I would only give up that type of value for a guy who may be a one year rental if it gives me a legit chance to win the Super Bowl..
    Then again, if im a vikings fan, I’d probably be fine with paying that to save us from completely wasting what should be a promising season, so I guess it’s relative

  224. 224 BobSmith77 said at 1:31 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Is he really that much of an upgrade over Hill and I’m dead serious?

    I don’t think so especially when you favor in the injury risk and his health history.

  225. 225 xmbk said at 1:45 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think so, but we’ll see.

  226. 226 dan quisenberry said at 8:48 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Who’s the emergency QB on game day if (God forbid) Wentz and Daniel both get hurt? Burton?

  227. 227 Anders said at 8:50 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Doug him self

  228. 228 HawaiianEagle said at 9:14 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Or Frank Reicht…

  229. 229 RobNE said at 9:41 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Burton right now

  230. 230 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:11 AM on September 4th, 2016:


  231. 231 xmbk said at 9:33 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Matthews and Ertz are wondering why the hell they wasted all that time in Oklahoma over the offseason.

  232. 232 James said at 9:49 AM on September 4th, 2016:


  233. 233 A_T_G said at 10:04 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    …mirroring the sentiment of literally everyone in Oklahoma.

  234. 234 BC1968 said at 12:38 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Too good.

  235. 235 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:10 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    future eagle RB Nick Chubb rushiñg for 220 with 2TD in his first game back from knee surgery. That kid is going to be such a stud in the NFL…

  236. 236 Anders said at 11:12 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Still give me McCaffrey over any RB next year

  237. 237 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:16 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Wonder how different he would be viewed if he were a black RB?

    Stylistically, im hoping Barner and Smallwood prove capable of providing us with a lot of what McCaffery brings to the table, but we”ll see..
    Fortunately there is more than just one or two serious RB prospects in this draft class…. There are a handful of guys that I like more than Derreck Henrey and MELVIN Gordon, the #2 RBs drafted in the last two years

  238. 238 Anders said at 11:18 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    All I know is that McCaffrey is the best all round RB coming out in a long time.

    I honestly doubt Barner or Smallwood will do enough for me to not consider him and if they bring enough, it would be enough to not draft a RB early at all.

  239. 239 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:27 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    i DONT know about all that, but to each his own, very talented Kid for sure

  240. 240 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:47 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    WTF?!?! Why in the world did the Packers cut their all pro left guard Josh Sitton? He only just turned 30, been an all pro for The last 3 years… He might be the best Guard in the NFL… I’d be furious if im Aaron Rodgers..
    If we didn’t trade Bradford, I’d be screaming at the top of my lungs to sigń Sitton… Sitton/Brooks would give us what may be the nastiest Guard Tandem in the NFL… Few teams would have two guards better than Sitton and Brooks
    He just turned. 30 in June and hasn’t had many injuries, I think he has 3 good seasons left in the gas Tank
    That might be the most surprising cut

  241. 241 Greg Richards said at 10:57 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    They have a number of OL due for extensions next year and extended young backup Lane Taylor earlier and think he’s ready to start. They had extension talks with Sitton that went nowhere so decided to cut ties now and use the cap room that was devoted to him to help extend the other players.

  242. 242 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:00 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Crazy thing to do when you are a legit contender. I don’t know if money is ever worth losing your best offensive lineman ESPECIALLY when you have a chance to contend with one of The best Qbs in the game who is getting Jordy Nelson back.
    I would cut like 30 other Packers before Id cut an all pro LG…Sitton has so much more left in the tank than Mathis had when Vhip whacked him

  243. 243 meteorologist said at 11:39 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Why did no one trade for him?

  244. 244 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:48 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I can’t explain any of it… He would be one of the last packers id cut to free up cap space..

    On the opposite end of the guard spectrum, Local boy Jahri Evans was cut again.. Apparently he has nothing left in the tank.

  245. 245 HawaiianEagle said at 12:43 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    6.5M reasons

  246. 246 Jernst said at 10:49 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Man, reading the comments on some Vikings boards is sobering. Some of those guys are just straight up delusional. One guy referred to Bradford as, “Heisman trophy winning, rookie of the year, number 1 overall draft pick, with a cannon for an arm, who’s shockingly accurate (especially on the deep ball), a guy who can stretch the field, protects the football and gives any team he’s on a chance to win!”

    Wow that guy sounds awesome!!!!

    They freaking love the trade. It’s funny after watching a full season of Bradford I thought he was decidedly mediocre, but after reading their descriptions of him I realized we just gave up a long sleeved version of Aaron Rodgers.

    I predict the Vikes win anywhere from 7 to 9 games and the first we get back is not significantly different than the one we gave to the Browns to move up. People are discounting how hard it is to learn a new offense and create chemistry with a new team without any offseason to do so. Check out Carson Palmers stat line in Oakland as a reference.

  247. 247 ChoTime said at 11:00 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Lots of people on this board were saying the same thing last year, despite the substantial evidence to the contrary (bad advanced stats, low yards per attempt, the fact that unheralded subs played just as well as him when he got injured).

    It just goes to show how the colored glasses affect perception.

  248. 248 Tumtum said at 11:12 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    The sad part about all that is that it is true. He just doesn’t throw deep, gets hurt all the time and doesn’t find the open man.

  249. 249 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:01 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Fuck! Randy Gregory won his appeal and they cut his suspension from 10 games to 4…. Hopefully the same thing will happen to Lane
    Anyone know on what grounds he appealed the suspension? I can’t find that info.

  250. 250 RobNE said at 11:02 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Yeah but I heard Romo got hurt

  251. 251 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:02 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Yeah but they just drafted the second coming of Tom Brady

  252. 252 RobNE said at 11:08 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    After last years Packers preseason game I’ll never draw conclusions from the preseason again.

  253. 253 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:12 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Im being Fecetious… You really think I buy that BS Dak Hype?
    Watching young QBs succed while throwing to tbeir first option every play is fools gold

  254. 254 RobNE said at 11:16 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I knew you were but I had to say it anyway.

  255. 255 RobNE said at 11:35 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    So did Howie grease this trade by putting so much of Bradford’s pay into a signing bonus and leaving his 2016 salary at only $7M? By doing this he really increased the chance something could happen this year.

    The personnel decisions between Howie this year and Chip (I’m not the GM) last year are vast.

  256. 256 SteveH said at 11:43 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Chip the GM was a buffoon. He had no concept of how to maximize value. The Shady for Kiko Alonso trade strait up was a travesty.

  257. 257 Fufina said at 11:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Over the cap did an article about this – Howie likes to structure contracts so that they have the potential to be traded. By using a combination of guaranteed salary and signing bonus it allows the contracts to be moved if needed and be attractive to the trading party.

  258. 258 RobNE said at 11:42 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    check out the new video of Embiid on Liberty Ballers.

  259. 259 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:43 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Is it the crossover video?

  260. 260 RobNE said at 11:43 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    yes it is. Yes it is.

  261. 261 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Yeah pretty insane to see a raw 7’2 250lb Monster looking that fluid with his crossover moves..
    What a ridiculous talent…a true basketball savant/prodigy

  262. 262 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:43 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I don’t know how good we will be, but it should be an entertaining season. bêtween our aggressive front 7 with Elite Safeties patrolling the No Fly Zone, and the energy Wentz seems to bring to the football field. I can’t wait to see Wentz unleash that big arm of his and throw deep to DGB
    Wonder how much the offense will change going from SAM to Wentz? Im thinking that with Wentz we should see a more similar offense to what Alex Smith ran with Wentz ability to run The ball, and easier throws to Runningbacks and TE’s since Alex was allergic to throwing to WRs before they stole Maclin from us
    We are probably going to use Zone Reads more than I would have hoped to see since getting rid of Chip… I love the playbook MIKE Shula created for Cam Newton. They run a lot of plays Id love to see Wentz use as Long as he is ready to protect himself… Im sure the RBs are going to be an even bigger part of The gamePlans with the rookie under center.. If we can establish a good run game, it should provide Wentz some nice opportunities to take shots down field off Of play action,
    Rookie QBs are turnover machines. The defense is going to have to carry us. hopefully Wentz can tame his gunslingers mentality and not put the defense in too many bad positions turning the ball over. It’s more important that Wentz not lose games for us this year than it is for him to try and win games for us…. Cut down the turnovers and schwartz defense should give us a chance to win some games

  263. 263 RC5000 said at 11:44 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    The negotiations began Friday night and intensified — but only because of new tight ends coach Pat Shurmur, who coached Bradford in St. Louis and in Philadelphia. It was Shurmur who convinced the organization that Bradford had the intelligence and the work ethic to learn Norv Turner’s offense quickly.

  264. 264 ChoTime said at 11:47 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Shurmur giveth and he taketh away.

  265. 265 GermanEagle said at 11:45 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I will be shocked and disgusted if Lane will be suspended for 10 games. After all this waiting and hearing the news about that drug addict Gregory.

  266. 266 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:51 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    This is why Lane HAS to appeal the suspension, even if it would be much better if he were suspended in time to miss the first game for the season, which has NO SHOT of happening unless he takes the 10games on the chin and opts not to appeal the ruling
    If Lane appeals the ruling like he should, I expect him to be on the field for the first 2 or 3 Games of the season
    Think how much earlier Gregory was suspended before lane, and gregory ruling is just happening now.. Told you he would be on the field week 1

  267. 267 GermanEagle said at 11:52 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Maybe his appeal is already underway?!

  268. 268 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:54 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Unfortuantely No… Still waiting on B sample and Lane says they don’t even know on what grounds to appeal it yet untul getting the B Sample result
    We are getting screwed by the slow wheels of NFL Justice… Hopefully he can get the suspension reduced making this crap somewhat wortwhile

  269. 269 GermanEagle said at 11:56 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Do you know when Gregory’s suspension was first reported?

  270. 270 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Febuary 16 (around that date) word came down on his 4 game suspension… Then July 26th news of the 10 game suspension emerged…..
    I see a report on July 26th that said Gregory entered rehab while his lawyers were still working on his appeal… So let’s say at the latest the appeal was made the first week of August, and a ruling was just made now (around a month later)
    And we didn’t even File the Lane appeal yet,.. Gregorys appeal took about a month I guss…

  271. 271 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:07 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Lane said he would do what’s best for the team… Meaning he will not appeal it and take the 10 games so his suspension can begin week 1 if that’s what the Eagles Think is best,,.. But I think we should at least try to get it reduced on appeal.
    But as of Today, lane can’t sit out week 1 even if he wanted,.. He hasn’t been suspended yet, all we know is allegedly he failed the first test that would lead to an eventual suspension… I think the league may make the suspensipn official before week 1, but even THATS not set in stone…. If he appeals it, I assume he would play at least 2 or 3 games before the NFL makes its ruling on the appeal, but it could be longer than that…. So annoying

  272. 272 RobNE said at 11:47 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    so I’m thinking I root for the Vikings to lose every game, but then if they make the playoffs then root for them to win every game.

  273. 273 sonofdman said at 11:58 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think that’s the way to go.

  274. 274 RobNE said at 12:03 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think it’s tough in their first round game, but we have time to figure that out.

  275. 275 GermanEagle said at 11:50 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Source I trust is telling me Eagles are signing Blake Sims to be #3 QB. Major development, I’ll keep you guys posted as story unfolds.

    From Dan Klauser…

    Let’s hope we will cut OL Andrews and not a guy like Rowe or PT to make room for a 3rd QB.

  276. 276 RobNE said at 11:51 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    is he any good?

  277. 277 GermanEagle said at 11:54 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    The Blake Sims from the Bengals wasn’t too bad.

  278. 278 RC5000 said at 11:56 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    LMAO From 2015:

  279. 279 GermanEagle said at 11:58 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    Groundhog days…

  280. 280 RC5000 said at 11:59 AM on September 4th, 2016:

    He’s a fake Nov 23 2015

  281. 281 GermanEagle said at 12:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:


  282. 282 RC5000 said at 12:05 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    He’s 2010 Most Cuddleable Man of the Year with sources!

  283. 283 Greg Richards said at 12:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Template for Listing of Waiver Claims(to be updated when claims are reported):









  284. 284 GermanEagle said at 12:03 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Claims should be reported starting now!!!

  285. 285 Greg Richards said at 12:06 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Usually takes until around 12:30 to 12:45 for the media to start reporting them. Claims can be made up to 12:00 pm, the league then has to determine who is awarded who, then the league tells the teams, the teams inform the agents, who then leak it to the media.

  286. 286 RC5000 said at 12:09 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Awesome job, thanks for this info!

  287. 287 Greg Richards said at 12:14 PM on September 4th, 2016:


    Adam Caplan

    58s58 seconds ago

    Waiver claims are at 1p ET today, not 12:00 pm ET. Was 12 pm ET in past years.


  288. 288 FairOaks said at 12:36 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think 1pm is when you can start adding guys to practice squads.

  289. 289 Greg Richards said at 12:49 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    First 2 waiver claims have now been reported. None for Eagles yet.

  290. 290 Greg Richards said at 12:53 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Coming in fast and furious now.

  291. 291 Greg Richards said at 12:55 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Unconfirmed, but Mosher is hearing S Terrence Brooks and WR Bryce Treggs to PHI. Not official but apparently Patriots’ LB/S Kamu Grugier-Hill is telling teammates that Eagles claimed him.

    Now official for Eagles.

  292. 292 Greg Richards said at 1:12 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Think this is all of them.

  293. 293 unhinged said at 12:13 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Nothing new here…but it does bear any fan’s attention:

  294. 294 Dave said at 12:24 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I found a picture of Peter King at Sport’s Illustrated when somebody read him that article.

  295. 295 Bert's Bells said at 12:31 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    On a unrelated NFL sucks topic -anyone finding it impossible to sign up for Sunday Ticket To Go (for PS4/mobile/etc)? I’m literally begging them to take my money and their UI is abysmal.

  296. 296 BobSmith77 said at 1:22 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    This makes me incredibly angry almost to the point of irrationally but the troubling thing is that it has become common place among large corporations.

    In some cases now, local and state gov’t are subsidizing to keep jobs at a rate of more than $250k/employee annually for the period of the subsidies.

    The overall tax burden shift from businesses to individuals the last 30 years has been staggering especially at the federal level but no one talks about it.

  297. 297 Greg Richards said at 12:39 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Apparently results that Gregory won his appeal were wrong. He was originially suspended 4 games and then that was increased to 10 games. He’s still appealing the increase to 10 games. While that is under appeal, the suspension for 4 games was listed by the NFL as far as his roster status. Some misinterpreted that to mean he had won his appeal.

  298. 298 HawaiianEagle said at 12:44 PM on September 4th, 2016:


  299. 299 RC5000 said at 12:51 PM on September 4th, 2016:

  300. 300 RC5000 said at 12:56 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Kamu Grugier-Hill looks like a safety, plays like a linebacker and has the athleticism of a slot cornerback. So, where will the sixth-round pick play for the New England Patriots? The NFL needs to decide on a name for the position made popular by Arizona Cardinals safety/linebacker hybrid Deone Bucannon, whether that be “moneybacker,” “rover” or something else. The hybrid role is becoming more and more popular in the NFL, and Grugier-Hill seems to fit the bill perfectly. For now, he’s listed as a linebacker on the Patriots’ roster. The Patriots selected Grugier-Hill 208th overall in the 2016 NFL Draft after he ran a 4.45-second 40-yard dash at Northwestern’s pro day in March with a 1.52-second 10-yard split, 6.89-second 3-cone, 4.20-second short shuttle, 38.5-inch vertical leap, 10-foot, 9-inch broad jump and 15 bench press reps of 225 pounds at 6-foot-2, 208 pounds.

    Read more at:

  301. 301 Fufina said at 12:58 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    208 pounds? damn that is light. Think he must be a special teams / 3rd down guy exclusively.

  302. 302 Greg Richards said at 1:00 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Was 215 at time of draft, probably up to around 220 now.

  303. 303 mksp said at 12:59 PM on September 4th, 2016:

  304. 304 Greg Richards said at 1:01 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I know nothing about this WR. The 49ers weren’t exactly overflowing with WR depth.

  305. 305 mksp said at 1:04 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    His highlights are fairly impressive:

  306. 306 Greg Richards said at 1:15 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Apparently he suffered an MCL injury in camp and some beats think he would have made roster if he had been healthy before now.

  307. 307 HawaiianEagle said at 1:00 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Sorry for ignorance…we claim to PS or active roster?

  308. 308 Fufina said at 1:01 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    active roster – we need to cut 3 guys.

  309. 309 HawaiianEagle said at 1:01 PM on September 4th, 2016:


  310. 310 RC5000 said at 1:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Guess it’s official

  311. 311 ACViking said at 1:03 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    For the Road to the NFL Title — follow #11 . . .

    Then. Now. (One can hope.)

  312. 312 mksp said at 1:04 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Cuts gonna be sad and interesting.

    I’m hoping they are:

    Josh Andrews
    Bryan Braman
    Jaylen Watkins

  313. 313 Steve Smegal said at 1:08 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Andrews, Turner, Maragos

  314. 314 RC5000 said at 1:08 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    No way Watkins….

  315. 315 FairOaks said at 1:10 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’ll guess Turner in favor of Treggs (sounds like Treggs is 5’11” and a 4.39 40 at his pro day).

    Will guess that one CB (Smith?) will be released. Maybe Braman too.

  316. 316 mksp said at 1:12 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I don’t want to lose Turner I guess. Really like his game.

    Would rather drop Barner frankly.

  317. 317 anon said at 1:14 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    They should have a catch-off

  318. 318 Greg Richards said at 1:23 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I’m wondering if Maragos will be the casualty. His salary is $1.5M. They picked up a S and a S/LB hybrid who is expected to be a STs stud. The Eagles might not want to pay a guy whose primary purpose is as a ST player that amount.

  319. 319 mksp said at 1:25 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I was thinking that as well, Maragos just seems like such an institution now. I’d prefer to roll with Brooks / Watkins personally.

  320. 320 mksp said at 1:26 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I mean, if I was Howie *both* Maragos and Braman would be gone.

    Rebuilding teams don’t have luxury of two spots for ST-only guys.

  321. 321 BlindChow said at 1:34 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    We could cut HPV and sign him to the practice squad. Surely no one would want to give up a spot on their roster for him?

  322. 322 HawaiianEagle said at 1:23 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    How soon do 3 cuts have to be made?

  323. 323 Greg Richards said at 1:29 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    They have to be reported to league at time they inform you that you’re awarded other players. As far as them being announced, I don’t know.

  324. 324 RC5000 said at 1:27 PM on September 4th, 2016:

  325. 325 SteveH said at 1:33 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Can’t say I know much about any of our claims but I still wonder what this means for Najee Goode. Lots of roster drama this year.

  326. 326 mksp said at 1:33 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Raheem Mostert waived.

    This is seriously the worst day, I hate being an NFL fan today.

  327. 327 Greg Richards said at 1:44 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Shouldn’t have posted this. Cue Media Mike – “Sign Mostert and get rid of that bum Kenjon Barner!!!!”

  328. 328 GermanEagle said at 1:54 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    And somewhere Joe Webb still has a job…!

  329. 329 anon said at 2:17 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Gotta bring Mostert BACK!!!!

  330. 330 BobSmith77 said at 1:36 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Even if Eagles hire a voodoo priestess to perform juju and Bradford does down in the first month of the season, it is really hard to see the Vikings finishing worse than 7-9 with a solid defense and an experienced backup in Hill.

    If your optimistic, the Vikings pick is somewhere around ~15. More likely the Vikings are a ‘1 and done’ which puts them somewhere in the upper 20s.

    Still fits the ‘longer term’ goal that Roseman has been espousing since the Wentz trade.

  331. 331 SteveH said at 1:39 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    That’s how I see it, but still totally worth.

  332. 332 BobSmith77 said at 1:40 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    You have to hope that Rodgers doesn’t begin to become a bit more mortal this year and the Vikings are able to go 11-5/12-4 to win the division.

  333. 333 HawaiianEagle said at 1:41 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I hired a voodoo priestess once…

  334. 334 Greg Richards said at 1:40 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I think Treggs replaces Turner. Tregg is an outside deep threat type WR and that was a lot bigger need than a #3 slot WR(behind Matthews/Huff). I think they can safely get Turner on the PS.

  335. 335 GermanEagle said at 1:44 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Makes sense. Feel bad for PT though after his tweet last night.

  336. 336 Greg Richards said at 1:42 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Dave Zangaro

    1m1 minute ago

    WR Marcus Johnson is heading to the #Eagles practice squad, per source. Has upside but was hampered by injury this camp.



  337. 337 GermanEagle said at 1:51 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    So how many WRs are on PS already? Really hope PT will make it there?

  338. 338 Greg Richards said at 1:54 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Johnson is the only one that’s been reported.

  339. 339 BobSmith77 said at 1:45 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I still haven’t heard anyone layout a conclusive case for starting Wentz Week 1 or who is really behind it.

    The decision to start him though in Week 1 screams of Lurie meddling though in an important decision. More and more since the end of last season I get the sense Lurie is taking a more ‘hands on’ approach for several reasons which is a very bad direction for the franchise.

    Hope I’m wrong and that he is letting his football people including ultimately letting Roseman make those kind of decisions with minimal/little input. Either have faith in the people you hired or find new people.

  340. 340 HawaiianEagle said at 1:51 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Jerry Jones envy

  341. 341 Julescat said at 2:00 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I thought Lurie was a big Bradford supporter?

  342. 342 BobSmith77 said at 2:06 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Not as much a Bradford supporter as not wanting to trade him and possibly endure a rebuilding year where they win 4 or 5 games.

    Lurie doesn’t strike me as a terribly savvy guy but he realizes that if they stick with the plan & start Daniel for half of the year it will be a long year. Even his comments and demeanor the last year, I don’t think he is willing to endure that kind of season again right now especially how last year.

    It is a poor operational and strategical choice based largely upon emotion but it is where I think Lurie is coming from if he is pressing on starting Wentz in Week 1 if he is medically cleared.

  343. 343 mksp said at 2:05 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Eagles think he’s ready and he’s already better than Chase Daniels?

    Let him learn under fire. He seems to have the mental make-up for it.

    His mechanical flaws can be worked on through the season.

  344. 344 BobSmith77 said at 2:08 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    He’s ready now after playing less than 2 quarters in the preseason and despite what they said since they drafted him?

    I generally despise the ‘let him learn under fire’ mentality in almost any capacity. My experience is that it is utilized by people who have low emotional IQs and in the process waste an awful lot of potentially valuable resources.

  345. 345 mksp said at 2:12 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    You don’t think real world learning on the job is a valuable tool for professional growth?

  346. 346 BobSmith77 said at 2:15 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    There is a huge difference between letting people make mistakes and giving them some space to try to solve them on their own before stepping in and basically putting them in a spot where they are bound to fail because they were given almost no prerequisite learning/training/experience.

  347. 347 mksp said at 2:22 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I guess you’re presuming that’s the case.

    What is Wentz going to learn in practice that is a prerequisite to playing in a game?

    It’s unfortunate that he couldn’t play in the Preseason, but that’s water under the bridge now. If he’s going to gain in-game experience, it will be during the regular season.

  348. 348 BobSmith77 said at 2:26 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    He hasn’t been able to practice though because of the injury. It was the Eagles’ rhetoric up and down the organization too until this trade was made too.

    Same people praising the ‘let him learn under fire’ are generally the same folks who will heavily criticize and bury the front office if Wentz gets seriously hurt or plays really poorly.

  349. 349 BlindChow said at 2:48 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    You are assuming the Eagles’ rhetoric is their honest appraisal of the situation?

    There were a ton of reasons to state publicly that Wentz was going to learn from the sideline from the moment he was drafted: managing expectations, no 1st-hand evaluation of him in Pederson’s system, the need to handle the Bradford situation with kid gloves, etc.

    Using their public statements as evidence Wentz isn’t ready isn’t the most solid foundation for an argument. Besides, what makes you think Lurie is suddenly meddling NOW as opposed to when Wentz was first drafted through last week?

  350. 350 BobSmith77 said at 2:58 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Not that he wasn’t going to play at all this year especially if Daniel played and looked terrible for a month. Thought it was much more likely he started a limited number of games late in the season (say last 3-4 games).

    I have thought Lurie has berms bit more meddlesome for a while now starting with the coaching decision making process and their active offseason. Lurie does strike me as a guy who reacts to public criticism and was stung by the appraisal by many that he let Kelly take the reigns and his willingness to hold Kelly accountable for what he said/acted along with the team’s results.

  351. 351 ChoTime said at 3:24 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Not for QBs unless your name is Peyton Manning. Wentz is no Peyton Manning.

  352. 352 anon said at 2:16 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Lurie + Howie 100%. I bet they would love to get out of Chase Daniel’s deal. The chronyism in the NFL is crazy. Shurmer has gotten 2 teams to give up serious consideration for Bradford.

  353. 353 SteveH said at 1:47 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    man I can’t remember the last time I was this dialed in on roster churn at the end of the PS. Really feel on pins and needles trying to find out what’s going to end up happening.

  354. 354 mksp said at 2:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    To everyone still complaining about Jordan Hicks in Round 3:

    Paul Dawson was waived by Cincinnati.

  355. 355 Greg Richards said at 2:02 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    The Bengals cut LB Paul Dawson. Apparently he has attitude/work ethic issues.

  356. 356 HawaiianEagle said at 2:04 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    Dallas bound

  357. 357 Greg Richards said at 2:17 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    New thread.

  358. 358 wee2424 said at 3:08 PM on September 4th, 2016:

    I was shocked when I saw Goodes name. Makes send about bringing him back though. The fact that he is a very good ST guy has me worried that some other team will take interest in him.

    With how our LBs are I just don’t think it is worth the risk. He is a good backup LB.

    I like the additions though. They possibly won’t make the team, but they add skills that would be welcome. Great ST play and speed on the outside. It is important to continue to have a great ST unit. We have all seen how that can swing a few games a season.