Monday Morning Notebook

Posted: September 18th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 347 Comments »

Let’s talk some more about the Eagles 27-20 loss to KC and the team in general.

Ertz was 5-97 on Sunday and he’s off to a terrific start for the season. He and Carson Wentz have developed great chemistry, which is crucial for a TE and QB. The next step for them is to get better in the Red Zone. Ertz should be a mis-match down there, but that hasn’t really worked out so far.


I re-watched part of the game and one bit of good news is that Jason Peters played better than he did in the opener. He was up and down against WAS. He had some good run blocks and was solid in pass pro in the plays I watched. If the OL is going to get better, they need Peters to play like the stud LT he is.


I struggle with Pro Football Focus. They do some good things, but then they have moments like this.

Wentz struggled in the 4th quarter. He looked outstanding at times in the game. Did he make mistakes? You bet. He made some poor decisions and some poor throws, but overall played well.

How you could watch that game and say he “struggled mightily” is beyond me. Stuff like that just kills your credibility.


We know PFF loves the Eagles DL, so I’m sure they got good grades. The DL has played well through the first two games.

Brandon Graham and Fletcher Cox have combined for 4.5 sacks so far. You want your stars to play…like stars. Those guys have been outstanding so far. And this isn’t just about the pass rush. The Eagles have clogged the running lanes this year. Kareem Hunt got free for the one long run yesterday, but struggled other than that. The Skins had no room at all. They ran all over the Rams on Sunday, making the opener that much more impressive.

Good start for the guys in the trenches.


Dallas was awful in Sunday’s loss at Denver. The score was 35-10 early into the 3rd quarter. I was shocked (and pleased). I actually thought Dallas would win that game. As good as the Broncos defense is, they have been vulnerable to the run at times. That wasn’t the case on Sunday when they held Ezekiel Elliott to less than 10 yards rushing.

At least he hustled on this play.


The Eagles host the Giants on Sunday. The G-men play tonight and it will be interesting to see if their offense is any better than it was in the opener.


347 Comments on “Monday Morning Notebook”

  1. 1 Will Howald said at 10:42 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    I agree with you Tommy I think sometimes PFF has to look outside of their numbers and if what you watched doesn’t match up with your stats something is off in your algorithm. Like how you can possibly say Dak had a better game than Carson.

  2. 2 Bert's Bells said at 10:51 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    I missed the Dallas game (yoga class). What a great surprise, after assuming they’d walk out of there 2-0 and the Eagles would be facing an uphill climb the rest of the year.

  3. 3 Sb2bowl said at 1:59 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Denver looked like their Super Bowl defense yesterday; and Dallas quit. That’s the best part

  4. 4 TO BLACKS said at 1:59 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    You must be a FAGGOT with your Yoga.

  5. 5 Bert's Bells said at 2:05 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Send dick pics and I’ll let you know.

  6. 6 TO BLACKS said at 2:07 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Hopefully, you get the NI GGER AIDS and die.

  7. 7 Bert's Bells said at 2:14 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    We all die, jack. We don’t have to be miserable trolls until then.

  8. 8 therevxxx said at 11:02 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    Some interesting stats about our run game. We had the ball for (10) series yesterday and this is how our run game did:

    S1: Sproles 12 yard carry, 6 yard carry and a 3 yard carry (also had the Blount carry that was brought back due to a holding call). So solid series for our running backs (sproles).
    S2: Smallwood, -2 yards, Sproles +2 yards and Sproles -3 yards. Crap series.
    S3: Sproles 6 yards. That’s it, can’t complain.
    S4: Sproles 11 yards, then had the Ertz crazy play and the missed FG. So Didn’t have time to run more.
    S5: 1st of 2nd half – zero carries.
    S6: Smallwood 8 yards, Sproles 3 yards. Not too bad
    S7: Zero carries
    S8: Smallwood -2 yards. Poor job
    S9: Zero carries
    S10: Zero carries.

    Summary: (10) possessions. (4) of which had no carries. (4) of which we did a good job running and (2) were poor.

    We averaged 4 yards per carry on the day in (13) carries. I blame Doug for not running enough – we were doing a decent enough job getting yards in a close game so should have pounded the rock a little more.

  9. 9 CrackSammich said at 1:31 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    series 8-10 were playing from behind in situations where the clock would have kept rolling. Context matters.

  10. 10 therevxxx said at 1:44 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Only series 9 & 10 actually. Series 8 was still a tie game.

    Regardless, the point that we didn’t run enough is still extremely valid.

  11. 11 CrackSammich said at 1:48 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    valid yes. but had he run during those series, then he would have been really stupid.

  12. 12 therevxxx said at 1:51 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I think that’s clear to everyone.

  13. 13 CrackSammich said at 2:10 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    It’s not. The world is on fire today with terrible sports analysis.

  14. 14 SteveH said at 3:26 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    That’s every time the Eagles lose a game. Everyone loses their collective mind assigning blame for the loss. In a close game like this I tend to favor the idea that the team who makes the most critical plays (or mistakes) tends to win, and in my mind the 2 biggest ones were the interception, which was just bizarre, and Curry missing the sack. Those were 2 moments where the momentum really shifted in the Chiefs favor.

  15. 15 sonofdman said at 1:55 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I would be interested to see the overall success (# of plays, yards, scores) for each series as well (don’t have time to look it up myself).

  16. 16 xeynon said at 10:21 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    The problem is all those negative yardage plays – when one out of every four running plays you can results in a loss, it doesn’t really matter if you gain a few yards on the others. A running play stuffed for a 3 yard loss isn’t much better than a sack, and if Wentz was being sacked 25% percent of the time he dropped back, we’d say Pederson would be crazy to keep having him drop back. Even with six sacks yesterday, the percentage of lost yardage plays in the passing game was way lower.

    Yeah, I’d like to see them run the ball more too. But they have to be able to do so at least a little more reliably. The run blocking has to improve. Properly defended run plays should still get you a yard or two if they’re well executed. If you have guys being regularly tackled in the backfield your offensive line play is lacking, and it’s hard to blame the coach for getting away from the run when that’s happening.

  17. 17 meteorologist said at 1:16 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Why? We averaged more yards per attempt passing than yards per carry running. I don’t question Doug here

  18. 18 MysweetBrick said at 11:16 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    Feels like deja vu all over again with Pederson and Reid in one important aspect: depending way too much on your franchise QB. I know I’m jumping the gun a bit calling Wentz a franchise QB, but I think he is one.

    Big Red used to lean on Donovan all game long, every game. Had to be exhausting for McNabb. Already I see the same tendency with Pederson and Wentz. He is just going to grind this guy into dust if someone doesn’t step in and force him to take the pressure off with at least some modest commitment to the run.

    In some respects, a guy like Alex Smith is the perfect QB for Andy Reid. He knows Smith isn’t Superman and runs a little more of a balanced offense as a result. Meanwhile, Wentz is asked to go out in his second season and take the whole load on himself.

    I think the Eagles should call the Saints about AP. Or the Bills about Shady, if they are serious about tanking.

  19. 19 BobSmith77 said at 11:42 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    Contracts for AP and Shady wouldn’t work unless the Eagles release a pretty high dollar contract.

  20. 20 Gary Barnes said at 12:05 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Wentz has a better and deeper set of weapons than McNabb had in Year 2, but your point about putting too much of the game on the shoulders of your QB has merit.

    Wentz is showing signs of progression which is great, but imagine if he did have a reliable run game to go with his better OL and TE/WR weapons. It would speed up his development IMO and make him a better QB in the long run.

    Bottom line is we have to hope he stays healthy like last season. If he does, he’ll progress despite the offensive holes/flaws and we can hopefully fix the RB and OL personnel issues in the off-season. If Wentz gets injured due to these issues, his development will be delayed and the season goals for the team will be majorly impacted.

    The main objective for Pederson, his offensive staff and the FO is to effectively develop Wentz into a franchise QB. We all know that teams who have legit franchise QB have a much better chance to compete for and win SB while teams who don’t have little chance. Everything should be done to help Wentz develop – having a poor run game and/or not utilizing it effectively falls short of that goal.

  21. 21 ChoTime said at 12:26 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    They may consider Wentz a franchise QB, and he may end up being one, but he isn’t one yet. There are very few guys who can carry a whole offense (probably none), and he isn’t even close to being there. I think it’s an awful idea to hope that your young, athletic QB can bail you out with so called wow-plays. Pederson and Wentz both need to be more disciplined in their playcalling and execution.

  22. 22 D3FB said at 12:32 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    The escapability plays are great but Wentz has to learn to just get rid of some of these balls. Not everything is designed to be 5 progression reads and he’s patting the ball too many times and making the OL look worse than it is. He’s got to be ok with read1-read2-checkdown/throw it away.

  23. 23 ChoTime said at 2:03 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Exactly, that’s what I mean by discipline. But I suppose the temptation to use your God-given talents to get a little more, not to mention the game awareness to rein them in, shouldn’t be expected out of such a young player. (yes, I think I’m missing a verb, but you know what I mean)

  24. 24 Anders said at 4:05 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Consider how much he has improved since last year, I think it will come.

    He do have to pat those Airyards or twitter will come after him.
    oh right they just found a new term to hate on Wentz for

  25. 25 MysweetBrick said at 1:44 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    In some respect, it’s not really a question of whether Wentz is a franchise QB, or isn’t one. The Eagles consider him to be their franchise, and are already treating him as the finished product, leaning heavily on him each week to win the game. I recognize it’s part of the territory as a starting NFL QB. But it would be nice to take some of the pressure off.

  26. 26 BobSmith77 said at 11:38 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    If you include the deflected pass that bounced to Ertz and 2 others throws that could easily have been picked, I could see what PFF was talking about.

    Ditto if you pull out the numbers & completions from the last TD drive where KC dropped back into prevent and was only bringing 3/4 rushers, Wentz’s numbers in the 2nd half were really underwhelming.

  27. 27 xmbk said at 11:50 AM on September 18th, 2017:

    If you include the whole game, it’s an idiotic statement. And they rated Dak 20 points higher? That kind of nonsense isn’t even worth discussing.

  28. 28 xeynon said at 10:25 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Dak was terribad yesterday. I thought Wentz was only okay unless you want to grade on a curve (fair for on the road in KC), but Prescott was significantly worse.

  29. 29 Bert's Bells said at 12:13 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    True, if you cherry pick the bad and ignore the good he was turribull.

  30. 30 dandynator said at 12:12 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    If someone wants to rewatch all games are on youtube on the channel randy taylor. Cheers until it last

  31. 31 Gary Barnes said at 12:14 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I think using stats for Ertz from the last game of last season vs a Cowboys team who had packed it in for the playoffs is a bit specious, but it is Roob who is the king for cherry picking stats.

  32. 32 P_P_K said at 12:15 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Kendricks is the winner of my early-season “Pleasant Surprise” award.

  33. 33 P_P_K said at 12:17 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    The more I think about it, the more I wonder just what is going on with Blount. Maybe’s he’s on the outs with the coaches for something.

  34. 34 D3FB said at 12:27 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Or he’s pretty much cooked and needs a runway to be successful and that’s not happening right now

  35. 35 P_P_K said at 12:32 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yup. It’s possible his performance at practice doesn’t inspire confidence.

  36. 36 Gary Barnes said at 12:34 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Maybe the Murray syndrome – poor performance after banner year in another organization

  37. 37 D3FB said at 12:42 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    He turns 31 in Dec and is coming off a year when he’s had 306 touches.

  38. 38 Gary Barnes said at 12:43 PM on September 18th, 2017:


  39. 39 SteveH said at 3:27 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He just looks slow. There have been a few carries where holes opened up and he just didn’t have the speed to get through. I still think he could be effective as a goal line bruiser, but IMO Sproles and Smallwood should be the main backs at this point.

  40. 40 D3FB said at 6:38 PM on September 19th, 2017:


  41. 41 Anders said at 4:04 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I just hoped he could get 3 yards and a cloud of dust

  42. 42 Gary Barnes said at 12:32 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    My theory is Roseman/Douglas grabbed him because they knew they were going to cut Matthews and that Sproles/Smallwood were not good enough to roll with alone. Yes, they drafted Pumphrey, but I doubt they believed he would have immediate impact.

    They grabbed him mainly because he was the best, in their estimation, option available for cheap (limited cap space) and not because he fit Pederson’s scheme well or had the skill set they wanted.

    My cynical side says they also signed him because he was a recognizable name (after his success with NE last season especially) and knew that would shut up the local sports media & fans who had been calling out the RB weakness.

    They view him as a one year stopgap, bridge that will allow them to get a better FA or draft pick or trade option in the off-season. it is a usual pattern with Roseman – similar to his handling of the CB position in past years – use bridge vets to buy time until one can hit better in the draft or FA/trade.

    The natural fit is New Orleans who have extra RB and need defensive help, Kendricks anyone? I do not want to trade him, but we need to maximize his value while he is healthy and we need a better RB mix. Could we get Ingram for Kendricks?

  43. 43 P_P_K said at 1:02 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m ok with the notion of using him as a one year stopgap. So, Eagles, go ahead and use him.

  44. 44 Gary Barnes said at 1:57 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    But that is the issue. If he is cooked and/or not a good scheme fit, why would Pederson use him?

    This may signify a disconnect between Roseman/Douglas and Pederson on putting the roster together.

    I can almost hear the conversation:

    Roseman: We’re going to give you Blount as a cheap one year stopgap RB. Its the best we can do.

    Pederson: But he is 31 yr old RB who is slow, cannot block or catch passes well and does not fit my scheme.

    Roseman: Its for one year, deal with it

    Pederson: You deal with it, Howie

  45. 45 Tumtum said at 2:07 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I think it was more along the lines of:

    Doug: Hey Howie I’m worried about RB
    Howie: Looks like Blount is the best we can do.
    Doug: Not my first choice but I am pretty excited about that. We could use a few more rings in the locker room.

  46. 46 Gary Barnes said at 2:19 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    If true, we are truly fucked. 🙂

    Howie does not know his RB corps sucks without being told and Doug is happy with a 31 yr old RB that does not fit his scheme.

  47. 47 Tumtum said at 6:15 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yeah I probably couldn’t be further from you on this issue. Most people base their reason on results. I can’t bring myself to do that.. I’m broken. I think it was the right move, with (so far) wrong results.

  48. 48 A_T_G said at 1:10 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’d rather keep Kendricks.
    (Wow, I just said that, didn’t I?)

  49. 49 Gary Barnes said at 1:58 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Crazy 😉

  50. 50 Tumtum said at 2:04 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m gonna say it. He is a beast.

  51. 51 Sb2bowl said at 2:32 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    He’s been playing well; kind of glad they didn’t trade him at this point.

  52. 52 peteike said at 2:39 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    amazing what a contract year can do to players. Will be risky again after that

  53. 53 D3FB said at 2:50 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    he’s under contract through 2019

  54. 54 Stephen E. said at 12:07 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Maybe Kendricks can run the ball?

  55. 55 Fufina said at 1:23 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    They expected to draft a RB in rounds 1-4 this year who could be a volume back. The right player was not there when they picked and they didnt want to trade up assets early to grab someone.

    Pumphrey the drafted to be a scat back, but he is a project in that roll because he was used as a lead back his entire college career, so needs to learn proper route running and pass protection before he can effectively get on the NFL field.

    Once the team was unable to get their guys, and obviously didnt trust Clement yet as a UDFA, they went out and signed a Vet band aid.

    This isnt a superbowl contending roster, so worrying about RB play isnt a priority yet.

  56. 56 Tumtum said at 2:03 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Right, and everyone knew at the time that was the case. I think we just got kind of excited when Doug said the offense would run through him. Clearly not the case.

    Also of note…he wasn’t pouting with his hands on his hips. He was engaging with the RBs everytime they ran off the field. You could see Sprole explaining the way he saw a lane or something the way he motioned his hands, to him in the 4th.

  57. 57 Gary Barnes said at 2:04 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    So, because we are unlikely to compete for a SB this year, none of these moves matter and all of those in charge are given a free pass? Screw that.

  58. 58 Sb2bowl said at 2:31 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m sure the plan is to rest him well into November and unleash him on unsuspecting teams when we go to a run heavy offense.

  59. 59 Fufina said at 12:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I don’t really get the drama around the game in the post game analysis. My feeling watching the game, and now i got a chance to watch the 30 minute version again is that it was a game played between 2 really good football teams, where the Eagles with 3 days less prep lost because of 2 really costly turn overs.

    Sproles fumbling is ultra rare, i would love to say the batted pass was as well, but it is something Wentz needs to work on and stop throwing into congested passing lanes, but even then is not going to happen every week. If you loose the turn over battle by 2, you generally loose. The other unfortunate, aspect of them is that both turn overs gave the Chiefs amazing field position which even with the defence stepping up meant that they could at best limit them to a field goal.

    The other area which people are not talking about is field position, the Eagles nearly always started at the 25 or worse most drives, and against a good defense in a hostile stadium, expecting the team to be able to sustain 80 yard drives on a consistent basis is really hard. I expected this loss, its one of the 2 hardest games on the schedule in my opinion, so why are so many people calling for peoples head in the aftermath?

  60. 60 sonofdman said at 1:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Before the game: “The Eagles have no chance (remember that is why week 1 was a “must win”). The Chiefs have much better talent. The Eagles won’t be able to slow down their offense and their pass rush is too good. Arrowhead is to tough of a place to play for a visiting team.”

    After the game (in which the Eagles kept it close and lost to a good team): “Doug Pederson stinks. He has no feel for the game and is the reason they lost a game they should have won.”

  61. 61 Tumtum said at 1:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    There were actually quite a few flukey plays that went the other way. You could say McLeod injury was the reason we lost.

    I think drama is def not required.

    **edit** Also I think it is way to early to tell if the Eagles are good or not. I think we can give that to the Chiefs because they have been good and are carrying it over.

  62. 62 Gary Barnes said at 2:14 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I saw a team that was already good and another team who was still learning what it takes to be good.

    Sorry, they are not equal teams. The Chiefs raised their game while the Eagles made mistakes when it counted.

    People are upset because the Eagles played very tough football up until that point and were tied with every chance to win in their stadium.

    It showed how much the Eagles still need to learn about winning (and not just the players). While folks may have expected a loss and knew the Chiefs were the better team, it also shows how the expectations are rising for this team.

  63. 63 BlindChow said at 3:04 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Okay, the first few times, I figured it was an autocorrect issue. Now, it’s clear you might not know the difference.

    The word is spelled LOSE.

  64. 64 A_T_G said at 1:07 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    “How you could watch that game and say he “struggled mightily” is beyond me. Stuff like that just kills your credibility.”

    Kills your credibility with people who watched the games, that is.

  65. 65 Fufina said at 1:17 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Nearly all of his pressures, were coverage pressures. So if during his progressions no one is open and the pressure finally gets to Wentz, unsurprisingly he is unlikely to complete for much yardage.

    The other factor that kills Wentz on these is our Screen game needs huge work, and so some of those ‘pressures’ come of screens that are just covered well, or blocked poorly and go for little yardage.

    PFF is pretty good for grading line play, but the more complex the position the worse it is, because they have no concept of the scheme or the play call. If a WR is open, but has run the wrong route, PFF grades them as being great – while in fact they have messed up. QB is a scale of magnitude worse, making their grading results pretty much meaningless.

  66. 66 RogerPodacter said at 1:33 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    didn’t the Lions OL guy, who is ranked fairly well by them, call them out for having terrible grading of OL?

  67. 67 D3FB said at 2:34 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    OL Twitter does not respect PFF as a staff a label or a motherfuckin crew

  68. 68 Will Ft. The Roots said at 2:38 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I have to fire that up on youtube now

  69. 69 A_T_G said at 1:21 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    That Dallas play was my favorite play of the day. Dak gets picked, Dez has a ball bounce off his hands with no one around him, and Zeke decides to stand with his hands on his hips…in week 2. A little adversity and they will crumble.

  70. 70 Ark87 said at 1:35 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Dez is a headcase, Denver sold out to shut Zeke down in a challenge to Dak, who got exposed.

  71. 71 Tumtum said at 1:45 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Say what you want about Dez. You will never see him quit in the middle of a play. I’ve waited for it last season and then last week where they pretend he doesn’t exist. Sure this week he was heavily involved and didn’t really rise above (the best secondary in the league by far), but he sure as hell as never quit.

  72. 72 P_P_K said at 2:42 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I hate to say it, but you’re right.

  73. 73 Mac said at 3:11 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    A friend of mine who is a Dallas fan begs to disagree. He said he never drafts Dez for fantasy because he is too unreliable when it comes to effort on game day.

  74. 74 Tumtum said at 6:07 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’ll admit, I don’t watch every Dallas game as intently as I watch the Eagles. I feel like I watch at least some of each Dallas game every week though (I like to watch everyone in the East pretty close). Never noticed it. I feel like I tried to see it too. I’m usually wrong though, so who knows.

  75. 75 Will Ft. The Roots said at 2:37 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I wouldnt say Dak got exposed. Denver trashes almost every QB they face.

  76. 76 xeynon said at 10:33 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Dak is not a guy who can carry a team when the running game is being stuffed and he’s under pressure. That doesn’t make him bad (that description applies to all but maybe a half dozen QBs in the league) but after last season he was being talked about as a budding superstar and he’s not. I think that’s what people mean when they say he was “exposed”.

  77. 77 Tumtum said at 1:40 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m surprised about Zeke quitting on his team like that. Figured he would be a team leader at this point.

  78. 78 meteorologist said at 1:12 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Yeah. Remember. Urban Meyer said something like Zeke was the best player away from the ball he’d ever coached

  79. 79 sonofdman said at 1:43 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    That clip just made me smile so big!

  80. 80 P_P_K said at 2:41 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Now that’s a highlight.

  81. 81 wee2424 said at 1:21 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Tommy or D3-
    After watching Seumalo struggle the past 2 games do you think he will be a better fit at C next year in which does seem to be the plan? I would think not having a DT not line up directly in front of him may be of assistance.

    Thoughts, analysis, comments?

  82. 82 D3FB said at 2:44 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    General thoughts:

    1. Sem will be a better C than G. C is an easier position to play. It’s mostly because the angles are better. Alot more blocks where it’s just turn and seal the backside DT who you already have leverage over. Plus he’s smart and a coaches kid. The processing shouldn’t be an issue.

    2. It’s not like he wont still have a DT over him. still will deal with a ton of shades and noses.

    3. He gave up 4 sacks yesterday. One was completely on Wentz. The other three were against Dee Ford and Chris Jones who are good and very good respectively. Other than that he played a solid game. This is one of those thing that OL hate. If Nigel Bradham misses 3 tackles it’s not a huge deal, you give up 28 yards instead of 17. Sem misses 3 blocks and it’s time to take him out back and shoot him.

    4. I think part of his problem is he was getting bulled back into Carson slowly during the redskins game and in the first quarter and a half against the chiefs. I think he either got screamed at to stop it or took it upon himself to stop it and made an ingame decisiion to try to jumpset guys more.

    5. I don’t get calls to insert Warmack or Wiz. Wiz has the same problems as Kelce and doesn’t have the mobility. Warmack has the same issues as Sem struggled wit yesterday. He’s older, and has had more coaching. He’s going to get Wentz killed in the exact same way.

  83. 83 Mr_wiggles said at 2:58 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    in regards to point 3, glad you brought this up (long time reader very infrequent poster but now living in NYC rather than London so able to follow a bit more easily).

    The blocking struck me as strange watching the game in that Wentz either had ages to throw or no time at all i.e. blocking was not consistently bad. It seemed Seaumalo either held his own well for a more than acceptable period of time, or got straight up beat off the snap. It would be interesting if there was anything consistent in the way he was getting beaten, or the type of block he was trying to execute when getting beaten to know if it is some sort of consistent flaw in his game or just a mental lapse or pure lack of talent…

  84. 84 D3FB said at 3:02 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Like I said it looked like he was trying to jumpset on the sacks. So he’s going out and attacking a defender like you would on a quick pass. The upside is you can stop a defender dead in his tracks immediately. The downside is if you get beat immediately, you’re screwed.

  85. 85 Mr_wiggles said at 3:18 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    If that is the issue is that the sort of thing that if he wasn’t instructed to do would really piss a coach off for going rogue, or would the change be considered within the bounds of acceptable adjustments/decision making for players?

  86. 86 D3FB said at 3:48 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    It’ll be a conversation with the coach. It’s a tool in their bag and they’re allowed to use it but there are pros and cons to it.

    It’s kind of like an RB bouncing everything. As long as you get results it’s not a huge deal but it’s not ideal long term.

    Besides the downsides of getting beat immediately if you miss, you can also leave the players around you out to dry. Peters was not a fan of Evan Mathis because he was so aggressive in his pass sets that it left Peters completely isolated and defenders a two way go, as well as completely destroying their depth when they had to pass off defeders twisting and slanting.

  87. 87 CrackSammich said at 1:23 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    According to my app, Wentz as thrown for 298 and 299 yards the last two weeks.

    inb4 Wentz hasn’t had one game over 300yds this season!

  88. 88 A Roy said at 1:51 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Below 300 when sacks are factored in. Above 300 without.

  89. 89 John Galt said at 4:05 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Technically no, Wentz has thrown for over 300 in both games, but the Eagles have not had 300 yards passing in either. For the team stats (ie. Passing offense) the sacks are removed as A Roy says. For his personal stats (ie. Yards passing by QB) the sacks are not removed.

  90. 90 ACViking said at 1:24 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Re: The Memories . . .

    Here’s Andy Reid’s play selection in 2000 in the first 8 games of McNabb’s 2nd year as the Eagles QB. (The Birds lost Duce Staley during the fifth game that year, after which the lead HB became Darnell Autry and then, in the last game and the playoffs, Chris Warren.)

    Game 1: 34 passes called 41 runs called 1 sack Win [pickle-juice game @Dallas]

    Game 2: 41 passes called 7 runs called 5 sacks Loss

    Game 3: 39 passes called 19 runs called 5 sacks Loss

    Game 4: 42 passes called 18 runs called 3 sacks Win

    Game 5: 51 passes called 15 runs called 3 sacks Win

    Game 6: 41 passes called 13 runs called 2 sacks Loss

    Game 7: 44 passes called 31 runs called 3 sacks Win

    Game 8: 41 passes called 22 runs called 1 sacks Win

    I didn’t list the opponents or scores because those data points didn’t seem to affect Big Red.

    And I stopped after 8 games ’cause nothing affected Big Red.

  91. 91 sonofdman said at 1:42 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Didn’t Duce get hurt early in that season (I believe against the Falcons)? Their running back depth was not good behind Duce that season.

  92. 92 ACViking said at 1:52 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yes . . . 5th game vs. The Falcons.
    Primary backup was Darnell Autry.

    But the numbers show that even before Staley’s injury, Reid was calling far more passes than runs.

  93. 93 sonofdman said at 1:57 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Thanks. The numbers certainly do show that. Since it was early in the Reid tenure still and we didn’t know how pass crazy he was yet, the way I remembered it was that Duce got hurt, we had nothing behind him, and he put the whole offense on McNabb’s shoulders. It looks like Reid was already trending that way before Duce got hurt. Great info!

  94. 94 Macsit said at 1:37 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Carson Wentz is an athletic guy. He is smart. He is tough. He is a leader.
    I just can’t see a particularly gifted passer so far. And you can see that particularly in the red zone, where the field is condensed and you have to make tight throws on covered receivers.
    I hope he’ll get better but that’s my opinion at the moment

  95. 95 peteike said at 2:42 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    gotta like how good he is this early about getting through his reads. Add in his pocket presence and staying in a play and its a lot to like.

  96. 96 xeynon said at 10:39 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I actually think he’s fine in the red zone. He needs a bit more touch but he can make those stick throws into tight windows – that Agholor TD was a nice throw and he hit Alshon nicely with the back shoulder throw for the other TD.

    It’s the inaccuracy on the deep balls and the lack of finesse on short timing throws (screens, touch passes) that are my biggest complaints.

  97. 97 Donald Kalinowski said at 1:57 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    So the Eagles have to find replacements for Peters, Kelce, and Seamalu next year as well as a decent RB.

  98. 98 sonofdman said at 1:59 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Is it too early yet to give up on next season?

  99. 99 Ray888 said at 2:23 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    LOL Nice perspective!

  100. 100 sonofdman said at 2:00 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Maybe Schwartz can find all those players after he leads his coup!

  101. 101 ChoTime said at 2:04 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yeah, he can swagger the draft, swagger the practice, and swagger the run game, and we’ll be just fine.

  102. 102 Donald Kalinowski said at 2:00 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I don’t know why people are so upset about this game. The defense was dominant for the most part and the offense was able to move the ball down the field against a really good defense. The Cheifs are a really good veteran team that killed the Patriots last week and had an extra 3 days of rest. NYG and Dallas had pretty embarrassing losses. Ours wasn’t that bad.

  103. 103 sonofdman said at 2:05 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I hope you can tell the future and are talking about tonight’s game for NYG.

  104. 104 Mac said at 4:40 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    As long as Golden Tate has zero fantasy points… I’m all in.

  105. 105 sonofdman said at 4:45 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Ha. I have Golden Tate, but I already clinched a win unless Tate fumbles 19 times.

  106. 106 Mac said at 4:53 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m playing 3 leagues this year, and as it stand right now I need Golden Tate to lay an egg in 2 leagues to win/have a shot a winning. haha

    And yes, I’m that terrible at fantasy football.

  107. 107 Julescat said at 2:16 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    NFL seasons are like running a marathon. A quick dominant start does not necessarily mean the season will end the same way. The Chiefs are on a roll right now. The trick is to keep up the momentum for a few months.

  108. 108 Someguy77 said at 8:44 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Teams that drop to 0-2 though since 1990 only make the playoffs 11% of the time.

    Last 0-3 team to make the playoffs was the 1998 Bills. Season is essentially over if that happens.

    It is not impossible but if you are betting anything on 11% odds I hope it is anything significant.

  109. 109 xeynon said at 10:41 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    There is a big of correlation/causation problem with that stat though. Really crappy teams are the most likely to start 0-2 or 0-3 and also the most likely to miss the playoffs.

  110. 110 BobSmith77 said at 10:50 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    That’s part of it but the bigger issue is just a 16-game schedule. Too big a hole to dig out of if you start 0-3.

  111. 111 P_P_K said at 2:40 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I think most people on this board understand the issues. In general Eagles fandom, however, anything less than 16-0 means the sky is falling. Oh, and the Coach must fired.

  112. 112 A_T_G said at 5:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Fired? Only if he can run faster than the pitchforks and torches.

  113. 113 TO BLACKS said at 2:15 PM on September 18th, 2017:


  114. 114 P_P_K said at 2:43 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m hoping yesterday’s game was the beginning of the end for Dallas. The D is obviously weak and, hopefully, DCs will start to figure our Dak, Zeke will amplify his negativity, and the Oline will age rapidly.

  115. 115 D3FB said at 2:49 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    God I hope so but I think it was more about Denver shutting down the run game and having really really good CBs

    Also their OL will never get old:

    Smith: 26

    Cooper/Green: 27/25

    Fredrick: 26

    Martin: 26

    Collins: 24

  116. 116 Donald Kalinowski said at 3:07 PM on September 18th, 2017:


  117. 117 P_P_K said at 3:07 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Thanks for the clarification on the Oline. I had it in my mind that those guys were several years older. Maybe playing in Satan’s palace will cause them to age fast.

  118. 118 Howie Littlefinger said at 3:11 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Jerry will feed on their youth lol

  119. 119 P_P_K said at 3:41 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Now that’s a devilish comment.

  120. 120 D3FB said at 3:41 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Smith has been in the league forever but was 20 when he was drafted

  121. 121 Howie Littlefinger said at 3:10 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Either way it was nice to see them kind of give up in the game and more than 1 cowboy quit on a play after the game got out of hand.

    I didn’t see any quitters in KC :0

  122. 122 FairOaks said at 3:37 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    We can hope it will get too expensive. They already had to let Leary go. They can’t pay Dak peanuts forever. Elliott is getting a bit more but you suspect he will want to break the bank on his next contract, and Dez already has.

  123. 123 Donald Kalinowski said at 3:49 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Smith and Frederick are paid. La’el signed a 2 ywar extension for $7.5 million/year. Martin is due for an extension next and Romo’s money being off the books will help. Dak and Elliot still have 3 years on their rookie contracts.

  124. 124 FairOaks said at 4:43 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    They will probably want to extend one of Dak or Elliott after their third year. But yes, they probably won’t have significant cap issues until then, since they do get Romo’s money back this year. Collins is a (restricted) free agent after this year.

  125. 125 Guy Media said at 4:46 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I agree with Oaks; it’ll get too expensive.

  126. 126 Insomniac said at 6:45 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    A Cowgirls implosion would be

    Dak turns into the next Nick Foles
    Zeke demands a trade in 2 years.
    Zack Martin and La’el Collins wants none of this shit and leaves in 2019 FA.
    Defense never gets better because they suck at drafting
    Jerry Jones takes back command because he wants another SB very soon.

    It would be glorious if this happened.

  127. 127 Tumtum said at 6:48 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    #4 has always been true 🙂

  128. 128 Someguy77 said at 8:41 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Beginning of the end? It was a just a bad performance against a solid Broncos’ defense that played well.

    Still the best team in this division.

  129. 129 bill said at 8:16 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    …and a defensive performance that made Trevor Siemian look like Aaron Rodgers.

    That game was a complete implosion. Sort of excusable against a a good (but not great, anymore) D (except that Dallas’s O is supposed to be elite), but Dallas’s D was flat out exposed by a journeyman(at best) QB. Their DC might be running out of smoke and mirrors to hide the atrocious lack of talent.

  130. 130 Stephen E. said at 12:41 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Siemian has put up two good games. He might actually be a serviceable QB, as crazy as that sounds. or he might just be having his Foles season.

  131. 131 Guy Media said at 4:54 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m still so disgusted by the manner in which that game was lost yesterday. I think I’ve picked all of the nits I care to…….we just need to bludgeon the Giants on Sunday.

    And I think I’m out of games (seeing the records and/or play of team that we’re playing) I’m morally ok with losing in and of themselves until the game at Seattle. All of those, in total, won’t be wins……but individually I’m out of any respect for Giants, Chargers, Cardinals, Panthers, Niners, Broncos (due to game being here), Cowboys, and Bears.

    F em all.

  132. 132 SteveH said at 5:40 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Hey man, every time has problems sometimes, Green Bay got absolutely bludgeoned for most of last night, and they have the GOAT at QB.

    The Cowboys got embarrassed on national TV.

    The Pats folded late at home in week 1.

    The Giants couldn’t block a toddler much less a lineman in week 1.

    Seattle barely eeked out a win against the Brian Hoyer lead Niners.

    Gotta put it in perspective. Losing a close game against a good team hurts for sure, but it could be a lot worse.

  133. 133 Guy Media said at 5:45 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I agree, so that’s why I’m moving on to flaming future victims.

  134. 134 xeynon said at 10:44 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Hey now, I love Aaron Rodgers but he is not the GOAT. He’s not even the best QB of this generation (no way you can give that title to anybody other than Brady at this point).

  135. 135 CrackSammich said at 11:15 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    he’s 7 years younger than Brady. They’re not in the same generation…

  136. 136 Gary Barnes said at 11:29 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I agree, outside of ATL, the NFC is wide open for a team who wants to grab it. Hopefully, the Eagles will be in that conversation

  137. 137 A_T_G said at 5:42 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I will take losing like that 10 times out of 10 over losing the way the Cowboys did last night.

  138. 138 Guy Media said at 5:45 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    No doubt. And I was not predicting a win going into the game. But I got a taste of blood at 13-13 and wanted the kill. We’ll get it next week.

  139. 139 daveH said at 6:05 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    2 self inflicted daggersstood out dramatizingly to me . .the long run and Sproles fumble .. Maybe not self inflicted since they are good, but they sure hurt us

  140. 140 bsuperfi said at 6:13 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yeah, I hear you about the taste of blood. KC really seems to have that killer instinct vibe this year.

    I’m actually amazed we hung so tough with the turnovers and lack of running game. We’re not upper echelon yet, but with the front 7 and wentz, we’re dangerous and an any given Sunday team for any opponent. If we make the playoffs, we’re going to be the kind of team that “no one wants to play.”

  141. 141 Guy Media said at 6:15 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I agree completely.

  142. 142 Tumtum said at 6:25 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Right there with you.. except for the Broncos who I think are 10x harder than Seattle (Home, Away, on the moon…)

  143. 143 Guy Media said at 6:30 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’ll believe we have a chance to beat Seattle after I see us beat Seattle. We’ve lost to that team over and over and over and over.

  144. 144 Tumtum said at 8:30 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m with ya they are a hard game! Just tells you how I feel about our chances vs Denver.

  145. 145 SteveH said at 5:50 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Anyone have a scouting report on Detroit? I’m curious to know their strengths and weaknesses so we can evaluate the Giants.

  146. 146 Guy Media said at 5:52 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    They have a far superior fan base to the Giants. The have a DE who is probably 35, but with some type of fake paperwork about his age.

  147. 147 SteveH said at 5:57 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Ansah? I wanted us to draft him back when he came out. We got Lane Johnson instead so fair play.

  148. 148 Guy Media said at 6:00 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yeah, he’s trash. 100% fake birth cert.

  149. 149 SteveH said at 6:20 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    He didn’t have a big year last year but the three previous years he was doing work, even if he is an old guy.

  150. 150 Guy Media said at 6:26 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Age caught up with him.

  151. 151 Tumtum said at 6:21 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    My buddy is really good friends with his his sister (and coincidentally a lions fan..). He never mentioned that…lol.

  152. 152 Guy Media said at 6:03 PM on September 18th, 2017:

  153. 153 Tumtum said at 6:24 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Feels like bias.

  154. 154 Guy Media said at 6:26 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Ha; check it out in more detail.

  155. 155 Tumtum said at 6:19 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Ziggy? lol

  156. 156 BlindChow said at 7:10 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Here’s a picture of Ziggy Ansah at practice last week:

  157. 157 Guy Media said at 6:01 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Thoughts on activating Means and sitting Curry vs. San Diego if Curry doesn’t make any mathematical impart on the game? I’m done with the “almosts” with him.

  158. 158 SteveH said at 6:17 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Don’t activate Means, I’d just rather Barnett moved up in the rotation. Curry blew a big opportunity against the Chiefs but he has been playing the run well even if he has no sacks so far. Some pressures too.

  159. 159 Guy Media said at 6:25 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yet he still remains sackless. Which the DC flamed him over twice this offseason.

  160. 160 RC5000 said at 6:31 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Besides that terrible miss, I thought he played a very good game.

  161. 161 SteveH said at 6:46 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yeah, but that terrible miss was a big moment in the game. The interception and his missed sack were the biggest moments in the game IMO, tilted the game in the Chiefs favor right at the end.

  162. 162 daveH said at 7:16 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    And the fumble. .that’s it

  163. 163 laeagle said at 7:35 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yeah, but those non-terrible plays add up, too. Take away the pressure he was causing early in the game, and the result is different.

    I agree with Insomniac. People need to stop bashing Curry. Who gives a shit about his contract at this point. He’s a solid, disruptive player, and an asset to the DL. There isn’t anyone on the team right now that’s going to get the same results.

    I think everyone needs to stop with the fashionable bandwagon attacks or support. It gets really tiring when an average or good player is treated like trash because it becomes fashionable to beat up on them. It becomes equally tiring when a poor player captures everyone’s attention and it becomes fashionable to fit them for a jacket for the Hall of Fame.

    How about, instead of that, which is the fan version of what shitty “journalists” like Stephen A, Marcus Hayes, and Skip Bayless do, we actually evaluate players based on their total performance, and accept that there is a lot in play, that nuance in analysis has a place, and in general, not be idiots with our fandom? We’re all crying out for more and better from beat writers and sports journalists in general, so why are we not also holding our own selves accountable?

  164. 164 Someguy77 said at 8:39 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    He wasn’t an average player though or close to it last year. He couldn’t even grab the starting job from Barwin who certainly didn’t play well last year.

    Activating Means though at this point and benching Curry doesn’t make any sense though.

  165. 165 RC5000 said at 9:23 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    He still had 40 QB pressures last year. He was the 9th most efficient pass rusher in the NFL last year according to PFF.

  166. 166 ChoTime said at 12:40 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    It almost seems they would rather he get nowhere close to the QB, if he’s going to miss a sack.

  167. 167 Guy Media said at 5:27 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    The DC told folks on two occasions this off-season that he’s not interested in lauding Curry for “almosts”; so why should anybody else do it?

  168. 168 ChoTime said at 9:40 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I’m not really going to model my behavior on an asshat.

  169. 169 Guy Media said at 5:26 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I think we’ve established PFF has more flaws than a dollar store diamond.

  170. 170 Guy Media said at 5:26 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I understand your concerns about the hot take stuff, but how can I reconcile this statement

    “There isn’t anyone on the team right now that’s going to get the same results.”

    with Marcus Smith having the same sack total as Curry did last year? In fact, Smith and Curry have exactly the same number of sacks for the Eagles this year as well. Curry’s “almosts” weren’t impressive to the DC when he spoke specifically about Curry needed to actually sack the QB on two different occasions before the year started.

    I’m with on not putting his contract on blast at the moment because he’s not getting cut in season. Harping on that is for the off-season. But he’s sacked the QB exactly 6 times in the Eagles last 34 games. Like it or not, the team has a cap to manage and Curry’s production isn’t going to warrant a roster spot at that cap number for too much longer.

    The Bottom line on Curry is that folks have been looking for his 2014 production for quite a while and ripping his lack of real production (not fake PFF stuff) isn’t exactly new. Ripping Curry for not producing during games is light years away from the stupidity of people freaking out over Cox and Graham deciding not to attend a voluntary mini camp.

  171. 171 laeagle said at 12:33 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I’m not looking at his 2014 numbers. I’m looking at his play this year. And he’s played very well. His sack numbers aren’t there, but he’s playing his ass off. He’s doing well against the run and he’s generating all sorts of pressure. Would I like his sack numbers to be up? Sure. Would I have liked it more if he brought Smith down yesterday on that key play? Absolutely. But that doesn’t make the rest of what he’s doing go away. Looking at it another way: Smith has just as many sacks, but Curry was the far better player last year. Doesn’t mean Curry is a star, or that he can’t play better. Just that he’s better than Smith was, despite the sack total. Another example: Brandon Graham’s sack numbers were down last year. But despite that, he was one of the top 5 most disruptive DEs in the league last year.

    This is what I mean by nuance. No one is “total crap” or “totally amazing”. There are so many levels in between, and let’s try to be accurate about how we gauge people’s performance. Let’s try to use a measuring scale with more than two settings. And let’s try to look at total performance rather than flashy numbers.

  172. 172 Guy Media said at 6:14 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I totally understand where you’re coming from on context and not taking an all or nothing approach with the evaluation of how guys are playing, but I wouldn’t call sack totals just “flashy numbers.” Taking the over-discussed miss of Smith out of the conversation, Curry needs to get home more. And that came from Schwartz’s mouth on two separate occasions this off-season.

  173. 173 RC5000 said at 9:10 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    No shit lol. . That’s why I said it was a terrible miss. And you already said he blew a big opportunity .I didn’t think it needed an explanation lol.

  174. 174 Tumtum said at 6:18 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I mean he tied for the team lead in tackles. He was very active, seemed to effect the passer. That missed sack really hurts and is a great example of why he won’t be loved here. Just don’t think Means is in the same class.

  175. 175 SteveH said at 6:20 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Agreed, Means is a nice effort guy and can fill in in a pinch, but Curry is definitely a better player.

  176. 176 sonofdman said at 9:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Curry looked great yesterday (besides the missed sack).

  177. 177 Gary Barnes said at 11:32 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    San Diego still has a team? 😉

  178. 178 Guy Media said at 6:10 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I HATE city moves and name changes.

  179. 179 Insomniac said at 6:35 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    People need to relax on trashing Curry. Yes the game might have been different if he made that sack but the offense eventually fizzled in the 4th quarter. It was a team loss.

    Ertz’s great early start bothers me a bit. From the data we have, we know that he can only play well in one half of the season. Is this truly his breakout year?

    The Mack truck will eventually usurp Torrey Smith’s spot. He might not be as fast as Smith but the size difference will help Wentz more at this point of his career.

  180. 180 SteveH said at 6:45 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’m all aboard the Mack truck for sure. He’s exceeded expectations in a big way.

  181. 181 daveH said at 7:14 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    So its game 2 and we can say we like our draft, 3 out of 4 already contributing is huge

  182. 182 Guy Media said at 5:16 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I understand where you’re going with being overly focused on that one play by Curry, but it isn’t like had any sacks earlier in the game and/or last week. His sack totals were poor last year and the year before as well.

  183. 183 Donald Kalinowski said at 8:16 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Did anyone else notice that the Eagles had Darren Sproles in there as an extra blocker on the Hail Mary attempt? Is that normal? They had 6 guys blocking for 3 DL and 4 receivers matched up against 8 DBs. Maybe an extra receiver could have helped.

  184. 184 Dave said at 8:19 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’d imagine he was there as a safety valve in case the offensive line let through a rusher before the QB was set to throw. I was much more upset that stone-hands Ags was in at receiver while Mack Hollins was on the sidelines.

  185. 185 Stephen E. said at 12:51 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    You can’t look at Nelly’s performance this year and call him stone hands.

  186. 186 D3FB said at 8:26 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yes it’s normal

  187. 187 daveH said at 8:25 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    schmERTZ getting rundown from behind by the backup DB really grinds my gears

  188. 188 myartz04 said at 8:29 PM on September 18th, 2017:


  189. 189 daveH said at 8:33 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Is it greedy for me to want him to run that all the way in ?? Watching his impressive heads up play as it was happening i was worrying to my self, ” hey self, if schmERTZ don’t run this back, I’m scared we don’t score at all … “

  190. 190 myartz04 said at 8:36 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I mean, barring the absolute freak of nature TE’s, DBs will catch them from behind all day long. I wish Torrey Smith had gotten there for the block just a split second earlier.

  191. 191 daveH said at 8:40 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yes that part of it yep

  192. 192 Bert's Bells said at 10:48 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Good effort on that block attempt.

  193. 193 Stephen E. said at 12:53 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Even a backup DB is usually going to be a 4.5-4.6 40 guy who weighs 50 pounds less than a TE. A bit faster.

  194. 194 Tumtum said at 9:35 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Nit picking man. I wanted it too though!

  195. 195 Someguy77 said at 8:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    This is pretty darn close to a ‘must-win’ for the Giants because teams that open the year 0-3 don’t make the playoffs. Certainly won’t be favored on the road vs Eagles coming off a MNF game either.

    Since 1990, it is <1% and the last team to due it was the 1998 Bills.

  196. 196 Tumtum said at 9:32 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Don’t be counting Ws yet! Don’t you put that on me Ricky Bobby!

  197. 197 RC5000 said at 9:37 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Billy Penn is licking his chops!

  198. 198 Dragon_Eagle said at 9:46 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Giants may not be world beaters, but the Lions look like a good team. Can run, can pass, have a top 10 QB, solid defense. They are looking good. Let’s see if they can dethrone the Pack.

  199. 199 A Roy said at 9:54 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Fun to watch Eli fall down in fear after Ansah.

  200. 200 A_T_G said at 10:21 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Don’t screw this up, Detroit.

  201. 201 Tumtum said at 10:47 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Lovin this.

  202. 202 BobSmith77 said at 11:11 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Most national outlets except SI I saw had them 3rd ahead of the Skins.

  203. 203 scratcherk said at 10:50 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    freaking eli

  204. 204 scratcherk said at 10:55 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    freakin beautiful

  205. 205 xeynon said at 11:03 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Nothing takes the edge off a tough Eagles loss like the Cowboys and Giants both suffering humiliating, nationally televised beatdowns immediately afterward.

  206. 206 xeynon said at 10:58 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    For all the talk about the Chiefs game being a chance to prove something, I think the Giants game this week is actually a more meaningful test at this stage of the team’s development. @KC is the kind of game you win if you’re a legit Super Bowl contender, and we all know they’re not there yet. But this Giants team can’t run the ball or protect their quarterback, and willl be playing at our house on a short week. This is the kind of game a young team has to win if they’re going to have the kind of season I’d consider a success (which is a 10-6, playoff appearance type of season).

  207. 207 scratcherk said at 11:00 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    they’ll be playing desperate tho, could be a trap game

  208. 208 xeynon said at 11:02 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    That’s why it’s a meaningful test. The Eagles are 1-1 and coming off a stinging loss and the Giants are an arch rival whose neck they have a chance to step on. There’s no excuse for not being focused this week.

  209. 209 BobSmith77 said at 11:08 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    It is too home too. How many teams win their first two games on the road including against a division foe who has given them fits in recent years and one of the better teams in the NFL?

    1-1 after the first two games is just fine.

    The only thing I looked at before the season and saw with this schedule was going into the bye with a winning record. Didn’t see the Eagles making the playoffs other wise given the tough schedule after the bye including a hopeful split vs Boys.

  210. 210 scratcherk said at 11:13 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    not impressed by the other east teams at all including the boyz.

  211. 211 xeynon said at 11:16 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Me neither. I think you can actually make a case that the Skins look like the second best team in the division after two weeks (which isn’t saying much).

  212. 212 BobSmith77 said at 11:31 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Giants still have a good/very good defense but it is hard to overcome an offense that has looked this anemic.

    Everybody is crapping on the Boys after a lousy performance last night but their still the best team in this division.

    Might be back to a year where the NFC East is a bit down with only the division winner in the playoffs (10 wins).

  213. 213 xeynon said at 11:41 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I’d still give the edge to the Cowboys, I guess. But I’m not enthusiastic about them. Mediocre defense and I’m not sold on Dak as anything more than a game manager.

  214. 214 Dude said at 11:12 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Ahhh, there it is. Eli face.

  215. 215 scratcherk said at 11:12 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I was just logging on to say exactly that.

    Now I can sleep comfortably.

  216. 216 xeynon said at 11:14 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Friend of mine named his fantasy football team “The Manning Faced God” and had as his logo the assassin from “Game of Thrones” with Eli’s pouty face photoshopped onto it. Frickin’ brilliant.

  217. 217 RC5000 said at 11:12 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    4th & 10. Beckham runs an 8 yard route.

  218. 218 scratcherk said at 11:12 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    and drops it

  219. 219 BobSmith77 said at 11:18 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    8th consecutive game the Giants have scored <20 points.

    Flowers was terrible again tonight and they have no rushing game either.

    Giants are riped to be plucked next week and Eagles can basically end their season. Eagles just need the OL to play adequately.

  220. 220 xeynon said at 11:39 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    I am salivating at the thought of our D Line going after Statue Eli behind that terrible line of theirs. Flowers is maybe the worst starting LT in the league and John Jerry might be a poorer OG than Seumalo. We should be able to murder this team.

  221. 221 BobSmith77 said at 11:43 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Whatever DL does more damage wins next week.

    Manning looks really slow though.

    Eagles are only -3.5 favorites which I am a bit surprised at. Expect this to creep up this week to -4.5 or -5 by game time.

  222. 222 BobSmith77 said at 11:48 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Giants and Eagles kind of remind me as mirror images of one another with each team built around their DLs and solid defenses.

    Hopefully Wentz can make a few more plays next week scrambling out of the pocket and with his legs which a big part of the difference.

  223. 223 xeynon said at 11:50 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    They are very similar teams but Wentz > Eli at this point in the latter’s career. Especially playing behind a shaky line.

  224. 224 P_P_K said at 9:56 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Eli might not make it through the whole game.

  225. 225 Mac said at 10:03 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Eli isn’t even human. He is made of some indestructible composite material.

  226. 226 P_P_K said at 11:58 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    That explains the Eli face.

  227. 227 BobSmith77 said at 11:36 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Giants 0-2 for the fourth time in the last 5 years.

    Only time they made the playoffs over that stretch was last year when they started 2-0.

  228. 228 BobSmith77 said at 11:37 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Manning had 7 drops tonight and Marshall had 2 brutal drops.

  229. 229 Guy Media said at 5:12 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    That was actually LB Marshall from Denver who was battling with people on Twitter. They tweet him by accident, so he replies with offers to fight them in Giants stadium parking lot, etc. It’s really funny.

  230. 230 Sb2bowl said at 1:57 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Until someone shows up and fights the Giants Brandon Marshall

  231. 231 Guy Media said at 6:09 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Which would also be funny.

  232. 232 SteveH said at 11:38 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    The Giants are absolute balls, their OL is a mess. Their defense is respectable but that offense is horrific. It’s not like they faced amazing defenses either, Dallas and Detroit are both pretty mediocre.

  233. 233 BobSmith77 said at 11:51 PM on September 18th, 2017:

    Yup. The Eagles win next week and the Giants are finished this season.

    Tough upcoming schedule and Giants aren’t good enough to overcome say a 2-5 start.

  234. 234 eagleyankfan said at 7:14 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    never mind 2-5….the odds after an 0-2 are incredible to overcome…

  235. 235 Insomniac said at 12:17 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I’m expecting us to beat them pretty soundly, maybe somewhere around 27-10. Don’t think we’ll blow them out because their DL should beat our OL.

    Wait is this a trap game??

  236. 236 Guy Media said at 5:11 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Ha; I don’t think you can get trapped in a division game.

  237. 237 Ryan Rambo said at 6:30 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    At 0-2 I would at least expect them to come out in desperation mode and give us their best game. What that amounts to kinda depends on how we respond. We need a good sound win this weekend.

  238. 238 三五营销软件 said at 1:53 AM on September 19th, 2017:


  239. 239 A_T_G said at 6:02 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Solid PR move there, Brandon. Responding to a fan complaining in the heat of the moment that he needs to high point the ball…

  240. 240 MFGor said at 6:39 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    It’s Brandon Marshall from Broncos. He is actually trolling 😀

  241. 241 Ark87 said at 9:19 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    to clarify: there is a separate Brandon Marshall who plays linebacker for the Broncos, Not Brandon Marshall the receiver time traveling from 2007 to hi-jack his older more mature self’s twitter to troll people.

  242. 242 sonofdman said at 12:34 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    LOL. That is hilarious.

  243. 243 A_T_G said at 1:07 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Wow, I missed that. That’s funny then.

  244. 244 Sb2bowl said at 1:57 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He did it a few times to different people.

  245. 245 Guy Media said at 6:08 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Yeah, it’s really funny.

  246. 246 Ark87 said at 8:36 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Took a page out of Matt Barkley’s book.

  247. 247 Anders said at 8:39 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Difference is I think Marshall would knock the shit out of any guy who took him up to it. Im not sure Barkley could beat Kempski in a QB battle

  248. 248 Dave said at 8:49 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I just read Roob’s article that he self-proclaims uses “Math” & “Facts” explaining how the Eagles running game was working and doesn’t need fixing. He is very clear that Doug just abandoned it with no rhyme or reason.

    He ignores the following:

    – Down and distance
    – Defensive alignment
    – Whether the play was a run-pass option for Wentz
    – Whether or not Wentz checked them out of a run

    I’m not defending the lack of rushing attempts, just the lack of actual analysis on why their were so few rushing attempts.

  249. 249 Gary Barnes said at 11:45 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I stopped at “Roob’s article”….

  250. 250 ChoTime said at 5:33 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Who will be the DougWagon of this era?

  251. 251 Guy Media said at 6:08 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He’s something else.

  252. 252 Mitchell said at 9:06 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Jaelon Strong cut by Texans? Pick him up! One of my draft crushes.

  253. 253 Sb2bowl said at 1:41 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Great draft crush, not a great NFL player.

  254. 254 Guy Media said at 6:07 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    No. Pass dropped and a criminal. He’s also a bit of a whiny pre-teen on twitter butting into other people giving well-deserved rip jobs to other players.

  255. 255 Mitchell said at 11:08 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I dont care. He was my draft crush!

  256. 256 FairOaks said at 12:49 AM on September 20th, 2017:

    Claimed by the Jaguars.

  257. 257 Frencheaglesfan said at 9:16 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    I must say after two days, the loss is digested and there are a lot of positive news to take from this game. Wentz really seem like the real deal and that only is awesome, it seems far away but at some point foles and bradford were our only hope. At some point we were ready to trade cox and a lot of picks for Mariota. Now we have a top 3 if not 1 DL in the NFL and a top 4 rising star at QB (Carr, Mariota and Winston have proven more imo). It’s hard not to feel optimistic. I mean our main weakness is the RB, isn’t it the easiest position to upgrade?

  258. 258 Nick C said at 9:50 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Good points. Disagree on main weakness: OL
    Need to upgrade/replace 3 spots in the next year or two.

  259. 259 Mac said at 10:01 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Oline/CB health…

  260. 260 Frencheaglesfan said at 10:18 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Well I agree that this position need replacement but I’m optimistic most of them are already on the roster (Big V, Seumalo)

  261. 261 Guy Media said at 6:06 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Yes, RB is really easy to upgrade. They’ll just have to be a tad more aggressive in the draft with it this year.

  262. 262 eagleyankfan said at 11:28 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    this is a game(vs. Giants) that Eagles are expected to win if we’re expecting them to ‘take the next step’. Giants are primed for another loss. Beat the bad teams that you’re supposed to beat. 2-0 in NFC East…

  263. 263 Sb2bowl said at 1:41 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    These are the games that make me the most nervous. 0-2 Giants team, embarrassed on Monday night. Desparate.

    Eagles team that is 1-1 and hung tough with an AFC foe. Still feeling pretty good. Sense of urgency?

  264. 264 Nailed It! said at 1:56 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    The Eagles will be just as hungry for a W coming off a winnable game. You know Jenkins, Graham, Wentz and Peters will be pissed off they lost against the Chiefs. I think they will be fine in the motivation department.

  265. 265 Sb2bowl said at 2:22 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I think I’m just guarding myself; I’m so used to getting hurt with hope, only to be crushed in a mind-numbing defeat.

    I’m picking the Eagles 28-21. It’ll be a close one at the end.

  266. 266 RogerPodacter said at 11:40 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    lots of talk about Seumalo’s play, but i haven’t seen anyone here talking about Jimmy’s post of gifs of his play. that one running play…. HOOOOOOOLY CRAP thats bad. (2nd to last gif)

    ETA: lets see if i can just embed the gif in here…

    6) It wasn’t just pass protection where Seumalo was bad. The following was his most alarming play of the day. On a run play to Seumalo’s side, Chris Jones (95) is two-gapping, meaning that he is responsible for the gap on each side of Seumalo. When Jones thinks LeGarrette Blount is running inside, he pushes Seumalo like a rag doll to the outside. When Blount tries the gap outside of Seumalo, Jones violently pulls Seumalo back to the inside and swallows up Blount.

  267. 267 RogerPodacter said at 11:42 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    err… trying again..?
    edit: screw it. check the link. lol

  268. 268 Tumtum said at 1:03 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    The GIFs actually made me feel worse.

  269. 269 Sb2bowl said at 1:40 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    If you try the FIG’s, you’ll turn right around.

  270. 270 RogerPodacter said at 2:01 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    same here. i caught the first half on the radio, and only gave the second half of the game half of my attention. never really got to see how bad this stuff was. the gifs make it seem really, really bad.

  271. 271 A Roy said at 10:15 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He looked pretty bad in real time, too. Rather see Wiz in there while Seumalo gets it together.

  272. 272 Ark87 said at 1:13 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    That’s depressing, I had high hopes for him coming into the season. Not going to give up on him all together, but that’s a let down. I miss Barbre

  273. 273 A_T_G said at 1:37 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    But outside of getting pushed around by the power moves, spun around by the speed moves, and whiffing on his run blocks he looked pretty solid, right?

  274. 274 Sb2bowl said at 1:40 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    At least we can say he has great hair.

  275. 275 BobSmith77 said at 11:33 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Depending upon whether Seumalo was credited with giving up 3 sacks or 4 sacks it was the highest total (if it was 4) an Eagles’ G has been credited with surrendering in a single game.

    Eagles can’t afford to let him ‘learn on the job’ if anywhere near this kind of performance keeps up even over the next 2 weeks.

    For all of the criticism that Pederson has gottten this week, a much more valid target was Seumalo. His performance was one of the glaring reasons why this team lost the game.

  276. 276 Koy: The Legend of Neckbeard said at 11:48 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    Who wants to make a list of players the Eagles could have drafted instead of crippled Sidney Jones?

  277. 277 Ark87 said at 11:56 AM on September 19th, 2017:

    that’s working way too hard to find something to whine about.

    Whine smarter, not harder.

  278. 278 ChoTime said at 5:32 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    20/20 hindsight is actually the easiest whine around.

    My whines, where I spend 30 minutes researching stats and putting together an argument, now that’s work.

  279. 279 SteveH said at 5:35 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Everyone loves a whine that’s aged.

  280. 280 Ark87 said at 5:43 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    There’s the distinction. Finding something to whine about is super easy. Refs, play calls, a dropped pass, perceived poor effort, etc. Making a worthy argument is hard work and time consuming, but generally has some kind of worth.

    Making a list of players we’ve seen 2 games of compared to a player we’ve seen 0 games of is the worst of both worlds. Spending a lot of time for a worthless opinion.

  281. 281 daveH said at 10:54 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    And is Corey Davis injured? I’m gladder that we have a DE contributing already

  282. 282 Ryan Rambo said at 12:03 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Only you! Have fun!

  283. 283 P_P_K said at 12:03 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I’ll take this up because my buddies and I had this discussion during halftime of the KC game. It sucks that our 2nd round probably won’t see the field this season, especially when the position is so weak. On the other hand, if he recovers and fulfills his potential, the Eagles got him for a steal at #43 (or whatever it was) and we’ll have a stud in the backfield for years to come.

  284. 284 Dave said at 1:55 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    We could have an excellent secondary if Jones, Douglas, and Darby play to their potential in the coming years.

  285. 285 P_P_K said at 3:19 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    You’re right and it’s damn exciting.

  286. 286 BobSmith77 said at 11:27 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Darby is really part of the draft next year given the pick they gave up.

  287. 287 daveH said at 10:52 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    So if Jones plays and Pump busts, we still have 4 of 5 draft picks playing .. and 6th rounder D lineman .. it’s like the greatest draft in years

  288. 288 RC5000 said at 12:46 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    It’s kind of an old topic but I’ll take a shot…

    Basically some fans wanted Mixon and some wanted RB Alvin Kamara or Kareem Hunt. Many fans would’ve hated waiting any longer to take a CB.and wanted Awuzie. There were a number of CB prospects but not at Jones level when Jones was 100%.

    I wonder if they may have given up more to get Dalvin Cook if they didn’t want Jones….

    Here’s a list

    RB Kamara
    RB Hunt
    CB Awuzie
    CB Tabor

  289. 289 Sb2bowl said at 1:39 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    2nd seems a little high for Hunt; probably would have needed to trade back to get him, or up in the 3rd.

    I still like Awuzie, and Tabor seems to be doing alright in Tampa.

    Justin Evans (S)
    Dan Freeney (G)
    Fabian Moreau (CB)

  290. 290 Tumtum said at 12:59 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Who wants to make an argument that the Eagles should of drafted any of those players over crippled Sidney Jones?

  291. 291 Guy Media said at 6:04 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Zay Jones and Forest Lamp for starters; but assholes took them before we could pick.

    I like Sidney Jones as he was the best CB in the draft, as well as being a target of mine on first pick, before he got injured.

  292. 292 Dave said at 7:24 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I’m happier with Jones and Mack Hollins

  293. 293 Julescat said at 12:38 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    during the pre-season the “experts” were listing the Giants as the 2nd best team in the league. Now the real games start and the Giants are a dumpster fire. How did the experts miss the problems that were so obvious to someone like me?

  294. 294 Rellihcs said at 12:40 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    With all due respect to you personally, anybody who listens to the experts and gives them any clout before an NFL season (or ever perhaps) either hasn’t been following football that long, or hasn’t learned anything from following football for that long.

  295. 295 Tumtum said at 12:58 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Blinded by the lights of the Big Apple.

  296. 296 Guy Media said at 6:03 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Their fans should all blind themselves with hot coal pokers.

  297. 297 Bert's Bells said at 1:07 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I was going to call you out as exaggerating but I actually found Bleacher Report (LOL) putting NYG at #2, had them a 6. I checked 8 power rankings total and they had the Giants overrated at anywhere from 8 to 16. Every comment pointed to their defense.

  298. 298 Guy Media said at 6:02 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Which overachieved with multiple one trick pony defenders.

  299. 299 BobSmith77 said at 11:25 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Most of the power rankings I saw them 2nd in the NFC East and 10-15 which is very reasonable.

    They lost to Dallas on the road without Beckham which is understandable. Need to win this Sunday to get back on track but the defense is still very good.

  300. 300 Bert's Bells said at 8:20 AM on September 20th, 2017:

    #2 in the NFC East is a pretty safe call.

  301. 301 Guy Media said at 6:02 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Because a lot of them are based in New York and that city’s franchises get every benefit of the doubt.

  302. 302 Dave said at 1:49 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I don’t know if Wentz could take the hits Eli took last night. Eli is one tough mother******!

  303. 303 Sb2bowl said at 1:56 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He got whacked on some plays. I don’t blame him for sliding in the dirt.

  304. 304 Patrick said at 4:44 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    In generel I dont think Eli has a case of Keanu Reeves in The Replacements, and theres a reason the Manningface has started 200 consecutive games. I’ll take on of these once in a while for a QB who plays 15+ years and doesn’t miss games.

    Availability is the best ability. The more important take away is that Eli Manning absolutely sucks.

  305. 305 Sb2bowl said at 5:12 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    It’ll be weird when he retires; same with Rivers. Been watching those guys for a long, long time. Hopefully that doesn’t mean that I’m getting older too.

  306. 306 A_T_G said at 8:31 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Nope, only the players.

  307. 307 Guy Media said at 6:01 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He need to be injured and miss a start at some point. I’m offended and disgusted that he passed Jaws on the games played list.

  308. 308 Frencheaglesfan said at 1:58 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Crazy thought, this game we may have seen the unexpected future of our Secondary in Mills/Douglas if let’s say Darby disappoints and Jones never comes back to this.

  309. 309 Mac said at 3:55 PM on September 19th, 2017:

  310. 310 Insomniac said at 5:38 PM on September 19th, 2017:

  311. 311 Guy Media said at 6:00 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    That’s vile

  312. 312 daveH said at 10:24 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    3 of 4 draft picks adding value in game 2 is like our best draft ever!

  313. 313 TO BLACKS said at 1:59 PM on September 19th, 2017:


  314. 314 Ark87 said at 4:25 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Any of you guys see that business decision Byron Jones made against CJ Anderson? I didn’t notice it until Dave Dameshek pointed it out. Dude did the Asante, saw the runner heading his way, went begging for someone to block him. I want us to have that effect on defenses so bad.

    Couldn’t find a clip of it independently. It’s at the 1-minute mark

  315. 315 Guy Media said at 5:59 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Soft player / soft college. UConn is a complete bunch of douches.

  316. 316 Tumtum said at 6:20 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Blount most certainly could.

  317. 317 Ark87 said at 6:23 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    If he was fast and decisive enough to get to the second level, sure.

  318. 318 Tumtum said at 6:26 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I’m not so sure I think he is any different than he has ever been.

  319. 319 Ark87 said at 6:34 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I think the O-line needs to get him there, and ours isn’t getting him there.

  320. 320 Insomniac said at 6:36 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Only Sproles is getting chunk runs but that’s because he’s Sproles.

  321. 321 Anders said at 5:59 AM on September 20th, 2017:

    Crazy is, people wanted him over Agholor last year and now it might look like Agholor is the better player

  322. 322 sonofdman said at 4:59 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Over/Unders for Eli Manning against the Birds in week 3:

    Uncalled Intentional Groundings – 2.5
    BS pass interference calls against the Eagles on uncatchable deep balls that Eli threw with his eyes closed while being pressured – 1.5
    Uncalled delay of game penalties when the play clock hits zero before the ball is snapped – 1.5

    I predict over on all three. I hate the Giants.

  323. 323 Julescat said at 5:56 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    how many times will the Giants left tackle hold d linemen and not get called?

  324. 324 Guy Media said at 5:59 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    historically we get that call vs. the Giants. The bulk of uncalled holdings are committed by Trent Williams when we play Washington.

  325. 325 Anders said at 5:58 AM on September 20th, 2017:

    or the whole Dallas OL

  326. 326 sonofdman said at 6:24 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Good one!

  327. 327 Guy Media said at 5:58 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    They are, by far, the team we play who I hate the most. I might dislike Dallas’s player more, but the NY fan base is truly the most despicable.

  328. 328 Tumtum said at 6:18 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Even money

  329. 329 TO BLACKS said at 6:44 PM on September 19th, 2017:


  330. 330 bobeph said at 7:07 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    i’d hit you with a left hook

  331. 331 Koy: The Legend of Neckbeard said at 7:55 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    The cult of Sidney Jones is like worshipping the backup QB. Good pick because he’s never seen the field.

  332. 332 Dave said at 8:31 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Sort of like the fascination with Koy Detmer.

  333. 333 ChoTime said at 9:39 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    He did have that epic game against the Niners.

  334. 334 Ark87 said at 8:41 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    The cult of it’s too early to get into hysterics about the pick no one knows anything about when we could have had a bevy of players you know 2 games about. There is pleeenty of legitimate concerns with this team. No need to invent a silly cult.

  335. 335 sonofdman said at 10:34 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Now you went and told everyone the name of our cult!

  336. 336 A_T_G said at 8:54 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    I think you are conflating a good pick (he was because he has the potential to provide much more value than the slot typically provides) with a good player (which is still unknown, like pretty much every pick from the most recent draft).

    I also think you are trying for a second time to provoke an argument in this thread for reasons I don’t understand. Did you just notice we drafted an injured player?

  337. 337 Tumtum said at 9:16 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    But we lost last week, and Howie, Doug, Sidney, Lurie, Spadaro, and Tommy all must go!

  338. 338 RC5000 said at 8:55 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    So obviously you were fishing earlier and I took the bait.

  339. 339 Anders said at 5:58 AM on September 20th, 2017:

    Sidney Jones had been the first CB off the board if not for his achilles injury

  340. 340 daveH said at 9:29 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    The All-22 on Bleeding Green Nation is really really good. Feels like TLaw wrote it .. i grabbed the link but not the author. .he deserves credit. .it’s great assessment with gifs

  341. 341 daveH said at 10:20 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Jonny Page.
    great writing ..great comments Like:
    hates Seamulo next to Kelce ..
    Smallwood not a creative or patient runner
    Wentz playing great football considering ALL they demand of him in only year 2 !!..
    And more!

  342. 342 A_T_G said at 10:23 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Good Twitter follow as well.

  343. 343 daveH said at 10:33 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    yeah loved that alot!

  344. 344 laeagle said at 2:41 PM on September 20th, 2017:

    Yep, he does a good job for a limey.

  345. 345 Koy: The Legend of Neckbeard said at 11:15 PM on September 19th, 2017:

  346. 346 BobSmith77 said at 11:38 PM on September 19th, 2017:

    Eagles’ fans just puzzle me. Yeah some of the players openly questioned the offensive game plan due to the pass/run ratio. It has just been ‘pile on Pederson’ week though.

    If there this is one person who was really pitiful last week and whose performance should be criticized it was Seumalo. If he was credited with giving up 4 sacks in a game (seen 3 or 4), it was a franchise record in a single game for most sacks surrendered by a G.

    It was that bad of a performance and doesn’t even include the 3 QB hits Seumalo surrendered too.

  347. 347 A_T_G said at 6:18 AM on September 20th, 2017:

    Hey, I remember some of those names…