Eagles Land CB Sidney Jones

Posted: April 28th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 306 Comments »

Washington star Sidney Jones was going to be a Top 20 pick. And then he tore his Achilles at UW’s Pro Day. That sent him sliding down to the 2nd round and the Eagles felt he was just too good to pass on.

Jones is 6-0, 186. He ran 4.47 at the Combine and posted solid overall workout numbers. He has great cover skills. Jones is smart and instinctive, as well as being physically gifted. He picked off 4 passes in 2015 and broke up 10 more. QBs quit throwing his way in 2016 so his numbers fell off. He still finished his career with 8 picks and 21 PDs.

The question with Jones isn’t about whether he can play or fits the Eagles, it is simply about health. Les Bowen has some interesting info on that.

That is very encouraging. You also factor in the Eagles Sports Science Department. The team doctors checked him out and felt this was a risk worth taking. You are getting top flight talent in the 2nd round. The Sports Science guys can help with the rehab and getting him ready for the upcoming season.

Jones may not play a lot as a rookie because he will miss all of spring and summer football. This pick is about the big picture. The Eagles feel like they are getting a stud CB who can play for them for years. Like Derek Barnett, Jones is just 20. He has a bright future if his Achilles heels as expected.

For now, Patrick Robinson and Jalen Mills can feel good about 2017.

Expect the Eagles to add another CB later in the draft.


306 Comments on “Eagles Land CB Sidney Jones”

  1. 1 xeynon said at 8:29 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s a first round talent. Can’t really complain about getting him in the 2nd, though having him miss his rookie year will be kind of a bummer.

  2. 2 xmbk said at 8:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    As long as he fully recovers.

  3. 3 Bob Brewer said at 8:30 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Eagles fans are mad because they didn’t take a high upside injury risk in round 1 and are mad because they took a high upside injury risk in round 2.

  4. 4 xeynon said at 8:32 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I don’t there’s one constant with Eagles fans it’s that they’re always mad about something.

  5. 5 laeagle said at 8:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    this comment makes me mad

  6. 6 Rellihcs said at 8:50 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    F you for saying that.

  7. 7 Insomniac said at 8:39 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Wait people were mad that we didn’t take Jonathan Allen?

  8. 8 D3FB said at 8:40 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Lol oh yea

  9. 9 BlindChow said at 8:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And Foster, the high upside injury & off-field risk.

  10. 10 xmbk said at 8:36 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Guess the Skins aren’t worried about the Bama thing. They got what they needed these first two rounds.

  11. 11 Insomniac said at 8:38 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    “For now, Patrick Robinson and Jalen Mills can feel good about 2017.”


  12. 12 Wrongthink said at 9:00 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    They aren’t winning the Super Bowl this year. Trust the process, you’ll be glad at this time next year that our shitty corners put us in a better draft position.

  13. 13 D3FB said at 9:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And when you ruin Wentz mentally because he has to score 80 every game to win?

  14. 14 Wrongthink said at 11:30 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I think the D should be better with Barnett and Long instead of Barwin, and I think the O should be better with Jeffrey and Smith, which should help the D. Not to mention they’ll have Johnson for 16 so the run game and pass protection should be better.

  15. 15 xmbk said at 9:06 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You win the super bowl by competing every year.

  16. 16 Insomniac said at 9:07 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I don’t do the Sam Hinkie mental gymnastics thing.

  17. 17 EaglesHero87 said at 8:39 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m very pleased with the Eagles’ first two picks. Barnett has a very good chance to start at the line; if not, then he’ll undoubtedly see increased snaps as the season goes on.

    The Sidney Jones pick signifies the Eagles’ long-term vision at CB. This also may mean the coaching staff expect to stay together and groom Jones in the long run. I’m lookin’ forward to the third pick!

  18. 18 sflomenb said at 8:39 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I am very happy. Both of these picks, for now, seem very good.

  19. 19 Jarock said at 8:40 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    The run on safeties continues . . . . really didn’t see this coming.

  20. 20 Mitchell said at 8:40 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    The higher on the calf the closer to muscle. The closer to muscle the closer to excellent blood flow. The closer to excellent blood flow the closer to quick and complete healing.

  21. 21 Jarock said at 8:41 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If he completely heals anytime in 2017 he’s an absolute steal. If it’s not til 2018? Still worth the pick. I’m a pessimist though . . . this pick scares me a bit.

  22. 22 D3FB said at 8:44 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Gonna make him weigh more than a 7th grader?

  23. 23 Jarock said at 8:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Weight thing REALLY bothers you. We’ve seen really good CB’s in the 180 range. He’s not Mark McMillan for crying out loud 😛

  24. 24 Insomniac said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He got bullied by Juju Smith-Schuster. Dez is like ten times the WR so there is some concern about him playing bigger WRs.

  25. 25 D3FB said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Have we?

    Guys that are 6′?

  26. 26 Steve Smegal said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s 20 – weight is something that can be added

  27. 27 D3FB said at 8:48 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He added weight after the season.

    And then ripped his Achilles.

  28. 28 xmbk said at 8:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I think he was around 170 play weight.

  29. 29 ICDogg said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  30. 30 A_T_G said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And crutches.

  31. 31 Insomniac said at 8:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    butterscotch krimpets.

  32. 32 BlindChow said at 8:48 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Nothing gets an athlete fatter than a leg injury. Win win!

  33. 33 Mitchell said at 9:03 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You’re damn right it will.

  34. 34 scratcherk said at 8:41 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    “if his Achilles heels as expected.”

    pun intended?

  35. 35 phillyrich50 said at 8:42 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Well, we already have selected our first round draft pick for 2018. And we still get another one.

  36. 36 CrackSammich said at 8:48 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Don’t start with that shit.

  37. 37 scratcherk said at 8:43 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    so he’ll be good to go for our deep playoff run… good good.

  38. 38 ICDogg said at 8:44 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Browns going QB?

  39. 39 ICDogg said at 8:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Time to extend that Cleveland QB jersey again

  40. 40 CrackSammich said at 8:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Holy shit, Jim Brown got old. I had no idea.

  41. 41 D3FB said at 8:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s 81

  42. 42 CrackSammich said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    yeah, guess I just never thought about how long it’s been since he played.

  43. 43 kid said at 8:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Never seen him with a beard either lol

  44. 44 scratcherk said at 8:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    pretty good for 81

  45. 45 Dave said at 8:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Sidney Jones = Ball Skills

  46. 46 Jarock said at 8:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    and . . . Cleveland drafts another bust at QB 😛

    Talented . . .but oh so flawed.

  47. 47 scratcherk said at 8:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I hope Trubisky and Kizer’s futures have the fans booing played every time their name is mentioned like Philly QBs

  48. 48 Chris Lindeman said at 8:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Kizer is terrible….and another to the oh so long Browns QB list.

  49. 49 It Ain't Easy Being Green said at 8:48 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    What a fantastic long-term pick for a naturally gifted, high-floor, high-upside guy to shore up the DB spot for years. It’s so hilariously typical of some Eagles fans being upset that we didn’t get someone to contribute right away so we can win the Super Bowl this year before the NFL folds as a sport and no more games being played beyond the 2017 season.

    Look beyond your nose, people! There is a season after next! And we got ourselves an elite player for the long-term. Fly, Eagles, Fly!

    And a FUCK DALLAS in there too, I forgot that in my last post.

  50. 50 D3FB said at 8:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    The Browns just took a kid who almost quit because he had a couple bad spring practices.

    That’s the answer Cleveland.

  51. 51 scratcherk said at 8:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    add it to the jersey https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3bce38b568744b8e66706392857b9d38f0e87d527cf3690af2128e2d9f4a93ce.png

  52. 52 Ark87 said at 8:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He could be Joe Montana’s clone, it won’t work in Cleveland.

  53. 53 xmbk said at 8:56 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Perfect. They give Browns fans one day of hope, just to crush them yet again.

  54. 54 A_T_G said at 9:03 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    But Kiser is pretty close to Kosar.

  55. 55 xmbk said at 8:50 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If they PUP him, can they save a year of rookie contract? If not, I don’t like the pick.

  56. 56 D3FB said at 8:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Don’t think it qualifies for NFI so no.

  57. 57 xmbk said at 8:54 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’d rather have the guy who will help this year then. I was glad the Cowboys took Jaylon Smith, not glad the Eagles took Jones. I know it’s not the same injury, but it’s still a risk. It’s not like the other cb available sucked.

  58. 58 D3FB said at 8:55 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  59. 59 Insomniac said at 8:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Would you have been ok with him in the third round?

  60. 60 xmbk said at 9:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yes, at 99. The guys they passed over here were not worth the risk/loss on Jones. Not a terrible pick, just not good value. It’s easy for fans to get excited about potential. But full recovery is not guaranteed, and losing a season matters.

  61. 61 Insomniac said at 9:04 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I feel exactly the way you do.

  62. 62 Mitchell said at 9:08 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    But your ok with Lattimore?!

  63. 63 Insomniac said at 9:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  64. 64 A_T_G said at 9:10 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Who would you have preferred?

  65. 65 meteorologist said at 8:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Achilles surgery has a reliable recovery


  66. 66 Insomniac said at 8:52 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I have great news guys. 46 more picks until we pick again!

  67. 67 Jarock said at 8:52 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Better live up to your handle then 🙂

  68. 68 scratcherk said at 8:52 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  69. 69 Crus57 said at 8:52 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    *looks at clock creeping towards 2am* eesh this is gonna suck.

  70. 70 D3FB said at 8:54 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Good news is twitter will know the pick at 10:30

    Bad news it wont be broadcast til 3 am

  71. 71 scratcherk said at 8:53 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    2nd round for teez? wow

  72. 72 Jarock said at 8:53 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Teez is gone. Glad, cause that 40 scared the !@#$ outta me.

  73. 73 Insomniac said at 8:54 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I bet Sidney Jones on one foot is still faster than Tabor.

  74. 74 ICDogg said at 9:09 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s got good hops

  75. 75 ICDogg said at 8:57 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Giants get booed

  76. 76 Jarock said at 8:57 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    and Cowgirls . . and Deadskinz . . .

  77. 77 scratcherk said at 8:57 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    dude has a round ass face.

  78. 78 Wrongthink said at 8:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Thank Christ they didn’t draft Joe Mixon.

  79. 79 Ark87 said at 9:00 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s a newly minted Bengal

  80. 80 ChoTime said at 9:42 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Really? not a surprise

  81. 81 ICDogg said at 8:59 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Las Vegas has the next pick

  82. 82 A_T_G said at 9:00 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Surprised they aren’t trading their picks for future picks – build hype for the move and a final kick in the teeth to Oakland.

  83. 83 ICDogg said at 9:03 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Oakland : the city so nice they dumped it twice

  84. 84 kid said at 9:04 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Oakland city officials have to take some of the blame here

  85. 85 A_T_G said at 9:07 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I don’t know much about it. Is the Raiders organization in the red?

  86. 86 CrackSammich said at 9:08 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    The game where billionaires cry poor so they don’t have to buy their own stadium is over.

  87. 87 Jarock said at 9:29 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    In principal, you’re correct. In reality, cities pay for stadiums . . . period. It sucks, but very few owners have any interest in spending money they don’t need to.

  88. 88 CrackSammich said at 9:44 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Nah. They DID pay for them. Now cities have done the math and are telling them to fuck off.

  89. 89 Jarock said at 9:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And watching the team leave for greener pastures . . . much as I’d like to see it change, don’t see it anytime soon.

  90. 90 BobSmith77 said at 10:04 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Good let them leave for a second/third rate city. People aren’t paying attention but the state of a bunch of municipal and county level governments is a really bad and it is just going to take one pronounced recession/bear market to break the system.

    The retirement funding levels for pensions are that stressed and it doesn’t even go into retiree healthcare funding either. Unlike the feds, these governments doesn’t face easy choices to make cuts and have few options to address the gap since most maintain meager to no rainy day funds. Some haven’t recovered really from the last recession and the next severe one will put them down on the mat to stay.

    DePasquale has been yelling like Cassandra about this problem in PA for several years now with no one listening.

  91. 91 CrackSammich said at 10:07 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If another city is dumb enough to take that on, good for them. I wish them luck when they’re trying to pay it back. I can’t afford an NFL game ticket anyway, so if and when Lurie gets around to fleecing the city again, see ya later, brother.

  92. 92 RobNE said at 9:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I can’t criticize a city for not wanting to be held up. Cities pay and pay $$$ for no upside while every owner is a billionaire.

  93. 93 kid said at 9:18 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    That’s true but this has been going on for years and the Coliseum is disgusting

  94. 94 kid said at 9:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Both Barnett and Jones will be under 22 when the season starts. That’s crazy

  95. 95 mksp said at 9:10 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If Sidney Jones is a top-20 player then I don’t see the issue with taking him at #43 and being patient.

    Still young too.

  96. 96 kajomo said at 9:11 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I haven’t seen anyone upset with the pick

  97. 97 A_T_G said at 9:12 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Keep scrolling.

  98. 98 kajomo said at 9:13 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’ll take you word for it.

  99. 99 Jarock said at 9:14 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    D3FB’s pretty salty bout it.

  100. 100 kajomo said at 9:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    D3 is a conservative guy. He seems to like the safe pick over the upside/risk guys.

  101. 101 Jarock said at 9:19 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Based on the msgs we’ve traded, I don’t think D3 would’ve liked Sidney in Rd 1 even if he hadn’t been injured.

  102. 102 xmbk said at 9:29 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Absolutely the way to go. Unfulfilled potential is great for fantasies, but it’s no way to fill out a football roster.

  103. 103 mksp said at 9:33 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    What unfulfilled potential?

    He got hurt. It will heal.

  104. 104 xmbk said at 9:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    It was a comment about philosophy, not Jones specifically.

    As for whether it will heal, that is not a slam dunk medically. But I do have faith in our med staff. This will test that faith.

  105. 105 kajomo said at 9:43 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I disagree. How do safe picks help you separate from the pack?

    I point to Seattle a lot. They took Malik McDowell because of potential. They have done a great job of getting players to reach their potential. Frank Clarke is another guy they took a chance on that has paid off.

    Coaches get paid to develop players. THat is why coaches are almost as valueable as QBs right now.

    Taking calculated risks is a smart strategy. Taking a risk just because of upside is foolish. Based on howie’s comments they did significant research on this injury. I think it was a risk work taking.

  106. 106 xmbk said at 9:33 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    The issue is that there are no guarantees he’ll come back full, and there were still very good players who would help the team this year. The idea of building a super team that has a high probability of winning it all doesn’t work in football. Compete year in and year out is the way to go.

    Not a horrible pick, just not good value.

  107. 107 mksp said at 9:34 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    It’s one year. Maybe half a year. Take the talent.

    Nothing’s guaranteed. The healthy guys may bust. This is a different risk is all.

  108. 108 Tdoteaglefan said at 9:12 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Wish i was in philly right now..that scene when we picked sidney jones was sooo effffing awesome

  109. 109 CrackSammich said at 9:15 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    A hefty ‘fuck you’ to the coming hack writers pumping out “It’s like we got two 1st round picks!” articles. Don’t be like Dallas fans.

  110. 110 Dave said at 9:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Howie already said in his press conference that they got two top 14 picks.

  111. 111 CrackSammich said at 9:22 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Then fuck Howie.

  112. 112 Mitchell said at 9:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  113. 113 RobNE said at 9:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    ok then cigar and dark and stormy time. Seems like I have some time before I need to be mad at their next pick.

    I’ll be back.

  114. 114 A_T_G said at 9:18 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Dark and stormy? Nice call.

  115. 115 laeagle said at 9:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    classy choice!

  116. 116 ACViking said at 9:18 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If Birds IR Sidney, he still owes the Eagles 4 more years under his rookie contract.

    (Sorry if this was posted)

  117. 117 meteorologist said at 9:25 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    That moderates the annoyingness of the “it’s like another 1st round pick” talk

  118. 118 Ark87 said at 9:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Always felt like addressing the CB situation was going to take multiple years, might have a terrible year of corner play ahead of us the makes a dramatic turn around in 2018. With any luck we’ll have some good development out of Wentz and who knows what could happen.

    Lets pick up some sweet BPsA for the rest of the draft and hopefully lay the foundation for a special 2018

  119. 119 ChoTime said at 9:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I felt that way, too, when they failed to trade for one or pick one up in free agency.

  120. 120 kid said at 9:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    That was amazing lmao

  121. 121 Insomniac said at 9:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    These boos are awfully weak.

  122. 122 Insomniac said at 9:21 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Booooo the Cowgirls took Awuzie.

  123. 123 Mitchell said at 9:21 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  124. 124 Jarock said at 9:22 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Gawd !@#$ it. That’s two CB’s the Cowbabies have claimed that I really liked/coveted. First Byron Jones and now Awuzie.

  125. 125 Insomniac said at 9:24 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    They could still turn him into a safety.

  126. 126 scratcherk said at 9:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    that old man is now public enemy #1

  127. 127 RC5000 said at 9:30 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He was a great WR.

  128. 128 Insomniac said at 9:24 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    That’s 6 safeties in round 2. Who said safeties weren’t important again?

  129. 129 Jarock said at 9:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Gotta admit, it’s nice to not desperately need to fill a hole there for once.

  130. 130 BobSmith77 said at 9:31 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    For the Eagles 2nd round pick . . . “Bring out the gimp.”

  131. 131 Ankerstjernen said at 4:01 AM on April 29th, 2017:

    A thousand upvote for Pulp Fiction rerefences.

  132. 132 kid said at 9:33 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    So how many offensive linemen are left?

  133. 133 scratcherk said at 9:34 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    there goes moton, liked him

  134. 134 ICDogg said at 9:38 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  135. 135 scratcherk said at 9:40 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    i like ogunjobi. great kid. double degree including computer science.

  136. 136 scratcherk said at 9:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    there goes kamara

  137. 137 CrackSammich said at 9:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Kamara and Witherspoon gone.

  138. 138 Steve Smegal said at 9:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    There’s gonna be a huge run on edge rushers soon

  139. 139 Steve Smegal said at 9:50 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And it begins

  140. 140 kajomo said at 9:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    There are no RBs left that are exciting. I like the Jones Pick, but loved the idea of having a difference maker at RB.

  141. 141 kid said at 9:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    what about samaje perine, d’onta foreman?

  142. 142 Insomniac said at 9:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    just a guy IMO

  143. 143 kajomo said at 9:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s not dynamic and I worry about him staying healthy.

  144. 144 Steve Smegal said at 9:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Strong disagree

  145. 145 kajomo said at 9:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Who is left that has elite potential like Cook or Mixon?

  146. 146 Steve Smegal said at 9:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    We don’t need elite and let’s not pretend Cook or Mixon weren’t deeply flawed prospects

  147. 147 kajomo said at 9:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I never said we needed an elite guy. I said I wanted one and there are none left. None of these guys are exciting.How do you disagree with that?

    I loved both of them. Their flaws were correctable. They both have special talent

  148. 148 Steve Smegal said at 9:52 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Because I didn’t want a RB in the second round anyway. You shouldn’t be giving second contracts to running backs but you should want your second round picks to be second contract guys.

  149. 149 Rellihcs said at 9:48 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Connor for me, Perine too. Hunt, Dayes… Williams…. there’s good stuff left. And we could still sign Jamal Charles… or Blount… but nah, draft 2.

    F it, get Tarik Cohen

  150. 150 kajomo said at 9:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Those are a bunch of fringe starters to me. Would you bet your pay check that any of those guys will become pro bowl running backs? I would bet that Cook and Mixon will.

  151. 151 Rellihcs said at 9:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    No, but at RB, probowl or bust is kinda dumb.

  152. 152 kajomo said at 9:53 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    But I wanted Wentz to have his Shady or Westbrook. Now that we won’t get that guy it’s a bit of a let down. I said I like the Jones pick, but I was excited about the prospect of adding one of those guys.

  153. 153 Steve Smegal said at 9:54 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    When we drafted Westbrook, you thought you were getting a third down back and return guy

  154. 154 kajomo said at 9:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I didn’t follow the draft back then, but as I understand it he tested really well and was only drafted later due to playing at Villanova. i get your point, but the guys left are largely JAGs. At this point I say screw RB and just keep adding CBs. Get our RB next year

  155. 155 Rellihcs said at 9:54 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Doesn’t necessarily have to be this year. We just made huge investments on D. You can’t have studs everywhere. Look at how NE is winning SBs with plug and play RBs…

  156. 156 kajomo said at 9:59 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I agree. I don’t want us pressing for a RB that is JAG. I don’t care if we suck this year. As long as we are a legit playoff contender in 2018.

  157. 157 Mitchell said at 9:54 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Kareem Hunt BB!!

  158. 158 kajomo said at 9:56 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I agree he is the best of what’s left. He is the only guy that has the potential to develop into a top back. He may be gone before we pick.

  159. 159 Rellihcs said at 9:57 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Gallman? Marlon Mack?

  160. 160 kajomo said at 10:00 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I don’t like Marlon Mack much. Gallman is a complimentary guy, not a starter.

  161. 161 CrackSammich said at 9:48 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Where is everybody seeing a list of players that are left? Could use a reference guide.

  162. 162 scratcherk said at 9:55 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  163. 163 CrackSammich said at 9:55 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  164. 164 BobSmith77 said at 9:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Baffled by Jones’ time table:

    Chris Mortenson says the Eagles’ medical staff told him they think he can be ready by mid-Oct.

    Multiple others are saying it is a foregone conclusion he is placed on injured reserve and McShay went on to say this pick is a sign that the Eagles’ front office only makes this pick if they think they have at least 2 (if not 3) more years to rebuild this team.

  165. 165 Will Ft. Daft Punk said at 9:56 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Just got back from class.

    I love the Jones pick and Hate CAR for taking Samuel

  166. 166 ChoTime said at 9:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Hm, so by the time we have our defense in order, we’ll have lost the best player on our team, Jason Peters, to age. So we should probably start looking into replacing him. And maybe pick up some more WRs in the hopes that one or two will stick to be ready for the beginning of Wentz’ prime in a couple of years. A RB or two, since we jettisoned our most talented one and Sproles is not going to last that long.

  167. 167 meteorologist said at 10:19 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You mean replacing Lane Johnson at right tackle

  168. 168 RobNE said at 10:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    we needed a lot of things and we’ve had two picks.

  169. 169 Rellihcs said at 10:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I have your RB solution. Draft Chris Wormley, and when Beau Allen gets healthy, convert his ass to RB.

    There you go.

  170. 170 kajomo said at 10:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’d love Chris Worley in round 3, but he won’t last until we pick

  171. 171 scratcherk said at 10:09 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    good call

  172. 172 kid said at 10:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Love that there is a run on offensive linemen and the Giants don’t have a lot of options

  173. 173 Insomniac said at 10:02 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Goodbye Taywan Taylor :'(

  174. 174 Tumtum said at 10:04 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Patrick who???? Love this pick.

  175. 175 CrackSammich said at 10:10 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    BAL takes a DT to replace the DT the traded away.

  176. 176 scratcherk said at 10:10 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Dont forget we already made a third round pick in Timmy Jernigan

  177. 177 jaws80 said at 10:38 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    We are now going to trade Jernigan to move up in the third round… Wildcard!!!

  178. 178 Steve Smegal said at 10:11 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    It always amazes me how much these players struggle with reading the card

  179. 179 scratcherk said at 10:12 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    what happened to atlantas second rd pick

  180. 180 Insomniac said at 10:13 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Traded down with the Bills

  181. 181 Insomniac said at 10:14 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Fabian Moreau in the third please Howie.

  182. 182 RobNE said at 10:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    ok since we have like an in between round pick, is it tonight or tomorrow?

  183. 183 BlindChow said at 10:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    It’ll be tonight, late, after everyone has left, when the servers are busy putting the chairs upsidedown on top of the tables and wishing you’d just finish your drink and leave already…

  184. 184 CrackSammich said at 10:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    haha, you guys aren’t trying to close are you hahahaha

    Fuck those people.

  185. 185 RobNE said at 10:24 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’ve got a lot of rum and ginger beer here and you can’t make me leave…..but I may need to turn on some show on TV to pass the time.

  186. 186 RobNE said at 10:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    geez we still have 20 picks to go?!?

  187. 187 CrackSammich said at 10:21 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    NFL Network just reported that Orlando Scandrick is on the block. Thoughts?

  188. 188 kid said at 10:21 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    why would the cowboys try to trade scandrick?

  189. 189 Sb2bowl said at 10:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He just misspelled jetes

  190. 190 RC5000 said at 10:24 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Loving DEs going…

  191. 191 myartz04 said at 10:24 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    We are all going to wait until 99 and watch, they will trade out of it..

  192. 192 Sb2bowl said at 10:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    As long as we get good compensation, good with me

  193. 193 Sb2bowl said at 10:25 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    19 picks to go, which direction should we take?

  194. 194 CrackSammich said at 10:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    There goes Moreau. Hope he fucking sucks now.

  195. 195 Insomniac said at 10:27 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Well shit..

  196. 196 Nu_B said at 10:28 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Hate to say it but Washington has had a great draft so far

  197. 197 Bob Brewer said at 10:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    The rest of the division is smart.

  198. 198 Insomniac said at 10:32 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Now there goes Carlos Henderson

  199. 199 Patrick said at 10:36 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And now Goodwin. The Bucs can fuck round off then.

  200. 200 kid said at 10:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Good lord the bucs are stacked on offense

  201. 201 Sb2bowl said at 10:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    That’s nuts

  202. 202 truehaynes said at 10:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Well at least rivers didn’t last till our third. Wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years he’s better than barnett

  203. 203 Insomniac said at 10:41 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Guys I might jinx us but Cordrea Tankersley is still available.

  204. 204 Mitchell said at 10:44 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Shut your whore mouth!

  205. 205 Rellihcs said at 10:42 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Fuck. Hunt went.

  206. 206 Rellihcs said at 10:43 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Tankersley, Conner, Mack, Gallman, Rasul Douglass….

  207. 207 Mitchell said at 10:44 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  208. 208 Rellihcs said at 10:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Someone get Tommy a PBR, bag of funyons, AND pudding. He needs the trifecta right now…ugh…. RIP Hunt with birds…ugh

    “Wentz to Hunt” was to be so apropos…

  209. 209 CrackSammich said at 10:53 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    And Foreman now, too.

  210. 210 Insomniac said at 10:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Shaq Griffin and John Johnson gone as well.

  211. 211 Steve Smegal said at 11:00 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Can you please not post picks before TV?

  212. 212 Insomniac said at 11:01 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You are way behind since NFL live is on the Cowgirls pick already..

  213. 213 Steve Smegal said at 11:03 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You’re right, my bad. Apologies

  214. 214 CrackSammich said at 11:02 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Lewis gone.

  215. 215 CrackSammich said at 11:04 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    lol. “Dallas sucks” chant in the background.

  216. 216 CrackSammich said at 11:05 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I guess taking two CBs would be why they’re okay with dealing Scandrick

  217. 217 Insomniac said at 11:07 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Well ok Cameron Sutton was the guy I wanted if Tankersley got taken.

  218. 218 Rellihcs said at 11:10 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m not going to tip anything, but I will say I really like what they did. Good night guys.

  219. 219 CrackSammich said at 11:11 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    dolphins just took tankersly

  220. 220 BlindChow said at 11:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    “hey look at me, I can get the name off twitter and spoil it for people just watching on TV!”

  221. 221 CrackSammich said at 11:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yahoo sports app, actually. Didn’t realize it wasn’t announced.

  222. 222 GENETiC-FREAK said at 11:14 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Rasul Douglas

  223. 223 Fufina said at 11:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Sigh don’t spoil it for people who want to watch it be announced.

    Having said that like the pick. Having a big CB who you can match up on TE’s or huge WR’s is such a valuable tool for a defensive arsenal.

    Pretty sure he was either BPA or close to it, which is always positive even if it is addressing our core need

  224. 224 ICDogg said at 11:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    West Virginia?

  225. 225 A_T_G said at 11:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Quite a run on dbacks in the late 3rd.

  226. 226 kajomo said at 11:16 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Should have traded up to get one of these last CBs. There is nobody on the board I like more than Tankersley or Lewis

  227. 227 Mitchell said at 11:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Insomniac, you suck.

  228. 228 Jernst said at 11:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  229. 229 Insomniac said at 11:17 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  230. 230 Insomniac said at 11:19 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    In my defense, they never met with Tankersley. Yea that’s right..ha ha.

  231. 231 A_T_G said at 11:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    9/10 picks before ours fall in the RB/db/WR area of need category.

  232. 232 RC5000 said at 11:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    They liked Rasul.

  233. 233 A_T_G said at 11:22 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yeah, just a run of bad luck after so much went our way earlier.

  234. 234 RC5000 said at 11:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m just saying they may have taken him anyway and then people woulda been pissed they didn’t take their guy. He’s no sure thing but he has a chance to better than what we had lol.

  235. 235 Insomniac said at 11:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Douglas will be the better CB anyway.

  236. 236 kajomo said at 11:20 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Ugh. Its like we’re trying to have the slowest defense in the league. Tankersley was worth a 4th to trade up.

    I really don’t see a difference with joe Douglas in the building except that we seem afraid to make trades.

  237. 237 Ryan Rambo said at 11:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yes. That’s their intent.

  238. 238 kajomo said at 11:24 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I know. It’s quite obvious

  239. 239 Ryan Rambo said at 11:27 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yes….i saw that evil grin on Howie’s face and knew you were right.

  240. 240 Fufina said at 11:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Douglas isn’t the quickest… although his length should help mitigate that to an extent. But who else is slow on the starting defence in the back 7? Our Safeties are fast as is Hicks, and Sidney will not be a slow CB.

  241. 241 RC5000 said at 11:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I don’t think so. Barnett 88 % ile in 3 Cone drill. Jones runs with WRs deep.

  242. 242 Insomniac said at 11:25 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Douglas isn’t that bad even if he’s on the slower side.

  243. 243 Fufina said at 11:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yeah he isn’t Tabor slow. Big corners have been successful with his Douglas’s athletic profile, you don’t need 4.4 speed with that extra length and size.

  244. 244 Insomniac said at 11:27 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If only he would get off blocks better for a CB his size.

  245. 245 Patrick said at 11:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yeah, not thrilled by that trait about out CBs. I get it, and it seems like a scheme thing. Also makes sense with Jenkins and McLeod, but basically not of our CBs can cover a WR down the sideline. Maybe you could argue Sidney Jones, but who knows what his speed is like after the injury, and its not like the guy was a speed demon before, as much as a quick and agile player.

    On a more personal preference not, I like man coverage more than zone and had hoped our reliance on zone defense was because of shitty corners. I even doubt Mills’ and now Douglas’ ability to cover the deep zone in a Seattle like cover 3.

  246. 246 kajomo said at 11:29 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    What is frustrating is JD got up there and talked about the importance of athleticism for CBs in today’s NFL then drafts Douglas.

  247. 247 Rellihcs said at 11:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Are you ignoring the potentially vicious pass rush?

  248. 248 kajomo said at 11:58 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    My statement was hyperbole.

    I think the vicious pass rush still has to materialize. It will likely be better than last year, but I have my doubts if it will reach vicious levels.

    It does seem that JD is a tape only guy and I very much like a limited pool of good athletes with tape that shows glimpses of what the finished product can look like. Our philosophies are very different.

  249. 249 Dave said at 11:23 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Rasul and Sidney both have excellent ball skills.

  250. 250 jaws80 said at 11:39 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    that is what jumps out. have to admit we’ve been lacking in this area since Asante left, and is mostly undervalued compared to 40 times.

  251. 251 Mitchell said at 11:25 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Really cant be upset with these picks. They are meshing need with BPA beautifully.

  252. 252 kajomo said at 11:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You can be upset. They fell just outside a large drop off in talent. They should have traded up to get a higher quality player in round 3. I am not a huge fan of Douglas at all.

  253. 253 Mitchell said at 11:28 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    You are entitled to your opinion.

  254. 254 Ryan Rambo said at 11:30 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    As painful as it may be.

  255. 255 kajomo said at 11:32 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Why because I don’t love every pick the eagles make. What in the eagles history has proven that they know how to build a championship team? JD has always had Ozzie making decisions so the jury is still out on him. To me this draft is very status quo with what we have done in the past.

  256. 256 kajomo said at 11:25 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I don’t get it. I look at the Ravens draft and they are targeting good to great athletes. We have drafted nothing but average to below average athletes.

  257. 257 Insomniac said at 11:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Are you saying Joe Douglas is the problem?

  258. 258 kajomo said at 11:27 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s not part of the solution apparently

  259. 259 Bob Brewer said at 11:26 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Ravens fans this morning were not exactly thrilled last night with Humphrey.

  260. 260 Dave said at 11:27 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Humphrey has no ball awareness. Rasul and Sidney are just the opposite.

  261. 261 jaws80 said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    joe did say he lets the tape lead him to the player, kinda trying to highlight that he is a tape first, and maybe a tape last kinda guy. Which is fine. be interesting to see how it turns out.

  262. 262 kajomo said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I am not a Humphrey fan myself, just pointing out the difference in what JD and Ozzie have done this week. Ozzie seems to be putting a premium on athleticism while we are clearly not.

  263. 263 Dave said at 7:21 AM on April 29th, 2017:

    You don’t think Sid and Rosul have athleticism?

  264. 264 BlindChow said at 11:32 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Is the goal to draft good players or good athletes?

  265. 265 kajomo said at 11:33 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Why is it an either or proposition? Charles Harris instead of Barnett. I like the Jones pick. Trade a 4th and go get Tankersley. How is that not drafting good players?

  266. 266 Steve Smegal said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Tankersley wasn’t really a fit if we’re being honest. He is horrific at tackling which is very important in Schwartz’s scheme.

  267. 267 Insomniac said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I have bad news for you, Douglas isn’t much better at tackling.

  268. 268 Fufina said at 11:36 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    At least he tries….

  269. 269 Insomniac said at 11:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yup but it gets frustrating watching him dive at ankles instead of trying to wrap up.

  270. 270 Steve Smegal said at 11:38 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Form is easier to correct than effort

  271. 271 FairOaks said at 11:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    One scouting report says “Solid tackler, missed just five of the 58 solo tackles he attempted in 2016”


    Whereas the NFL Network guys specifically called out Tankersley’s allergy to tackling as being on another level — said two 50 yard TD runs in one game were his area of run support and he had no interest in even being in the area.

  272. 272 Insomniac said at 11:41 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m just going by what was available on draftbreakdown. What I saw was Douglas doesn’t get off blocks very well and doesn’t really love to tackle.

  273. 273 Insomniac said at 11:45 PM on April 28th, 2017:


    WEAKNESSES Tall corner who plays upright in his pedal, which affects his balance and transition quickness. Very average in his pattern matching and has below average closing burst to the ball. Won’t be able to match quick-footed receivers from press coverage. Athletic and coverage limitations could limit his scheme fits. Doesn’t have the downfield juice to stick with burners on go routes. Makeup speed is below average. Inconsistent hitter who may lack necessary aggressiveness as tackler to project to safety. Defaults to arm tackles.

  274. 274 FairOaks said at 11:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yup. Same review in the “Strengths” area says “Not a physical tackler but gets guys down. Length allows him to catch stray running backs breaking contain.”

  275. 275 GENETiC-FREAK said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Funny you mention Takersly. See when Takersly got picked the panel were saying he has alot to work on. Douglas gets picked the total opposite.

  276. 276 kajomo said at 11:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m ok with a player than needs work. That’s what coaches are for. I have liked Tankersley since last year. Love his ball skills. Has faced some big time competition. Plays with some swagger.

  277. 277 Steve Smegal said at 11:37 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    If you love ball skills how can you hate Douglas who was the biggest ball hawk in the draft?

  278. 278 kajomo said at 11:42 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    My biggest problem with Douglas is his speed and quickness. Teams are beginning to utilizes smaller quicker receivers more than in recent years. Antonio Brown, Cooks, Sanders, ODB, etc are now top WRs. I think Douglas will really struggle with these guys. He isn’t very physical considering his size. I’ll take the guy with better tools, more PBUs, and experience against top competition over Douglas.

  279. 279 Dude said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Seriously. I wish these other teams would get on board with our drafting strategy.

  280. 280 Fufina said at 11:35 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Tankersley would be a disaster in this scheme – our CB’s have to be willing to tackle RB’s due to the wide 9 and attacking alignments up front. Tankersley pretty much runs away from that kind of contact. He was never a realistic option for the Eagles.

  281. 281 myartz04 said at 11:34 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    …Curtis Marsh..

  282. 282 laeagle said at 1:31 AM on April 29th, 2017:

    Does anything make you happy? Do you have a source of joy in your life?

  283. 283 scratcherk said at 11:31 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Are we still taking BPA or trying to fit needs?

  284. 284 Mitchell said at 11:33 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Intricate mosacism of both disciplines.

  285. 285 Insomniac said at 11:33 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Douglas is someone who I watched breakdowns on. Yes he isn’t the fastest but he does have some speed. I brought this clip up since it showcased his straight line speed. He doesn’t really play to his size but whatever he’s a good ballhawk with size.

    He almost ran down Dede Westbrook who runs a 4.3s flat


  286. 286 Mitchell said at 11:36 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Im not even going to watch it. You know why? Cause I trust you. I threw in a upvote too.

  287. 287 Insomniac said at 11:36 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m pretty sure you saw it before when we talked about him months ago.

  288. 288 jaws80 said at 11:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    damn, maybe Joe showed this to Howie and said “Tape dont lie”.. Sure seems like he was going stride for stride versus a timed 4.3 guy.

  289. 289 Ankerstjernen said at 4:19 AM on April 29th, 2017:

    Honestly, people overestimate the 40 so much. Gamewise, hand use, balance, coordination, body control and anticipation can EASILY earn you a tenth of a second head start in a footrace with a wr. And we have seen plenty of fast CBs getting burned because they whiff, get turned around, bite on the fake or refuse to turn their head when the ball is coming. This idea that if the dude is not running sub 4.5 then he is never going to be good is just silly. So much more goes into it. Lets all relax.

  290. 290 kid said at 11:38 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    dammit not conner

  291. 291 Corry said at 11:41 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    I’m late to the party, but I do like that we’ve picked up some corners. Obviously, it’s a huge hole in the defense (says Captain Obvious) That said, I don’t really like the Jones pick. I don’t like using a 2nd rounder on a player recovering from a major injury.

  292. 292 xeynon said at 11:46 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Jones is 20 and it’s an injury from which players usually make a full recovery. Was considered a top 20 talent before he got hurt. Seems like a worthwhile value pick to me.

  293. 293 Corry said at 11:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    It’s like another first round pick? (I’ll show myself out).

  294. 294 xeynon said at 11:53 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Obviously the medical redshirt knocks him down a peg. But if a 2nd rounder this year is equivalent to a first rounder next year, it’s fine value. He’s a guy who has the talent to be a very good starter for a decade.

  295. 295 Ankerstjernen said at 4:23 AM on April 29th, 2017:

    Actually its an injury that some players never fully recover from. Scar tissue in the achilles tendon tend to sapp a bit of a persons “elasticity” meaning explosiveness. He can get fully healthy, sure. But he might not be quite as quick. The fast that he is very young does help though.

  296. 296 ICDogg said at 11:42 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Good night

  297. 297 jaws80 said at 11:43 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    well, 2 CBs in the first 3 picks is what many fans have been asking for, and seemed like the prudent thing to do in the abstract. I love Jones, before and after injury – just have faith that he can come all the way back. Douglas – who knows? At least he is ranked as a 3rd round talent by others, and trust Joe before we have reason not to trust him. So, glad, they are addressing CB with top 3 round talent.

  298. 298 Patrick said at 11:51 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Yeah, whether you like the picks or not, we’ve had a big talent increase at CB, which is basically what we needed. Hopefully one of Mills and the 2 picks, becomes a really good starter and the other 2 becomes solid NFL players. I wouldn’t even mind another corner if guys like Corn Elder or Kazee drops.

    Tomorrow, I expect a RB and a WR with some speed in the 4th. Perine, Mack and Westbrook the obvious options right now. Wouldn’t mind a pick on either side of the trenches though.
    Dont really love any of the LBs or Safeties, but I could maybe be persuaded.

  299. 299 BobSmith77 said at 11:44 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Is Douglas as slow and unable to cover deep one-on-one as some scouting reports state?

  300. 300 Rellihcs said at 11:47 PM on April 28th, 2017:


  301. 301 Insomniac said at 11:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He’s just slightly slower than Richard Sherman if that makes you feel any better.

  302. 302 xeynon said at 11:49 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    40 times range from 4.48 to 4.6 from what I’ve seen. Not fast but not untenably slow for an NFL corner either, especially for a guy who goes 6-2, 209. That’s faster than Richard Sherman ran for example.

  303. 303 FairOaks said at 11:50 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Sounds like he’s not a burner, but tall CBs can sometimes still play fine without being blazingly fast. Is a ballhawk too, so he’s risky to through 50/50 balls to, from the sounds of it.

  304. 304 kajomo said at 11:50 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    He will need to maximize his length in those situations. Guy like Richard a Sherman are not blazers, but are able to use their length both at the LOS and down the field.

  305. 305 Insomniac said at 11:53 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    Highlights make every draft pick better right?


    I’m totally not posting this since I like the pick.

  306. 306 ICDogg said at 11:59 PM on April 28th, 2017:

    New thread