The First Domino

Posted: January 21st, 2024 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 1 Comment »

Let the firings begin.

This one isn’t a firing, but still…

Neither of those is a shocker.

Desai seems like a good guy so I’m sorry for how all of this turned out. At the same time, coaches are hired to be fired. That’s the nature of the business. Hopefully he’ll learn from this situation and do a better job when he gets another chance, if he gets another chance.

Patricia has failed in his past few jobs so I’m not sure what his future is. He better hope Bill Belichick gets a job and wants to bring him along.

We haven’t heard anything about the offense yet. They might not fire Brian Johnson, but rather add an outside coach and change up duties. The offense failed at the end, but was successful for much of the year. You don’t need to wipe the slate clean and rebuild that side of the ball. It is also possible that the relationship between Johnson and Jalen Hurts complicates things. They have been friends for year. The Eagles might fear that firing Johnson would have a negative effect on Hurts. We’ll see.

The defense needed a complete overhaul.

Martindale would seem to be opposite of what Sirianni wants because of all the risk-taking he does. Still, the Giants did lead the NFL in takeaways and didn’t exactly have great talent so Martindale is worth checking out.

Nielsen did a lot of good things in his one year with Atlanta. He had been with the Saints prior to that so he’s been part of some good defenses.


Congrats to the Lions on making the NFC title game.

More than a few people tweeted that the Eagles should have kept CJGJ.

They tried to. Howie made him an offer. CJGJ was looking for a huge deal. He turned the Eagles down and then was shocked when the rest of the league showed minimal interest. Finally Detroit offered him a deal and he took it.

The league knows CJGJ is really talented. He also has an awkward reputation and teams were scared to give him big money. We’ll see how free agency goes this offseason.


Jason Kelce went to the KC-BUF game to support his brother. I’d say he had a good time.

I hate that the Eagles are out, but I love that Kelce is able to go have a good time. He is good for football as a sport and as a business. He seems less like a Hall of Fame player and more like your cool cousin.


One Comment on “The First Domino”

  1. 1 Eagles News: Chip Kelly returning to the NFL? – Consolidated Financial said at 11:09 AM on January 22nd, 2024:

    […] The First Domino – Iggles BlitzDesai seems like a good guy so I’m sorry for how all of this turned out. At the same time, coaches are hired to be fired. That’s the nature of the business. Hopefully he’ll learn from this situation and do a better job when he gets another chance, if he gets another chance. Patricia has failed in his past few jobs so I’m not sure what his future is. He better hope Bill Belichick gets a job and wants to bring him along. We haven’t heard anything about the offense yet. They might not fire Brian Johnson, but rather add an outside coach and change up duties. The offense failed at the end, but was successful for much of the year. You don’t need to wipe the slate clean and rebuild that side of the ball. It is also possible that the relationship between Johnson and Jalen Hurts complicates things. They have been friends for year. The Eagles might fear that firing Johnson would have a negative effect on Hurts. We’ll see. […]