Coughlin the New Target?

Posted: January 14th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Philadelphia Eagles | 1,439 Comments »

It sure sounds like the Eagles were leaning heavily toward Ben McAdoo. With him now out of the picture…


The Eagles might be taking another look at Coughlin, a more in-depth look. That makes sense given the fact that the 2 hot young offensive assistants are gone. Coughlin is a proven winner and actually has a lot of the traits that the Eagles are looking for.

One big question is age. Coughlin will turn 70 in August. Most coaches talk of having a 2, 3 or 5-year plan. They want to build the team up and establish their systems. You certainly aren’t going to have a 5-year plan with Coughlin. I guess there is no reason he can’t technically coach that long, but the NFL is such a grind that I can’t imagine a 75-year old man handling it well.

If the Eagles were on the verge of being a title contender, hiring Coughlin would make complete sense. I thought the Eagles were such a team in August, but things turned out a little bit differently than I anticipated.

The Giants went 4-12 back in 2003. Jim Fassel was fired and they hired Coughlin. The team traded for/drafted Eli Manning and went 6-10. The next year they went 11-5. The Giants didn’t have a losing season until 2013. Coughlin was able to get that team from the bottom to the top pretty quickly.

Maybe he could pull that off again.

Hiring the right staff would be huge. Solving the QB issue would be critical. Maybe hiring him does make sense. Coughlin oversaw the development of Mark Brunell and Eli. Brunell was a Packers backup with virtually no experience when the Jaguars traded for him. Coughlin built Eli from the ground up.

There is no perfect candidate for the Eagles. Maybe the old guy with the great track record is the guy they should be looking at. I’m sure we’ll hear more on this as the day goes along.


1,439 Comments on “Coughlin the New Target?”

  1. 1 the midatlantic said at 8:13 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Firing Chip a week early doesn’t seem to have helped us get our guy.

  2. 2 P_P_K said at 9:14 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Truth. Seems indicative that something must have happened to make Lurie feel he needed to fire Chip so abruptly.

  3. 3 ChoTime said at 9:19 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    The guy who always played the long game just called way too early.

  4. 4 ac134spectre said at 1:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chipper acted like a non family friendly Eagles guy, and, aloof and stupid tobthe owner. Now he is going to mess up san francisco. Good riddance.

  5. 5 Ark87 said at 10:42 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    didn’t lose anything either, really. Even if the opportunity doesn’t pan out (they don’t always, even for rich white guys in America!), it wasn’t much of a cost.

  6. 6 bdbd20 said at 8:15 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    If it is Coughlin, I have to imagine Duce has a big role and is the eventual replacement.

  7. 7 TheTazmanianDevil said at 8:18 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Damn it Lurie, bad years are coming…

  8. 8 Ben Hert said at 8:27 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is such a sad coaching search. Granted, it was a poor, short-sighted decision in the first place to fire CK, but man, this is just really pathetic. Its hilarious to me that the Eagles front office can sit there and look to hire a guy whose been consistently trounced by the head coaches that they’ve already hired and fired. Professional football is such a weird industry.

    The other key point is…whats the succession plan for a 70 year old coach? Who has TC ever had under him that went on to be a solid coach in the league? Coordinator hires are going to be key, because TC won’t be around for long, and if this move is to work, there needs to be a viable succession plan in place to build upon what he has established.

  9. 9 scratcherk said at 8:39 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Just hire shurmur at this point and call it a day. We are turning into the browns of the East…

  10. 10 Tumtum said at 1:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    no thank you

  11. 11 Gary Barnes said at 8:42 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Seems like they do not know what they are doing. Really screwed this search process up. Embarrassing

  12. 12 myartz04 said at 8:45 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    If you would have told any of us at the beginning of the year that our coach next year will be Tom Coughlin, we’d all think we were experiencing some sort of psychosis. How crazy the NFL is. And you guys may not want to hear this and you certainly will not agree, but most people outside of Philadelphia consider Coughlin a top 5 coach in the league. Anyone that listens to Sirius NFL radio on a consistent basis will know how people hold him in very high regard. To me, age is a concern but he is a good coach and a young 69 years old. So I guess we will see how it all plays out.

  13. 13 ACViking said at 8:54 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Coughin is already older than any NFL coach to win a title:

    Halas at 68.

    And Marv Levy’s last SB appearance with the Bills also came at age 68.

  14. 14 deg0ey said at 8:59 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    “If the Eagles were on the verge of being a title contender, hiring Coughlin would make complete sense. I thought the Eagles were such a team in August, but things turned out a little bit differently than I anticipated.”

    I said this over at BGN, but I’ll repeat it here. I think you can make an argument that they’re not that far away.

    If Coughlin can get Murray back at/near his best, install a system that Bradford can execute efficiently and hire a DC that can get the D to sustain the level of play the showed before the bye for an entire season then this team *is* a title contender.

    Easier said than done, but of all the remaining candidates I think Coughlin has the best chance of pulling it off.

  15. 15 P_P_K said at 9:11 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m with you.

  16. 16 Mac said at 9:42 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe the Eagles WR “core” needs a new motivational technique to get them to catch passes that hit their hands.

  17. 17 Bert's Bells said at 9:00 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Anticipating a post titled “Turn Your Head and Coughlin”.

  18. 18 Telmert said at 9:01 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    A single tweet from Shefter and the Phila media is running with this as a story. Could be real, I guess. On the other hand, TC work up this AM and found out that he was the cause of all of the Giants problems. Everyone else stayed or got promoted. Couldn’t it also be that someone is stealing headlines on the morning the Giants wanted to celebrate their new coach?

  19. 19 mksp said at 9:01 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is a disaster.

    And embarrassing.

    We should have just given Chip another year, I have zero interest in rooting for Tom Coughlin.

    I guess the upside is I’ll have more time to do real life things and waste less time here and on other Eagles related media.

    We’ve turned into the fucking Browns guys.

  20. 20 holeplug said at 9:20 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    “We’ve turned into the fucking Browns guys.”

    lol not even close

  21. 21 Daniel Strohl said at 9:23 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Your right, the browns were able to land their first choice and a great candidate.

  22. 22 Daniel Strohl said at 9:21 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    My issue too.
    Embarrassing that we cant land our 1st or 2nd choice.

  23. 23 bdbd20 said at 9:13 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    HC – Coughlin
    OC – Shurmur (with Duce being groomed)
    DC – Perry Fewell
    ST – Dave Fipp

    Not a bad coaching staff. Shurmur, Duce and Fewell can do the grunt work. Coughlin can be the face of the franchise and be the caring coach that Lurie wants.

    Coughlin steps away when he’s ready with Duce as the natural successor.

  24. 24 eagleyankfan said at 9:16 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    what’s the love for Duce? He’ll never be a HC. Exactly why is he a “natural successor”? Because he played football here, that makes him a “natural”?

  25. 25 bdbd20 said at 9:17 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Lurie loves him. That’s really all that matters. Maybe he sees a little AR in him, who knows?

  26. 26 b3nz0z said at 9:21 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    what makes you certain he won’t ever be a HC? people probably thought that about Ditka at some point. Duce has been on staff for years and seems to have impressed everyone he’s worked with.

  27. 27 eagleyankfan said at 9:28 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Because you are who you are. He’s here in Philly and has a job here because he was a player, not because he’s an outstanding coach. A way to value talent of who you have is by interest of other teams(right or wrong). Pederson is an example. Nobody wants him. For Staley to climb the ladder, he’ll need to move to other teams.
    What are his strengths? Is taking no talent and getting great production? Is he an innovative thinker? I’d imagine if he was strong in any of these areas, he’d already be climbing the Eagles chain.

  28. 28 b3nz0z said at 9:47 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    he might be climbing the eagles chain right now. and you’re not permanently who you are – there’s learning and growing and everything else. and . . . the argument that he’s just here cuz he’s a former player holds no water – why aren’t westbrook, mcnabb, trotter, and jaws on staff by that logic? because they aren’t interested, whereas Duce is interested. what happens when you are interested in something and work at it? you become good at it.

  29. 29 eagleyankfan said at 9:54 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe it’s a simple answer — west/Nabb/trot/jaws don’t want to be here…I’d imagine Duce loves what he does. And he’s probably good at it. He probably can be great at it(and there’s nothing wrong with that). He’s not labeled as an ‘up and coming’ coach.
    If you’re interested in something and work at it, then that’s who you are. You don’t work hard to get better at something you don’t like. We all want to be professional athletes – but we’re not because that’s not who we are…
    Normally when I’m this outspoken about something — I get egg on my face( CK WILL NOT BE FIRED etc). Knowing my track record – Duce will be named the HC of the Eagles today…..

  30. 30 b3nz0z said at 10:24 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    don’t get me wrong – i don’t know that he’s ready or able. but as we learned with Chip, you never know until the games are played.

  31. 31 ChoTime said at 9:35 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    #black sorry I went there!

  32. 32 b3nz0z said at 9:47 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    it’s cool. i thought Chip left though ahahaha

  33. 33 eagleyankfan said at 9:41 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I want to try and better explain what I’m saying. Vance Joseph is a prime example. His work with his players were glaring. Very impressive results on the field. That turned into some talk last year of him getting a possible DC job. It didn’t happen last year – but his work and name were noticed in the NFL. This year, he was hired as a DC by another team. His own team didn’t appear to try and keep him – even though their DC might leave(has he left? I lost track). His best move – is to leave the team he was on…

  34. 34 Mac said at 9:40 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Almost exactly what I was talking about a couple days ago with a case for Coughlin post. If the FO likes Bradford as the franchise QB, then this model starts to make even more sense.

  35. 35 Alex Karklins said at 9:14 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Say hello to the new team physician:

  36. 36 eagleyankfan said at 9:14 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Can’t get him here quick enough. Take it easy. Maybe the plan is to bring him here to mentor someone on like a 2 year plan. I think Coughlin brings a sense so discipline. Right now the organization appears to be on chaos. If he’s here for 2 years to help right the ship, I’m on board.

  37. 37 ACViking said at 9:17 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    2 years . . .

    But then what?

    Hiring an heir apparent is asking for trouble — he may leave next season, or Coughlin may not want to quit, nor may Lurie want him to quit when originally planned.

  38. 38 eagleyankfan said at 9:25 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    what’s plan b? Lurie operates without a plan b. Hoping within 2 years they find a QB to groom(if Bradford isn’t the answer) and builds stability within the organization. A bitmap to follow I guess. My thinking is – no matter who they hire – what’s the expected outcome after 2 years?
    Maybe he can lay the bricks down for a nice foundation and then bring in someone who has an established organization? That would be more attractive then how the organization is right now.
    I do wonder though – would he want Shurmur as OC?
    I’m not concerned with his record vs. the Eagles either. Giants don’t have talent on their D line like the Eagles have.

  39. 39 Mac said at 9:38 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    What if: the Eagles FO really likes Duce, but feel they need someone to coach him up a bit more on being a HC?

  40. 40 he's_back_scrambling said at 9:40 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t think they look that far into the future. How many times has that been done in the nfl?

  41. 41 Mac said at 9:45 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    It’s high time someone started planning for a day farther out on than calendar than “tomorrow.”

  42. 42 Iskar36 said at 10:08 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Let’s say that’s the case. Is TC really a good choice to coach him up? He has head coaching experience, but has not really successfully mentored other successful head coaches, despite having been in the league for awhile. Second, Duce has had a good coaching career so far. The fact that Chip kept him on after AR suggests he certainly has a promising career. Still, if he isnt ready to be an NFL head coach right now, there is no guarantee he will necessarily be a good one later. Sure you can hope, and even set him up for success, but to base your coaching decision on HOPING for the NEXT coach is a risky plan with limited upside.

  43. 43 Mac said at 10:43 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Who’s available with more experience? Bill Parcells?

  44. 44 Iskar36 said at 10:55 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    With all due respect, I hate this argument. Being the best available is not the same as being good. If all that is available is not worthwhile, that’s where the story ends. You have to change your plan/approach, not just go for the best available that still isn’t particularly good.

    If you want to disagree with me that TC can use his experience to mentor a younger coach for the future, that’s one thing. Maybe there are weird circumstances with the Giants. Maybe he has learned from his experience with the Giants and is better positioned now. Maybe with a different front office and certain coaches in place, he can mentor more successfully. But, if the argument is strictly, who has more experience, therefore to groom a guy like Duce we HAVE to go after TC just because there isn’t anyone better, then the plan is flawed.

  45. 45 Iskar36 said at 9:39 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Seems like a popular opinion, but what track record of success on doing that does he have? He has been in the league for awhole, but you don’t really hear about the Coughlin coaching tree.

  46. 46 eagleyankfan said at 9:43 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hear ya. That’s something hard to do. Assuming you can groom someone is a shot in the dark.

  47. 47 b3nz0z said at 9:52 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Spags? Perry Fewell? Now McaDOO

  48. 48 Iskar36 said at 10:27 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Spags – Between 1999 and 2006, Spags was a coach on the Eagles. He established himself as a very good coach under AR, ultimately leaving to the NYG to become one of the top paid DCs in the league. He spent a grand total of 1 season under Tom Coughlin before becoming the head coach of the Rams (where he was NOT a successful coach).

    Perry Fewell – Has he become a successful HC anywhere?

    Ben McAdoo – I would have liked the Eagles to hire himover anyone other than Gase among the guys we interviewed. WIth that said, he still has to prove to be a successful HC. He hasn’t done that yet. It should also be pointed out that Coughlin didn’t really groom him.
    2004 > Saints
    2005 > 49ers
    2006 – 2013 > Green Bay

    Again, McAdoo only spent a year with the Giants. I’m hoping whoever we hire as a HC stays as HC for at least a few years.

  49. 49 b3nz0z said at 10:46 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    yes and WHY was spags only the DC for one year? it was because he played an enormous role in that superbowl season.

  50. 50 jpate said at 10:41 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Giving this FO too much credit. They have no long term plan

  51. 51 ChoTime said at 9:26 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Don’t know why, but I don’t mind Coughlin. Maybe it’s because he’s a father (okay, grandfather) figure. Everything is going to be okay, granddaddy’s here!

    Seriously, the guy has done it in two places and has probably forgotten more about NFL football than Chip has yet learned. He developed two very good QBs and won a lot of games with the error-prone, lower-IQ Manning brother. He has respect and should be able to get the band together as far as assistant coaches.
    Yeah, he seemed to slip this year and he has had many bouts of mediocrity. Well, who doesn’t unless they have Tom Brady or Peyton Manning? Seems to me that team has had some rotten injury luck and never had a top roster.

    The age is a concern. You think two years, maybe three. Then you have to get another coach. But consider that Lurie seems to be in panic mode. He isn’t planning anymore, he’s reacting. Coughlin is the anti-Kelly in terms of experience, roster building, success in dealing with NFL players, and general coaching methods.

    I would be okay with it.

  52. 52 bill said at 9:29 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Upvoted, even though I’m not sure how anyone outside of NovaCare knows that Lurie is in ‘panic mode.’

  53. 53 ChoTime said at 10:17 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Don’t know anything, just my feeling.

  54. 54 Ark87 said at 10:25 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    sense tm.

  55. 55 Patrick Henry,The2nd said at 9:31 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    No no no no no no no

    I want no part of Coughlin. He’s terrible.

  56. 56 GermanEagle said at 9:55 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Giants fans beg to differ.

  57. 57 nicolajNN said at 9:33 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    What is Coughlin’s track record as far as coordinators and assistant coaches? It seems to me that one advantage to a guy like him, who’s been in the league for while, should be well plugged in and able to assemble a good staff, but outside of McAdoo, Spags and the Giants previous TE coach, I am not familiar with how well he’s done in the past

  58. 58 he's_back_scrambling said at 9:37 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I wonder if he even made the hires in NY or if the GM made them?

  59. 59 eagleyankfan said at 9:45 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    That’s a great question. What was the relationship with Coughlin and the GM? Coughlin might be a coach that say “give me players and I’ll coach them” leaving the GM to find the players. Maybe that’s what HR wants?

  60. 60 Mac said at 9:47 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think a case can definitely be made for Coughlin fitting in from an overall team leadership standpoint.

  61. 61 oreofestar said at 9:47 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well with this disgrace kf an organization I can boe turn my focus into my Jaguars since we are on the rjse

  62. 62 Bob Brewer said at 9:49 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    We’ll see what happens as the end result is still that matters, but I do not like this coaching search process at all. #goldstandard

  63. 63 oreofestar said at 9:50 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would rather have Doug… This is disgraceful

  64. 64 Bob Brewer said at 9:51 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’d rather have Chip still than both of these guys.

  65. 65 eagleyankfan said at 9:55 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Preach! I think that makes 3 of us….lmao!

  66. 66 Tom33 said at 10:50 AM on January 14th, 2016:


  67. 67 oreofestar said at 9:56 AM on January 14th, 2016:


  68. 68 GermanEagle said at 9:58 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    The more I keep reading bout Chip, the more I can understand the move. If he’d be such a great HC with leading skills in the NFL, how come that nobody has offered him a job yet?!

  69. 69 Iskar36 said at 10:44 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agreed. I think you kind of have to separate the two moves of firing Chip and hiring a new head coach. If Lurie doesn’t believe Chip is going to be the coach/GM that can successfully acquire talent and develop talent, he hurts your team by being here. You waste an offseason and a draft by keeping him here, particularly because Chip Kelly has a very specific type of player that may or may not work with what future coaches are looking for. In that case, you have to move on from Chip. The second part is to find a HC for the future, but if you don’t have faith in what is currently in place, you have to move on either way.

    To me, the part that you can argue is whether you agree with Lurie on not having faith in Chip. But if Lurie lacked that trust in Chip, which clearly he did, firing him was the right move.

  70. 70 GermanEagle said at 9:57 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would. Not!

  71. 71 oreofestar said at 9:57 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Either way it sucks

  72. 72 GermanEagle said at 9:59 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Let’s see. Wouldn’t surprise me to see Coughlin leading the Eagles to a division title next season. Nor if we’d finish last.

  73. 73 laeagle said at 11:49 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Marrone? He’d be a terrible hire. Track record shows it.

  74. 74 GermanEagle said at 9:54 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    If the Eagles end up hiring Tom Coughlin, Jason Peters’ wish will be more than coming true:

    He’d not only have a father figure to look up to, but also a grandpa!

    #AgeAin’tNothingButANumber ?!

  75. 75 Christopher Miller said at 9:59 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Coughlin with Shurmer waiting in wings to take over?

  76. 76 Tom33 said at 10:00 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    To me the best part of hiring Coughlin would be seeing the sideline expressions and gestures for 16 games per season instead of just 2.

  77. 77 anon said at 10:27 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    maybe he can teach same eli face.

  78. 78 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:27 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    If they really do it, it would be so that Howie Roseman would be clear cut GM and Coughlin would be just the coach. That’s the ONLY reason I see them taking this route.

  79. 79 Dominik said at 10:01 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I know we’re human beings and look into the future, but let’s not focus what will happen in 2019 or 2020, let’s focus on what’s going on in 2016 and 2017. I think Coughlin is a waaaaay better choice than Pederson when it comes to ’16 and 17. And to be honest, while McAdoo could be great, he also would be a bigger risk.

    I think they want Coughlin to calm this football team down. It was a short, but very wild ride with Chip. The age is really the only thing that concerns me, but Coughlin can coach at least two, maybe 3 more years. Let’s see which candidates are available then. Maybe in-house, maybe a great College coach, maybe a genius Coordinator. But right now, this team could do worse than Coughlin imo.

    I also have to be honest: Pederson really shocked me. I saw literally nothing in him. So not hiring Pederson is a success for me. Not hiring Shurmur is another step in the right direction, because I wouldn’t see much sense in that move. Gase is gone. They didn’t want Hue Jackson. McAdoo is also gone, altough I never was his biggest fan. The market didn’t have other great candidates.

    You know what you get with Coughlin. He has his flaws. But he also won’t be a total disaster. It’s not the HC I dreamed of, but he’s no nightmare.

  80. 80 BobSmith77 said at 11:04 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agreed with you on Pederson. It just seemed like a partial act of desperation with this team turning to Reid to see who he might recommend with Reid throwing a bone to Pederson.

  81. 81 johhnyblaze said at 10:14 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Didn’t he used to have grueling practises at one time, it’ll be a big change from chips

  82. 82 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:24 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Not Coughlin. You gotta be kidding me. I can’t believe that. I won’t get off the Eagles band wagon because of the coach again, but I am going to be so un happy with a Coughlin hire.

  83. 83 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:26 AM on January 14th, 2016:*489/DeSean+Jackson+Tom+Coughlin.jpg

  84. 84 the DONALD said at 10:38 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    TC is looking to win now, your boy SanCHIZE might not get the gig you were hoping.

  85. 85 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:53 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Then we will suck. This team cannot win next year. I guarantee that. I’ll eat my own poop if this team makes the playoffs next year.

  86. 86 the DONALD said at 11:25 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    great stuff.

  87. 87 Bob Brewer said at 11:47 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Someone screencap this.

  88. 88 BobSmith77 said at 11:48 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    What is the perfect caption for this photo:

    ‘Schnucks! That rascally Jackson has done it again! Fooey!’

  89. 89 ChoTime said at 10:30 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    “We can’t hire Coughlin, the Eagles beat him for the last 10 years!”

    At first, I didn’t understand the logic of this argument that has been made so much in the last week or two. Now I get it.

    If we hired Coughlin to be our coach, the dynamic would continue. The Eagles would still be beating Coughlin. We would end up beating ourselves! Never win a single game. Unless Barkley was the quarterback. Then, perhaps Coughlin would win. But the Eagles would lose. It. would. be. turrible.

  90. 90 ChoTime said at 10:42 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Just one more ramble and then I’m done. If they are bringing in Coughlin, it is not a 5 year plan but maybe two or three. Would TC want to finish out his coaching career by blowing things up and putting together a team he will never be able to enjoy? Or would he be in “win now” mode? My guess is the latter. That means he would probably want to give average player Bradford big money for a few years, grab some FAs, maybe draft for need, and make a playoff push immediately. It think this Snyderism is a good part of what got us into trouble the last 6 years or so.

  91. 91 bdbd20 said at 10:48 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    The reality is that we are a bad team and most good coaches are coaching good teams. There are no good choices out there.

    Every option carries some risk. Just the nature of the beast.

  92. 92 EaglesGameBalls said at 10:51 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is a perfect scenario for a coach. He gets to build this team exactly as he wants. Granted I would think the Tampa job would be the most alluring….think about it…WInston and no income tax. Outside of that I don’t think one team out ranks another.

    The Miami job is also alluring for tax reasons, but they said keeping the players on point there is really tough because of the allure of South Beach.

  93. 93 Ark87 said at 11:00 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    yeah, the A-listers were Adam Gase and Ben MacAdoo. Hard to be too heart broken that we missed out. There is no slam dunk. Cleveland probably made the best hire so far.

    We’re probably best off waiting for the playoffs to play out and do some more research. It was always going to be a dice roll. Pretty key to remember that we’re only past the Wild Card round. And information around this team is really damn scarce right now. Nobody knows what is going on, just a bunch of “senses” and rumors.

  94. 94 BobSmith77 said at 10:57 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    So the Eagles missed out on McAdoo and now are trying to convince Coughlin to come here. Yippee. More and more I’m convinced they had no plan or even definite short list of candidates they wanted to interview instead just grasping for straws.

    Replace the nutritional smoothies with the full-fixings oatmeal bar! All the prunes you can eat!

  95. 95 iceberg584 said at 11:03 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Medicine Balls…you betcha.

  96. 96 BobSmith77 said at 11:45 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Updated Eagles’ gym training facility:

  97. 97 laeagle said at 11:48 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    “Missed out on McAdoo”: do you really think that if we had signed him, you would have been so ecstatic that you would describe the opposite as “missed out”?

  98. 98 BobSmith77 said at 11:51 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    No but I’m just not a fan of hiring Coughlin at all. If they do, I see them then resigning Bradford to a huge deal, trying to patch this team together via FA/trade yet again, and just stuck in a holding pattern for the rest of the decade.

    If they are lucky, they are able to put enough band-aids on this team to win a weak NFC East again. If Bradford gets seriously injured again, their stunk for the next few years.

  99. 99 Christopher Miller said at 10:58 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Just curious why everyone is so down on Bill Davis. After some time to let my disappointment subside I can’t help but wonder what he could do without the constraints of a Chip managed team. There were times when the defense looked good but every year they have worn down. How much of that was Chip’s training regimen and how long the defense was stuck on the field? We saw good player development in many players and he should get at least some credit for that. When I see names like perry fewell thrown out there I can’t help but remember multiple guys faking injuries on the same play. What an embarrassment and I don’t want that garbage. I would not mind having whatever coach gets hired talk to him and just say if the defense was yours what would you do differently now. What could he have done with slightly better players who were an inch shorter or have a knee circumference a quarter of an inch smaller?

  100. 100 BobSmith77 said at 11:00 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    You could easily highlight players who have struggled let alone the fact that since the bye this year this defense was historically terrible.

    He just is a bad DC coordinator. He has had several years with 3 different teams to prove otherwise.

  101. 101 Christopher Miller said at 11:55 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t recall who was injured at that point but the second half of the season was marred by injuries especially in our very thin secondary. It seems to me that the effects of being on the field that much are greatly magnified when you are down to your 3rd or 4th best corner on a team with maybe middle of the road corners to begin with. Outside of the rookie, the middle linebacker spot seemed marked by guys in decline and or dinged.

    I think both of Davis’ prior gigs he maybe should have some credit for building up a defense that ended up being good. Not trying to say he is the second coming of wade Phillips, JJ, or Belichek, but I am sure we could do worse and I just wonder how well he would do with one year without the constraints.

  102. 102 peteike said at 11:58 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    This, hes always been in the bottom of the league in the stats. His scheme stunk and being tired had nothing to do with it. If anything Chip making him coach a scheme that wasnt his could be part of it but the excuses ran out long ago

  103. 103 Dave said at 11:15 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’ll give you one standout reason, when Bradley Fletcher and Cary Williams struggled mightily at the end of last years, Boykin nor Carroll were given a chance to play corner, they were kept at nickel and dime.

  104. 104 Christopher Miller said at 11:47 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Do we know for sure that was his decision? Even if he said it was, Bill seems like a stand up guy who accepts all responsibility. The fact that Boykin was shipped off for next to nothing smacks of something Kelly-related. It also certainly wasn’t his fault that Fletch and Sconces were the guys he was saddled with to begin with. That was Kelly’s obsession with height. Maybe you are right and that was all Davis, but with guys like Kelly for better or worse their fingerprints are on everything. You roll the dice with a guy like that especially if they are very determined to do things their way.

  105. 105 Dave said at 1:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chip seem to make it clear he stays out of the defensive meetings and let Billy have full reign of the defense. But again, who knows? Boykin supposedly wasn’t given a shot due to his height, which was a Chip requirement. It seems that the only way Billy Davis sticks around is if he throws Chip under the bus and others (coaches/players) back him up that Chip made the personnel decisions.

    Boykin was definitely on Chip, he was the “not the GM” GM at that point.

  106. 106 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 11:03 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    just promote pat and have him run the show until duce is ready. COntinuity is one of thebiggest problems in the NFL, and keeping (for the most part) the same staff would IMO d wonders for us. don’t fuck this up jeff

  107. 107 Iskar36 said at 11:14 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    Continuity is the result of, not the cause of, success.

  108. 108 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 11:38 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    I just think that the good things chip did here (sports science, in praticular) were overshadowed and overpowered by the high volume offense that took the air out of the defense. I think that by keeping some of chip’s people and practices in place, but also adjusting some of his philosophies to better fit the NFL by running plays slower and audibling, I think this system can still work. And if they think that duce is the guy, why bring in an outsider when you can keep the players framiliar with a scheme and keep SB comfortable would be the best option IMO

  109. 109 Iskar36 said at 11:54 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    You can keep the Sports Science stuff and still go with a coach completely unrelated to Chip Kelly. But your point here is a little different from your point above. Here, you are arguing for Chips system/ideas whereas above you are arguing continuity is valuable. I am arguing that while continuity is valuable, it comes as a result of a successful system. Maybe Chips system can be successful and it makes sense to keep some of his things (Sports Science aside, I sort of disagree but that’s clearly very debatable), but there are other systems that have also been successful. My view is, go after the coach thay cam best successfully implement his system in a successful way. The continuity will come as a result of that. Hiring Pat, just because he will keep things mostly the same is a recipe for disaster if Pat isn’t quality coach. Get the best coach first, worry about the continuity of a system second is my mindset.

  110. 110 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 12:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess, but If, in fact, duce is the guy they really want, but don’t think he is ready yet(thus the hire couglin and have duce be HC-in waiting) then I don’t see the point of completely changing the system only to hand it over to another one of chip’s boys.

  111. 111 jaws80 said at 12:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i wonder if the Eagles are trying to get Coughlin to give up a lot of control over OC and what offense is run, so they can keep Duce and Shurmur. Coughlin should see that at his age, with only 2 or 3 years left, and with a win-now mentality, he has to accept keeping Shurmur and Duce, let them run the offense, let Coughlin hire a DC, and let Coughlin run the show a little hands off then he is used to.

  112. 112 b3nz0z said at 11:55 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    bit of both i’d say

  113. 113 BobSmith77 said at 11:44 AM on January 14th, 2016:

    On the positive side with a Coughlin hiring for the Eagles:

    – PA has the 6th oldest population (by median age) including the 4th oldest among % 65 and older so Coughlin would fit in pretty well.

    – They could heavily beef up on their advertising for senior living products including adult diapers, denture cream, nutritional supplements for the elderly, mobile devices for the elderly, etc

    – Create a campaign around the holidays where ‘jolly old Coughlin’ masks are sold that portray Coughlin’s very rosy red cheeks (and entire face)

    – Double if not triple their share of Eagles winter gear sales as they emphasize what the wind chill factor can due to unexposed skin by showing public displays of Coughlin’s face during colder weather. Easy see an Eagles’ balaclava mask becoming a merchandising best seller.

  114. 114 Mac said at 12:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Stop the presses, isn’t Coughlin the old target?

  115. 115 botto said at 12:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    he’s the oldest target

  116. 116 JohnDoe610 said at 12:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Two thoughts:
    1) If Coughlin ends up being the hire it’s an interesting choice because it seems to indicate that Lurie and Howie don’t think the team needs a rebuild but a few tweaks to win a Super Bowl. You don’t hire a coach who will be 70 on opening day to rebuild.
    2) I’m hesitant to panic about the coaching search. I remember last time. Sure, I was on the Gus Bus rather than wanting Chip, but we got what we wanted then.

  117. 117 b3nz0z said at 12:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  118. 118 peteike said at 12:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    ugh stops at 12, only 1 qb taken though

  119. 119 b3nz0z said at 12:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    to be fair it stops at 13, where he has us taking the gentleman who leapt out of a window this year. if he stops jumping out of things, he could be an excellent DL across from Cox but we don’t know our front and if he was BPA i’d want to trade back

  120. 120 peteike said at 1:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    helps if I read the article instead of scrolling lol

  121. 121 b3nz0z said at 1:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    nah i skim for the eagles’ pick too!

  122. 122 JohnDoe610 said at 12:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m… not a fan of Coughlin being the hire. I’d prefer Schurmur or even Pedersen over Coughlin.

  123. 123 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    COUGHLIN Guarentees we keep Bradford which I like.. No chance COUGHLIN spends is last few years coaching a rookie QB

  124. 124 JohnDoe610 said at 12:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    New idea: hire Coughlin, if he doesn’t work out fire him next year. Michigan wins a national title so we hire Jim Harbaugh.

  125. 125 Greg Richards said at 12:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Adam Schefter

    22s22 seconds ago

    49ers expected to choose between Chip Kelly and Mike Shanahan for their next HC, per league sources. Decision likely within next 24 hours.

  126. 126 b3nz0z said at 12:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    shanny in a sec

  127. 127 Greg Richards said at 12:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    From what I can gather, their GM doesn’t like Kelly or anyone who would threaten his power but the clueless owner wants to make a big splash.

  128. 128 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 12:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    gee, doesn’t that first part seem framiliar??

  129. 129 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gambke is pushing for chip

  130. 130 anon said at 1:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    clueless owner needs to fill seats in his new stadium that’s not in SF were people actually care about the team that he’s completely run into the ground.

  131. 131 RC5000 said at 12:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    hmmm sign is Coughlin definitely pretty much done deal to Eagles or they were out on Coughlin anyway?

  132. 132 Donald Kalinowski said at 12:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yesterday McAdoo was a done deal for the Eagles.

  133. 133 RC5000 said at 12:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah that’s the point. 49ers are out for Coughlin. Yesterday it was Giants vs Eagles with Giants having advantage.

  134. 134 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Hopefully chip gets the job , although it would be a nice humbling experience if he couldn’t get an NFL job

  135. 135 Greg Richards said at 12:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Nick Fierro saying that Coughlin might bring in Mike Pettine as his DC. Pettine has been a good DC but had a falling out with Rex Ryan with the Jets and battled the FO in Cleveland. Considering the other personalities involved, hard to pin all the blame on Pettine. Pettine has a rep of leaking to the media though.

  136. 136 TypicalDouche said at 12:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I actually wouldn’t mind Pettine as the DC at all. He also adapts his defense to fit the personnel he has which could really come in handy here.

  137. 137 Donald Kalinowski said at 12:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Coughlin to the Eagles hasn’t been confirmed yet and we’re talking about who he is bringing in as DC?

  138. 138 RC5000 said at 12:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  139. 139 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 12:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    not anymore lol

  140. 140 RC5000 said at 12:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  141. 141 Donald Kalinowski said at 12:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe they’re looking at Matt Patricia or Josh McDaniels

  142. 142 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Didn’t Bellichick advise someone to not accept a job working with Howie a few years ago? I want nothing to do with Josh MCDaniels, but I wouldn’t mind them doing their due dilligence on Patricia, I don’t know if it’s true but I heatd Patricia is the assistant Bellichick is most proud of.. Allegedly he is a rocket scientist/Engineer with an IQ THATS off the charts… No idea if he would be a good head coach, but I wouldn’t mind seeing us talk to him… I don’t even want us to waste any time on MCDaniels

  143. 143 laeagle said at 12:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    ugh, Coughlin withdrawing.

  144. 144 Ark87 said at 12:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Who’s the next Giant coach we can try to get!?

  145. 145 ChoTime said at 1:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Coachus interruptus ha beat baloophi to it!

  146. 146 Greg Richards said at 12:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Adam Schefter

    47s47 seconds ago

    Tom Coughlin is withdrawing his name from consideration for Eagles HC job, per sources. Not the right fit.

    Damn, no one wants to coach here.

  147. 147 laeagle said at 12:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So, you’re saying Coughlin is pulling out?

  148. 148 RC5000 said at 1:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Giants fans love it.

  149. 149 Donald Kalinowski said at 12:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

  150. 150 bdbd20 said at 1:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Was told about all the night games. Not interested.

  151. 151 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m hoping we hire Coughln for one simple reason, it ensures us that Howie won’t allow Bradford to get away, franchising him if need be. At 70yrs old we can be sure that COUGHLIN won’t spend his last 3 years dicking around with a young QB, and for me the most important thing for this franchise is keeping Bradfird as our QB, and hiring COUGHLIN Guarentees that, so SIGŃ ME UP!
    You know how woman know immediately whether they are going to sleep with you or not? Well I feel like in the MODERN NFL, you will know if you are on track to contend for a Super Bowl within the first 3 years. This time table extends to 5yrs if you are starting over with a rookie QB,but this roster does NOT need to be blown up and rebuild, with a veteran QB like Bradford, COUGHLIN should have us contending for a Super Bowl by yeàr 3 anyway, so I’m starting to like the idea of COUGHLIN, but if we are going to go with an old coach who may not last more than 3 years, it’s IMPERATIVE that we have Coughins eventual successor being groomed In House, whether it’s Duce, Shurm or some other assistant COUGHLIN Brings in… If COUGHLIN doesn’t win us a SUPERBOWL, in year 3, hopefully he has us close, and we turn the reigns over to the next coach on hopes that he can get us over the top like Gruden did with Dungys Tampa team…
    If we keep SAM, extend our own talent and have a quality draft, we should be able to have a pretty nice team in place, and hopefully next year we won’t have as many Holes so we can spend a draft pick on Bradfords eventual replacement to start grooming,,,., but if we are going to wise up and stop signing other teams free agents, we can’t be spending picks on a QB tbis year especially without a 2nd round pick. keep SAM at QB, use the draft to build this team up, and hopefully next year we can draft our future QB, even if he sits the bench for two years Behnd Sam..

  152. 152 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Hahahaha NEVERMIND, COUGHLIN withdraws his name from eagkes coach search’… I guess working with Howie DIDNT apeal to him LOL

  153. 153 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 12:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Tom Coughlin is withdrawing his name from consideration for Eagles HC job, per sources. Not the right fit.— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) January 14, 2016

  154. 154 Ray888 said at 1:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Coughing only works if he is in a “chairman of the board of coaches”role for a year or two while internal candidates are exposed to his style, gain more experience, and are evaluated further. This could be the case with Shumur remaining as OC and Staley elevated to Assistant HC. Maybe they really want to keep Shumur working closely with Bradford at present and are really intrigued by Staley’s potential for the future. This allows both to happen under a veteran, short-term leader who isn’t threatening to either’s future career path.

  155. 155 Greg Richards said at 1:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Graziano reporting that one of the concerns were who the OC was going to be. Maybe I was wrong when I said they wouldn’t try to dictate who the assistants were going to be.

  156. 156 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is pure speculation but for COUGHLIN to drop out of the running at this advanced stage of the negotiations, can’t help to wonder if a big part of this is the alleged lack of power that the Eagles want the next coach to accept. If that is true, hard to thing respected veteran COUGHLIN would be ok Having Zero power under a guy like HOWIE who hasn’t accomplished half of what COUGHLIN accomplished..
    I guess we will find out if this is true when we see the type of power our eventual coach will be given
    Just sigń Shurmur before we continue to Embarress ourselves with Coacbes chosing Miami, and the Browns over this proud franchise,,
    Hire Shurmur, Amd lets get to what matters, hiring a staff and locking up Bradford

  157. 157 Tumtum said at 1:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    How much power did henhouse in NY??

  158. 158 ACViking said at 1:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “. . . advanced stage of the negotiations”


    We have no idea if there were any “negotiations.”

    Coughlin, apparently, never got past question no. 2: “Who do you plan to hire as your OC?”

  159. 159 Greg Richards said at 1:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ian Rapoport

    1m1 minute ago

    Tom Coughlin also doesn’t see the #49ers job being a fit, I’m told, with location (away from family) being a big issue.

    1 retweet


  160. 160 johhnyblaze said at 1:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I bet we wanted him to keep certain personnel and that was the deal breaker

  161. 161 BobSmith77 said at 1:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So now Coughlin is backing out now? It has to be in large part due to Roseman. There have been enough independent former employees/agents/sources who have come out in the past 2+ weeks that he was a key part of the friction/dysfunction in the Eagles’ FO.

    Their going to end up with a less than desirable head coach and just have to hope they get a good staff & that Roseman is really as talented in his player evaluation as Lurie touts.

  162. 162 Greg Richards said at 1:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My thing on Roseman is that I think a lot of the perception is unfair, but it doesn’t matter. Perception is reality. If that perception becomes an issue with trying to attract coaches and personnel guys, you have to fire him. Regardless of the reality of his job performance is better than the perception.

  163. 163 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Very concerning. You are right, in some cases perceptipn matters more than reality…I actually don’t mind Howie making decisions for us, but the way he is perceived scares me, Howie being the common denominator in every front office Drama we have seen in the past decade certainly scares me
    What I do know is that the next time Howie can’t get along with a coach, or front office member, Howie has to go! And I actually like Howie and hope he has learned somethng from hisast mistakes. This better NEVER happen again,,. Next time Howie can’t work well with someone, Howie has to be removed from the equation, and when we hire a coach, I hope the media badgers LURIE into addressing this concern that so many Eagle fans have about Howie

  164. 164 BobSmith77 said at 1:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If it was only 1 (maybe 2) people with a clear axe to grind I agree but it seems to be more than that.

  165. 165 jaws80 said at 2:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    it is the perception that scares me. Roseman can manage a cap and he seems to have a good grasp of draft value, when players can be expected to be picked, from the bits and pieces we hear (or is this info leaked by Roseman?)

    But we also have heard three years ago and this year that some candidates have issues with Roseman, for whatever reason, and it just seems that by having Roseman back front and center, the Eagles are accepting that they will be working uphill to get a top candidate. I hope Lurie is right and that Roseman’s talent has enough worth to counterbalance having to accept a lower tier candidate – like a Pederson, that no one else is interviewing, but Eagles seem to like partly because he is likely to accept Roseman. Either Lurie sees what few others seem to see in Roseman on a professional level, (and Roseman is just being bullied by “football guys”) or Roseman has some sort of emotional pull with Lurie that is very personal, beyond professional, that then affects the team as a whole big time.
    Either way, i have come to accept with the return of Roseman that he is here for the long, long haul and got to accept it, the Eagles long term success right now is tied to Roseman’s long term success so i hope he is remembered 30 years from now as a football genius/god who brought many superbowls here.

  166. 166 Tumtum said at 1:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Thank god we aren’t getting Coughlin. Whatever the reason. I want the next AR type of tenure.

  167. 167 Anders said at 1:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If Howie is the reason we do not get Coughlin he should get a raise

  168. 168 RC5000 said at 1:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Seriously gotta let him pick if this is true…Shurmur/Bradford thing or not.

    Dan Graziano @DanGrazianoESPN
    Was told Coughlin had concerns about Eagles job, including who the OC would be. Not surprised he pulled out.

  169. 169 eagleyankfan said at 1:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    what HC wouldn’t pick their own OC? Seems odd to me…

  170. 170 Greg Richards said at 1:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Adam Schefter

    12s13 seconds ago

    With Tom Coughlin out of the picture, the Eagles now are expected to pursue Chiefs OC Doug Pederson as their next head coach, per source.


    1 like

  171. 171 jpate said at 1:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Good news is I think I’ll get more done at work this year.

  172. 172 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Right! My boss will be Thriled

  173. 173 Donald Kalinowski said at 1:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think he’s just making shit up. If Doug Pederson were to get another job, he’d probably say that the Eagles plan all along was to bring in Josh McDaniels.

  174. 174 jpate said at 1:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hope so. I know you said it hypothetically but nobody else in the world is offering Doug Pederson a promotion right now.

  175. 175 b3nz0z said at 1:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    it’s not like reid can promote him though

  176. 176 Tumtum said at 1:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Keep throwing those darts Shefty.

  177. 177 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    hiring Doug P stinks of Lurie wishing he could clone Andy Reid
    If Doug wasn’t under Andy Reid, if he was tthe OC for any other team, no shot he would even be considered as a candidate…. hard to ignore this fact and get excited about potemtially hiring him, although I like that hiring him gives me one of the best Chamces of seeing Shurmur retained as the OC..
    Ideally I’d prefer we just name Shurmur the coach, and stop Embarressing ourselves with this coaching search.
    I will be open minded and give Anyone we hire a fair chance, but it sure seems as tho we are making a mess of this coaching search. Maybe I am missing something, but I’m not seeing a well thought plan of attack

    Stop further Embarressing us and just name the SHURMINATOR our HC with DUCE as his OC, and let’s start searching for our DC and get SAM under contract.. I Have coaching search Fatigue

  178. 178 Joe Minx said at 1:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This whole thing really has turned out to be a complete embarrassment.

  179. 179 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    certainly looks that way

  180. 180 b3nz0z said at 1:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    continuing the “ex girlfriend” metaphor we’ve all used – we dumped chip cuz of all the cuties out there we couldn’t get with, and now we’re realizing we weren’t such hot shit after all

  181. 181 Iskar36 said at 1:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think it is the other way around. We dumped Chip because that relationship sucked. Unfortunately, there were no “cuties” out there to replace him.

  182. 182 b3nz0z said at 1:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    so now we learn to live alone again

  183. 183 FairOaks said at 1:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    We say that on every coaching search. We really won’t know for a while. If we hire a coach who seems boring, but turns out to be good, then there was nothing wrong with it.

  184. 184 Greg Richards said at 1:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    For whoever the Eagles hire:

    They start out 0-2 – What were Lurie/Howie thinking. This guy is a bum!

    They start out 2-0 – Brilliant! Give Howie a 20-year extension. Best hire ever!

  185. 185 BobSmith77 said at 1:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yup that is overreactionary Eagles’ fans to a T.

  186. 186 anon said at 1:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    roseman wants complete control. i wonder if shurmur is a package deal and they can’t get anyone ot accept that.

  187. 187 Joe Minx said at 1:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Obviously learned nothing from mandating certain coaches be in place before you make a hire at another important coaching position.

  188. 188 Tumtum said at 1:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Any links indicating that is the case with Howie?

  189. 189 jpate said at 1:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I might of been able to sell myself that maybe Lauri knows something we don’t know but it’s obvious even they didn’t want him and are only taking him after 2 other guys rejected them. I don’t see a single bright spot here.

  190. 190 Greg Richards said at 1:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Almost everything I’ve read of people who have worked with Pederson is very positive. Current players, former players, past Eagles scouts who are now in the media.

  191. 191 b3nz0z said at 1:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    my coworkers like me a lot. i’d still be a shitty coach

  192. 192 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Name a candidate any candidate, and I can provide quotes of people talking about his strengths and supporting him as someone who can do a great job as a coach..
    Hard to get excited about a candidate who has drawn interest from not a single team besides us. That doesn’t Neccessarily mean anything, but I have a very hard time believing that LURIE, Smolenski and Roseman have uncovered some Gem that no one else sees… I have a very hard time buying that even if it’s possible
    Everyone brings up the Andy Hiring, but Roseman and Smolenski had NOTHING to do with the decision to hire Andy. The people who saw a Gem in Andy Reid are long gone, with the exception of LURIE… Howie has 1 coaching hire under his belt, Chip, and it turned into a massive failure..
    If Doug Pedersom was an assistant for ANY COACH but Andy, I doubt we would be talkimg about him as a candidate, and it’s hard for me to respect that…
    But whoever they hire, I will give them a fair chance, but I can’t act like these things don’t worry the crap out of me

  193. 193 ACViking said at 2:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If Andy Reid wasn’t under Paul Holmgren — who rejected Lurie’s interview request — Reid never gets an interview.

  194. 194 Gary Barnes said at 1:02 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Mike Holmgren unless Reid coached hockey for the Flyers

  195. 195 Tdoteaglefan said at 1:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yet still no interviews scheduled for Teryl Austin, or Guenther. Its looking like shurmurs gonna be our coach after all

  196. 196 Nailed It! said at 1:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He would have already been hired.

  197. 197 RC5000 said at 1:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No not if they liked these other guys more.

  198. 198 Iskar36 said at 1:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Would be a hard sell to the players I would think. It would definitely require some time in order to convince the players that Shurmur was qualified, especially if they admit he was a third or fourth option. At least with Pederson they can argue that they couldn’t sign him until he was out of the playoffs. Shurmur is already at a disadvantage in terms of not being a “hot HC candidate,” making his job harder would do this team no favors.

  199. 199 RC5000 said at 1:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m just talking theoretically. They could have Pederson ahead of Shurmur, whatever their ranking is, is what it is but saying he would have been hired isn’t necessarily true.

  200. 200 Iskar36 said at 1:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why Shurmur. He could have been hired awhile ago if they liked him so much. At the very least, Pederson seems like a more likely candidate. AT least with him, there had to be a wait. Shurmur would scream “only option” candidate.

  201. 201 Tumtum said at 1:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I feel more like Pederson is going to get it at this point. Like Iskar said that move would be done.

  202. 202 RC5000 said at 1:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No they liked these other guys more than Shurmur (and Pederson) if reports are true.

  203. 203 Greg Richards said at 1:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Geoff Mosher

    2m2 minutes ago

    I’d be careful about assuming Jeff was trying to sell Duce as OC to Coughlin and that’s what lead to breakdown. Not what I’m hearing.



  204. 204 botto said at 1:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    oh better be careful

  205. 205 b3nz0z said at 1:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i hate that. ok geoff what ARE you hearing

  206. 206 eagleyankfan said at 1:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    exactly what I was thinking…

  207. 207 Tumtum said at 1:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I mean its a tweet. I gather that he is hearing exactly that Jeff wasn’t selling Duce as OC.

  208. 208 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Fuck that Guber Moesher..

  209. 209 Greg Richards said at 1:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ian Rapoport

    11s11 seconds ago

    The #49ers have hired Chip Kelly as their head coach.


    1 like

  210. 210 Tumtum said at 1:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Superbowl 2017?

  211. 211 anon said at 1:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    hahah players must be thrilled

  212. 212 ChoTime said at 2:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Especially the defense. “Sheeyit, cancel Christmas, honey, we all’s gonna need our own hyperbaric chambers!”

  213. 213 Nailed It! said at 1:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Damn, my interest level for the 49ers just peaked.

  214. 214 eagleyankfan said at 1:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    maybe he takes shurmur with him?

  215. 215 Nailed It! said at 1:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    First it was Gase in the lead then Shurmer then Pedersen then it was McAdoo then it was Couphlin now back to Pedersen and probably at some point today Shurmur This is effing crazy I don’t remember a harder coaching search for any team in the NFL.

  216. 216 RobNE said at 1:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Or maybe it was Pederson the whole time

  217. 217 Nailed It! said at 1:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess I was more trying to show how the media have really no idea what is happening. They just throw names out all the time

  218. 218 anon said at 1:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    sad chip, a pariah, has a job before eagles have a coach.

  219. 219 Nailed It! said at 1:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Pederson viewed as a top candidate at start of search. Eagles make push to hire McAdoo and Coughlin after interview with Pederson. Telling.— Tim McManus (@Tim_McManus) January 14, 2016

  220. 220 Tumtum said at 1:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    How much of what has been in the media has been true anyway? Pederson has been in the playoffs. The possibility that they have wanted him all along and have just been dicking with the other teams in the hunt, is very real.

    And very Howie

  221. 221 ChoTime said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    telling of what? I don’t get it.

  222. 222 Tumtum said at 1:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I pointed out the similarities of this coaching search to the search by the Redskins for Jim Zorn, last week. I was pretty roundly scolded.

    I just remembered that the Skins actually hired Zorn as OC before hiring a coach. If we hire Shumur it would be hilariously similar.

  223. 223 eagleyankfan said at 1:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My second favorite team is now the SF!!!! Great for CK!
    If the Eagles hire JM as HC, the 9’ers will be my #1 team.

  224. 224 TypicalDouche said at 1:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why such an obsession for Chip Kelly?

  225. 225 eagleyankfan said at 1:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Good question. I don’t know. I bought into all that BS about his long road to get to the NFL and innovative style. Really wanted him to succeed here.
    I also think he got a raw deal here with HR and the power fights.
    This does not mean in any way I thought he did a great job here. I just think he deserved more time.

  226. 226 Tumtum said at 1:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He did, with that I agreed before. Now I am 100% sure of it and can’t be convinced otherwise.

  227. 227 Tom33 said at 1:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    100% agree. Will be rooting hard for the Niners most weeks also. Doesn’t hurt that I absolutely hate the Seahawks and the Cardinals.

  228. 228 eagleyankfan said at 1:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    hating those teams are a bonus!

  229. 229 TypicalDouche said at 1:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Raw Deal? He got the power he asked for then proceeded to ruin the team and besides his terrible GM skills his coaching skills went down the drain this past year. I wouldn’t call what happened to him a “raw deak” because him getting fired was his own fault.

  230. 230 eagleyankfan said at 1:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    well — any coach — given only 1 year for results — is wrong. that’s what they did. It was year 1 of him in charge of everything…

  231. 231 TypicalDouche said at 1:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    And what makes you think year 2 would have been any better?

  232. 232 eagleyankfan said at 1:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    IF all the reports are true — he was a genius in lower level college, then a genius at Oregon…I’d assume he’s a guy that learns from mistakes and adjusts.
    Pete Carol and Beli-cheater all learned from mistakes…

  233. 233 TypicalDouche said at 1:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    All learned from their mistakes after getting fired from their first jobs. So maybe Chip learned from his days in Philly and may succeed in San Fran but nothing pointed to him improving next year.

  234. 234 eagleyankfan said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    correct. There was no evidence. After getting rid of DJ 1 year, mac n shady the next — what move would he have done this year?

  235. 235 TypicalDouche said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    More terrible roster decisions?

  236. 236 RobNE said at 1:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ok but other than all that I really liked him.

  237. 237 eagleyankfan said at 1:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    lmao! exactly!

  238. 238 ChoTime said at 1:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    a “raw deak”? I’m not going to let you forget that one!

    Ma, little Jimmy’t at tha darty magazines again, has a raw deak, said so hisself. Im gunna wash yer mouth out wissoap, come here, garl!

  239. 239 TypicalDouche said at 1:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    lol thanks for that one spelling police. I am in the process of eating lunch and trying to post on here to I didn’t realize I did that.

  240. 240 Tumtum said at 1:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    JM is who?

  241. 241 jpate said at 1:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Josh mcdaniels

  242. 242 Tumtum said at 1:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  243. 243 Tom33 said at 1:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Thanks – had the same question. Johnny Manziel?

  244. 244 ChoTime said at 1:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m rooting for Chip. Going to be a tough job over there with that ownership.

  245. 245 Dave said at 1:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Awesome, now that Chip is head coach of the 49ers, we can trade him lot’s of his explayers to establish his “culture”.

  246. 246 Nailed It! said at 1:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I bet he has learned a whole heap from what happened here. I would not expect that to happen at all.

  247. 247 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Plus Baalke is a real football guy

  248. 248 Dave said at 1:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Bemidji State University with no background playing football, obviously that would lead someone to believe he is a real football guy.

  249. 249 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It was mostly a joke….

    but as for as being a GM… Baalke is legit

  250. 250 Dave said at 1:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I disagree, at a minimum, he will trade for the following players:


  251. 251 Tumtum said at 1:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would put money on that, and give you odds.

  252. 252 eagleyankfan said at 1:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    and leave the Eagles with a depleted wr and lb group? that’s not happening…

  253. 253 TypicalDouche said at 1:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Trading for Huff would leave the Eagles WR corps depleted? Wow I didn’t know Huff turned into Randy Moss all of a sudden.

  254. 254 Tumtum said at 1:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is the year you have been waiting for the pay off on Huff. Odd to want to get rid of him now. If he sucks this year let him go.

  255. 255 TypicalDouche said at 1:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess Marcus Smith will still turn the corner then to huh?

  256. 256 Tumtum said at 1:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That saying about assuming? Still rings true.

  257. 257 TypicalDouche said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I agree, so why would you assume Huff will be anything better then what he is now Tum. I try to have faith but at some point we have to face reality and look at certain players for what they are.

  258. 258 Tumtum said at 3:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Because there were things there that were encouraging. When they started using him at the end of the season he was really up to the task. I think when the next coach trys him in the slot and moves JM outside he will be even better off.

    MS2 could become something, he just hasn’t flashes.

    I feel huff and graham are a better comparison at this point.

  259. 259 TypicalDouche said at 3:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hear what you’re saying and I hope Huff can become something but your comparison with Graham is so far off.
    Graham = Devastating knee injury that held him back
    Huff = Underachieving 3rd round pick that was drafted by his college coach and still couldn’t make an impact.

  260. 260 Tumtum said at 5:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Under utilized is the term I would use.

    Graham came back and was just out of shape the year after his injury, after making a full recovery. He should shoulder plenty of the blame for his development .

    Huff has had some drop, but has also made some great plays. I don’t think he has gotten a fair enough shot. Take Cooper’s targets and give them to him and I think we all have a very different opinion of him.

    I think he will stay in the league one way or the other. He may not pan out but he could be a star. I think MS2 has a solid bench role at best in his future.

    Just the opinion of a casual fan.

  261. 261 Tumtum said at 11:42 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Not the best, on my part but I just grabbed the most recent underperforming Eagle to turn it around.

    I disagree as well that huff has made no impact. Not enough, but he has had some nice plays. I venture to say of the top 5 Eagle plays this year he has at least 1, probably 2 up to 3.

    The point I was really trying to make is just that he has shown some nice things. MS2 on the other hand….

  262. 262 eagleyankfan said at 1:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    it would leave us with 2 wr’s worth playing…

  263. 263 TypicalDouche said at 1:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The eagles only had 1 WR worth playing anyways in Mathews.

  264. 264 eagleyankfan said at 1:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agreed! LOL. I’m not a Huff fan. if HR hates CK (and it seems like he does) he wouldn’t trade him used footballs…

  265. 265 eagleyankfan said at 1:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Huff was a HR guy anyway — CK wasn’t in charge of that draft…

  266. 266 TypicalDouche said at 1:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You believe anything chip says huh. I don’t buy that narrative about who drafted who. If Chip tells you Santa is real are you going to believe that as well?

  267. 267 eagleyankfan said at 1:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    that was tongue in cheek. People argued that CK had no say in that pick. I said it then and still think it was all CK…

  268. 268 TypicalDouche said at 1:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I agree whole heartedly friend.

  269. 269 Iskar36 said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yep. Exactly why the “Chip only had one season of his team” narrative was so dumb.

  270. 270 eagleyankfan said at 2:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    no it’s not dump. Not understanding what control he had, is dumb. Not understanding the demotion/humiliation HR suffered prior to this is dumb.

  271. 271 eagleyankfan said at 1:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    One thing I do know – he won’t trade for DJ…

  272. 272 P_P_K said at 2:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He’ll probably want Cooper. Maybe we can get that 2nd round pick back.

  273. 273 Tdoteaglefan said at 1:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So we may get to see kaepernik playing for chip kelly, just not with our team.
    And i’m ok with that

  274. 274 Tumtum said at 1:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That makes one of us.

  275. 275 TypicalDouche said at 1:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  276. 276 Daniel Strohl said at 1:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Turned down by 3 candidates. We are an embarrassment.

  277. 277 RobNE said at 1:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    All 20 of your comments are troll level negative.

  278. 278 ChoTime said at 1:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Dude, he has a point.

  279. 279 RobNE said at 2:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    There’s no proof even one of the 3 were offered the job.

  280. 280 ChoTime said at 2:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I appreciate your loyalty to the Eagles 🙂

  281. 281 RobNE said at 2:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    there’s plenty from last season etc. to be disappointed about. I don’t need to make up stuff like oh my god Gase told them no to add to the list.

  282. 282 Daniel Strohl said at 2:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    There is no proof gravity exists other than the observable effects.

  283. 283 Daniel Strohl said at 2:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yes I am extremely negative. Please convince me how I should feel good about where our franchise is at? I love the Eagles but this whole thing is killing me.

  284. 284 Dave said at 1:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The real problem was not Chip it’s Roseman, who thinks he should run everything. I mean look at the history of all the people Roseman has thrown under the bus to advance himself or avoid accountability. Andy Reid, Tom Heckert, Joe Banner, Phil Savage, Tom Gamble, Ed Marynowitz, Chip Kelly.

    Everytime Roseman has a problem with someone all the sudden stories in the press start showing up. Chip is a racist, Ed Marynowitz was a problem to work with, same with Gamble, Banner was hated by players, Heckert couldn’t draft.

    Roseman leaks lies, and has Luries ear, and gets rid of anyone in his way.

    Just take a look at how many people dont want to work for the Eagles. That has nothing to do with who was fired but who is still around. The place is toxic.

    Last year when they looked for a GM how many guys said no? Rick Smith and at least John Schneider. Now coaches are saying no thanks. I mean read between the lines no one wants to take the risk of being Howies next victim.

    Really sad this used to be a top tier team, and I had faith in Laurie now I have no idea what to think. The fish rots from the head down and this team stinks!

  285. 285 Greg Richards said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Roseman is a problem but if Roseman was the only one that had an issue with Kelly, then Roseman would be gone. The players, other staff, and Lurie himself did not view Kelly favorably.

    Also, while I don’t discount that Roseman has had issues with some other execs, trying to blame him for the racist rumors about Chip is silly. While I disagree with that narrative, it came out of the mouth of ex-players and ex-coaches. And not as unnamed sources, direct quotes. As far as your list goes, Heckert got a promotion with Cleveland and Savage took over the Senior Bowl. I havent’ read one thing regarding Roseman and Savage’s relationship one way or the other.

  286. 286 Dave said at 2:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    what I am saying is I would bet a lot of the leaks came from Romeman, and not just under Kelly. The racist thing was way overblown. That was a lot of players who were pissed they got traded or fired. But to think Howie didnt latch on to that and use it to his advantage would be foolish.

    I read one time that Howie wants to be remembered as a great talent evaluator and GM. He reminds me a bit of Jerry Jones winning isn’t enough he is vain needs the credit as well.

    I think a lot of this is about when things go bad throwing people under the bus, when things go well making sure only Howie gets the credit and when he has a chemistry problem with someone making sure they get fired.

    Hey we will see Chip is now coaching the 49rs, a true dumpster fire if I ever saw one he turns that place around and even Howie can’t hide from that.

    Looks like coach after coach doesnt want any part of the Eagles!

  287. 287 Greg Richards said at 2:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Think you’re making a lot of assumptions without looking at the evidence. Roseman is in charge right now. Has anything pro-Eagles or pro-Roseman been leaked? The vast majority of stuff that has been leaked has been anti-Roseman. He’s not the one leaking that.

  288. 288 FairOaks said at 2:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    From all appearances, Lurie seems to absolutely hate leakers (a poster here said that was likely the main reason for Gamble being fired). If that is the case, given Lurie’s devotion to Roseman, that pretty much says that Roseman is not leaking stuff at all (or at least does it with Lurie’s blessing).

  289. 289 FairOaks said at 3:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ah yes, of course. Roseman was behind the racist stuff. Sure.

  290. 290 Tumtum said at 1:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You know what is bugging me most? All of these assistants being snapped up.

  291. 291 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Not seeing the great advantage LURIE said we would be getting by firing chip a week early
    We had a week advantage and we didmt even contact Hue Jackson until right before he was going to sign a contract after the Browns interviewed him twice?
    Gase was the first guy we interviewed, I take that as him being our top choice, and he chose working for a mess of an owner over us
    Then we were said to point our interest in McAdoos direction, not surprised he chose the Giants over us..
    We bring COUGHLIN in for a second interview, and he tells us thanks but no thanks lol
    Hire Pat Shurmur and save us from further Embarressment

  292. 292 the DONALD said at 2:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    get pat or go get mcdermott.. and have pat as the OC.. duce as OC assistant etc. whatever.. or pedersen HC, pat OC, some KC D assistant gets the DC job..lock it up so i can read a ton of stuff about the new coach.

  293. 293 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Lol I heard McDermott ISNT a candidate because he told Howie to trade away Chris Clemons, Howie listemed and it turned out to be a bad trade..
    Media apparently has no shame in the bullshit they spew…. No chance of that being true, but if our GM is eliminating candidates for the dumbest of reasons like that, then God help us all

  294. 294 the DONALD said at 3:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    oh man.. any good assistants on Playoff teams we might not know about?

  295. 295 eagleyankfan said at 1:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think that hire of CK really puts pressure on HR and Eagles. It’s now a race to the SB. Also the two teams will be compared for a couple of years…

  296. 296 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think people should stop putting SB in the same mention with this team

  297. 297 eagleyankfan said at 2:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    as of today – or even after the Eagles hire a HC — which fan base will be more excited about this coming year…

  298. 298 Iskar36 said at 2:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Which fan base will be more disappointed come the end of next year?

  299. 299 TypicalDouche said at 2:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My friend that lives in Los Angeles is a die hard Niners fan and he just called me and is very upset and disappointed that the Niners hired Chip. He wanted nothing to do with Chip and thinks the Niners franchise is now the worst in the NFL.

  300. 300 eagleyankfan said at 2:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t know any 49 fans – but I’d imagine some will pop up around my area…tell him to join the eagle fan base…

  301. 301 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Tell him to have fun linning up in Shotgun the next 3 years..
    Kapernicks poor leadership/lack of football Charechter plus Egomaniac chip. Get my popcorn ready because I love Trainwrecks

  302. 302 TypicalDouche said at 2:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That’s kind of what I told him, I couldn’t give him anything refreshing to say.

  303. 303 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I still can’t get over the fact that we literally wasted 3’years exclusively linning up in the Gun…. I feel like former cult members feel when the brainwashing finally wears off and they come to the realization that they were trapped in a cult for 3 years lol
    I remember when we first got chip how great it was to no longer see a team Huddle…. 3 years later, im going to let out the Biggest Cheer next year the first time I see our offense Huddle
    If we sign a Fullback, Im buying his jersey lol

  304. 304 TypicalDouche said at 2:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh boy if the Eagles do sign a FB I can only imagine the things that will come out of jackass Heath Evans mouth and how he will proclaim himself a genius.

  305. 305 Joe Minx said at 2:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Wonder if he wants to be the coach.

  306. 306 TypicalDouche said at 2:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Could he be any worst then Kelly?

  307. 307 FairOaks said at 2:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think there is validity in Kelly’s scheme — but he may yet have something to learn about communication, or perhaps what talent level is really needed in the NFL.

  308. 308 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think there is a lot of good in chips ideas, but it seriously lacks Variety, and everything with Chip is an EXTREME, his approach lacks Balamce, and variety which is ironic considering he cares so much about versatility in playërs..
    I don’t think chip will be successful until he stops caring about showings veryone his unique approach can work… If chips only cared about using all his football knowledge to put playërs in the best postion to succeed, he could be great… But as long as he cares about proving his specific ideas will work, I want nothing to do with him.
    I can’t justify only linning up in Shptgun. I can’t be convinced that linning up in shotgun is always the best way to attack everything a defense throws at us.. I can’t justify always counter punching and letting the defense dictate what we do. At some point you have to impose your will, again a lack of Balance… I cant justify caring so much about quantity of plays that it’s watering down our quality of plays. I can’t justify putting so much extra pressure on our defense,,
    Chip could be a Great coach, but I don’t believe he will make the changes he needs to make. In his mind it would be like admitting to everyone who said his college approach WOULDNT work..
    If we kept chip, I would spend all summer praying that getting our ass kicked would finally cause him to evolve.. I’m glad to no longer be in that position

  309. 309 FairOaks said at 2:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He seemed to have a lot more variety before this past year. It was frustrating to watch — though maybe if he hadn’t needed to force the square peg Murray into that hole, it might have been better.

    The biggest failing was not trying alternatives to see what worked — slow down the tempo to get rid of the silly mistakes, then see how much you can speed it up later, etc.

    Like many personnel people, he seemed loathe to give up on his offseason plan when it wasn’t working. He may have figured things out given time but if he had poisoned relationships at all levels of the organization it wasn’t going to be as easy to fix, and may have been an untenable situation.

  310. 310 ACViking said at 2:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Trent Baalke was a “good” GM only when Scott McCloughan was there.

    Once SMc left, SF’s drafts have been pretty weak.

    Unless Kelly’s coaching a team with talent like the 2011-13 49ers, he’s not going to any SB.

  311. 311 ChoTime said at 3:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    race to the SB or race to the #1 draft pick, heh 🙂

  312. 312 Tdoteaglefan said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Heard Bill polian on the radio talking about the coaching search and he was saying how the best job available is the eagles job. Difference makers on Defense, good pieces on offense. But its also the toughest market..called it “the boston of football”…”people think the toughest media market is new way..2 toughest markets are boston in baseball and philly in football”.

  313. 313 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chip as the coach of the Niners is Awesome!
    Howie better get on the phone and see what we can get for Hart, Bair and Huff..
    With Chip gone, I look forward to a coach who cares more ABOUT Talent, and is more tolerant and isnt as quick to remove top talent from our board.
    Latest Mel Kiper draft has us taking DT Robert Nkemdiche, a Top 5 talent who Kiper has falling to #13 due to Charechter… This pick would be awesome because it would be the ultimate Fuck you to chip, and it would take us the opposite direction chip had us going,,, not for nothing but Nkemdiche next to Fletcher Cox would be SCARY!!!
    Id love to see Howie take a fler on Josh Gordon, but hiring Hue Jackson gives the Browns a good chance of having a coach capable of rehabilitating Gordon.. If a playërs coach like Hue can’t get to Gordon, no one will..
    I can’t wait to get back to the days where Stars were the face of the Eagles, instead of some chubby egomaniac coach being the face of the franchise
    I want to see a Draft where we see a serious infusion of top talent
    Wouldn’t mind pairing Ertz with that Monster,TE OJ Howard… That give Bradford two scary TE talemts to throw to

  314. 314 TypicalDouche said at 2:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Nkemdiche I want nothing to do with. His passion for the game is in serious question. Would much rather go O-Line, OLB, and WR before a d-lineman.

  315. 315 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m really out Of the draft loop this year… the best I can do is talk about kids I LOVED last year, like Jalen Ramsey, Zeke Elliot, Deforest Buckner, the Notre Dame deep ball WR form Roman Catholic High…. But even those players, I have no idea how they did this year, so Im pretty useless when it comes to this years draft debates

  316. 316 TypicalDouche said at 2:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Dekker is a very realistic option for the Eagles at 13, very talented LT that can come in and play RT immediately. Corner wise, Ramsey will be gone by our pick but others like Fuller, Heargreaves III, and Mackensie Alexander are all options if we go that route.

  317. 317 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, no chance of Ramsey falling to 13

  318. 318 RC5000 said at 2:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    49ers fans say Baalke is a draft pick hoarder so trading will be difficult but they could use a Huff type. Problem is you won’t get a good pick for him.

    Nkemdiche is a big talent but he has no moves and he’s like Manziel off the field.

  319. 319 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Doesn’t even have to be picks.. Player for player trades work too

  320. 320 RC5000 said at 2:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Looking at their roster I was actually wrong that they could use Huff. I forgot they drafted Bruce Ellington in same draft after Huff (4th rd). They probably won’t trade or it would be Ellington for Huff if we even wanted that.

  321. 321 ACViking said at 2:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Howie better get on the phone and see what we can get for Hart, Bair and Huff…

    There’s time for that.

    But, yes. For sure.

  322. 322 TypicalDouche said at 2:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’ll take a six pack and a gift card to Subway for those 3 players.

  323. 323 ACViking said at 2:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    But look at all the cap space we’ll save!!!

  324. 324 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m exaggerating,,, we don’t have enough WR talent to give up on Huff yet…sometimes WR take time. If we had 5 more talented WR Id love to give up huff who frustrates the fuck out of me, but we don’t have close to enough talent at WR to trade Huff yet
    taylor Hart on the other hand, I would try to ship to the steelers or Niners, seems like he is on the ground too much which is the worst thing a DL can do

  325. 325 ACViking said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Latest Mel Kiper draft has us taking DT Robert Nkemdiche, a Top 5 talent . . .

    Not a good choice. Has nothing to do with his talent.

    And I’m not basing this comment on what I’ve read or heard 2nd-hand.

  326. 326 ac134spectre said at 2:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would like to see McDermott get his shot here. That or another qb, or OL centric coach like Reid. Everything else the team has done since the Vick era has been a mess.

  327. 327 the midatlantic said at 2:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I mean it has to be Pederson, right? Give me an argument about who it is if it’s not Pederson.

  328. 328 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Shurmur.. Thats all I got
    Shurmur? DUCE? Or Pederson?
    If I had to bet, Id say all 3 end up working together on our “new” coaching staff

  329. 329 Greg Richards said at 2:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Someone that they haven’t been able to interview until now. Teams that are still in the playoffs don’t have to grant permission to interview one of their coaches. GB/SEA/PIT coaches could still be in play. If you’re GB and you played Sunday and play again on Saturday, then you need your coaches determining the game plan on Monday, not flying off for an interview.

  330. 330 anon said at 2:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    eh. If i’m an oc with aspirations and my team won’t let me interview and by the time we lose there’s no good positions left i’m going to be extra mad.

  331. 331 b3nz0z said at 2:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    let’s just agree to hire the fattest beardiest dude for HC. Matt Patricia!

  332. 332 James said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Matt Patricia would definitely be exciting, him and Kelce could touch beard tips one day.

  333. 333 JoeBlow said at 2:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    maybe it’s nick saban

  334. 334 Greg Richards said at 2:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Teams screw over their assistants all the time if they think it’s in their best interest.

  335. 335 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Couldn’t we have interviewed aNyone we wanted last week, but instead we chose to hop in a place and go to KC to interview Doug??.
    ONLY candidate we got on a plane to go interview. couldnt we have interviewed Panthers, Bengals, Patriots assistants that day instead of flying to KC to interview the candidate that no one else has interest in?
    Wouldn’t it be wise to use our head start firing chip a week early to set up meetings with the candidates we would have to compete with other teams for? For example, wouldnt It have made more sense to get in a plane and go interview Hue Jackson who other teams wanted, knowing no one else was interested in Doug, so we could get back to interviewing him later?

  336. 336 Greg Richards said at 2:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Teams that had a bye you can interview. Permission is required for teams without a bye that are still in the playoffs.

  337. 337 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    KC didn’t have a bye.,, couldn’t we have tried to interview someone from GB, Bengals, Steelers, vikings, seahawks after their game, just like we interviewed DP after KC won?
    Knowing no other team would have jumped on Doug P, why not talk to guys who other teams wanted to sign first, knowing we can always fall back on DP later?

  338. 338 FairOaks said at 2:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yes, but on Monday they interviewed Coughlin, and then Lurie was busy at the owners meetings, and then you are talking about interviewing a critical assistant just 2-3 days before a game, which probably isn’t fair to that team. If their other targets are still in the playoffs, there probably just isn’t time. (Or, possibly, they were denied permission during the playoffs and that fact was not leaked).

  339. 339 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Some times the media is really Embarressing… Lol there was a “report” that we don’t like Sean McDermott because when he was here he suggested to Howie that we trade away Chris Clemmons, Howie listened and it turned out to be a bad trade, and this is one of the reasons we allegedly have no interest in McDermott…. Hahahahahahahahahah takes a lot of balls and nerve from a media member to say something this stupid..
    If This was a really being held against candidates by our GM, then we are doomed! Fortunately even Howie isn’t that insane

  340. 340 James said at 2:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This FO doesnt know how to lead, or manage. They can’t even figure out who the best candidates are. Glad we got rid of our season tickets, Lurie and his psychology degree can go DIAF.

    Lurie “got his team back” only to lead a horrible search that will leave this mess of a team in further shambles. Usually I’m optimistic, but holy hell this Lurie, Howie combo is probably the worst leadership in the league. One inherits money with no prior business acumen or experience and the other has never played football nor knows how to have relationships with other football minds.

  341. 341 TypicalDouche said at 2:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why do you keep banging the same drum about how Lurie got his money, why does that even matter to you or even matter in regards to his football decisions. He is paying guys to assist in his decisions so how he made his money should be of no concern. If you have a problem with something then maybe its his decisions to hire the people making the choices, but that’s it.

  342. 342 James said at 2:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    A lot of Eagles fans have faith in Lurie, and I don’t agree. He really hasn’t a clue to who has ability because he has never lead or manage before. He doesn’t get a pass because he is the owner. I guess I’ll go down the dreary negadelphian road or lost all faith in the FO, because it all starts at the top.

  343. 343 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Doesn’t get a pass? Lol what are you going to do? Force LURIE to sell the team? Impeach LURIE? Find a new team to root for?
    How will you hold LUrie accountable and not give him a pass exactly?

  344. 344 James said at 2:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You cant do shit. You also can’t put faith in him either, its kinda like you are floating in space yelling for someone to help but no one can hear you.

    Just remember to taper your expectations and don’t think Lurie actually knows how to hire the right people.

  345. 345 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Unfortunately, lUrie is the only one in our search party who ever had success hiring a coach. Howie and Smolensi weren’t hear when our decision makers found Andy who turned out to be great choice.. LUrie at least got that hire right, Roseman only was involved in 1 hire, Chip Kelly, which proved to be a mistake..
    I don’t think many Eagles fan have any blind faith left for Howie and LUrie.. But we are helpless, NITHING to do but hope they learned something and get it right..

    I do take comfort knowing that we all have opinions, but none of us know shit. We have no idea if a candidate we hate will be great, and a candidates we love could do a horrible job,.. We all have our opinions based on a fraction of the info, so When they hire the guy, nothing to do but give the man a chance and hope he turns out to be the right man for the job… Only other options are stop watching Pro football, or root for a new NFL team
    Sucks to be so helpless about something we are so passionate about, but it’s the reality of our situation.. But I don’t get the impression that LUrie and Howie have many fans in Philly right now. I don’t think you have to worry about blind faith at this point. I think there are a lot more fans that are down on LUrie and Howie right now, then there are fans who have blind faith in them these days
    Hopefully they prove us wrong and get it right

  346. 346 James said at 3:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I feel ya. To say the least its frustrating.

  347. 347 ChoTime said at 3:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It really is amazing how to owner sets the tone. The Cardinals always sucked while they had Bill Bidwell, despite picking at the bottom of the draft year after year. They even charged the players for Gatorade, they were so cheap! Now that he has gone, they have been a model franchise. Al Davis made the Raiders a laughingstock and now that he is gone, the arrow is pointing firmly upward.

  348. 348 anon said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    plenty of worse owners than lurie

  349. 349 Greg Richards said at 2:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is a little(very little but we’re grasping at straws here) reassuring:

    Gary Myers

    20m20 minutes ago

    Sources say Coughlin could have had Eagles job, but withdrew because the core of his staff is under contract to NYG and staying with McAdoo

    Gary Myers

    17m17 minutes ago

    Coughlin didn’t want to start over with new staff and NYG were not about to release his assistants to join him with rival Eagles.

    That sounds like that it wasn’t that the Eagles were forcing coaches on him, but he couldn’t bring “his guys” with him and if so he’s too old to deal with a new environment.



  350. 350 James said at 2:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That dumb. Then he should have retired, there was no way he would have been able to poach the whole Giants staff make-up.

  351. 351 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Sounds silly to me… If Coughlin ends up taking the Bucs job, or some other coaching job, it would mean that this report is worthless.. If he doesn’t coach anyone, then maybe this did factor into his decision. We’ll see..

  352. 352 Greg Richards said at 2:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Sounds like he’s not going to coach this year.

  353. 353 anon said at 2:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    but wouldn’t that be obvious before you interview? think thats agent spin.

  354. 354 Greg Richards said at 2:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe, but sometimes when news gets reported it doesn’t necessarily reflect the timeline of events. The Eagles and Coughlin could have been talking yesterday and arranging to set up the 2nd interview under the impression that the Giants were going a different direction than McAdoo in their HC search and that most of the Giants’ assistants would be free. Then McAdoo going to the Giants might have changed things.

  355. 355 FairOaks said at 2:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That line of thought rings true to me, if that initial report is true (and it would make sense, with other reports saying it was not the Eagles pushing an OC on him — hard to imagine talks ever got into a serious staged in the first place if TC was going to have to take an OC he didn’t want).

    And I don’t mind him not coming at all.

  356. 356 jpate said at 2:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If that was the case, then good it didn’t work out. That staff hasn’t done much in the last few years. Should of been like Ried and started over.

  357. 357 Honest_T said at 2:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    NY media is reporting Howie was pushing Shurmur as OC and TC said he’d rather not. At least Howie is showing how he will micromanage & undermine the coach before they sign.

  358. 358 Greg Richards said at 2:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well, Myers is NY media too and his report reads differently.

  359. 359 Honest_T said at 3:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I was reading ESPN guy Dan Graziano(sp?)

  360. 360 Greg Richards said at 4:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Graziano later clarified:

    Dan Graziano

    3h3 hours ago

    Dan Graziano Retweeted Matt Lombardo

    To be clear: With McAdoo unavailable, TC didn’t have an obvious candidate to bring with him.

    Dan Graziano added,

    Matt Lombardo


    Reading between the lines of @DanGrazianoESPN’s tweet, sounds like the #Eagles are intent on thrusting Duce Staley as OC on next head coach.

    That’s consistent with what Myers reported. He wanted one of his own guys and none of those guys were available. So it really didn’t seem like it mattered whether or not he liked Shurmur or not.



  361. 361 James said at 2:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well this article became outdated pretty quickly!
    49ers hire Chip Kelly, Tom Coughlin withdraws his name from the list of potential Eagles HC candidates.

  362. 362 James said at 2:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I like your name bro.

  363. 363 ChoTime said at 3:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Get a room, Jameses!

  364. 364 James said at 3:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You can join!

  365. 365 Nailed It! said at 2:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I am so confused with everyone who is stating that the Eagles already have their man (ie Pedersen) but the coach is still in the playoffs, so he cannot commit! Why would they be trying to set up second interviews with McAdoo or Coughlin if Pedersen or another coach is their guy? I feel like I am taking crazy pills.

  366. 366 Greg Richards said at 2:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Never anything concrete about them wanting to set up a 2nd interview with McAdoo.

  367. 367 Nailed It! said at 2:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My mistake, but I believe I have a valid point with Coughlin.

  368. 368 FairOaks said at 2:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I imagine most of the reports are wrong, at least in some degree. I doubt the Eagles are leaking their thinking much… though people they talk to might be able to read some of their intentions.

    It could easily be agents dropping rumors that the Eagles are interested in order to get another team to bite (or up the offer). Maybe McAdoo wanted the Giants to make a decision, so those rumors get leaked to force their hand, etc. It’s pretty hard to separate fact from fiction in these situations (especially when there can be hidden agendas of multiple parties).

  369. 369 Nailed It! said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Of course you have to read the proverbial tea leaves. But it also takes a leap of faith when claiming that the Eagles already have their man. Whole situation is very strange.

  370. 370 FairOaks said at 2:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m sure they could hire Pedersen. But that report might be wrong too — there are reports that the Eagles have eyes on multiple coaches still in the playoffs. Which might also be right or wrong 😉

    It could easily be that one desired choice has turned them down, and if that’s the case they may not have had time to set up more interviews during the open week (especially since Lurie had to be at the owners meetings on the LA situation, and late in the week isn’t fair to the other team since the next game is coming up, and they used their one free day to interview Pedersen). They can’t interview the ones they are interested, thus resulting in reports that the Eagles won’t be scheduling any interviews for a while. I would assume that there won’t be any competition for Shurmur or Pedersen, so maybe they will wait out other potential options.

    When we hired Rhodes there was endless speculation and reports as well but in the end we had to wait out the Super Bowl before we hired him.

  371. 371 RobNE said at 2:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    reporter comments = truth

  372. 372 ChoTime said at 3:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What if Pedersen changed his mind at the last minute?

  373. 373 Donald Kalinowski said at 2:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My predictions are coming true so far.

    This is what I said yesterday:

    “My predictions:

    Tampa- Tampa- Dirk Koetter
    Tennessee- Josh McDaniels
    New York- Ben McAdoo
    Philadelphia- Doug Pederson
    San Fransisco- Chip Kelly”

  374. 374 anon said at 2:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    should have played powerball

  375. 375 Donald Kalinowski said at 2:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I did. Got all the right numbers but they weren’t in the right order.

  376. 376 RobNE said at 2:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    you know it doesn’t work like that right?

  377. 377 ACViking said at 2:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Benjamin Allbright reported on Monday that the Eagles are focused on 3 coaches still in the playoffs. (That was Monday — before the hirings this week.)

    Commenter Greg Richards — who’s kept the on-line coaching rumors among the media flowing here like liquid gold — says Allbright is a solid reporter.

    As for Coughlin and the report about a disagreement over the O-coordinator:

    Every owner and football exec wants to know who the coaching candidate plans to use as the OC.

    Assuming the report’s true . . . maybe Coughlin balked at the suggestion that he consider retaining Shurmur — despite the uninformed over-reaction of at least one commenter.

    Or maybe Coughlin wanted to bring in Joe Lombardi to pair with Bradford.

    Or maybe Coughlin didn’t want Sam Bradford with anyone.

    Whatever the reason, a former HC with a record of 9-15 and an 0-2 playoff record against the Eagles is out.

    He didn’t beat the Eagles when the Giants had talent. Didn’t beat ’em when the Giants were down to Manning and ODB.

  378. 378 RobNE said at 2:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe we just didn’t like who Coughlin wanted as OC. It could be anything. How this becomes OH NOES 3 COACHES HAVE TURNED US DOWN is beyond me.

  379. 379 ACViking said at 3:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Absolutely right. Agree 100%

    (I should have prefaced that portion of my comment with, “here are some examples, but there are others.”)

    At Coughlin’s good-bye ceremony, Jerry Reece was very explicit that the personnel issues were not all his fault — a lightly veiled shot that Coughlin had a big hand in the Giant’s talent problems.

    Maybe Coughlin wanted more say on the talent end than Lurie’s willing to give right now.

    As you wrote, could be anything.

  380. 380 Greg Richards said at 3:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The problem is that the Eagles are letting the media control the narrative instead of talking to anyone. That’s why I question those who say Roseman leaked anti-Kelly stuff. If he was a leaker, there’d be media spin out there right now how they never wanted McAdoo/Gase, not hiring Coughlin was their choice. I think ultimately they don’t give a rat’s ass what the media or the public thinks. Which I don’t really think they should. You can’t allow that influence your decision-making process(even if your decision-making process is flawed otherwise).

    I have no way of proving this, but if I had to guess my theory would be the process has gone like this:

    They liked Gase but not enough to bring him in for 2nd interview and offer him job before talking to Pederson, who wasn’t available yet, or Coughlin who was trying to decide if he wanted to coach or not. Gase takes the first available job with Miami.

    With McAdoo, the Giants were messing around exploring other coaches, thinking they had McAdoo any time they deemed fit. So LaMonte leaks that Eagles will hire him so the Giants will crap or get off the can.

    At the same time as this is playing out the Eagles decide that Coughlin is their #1 option but Coughlin himself is on the fence about whether he wants to coach again or not. The Giants are messing around and it looks like they may hire a coach other than McAdoo which means that McAdoo and most of the rest of Coughlin’s staff would be free to go with him to Philly. So, he has 2nd interview with Eagles set for today. Then last night, McAdoo signs on with the Giants and the Giants quietly let him know that they’d block any of his other assistants from leaving so he re-thinks it overnight and decides it isn’t worth it if he’s going to have to work with entirely new people.

    Of course, I could be horribly wrong about everything, and it’s just that no one wants to work with Howie.

  381. 381 RobNE said at 3:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I agree with all this. But also that the Eagles might not have offered Coughlin anything, just wanted to talk to him at a more granular level.

  382. 382 Dave said at 2:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Eagles may have to interview more people after all list is getting shorter!

    NO Ben McAdoo

    NO Gase

    No Coughlin

    Hell just make Howie the Coach!

  383. 383 EaglesGameBalls said at 2:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The Eagles have wanted Pederson all along and the only reason they interviewed the other guys was to give them coaches to compare Pederson against.

  384. 384 James said at 2:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    And thus would begin my quest to not pay for a eagles ticket again. Is there any addiction classes for the Eagles?

  385. 385 EaglesGameBalls said at 3:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Good. Stop coming on here as well. ..[].. You know what that is? a door. dont let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

  386. 386 JoeBlow said at 2:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess we know where Bradford is going in Free Agency

  387. 387 TypicalDouche said at 2:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  388. 388 b3nz0z said at 2:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  389. 389 TypicalDouche said at 2:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Bradford a CFL Rough Rider?. That would be very entertaining.

  390. 390 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  391. 391 JoeBlow said at 2:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    im kidding, but was asserting Chip would pull for him to come to SF

    I was also kidding 3 weeks ago when i mentioned the birds would hire Doug Pederson to be their coach

  392. 392 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Tom Gamble and Trent Baalke will not let Chip run wild like Lurie did

  393. 393 anon said at 2:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    dont’ see any reason why SF w/ a high pick would spend 15-20m on bradford.

  394. 394 Greg Richards said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    They’ll keep Kaepernick now.

  395. 395 anon said at 2:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    you think? no goff?

  396. 396 JoeBlow said at 2:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    be smart to keep Kaep…..and draft a guy in waiting, doesn’t have to be in the first round

  397. 397 Greg Richards said at 2:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Don’t think Goff will be there at 7.

  398. 398 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe we shouldn’t assume that.., tell me yout can’t see Kapernick being kicked to the curb by chip, and chip decide to go with Blaine Gabbert? LOL

  399. 399 Donald Kalinowski said at 2:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    new post up

  400. 400 b3nz0z said at 2:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    u sure dawg

  401. 401 RobNE said at 2:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    how can you get this wrong?

  402. 402 anon said at 2:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Despite reports Chip kelly did not want to trade for #49ers QB Colin Kaepernick. Chip was not a fan while with #eagles @FOX29philly— Howard Eskin (@howardeskin) January 14, 2016

  403. 403 TypicalDouche said at 2:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Bradford to San Fran rumors should be popping up soon.

  404. 404 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 2:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Goff… Baalke and Gamble wont let Chip do there what he did here

  405. 405 OregonDucker said at 2:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Kap to Eagles; Brad to Niners. Just a rumor…..

  406. 406 TypicalDouche said at 2:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    OD welcome back sir, hope all is well with you.

    Please no Kaepernick. Now that Chip is gone hopefully there will be no more running QBs linked to the Eagles.

    What are you feelings toward Chip Kelly with the way things ended here? Also how now he claims he wants no say in personnel in his new job. Chip is starting to come off as a smug man that feels he didn’t deserve to be fired.

  407. 407 OregonDucker said at 2:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hear there was lots of FO intrigue; re Howie. But as I hinted before the Skins game, he had problems with the team. Chip definitely had issues that needed addressing. Not sure firing was the answer but we will see.

  408. 408 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If we trade for KAPERNICK, im done..

  409. 409 TypicalDouche said at 3:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I have always been in the belief that I would never give up on this team, but acquiring Kaepernick could be the straw that broke the camels back because I really want nothing to do with him.

  410. 410 b3nz0z said at 2:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    as long as chip keeps giving up 2nd rounders for bradford i’d be fine

  411. 411 James said at 3:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    please god yes give us a second rounder for bradford

  412. 412 peteike said at 2:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    you cant stop the rumor tweets, they are a force that may never slow down. We eat them up too so demand is high

  413. 413 jaws80 said at 2:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Lurie seems to care a lot about what makes a winning, sustainable organization as a whole, not just the players and coaches.

    I wonder if Lurie is now thinking the two most important pieces to long term success is a supportive, team as a family type of owner, and that owner’s relationship with a strong GM/President type. Coaches and players may come and go, but Lurie and Roseman will still be together. Lurie went all in with a coach, gave a coach, new to the Eagles organization, pretty much everything the coach wanted and we saw how that turned out.

    Seems like Lurie might now be going all in with Roseman. His first offseason decision was to put Roseman back into some sort of GM role, even if not called that – might actually be more powerful than a GM, and to put Roseman back on the coach search committee. Lurie was preoccupied the past two years trying to give Chip “his people” and “his players” so Chip could succeed. Maybe Lurie realizes, he should have all along instead been trying to get Roseman “his people”.

    Pederson says he likes Roseman, maybe that is true, maybe they had and have a good relationship. Maybe Lurie is going to try now to give Roseman “his people” and see how it works.

  414. 414 Donald Kalinowski said at 2:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  415. 415 Bert's Bells said at 2:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    like Penn State, ya know. Fooball…

  416. 416 Donald Kalinowski said at 2:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    ehh. Don’t quit your day job

  417. 417 Bert's Bells said at 4:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    eh, yo!

  418. 418 ChoTime said at 3:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    you misspelled AMIRITE

  419. 419 RobNE said at 2:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    IB 8 am: oh my god please not Coughlin, looks like Coughlin that would be turrible. NO!!!

    IB 2:30 pm: Coughlin turned us down oh no we are turrible no one wants to coach for us.

  420. 420 Ark87 said at 2:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m actually relieved, pheew.

  421. 421 RobNE said at 2:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So am I. But the reaction here is crazy.

  422. 422 peteike said at 2:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    ya thats funny, took me a sec to fully digest but people wont be happy no matter what. That being said it still doesnt speak well to this mess of a FO dynamic. Then again whats funny there is one tweet is Eagles force OC on Coughlin who says no, followed up by too much of Coughlins staff retained is why

  423. 423 Ark87 said at 3:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That’s the way of things. While it’s easy to think of a group in singular terms, we are a bunch of individuals. So the people who make noise about the prospect of hiring Coughlin aren’t necessarily the people upset that he decided he doesn’t wan’t to coach here. Which is why I think groups of people get a bad rap for being perpetually unhappy. Well, no, the ones who are content are just don’t make much noise.

    Not to say there is no one complaining both sides, because those people are real. But by and large it would be a characterization of the people here. IMO

  424. 424 b3nz0z said at 3:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i agree that it’s silly, but if i had complained both ways i’d justify it like this “didn’t want coughlin, bummed that the dude i didn’t want doesn’t even think we’re good enough”

  425. 425 Ark87 said at 3:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I not to worry about it too much, who even knows that we even really wanted him that much. Howie is notoriously tight-lipped. These reporters are grasping hard. For all we know we put him on hold till we got to interview some guys still in the playoffs, and he said never mind then. I just think we’ve been here before.

    Asomogh FA, Chip hiring, seems like Philly wasn’t doing much haplessly bumbling. Then explosion of information. Anyway, just trying to embrace the fact that we have no freaking clue what’s actually going on. Just a few glimpses here and there.

  426. 426 RobNE said at 3:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    that’s all true. But also seems like some folks are negative about everything, including the rumors as if they are facts.

  427. 427 Ark87 said at 3:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    most definitely

  428. 428 b3nz0z said at 2:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    me too, but it would have been nice if the old ass man didn’t reject us

  429. 429 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I have mixed feelings… Hiring COUGHLIN ensured me that We wouldn’t let Bradford out of Philly. No way COUGHLIN spends his last 3 years coaching a rookie QB we had to draft… Since keeping Bradford for me is easily #1 on our to do list for me, and with COUGHLIN, I could have relaxed knowing they would have kept SAM.
    Now I have to hope that Doug P, Shurmur, or whoever gets the job feels strongly about keeping SAM

  430. 430 Greg Richards said at 3:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That’s why potentially hiring Coughlin worried me. I’m all for keeping Bradford for the right money and with the right contract structure. I don’t want them feeling that they have to overpay him or structure a contract such that you’re locked into him for the next 5 years. There’s just too much risk involved with him. You hire a Pederson or a Shurmur and the expectations are lower. You then need to give that coach time. Let the team be bad for a year or 2. Get high draft picks. Find your franchise QB the natural way.

  431. 431 anon said at 3:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    the “natural” way — broncos and cardinals found their QBs this way, working out ok for them.

  432. 432 Greg Richards said at 3:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Those are the exceptions, not the rule.

  433. 433 TypicalDouche said at 3:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Payton Manning = Future HOFer and Carson Palmer has always been a much better QB then Bradford so they lucked out and got good QBs. Can you really even compare Bradford to those 2? I don’t think so and I agree with Greg about not overspending on Bradford.

  434. 434 Tom33 said at 3:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Alex Smith in KC too. Probably a closer match to Bradford.

  435. 435 FairOaks said at 3:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah. I could see Bradford as being somewhere between Smith and Palmer. Manning was just an extraordinary situation.

    I like Bradford and do hope we keep him, but (like Maclin) there is a limit. That limit might be higher that we have been used to since the cap is going up and QB salaries along with it, but you can’t sell out just to resign him. It’s not like he’s the difference between a championship team or not — they need him for any short-term hope at the playoffs, but they need some other pieces as well, so they need cap room for other moves too.

  436. 436 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m completely sold on the QB I saw the second half of this season. I know we haven’t seen his best yet. But I was blown away that he was so much better in some areas than I imagined. I think it could take half a decade to find a QB that can play at the level Bradford would give us… I Badly want to proceed with Bradford. If you DONT believe in him, that’s Fine… But I think we have to be crazy to lose a quality QB over Money. id Rather have Bradford, than have an extra 30mil in cap space But NO QB. id rather lose all 9 of our free agents, let my favorite player Curry walk, thornton, Nolan, Thurmond all defenders I like, rather than lose Bradford…
    We are irrelevant without a QB. We could spend first round picks in the next 3 drafts and still not have a guy who could give us the levek of QB play we could get from SAM
    Look at the Niners. They been thru hell looking for a QB, they drafted Cousins and he worked out for them. Now what? Are they going to let Cousins walk if he wants more money then they think he is worth? Of course not, he plays the most important position in sports, Coaching careers are made and Ruined by the QB position. The Skins are going to pay Cousins more than he is worth to keep him off the open market, because nothing is worth than Losing him and not have a QB… Even if we Overpay Bradford more than we want to, it’s still probably cheaper than he would cost if he hits the open market and teams like the Texans bid on him and drive up the Price.
    if you think bradford can be the guy, like I think he can, Your Do what it takes to not let him get away… If you don’t THINK he can be that guy, then don’t even bid on him… Either he is good enough, or he isn’t, the decision can NOT come down to money
    We Lost MACLIN because his price became higher than we wanted to pay.. How did that worJohngia out for us? What good came from saving all that cap space we saved by losing Macln? The difference between having a QB and being irrelevant with no QB can’t come down to cap money.
    What are you going to do if Cox wants more than you want to pay? Let him walk? Let other teams bid on him which will really raise his value?
    If you think Bradford can be a QB to Build around, just like I know Cox can be a DT we build a defense around, then you get those two extensions done, and you build a team around them with whatever cap space is left
    If you DONT think we can win with Bradford, just let Him go…. But money can’t be the difference between us having a QB we can win with and being irrelevant with No QB
    Say you draft Paxton Lynch, and he becomes good, but Not great.. Then free agency comes, are you going to let him walk if he wants more than we want to pay? Are you going to let the QB we draft and Develope walk because another team is willing to pay him more than we want to pay him?
    Either he is a building block, a franchise cornerstone or he isn’t… If he is, you can’t lose Him because of money… There is nothing you can do with that cap space you,save THATS more important than paying for a QB…
    I don’t even see this roster filled with must have playërs, and I don’t want to sign other teams free agents. pay to keep SAM and Cox, build around them via the draft. Spend the rest of the cap space to keep as many of our good players as we can in place, but I would rather lose all 9 of our free agents than to lose our QB.
    Donovan has been gone for years, look how long it took us to get a QB like SAM? The one thing Chip did right was get Us our QB, I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to bet that Howie can find a better QB in the next 3 years, and since we can probably cut SAM, after 3 years, I think we have to be insane to loose SAM
    Just look at the wild card round Of the Playoffs. It’s not rocket science, the better QB won every single game
    Alex smith beat Hoyer
    Big Ben Beat AJ
    Wilson beat Teddy
    Rodgers beat Cousins …. Out of Those 8 playoff QBs, only 3 of them would be clearly better than bradford
    We have to be insane to finally have a QB like Bradford and let some team like the Texans Poach him.
    Give me Cox And Bradford, and I’ll be happy to see us build around them THRU THE DRAFT with whatever cap space is left after paying our two most important players… Losing SAM for me is the single biggest mistake we could possibly make, im praying Howie feels the same way

  437. 437 Anders said at 4:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My fear is that if we keep Shurmur, that we still overpay for Bradford.

  438. 438 anon said at 4:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    would you rather have paid nick foles 12-15 a year or pay sam bradford 20?

  439. 439 Anders said at 4:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why do I have to choice?

  440. 440 BobSmith77 said at 2:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Always good to have some perspective. I guess Pederson it is. Hope Roseman is as good as Lurie’s touts in player evaluation and Pederson can put together a good staff including a solid DC. Really in Roseman we trust though.

    There are only 3 things I want to see this offseason I guess if Pederson is named head coach – get rid of Davis and most of the defensive staff, go to a 4-3, and not resign Bradford to a long-term deal, large dollar deal. Just see that as ensuring this team is hooked to mediocrity or worse moving ahead forward the next 2 or 3 years.

  441. 441 Joe Minx said at 3:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I see no good way to spin this, at all.

  442. 442 peteike said at 3:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agree except SB part, draft a guy at 13, maybe franchise Sam

  443. 443 anon said at 3:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    so does this mean that azz, stout, fipp are gone? or i guess we have to give them permission to go.

  444. 444 Greg Richards said at 3:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    We have to give them permission. Depending on what the new HC thinks, Eagles reportedly want to keep Duce, Stoutland, Undlin, and Fipp. I’d guess Azz goes.

  445. 445 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would love to keep Azz, but I assume we won’t block him from joining Chip. Id really love him forever if he chose coaching Cox over running to join Chip, but I assume AZZ is gone…
    If I could ONLY pick one assistant to keep, it would probably have to be Fipp
    But im hoping we retain, Fipp, Shurm, Undlin, DUCE….AZZ and Stoutland I would also welcome…. That still leaves plenty of room for the next coach to make his mark bringing in his own DC and assistants

  446. 446 MAR2691 said at 5:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Fipp should get a raise. Undlin and Stout deserve to stay also.

  447. 447 Anders said at 3:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    In theory all the sports science guys wont be able to join him either

  448. 448 Greg Richards said at 4:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yep, I don’t think the Eagles will let them go. That’s institutional knowledge that you want available for the next coach to implement how he sees fit.

  449. 449 Anders said at 4:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    and just to keep them away from Kelly

  450. 450 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Omg im going to throw up and jam pencils in my ear if the media doesn’t Stfu with this crap..
    I can’t take anothet media member talking about how chip only wants to coach, and how this will be a great situation that he can just coach and not be burdened by personal… Makes me want to throw my Computer at The TV…
    Why is chip being praised for this Bullshit when it’s literally to a word, the EXACT SAME THING CHIP SAID IN 2013 when he became our coach, two years later he was threatening to leave us Embarressing Lurie after two 10-6 seasons if we didn’t give him personnel power. Less than a year later chip is being praised becayse he just wants to coach, acting like we placed the burden of Personel on him…. I’m going to scream!
    I’m happy to see Chip in San Fran, but I can’t take another momemt of this bullshit… Fucking Charlatan. the NFL Doug Collins… I fucking hate Liars more than anything

  451. 451 botto said at 3:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    he probably only wanted personnel power because roseman is a tool

  452. 452 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 3:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    LOL let it go…. Chip is SF’s question now

  453. 453 peteike said at 3:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh man so true, I just heard a SF media guy on radio saying all the same stuff we heard I was laughing. I dont put that on Chip too much though unless youre hearing his presser or something. Their people are going to sell it on all the same stuff if they are going positive

  454. 454 ACViking said at 3:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It gets better.

    When Kelly came to the Eagles, he said in his introductory press conference that his offense of an defense of schemes would be based on personnel, and any adjustments that needed to be made with the personnel driven.

    Kelly even talked about going with a 43 under defense.

    I have no doubt he sold the same goods to Jed York.

  455. 455 Dave said at 3:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Brandon Boykin shaking his head at that.

  456. 456 EaglesGameBalls said at 3:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah then he goes and gets rid of the good personnel who run other stuff and brings in crappy personnel runs his schemes and sucks. Chip Kelly is the epitome of dog poop.

  457. 457 SteveH said at 5:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chip is such a lying bastard sometimes. I’ve noticed his duplicity at times in the past but I completely forgot about that part.

  458. 458 OregonDucker said at 3:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Firing Gamble changed everything. Howie could not be trusted. Howie’s a cancer that good coaching candidates avoided during the search. The Eagles are now bottom-feeding because of him.

  459. 459 Greg Richards said at 3:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gamble was fired because he tried to freeze out Howie(his boss) and the rest of the scouting staff from personnel decisions and decide them one-on-one with Kelly.

  460. 460 FairOaks said at 3:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, I think Lurie was completely on board with firing Gamble — I think he said it was a long time coming or something to that effect — but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Roseman is not a significant problem either. That stuff may be blown out of proportion but there are obviously many people who do have a problem with him, so there must at least be a kernel of truth.

    It does sound like Kelly alienated enough other people in the organization, and didn’t get results once he was able to get his players, which may have made firing him an easier solution in Lurie’s eyes. If it was *only* Roseman who had a problem with Kelly, it would have been easier to solve by firing Roseman.

    I don’t think Kelly’s on-field results were enough to fire him, but there must have been enough behind the scenes stuff as well to push Lurie over the edge.

  461. 461 Greg Richards said at 3:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yep, should have fired Roseman too. But they’re not, so we should just get over it.

  462. 462 Gian GEAGLE said at 3:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Lol STOP IT!

  463. 463 Insomniac said at 3:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gamble was fired for not being able to keep his mouth shut. Chip didn’t even back his “boy” Gamble up when he was fired.

  464. 464 RobNE said at 3:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    really seemed like Gamble came and then there were articles all the time with leaks. I think DF3B or whatever his name is won’t agree with you.

  465. 465 D3FB said at 6:50 AM on January 15th, 2016:


    That’s cold rob.


  466. 466 Insomniac said at 3:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Firing Gamble leads to Chip being GM. Chip being GM = Eagles sucking. Coincidence?

  467. 467 TypicalDouche said at 3:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gamble was terrible in almost every facet of his job and he also constantly leaked things to the media.

  468. 468 JoeBlow said at 3:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    not trying to be combative, im just asking because i genuinely don’t know, but how do we know that Gamble was leaking things to the media?

  469. 469 TypicalDouche said at 3:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    See comment below from Insomniac. He was spot on.

  470. 470 JoeBlow said at 3:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i’m sorry but i don’t know which comment you are referring to…..what were the supposed leaks? what kind of info was he leaking?

  471. 471 FairOaks said at 4:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think the comment was by D3FB referencing something that Noah Becker figured out, or at least looks strongly suspicious:

  472. 472 JoeBlow said at 4:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    thank you!

  473. 473 Anders said at 3:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gamble got him self fired

  474. 474 SteveH said at 5:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m confused, how did all the “good coaches” avoid us? We’ve interviewed the cream of the crop so far, minus Hue Jackson who was taking Cleveland all the way because of personnel control.

  475. 475 JoeBlow said at 3:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    How many of the niners 12 draft picks will be traded before the draft?

  476. 476 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 3:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I bet none by Chip…

  477. 477 Insomniac said at 3:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Omg the 49ers hired Chip? What a desperate franchise. Back into the basement for you 49ers again!

  478. 478 RobNE said at 3:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    hopefully Pederson is getting handshake deals from his new coordinators and other coaches.

  479. 479 Greg Richards said at 4:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He has to focus on getting his team ready. Maybe he’ll have a little bit of time at night and tomorrow before the game.

  480. 480 Insomniac said at 3:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Old OL – check
    No WRs – check
    No QB – check
    Awful defense – check

    Chip Kelly licking his chops but little does he know..he’s never going to be a GM ever again.

  481. 481 TypicalDouche said at 3:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Hopefully the Eagles can sign Alex Boone in the offseason. Would be even better to take one of the few players the Niners had away from Chip.

  482. 482 Insomniac said at 3:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh there’s definitely going to be a “culture” cleansing for that team. It might not happen this year but it’s coming.

  483. 483 b3nz0z said at 3:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    do they have anyone good enough for chip to cut?

  484. 484 TypicalDouche said at 3:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I was literally about to say the same exact thing. Well played sir.

  485. 485 Insomniac said at 3:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Bowman is the only name that stands out. Aaron Lynch is an upcoming good OLB. Joe Staley is still a starter OT.

    We might be able to finally get Boldyn!!

  486. 486 JoeBlow said at 3:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Anthony Davis may be returning….he was making fun of the fact the niners were interviewing Kelly a couple weeks ago on twitter

  487. 487 Insomniac said at 3:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Anthony Davis wasn’t really good.

  488. 488 JoeBlow said at 3:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    eh i disagree

  489. 489 Insomniac said at 3:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    maybe the NBA player but not even the 49ers fans cared that he retired

  490. 490 JoeBlow said at 4:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Seemed the fans were upset about it to me

    He was one of the best Run Blocking RT in the league IMO

  491. 491 Insomniac said at 4:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Meh you can find guys like Davis in the draft. Niners fan were freaking out because their team was falling apart.

  492. 492 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The Guard Boone wants to be PAID in FA..

  493. 493 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    But the same GM who turned that team in to a haven of criminals is still in power

  494. 494 Insomniac said at 4:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The owner is still Jed York.

  495. 495 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 3:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    With Gamble and Baakle running the show I doubt Chip even tries to flex like he did here

  496. 496 Insomniac said at 3:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yea not our problem now. Chip is going to get spanked by NFC West defenses all year too so enjoy your divided locker room again Chip.

  497. 497 EaglesGameBalls said at 3:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chip lasts less than two years. I gaurantee that. If he lasts longer I will eat my own poop.

  498. 498 Greg Richards said at 3:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well, that kind of makes me want him to have a long career there.

  499. 499 botto said at 3:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    as if you don’t now

  500. 500 the DONALD said at 4:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    now you just sound desperate to eat your own poo guy…

  501. 501 EaglesGameBalls said at 5:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Is it that obvious?

  502. 502 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hope FOles lights him up twice a year for the rest of xhips career

  503. 503 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chip to 49ers.. Well guess thats good news for Chip Wagon website lol

  504. 504 Anders said at 3:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I still think Kelly can be a great NFL coach. Sadly as with most coaches, its not the first stop be the 2nd they have greatest success.

    Kelly was un-done by him self here and will be un-done in SF if he hasnt learned anything.

  505. 505 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah man i think Chip is gonna learn from what happen in Philly n do better in SF

  506. 506 RobNE said at 3:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    if he’s running QB behind center not in shotgun first game next year we are all going to be pissed.

  507. 507 Anders said at 4:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My hope is he signs Bradford, but some part also want me to watch him with Kaepernick going full Oregon

  508. 508 Greg Richards said at 4:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe, but I really doubt he would have changed his ways if he wasn’t given the impetus to do so.

  509. 509 Anders said at 4:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    True, there was zero signs Kelly would change here

  510. 510 Dave said at 4:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He can’t change his personality. How many articles were written that nobody really ever had a conversation with him outside of Xs and Os.

    Maybe he will change the tempo and some of the practice regimen, but I’m not sure he’d be willing to start a 5’9″ corner or allow his stud TE to play unless he was the best blocker. Moreover, will he still bench young players that don’t practice as well at vets that have years of experience.

    Edit: spelling

  511. 511 peteike said at 4:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I do except have major reservations for the defensive side of the ball and scheme. If hes smart enough to just get out of the way I still think with the right players he can be a great offensive coach

  512. 512 RobNE said at 3:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    OD stood before two paths in the woods. One led to SF and the other to Philly. Which does he choose?

    What say you, OD?

  513. 513 GENETiC-FREAK said at 3:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    True lol Guess hes gonna follow the Chipster

  514. 514 OregonDucker said at 4:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’ll post on both. Love this site and fans but I won’t have the same info or insight Still, I’m more wait and see. I’m very interested to see what the new coach can do with these players – my guess is that he will do better.

  515. 515 FairOaks said at 4:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, that can often happen. I don’t think Kelly destroyed the team or anything — there is still some talent and most of his moves made some sense. Although if we end up with a rookie QB, the results will probably be worse this year.

  516. 516 BlindChow said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Any good 49ers blogs to recommend? Might start checking in on them to see what fans are thinking.

  517. 517 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    GRONK missed practice on Tuesday, was limited on Wednesday, missed Practice again today, he is being listed with a knee issue.. Obviously the Pats will never reveal WHATS going on, but if we plan on hiring Doug P, it’s going to be torture having to wait if KC beats the pats.. hopefully Gronk will be able to produce. If that KC defense doesn’t have to worry about Gronk, it will be a long day for Brady and we will be in QB limbo at least 1 more torturous week.
    Thinking the Pats defense might have to win them this game, it helps that Maclin is in trouble. WRs are pretty useless with High ankle sprains, which is why I think we treated Agholar unfairly this year. If anything it’s a positive that he tried to warrior thru it.
    We need the Patriots front 7 to dominate KC. I really don’t have the mental fortitude to still be discussing this coaching crap a week from now. I wanted to root for Andy to beat the Pats, but I can’t do that if it means being in coaching Limbo for another week
    Our luck, Andy will pick this year to finally outcoach other top coaches and take KC to the Super Bowl.. That’s like the one thing that can make this coaching search worse..
    Coaching search Fatigue…. Sigh

  518. 518 ACViking said at 4:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “Our luck, Andy will pick this year to finally outcoach other top coaches and take KC to the Super Bowl. That’s like the one thing that can make this coaching search worse.”

    This would be bitter irony.

  519. 519 RobNE said at 4:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    they are not nearly the same team without Gronk.

  520. 520 nicolajNN said at 4:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Right, here’s how this thing will play out from what I’m hearing. According to sources familiar with the team(That would be me, I read stuff on the internet so I think I’m qualified):

    Howie is getting tired of hearing how he’s not a “football guy”, so he’s ready to put this team on his shoulders and become the head coach. Lurie’s been hesitant because of Roseman’s lack of experience yelling at punters, hence Coughlin was close to signing on to what would’ve been a consultant role.

    Once Howie is named HC/GM/VP of Football Ops. his first move will be making Fipp the DC, Howie had someone else in mind, but Fipp have his eyes set on it

    As for offensive coordinator, in an, almost, unprecedented move, Bill Davis will be moved there. Davis’ in-depth knowledge of the completed deep pass makes him the perfect guy for the style of offence Roseman wants to implement.

  521. 521 ACViking said at 4:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Commenter Greg Richards — who’s been sifting through what seems like every bit of available Eagles information on the Internet — made this excellent comment in a 3rd-generation reply:

    The problem is that the Eagles are letting the media control the narrative instead of talking to anyone. That’s why I question those who say Roseman leaked anti-Kelly stuff. If he was a leaker, there’d be media spin out there right now how they never wanted McAdoo/Gase, not hiring Coughlin was their choice. I think ultimately they don’t give a rat’s ass what the media or the public thinks. Which I don’t really think they should. You can’t allow that influence your decision-making process(even if your decision-making process is flawed otherwise).

    I have no way of proving this, but if I had to guess my theory would be the process has gone like this:

    They liked Gase but not enough to bring him in for 2nd interview and offer him job before talking to Pederson, who wasn’t available yet, or Coughlin who was trying to decide if he wanted to coach or not. Gase takes the first available job with Miami.

    With McAdoo, the Giants were messing around exploring other coaches, thinking they had McAdoo any time they deemed fit. So LaMonte leaks that Eagles will hire him so the Giants will crap or get off the can.

    At the same time as this is playing out the Eagles decide that Coughlin is their #1 option but Coughlin himself is on the fence about whether he wants to coach again or not. The Giants are messing around and it looks like they may hire a coach other than McAdoo which means that McAdoo and most of the rest of Coughlin’s staff would be free to go with him to Philly. So, he has 2nd interview with Eagles set for today. Then last night, McAdoo signs on with the Giants and the Giants quietly let him know that they’d block any of his other assistants from leaving so he re-thinks it overnight and decides it isn’t worth it if he’s going to have to work with entirely new people.

    Of course, I could be horribly wrong about everything, and it’s just that no one wants to work with Howie.

  522. 522 anon said at 4:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “I think ultimately they don’t give a rat’s ass what the media or the public thinks. Which I don’t really think they should. You can’t allow that influence your decision-making process(even if your decision-making process is flawed otherwise).” – didn’t they fire someone in part b/c they took the same view?

  523. 523 Greg Richards said at 4:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Not exactly sure who you’re referring to. I don’t think his media unfriendliness was much of a factor at all in firing Chip. Reid wasn’t particularly friendly with the media either but was personable behind the scenes. His relationship with his players and other personnel including Lurie himself were much bigger factors IMO. The one public opinion issue that I could see Lurie being concerned with is the notion of racism with Kelly. While I don’t believe that is the case at all(he’s just an uncompromising, authoritarian jackass), I don’t think a liberal like Lurie likes that public perception. Just the media not liking Kelly or the public questioning his coaching/personnel acumen? Don’t think they care.

  524. 524 Media Mike said at 4:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    The local media had/has ZERO IMPACT on what the team does. Those folks are there to serve us via reporting, they don’t impact what any player / coach does either.

  525. 525 laeagle said at 5:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No, they fired someone with the same point of view, because of other points of view that they didn’t have in common. Incorrect correlation.

  526. 526 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    ” there are a handful of guys on the Niners that chip didn’t even have on his draft board (Charechter)”
    If there is a Football god, dishing out “Football Justice”, Trent Baalke will insist on signing Greg Hardy and make chip coach him

  527. 527 b3nz0z said at 4:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    jaccson too

  528. 528 ACViking said at 4:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    In 24 months, Kelly whittled down the Eagles roster from the 60+ players he inherited from Reid to a mere 12.

    Things will change in SF fast enough — Baalke or no Baalke.

    No way Kelly took the job w/out final over the 53-man roster.

  529. 529 Anders said at 4:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That happens in most teams with was as bad as the 2012 Eagles

  530. 530 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As a 420 fan of the Rastafarian 😉 Culture… I am a little ashamed to ask, what the hell is synthetic Marijuana? I hope that ISNT some other name for “Salvia” which you can buy in any head shop (that stuff is Crazy, not a fan at all)
    I’m familiar with all the different types of Hash around the world, 420 OIL, “budda”, Vaporizers, 420 Taffys and Loli pops, I have even seen perscription Marijuana Pills…. But Synthetic pot? If it’s anything like Salvia….YUCK!!!!

  531. 531 anon said at 4:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  532. 532 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No way? Seriously synthetic Marijuanna is the same thing as Salvia? Gross, I can’t believe playërs are smoking that Shit.. I hate that stuff

  533. 533 anon said at 4:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i always thought thats what people meant, or something similar.

  534. 534 Nailed It! said at 4:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Salvia is something way different than Synthetic Marijuana

  535. 535 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah it can’t be salvia.. I smoked salvia one time in college. Walked into a head shop, legally bought a big bag of it, sat down, smoked 1 bowl, and bricks start flying off the wall at me, I was in a frozen state where I couldn’t move, I was sweating and drooling and I thought there was an evil wizard trying to hurt me… I threw the bag away, and you can’t pay me to ever smoke that again…. But it Can’t be salvia that Chandler Jones smoked because the effect of Salvia only lasts like a minute.. It doesn’t last long enough for Chandler to go to a police station acting crazy.. It would have worn off way before he got to a police station, so it can’t be Salvia, but that crap is Nasty and im amazed something that has THAT crazy effect can be bought legally in stores while people get arrested and lose jobs over natural pot smh

  536. 536 peteike said at 4:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    its not salvia as far as I know, I thought it was just synthetic pot. So basically smoking some crazy chemicals. Has anyone had a good time on that stuff, sounds all bad to me. Why also when you can just enjoy the real thing

  537. 537 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    My understanding is that playërs are smoking it instead of pot because the NFL doesn’t test for it

  538. 538 peteike said at 4:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    oh makes sense in that regard but doesnt make sense because of all the bad stories coming out

  539. 539 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yup… NFL eithet needs to learn how to test for it, or stop crucifying playërs like Josh Gordon over pot so playërs won’t turn to this crap,.. Synthetic version of something Naturally usually isn’t good

  540. 540 peteike said at 5:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    yup great point. This is way worse

  541. 541 Anders said at 4:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Not sure why they would risk their life like that. That stuff is super crazy

  542. 542 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeh it can’t be salvia, salvia wears off after a minute, it doesn’t last long enough for Chandler jones to go to a police station acting crazy

  543. 543 Anders said at 4:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Its just a crazy version of Pot,

  544. 544 Ark87 said at 4:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I wonder if it’s still THC-based or some other molecule that hits the same receptors just right.

  545. 545 Anders said at 4:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    They are not THC, but synthetic cousins to THC sprayed on herbs

  546. 546 Will:↑↑↓↓←→←→BA said at 4:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  547. 547 Ark87 said at 4:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Is that the Ketamine? That stuff was seriously bad.

  548. 548 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Noooo THATS nasty, thats cat tranquilizer, I think you snort ketamine

  549. 549 peteike said at 4:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    isnt it horse tranquilizer lol

  550. 550 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No, I’m positive its cat tranquilizer… The horse tranquilizer people take come in pill form… Ketamine in a veteranians office comes in liquid, I think peiple cook it into powder and snort it, although im sure there are different ways people use it

  551. 551 peteike said at 4:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    okay, whats that crazy stuff Joe Rogan takes, you trip out really hard for like 10 minutes and then done.

  552. 552 anon said at 4:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    think that’s salvia

  553. 553 peteike said at 4:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    no DMT, just looked it up, nuts. Salvia is nuts too but you have to be able know how to use it from my experience which a lot of people dont really believe. Otherwise it doesnt do much if you cant relax and let it takes its course

  554. 554 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Joe Rogan is insane… He is a big believer in that DMT shit, says it changed his life, inspired the alien tattoo on his arm..
    rogan is also a big believer in HGH, just look at him, he was a skinny twerp 10 years ago, and now he is like 40years old and cock diesel… But Rogan is open about all his drug use..

  555. 555 Ark87 said at 4:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    it’s an anesthetic used at the veterinary. Co-worker of mine used to work with the stuff all the time. Then it showed up on shelves as like, pot-pourri or some crap. Seriously messed some people up.

  556. 556 ACViking said at 4:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Synthetic marijuana makes you crazy . . .

    crazy enough to run though a hotel’s double-plate glass window in Atlanta so hard and fast — like Ole Miss DT Robert Nkemdiche did — that you don’t suffer any serious cuts.

  557. 557 CrackSammich said at 4:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It’s exactly what it sounds like. They chemically formulate the THC, or something similar, in a lab. The issue is that there’s not a single bit of oversight, regulation, quality control, etc. due to the drug laws in this country. It’s made to be comparable to pot, but refer back to the comment about it being completely unregulated. Buyer beware.

    Salvia is a different drug entirely, which I think is still technically legal?

  558. 558 peteike said at 5:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    it used to be legal so may still be.

    Anyone see that crazy Vice episode on HBO about the synthetic drugs. Highly recommend, that stuff is nuts. They cant outlaw it because the chemists just change a single molecule in it and its no longer against the law. Was wondering if this was similar. Those are mostly crazy pills you can get in the big cities like NY etc, really dangerous. Making this stuff in dirty labs in China with no oversight. Some guy in Australia was doing stuff to regulate it there at least and try to control it. I think they finally found a way to get a policy to ban it completely recently.

  559. 559 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Thanks, im gonna check it out

  560. 560 RobNE said at 5:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I understand it was not illegal in Mass.

  561. 561 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yup, and the NFL doesn’t test for it

  562. 562 RobNE said at 5:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    but the police transcript has the officer go to his house (walking distance), he says something like “I found keys inside on the table, locked up and there was [narcotics 5] on the table he had been using.”

    I forget the code they used, but I assume you can’t tell it’s synthetic can you just by looking at it, so why no arrest?

  563. 563 Media Mike said at 4:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is the height of embarrassing……………from half of the fan base and major segments of the local and national media.

    The pure level of misinformation out there about less than choice candidates leading people to destroy Lurie and Roseman would be funny if it wasn’t’ so moronic. What I find particularity treacherous / blasphemous is the brain-dead rote repeating about the job not being a desirable one. I’m glad AC Viking put that to bed by posting Bill Polian’s comments yesterday.

    I’m saving any judgement of the whole situation until AFTER I see a full staff. Everything else is misinformation and static until that point.

  564. 564 Greg Richards said at 4:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    **** NEWS ALERT *****

    Apparently, the Eagles have hired Ken Flajole, a DC at one time under Spagnuolo who has also worked with Shurmur.

    Likely indication Shurmur has gotten job and is already formulating staff.


    UTEP: So, after Jeff Casteel turned down the opportunity Sean Kugler planned to bring in Ken Flajole as defensive coordinator; but at a press conference this afternoon Kugler announced that Flajole accepted a position with the Philadelphia Eagles today. No word on what role that position might be with the Eagles. Very odd. Will update when more is clear on this one.

  565. 565 peteike said at 4:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  566. 566 Media Mike said at 4:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As what position coach?

  567. 567 Greg Richards said at 4:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Unknown. Could be DC for all I know. Has background as both LBs coach and DBs coach.

  568. 568 Media Mike said at 4:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    We’re going to be in need of a 4-3 LBs coach; so I’m good with that.

  569. 569 Nailed It! said at 4:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I am not seeing this.

  570. 570 Ark87 said at 4:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    well I don’t know how to pronounce his name…which means I never heard it out loud…which…well, wait and see.

  571. 571 anon said at 4:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    from wiki was with shurmur in CLE and STL. thought they would have done better.

  572. 572 ACViking said at 5:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Flajole was with Shurmur only with the Rams (’09-’10).

    Joined Cleveland after Spagnuolo’s firing as ILB coach for Chudzinski in ’13.

    So Joe Banner knows this guy . . . what’s he saying?

  573. 573 peteike said at 5:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    12th ranked D overall in 10 under Spags 7-9 team

  574. 574 nicolajNN said at 4:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    A Source:

  575. 575 RobNE said at 5:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    no I want Pederson (for some reason, I don’t know what it is).

  576. 576 Media Mike said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Good looking out by the way.

  577. 577 RobNE said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Greg has been on 24/7 for IB the past few days. Kudos.

  578. 578 Greg Richards said at 5:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    20/7. Have to get a little work done.

  579. 579 RC5000 said at 5:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Where’s the media, you beat all of them.

  580. 580 Greg Richards said at 5:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Considering that Pederson and Shurmur are familiar with each other, it’s possible that it’s going to Pederson with Shurmur on staff and Doug is on board with hiring Flajole. They may have let him know he’s got the job but are getting his staff signed for him before they take jobs elsewhere.

  581. 581 Dave said at 5:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Impressive find Greg

  582. 582 anon said at 5:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So looks like Flajole was set to take college dc job (UTEP) but told them he took a job elsewhere – philly – which is where stories coming from.

  583. 583 RobNE said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    working for Pederson?

  584. 584 anon said at 5:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    def in shurmur’s orbit. but don’t think dc. was interviewing for linebackers role in indy. probably an assistant coach

  585. 585 jshort said at 5:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’ve been thinking Shurmur all day after hearing Mac was going to the Giants this morning. Don’t think the front office wants to rip all the Kelly out of the O.

  586. 586 anon said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ken Flajole (potential new LB coach) was with Chudzinski in CLE his one year there. He also coached D Jackson while he was there.— Ryan Daryk (@ryandaryk) January 12, 2016

  587. 587 ACViking said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Re: Ken Flajole

    Here’s a MMQB piece on Flajole from 2014.

    He’s 61 years old. A football lifer.

    Like JJ was . . . but older.

  588. 588 Media Mike said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Nice pull

  589. 589 NoPedersonOrCoughlin said at 5:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    fingers crossed

  590. 590 Dave said at 5:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    IMO, McGovern and Minter didn’t set the world on fire as our LB coaches the past few years.

  591. 591 ACViking said at 5:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  592. 592 ACViking said at 5:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Re: Ken Flajole . . . update

    Was on the Packers 1998 staff with Andy Reid.

    Here’s his NFL resume:

  593. 593 Greg Richards said at 5:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    And thus has a connection to Pederson.

  594. 594 xpdsarge said at 5:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What scheme did his defenses run? 4-3 or 3-4?

  595. 595 anon said at 5:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    43, coached ilbs in cle i heard.

  596. 596 Nailed It! said at 5:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    All the beats are just hearing about Flajole on twitter and it is amazing. Everyone is so confused just like us.

  597. 597 anon said at 5:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    the beats have no sources, can’t decide how sad that is.

  598. 598 Nailed It! said at 5:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Crazy to me… And I was getting so worked up earlier about all the reports but I just need to remind myself that they rarely have good info as well.

  599. 599 RobNE said at 5:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    the last time I felt this confused we had just traded for Bradford and their first round pick. I hope this gets sorted out better than that time.

  600. 600 ACViking said at 5:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ken Flajole may turn out to be the second coming of Jim Johnson.

    But jeez . . . he’s been out of football — NFL and NCAA — for two years.

    I don’t want to say the Eagles are scraping the barrel bottom.

    But it kinda looks like the Eagles are scraping the barrel bottom.

  601. 601 TypicalDouche said at 5:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Any chance he could be the new LBs coach? Last I remember of Flajole he was a LBs coach.

  602. 602 RobNE said at 5:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    or maybe he’s the HC?!?!?!

  603. 603 anon said at 5:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    was interviewing in indy for lb coach job, think he might be assistant coach, though it’d be funny if this hiring breaks the larger story.

  604. 604 ACViking said at 5:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    In addition to working with Reid in GB . . .

    Flajole’s worked on Holmgren’s staffs in GB and Seattle.

    And John Fox’s staff in Carolina.

    Very experienced.

    Though experience doesn’t equal expertise.

  605. 605 TypicalDouche said at 5:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I vaguely remember his stints with Holmgrem. He can’t be any worst then the previous LBs coach imo. If he is here for a more prominent role then I do agree that his experience may not equate to success.

  606. 606 Patrick said at 5:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    We’re seriously gonna have the worst fucking coaching staff in the NFL. At this point i’m ready to make Fipp the HC, Duce the OC and Undlin the DC.

  607. 607 TypicalDouche said at 5:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why would it be the worst staff?

  608. 608 Patrick said at 5:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Pederson, Shurmur, McDermott? Hell at this point Billy Davis is gonna stay our DC, since apparently Shurmur just gets the free pass. Absolutely pathetic

  609. 609 the DONALD said at 5:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i dont want BD.. but his D did play 1.7 games more a year.. again I DONT WANT HIM BACK but facts are facts

  610. 610 TypicalDouche said at 5:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well outside of a sexy hire at HC, Billy Davis, and the LBs and WRs coaches this is actually a pretty good staff. Fipp, Stoutland, Staley, possibly Azzinaro, and Shurmur could be a decent OC. So I cant agree with your sentiment.

  611. 611 Patrick said at 5:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I can go along with Fipp who is awesome.
    Stoutland maybe, but thats based on reputation, but he hasn’t done shit with us, outside of completely failing to develop our dept players. Obviously he can only do so much with the shit he was given, but somewhere we should have figured out that there was a reason Tobin and Barbre didnt start. Wouldn’t mind to see him stay.
    Duce gets great reports, which is all you can ask, still its not like our running game set the world on fire. Obviously we’ll keep him and see him develop, but he gets way to big a credit at this point.
    I can’t imagine Azz will stay, but i’d agree its fine, he has done a good job with our DL. In contrast to Stoutland, our depth DL men have produced what you’d expect.
    I have no idea why Shurmur gets a free pass, since he did nothing. Obviously he helps, but we ran Chips offense and at no point did Shurmur prove anything, here or in the past. He is a fine OC for an offensive minded HC with his own system and who will call his own plays. The combination of Shurmur and Pederson being our offensive braintrust makes me sick. Shurmur running the show alone under McDermott is just about as bad.
    Undlin is a very good DB coach and worked wonders here with our safeties, and probably even got the best our of the likes of Maxwell, Carroll and Rowe, AKA the mainly disappointing squad.

    Doesn’t really change the fact that the people who determine your teams output and identity on the field is 90% HC, OC, DC and ST, and we’re getting ready to check exactly 1/4 on those and it’s the ST coach. I could still be surprised, getting a guy like Jim Schwartz to be DC would work wonders, but there is literally no HC candidate left who IMO doesn’t have enough bad signs that he can at the very best be a “meh” candidate. That is the definition of a horrible staff, even if we had the best fucking position coaches in the league.

  612. 612 MAR2691 said at 5:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Fipp as HC wouldn’t be a bad thing at this point.

  613. 613 Greg Richards said at 5:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’d be fine with him as a position coach. Guy is pretty old. Maybe he decided to retire and then thought, screw this, I’m bored.

  614. 614 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You guys want to be even more confused

    Ken been named HC here lol

  615. 615 Nailed It! said at 5:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Haha, I just spit up my coffee and wasn’t even drinking any.

  616. 616 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Mate im confused with what the heck is happening lol

  617. 617 Tdoteaglefan said at 5:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    lol jesus we can’t even beat out an Australian amateur football league team.
    I literally fell back in my chair in the office and started laughing like a madman…like walter white in his crawlspace floor after looking for the missing bag of money

  618. 618 ACViking said at 5:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Has Lurie purchased an american football team in Australia?

  619. 619 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Shux possibly lol

  620. 620 Nailed It! said at 5:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ummm, so Flajole has ties to Pedersen and Shurmer…. Shurmer clearly makes more sense but he can be linked to both.

  621. 621 anon said at 5:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    what are ties to pederson?

  622. 622 Nailed It! said at 5:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He was the GB offensive quality control coach when Pedersen was there.

  623. 623 Ark87 said at 5:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    at the same time, we could announce Shurmur as HC first but didn’t. As opposed to Pederson who we can’t announce

  624. 624 EaglesGameBalls said at 5:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If they were planning on hiring Shurmer why wouldn’t they just say “Shurmer is our Coach” It’s not like they are waiting for anything. It makes no sense.

  625. 625 MAR2691 said at 5:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agree signs point to Pederson. If Shurmur, announce it already.

  626. 626 OregonDucker said at 5:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Congratulations Shurmur! Now you also have your DC!

  627. 627 Media Mike said at 5:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Or Pederson. And this guy could be the LB coach.

  628. 628 Ark87 said at 5:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    whatever the case, seems like we’ve got our guy, just can’t announce him right now. Unless the Shurmur announcement is imminent, it must be someone still in the playoffs.

  629. 629 EaglesGameBalls said at 5:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah but why hire this defensive coach now? Just to consufse the fuck out of us????

  630. 630 jshort said at 5:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What blog would we be following Chip on?

  631. 631 Media Mike said at 5:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ducker is welcome to stay here. Big tent for us!

  632. 632 jshort said at 5:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Didn’t mean it to sound like he didn’t belong, Really want to know a good site to follow Chip. I was one who did not want to see him go.

  633. 633 Media Mike said at 5:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I didn’t want to see him fired until after one more year, but I’m good moving forward.

    I f-ing hate the Kapernick, so I won’t be following Chip there for any rooting.

  634. 634 jshort said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I watched the Rams when Foles was playing.

  635. 635 BlindChow said at 5:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Same. To be honest, I was very happy Foles didn’t suddenly get better playing for a new team…

  636. 636 jshort said at 5:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I wanted one more year too, With hem being able to work all off-season with all these guys healthy.

  637. 637 anon said at 5:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Can you put staff in place before you announce hc? heard shurmur has been in building working. Would eagles have to “fire” him?

  638. 638 EaglesGameBalls said at 5:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah it makes zero senese why they wouldn’t announce Shurmur as the coach then have Shurmur annound who the DC was. I think it is Pederson and in the interview they said would you mind if we hire the DC.

    Why is this so difficult, Eagles?? Why do this to your fans? If it is Shurmur, hire him and be done with it. Unless yo uhave no respect for us!

  639. 639 anon said at 5:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    you’d think if it was pederson they wouldn’t hire a guy that he hasn’t worked w/ in 15 years. shurmur makes way more sense.

  640. 640 oreofestar said at 5:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    But then why haven’t they just announced that Shurmur is the coach damnit

  641. 641 ACViking said at 5:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Reid never worked with Jim Johnson.

    But he knew Johnson — I’d bet — the way assistant coaches know each other from All Star games and other networking opportunities.

  642. 642 D3FB said at 6:38 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    You call your friends, who call their friends who all have a few guys they have worked with throughout the years they think highly of. Coaches are pretty well connected. They spend an insane amount of time together. See Billy Davis being Urban Meyers best man.

  643. 643 SteveH said at 5:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why the hell are people flipping out about Flajole? I don’t get it.

  644. 644 Ark87 said at 5:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It’s just unusual to start hiring assistants before you have an HC. Typically a head coach always gets to choose his staff. So either the Eagles know who their coach is and is working off of handshakes, or the FO has lost their minds.

  645. 645 SteveH said at 5:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So the Eagles know who their coach is. That still doesn’t explain why people are moaning like its the end of the world.

  646. 646 Ark87 said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    oh, yeah I don’t know. We don’t even know what role this guy will have

  647. 647 FairOaks said at 5:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t think the FO has lost their minds to that extent. So… yeah, I think the Eagles know who their coach is, and knows who they want as coordinators.

  648. 648 oreofestar said at 5:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why am I a fan of this team? Bring nothing but pain lol

  649. 649 TypicalDouche said at 5:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Aren’t you a Redskins fan?

  650. 650 oreofestar said at 5:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    When did I ever claim to be a a Redskins fan

  651. 651 TypicalDouche said at 5:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Do I really need to go back to comments and show that you clearly said you also root for the Redskins? Its not necessary and I am joking with you but you did post that buddy.

  652. 652 oreofestar said at 5:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh so rooting for a team to win one game makes you a fan? K

  653. 653 TypicalDouche said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Funny how when people say things and get called out on it they no longer have memory about it. No worries buddy its ok if you are a closet Skins fan I wont attack you about it anymore.

  654. 654 oreofestar said at 5:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If you wanna call me out OK but don’t pull stuff out of your ass….show me where I said I was a Skins fan

  655. 655 Greg Richards said at 5:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Even though Pederson and Flajole only overlapped 1 year in GB, Flajole does have a long connection to Reid pre-Eagles and he could have recommended him to Pederson.

  656. 656 Tdoteaglefan said at 5:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Doesn’t Flajole start his job as a Head Coach for the Australian team in August? is it possible he could just be coming to work in philly with the scouting staff before draft season gets underway?

  657. 657 Greg Richards said at 5:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Are we sure that’s the same Flajole?

  658. 658 Greg Richards said at 5:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Les Bowen

    37s37 seconds ago

    Doug Pederson will be the #Eagles coach, league source confirms.



  659. 659 oreofestar said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I see

  660. 660 SteveH said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well there you fucking go. That’s why we hired Flajole. Can people stop fucking wailing and bitching now?

  661. 661 Media Mike said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

  662. 662 anon said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Doug Pederson will be the #Eagles coach, league source confirms.— Les Bowen (@LesBowen) January 14, 2016

  663. 663 Greg Richards said at 5:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Les Bowen

    11s11 seconds ago

    Quote from #Eagles, who do not confirm Pederson: “We have concluded our search for a head coach. No further interviews are scheduled.”

  664. 664 anon said at 5:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i guess at this point they had to say something.

  665. 665 Nailed It! said at 5:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So Pederson HC Shurmur OC and Flajole DC

  666. 666 SteveH said at 5:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why are we assuming he will be DC?

  667. 667 Nailed It! said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What else am I going to do? He could also be LB coach

  668. 668 anon said at 5:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    if they hired flajole as dc wouldn’t they have to fire billy d?

  669. 669 Nailed It! said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No idea.

  670. 670 Ark87 said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    moar coaches!

  671. 671 BlindChow said at 5:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh man I hope so.

  672. 672 ACViking said at 5:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Comment of the week!

  673. 673 Patrick said at 5:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Worst trio ever!

  674. 674 b3nz0z said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    what in the name of Chris Gocong is happening?!

  675. 675 Ark87 said at 5:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  676. 676 b3nz0z said at 5:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    who’s this Frijoles dude

  677. 677 Ark87 said at 5:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Older fellow. Assumed to be some kind of assistant. Has ties to Shurmur and Pederson. Most have ruled out possibility of him being HC. By that logic, Eagles know who their next coach is, one way or the other.

  678. 678 Ark87 said at 5:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    oh defensive background, has been DC for Shurmur I believe

  679. 679 BlindChow said at 5:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

  680. 680 Media Mike said at 5:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gocong. EW

  681. 681 Tdoteaglefan said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chris Pantale signed to the practice squad

  682. 682 ACViking said at 5:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Was Ken Flajoles in such demand that the Eagles had to hire him before the ink was dry on Shurmur’s new HC contract?

    The guy hasn’t worked for anyone for 2 years.

    Or . . . is this part of Roseman’s sneaky-smart plan, with the input of Pederson (and Andy Reid?), to start building a staff for Pederson?

    Or . . . are the Eagles trying to get the next closest thing to Steve Spagnuolo so they can go back to Coughlin and say, “Look at what we did!”

  683. 683 Media Mike said at 5:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No……….Pederson is the hire

  684. 684 jshort said at 5:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Has to be. And this is his first hire?

  685. 685 ACViking said at 5:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    This is also a great comment!!!!

  686. 686 anon said at 5:38 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    he was about to be announced as a dc in college. so in that sense some urgency. info came from college hc who had to find a new person to fill position.

  687. 687 ACViking said at 5:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Urgency for whom?

    By that I mean, for the benefit of whom?

    Shurmur? Or Pederson? Or someone else?

    If Shumur’s the new HC . . . where’s the announcement.

  688. 688 anon said at 5:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    looks like it’s pederson

  689. 689 Anders said at 5:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Not sure he is hired yet, the source is somebody from utep saying he didn’t became the dc because of a job with us, and it sounds like it’s just as adv assistant

  690. 690 FairOaks said at 5:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Per the UTEP article, it sounds like Flajole was in line for a DC job in college, and the team may have had to jump now.

    Maybe Shurmur stays as OC. And probably calls plays?

  691. 691 Nailed It! said at 5:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Mclane just confirmed Les Bowen’s tweet RE: Pederson head coach.

  692. 692 Ark87 said at 5:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It seems likely, but how can that be confirmed?

  693. 693 BlindChow said at 5:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Presumably he has his own sources he checks with.

  694. 694 Ark87 said at 5:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    still hard to confirm anything not in ink.

  695. 695 BlindChow said at 5:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    They can’t put anything in ink formally until after KC’s season is officially over, per NFL rules.

    Now I wonder if there will be flack over this leak (assuming it’s true), like there was when Maxwell was connected to the Eagles during the “legal tampering” period…

  696. 696 ACViking said at 5:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    KC is the only party who could complain.

    No way that’s gonna happen.

    All good.

  697. 697 Greg Richards said at 5:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Jeff McLane

    1m1 minute ago

    #Eagles will make Doug Pederson their next head coach, NFL sources confirm @LesBowen. Team can’t announce until Chiefs season is over.



  698. 698 anon said at 5:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He is the current inside linebackers coach of the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League (NFL). – KF’s wiki page.

  699. 699 b3nz0z said at 5:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    if hicks comes all the way back that’s gonna be one sweeet gig

  700. 700 anon said at 5:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    tons of talent to coach.

  701. 701 ACViking said at 5:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “Today, I’m pleased to introduce to you the next HC of the Philadelphia Eagles:

    “Doug Pederson — who was our 1st choice from the moment we decided to make a change.

    “Blah . . . blah . . . blah.”

  702. 702 Nailed It! said at 5:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Except when we almost had Coughlin

  703. 703 ACViking said at 5:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    During the press conference introducing Pederson, Lurie explained:

    “There were a lot of rumors about our coaching search. They were just that. Rumors.

    “Doug was at the top of our list from the start. Of course, we wanted to be thorough and explore all our options.

    “And to gather information from other candidates that might be helpful to Doug.

    “But . . . trust me . . . Doug was always our first choice.”

    [EDIT: Made-up stuff.]

  704. 704 peteike said at 5:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    well done sir

  705. 705 RobNE said at 5:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Who are you quoting?

  706. 706 ACViking said at 5:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m sorry.

    I’m making this up — based on 50 years of press conferences introducing football coaches.

  707. 707 RobNE said at 5:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ok got it

  708. 708 Insomniac said at 5:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well this is kinda disappointing. I’ll give Doug a pass for the first year since he has to clean up the crap Chip Kelly left us.

  709. 709 anon said at 5:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Told ya. Les Knows.— Keiana D. Williams © (@PHSportsGoddess) January 14, 2016

  710. 710 peteike said at 5:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    anyone they hired, there was going to be a lot of unhappy people. I get the HC hire thing and thinking we know better, Im right there. As far as a staff though, people would be happier with some unknown young guys it seems over some experienced guys. From the same fans that defended Billy Davis saying he needed better players etc. I still want to know all the pieces first before I start whining before a play is called

  711. 711 RC5000 said at 5:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I can’t put it into words. I have to give him a chance. I have no expectations at all.

  712. 712 Patrick said at 5:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Can anyone mention something remotely positive about Doug Pederson other than the fact that he will be a very easy person for Howie Roseman to control, so we’d at least get some stability in the front office?

  713. 713 anon said at 5:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    he’s not t.c. or pat shurmur, lurie can sell a continuation of the reid era.

  714. 714 Media Mike said at 5:48 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  715. 715 Patrick said at 5:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well, I seriously doubt Pederson would demand any kind of roster control from the start or at some point soon. Howie will remain firmly in control as the de facto GM.

    Not saying I hate that, i’m somewhat neutral about Howie. At least it’ll bring some stability after we went from Reid having power, to Howie, to Chip etc.

  716. 716 Media Mike said at 5:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think everybody staying in their lane and getting along well will be good.

  717. 717 RC5000 said at 5:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He has always struck me as a yes man and kiss ass.

  718. 718 Patrick said at 5:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I agree, but when thats the only good thing about your new HC, I personally figure thats pretty telling.

    Its not like Gase was some can’t miss guy, but at least he had some excellent results, a reputation as a QB guru and offensive mastermind and big potential. Coughlin at least had experience, even if it was recently of sucking ass.

  719. 719 SteveH said at 5:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If you’re neutral then why describe what Howie is doing as “controlling”? This shit about Howie is starting to get hysterical, and not in the funny sense.

  720. 720 Patrick said at 5:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Howie will remain in control and not have to deal with schemes to take over his position which will be good for the Eagles, I completely agree. I cannot imagine Pederson getting power from the beginning or anytime soon, that was my point. Stability in the Eagles front office is the only positive thing about DP.

  721. 721 SteveH said at 6:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You said that the person, Pederson, would be easy for Howie to control. Howie is going to be controlling personnel not Pederson.

  722. 722 Insomniac said at 5:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why is it Howie’s fault that Chip is an egomaniac asshole?

  723. 723 Patrick said at 5:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Its not, this was not about Howie, quite the opposite. This was about the only positive thing i can imagine about Doug Pederson is that Howie wont have to fight an internal battle for control of the org. We’ve had too many of those battles recently.

  724. 724 Insomniac said at 5:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    And that was all of Chip Kelly’s fault. He’s gone.

  725. 725 RC5000 said at 5:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So do you want Howie making all final decisions?

  726. 726 Insomniac said at 6:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Howie should be able to work with his HC and not have the HC alienate his own peers.

  727. 727 RC5000 said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So I don’t know if that’s a yes or no.

  728. 728 Joe Minx said at 5:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  729. 729 jshort said at 5:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He might have won a game or two playing QB in the NFL

  730. 730 Greg Richards said at 5:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Guys who have worked with him who aren’t with Eagles or in NFL anymore speak highly of him. Former players, former scouts:

    Dan Hatman

    9m9 minutes ago

    I am very excited for Doug Pederson to get his shot at #Eagles HC. Great person to be around. Fascinated to see the staff he puts together.

    John Middlekauff

    10m10 minutes ago
    John Middlekauff Retweeted Justin Fang

    Doug is highly respected by players. He’s a grinder (Andy/Gruden type work ethic) smart. I think he’ll do well

    I don’t remember where, but I’ve seen a lot of tweets like this. And they weren’t all in the “Gee, swell, he’s a nice guy” vein. Complimentary of his intelligence.



  731. 731 Patrick said at 6:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Obviously good feedback is nice, but not very trustworthy. I can’t imagine a coach in the NFL who arent respected by his players, that guys is gonna be without a job really quick.
    And grinder, thats such bullshit, name one coach who doesnt get that description. Spurrier maybe?

    Will being a nice guy make up for the fact that he has little experience, no real results, never called plays, has no real scheme that has been remotely proven, never worked for anyone but Andy Reid who most of Philly fucking crucified for his coached on gamely whether it was time management or never running the ball. Peterson has a million shortcomings, but very little positives.

    I’m sure he is a smart guy, knows way more football than me, works really hard etc. He is still a terrible hire.

  732. 732 jaws80 said at 6:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    -He was an NFL player, so hopefully can relate to players.
    -He is young, so can be here for 20 years and 5 superbowl wins.
    -Got a chin that players will have to respect.
    -Some random people that know him have said they liked him.
    -Got zero other interviews, which might mean he told all other suitors to go away, that for him it is Philly or bust.
    -Nice guy.
    -Was a player under a lot of different coaches.
    -Reid is a pretty good HC and Pederson was definitely being groomed by Reid to be a future HC somewhere.
    -Played and worked in Philly, so knows what he is getting himself into.

    Who knows if he can lead an organization, lead a full team above High School level. Who knows what his own football philosophy is for defense or offense. Who knows if he can out game plan anyone. Who knows if on game day he can call plays for 60 minutes without being overwhelmed…
    who knows if he has friends in the league that will want to be on his staff…

    I guess we just have to trust the same braintrust that went for the radical option in Chip last time. This time they certainly did a 180 and went bland. But maybe bland and conventional and steady is what long term success needs.

  733. 733 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Eagles switching back to 4-3 by the looks of it then.. 4-3 under please:)

  734. 734 RobNE said at 5:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The Looks of what? Who is DC?

  735. 735 GENETiC-FREAK said at 5:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The Ken Fejole guy

  736. 736 Aaron said at 5:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    so does he bring anyone with him

  737. 737 Nick C said at 5:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gerrmy Macklynz?

  738. 738 jshort said at 5:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That is something Chip would do…the guy with 5 ACL’s on the same leg

  739. 739 Nailed It! said at 5:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He was a backup to Favre so I am just going to connect the dots and say that Favre will be the OC. Tell me I’m wrong.

  740. 740 SteveH said at 5:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Nailed it.

  741. 741 Corry said at 5:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I wonder if Pederson will retain most of the staff…with the exception of Billy Davis who is welcome to follow Chip to San Francisco.

  742. 742 peteike said at 5:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    yup, BD has to go, curious about Shurm

  743. 743 EaglesGameBalls said at 5:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I told you three weeks ago Pederson was the coach.

  744. 744 ACViking said at 6:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Does Shurmur remain on the Pederson’s staff ?

    And who’s the D-coordinator?

  745. 745 EaglesGameBalls said at 6:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yup. He is holmgren linked

  746. 746 EaglesGameBalls said at 6:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Kinda wanted Childress but maybe he’ll take qb coach

  747. 747 Corry said at 6:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Telling us the PowerBall numbers would have been more useful.

  748. 748 ACViking said at 6:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Winning comment.

  749. 749 Greg Richards said at 5:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Adam Schefter

    2m2 minutes ago

    Buccaneers and OC Dirk Koetter now closing in on deal to make him Tampa’s HC, per league source. Done shortly.

  750. 750 ACViking said at 6:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “I’m shocked. Shocked to find out there’s gambling going on in this establishment.”

  751. 751 anon said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    just waiting for a respectable time to announce. conspiracy theories the same for what happened in NY or you think that was something different?

  752. 752 ACViking said at 6:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    I think you’re right about the NYG and Tampa Bay.

    The fix was in from the start . . . unless something extraordinary happened, like Sean Payton or John Harbaugh getting cut loose.

    Great point.

  753. 753 Greg Richards said at 6:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Maybe not so much with the Giants where Coughlin resigned voluntarily, but if you’re a Tampa player doesn’t this look like your OC put a knife into Lovie’s back so he could get the job. This has to lead to some locker room friction between the offense and defense.

  754. 754 FairOaks said at 6:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Either that, or the team knew they would lose Koetter if they didn’t hire him as HC this year, so they decided they preferred him to Lovie Smith. Might lead to friction anyways, even if Koetter had nothing to do with it.

  755. 755 Greg Richards said at 6:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Don Banks

    58s59 seconds ago

    Source says Eagles have interest in Jim Schwartz as defensive coordinator. Do not know if he’s Doug Pederson’s DC choice, or the team’s?


    1 like

  756. 756 Greg Richards said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Like his scheme as DC, but seems like sort of a douche personally.

  757. 757 Corry said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Just give me a defense that works. And I like the choice honestly.

  758. 758 anon said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    isn’t he a wide 9 guy? thought they just hired an ilb coach

  759. 759 Greg Richards said at 6:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He’s used some wide nine in previous stops, but only as one package, not a full-time defense.

  760. 760 ACViking said at 6:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think Schwartz is a guy would could get some mileage out of Marcus Smith II as a 3rd-down pass-rushing DE out of the W-9 set.

  761. 761 TypicalDouche said at 6:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So does Kendricks come off the field in any situation that the wide nine is used for? I am sure he still has nightmares of being truck by opposing offensive lineman when playing behind the wide 9.

  762. 762 ACViking said at 6:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Seems like Hicks may be the 3-down LB now.

    A bit undersized for MLB in a 4-3.

    But we shouldn’t see the Wide-9 any more than we did under Billy Davis . . . a 3rd down pass-rushing gimmick.

  763. 763 Corry said at 6:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    if Hicks has Cox and Logan in front of him, he should be kept clean to make plays….Assuming Cox doesn’t abuse the crap out of whatever Guard he’s line up on.

  764. 764 TypicalDouche said at 6:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agreed AC, it was more of me joking on Kendricks.

  765. 765 Insomniac said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As long as he’s not Billy Davis or Rob Ryan!

  766. 766 Patrick said at 6:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I just tweeted this at Tommy, but this would go a long way in making up for Doug Pederson as HC. Schwartz is an awesome DC, even though he was a terrible HC. I’d actually rather have Schwartz be the HC.

  767. 767 ACViking said at 6:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “Do not know if he’s Doug Pederson’s DC choice, or the team’s?”

    Is there a difference?

  768. 768 Corry said at 6:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    They can’t officially announce Pederson as HC, but my guess is he’s communicated who he wants on his staff.

  769. 769 SteveH said at 6:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    wow going hard on the Pederson news. It’s all over.

  770. 770 dillinja said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m actually somewhat relieved, primarily because I think Coughlin would have been a disaster and Shurmur would been a best a mediocrity. Lot more unknown about Pederson. I’m not blown away by Peterson, but this wasn’t a great head coaching class. Maybe Gase or McAdoo will be better, but I don’t think that is at all clear.

  771. 771 SteveH said at 6:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Gase was my guy, after him there wasn’t anyone I was thrilled about, but Pederson makes a lot of sense. At the very least we’re not retreading Norv Turner or something stupid like that.

  772. 772 dillinja said at 6:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Pretty much my feelings. Gase wasn’t someone I was particularly keen on though, although I would have been fine with him. Only candidates I think were clearly better were unattainable – John Harbaugh, Sean Payton, maybe David Shaw from Stanford.

  773. 773 Cafone said at 6:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So, the Eagles are going with an Andy Reid guy with questionable experience… What could possibly go wrong?

  774. 774 SteveH said at 6:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    C’mon man not even close to the same thing…

  775. 775 Cafone said at 6:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess you are right. Castillo had much more NFL coaching experience than Pederson.

  776. 776 SteveH said at 6:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Dude, Castillo had coached OL for years before Reid randomly flipped him to DC, a move that made little sense. Pederson at least has experience at OC, and it’s not unusual for coordinators to move to HC, especially if they’ve been successful.

  777. 777 peteike said at 6:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    C’mon man, thats just funny

  778. 778 TypicalDouche said at 6:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Was Pederson on the defensive side of the ball before becoming an OC?

  779. 779 Cafone said at 6:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No, I believe he was a high school coach.

  780. 780 EaglesGameBalls said at 6:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What could go right? He backed up numerous qbs. He l learned from Andy Reid maybe one of the best qb head coach aroubd. He could have a keen to eye for a qb. . He is going to live or die with a qb. It could be awesome. One hinkie year next year then draft a qb that could be like Payton manning

  781. 781 Jamie Parker said at 10:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Perhaps Josh Rosen…

  782. 782 D3FB said at 6:19 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Rosen is a freshman. Won’t be available for at least 2 years.

  783. 783 SteveH said at 6:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    lol, Doug Pederson already listed as Eagles headcoach on wikipedia.

  784. 784 Corry said at 6:12 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It’s been that way since this morning at least. Someone posted it on Twitter earlier. I think it was Derek Sarley.

  785. 785 SteveH said at 6:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah? Wild.

  786. 786 Corry said at 6:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah he posted it 10 hours ago. Wikipedia apparently broke the news and all of us ignored it lol

  787. 787 SteveH said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That’s crazy, someone must have known way ahead of time and changed it. No one trusts wikipedia though so no harm in changing the page I guess haha.

  788. 788 Corry said at 6:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It was probably Pederson.

  789. 789 ACViking said at 6:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So Pederson’s already a leaky sieve . . . .

  790. 790 laeagle said at 6:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Shanahan has been listed as the 49ers head coach since Tuesday. So, yeah. Wikipedia.

  791. 791 GENETiC-FREAK said at 6:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Eagles interested in Jim Swartz for DC..

  792. 792 RobNE said at 6:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Where was he last?

  793. 793 Patrick said at 6:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    running Buffalos no. 1 rated defense before they hired Rex

  794. 794 ACViking said at 6:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Buffalo DC under Marrone

  795. 795 RobNE said at 6:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Off last year?

  796. 796 Patrick said at 6:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  797. 797 ACViking said at 6:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Had a 2-year contract (at least) as the Bills’ DC.

    Chose not to stick around the Rexy-machine and collect his unpaid monies.

  798. 798 anon said at 6:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    planning with flajoles

  799. 799 Cafone said at 6:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh brother. Eagles fans aren’t going to like that name if their irrational hatred of Howie Roseman is any indication…

  800. 800 TypicalDouche said at 6:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I believe most fans would actually be ok with that hire, well at least I would be.

  801. 801 Corry said at 6:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would love it.

  802. 802 Patrick said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I would love that hire so much. Was my prime target for DC to replace Billy D before we fired Chip instead of letting Davis fall on the sword.

  803. 803 JoeBlow said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i would like the hire a lot

  804. 804 peteike said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    why, those Lions teams were a mess no?

  805. 805 Corry said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As a head coach yes. As a DC for Buffalo, he took them to the no. 1 defense.

  806. 806 peteike said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    aha, was wondering how he was as a DC, thanks

  807. 807 Greg Richards said at 6:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It’s Schwartz and I don’t believe he and Howie have the same ethnic background. Not that it should matter.

  808. 808 ChoTime said at 6:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Your Swartz is bigger than mine

  809. 809 A_T_G said at 6:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

  810. 810 Sean Stott said at 7:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    yea he’s probably shifty and duplicitous, just like Howie!

  811. 811 RobNE said at 6:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Watch Eagles lose 1st round pick for abusing the rule that they can’t hire a coach in the playoffs

  812. 812 ACViking said at 6:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’d think KC would have to complain.

    No way that happens.

  813. 813 RobNE said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ok I just worry

  814. 814 TypicalDouche said at 6:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why would that happen? Atlanta hired Dan Quinn while the Seahawks were still in the playoffs.

  815. 815 ACViking said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Announcement made during SB week, which was within the rules.

    And, you’re right, Quinn’s imminent hiring was a badly kept secret that Pete Carroll could hardly contain.

  816. 816 GENETiC-FREAK said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If Swartz is DC does that mean the wide 9 makes it return?? lol

  817. 817 laeagle said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:


  818. 818 ACViking said at 6:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As noted by Greg Richards . . .

    W-9 only part of his toolbox.

  819. 819 TypicalDouche said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It isn’t his predominant formation. He runs a 4-3 with wide-9 in pure passing situations.

  820. 820 Patrick said at 6:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Schwartz was never extreme with the wide 9, and AFAIK he dialed it down when he got hired as the HC of Detroit and did even less of it in Buffalo. Still uses it more than regular 43 coaches, but not like Washburn did.

    As mentioned by AC, Greg apparently had the same idea as me regarding him toning it down, I at least remember talking with him about it.

  821. 821 ACViking said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ex-Eagles Mike Kafka . . . next Assistant for Offensive Quality Control.

  822. 822 he's_back_scrambling said at 6:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Think hes still playing. Maybe Koy Detmer

  823. 823 ACViking said at 6:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Detmer . . . nice call

  824. 824 A_T_G said at 6:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Meanwhile, Ty can work with the QBs all offseason without violating the CBA.

  825. 825 SteveH said at 6:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Interesting article on what an offensive quality control coach is.

  826. 826 ACViking said at 6:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Quick . . . who are the free-agent fullbacks?

    And that shout you heard was DeMarco Murray.

  827. 827 JoeBlow said at 6:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    heath evans

  828. 828 TypicalDouche said at 6:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You beat me to it, well played.

  829. 829 JoeBlow said at 6:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    it was a lay-up

  830. 830 Corry said at 6:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well played indeed.

  831. 831 Patrick said at 6:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well DP did learn from Reid, Murray will never run the ball again.

  832. 832 ACViking said at 6:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    KC’s finished:

    15th, 16th, 12th in rushing attempts so far under Reid (and DP).

    The Eagles, from 2000-04 finished:
    24th, 23rd, 5th, 25th, 31st.

    (the 5th finish came in ’02 when McNabb was hurt).

    Pederson’s gonna run the ball much more than Reid when he was here

  833. 833 Jamie Parker said at 10:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    They’ve been running it a lot in KC.

  834. 834 Greg Richards said at 6:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Top FA FBs rated by PFF rankings:

    Will Johnson, PIT; Cory Harkey, Rams; Tyler Clutts, Cowboys; John Kuhn, Packers; Darrel Young, Redskins; Will Tukaufa, Seahawks; Mike Tolbert, Panthers; David Johnson, Chargers

    Good news is no one wants to pay FBs, so most end up signing cheap 1 year deals. So you can get one inexpensively.

  835. 835 b3nz0z said at 6:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    tolbert is legit for short yardage and rz

  836. 836 D3FB said at 6:17 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Use the Bruce Arians model and just use your 6’6 270lbs blocking TE instead of carrying a FB.

    Why? They are bigger, better blockers, better pass threat, and you run fulback dives like 3 times a year.

  837. 837 CrackSammich said at 3:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Trey Burton?

  838. 838 Greg Richards said at 6:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Jeff McLane

    1m1 minute ago

    Possible coordinators for Doug Pederson: OC: retaining Pat Shurmur or bringing Brad Childress from KC. DC: Mike Pettine or Jim Schwartz.

    Keep in mind that Childress was Pederson’s QBs coach his one year as a player here so he probably has more of a personal connection with him than Shurmur, who if I recall correctly was the TEs coach initially.



  839. 839 anon said at 6:36 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    think shurmur stays along with bradford

  840. 840 ACViking said at 6:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    When you watch KC on Saturday . . .

    Keep and eye on Alex Smith running the occasional zone-read with a packaged WR screen out of a 3 WR set on one side.

    Don’t know if mobility is something Pederson wants in his QB.
    But no question, Bradford doesn’t have it — not like ASmith.

  841. 841 anon said at 6:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    andy had incorporated some of chip;’s playbook no doubt, but there i think that they’re playing w/ that they have. though i guess donovan was mobile too.

  842. 842 SteveH said at 6:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What you mean Flajole hasn’t already been announced as DC!? Igglesblitz board broke the news earlier today!

  843. 843 Jernst said at 7:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He’s been hired I think but from what I saw they didn’t say in what capacity.

  844. 844 ACViking said at 6:50 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Pettine’s coached in 4-3, 3-4, exotic 4-3 and 3-4 under/over schemes.

    For Mike Nolan, Rex Ryan. And as his own D.C.

    Still rather have Schwartz.

  845. 845 b3nz0z said at 6:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    exotic 43?

  846. 846 A_T_G said at 6:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It involves poles and pasties. It is difficult to explain.

  847. 847 Corry said at 7:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That’s horrifying.

  848. 848 b3nz0z said at 8:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    that sounds wonderful

  849. 849 ACViking said at 6:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    short hand for 4-3 under

    for a couple seasons, the Ravens — with Rex Ryan as the DC — were using a base 4-3.

    Yet with plenty of variation.

    Maybe there’s a better term for it.

  850. 850 RobNE said at 6:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Holiday party can go back to Friday

  851. 851 jpate said at 7:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Thank god, what a relief

  852. 852 ChoTime said at 8:26 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The return of taco Tuesday

  853. 853 jaws80 said at 6:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Episode 38: Pederson Gets the Gang Back Together

    Torrance Small and Charles Johnson as wide receiver coaches.

  854. 854 ACViking said at 6:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Here’s what the Eagles official website (Post-Chip Kelly) is willing to say re-publish regarding Pederson the Candidate:

    Have to think the Birds don’t post this kind of material unless it’s accurate.

  855. 855 FairOaks said at 6:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    They have a page on all the rumored coaches:

  856. 856 ACViking said at 6:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I get that.

    But why include false information about hiring Pederson?

    Just wondering

  857. 857 FairOaks said at 6:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Being consistent and posting the major stories being written or posted about? It could have meaning, but it’s probably a staffer working on the website who has no clue whatsoever what is going on with the coaching search. I doubt there are any tea leaves to read, here.

  858. 858 SteveH said at 7:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think because they’re not officially supposed to hire anyone while he’s still in the postseason? At least not until superbowl week.

  859. 859 D3FB said at 6:14 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Because at least in theory there is a “Chinese wall” between the media department and the rest of the organization.

  860. 860 eagleyankfan said at 6:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    a page titled “rumor mill” is official? LOL.

  861. 861 ACViking said at 6:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    The Eagles control the content.

    Why include tweets saying Pederson has the job?

    And the website is the “official” NFL sanctioned Eagles website

  862. 862 eagleyankfan said at 6:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I just think it’s funny.
    It’s like when they make a move, don’t announce it, but change the roster/depth chart, then change it back because an announcement hasn’t been made…

  863. 863 ACViking said at 6:57 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Just struck me that, with editorial control, the Birds put that info on the site.

    If Pederson doesn’t get the job, then it’ll be really funny!

  864. 864 BobSmith77 said at 6:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    In Howie we trust (and I don’t have much at all)

  865. 865 eagleyankfan said at 6:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess McAdoo was the domino that needed to be played. Once that happened, everyone else fell into place… Yeah – we got our 3rd(maybe 4th) option!

  866. 866 Media Mike said at 6:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Welcome to town coach Pederson; here are some guys to help out.

    Round 1 Pick 13: Jared Goff, QB, California (A+)
    Round 3 Pick 14: Shon Coleman, OT, Auburn (A)
    Round 3 Pick 16: Jerald Hawkins, OT, LSU (A)
    Round 4 Pick 15: Yannick Ngakoue, OLB, Maryland (A-)
    Round 5 Pick 14: Ricky Seals-Jones, WR, Texas A&M (A+)
    Round 5 Pick 23: Lloyd Carrington, CB, Arizona State (B+)
    Round 6 Pick 13: Montravius Adams, DT, Auburn (B+)
    Round 7 Pick 12: Parker Ehinger, OG, Cincinnati (A)
    Round 7 Pick 31: DeAndre Washington, RB, Texas Tech (A)

  867. 867 Greg Richards said at 6:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Goff at 13? Would like it, but unlikely.

  868. 868 Media Mike said at 6:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I can only draft who is in front of me when I’m picking, but I agree that Goff isn’t going to be there at 13.

  869. 869 Greg Richards said at 6:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Louis Riddick, who hates Howie with passion, likes Pederson:

    Louis Riddick

    8m8 minutes ago

    Louis Riddick Retweeted Jeff

    Love D. Pederson. Great teacher of QB position, great understanding of WC offense, very organized and detailed.

  870. 870 anon said at 6:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    riddick has nothing but nice thing to say about reid guys.

  871. 871 Corry said at 6:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    And nothing but bad things to infer about Roseman.

  872. 872 anon said at 6:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    yeah he didn’t say the FO did a great job in picking pederson.

  873. 873 Corry said at 6:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Well it’s not that…He’s made a few subtle digs at Roseman. This is the latest example.

  874. 874 SteveH said at 6:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Because the Eagles are hiring Pederson. What a twat.

  875. 875 Greg Richards said at 7:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Riddick is obviously very intelligent but at times he comes across as very unprofessional. No wonder he doesn’t have a job in the NFL.

  876. 876 Media Mike said at 7:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’d challenge the intelligent part given the number of times he’s been fired.

  877. 877 Nailed It! said at 7:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He was also a big Chip guy.

  878. 878 anon said at 7:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    everyone was at beginning of season. no one knows anything.

  879. 879 ACViking said at 7:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Sounds like a description of Andy Reid.

    (Replay clip of Captain Renault in Casablanca closing down Rick’s Cafe Americain)

  880. 880 BobSmith77 said at 6:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As much as people will bitch about this hiring, it is less important they than their decision at resign Bradford long term and arguably even who they name as the DC.

    Pederson wont survive a wrong decision on either count.

  881. 881 ACViking said at 6:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Re: One More Time . . .

    A shout-out to commenter Greg Richards — who’s done yeoman’s work filtering the information on-line for Eagles’ material.

    Thank you, again.

  882. 882 TypicalDouche said at 6:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agreed, a very big appreciative shout out to Greg Richards. Keep up the good work friend.

  883. 883 Joe Minx said at 9:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Been great.

  884. 884 anon said at 7:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    "I want to see #Eagles win, but I don't know if you do that just by bringing guys back who were there." — McNabb— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) January 14, 2016

  885. 885 TypicalDouche said at 7:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Does anybody listen or even care what McNabb or ESP says anymore? I really wish Mac5 would just ride off into the sunset and never be heard from again because the more he opens his mouth the less credibility he gets and the more he looks like an absolute jackass.

  886. 886 HawaiianEagle said at 7:29 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Spokesman for Jack Daniels…

  887. 887 eagleyankfan said at 7:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Duce for HC and then GM!

  888. 888 FairOaks said at 7:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yes, a guy who last had on-the-job contact with Pederson 16 years ago — and that as a teammate and not a coach — is probably the best guy to ask.

  889. 889 ac134spectre said at 7:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Dog Peterson! An andy disciple. Good.

  890. 890 eagleyankfan said at 7:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m I the only one now hoping KC loses so he can get to work in Phili?

  891. 891 TypicalDouche said at 7:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No you’re not.

  892. 892 Media Mike said at 7:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m also hoping KC loses because I want to see another Brady / Manning AFC title game.

  893. 893 oreofestar said at 7:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Wanted them to lose regardless

  894. 894 SteveH said at 7:11 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Why? I’m kind of pulling for Andy Reid.

  895. 895 oreofestar said at 7:14 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Because I want the Patriots in the SB…think them with Zona or CAR could be fun

  896. 896 Media Mike said at 7:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    GTFO with Carolina.

    But Pats / Cards would be cool.

  897. 897 oreofestar said at 7:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Mike MUST I FIGHT YOU AGAIN!!! Eff Seattle!!!

  898. 898 Media Mike said at 7:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    But I’m allowing you to have Arizona beat the winner of Seattle / Carolina, so that needs to be good enough.

  899. 899 oreofestar said at 7:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hate Arizona though ;__; but fine I’ll take it

  900. 900 SteveH said at 7:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Fair enough. I hate the Patriots so seeing Andy Reid sink them would be rad for me.

  901. 901 anon said at 7:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    "Can he be a leader of men, and not just guy in QB room?' McNabb speaks to about Pederson— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) January 14, 2016

  902. 902 SteveH said at 7:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Mcnabb is possibly the least self aware person alive today. It’s staggering.

  903. 903 b3nz0z said at 8:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    if he’d stop talking i could think about liking him again but he wont shut up

  904. 904 James said at 8:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I like how he questions “leader of men” and he can’t even be a leader of himself. Constantly gets DUI’s and you question others leadership? bahaha

  905. 905 Joe Minx said at 9:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Not for nothing but I’d expect McNabb to have even less perspective on this than usual.

  906. 906 Jernst said at 7:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    We’re Pederson and Shumur ever in the organization at the same time? (obviously Pederson as a player and Shumur as the QB coach because Im fairly certain they didn’t coach together when Pederson was on Reid’s staff in 2011 and 2012)

  907. 907 Media Mike said at 7:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yes, but not while Shurmur was the QB coach.

  908. 908 Jernst said at 7:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    What was ash units position on that 1999 staff? I can’t remember.

  909. 909 Media Mike said at 7:32 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Ash unit?

  910. 910 Sean Stott said at 7:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “They call him Doug the Gug”

  911. 911 Telmert said at 7:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Hate the hire – way too inexperienced, don’t have confidence in judgement of the referrer. BDawk and #5 have both wondered whether he’s a leader of me. But moving on.

    With the names that we’re hearing for OC and DC, I wonder if this means we’re moving to a Coughlin/Tomlin/old school model where the OC calls the plays and the DC sets the defense? That would make it more palatable in some ways.

    Skeptical about Bradford’s return, however. Even with Shurmur as OC, I don’t see why he’d sign. if the two of them are back, Shurmur calls the plays, and they have a good year, Shurmur will be a head coach somewhere in 2017 leaving Sam holding the bag.

  912. 912 Mitchell said at 7:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So, overall, you’re not very optimistic about the team?

  913. 913 Telmert said at 7:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think if he’s like Tomlin and has solid guys supporting him he could be fine. Poor hire because it’s such a dice roll. All they have to go on is Andy’s recommendation and the interview. He doesn’t have any positive coaching experience that you can evaluate or former coaches he worked for that you can call for info. It could work out but the odds are against.

  914. 914 Media Mike said at 7:52 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If Bradford is tagged, he doesn’t get a choice about signing.

  915. 915 Telmert said at 7:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That might be my play if I’m Bradford and I don’t get an offer above the tag #. Tag me – I’ll take the big bucks, like this past year, then decided what to do. More likely I’d go elsewhere, tho. Do the Eagles, with a new HC, tag a guy who wants to be elsewhere?

  916. 916 Media Mike said at 7:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    But does he want to go elsewhere if Shurmur stays as the OC?

  917. 917 Telmert said at 8:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think if Shurmur is OC, SB will expect it to only be a 1 year arrangement. Shurmur becomes a hot HC candidate if they do well.

  918. 918 ACViking said at 8:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Even if tagged, including the exclusive tag, Bradford can still force the Eagles to move him.

    Bradford has about $50 MM in the bank already. So money’s not an issue for him.

    Bradford, like Carson Palmer did with the Bengals, could simply refuse to sign the tender while demanding a trade.

    Having said that, a couple of themes running through the comments of players familiar with Pederson are:

    – he’s very smart
    – he’s very good at communicating with QBs (and others)
    – he’s very good at getting players to perform well

    I get the Shurmur-Bradford link.

    But, from the sound of things, Pederson may offer just as an attractive situation — maybe even better — than Shurmur.

    In any event, to your point, Bradford has some leverage if tagged.

  919. 919 Telmert said at 8:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Some buzz on Twitter that Childress is likely to be the OC. Don’t know if Bradford would find DP/BC more attractive, but definitely better for him than Shurmur for 1 year then ???

  920. 920 ACViking said at 9:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Bringing back Childress may tell us that neither Roseman nor Pederson want Bradford back.

    Then again, maybe not.

    But if Childress is the OC, it sure tells us that Lurie-Roseman are not taking cues from Bradford about the coaching staff.

  921. 921 fran35 said at 9:28 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Again, I do not want to sound like I have diminished expectations, but as long as Sanchez isn’t starting next year, I will be OK. I think Bradford showed promise and should be franchised, but I am confident of only one thing: Sanchez is terrible and I really am tired of watching him play.

  922. 922 ACViking said at 9:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    I’m sure Sanchez is a nice guy and all.

    But never wanted him here. And not for a return performance, for sure.

    The whole, “it’s his second year in the system, he’ll do better” . . . based on what?

    Regardless, he may here.

  923. 923 ACViking said at 9:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    “diminished expectations” . . .

    multiple upvotes

  924. 924 ACViking said at 9:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Also, if Childress is the OC, the Eagles will be inclined to run the damn ball more than they ever did with Reid.

  925. 925 ACViking said at 8:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Understand your concern about Pederson’s experience level.

    That said . . . Jon Gruden spent just 3 seasons as a WRs coach for the Packers, and before that 1 year as a QC asst for Bill Walsh, before coming to the Eagles as their OC under Rhodes.

    Gruden was — like Pederson — called a sharp offensive mind who had a way with players.

    Despite his inexperience, with QBs like Peete and Detmer, the Eagles’ offense put up some good numbers.

    Won’t know about Pederson ’til the Birds take the field, obviously.

    But he could surprise, as Gruden did.

  926. 926 Telmert said at 8:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Absolutely true and definitely possible.

  927. 927 RC5000 said at 7:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I just realized Chase Daniel is a free agent.

  928. 928 JoeBlow said at 7:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    me too

  929. 929 EaglesGameBalls said at 8:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Better than Sanchez

  930. 930 ACViking said at 8:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Re: Pederson’s 1st Hire – LB Coach Ken Flajole

    Some quick info on the first new-hire as an assistant coach linked to Doug Pederson.

    From ’03-’08, Flajole coached the Carolina Panther’s LBs. The Panthers, under DC was Mike Trgovac, ran a 4-3.

    Flajole coached up some good LBs — with nearly each one posting some pretty good sack numbers while coached by Flajole:

    – Thomas Davis (9.5 sacks in 3 seasons)

    – Mark Fields (11 sacks in 2 seasons)

    – Kevin Daft (7.5 sacks in 2 seasons)

    – Will Wittherspoon (8.5 sacks in 3 seasons)

    – Dan Morgan (5 sacks at MLB in little over 3 seasons)

    – N’ail Diggs (4.5 sacks in 4 seasons)

    – Jon Beason (no sacks, but 4 INTs, in 2 seasons as MLB)


    During the 6-year period Flajole coached the Panthers, Carolina had DE Julius Peppers and DT Kris Jenkins to create pressure up front.

    The LBs’ sack numbers suggest Flajole coached in a aggressive, blitzing scheme (like in the ’03 NFC title game).

    The Eagles have Fletcher Cox and, if a deal’s done, Vinny Curry up front. Plus, I think Marcus Smith II’s athleticism as a pass-rushing DE — without having to worry about coverage responsibilities — will make him a weapon on passing downs.

    If the Eagles play an aggressive, JJ-type 43 defense, the LBs on the roster — particularly Kendricks, Hicks, and Barwin, who’ve all of shown an ability to blitz well at one time or another — could put up some pretty good numbers.

  931. 931 BlindChow said at 8:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Wasn’t coverage MSII’s (only?) strength?

  932. 932 ACViking said at 8:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    You may be right.

    But I thought MSII played like a deer facing headlights in pass defense . . . in other words, he seemed frozen in place.

    Based on the Giants game — not the best sample, but it’s something — he showed some real quickness (and athleticism) off the edge in a 3-pt stance, especially when lined up as a 9.

    I’m projecting for sure (reaching?).

    But if all he has to do is line up and go after the QB on 3rd down, rather than worry about the run and pass defense, you’d think he’d have to perform better.

  933. 933 SteveH said at 8:33 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Works for me.

  934. 934 Greg Richards said at 9:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Took a quick break from twitter land. Do we know for sure he’s the LBs coach?

  935. 935 anon said at 9:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    that’s what it says on his wiki page, ilb coach

  936. 936 Greg Richards said at 9:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If we could rely on wiki, I’d just go and make Schwartz DC.

  937. 937 ACViking said at 9:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Like the guy who crowned Pederson head coach sometime this morning before the Eagles met with Coughlin?

  938. 938 ACViking said at 9:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    Thoughts on the D-coordinator job?

    Who’d you want if you’re making the call?

  939. 939 ACViking said at 9:13 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    No confirmation. Just assuming (i) he’s been hired, and given his background (and Wiki page) that (ii) he’ll coach the LBs.

    Making him the DC would be really disturbing, with his 2-year absence from organized football.

  940. 940 fran35 said at 9:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I guess at this point, we could hire Juan Castillo and I would be OK as long as we run a 4-3. I’m joking, of course. But I’m closer to being serious than I’d like.

  941. 941 ACViking said at 9:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Jeez, just having the offense huddle up most of the time ought to be worth 3 less points allowed by the defense.

  942. 942 Eric Carranza said at 8:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So shwartz offered the DC position?

  943. 943 scratcherk said at 8:10 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    strange they’re hiring assistant coaches before hiring coordinators, no?

  944. 944 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 8:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Just FYI and general interest.

  945. 945 SteveH said at 8:35 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Kind of anticlimatic that we don’t get a presser or something. It’s almost like now what? The Eagles can’t officially announce anything yet.

  946. 946 The original AG said at 8:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I missed out on all the fun. 🙁

    Wow, what a day. We start the day hearing Coughlin is the guy and then here we are and Pederson is the guy (which I’ve felt all along).

    Well it is what it is. Hopefully he’s a quick study and we get this thing back on track.

  947. 947 The original AG said at 9:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If this is the case, maybe we are bringing back Jim Washburn.

  948. 948 ACViking said at 9:04 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Mosher misrepresents Schwartz’s scheme.


    The W-9 is a tool for Schwartz . . . just like every other D.C.

    It’s not, like it was in 2011-12, an every-down formation.

  949. 949 JoeBlow said at 9:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    par for the course with mosh

  950. 950 The original AG said at 9:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t really remember much of his previous teams off-hand (and I really didn’t do any extra research yet).

    How are you feeling about all this?

  951. 951 ACViking said at 9:09 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Schwartz runs a 4-3.

    He’s an aggressive play-caller on defense.

    And he’s an experienced NFL defensive guy — almost 20 years.

    I’d like the hire. (Plus there’s not much out there)

  952. 952 b3nz0z said at 12:38 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    thank jesus

  953. 953 scratcherk said at 9:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    ugh… forgot that… just remembered he did well in TEN and BUF. did he do wide 9 in BUF?

  954. 954 ACViking said at 9:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No, re: Buffalo

    W-9 used only tactically. Like 3rd and long.

    (Simplification. But Mosher’s dead wrong.)

  955. 955 scratcherk said at 9:07 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    washburn was his dline coach in TEN and DET, no?

  956. 956 ACViking said at 9:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Washburn started with TN as Gregg Williams’ D-line coach in 1999. Schwartz inherited him in 2001 when Williams left.

    When Schwartz went to Detroit in 2009, Washburn stayed in TN.

    In 2011, Washburn came to the Eagles for 2 years.

    In 2013, he spent one season on Schwartz’s last Detroit staff.

    In 2014, Schwartz again left Washburn behind (or Detroit wouldn’t let him go) when joining the Bills as D.C.

    No chance Washburn ever comes back here.

  957. 957 The original AG said at 9:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    That Washburn comment was tongue in cheek. I know he’s not coming back here. Sometimes the Internets don’t catch the sarcasm in my comments.

  958. 958 jaws80 said at 10:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    just got the feeling we are going Full-Roseman, he showed Lurie a vision for his ideal team, if he had full control with a coach who would go along, and that is what is happening.

  959. 959 laeagle said at 11:43 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So, wait, Connor Barwin and Kiko Alonso would be considered small LBs? In what freaking world?

  960. 960 The original AG said at 9:15 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t know if anyone brought this up, but our coach looks eerily like Alan Ruck (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Speed, Twister…).

  961. 961 laeagle said at 11:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No, way more like a bigger version of Aaron Deckhart

  962. 962 ChoTime said at 9:04 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    good call 🙂

  963. 963 scratcherk said at 9:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Childress as OC. Could we possibly hire a less inspiring group of individuals to coach this team? How about snuffleupagus as the new mascot while we’re at it.

  964. 964 scratcherk said at 9:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    disclaimer — i dont really mind the pederson hire but he’s goin to need some strong supporting cast. also, would like to keep shurmur and see him incorporate some of chip’s ideas and appease bradford.

  965. 965 ACViking said at 9:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    If that doesn’t happen — the appeasement of Bradford — I’d assume it’s because Roseman and the new HC don’t see him as worth it.

    Not that Bradford should be kicked to the curb. Just that his valuation by Roseman doesn’t jibe with how Kelly may have valued him.

  966. 966 The original AG said at 9:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’m not exactly thrilled with Roseman’s choice of QBs. Barkley and Kolb were not good picks. I personally think Bradford will be better now that he’s healthy, but Roseman may just get rid of everyone due to spite – and to me that’s a dangerous situation.

  967. 967 ACViking said at 9:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    As to how Roseman addresses some of Kelly’s personnel decisions, it should be very interesting.

  968. 968 Greg Richards said at 9:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Kolb was before Roseman was in charge. Both Roseman and Kelly talked up Barkley after he was drafted, so hard to place blame there.

  969. 969 RC5000 said at 9:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Roseman had nothing to do with Kolb. That was 2007. Andy loved Kolb.

  970. 970 oreofestar said at 9:18 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Idk I was personally all about Tom Coughlin, Duce and Davis

  971. 971 Greg Richards said at 9:31 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I don’t see why people hate Childress. He was a good OC. Yes he has a totally uninspiring personalty and there’s no way I’d want him as HC, but he’s a fine assistant.

  972. 972 ACViking said at 9:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Agree, GR.

    Experienced, solid OC with a good relationship with Pederson.

  973. 973 Tumtum said at 9:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So I went dark a few hours and am just now seeing all this… Why not jump right in?

    Don’t love it but it’s a solid hire for Pederson. He k owe he can trust him, guy has head coaching experience. Not sure where he has been the last 5 years though.

    What I don’t love is that what offense of hisnhas done great where Reid wasn’t calling plays ?

  974. 974 peteike said at 11:44 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I prefer Childress over Shurmur. I think 2 older, experienced coordinators is way to go. Agree that some coord don’t make great coaches, doesn’t discount them completely after that, Wade is perfect example.

  975. 975 laeagle said at 11:41 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah, and before people jump on the “oh, it’s Childress, I guess that means we’ll be passing every down”, they should maybe take a look at his resume before Reid (Wisconsin running attack) and after (with Minnesota). He’s basically the “run first” bizarro version of Andy Reid.

    Not saying he’d be a great hire, but at least get your criticisms accurate.

    [EDIT] Not YOU, per se, but those who complain about non-stop passing and Childress.

  976. 976 MAR2691 said at 4:08 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    As long as we keep Crazy Eyes Fipp I’m OK.

  977. 977 Donald Kalinowski said at 9:30 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Just to reiterate. I called it:

    “My predictions:

    Tampa- Tampa- Dirk Koetter
    Tennessee- Josh McDaniels
    New York- Bob McAdoo
    Philadelphia- Doug Pederson
    San Fransisco- Chip Kelly”

  978. 978 Greg Richards said at 9:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Sounds like TEN is keeping Mike Mularkey. For some reason.

  979. 979 ACViking said at 9:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:


    any thoughts on the D-coordinator?

    edit: preferences on the DC?

  980. 980 Greg Richards said at 9:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It seems to me that most of the best defenses, have coordinators that have brash personalities that make me dislike them on a human level.

    Both Schwartz and Pettine have coordinated good Ds but were bad HCs that had poor interactions with management. In contrast, Bill Davis always came across to me as very knowledgeable and professional in PCs despite being less than inspiring on the field. I guess the defensive players feed off the coaches’ personality so you want a little bit of me against the world chip on your shoulder. I think that plays a little bit into why the Eagles didn’t pursue defensive HCs. I think those guys naturally get into it with management more. I’d go with Schwartz as the best option. What I really want is someone to reincarnate JIm Johnson. A beast on the field, a great guy off it.

  981. 981 RC5000 said at 9:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Good job except Bob McAdoo lol you were way off there.

  982. 982 the midatlantic said at 10:01 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Cool, man.

  983. 983 unhinged said at 9:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I find it hard to project Pederson with this Eagles offense, I see it as spread, and KC has been pretty standard WCO since AR took over. I think I’d prefer to see Shurmer and keep with prudent use of tempo, and have run as a priority as CK had. Not sure what DP would choose, but I’ll be surprised if he is dead-set on running.

  984. 984 Dave said at 9:42 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Shurmer might still be here. Would Andy let Doug and Childress leave unless he had someone else on staff to be OC.

  985. 985 laeagle said at 2:52 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    He can’t block Pederson going from OC to HC (not that he would, but he can’t). And since Childress isn’t currently a coordinator, he couldn’t block that, either. So I’m really not sure it’s up to Andy.

  986. 986 Anders said at 2:54 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    He can block Childress as going from assistant to OC is not considered a promotion.

    Only promotions to GM (in job description, not in title) and HC are the only two promotions recognized by the NFL and therefor cant be blocked

  987. 987 Dave said at 7:51 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Assistant coaches can still be blocked from leaving.

  988. 988 scratcherk said at 9:46 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    please keep shurmur

  989. 989 holeplug said at 9:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chiefs ran more read option plays than the Eagles this year

  990. 990 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 9:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Oh god this is my worst nightmare. It is like big red 2.0, there is a reason it failed the first time, and the fact that we are reaching back into the same tree and bringing in the same guys is stupid beyond all words

  991. 991 jpate said at 9:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    No vision at all

  992. 992 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 9:51 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    stevie wonder had more vision than our fo

  993. 993 jaws80 said at 9:55 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    i hear you. incredible to think they go all the way back from Chip to Reid 2.0. But trying to give them some credit, only a few were in on the interviews with Pederson, and maybe for 8 hours he displayed a knowledge of the game, a vision forward, a Pederson plan that has to be very influenced by Reid, but also is going to have anything Pederson has learned from playing and coaching past 20 something years. Maybe i would have been impressed if i was in the interview room and would have agreed to hire Pederson. Even if that was the case, i would turn to Roseman and Lurie and say “Get ready for the backlash, no one will believe us that Pederson was the best in our interviews.”

  994. 994 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 9:58 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    fingers crossed that he turns out well, but i’m not expecting it

  995. 995 Mitchell said at 10:23 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Andy Reid wasn’t a bad coach for much of his tenure. If it was a “Big Red 2.0” I wouldn’t mind at all.

  996. 996 Tumtum said at 10:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    It failed the first time? Wow.

  997. 997 Jernst said at 11:06 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Right?…please let me know where can I sign up for the most successful decade in Eagles history

  998. 998 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 12:39 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Most successful? In what way? So the Eagles were cheated in the Super Bowl. Why didn’t they get back there if Andy was so great? First half dozen years looked pretty good, after that?

  999. 999 Bob Brewer said at 8:44 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    That’s a pretty low standard.

  1000. 1000 laeagle said at 11:39 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I hope you simply couldn’t find the sarcasm font, because this comment failed the first, second, and third time I read it, and my overall impression is that it is stupid beyond words.

  1001. 1001 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 12:08 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    what i mean is that there is a reason that andy is not here anymore, and it just seems like a panic move to me to bring back a guy who has learned under andy. I’m not trying to diminish what he did here, he was a fantastic coach for the eagles, but there is a time to move on, and in my opinion it is not wise to look back down that road. Trust me, I hope this all pans out and he enjoys the same( and hopefully better) success than AR, but I just feel like because the only NFL coach doug has coached under is AR, he will be plauged with alot of the issuse that hurt andy. That, coupled with his inexperience(only been in the nfl for 4-5 years) does not look good to me. Nobody hopes i’m wrong about pedersonmore than me, but I think his time here will be like the last few years of red

  1002. 1002 laeagle said at 12:28 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    The things that were good about Reid don’t automatically always include the things that were bad about Reid, or come attached with a guarantee that the same kind of shit will go down that went down later in Reid’s tenure here.

    The flip side, of course, is that there could be a whole set of bad things with Pederson that have no correlation with any of the bad things about Reid.

    Reid and Pederson are different men, and while they might have the same background, that’s no guarantee that they have the same strengths or failings.

  1003. 1003 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 12:46 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    yes, but it’s safe to assume that a man who has had all of his experience coaching at the pro level under one man will pick up some of his tendencies, and I think this is more a desperate move by jeff to try to recreate the andy days than a rational chioce of the most qualified candidte

  1004. 1004 laeagle said at 2:38 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Right, so, Bill Walsh, Mike Holmgren, Andy Reid, Brad Childress, John Gruden, Steve Mariucci, and Doug Pederson are all pretty much the same guy, with the exact same strengths and failings, and their careers unfolded in pretty much a uniform way across the board. Right? That’s your logic.

  1005. 1005 ChoTime said at 9:02 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Not so much actually.

  1006. 1006 FairOaks said at 9:55 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Do you have a memory of coaches before Reid? Reid is certainly the best Eagles coach since the NFL championship days. He succeeded very well. And Reid himself was still good in the end — the issue was talent rot among the staff. He hired a very strong staff initially and kept it strong for a while, but it did begin to fade, and came to a head when Johnson died — Cunningham was the only quality defensive assistant left, and he was not ready for the DC job. Mornhinweg was absolutely the wrong type of play caller — he amplified the pass-happy tendencies on offense. And, of course, McNabb was in decline.

    When Cunningham was fired, Reid (at Roseman’s suggestion I think I remember reading) hired a defensive line coach before a new DC, which was a fatal mistake — no self-respecting DC would come when the DL coach was basically dictating the defensive decisions. And that led to the ridiculous Juan Castillo situation.

    Other than Pederson, Reid took basically nobody with him to KC — he hired a good staff again, and has done reasonably well there. Pederson is an unknown, and a lot will depend on the quality of the staff. There are certainly lots of Reid traits it would be desirable to have again. Pederson, Childress, and Shurmur all demonstrated that they did not favor the pass as heavily as Reid did, and maybe they are better at time management — where Reid was poor — and gameday adjustments, where Reid was average. They could turn out to be mediocre, or they could be very solid.

  1007. 1007 MAR2691 said at 4:07 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Agree that Reid was a terrific coach in most ways (preparation, A+; in-game management, B- or C+). But over the Vermeil is probably right there with him as the best coaches we’ve had in the Super Bowl era.

  1008. 1008 FairOaks said at 4:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Vermeil had a great, short run, for sure — he is Reid’s only real competition. Vermeil also only got to one Super Bowl, and got absolutely crushed by a wildcard team. Reid got to several NFC championship games, more than Vermeil, and lost a 3-point Super Bowl to a team with an all-time QB (and who were quite possibly cheating about knowing the play calls). So I still go with Reid. Vermeil’s emotional approach didn’t work for him long-term; Reid’s did (coaching staff rot did him in more than anything).

  1009. 1009 Tdoteaglefan said at 9:59 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Nfl network talked about who was the best and worst hires of the day

    Of course Heath evans trashed the 9ers. Said it was the worst, stupidest hire they could have made. Ironically him and willie mcginest say they dont really love our organizations structure but thinks that philly did well and Pederson is the best hire. they also said “watch out for that defense and offense next year”

  1010. 1010 NoPedersonNoPedersonNoPederson said at 10:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    well if heath evans says so it must be true!

  1011. 1011 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 12:37 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Heath Evans helmet. After all, according to him, nobody can’t change nuthin’ in the NFL.

  1012. 1012 JoeBlow said at 10:08 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    heath is a huge Billy D fan

  1013. 1013 BobSmith77 said at 11:05 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    He was a month ago on WIP and still was saving the issues with the defense were due to Kelly. It is hard to take him objectively even if he has some valid criticisms of Kelly.

  1014. 1014 JoeBlow said at 11:17 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    his hard on for Chip is almost stalker/obsessive like. Earlier this season he broke down a play from the week 2 Cowboys game. it was a zone run to the left side and the DE was left unblocked, JMatt came in motion and was supposed to crack back and seal the unblocked defender, but failed miserably causing one of the many negative runs in that game. Heath acted like it was the worst play design in NFL history, but it was actually pretty basic and JMatt had a chance to pretty much blindside the defender and put a good hit on him but just decided to sort of stand in the way (also in the way of the ballcarrier)

    The guy is pretty much a troll, not to be taken seriously….and his type is unfortunately becoming the norm for sports shows on TV. At least with Pederson we won’t have some clown on TV foaming from the mouth to point out the mistakes of our head coach

  1015. 1015 Greg Richards said at 11:22 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Even if the play wasn’t executed properly, do you really want your best WR blocking the DE?

  1016. 1016 JoeBlow said at 11:25 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    sure, he wasn’t being asked to get in a 3 point stance and drive him off the line of scrimmage, it was a crack back block and Jmatt should have knocked him to the ground easily, instead he chose to set a basketball pick and it cost the offense that play

  1017. 1017 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 12:34 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Doug Baldwin and, before him, Golden Tate, both block like the game depends on them. They look like they could play defense, sometimes.

  1018. 1018 JoeBlow said at 1:23 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Hines Ward and Steve Smith have blocked DE’s and LB’s just to name a few #1’s….neither are bigger guys than JMatt and are two pretty important guys to their offenses….. bigger guys like Brandon Marshall and Jordy Nelson are sometimes asked to do it as well. These players would love a shot at springing a running back for a big gain, the better a receiver blocks on the outside the better chance they have of improving their shot of opening up the pass game. A lot of people sorta roll their eyes at the whole WR being asked to block thing, but it’s really an important aspect of an offense not just for a Chip Kelly team but any offense. It’s no problem if Mike Tomlin or John Fox ask their receivers to block because they came up through the ranks and payed their dues to become HC, but if Kelly does it then it’s a gimmicky college play

  1019. 1019 BlindChow said at 1:10 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Seriously, was Cooper on break or something?

  1020. 1020 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 12:47 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Seeing as Chip has gone to San Francisco, here is one quote from another coach who was pilloried for instituting the WCO. Of course half the talking heads on NFLN won’t acknowledge this.

    “I’ve observed that if individuals who prevail in a highly competitive environment have any one thing in common besides success, it is failure—and their ability to overcome it.”

  1021. 1021 JoeBlow said at 1:43 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Well im not ready to compare him to an all-time legend lol. FWIW i don’t even like Chip’s schemes and his inability or lack thereof to try and exploit other teams’ weaknesses annoyed me. I even hated the hiring initially, and apparently Heath Evans and the old guard at the NFL network hated it too…..but their insistence on calling everything the guy did a gimmick or “high school” just made them look desperate and childish

  1022. 1022 Tumtum said at 10:27 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Think that is the passive aggressive chip hating.

  1023. 1023 FairOaks said at 9:40 AM on January 15th, 2016:


  1024. 1024 Tumtum said at 11:39 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Meant the loving if the DP hire.

  1025. 1025 Media Mike said at 4:56 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Never change Heath.

  1026. 1026 Ryan Rambo said at 10:21 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Chiefs explain what Brad Childress’s job title means…….

  1027. 1027 ChoTime said at 8:59 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Pretty big step down from HC, but hey at least he’s staying active.

  1028. 1028 Ryan Rambo said at 9:11 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    That was my concern.

  1029. 1029 myartz04 said at 10:34 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think people just hate Doug Pederson’s name itself. Like what a boring name so he must be a mundane coach. Maybe if his name was something like ‘Chuck Steak’ or ‘Aces Malone’, then maybe we would feel that he is a more excitable coaching candidate. But no, we have Doug Pederson. Yawn. Let’s do ourselves a favor and forget any first impression you have of him, wipe the slate clean, and cheer for the best year that we can have. Go Eagles.

  1030. 1030 Tdoteaglefan said at 10:40 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Lol @ “aces malone” . could you imagine a coach with that name? Sauntering down the sidelines with a headset and a leather jacket

  1031. 1031 myartz04 said at 11:00 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Yeah me too man. People in the know seem to rate him highly. I know people want a splashy hire but ‘under the radar’ is what Philly needs. No more dream team. No more stopwatches during the telecast to see how fast we run plays. Let’s get back to playing good football.

  1032. 1032 John Galt said at 11:16 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    For me, it’s just wait and see. There is nothing tangible to know if he will be great or fail miserably. There wasn’t a must have, so I guess I’ll just hope for the best. Maybe him not being a “hot name” will lead to him being humble and surrounding himself with a strong staff. I think Chip read too many “genius” stories about himself and couldn’t bring himself to admit that he might be wrong about anything (tempo), nor did he really seek out others with strong reputations to help him learn the ropes of the NFL.

  1033. 1033 Mitchell said at 10:45 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Pete Moss, Chuck Roast, Ben Dover and Billy “Two Shoes” Sanderson are also good names.

  1034. 1034 JoeBlow said at 10:53 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Biff Webster….Spud Crowley

    isn’t there a George Carlin bit on names like this?

  1035. 1035 Greg Richards said at 11:20 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I’ve always wondered if Roseman would get more respect if he had gone by Howard. A guy introduces himself as Howie, you just assume he has no clue what he’s doing.

  1036. 1036 myartz04 said at 11:24 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Names have a weird psychology to them. There’s a reason why some actors and actresses change their names.

  1037. 1037 CrackSammich said at 3:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Most change their name because theirs was already taken in the Screen Actor’s Guild. So if you have to change your name, might as well go crazy with it.

  1038. 1038 laeagle said at 11:37 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Brick Mulhoney, GM from the streets! (incidentally, being trained on the streets has far less chance of making one a good GM than whatever schooling Howie went through, but oh well)

  1039. 1039 jaws80 said at 11:54 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Jug Earp, Cy Kasper, Harry O’Boyle, Bruno Banducci, Tony Zuzzio.. pretty much any pre WW2 NFL name is better than Doug Pederson.

    I think you are onto something. Much rather be talking about how “Tony Zuzzio, the Reid 2.0…”, is our new coach. Or how “Jug Earp at least was an Eagles QB for a year in 1999…”

  1040. 1040 peteike said at 12:12 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think they don’t like the way he looks either, all adds up to bad coach for them. These are key attributes, what’s with the long face after the loss Douggie. His gosh it was great to talk to Howie line didn’t help lol.

  1041. 1041 ACViking said at 10:47 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Out on a limb here . . .

    But I’ll wager that Lurie, Roseman, and Smolenski stopped in Kansas City on their way back from the league meeting in Houston on Tuesday to visit with Doug Pederson.

    As exciting as a Skype conference is, I’d hate to think the second interview with the new coach took place on line.

  1042. 1042 anon said at 10:49 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    you’d hope – but i think reid’s say so was good enough.

  1043. 1043 RC5000 said at 10:56 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    I think you can only have one interview of assistant coach whose team is in post season

    The “Post Season Exception”:
    If an Assistant Coach is coaching in the post-season, all contact is between teamowners or “operating heads”, and permission must be sought. The Assistant Coach must be informed of such interest by the owner/operating head, and he must let the owner/operating head know if he’s interested in interviewing for the position. (There
    shall be no other direct or indirect contact between the inquiring club and the Assistant Coach whom it desires to interview.)
    If Permission is granted for an interview during the post-season period, then
    1. There can be ONE (1) interview only, and it must be held in the Assistant Coach’s home team city;

  1044. 1044 Mitchell said at 11:03 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So, in other words, “There can be only one, Highlander!”

  1045. 1045 Greg Richards said at 11:19 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    Of course, but if 4 guys who bear some remote resemblance to Lurie, Smolenski, Roseman, and Pederson wearing shades and fake beards just happen to meet in an empty bar at 2 in the morning then I don’t think there’s anything Goodell can do about it.

  1046. 1046 Crus57 said at 7:56 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    of course they were just discussing how best to manage one of their nephew’s high school football teams, nothing about the NFL at all

  1047. 1047 D3FB said at 5:48 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think this generally falls under the umbrella if Reid was cool with it and therefore the Chiefs aren’t going to complain to the league, then it’s not a problem.

  1048. 1048 Media Mike said at 5:59 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    One last comment on my way out the door on to work;

    excellent job slapping down the “this job sucks because we’re the Browns and Howie is the Devil because some agents / fired front office people leaked lies to the local press” gang the other day. I would have commented, but I don’t like posting on expired threads; it cuts down on my audience.

  1049. 1049 RC5000 said at 11:02 PM on January 14th, 2016:

    So Jim Schwartz is rumored to be waiting around to see if Titans DC spot opens up. I guess he still lives there but conventional wisdom is Ray Horton stays and is is DC if Mularkey gets job.

  1050. 1050 BlindChow said at 1:14 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yeah, I can see Marrone wanting Schwartz if he gets hired. Damn, I was hoping we’d actually get a DC with successful defenses on his resume…

  1051. 1051 SteveH said at 2:12 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    In all seriousness, I’m curious how Billy D would do without Chips O causing so many extra snaps to defend. Probably still not good, but I am curious.

  1052. 1052 Crus57 said at 7:59 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I am curious but would be happy to find out by watching him work for another team.

  1053. 1053 DaO_Z said at 3:29 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    The only thing I hate is having to remember to spell his name w a D..

  1054. 1054 scratcherk said at 7:45 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Oug just sounds weird..

  1055. 1055 Ark87 said at 8:54 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    it’s going to be really funny when a lot of people start referring to him as DP

  1056. 1056 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:26 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Me and my friends since college we have this inside joke where we purposely blatantly mispronunce and Butcher the names of our opponents as a sign of disrespect.. For Example, Patrick Peterson has been called Patrick Patterson consistently for the past 5 years…Matt Shuab was Matt Schwaab, even our own playërs we didn’t like got this disrespectful treatment, like Kevin Kolbb was KLOBB…

  1057. 1057 Howie Littlefinger said at 4:39 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    meh im ok missing out on a guy “They might have been leaning heavily towards”

    Low expectations next season , like we should have had last season.

    Cut Cooper
    Fix the drops (3&outs?)
    Reliable pass rush
    Fix the drops

  1058. 1058 Media Mike said at 5:11 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    So here it the job for Doug / Howie / New front office guy / Lurie:

    – get Billy Davis the F out of here ASAP. I’d be happy if those were the first words out of Lurie’s mouth.

    – bring in a DC who can be creative with using our personnel in a way that maximizes their talents.

    – Keep Bradford on a short term deal or find some other way to get that 2nd rounder of value back if Pederson doesn’t want to keep Bradford

    – use free agency to upgrade o-line in a few positions

    – find the QB of the future in the draft and hopefully have his name rhyme with Ared Off and Arson Entz

    – have a great off-season of work that culminates with a real training camp with high levels of fan accessibility at a college campus. Please make that at West Chester or Widener.

    – play football in the regular season that is free of dropped passes, dumb penalties, egregious turnovers, failed stops on 3rd down, and poor TD % allowed in the red zone.

  1059. 1059 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:40 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Leave free agency alone. Does more harm then good… Want an OL? Draft the right players

  1060. 1060 bill said at 9:19 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    A “Howie special” would be useful as an upgrade at G in FA, but they’re going to need to draft a T.

  1061. 1061 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:21 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Watch Howie send a fuck you to chip kelly and sigń mathis in Free Agency lol… Unfortunately he is old, if he was younger, it would be great to bring mathis beck and hear all the shit he has to say about Chip

  1062. 1062 eagleyankfan said at 8:45 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    It’s interesting that the DC is still around. maybe they like him.

  1063. 1063 Anders said at 8:47 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    He is around until Doug is here to either fire or retain him

  1064. 1064 eagleyankfan said at 8:48 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    that’s my point. If Lurie hated him – he’d be gone already.

  1065. 1065 Anders said at 8:56 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think Lurie let it be up to the HC who to hire no matter what.

  1066. 1066 eagleyankfan said at 9:30 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    my response is to the post where it says “first words out of Luries mouth” …

  1067. 1067 James said at 1:41 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    If TC was at West Chester that would probably be the greatest thing ever

  1068. 1068 sonofdman said at 7:16 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    No new post yet. Tommy, are you ok?

  1069. 1069 Bert's Bells said at 9:04 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Turns out Tommy was Doug Pederson all along!

  1070. 1070 ConcussedFB said at 8:12 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Well just sampling sports talk radio this morning, its as sober, and well-reasoned as one would expect.

  1071. 1071 Gian GEAGLE said at 8:46 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Any word on Shurmur being retained as the OC? Shurmur has so much more experience than Doug.. Undlin? Fipp?
    Then again, there are teams like the niners that don’t believe in experience. Since the 70’s, chip kelly is only the 2nd coach with any NFL HC experience to coach the niners, the other was dennis Ericsson…

  1072. 1072 Anders said at 8:47 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Rumors is he wants Childress as OC, if so not sure Shurmur stays

  1073. 1073 Ark87 said at 9:10 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    sounds about right, I just hope someone brings a spark of creativity to the offense.

  1074. 1074 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:18 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Childress? yuck!!.. Although I wouldn’t hate Shurmur being our QB coachhe if Bradford remains in Philly… Wouldn’t mind Shurmur focusing all his attention into geting the most out of SAM..
    I don’t know if Shurmur would be thrilled to take a QB coach job with another team, since it’s a step down from OC, but to stay in Philly, not have to move his family again, maybe focusing all his attentiion on getting the most out of Bradford would appeal to him… Although, I would prefer using his experience with Sam in two different offenses to help design an offense that plays to Sam’s strength..
    Unfortunately, I worry that going with Pederson means we let SAM walk, and spend the year watching Samchez and some crappy QB from a crappy QB class…
    IMO our best course or action would be to get Bradford,extended on a 5yr deal that we can get out of after year 3. Then we invest this draft into fixing all our holes and solidifying the team around SAM… hopefully next offseason we will have a roster with not many glaring holes to fill, so we can package picks in next years draft to try and get our young QB of the future, and SAM would then have 4 years left on his deal, but we could get out of the deal after two more seasons, so the rookie QB can spend two years on the bench learning behind SAM. After those two years are over, if SAM is playing at a high level on a team good enough to contend, we can let SAM play out his contract, try to win a SB with him in years 4 and 5, and if he can’t get it done, we let him walk and hope that the QB Who has spent 3 or 4 years being groomed behind SAM can step in and get us over the top
    Even if Bradford plays the next 5 years without any serious season ending injuries, I, sure he would miss a few games with bumps and bruises which will allow us to get glimpses of the QB we drafted..
    IMO SAM is legit, the only way he can Bust is if injuries keep him off the field
    I think we would have to be insane to have a QB as physically and mentally talented as Bradford entering his prime and łet him get away especially after what we invested to get him here…

  1075. 1075 eagleyankfan said at 8:47 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Can there be word yet? We don’t officially have a HC yet…

  1076. 1076 Gian GEAGLE said at 9:53 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    We know who the next HC is DONT we? We can HEAR about our assistants, but it can’t be made official… If KC wins, I assume we will hear some leaks, rather than wait another entire week with no news

  1077. 1077 eagleyankfan said at 10:52 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    oh I know. I’m just saying – if Pederson isn’t an employee of Lurie – can he legally negotiate for his staff? I guess maybe one of those things where Pederson calls Fipp and says “hey, don’t make travel plans away from Philly”…

  1078. 1078 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:59 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Legally, probably not…. But im sure people talk…Doug has probably been taking notes about his idea for a coaching staff for the years now.. Whenever he knew that he was going to get an interview and serious considerations,he probably made some initial phone calls to guys he has in mind… But I assume Doug will have NO POWER, he may not even get to decide on the 53 man roster, which would be some seriously absurd control freak shit from Howie, but I don’t put it past him… The biggest advantage to hiring someone NO OTHER TEAM had any interest in is that he has no leverage, and you can possibly get him to accept terms thata guy with options like Hue Jackson would have never agreed to
    Going with a candidate with zero leverage like Dougie, I would think that Howie and LUrie will insist that he keeps a few of our assistants.. DUCE Staley 100% will be on the staff regardless of how Doug feels about it… I Could see us retaining 3 to 6 coaches from chips staff.
    But this is just me speculating…

  1079. 1079 Dave said at 9:07 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’ve been reading posts and Tweets on Bradford not willing to play for the franchise tender because he already made $50 million and can choose to sit out since he’s rich already. If he doesn’t want to play here and he is franchised, there are a few scenarios that will come into play:

    -Another team can sign him and give us pick(s) as compensation (potentially two 1st round picks).

    -He can retire (a la Carson Palmer). If he eventually decides he wants to play somewhere else, we still hold his rights and we can still get compensation (the Bengals got a 1st and 2nd round pick in 2011).

    -He can hold out for the whole year. In this case we still retain his rights and can do the dance all over again.

    -He can hold out and show up at the last possible moment during the season for 2016 to count as an accrued season. This is the only option where Sam has real power and we could lose out on something tangible in return. That being said, he is the quarterback, the team leader; if the team is losing and in the skids, he would have some problem with guys in the locker room when he returned. I’m not sure this is how Sam is wired.

  1080. 1080 RobNE said at 9:36 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    It’s scary to think we might just lose him, and I know I am a homer but you go back to a Shurmer or Childress offense, with a more personable HC and boy I hope Schwartz as DC and it’s not the worst spot to be a QB. Would he prefer Houston where he might be the missing piece, yes but we have leverage with the tag etc.

    who knows. I trust Roseman much more with this issue than I did Chip.

  1081. 1081 ACViking said at 10:27 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Agree re: Roseman.

    Oh, and now that Chip Kelly has a new team that has no franchise quarterback, he should be kicking down the Eagle’ door to acquire Sam Bradford. Because you know, quarterbacks as special as Bradford just are not available very often.

    Let’s see Kelly put his draft picks where his mouth is

  1082. 1082 peteike said at 11:41 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    as special as Bradford, hope that was sarcasm. Id prefer Childress and draft a QB

  1083. 1083 ACViking said at 11:58 AM on January 15th, 2016:


    It was entirely tongue in cheek (playing on Kelly’s propensity to sell bologna to the media and fans).

    We agree on the plan you described.

  1084. 1084 Gian GEAGLE said at 10:48 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    f Bradford prefers playing elsewhere but we insist on not letting him get away, I highly doubt he would hate it here so Much that he would go the Diva Kam Chancellor route
    This kid has spend his career rehabbing injuries more than he has played. The kid is finally healthy, able to play some football with some Continuoty, i dont see SAM being a Diva about it even if Philly ISNT his ideal choice. If anyone knows what a blessing it is to be able to play this game, and not take it for granted its SAM Bradford, After everything he has been through to get back on the field, But we’ll see
    With a first time HC, I now worry that they will opt to go full rebuild and look for a young QB. HOPE NOT!… Personally I don’t pay attention to the rumors about him not wanting to play, and I wouldn’t pay attention to pro eagke bradford tweets or “Reports”… We have heard about 100 media “reports”, “tweets and rumors” the past two weeks, and maybe 5% turned out to be true

    No idea what will happen with the Eagles and SAM.. Whatever happens, Id bet that SAM is Professional about it, and that a Healthy bradford will never take the game for Granted and willing sit out or hold out when he is healthy enough to take the field…. if the Cleveland browns trade for him, or the team he wants to play for the least trades for Him, I dont believe he would EVER sit out. This kid knows that being able to step on the football field tomorrow is not promised.
    The kid HASNT said anything negative, he basically answered every question the way a professional who is bout to enter contract negotiations should answer.. I have no idea where the Eagles Rank on his wish list, but I’d bet that all the people making assumptions, and going with their Default Philly Negativity haven’t got the slightest clue where we rank on his wish list either..
    For all we know, SAM could prefer to stay here and build continuity with his teammates while Howie and Doug P decide that they don’t want him back… I don’t think there is any concrete reports or rumors that point to Sams true intentions either way.., whatever we decide, hopefully it proves to end up being the right decision whether i agreed with it or not

  1085. 1085 jpate said at 9:49 AM on January 15th, 2016:


    There is a story floating around how Reid knew Pederson would be a good coach after he saw Favre go to him during a game when he was Favre’s back up. Sounds like another good story conjured up by big red. Ala Jim Johnson story, which you proved to be far-fetched.

  1086. 1086 FairOaks said at 9:57 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    It was said to happen during a game when the Eagles were playing the Packers. So it’s more feasible than the Jim Johnson story.

    (Although the Johnson thing might possibly have come from watching tape in preparation for that game, and realizing they needed some new offensive wrinkles to counter it, putting them out of their comfort zone, which however did work.)

  1087. 1087 RobNE said at 9:57 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Reid is Keyser Soze with his storytelling.

  1088. 1088 jpate said at 10:01 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Reid’s exact quote:

    “At that moment, I go, ‘You know what? This guy. He can do this. He can be a coach.’”

  1089. 1089 iceberg584 said at 10:06 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    What I’ve heard is that this occured during the 2003 Divisional Playoff Round vs. Green Bay (better known as the 4th and 26 game).

  1090. 1090 sonofdman said at 10:55 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Maybe Pederson told Favre to throw it to Dawkins in overtime. He was secretly an Eagle the whole time!

  1091. 1091 ACViking said at 10:23 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Great story!

    Reid’s wonderful at taking a seed of truth and growing and oak of a story.

    However, Darrell bevel was the QB coach at the time. So maybe it is true.

  1092. 1092 D3FB said at 10:33 AM on January 15th, 2016:

  1093. 1093 ACViking said at 12:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Coach —

    Great stuff.

    An edit forthcoming

  1094. 1094 ChoTime said at 10:53 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Favre: Doug, I’m getting killed out there. Gimme some help.
    Pederson: You’re doing fine, ace. Just remember: Throw it to the guys wearing green!
    Favre: Dammit, I keep forgetting! (chants: guys in green, guys in green as he trots out to the field)

  1095. 1095 Gian GEAGLE said at 11:01 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    More like
    Favre: Doug, im getting killed out there, give me another Percocet
    Doug: ok, open your mouth…

  1096. 1096 ChoTime said at 12:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Favre throws his 22nd “I” of the season, yanks off his chin-strap and trots over to backup Doug Peterson. A younger and slightly slimmer Andy Reid watches and nods to himself, a knowing look in his eyes. It is telling, he thinks, that the future Hall-of-Famer turns to Doug for advice.
    Favre: Gaddamit. I wanted to win this game, but I think I blew it. Hey, Dougie, did you find some chicks for me for later?
    Pederson: Yeah, I’ll hook you up after the game, I have some good leads. Maybe you should be a little more careful out there.
    Favre: Shit, Peatie, you sound like the Walrus! Don’t worry, I’ll get it back next time. I’ll just throw it a little harder next time. If those guys could catch, they’d be playing offense. (winks at Pederson and trots back out on the field)

  1097. 1097 BobSmith77 said at 12:51 PM on January 15th, 2016:

  1098. 1098 anon said at 10:09 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    New 49ers' HC Chip Kelly will be signing a 4-year, $24 million deal, according to a league source.— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) January 15, 2016

  1099. 1099 BobSmith77 said at 12:50 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Kelly is going to end up making north of $13M the next 2 years. Not a payday many can match.

  1100. 1100 RobNE said at 10:32 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’m excited to have Schwartz or Pettine. Either of those guys and a 4-3 base and getting rid of the fast paced but ineffective offense, and the defense might be fun to watch. Get an OC that calls plays and let Doug do HC things (whatever that is). I’m getting my juju back.

    Episode IV: A New Hope

  1101. 1101 ICDogg said at 11:06 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    I hope it’s not Schwartz. Don’t want to see the Wide 9 again here.

  1102. 1102 TypicalDouche said at 11:41 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Well Schwartz doesn’t run the wide nine as his predominant formation. He is a 4-3 guy that has the wide nine in his play book and only tends to use it on obvious passing situations.

  1103. 1103 ICDogg said at 11:56 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Still don’t like it. He had a lot of talent and did crap with it.

  1104. 1104 TypicalDouche said at 11:58 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    When? .When he ran the bills defense they were really good. Are you referring to his time in Detroit?

  1105. 1105 ICDogg said at 12:59 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yes, Detroit is what I was thinking

  1106. 1106 ACViking said at 11:59 AM on January 15th, 2016:


    In 2014, Schwartz coached the Bills’ defense.

    They finished 4th in yards and 4th in points.

    Granted, huge talent across the D-line (collectively, the 4 D-linemen totaled 40 sacks).

  1107. 1107 TypicalDouche said at 12:47 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Great reference AC, lets also not forget that he did that with almost the same personnel Rex “the defensive genius” Ryan had and he much better results.

  1108. 1108 Bert's Bells said at 11:26 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    May the Schwartz be with you!

  1109. 1109 EaglesGameBalls said at 11:14 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    It won’t be this year, but in next year’s draft we will be selecting OUR Payton Manning. From then on it is going to be bliss. We are going to have a freaking STUD qb. a STUD. Not a Donovan McNabb, not an Eli Manning…a freaking STUD who throws the ball on target perfectly and wins us football games for a freaking decade. It is going to be AWESOME!!!!

  1110. 1110 unhinged said at 11:16 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Pass the kutchie.

  1111. 1111 the DONALD said at 11:38 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    who is this stud you speak of? they dont happen every year.

  1112. 1112 bill said at 11:39 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Or even every 3.

  1113. 1113 EaglesGameBalls said at 12:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I will be watching the top qbs next year in college and determining the definitive answer to that.

  1114. 1114 BlindChow said at 5:35 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    What a bizzaro world we now live in, where YOU have become GEAGLE…

  1115. 1115 ICDogg said at 11:20 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    They could always try to bring back Foles. He and Pederson could say things like “gosh” and “golly gee” a lot.

  1116. 1116 ACViking said at 11:41 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    HOFers like Bobby Layne, Johnny Unitas, and — for sure — Dutch Van Brocklin are spinning in the ground!

    Really, who cares. One of the toughest, smartest guys I know — a PAC 8 (at the time) college wrestler — never swears. And says things like “Swell” and “Golly.”

  1117. 1117 peteike said at 11:42 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    that was blown up a bit but is kind of funny. I wouldnt judge a guy for it though

  1118. 1118 the DONALD said at 11:44 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    what does Dawk say? im sure hes said GOSH, GEE, OH Man, Crap, all sorts of non “bad” words..

  1119. 1119 A_T_G said at 12:02 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Brian DawkinsVerified account
    Blessed man of God!!! Official twitter account of Brian Dawkins!! Blessed By The Best #BBTB DOGGONEIT!! #PowerHandz

  1120. 1120 the DONALD said at 2:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I was being serious not sarcastic w my comment, to clarify …

  1121. 1121 A_T_G said at 8:13 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yep, I got that

  1122. 1122 ICDogg said at 11:49 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    Oh, for sure. I’ve known guys like that. It just amuses me though.

  1123. 1123 ACViking said at 11:52 AM on January 15th, 2016:

    ICD . . . totally agree.

    “Amuses” is the perfect word — considering the business he’s in and the people he works with.

  1124. 1124 Ark87 said at 12:05 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    One of the coolest guys on the internet likes to say “Golly Day” out loud. So I’m down.

  1125. 1125 ACViking said at 12:07 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yeah . . . I’m looking forward to his first post-intro Press Conference — after the draft, I guess.

    Just wanna hear the guy talk about the team.

  1126. 1126 Greg Richards said at 12:39 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    12:30 — According to Jeff
    Skversky of 6 ABC, former Eagles quarterback Ron Jaworski was part of
    the team’s head coaching search committee.

  1127. 1127 Gian GEAGLE said at 12:45 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    What search? We talked to one assistant from the Bears, two candidates from our Rivals Next door and spent the rest of the time having some Andys Rejects reunion with DUCE, Doug, and the SHURMINATOR…. Out of all the smart hard working assistants making there way up the ranks league wide, we talked to candidates from ONLY two teams, Giants and Bears, the rest of the interviews were all nepotism… We have Howie and Smolenski who have NEVER been a part of a successful coaching hire, having to trust that they are smarter then Everypne else and found a coaching gem that no on else thought enough of to even interview… I don’t know if being an Eagle fan has ever required more blind faith than it does today…

  1128. 1128 Greg Richards said at 12:51 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The search process does not consist of just interviews. Research has to be done beforehand. If you have established the criteria that you are looking for in a HC and done quality research on the available options, then you should have identified candidates that are fits before the interview process even begins. To me, interviewing anybody and everybody shows you don’t have an idea what you’re looking for.

  1129. 1129 ACViking said at 12:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:


    To your point . . . an interview then is the culmination of a good deal of investigation, sifting, and cross-checking.

    Something like that?

  1130. 1130 Ark87 said at 2:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    though most of the investigation, sifting, and cross-checking likely does not culminate in an interview. Probably an iceberg cliche that applies.

  1131. 1131 ACViking said at 3:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:


    Exactly. Quintessential “Iceberg” process

  1132. 1132 Gian GEAGLE said at 1:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    A lot of blind faith in a search party with Lurie being the only man who has ever been part of a successful coaching hire, and even his record ISNT that inspiring with two failures Rhodes and Chip, and uncover one coaching Gem in Andy.. The other two men, Don and Howie only been a part of one coaching Hire that ended with them ranting and raving about how they landed the best candidate who would revolutionize the game, and two years later, the hire was forcing Howie out and proceeding to make a 6-9 disaster. No matter what we Think of chip, be silly to call it a success…

    Now we are in position where we have to have blind faith that a search party that hasn’t had much past success has learned so much from past mistakes (fingers crossed) that they will now prove to be smarter than all the other franchises who need coaches and didn’t thiink enough of our HC to even interview him.. I will give Doug a fair chance, we have no idea if be wjll be KOTITE or the best coach we ever had. But it will require blind faith, because there isn’t much we can point other than andy Reid likes him. I don’t hate the hire, I hate how we got to this point, we reinstated Howie without even seeing if we can find a better man for the job, and we did the same thing with the coaching hire, looked at two assistants and spent the rest of the time on guys we already knew… I think Howie has done a job in the past, I think Andy is a very good coach…. But it feels like Chip Kelly burned Us so now we are afraid to look outside of our own bubble. As a franchise we haven’t had enough success to where we should revert to Howie, usual suspects DP, DUCE and Shurm were half of the candidates we investigated…. I don’t hate the results, I hate how we got here. We haven’t been successful enough to where we should stay in our Bubble and not even look to see if we can find better than Howie. I don’t count COUGHLIN as a real interview, we investigated two assistants, and that was enough due dilligence to reach the conclusion that DP was the best? Nothing to do but hope they learned a ton from past failures and prove to have gotten this one right, but don’t tell me it doesn’t require blind faith..
    Hard to feel lke they are scared to look outside our bubble after Chip burned us… We failed to look around before settling on Howie, and we just did the same thng with our coaching hire,.. Doesn’t mean DP won’t prove to be the next coaching Gem, but I don’t know how anyone can feel good about how we got here… It’s Friday, no one else wants DP, no one is going to steal him away, we couldn’t wait two days for 4 playoff teams to be eliminated, talk to a couple of assistants and if you still feel DP is the best Hire him on Monday? Don’t hate the Hire, I probably like Howie more than most fans. I just hate the path we took to decide on Howie and DP, just seems very differemt from the coaching/front office searches I have seen

  1133. 1133 eagleyankfan said at 1:44 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I get what you’re saying — but, How long has it been since CK was fired? How long when Jaws(if true) was hired to help? AND they did all that elaborate, detailed magic research in that short amount of time and amazingly came up with candidates that are available? Let’s not act like they have to split atoms. Two questions: who is available? and What do we want(seems clear what they want – they want the way it was when AR was here). Take the two answers and find the best fit. They already ruled out any candidates who would want to run the company. They want a figure head to drive the ship. Mission accomplished in this hire.
    They didn’t hire their ultimate choice. They hired ‘best case scenario’ or plan b(or c or d). I agree with GE…blind faith….

  1134. 1134 ChoTime said at 1:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    It’s not all that bad, G. And it’s not all about a big name coach. I and many others were thrilled when Chip came here, but it didn’t work out well. If Rosie can manage to get good players and Pederson can manage to be not incompetent, we could still win a lot of games. No one knows how he will turn out–but no one ever does. Bellichick, Parcells, Gibbs, anyone can fail if factors beyond their control do not come together or if they happen to make a few bad calls on important issues.

    The thing that sucks is there is no solid reason to think these guys will be successful going forward. But, Lurie’s Eagles have been pretty good overall IMO. No reason to count them out either.

  1135. 1135 peteike said at 1:10 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    this seems to be the sentiment of a lot us. Sort of middle of the road. Feel like it can work, want it to work but maybe understand in the back of our minds that its more possible it wont. That could be fallout from this last regime also. When you see the top competition its hard to think it can match up. Its the unknown that we are counting on, they all have a chance to work out. The FO is a mess though and the way they handled this search seemed limited. No D guys even considered.

  1136. 1136 ICDogg said at 1:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    So I’m guessing you don’t like the hire?

  1137. 1137 A_T_G said at 2:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    What happened to the “they know more than we do so I am not going to pretend like I have enough information to evaluate the situation” approach you took at the start of this? I thought that was particularly reasoned, mature, and honest. This sounds like a complete reversal of that position.

  1138. 1138 P_P_K said at 1:50 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I wonder if Jaws ever thought about coaching.

  1139. 1139 BobSmith77 said at 12:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Really curious and generally don’t have a good feel if Roseman really thinks this is a contending team that just needed a coaching staff shakeup and some secondary roster adjustments to a be a playoff contender again (~10 win team) or a team that needs to legitimately rebuild next year.

    I would clearly prefer the later course including not investing big dollars long-term in Bradford. Imagine the Eagles though will go largely in the almost direction including resigning Bradford to a big deal.

  1140. 1140 TypicalDouche said at 12:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Well said Bob. If the FO really thinks this team is one or two years away from a title they are very mistaken and signing Bradford to a mega extension is going to set this team back drastically. If Lurie is serious about Pederson as the HC and will give him time to build this team then Bradford should not be in the long term plans. Pederson should be able to pick his own QB whether that be this year or the next. I can suffer through a terrible year next year with Sanchez while this team gets built through the draft and find a QB this year or next year.

  1141. 1141 ChoTime said at 1:07 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That actually sounds surprisingly pleasant. The last game was probably the most fun I’ve had all year following the Eagles.

  1142. 1142 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Losimg Bradford will set this team back DRASTICALLY..
    Extra 25million in Cap space is worthless if you don’t have a QB.. And it will take years to get a QB ready to play at the level we will get out of SAM next year… Losing SAM is the worst thing we could possibly do. The ONLY thing worse would be refusing to Pay to keep Cox..

    Gotta Gve andy and Doug credit, they did a better job with Alex smith than the SanFrancisco coaching staffs ever did. I’m Hoping Pederson is a big believer in Bradford and is looking forward to working with Him to reach his full potential..
    I don’t have the stomach for a year of Mark Sanchez and the QBs in this draft class…

  1143. 1143 anon said at 2:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    go into another year where receivers don’t have a chance to work together in the offseason, gotta get used to a new guy, how do you expect to see any improvement.

  1144. 1144 TypicalDouche said at 2:59 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Point taken but really Bradford is a mediocre QB at best and he doesn’t deserve the money he will command. Why not take a shot a with a rooky who could be just as mediocre as Bradford?

  1145. 1145 anon said at 3:05 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Bradford showed a ton a progression throughout the year. I think you at least have to live through a tag year to see if he continues to progress or if he regresses. be interesting to see what they do.

  1146. 1146 TypicalDouche said at 3:07 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I would ok with him in the franchise tag but in no way do I want to invest a long term deal on him when he isn’t the final piece to a SB.

  1147. 1147 anon said at 3:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t think you can build a team – then draft a QB and say “were here”. It worked for Seahawks, maybe 49ers but that was shortlived. Most Qbs take 4-5 years in a system to master it and during that time your roster is obviously moving around.

    Would you take SB over a guy like Andy Dalton?

  1148. 1148 TypicalDouche said at 3:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I disagree. I think if you build a team correctly and surround a rookie QB with good talent he can succeed quicker then 4-5 years into his career.
    I would not take Bradford over Dalton.

  1149. 1149 bsuperfi said at 4:10 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’m not sure why the obvious option is to tag Bradford, see what you can get in a trade, and pull the trigger only if the market looks right. Some team like the Texans might do it. Or someone else. Or not. Look to draft a qb high but not out of desperation.

    Just play the odds right the whole way through the process. Every decision has risk and reward. I like Bradford but don’t love him. I like some college qbs, but there’s never a guarantee. Kelly was terrible with value, but over time, this is a decently big part of the game.

  1150. 1150 Ark87 said at 3:37 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    for a little while the hot formula was have a balling team, and a good QB on his rookie contract. Honestly, it seems like if your guy isn’t elite, he is not worth that franchise QB cap burden.

  1151. 1151 bill said at 3:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    …or who, most likely, based on past history, will never be as good as Sam is right now, especially for his first 3 seasons?

    Not saying Sam I agree that Sam MUST be resigned at any cost. But I’m getting overwhelmed by the apparent ease involved in drafting a good QB. Like spending a 1st on a QB means that he won’t be a complete bust, let alone it meaning that he will be as good as mediocre.

  1152. 1152 TypicalDouche said at 3:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    A rookie cant be as good as Bradford is now? I must of missed Bradford playing so elite that no rookie could match that play. Oh wait a rookie in Jameis Winston played at the same if not better level the Bradford so yea I guess its impossible for it to happen.

  1153. 1153 bill said at 3:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Never said impossible, said “most likely,” and I’ll stand by that probability based on history. And good luck getting to a position to draft a Jameis Winston under your plan.

  1154. 1154 TypicalDouche said at 3:28 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I used Winston as an example guy. Also you obviously don’t have to be drafting #1 overall to get a quality QB.

  1155. 1155 bill said at 5:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Nope, but even drafting #1 doesn’t guarantee anything, and that’s still the highest probability of getting someone who will at least equal Bradford.

  1156. 1156 anon said at 3:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    haha you’re using the No. 1 pick + national champion as your example?

  1157. 1157 TypicalDouche said at 3:38 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’m sorry that the example I used isn’t up to your standards. He popped into my head and that who I used, if you don’t like it don’t reply.

  1158. 1158 anon said at 3:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    RGIII, Tannehill, cousins, Foles, etc. Even look at Carr’s mixed success. Many would call teddy b. a game manager at most right now.

  1159. 1159 TypicalDouche said at 3:56 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I would take Bridgewater and Carr over Bradford in a heartbeat. RG3 and Foles are terrible and Tannehill and Bradford are on the same level except Tannehill doesn’t come with the injury history that Bradford comes with.

  1160. 1160 ChoTime said at 9:34 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Mariota too.

  1161. 1161 ACViking said at 3:35 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “Gotta Gve andy and Doug credit, they did a better job with Alex smith than the SanFrancisco coaching staffs ever did.”

    Except for the Harbaugh staff . . .

    under which Smith’s record was 19-5-1.

  1162. 1162 Bert's Bells said at 1:03 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    As dysfunctional as the Eagles have been, if they swing one of two games against DC they’re in the playoffs.

  1163. 1163 DarthBanner said at 1:05 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Sure, but lets not mistake a terrible NFC east for contending.

  1164. 1164 ICDogg said at 1:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t think this team needs a full rebuild, and think there is some good talent to work with. But it’s well more than a tweak.

    I am not sure what they should do with Bradford.

  1165. 1165 BobSmith77 said at 1:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Not sure what a ‘full rebuild’ would even look like but to me the issue is this team has several areas of weakness, not enough nearly top-tier talent across the roster, and a couple of crappy legacy contracts thanks to Kelly including Murray, Kendricks, and Maxwell (although you can debate that one I guess).

  1166. 1166 A Roy said at 2:52 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think we need more than a few tweaks, too. I’m coming to the conclusion we cut Bradford loose. Save the cap space. Go whole hog in the draft on whole hogs (OL) and DB. Go with Butt Fumble and live through another down year to get a QB early in the draft. Lose some high $$ contracts now…Peters (HOF), Celek, Mufasa…and some others next year…Max, Murray. And resurrect this franchise.
    Of course, all that is dependent on a FO that knows what the hell they’re doing. I’m not a Howie hater, but the jury is out until they hire someone and produce.

  1167. 1167 anon said at 2:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Pederson had a win now mandate from Lurie. The PC where he kicked chip out didn’t make it seem like he was in line for a rebuild.

  1168. 1168 bill said at 3:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Which pretty much means at least 2 down years going forward (see TEN this year) at best (meaning they actually manage to draft a franchise QB in 2017), but more likely it means 3-5 years of down years. That should do wonders for the marketing department. Highest probability, if they do really well drafting, is ending up as the Bengals and you don’t see another playoff win until well into the 2020s.

  1169. 1169 anon said at 3:30 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Howie do well drafting? I would be surprised if we go back to being able to draft DBs, No pass rusher. But might get better WRs.

  1170. 1170 A Roy said at 3:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    As long as there’s an upward trajectory, it’s the way to go. Dream team certainly didn’t work. If you’re not sold on Bradford, and I’m not, the pickin’s are slim for any near-term QB success.

  1171. 1171 bill said at 5:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    And that’s reasonable, but the odds are also against long-term success. I just hope everyone who can’t wait to jettison Bradford to draft (insert some vague, unnamed college QB here) is willing to accept the strong possibility of a decade or more of worse-than-Bradford.

    And again, I’m not sold on Bradford. But I’ve seen enough that I’m not on the “we’ll draft a franchise QB in the next few years if we just try to” train.

  1172. 1172 FairOaks said at 4:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    And if you don’t hit it in the draft big-time, that will mean several down years.

  1173. 1173 anon said at 1:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Eagles played it safe in couching search — taking a guy basically on Andy’s say so. I don’t see them doing anything crazy on personnel.

  1174. 1174 ICDogg said at 1:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Check out @markmeany’s Tweet:

  1175. 1175 scratcherk said at 1:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    what does the page on the left say

  1176. 1176 eagleyankfan said at 1:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Sanders as #3 slot wr

  1177. 1177 scratcherk said at 2:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    wtf? bernie?

  1178. 1178 Ark87 said at 2:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    feel the Bern. That CB just got Bernt

  1179. 1179 ChoTime said at 1:43 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Blue tab (largest amount of pages): Coaches that won’t play with Howie, hayl no no way.
    Green tab (one page): Coaches that would play for Howie.
    Orange tab (lots of pages): PR spin that will be dispensed when no-name coach is hired, including sheet that says “I think Marcus Smith will be a great player for us” with a place for the coaching prospect to sign; a sheet that says “Bradford is an elite quarterback who just needs someone to give him a chance” and another sheet that says “We decided Bradford’s performance didn’t justify the large salary he wanted, so we couldn’t make it work”, also with places to sign.

  1180. 1180 eagleyankfan said at 1:50 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    this guy, is by far, my favorite football personality on TV. Why does have pictures of my kids on his desk though?

  1181. 1181 laeagle said at 2:02 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    there is nothing…
    quite like…
    the way RON Jaworski…
    inserts awkward pauses and unusual EMPHASIS…
    to add DRAMA…
    to whatever he’s saying.

  1182. 1182 TypicalDouche said at 2:45 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The guy that once proclaimed that “Colin Kaepernick is going to be the best QB of all time” is your favorite football tv personality? I’ll take Cris Collinsworth and Mike Tirico all day over Jaws.

  1183. 1183 anon said at 2:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “football tv personality”. The fact that he was involved in this coaching search AND we still had the unimaginative candidates we had…

  1184. 1184 eagleyankfan said at 4:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Collinsworth? Egads. He’s the equivalent of Joe Buck.

  1185. 1185 TypicalDouche said at 4:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    No way!. Colinsworth makes very valid points and makes pretty good assessments of players. Jaws and Gruden think every player is the best player in the NFL. They are jokes as well as Buck and Aikman.

  1186. 1186 RobNE said at 2:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    what Tier tab do you think Doug Pederson was behind? I hope 1.

  1187. 1187 Nailed It! said at 2:27 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I would love to see Sanders in Eagles green

  1188. 1188 anon said at 2:35 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    haha no $$ for a guy that’s going over 1,000 yds a year.

  1189. 1189 Sean Stott said at 2:02 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Is Tommy not allowed to post about Doug Pederson being the new HC due to his official involvement with

  1190. 1190 anon said at 2:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    looks like it. TC headline went up early yesterday

  1191. 1191 eagleyankfan said at 3:37 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    or see his 10000 word write up on Pederson labeled “Doug Pederson Day” … not much more he can add other than the color of Dougs underwear…

  1192. 1192 RobNE said at 2:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    some of this is a little over the top, but I found a lot of it true and all of it amusing:

  1193. 1193 Sean Stott said at 2:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I totally agree with it actually. He was ridiculously conservative this year. Showed no balls, not once, ever. Weak and conservative. Scared to make bad decisions. Indecisive. He was a much worse coach than a GM, in my opinion. I like our roster. I hated watching them play in 2015.

    edit: The best word to describe Chip Kelly’s 2015 coaching – impotent.

  1194. 1194 JoeBlow said at 2:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    i pretty much agree with you

  1195. 1195 anon said at 2:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yeah i don’t know what happened to him yoy. Be interesting to see how guys play in SF. Especially since he’ll be playing against teams that have smashed him.

  1196. 1196 Sean Stott said at 2:31 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I still haven’t decided if I’ll root for 9ers or not. I kinda like Chip Kelly as an Idea of What Could Be. But I hate the 49ers and Kaepernick especially.

  1197. 1197 anon said at 2:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I live in the bay so i’ll watch, may even catch a game if they suck.

  1198. 1198 RobNE said at 2:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Like the article says, he seems to have taken steps back each year. In the first year you saw a lot of cool things and potential for more. So I agree I really like the idea of what could be.

  1199. 1199 anon said at 2:45 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Offense was flashiest with RO fully incorporated. That said you have to wonder if Kaep can make all the pre and post snap reads required by the offense. It’s not a one-read offense.

  1200. 1200 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:45 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think we are in a decent position from a roster building Stand point, Chip Wasnt the greatest GM lol but he did get us three very important things that Howie hasnt done a good job of Scouting: Chip got us the best QB we had since we traded McNabb on Easter, Chip got us a safety Howie struggled miserably to find, and he got us a young corner, another position HOWIE hasnt scouted well.
    I like the position we are in, because we can rebuild while still competing for the Playoffs, it’s not a case of having to tear down the entire roster this offseason, we should be able to contend for the division these next 2-3 years, and only move on from current veterans when we have a nice young player ready to step in behind them. But that would require drafting well and making picks count, especially since I hope we leave other teams free Agents alone
    Bradford and cox are the Keys to everything, the cornerstones this next era needs to be built around.. As far as I’m concerned we need to Pay to keep our core in place, and build around it these next 2 years, hopefully Draftimg the right players that allow us to move on from the veterans, pay Cox and bradford, and build a team with whatever cap you have left. saving 25mil is worthless when you don’t have a QB… Just look at the Wildcard round, in every game the team with the better QB won and I don’t Think enough people realize how well SAM started to play the position… The entire team was Imploding and declining while Bradford was getting better and better, THATS not easy to do with how little help bradford got … SAM and Cox are our best players. I’m willing to lose every player we have before we lose one of those two. You are Irrelevant without a Qb and it could take years to get a QB who will play at the level Sam is ready to play at…
    The way I view it, the Foundation of our offense is mostly set at the important positipns.
    QB bradford entering his Prime
    LT… Lane Johnson young player entering his Prime
    C.. Kelce in his prime
    TE.. ERTZ
    WR… jordan, and Agholar
    That’s a nice offensive foundation. We would need RB’s and Guards which are the easier positions to fill (traditionally at least) and more WR talent unless Huff pans out…
    On Defense, I view our Foundation as:
    1) Cox… Build a DL around the young gane changer
    2) Hicks.. Cheap rookie to build a LB corp around
    3) Jenkins… Safety/Leader
    4) ROWE… Young outside corner
    Now we have a lot of other really good players I hope we can keep, but the players listed above are the ones we MUST KEEP, everyone else is expendable if we don’t have the cap space. pay Tbose players, and spend the next two years hitting in the draft on young players that are ready to step in for some of the expensive veterans allowing us to move on from them and get younger.
    Celek, Meco, Peters, Thonrton,,Cooper, Sanchez, Maxwell, Murray, Sproles….we don’t have to get rid of all these players this offseason, but I hope to draft there replacements in the next two drafts allowing us to transition away from these veterans over the next two years..
    Bradford and Cox are the keys. As long as we have those two we should be able to contend to the division while we gradually transition to the Pederson era and replace high paid older players with cheap hungry rookie contracts

  1201. 1201 TypicalDouche said at 2:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    How upset are you going to be when Thurmond walks in FA and even possibly Bradford? IMO Thurmond is not going to be brought back at the price tag he is going to request and also the fact that we don’t know if the new DC would even want him over a natural SS. Bradford is anyones guess at this point, but he is absolutely not worth the contract he is going to demand. I know the narrative of “Oh the Eagles haven’t had a franchise QB in so long, how could they let Bradford go” but this team is not close to winning big so spending Aaron Rodgers money on a mediocre QB doesn’t really make sense. The rest of your points I can agree with.

  1202. 1202 anon said at 2:51 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’m ok no Thurmond if we get a kid who likes to light people up. Think in Kelly’s search for ball hawks / coverage guys he didn’t get anyone that LOVES to tackle. OR who can handle big runners.

  1203. 1203 TypicalDouche said at 2:52 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Agreed anon, would be nice to have a hard hitting, tone setting DB in the back end.

  1204. 1204 peteike said at 3:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I second this, this finesse D needs some muscle

  1205. 1205 Gian GEAGLE said at 2:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Don’t care as long as we keep SAM

  1206. 1206 FairOaks said at 3:09 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    We won’t be spending top-QB money on Bradford… it’s just that QB salaries are going to jump going forward due to the higher cap, so what seems like a huge number in 2015 isn’t going to be so high in 2016. For example… in 2015, Rodgers had a cap value of $18.25 million which was 4th-highest among QBs. Bradford is definitely not a top-4 QB, so that is a bit high. There were two QBs with 20+ cap hits in 2015 — Brees and Rivers. In 2016, Rodgers’ cap hit jumps to $19.25 million… which is 11th among QBs! Now, some of those cap numbers are going to go down via renegotiations and being cut, but I have a hard time believing that most of them will go down — QB salaries are jumping this year. A cap value of $18 million would actually be #14 on the list as it stands now — and Bradford is probably better than #14 overall if he plays like he did at the end of the season and continues to improve. And generally, the first year of the contract tends to be much lower on the salary cap hit, since it includes a signing bonus which is applied to future years. So I seriously doubt the cap hit in 2016 would be all that much more than his hit in 2015, although it would go up in future years (but so will the cap). $18 million might sound like a lot — and in past years it was a crippling percentage of the cap — but it’s going to be middle of the road very soon.

  1207. 1207 TypicalDouche said at 3:11 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That I do know but Bradford isn’t even a top 15 QB. Eagles fans are blinded by a 6 game stretch of ‘decent’ QB play and they think Bradford is the next Payton Manning all of a sudden. I am sticking with my opinion that Bradford is in no way worth the money he will command and this team would see no set backs letting him walk in FA.

  1208. 1208 FairOaks said at 3:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    OK, then that is the basis of the disagreement. If you think the stretch at the end of the year was just an abnormal hot streak, then that is your opinion and you won’t want to pay that much, fair enough.

    For those who saw a much much better QB once he got more comfortable with the scheme and after a long layoff, and think that is at least his baseline performance, and could well improve, it will be different.

    Bradford has had only one season in his career where he played under the same scheme as the previous year — that would be 2012, where his 7-game numbers (before the ACL) looked pretty close to what we saw in the last 7 games this year. Most all of the highly-rated QBs have played under the same coach for several years. Carson Palmer wasn’t all that great his first season in Arizona (similar to Bradford now), but he’s much better now. I would disagree that it isn’t possible with Bradford, whose career has been sabotaged by coaching changes.

    It’s always possible that this is his limit, but I didn’t get that feeling at all — he was improving steadily even in those 7 games so I don’t think he’s peaked yet. Of course, he will have another coach and/or teammates next year one way or another, so he could take a step back again.

  1209. 1209 TypicalDouche said at 4:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Well said friend.

  1210. 1210 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Nah, we haven’t seen the best of SAM yet,,,
    The entire team was declining all year while SAM was getting better and Better, THATS not easy to do for QBs.
    Think people pay too much attention to the stats, and don’t realize just how well he was starting to play the position. His OL wasn’t good enough, he didn’t get to play behind the run game we had hoped and our skill players failed miserably to comsistently catch the ball, which probably leads to people undervaluing just how well he started to play QB for us
    As important as his play, he organically grew into the leader of the team without forcing or faking it
    Fans sound ignornt when Id bet you can’t find a single player in that locker room that would agree with getting rid of SAM… Bet there isn’t 1 player outside of Mark Sanchez, that would agree with letting SAM get away
    Hard to know what Howie has in mind, but if he knows what’s good for him, he will keep Bradford in place… There isn’t anything better he can do with that Cap space then pay the best QB we can possibly get our hands on. I think fans have to be fucking nuts to want to get rid of SAM, part of me would actually want to see it just to see how many years of misery they will spend regretting letting SAM get away….
    Hopefully we start getting some accurate info about this soon, instead of the silly uneducated opinions/reports people run with this time of year… I really don’t want to hear any reports, pro or against because I think everyone is full of shit this time of year, and about 2% of what we hear might be accurate

  1211. 1211 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:08 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Vinny Curry is my favorite player on the Eagles, and I would be ok with losing Curry, Thurmond, Nolan, Thornton and our other 4 free agents if that’s what needed to be done in order to Franchise Bradford
    Those players without Bradford mean nothing.. We are irrelevant without a QB, our ceiling would be the Texans… I would love to see Thurmond remain in philly, but I’d give him in a way in a heartbeat if that needed to be done to be able to Tag and then extend SAM..

  1212. 1212 RC5000 said at 6:09 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    No one compares him to Peyton Manning. He played very well in that 6 game stretch not decent imo and learning a new offense as well as getting chemistry with new teammates takes time. Coming off a layoff and a torn ACL also. What is unreasonable about that?

  1213. 1213 TypicalDouche said at 6:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    What is so great about a 6 game stretch? So if the Eagles give him big money he’ll be coming off another year where he got hurt, playing in a new system once again, and playing for a new coach. So a mediocre QB doing the same thing all over again deserves a massive contract? No he doesn’t and nothing you say can convince me otherwise, I have made enough points to why the Eagles shouldn’t break the bank for him.

  1214. 1214 ChoTime said at 9:31 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    He played about league average by results.

  1215. 1215 RC5000 said at 9:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t know if that’s true during that 6 game stretch but I thought he played very well during that time as many did. I go by what I see along with the stats somewhat as the games go.

  1216. 1216 ChoTime said at 9:30 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Damn, you’ve gone negative on us. During his “hot streak” he put up numbers about as good as the 15th ranked quarterback. If we assume our team is dysfunctional, that he needed time to recover, and his OL and WR let him down, then it’s reasonable to assume he is about the 15th best QB in the league.

    Of course, you factor in the injury history, the less-than-stellar defenses he played, the fact that he ended up losing more than he won, that he is not young…

    I guess I’m negative too.

  1217. 1217 ACViking said at 3:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “Chip got us the best QB we had since we traded McNabb . . . “

    All Kelly did was spend a 2nd Rd pick (and Foles) on a 1-year Rental.

    Kelly — having all the leverage over a QB desperate for a way out of St. Louis — didn’t force him to extend as a condition of the deal.

    Now Bradford can force himself to be tagged — which is the smart move economically to establish the floor for contract negotiations.

    Or Bradford can do what C-Palmer did and refuse to play until the Eagles deal him to the team of his choice.

    If a trade’s made, no team will be as stupid as Hue Jackson was (as OAK’s HC) and give the Eagles a 1st and 2nd. Not likely, anyway.

    And Bradford — despite the thousands of words written by his biggest fan-boy on this blog — has never come close to performing as well as Palmer did in Cincy.

    Finally . . . if Kelly actually meant what he said about Bradford — that he’s “franchise” quality — he would try to acquire him from the Eagles.

    Isn’t Bradford *much* better than Kaepy or Gabbert? Isn’t he?

    That’s what Kelly kept telling us.

    If Kelly makes no attempt to acquire the rights to Bradford, we know all we need to know about how great “SAm BRadforD is.”

  1218. 1218 P_P_K said at 4:00 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Great post.

  1219. 1219 botto said at 4:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    would he have been just a rental if Kelly wasn’t fired?

  1220. 1220 ACViking said at 4:37 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Good question.

    Raises the same issues, I think, even if Kelly remained.

    And I’m skeptical — given his agent is Condon — of Bradford’s statement that he’d want to stay with the Eagles to play in the same system 2 straight years.

    He wouldn’t sign an extension before the season. And playing in another system for a different coach in a different city closer to home may still appeal to him.

    Counter-factuals are always difficult.

    End of the day . . . we don’t know if what Bradford said about playing here in his press conferences was any more true than the lines Kelly routinely fed the masses.

  1221. 1221 MAR2691 said at 3:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Bradford is leaving if he is not tagged. Not really worth the $$$$ it will take for the Birds to sign him; worth more to the Texans who are QB-poor but on the cusp of a title run; possibly worth more to SF if they are not sold on Gabbert or Kaep.

  1222. 1222 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:19 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Lol ok.. Just like Brandon Graham was leaving, and Kendricks was a lock to be gone.,, thanks for setting me straight

  1223. 1223 Greg Richards said at 3:19 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Les Bowen

    10m10 minutes ago

    Talked to @jawsespn about his role as a “special advisor” to the #Eagles’ coaching search. He said Bill Polian also advised,



  1224. 1224 anon said at 3:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    And all they came up w/ was Gase, Macadoo, Caughlin, Pederson?

  1225. 1225 Greg Richards said at 3:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think it’s pretty obvious they prefer an offensive coach.

  1226. 1226 anon said at 3:34 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yeah i guess they had pretty narrow requirements

  1227. 1227 Greg Richards said at 3:40 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    They’re the management version of Chip in regards to scouting.

  1228. 1228 RobNE said at 3:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’m offended all right.

  1229. 1229 Crus57 said at 3:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Should’ve gone for Rob Ryan, both offensive (a terrible choice) and offensive (rude with a big mouth)

  1230. 1230 P_P_K said at 3:59 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’m stealing that joke!

  1231. 1231 botto said at 4:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    they should have stuck with chip then. he offended everybody

  1232. 1232 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t understand that when the majority of the playoff teams have defensive coaches

  1233. 1233 anon said at 5:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Andy wasn’t a defensive HC.

  1234. 1234 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Do you think I’m unaware of that? I know andy is Fat, but I wouldn’t count him as MOST of the playoff coaches

  1235. 1235 anon said at 6:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That’s from Lurie’s POV. The search was more what would andy reid do, than any sort of logic.

  1236. 1236 Greg Richards said at 3:39 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Chris Mortensen has stepped away from ESPN while battling Stage IV throat cancer. That sucks.

  1237. 1237 P_P_K said at 3:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Wow. So sorry to hear that.

  1238. 1238 myartz04 said at 3:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think it’s safe to say that we can all just start referring to Howie Roseman as “Daddy.”

  1239. 1239 TypicalDouche said at 3:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    By all means you can call him that, have fun doing it.

  1240. 1240 anon said at 4:13 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “Everybody knows Howie is holding back the organization,” an NFL front-office executive said earlier this week. “Everybody but one person. And that person is the only one who matters. Jeffrey Lurie. He just doesn’t see it.”
    Some other highlights:

    The franchise’s decline directly follows Howie Roseman’s rise to power.

    Roseman has been general manager since 2010, minus last year, when Chip Kelly had the power. These have been dark days, filled with coaching turnover, quarterback instability, poor to average drafts and free agency catastrophes.

    And precisely zero playoff wins.

    Roseman is one of the most curious people to ever work for the Eagles.
    His track record is spotty, but he has Lurie convinced he’s some sort
    of boy wonder who can do no wrong. Lurie even fired Banner, his closest
    friend, in order to give Roseman even more power.

    I predicted a couple weeks ago that the top coaching candidates would reject the Eagles because people league-wide just don’t want to work with Roseman. And here we are two weeks later with a guy coaching the Eagles who seven years ago was a high school coach in Louisiana.

  1241. 1241 anon said at 4:13 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    From BGN.

  1242. 1242 Media Mike said at 4:16 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That article was pure crap from Reuben Frank, the worst member of the local reporter group. He has a massive axe to grind with Howie over that loser McDermott and that other piece of garbage Tommy Gamble. CSN should be ashamed at publishing such an agenda driven piece and BGN shouldn’t have dignified it with republication.

  1243. 1243 peteike said at 4:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    McDermott almost went undefeated lol

  1244. 1244 Media Mike said at 4:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    He did nothing of the sort other than attach his mouth to Ron Rivera’s genitals and go along for a ride.

    What McDermott did was go 32nd in the red zone and set a 30 year low doing so. He sucks.

  1245. 1245 JoeBlow said at 4:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    that’s an image!

  1246. 1246 Media Mike said at 4:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    And the chain is complete with Reuben’s mouth on McDermott’s genitals.

  1247. 1247 peteike said at 4:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I dont care about McDs career really, hes not with the Eagles anymore. However, coaches bailing is a sign of possibly Howie being a problem or the structure of the FO in general. People will spin that every which way and it aint ending anytime soon

  1248. 1248 Media Mike said at 4:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    But the coaches bailing because of Howie thing isn’t truthful, so I’m not worried about it.

  1249. 1249 peteike said at 5:05 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    probably right, McAdoo was just hedging, Gase just took Miamis offer and supposedly Coughlin couldnt get enough of old staff. None of that says Howie really

  1250. 1250 Media Mike said at 5:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Exactly. And even if they all scoffed at the Eagles job………some wins make all of that talk go away.

  1251. 1251 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:03 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    When you give Amy Fadool, Elliot Parks, Ed RENDELL a platform to give their worthless opinions about the Eagles, nothing else can surprise me., I feel like the producers are punking us laughing and seeing what are the worst possible analysts they can get away with putting on the air, that this eagle addict FANBASE will still watch

  1252. 1252 Telmert said at 8:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    This has always bugged me – Chip is hired and the two things we hear from them was that Chip had very specific requirements for each position, and that Howie, Chip, and everyone else was going to work together to build their draft board and have everything worked out before the draft (like everyone does).

    Howie obviously had to make dramatic changes to the scouting department to find Chip Kelly type players. He did that. During the first draft together, they had Barkley as the highest player on their board, Chip loved his interview with him, so Howie went and got him.

    The next year the big “funny” story was that Chip wanted Taylor Hart in the 3rd round and Howie had to convince him to wait. Not one writer questioned it or went any further with it.

    So the Eagles scouting department changed everything they looked for to accommodate Chip. They spent an entire year scouting players and building a draft board. Chip participated in building the draft board and by the time of the draft, the entire organization was in agreement. During the draft, Chip essentially said, I don’t care about all of that work that all of those people did, or any of the things we said or that I agreed to in our meetings, I want to ignore the draft board and pick Taylor Hart now.

    No writer that I saw asked about the draft board, or speculated about how disrespectful that was, or how pissed Howie and Lurie must have been. None talked about what the scouts or personnel department felt when they heard that story – that Chip didn’t value any of their work.

    I get that Howie has warts. But quality journalists would paint both sides of the picture.

  1253. 1253 Greg Richards said at 4:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Come on, one unnamed source? Who is likely one of 2 people? You have to do better than that, Roob.

  1254. 1254 Media Mike said at 4:27 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Roob is a massive piece of shit.

  1255. 1255 Cafone said at 6:21 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I concur

  1256. 1256 eagleyankfan said at 4:27 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “a guy coaching the Eagles who seven years ago was a high school coach in Louisiana.” now that’s funny!!!

  1257. 1257 JoeBlow said at 4:28 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    gotta start somewhere i guess…

  1258. 1258 eagleyankfan said at 4:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    most nfl coaches do not start at the HS level…

  1259. 1259 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:59 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    This is almost as bad as McNabb not being able to wait a day before throwing shade on the Pederson hire. He is such classless joke.. He is a drunk, he is no longer an analyst who has to be objective, he has no business throwing Shade on the QB who probably helped him Develope as a rookie.,. I can understand if he were an analyst, but he isn’t so if he doesn’t have anything good to say to support a former teammate, maybe he shouldn’t say anything,… It’s not like Philly even respects or cares what he has to say… Just classless for the sake of being classless

  1260. 1260 Media Mike said at 5:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    This is worse than McNabb because I don’t think anybody who counts (meaning myself and locally) takes anything McNabb says seriously.

    Reuben, for some odd reason, actually has people who think he knows football. I find it really sad because the guy just prostitutes himself in favor of whoever leaks him stories.

  1261. 1261 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    True… Sad the influence hack media has over poor simple minded fans… I hate this Fanbase, but it’s really not their fault, what chamce does such a passionate fanbase have when the info they get comes from media Trash?
    It baffles my mind that eagle fans who log online every day and check what Elliot Shorr jackOffs has to say actually exist… There are people that look to Rueben every day for their eagle… What hope is there for fans like this? And we wonder why we have jackass fans still Clamoring for Tebow lol

  1262. 1262 unhinged said at 5:46 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Before we go smashing his reputation in ink, remember that we had a franchise QB and a resented head of football operations named Banner when a team with a pretty good defense and a franchise QB got to 5 Conference playoff games…and lost 4 of them. None of that squandered past is on HR. A content owner allowed his best friend to be the face of his front office, and the failed draft picks that were either attributed to Banner or Reid were ALL on Lurie. The one game that sticks in my craw was 2003 when Westbrook was hurt and Pinkston and Thrash were manhandled by Carolina. The window was closing, and the HC who didn’t have a good record of drafting WR’s had no expertise in the FO to override Na Brown, Freddie Milons, Billy McMullen or Sean Morey. Banner was a great capologist, not a talent evaluator. Roseman can work the cap, and he knows NFL protocols, networking, draft logistics…but he’s not a scout. Let’s place the blame where it has always lied: The owner has not embraced the notion that he needs an advocate in the FO who knows how to build a roster. If Howie ignores sound personnel advice that is on Lurie!

  1263. 1263 anon said at 6:10 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Howie grew up under banner so naturally he’d be good at some parts of the job and bad at others.

  1264. 1264 JoeBlow said at 4:19 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    As expected i suppose…..Jerry Azzinaro will most likely be following Chip to SF, according to Matt Maiocco

  1265. 1265 Media Mike said at 4:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Makes sense because we’re going to be upgrading to a 4-3. Azz was a good 3-4 coach, but I’m looking forward to going back to playing in a real system.

  1266. 1266 Iskar36 said at 4:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t get the hatred for a 3-4 defense. When run well, it can be a very effective defense. The issue we had was we had an offense that put the defense at a disadvantage, and we had a coach who was not a great defensive coordinator. That combination will lead to a terrible defense regardless of being 3-4 or 4-3.

  1267. 1267 Media Mike said at 4:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I has nothing to do with Buddy Ryan, Bud Carson, or Jim Johnson; so it sucks.

    Plus if you don’t have a dominant rush OLB, you’re really never going to be good playing it.

    And it has nothing to do with Buddy Ryan, Bud Carson, or Jim Johnson.

  1268. 1268 anon said at 4:30 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    that’s the key “if you don’t have a dominant rush OLB, you’re really never going to be good playing it”. They don’t come along that often.

  1269. 1269 unhinged said at 5:19 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Not to poke holes in an icon that I have long admired, but our 43 under Johnson had a decidedly weak pass rush if you take away the exotic blitz packages. Those blitzes were usually the defense’s undoing in the playoffs, when elite QB’s were not to be fooled. It felt to me like our 34 could get us back to being a dominant defense if we fully sorted out our deficit at OLB and ILB.

  1270. 1270 Iskar36 said at 4:30 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of the 4-3. It is what I know to be Eagles football. I just see a lot of people “hating” the system itself which I don’t get.

  1271. 1271 MAR2691 said at 4:46 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    You are right, hardcore Eagles fans — especially those raised on JJ’s defenses — see the 4-3 as part of the personality of the team.

  1272. 1272 Media Mike said at 4:57 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t really do “new”, so I’ll always hate it.

  1273. 1273 unhinged said at 5:08 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Sentimental balderdash.

  1274. 1274 Media Mike said at 5:09 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Honored and revered tradition!

  1275. 1275 ChoTime said at 8:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Didn’t the Patriots have some pretty sweet 3-4’s back in the day? They did have good players, but so do all good teams.

  1276. 1276 Birds4Life said at 4:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The hatred isn’t for the 3-4 defense, it is hatred of Billy D. How many times would we push teams back to 3rd and more than 15, only to give up a draw play, screen pass or a dump off that would give teams a 1st down? I think that is what people hated the most.

  1277. 1277 Greg Richards said at 4:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I want a draft pick for letting him out of his contract.

  1278. 1278 JoeBlow said at 4:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    they have a lot of compensatory picks

  1279. 1279 CrackSammich said at 4:46 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Can’t trade the comp picks.

  1280. 1280 ACViking said at 4:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:


    NFL changed that rule this season.

    Comp picks now traded.

  1281. 1281 Media Mike said at 4:57 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I was cheering when they did that. I LOVE draft trades.

  1282. 1282 FairOaks said at 6:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I thought I read starting with the 2017 draft.

  1283. 1283 MAR2691 said at 4:47 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Get a 7th-rounder, maybe.

  1284. 1284 ACViking said at 4:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Damn right.

    And why not? Azzinaro plays a key role for Kelly (or did) as Ass’t HC — which puts Azzinaro between Kelly and the other coaches.

  1285. 1285 ACViking said at 4:52 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Never a doubt.

    Azzinaro had the “Assistant Head Coach” title — operating as a buffer between Kelly and the other coaches.

    Even without that relationship, I don’t think Azzinaro would have stayed in Philadelphia after the way Lurie fired his pal.

  1286. 1286 Gian GEAGLE said at 4:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That sucks but it’s expected… Oh well. Wish Him well, have a lot of respect for the job he did growing our young DL into the strength of our team

  1287. 1287 JoeBlow said at 4:30 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Mike Smith will be the new Tampa Bay Bucs DC….not sure if he would have been considered here

  1288. 1288 ACViking said at 4:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Pays to be nice to your assistants on the way up . . . .

    ’cause they may be a HC for another team on the way down.

  1289. 1289 ChoTime said at 8:52 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The rule is: Never take away another man’s Taco Tuesday!

  1290. 1290 Media Mike said at 4:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I would have considered him. I think what folks were saying was that we’re still looking at Schwartz and Pettine. I’d give Leslie Frazier a look as well.

  1291. 1291 TypicalDouche said at 5:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Frazier and his Tampa 2 can fade into oblivion, I want nothing to do with that.

  1292. 1292 Media Mike said at 5:07 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I’ll take Tampa 2 over 3-4 all day. And Death Rowe would dominate in a Tampa 2 system. Our fast LBs would also be good for it.

  1293. 1293 TypicalDouche said at 5:13 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Rowe is a press man corner now, why would he thrive in a tampa 2? Also I don’t agree on tampa 2 over 3-4, seems like your hatred for the 3-4 is clouding your judgement Mike.

  1294. 1294 Media Mike said at 5:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Rowe is big and a willing tackler, so his run support in the Tampa 2 would be epic.

    And yes, I’d take Tampa’s Tampa 2 from their title run over any of the pure 2 gap 3-4 out there now.

  1295. 1295 TypicalDouche said at 5:16 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Point well taken. Yes I would take the Tampa’s tampa 2 from there title run only if it came with Sapp, Rice, Brooks, Barber and the other great players that made the Tampa-2 so good. I also hate the 2-gapping 3-4 as well, an attacking 1 gap 3-4 would of been awesome.

  1296. 1296 Media Mike said at 5:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Let’s meet in the middle with Seattle’s 4-3 under!

  1297. 1297 TypicalDouche said at 5:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Now that’s a deal brother.

  1298. 1298 ChoTime said at 8:52 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “Death Rowe”, that’s sweet.

  1299. 1299 Dave said at 5:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    For those that insist the negative Philly media fanning the flames of the fans has no effect on the players, this quote from Doug Pederson is very telling:

    “It was tough,” Pederson recalled. “Your family comes to the stadium, wants to enjoy the game, and hears the comments in the stands and reads the paper and everything. You just have to shut yourself out from that the best you can. But it’s tough.

    “It’s even harder on your family because they can’t control the situation. It’s out of their hands. It was very hard on them. Very hard on my wife. Kids were still young, 3 and 5, so they didn’t know what was going on, but it was a tough year from that standpoint.”

    Imagine how it can be for a player with elementary school and high school-aged kids.

  1300. 1300 Media Mike said at 5:08 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Get him a cranberry juice.

  1301. 1301 peteike said at 5:08 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    and middle school is the worst lol

  1302. 1302 botto said at 5:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    guess what Doug, its about to get worse then ever.

  1303. 1303 JoeBlow said at 5:31 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Doug and Lane Johnson should get along

  1304. 1304 jshort said at 6:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Well you shouldn’t have sucked so much. Might have even been me the family overheard. Had season tickets at the Vet and at that time.

  1305. 1305 Dave said at 7:39 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    You sir are a true gentleman.

  1306. 1306 ChoTime said at 8:51 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    It’s better to be the Cowboys, whose fans are all delusional and think the team is great even when it’s not; but mostly, just don’t pay attention when they don’t have a good record. (I mean, maybe it is better)

  1307. 1307 Greg Richards said at 5:13 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    One gripe. People use the line “Eagles went with a safe pick” to criticize the Pederson hire. So, you want to go with the “risky/dangerous/treacherous” pick?

  1308. 1308 Media Mike said at 5:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That would be epic. Like Lurie naming himself coach.

  1309. 1309 jshort said at 6:11 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Naw, he’s just going to lead the 53 angry men for men’s club.

  1310. 1310 anon said at 5:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Lurie — “I will not be risk adverse in this coaching search”

  1311. 1311 Greg Richards said at 5:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    That just meant he would look both ways before crossing the parking lot on the way to the search meetings.

  1312. 1312 botto said at 5:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    well mine and howard’s…..

  1313. 1313 Greg Richards said at 5:27 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    You know Howie is about the right age to be Lurie’s secret love child….

  1314. 1314 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:12 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Twenty-four years younger. Like you said, just right.

  1315. 1315 ChoTime said at 8:50 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    A bastard. Like Edmund, or something.

  1316. 1316 Bert's Bells said at 5:47 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    And all of those bloggers who constantly use the possessive.

  1317. 1317 botto said at 5:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    yeah good point what’s so safe about this guy?
    is it safe to say he will suck? I don’t get it.

  1318. 1318 Jernst said at 5:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Plus is it really all that safe to hire a coach with no significant head coaching experience outside of a small highschool, and whose only pro coaching experience has been as an Offensive Quality control coach and an OC under one coach that runs his own offense.
    Actually seems like a move thats sorta risky with a lot of unknowns as far as how he’ll handle all this new responsibility. The only thing safe about Pederson is that we already have a good handle on his personality and how he fits in culture-wise with the franchise and front office, and the fact that he’s worked in Philly before.

  1319. 1319 Iskar36 said at 5:59 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t understand why Pederson is the “safe” pick. Seems like he comes with plenty of risk. As to going with the “risky” pick, they are referring to a guy like Chip when we hired him. High risk v high reward type coach.

  1320. 1320 Telmert said at 7:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Agree. And they’re just taking the easy story line. Eagles want, and have always wanted, to pair young head coaches with experienced coordinators. They talked about it openly after the Kelly hire.

    They identified four guys who fit what they were looking for: Gase, McAdoo, Shurmur, and Pederson. Speculation, but I think they opted out of Gase because he wanted to call plays himself and hire the CIN DB coach as his DC – no experienced guy. McAdoo’s staff = his QB coach and Spags. Spags last two defenses (2 different teams) have been 2 of the 3 worst defenses in NFL history. Don’t know who Shurmur wanted, but Spags was the guy who hired him in St. Louis. He also might have felt that Billy D didn’t get a fair shake with Chip.

    Reid knows what the Eagles FO values and comes in with Chilly as OC and Schwartz or Pettine as DC. All guys who have been head coaches and all guys who have built top 10 units on their side of the ball. Pretty easy choice when you look at it like that.

  1321. 1321 ChoTime said at 8:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    It’s semantics, depends on what you mean by the word “safe”. Another way of describing the concept is “playing not to lose”.

  1322. 1322 ACViking said at 5:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Re: Winner of the “Most Prophetic Off-Season Comment” Contest

    xeynon BC1968 • 10 months ago

    . . . We know that if Kelly runs the team into the ground as he appears to be doing, Lurie will fire his ass and in all likelihood hire somebody competent to replace him.

    X– made this comment the day Kelly acquired Bradford.

  1323. 1323 Media Mike said at 5:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    BANG. Buy that man a beer.

  1324. 1324 botto said at 5:19 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    sweet, when is he going to hire THAT guy?

  1325. 1325 ACViking said at 5:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Or this one:

    Jernst (replying to xeynon) • 10 months ago

    It’ll be hard to watch this team struggle to get to 8-8 after gutting a team that got to 10-6 without its starting QB and 4/5ths of its oline for half the year and no one worth a damn in the secondary

  1326. 1326 Bert's Bells said at 5:45 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Safeties were decent in the secondary and Rowe was worth watching, but the general sentiment is right on.

  1327. 1327 ChoTime said at 8:47 PM on January 15th, 2016:


  1328. 1328 Media Mike said at 5:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Any food suggestions for tomorrow’s epic day of

    Flyers at 1
    Pats destruction of KC at 4
    Arizona’s beat down of GB at 8?

  1329. 1329 ACViking said at 5:21 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.

  1330. 1330 Media Mike said at 5:22 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I actually don’t like mixing drinking and watching games. I tend to more enjoy the drinking and don’t hang on every play. The booze goes post game.

  1331. 1331 botto said at 5:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I agree, I can’t drink and watch the eagles, because I end up drunk and mad.

  1332. 1332 Gian GEAGLE said at 5:31 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    More interested in my Virtus ROma in Treviso
    Sixers vs the Blazers
    And best UFC title fight in Bantamweight history on free TV between TJ Dillashow and Dominic Cruz former champ who only lost his title to 3 ACL surgeries…
    I wanted to root for KC over the Pats, but now that we hired Doug, I don’t want them To win, so naturally they are now a lock to beat the Pats.
    Arizona is going to slap the Packers around.. I take a lot of heat for it, but I’m convinced Rodgers is the new PeYTON manning, won 1 Super Bowl, and will spend the rest of his career being a great regular season QB, but never win another SB, especially since the probably won’t ever get rid of McCarthy, he blew his nut on the first Super Bowl

  1333. 1333 anon said at 5:34 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The team honestly isn’t that good. WRs are generally terrible, it looks like Lacy got too fat to be effective.

  1334. 1334 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:09 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Watching some older footage today, the announcers were wetting their pants about Rodger’s greatness, yet I saw some pretty amazing work being done by the WRs. Aaron is great, don’t get me wrong, but like all other QBs, he is not throwing to himself. He’s also not blocking for himself. Lack of excellent offensive linemen an epidemic this season.

  1335. 1335 FairOaks said at 5:41 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    McCarthy might hold them back, but I don’t think Rodgers will. Granted, their offense sputtered for a while this year more than I expected. His stats for a number of games definitely were down. Rodgers has played great in the playoffs though (most definitely unlike Peyton)… they should have been in the super bowl last year but for a ridiculous botched onside kick, which had nothing to do with Rodgers.

    The rest of that team isn’t all that good though… mediocre defense, and they are lacking WRs and a running game right now too. Rodgers did look human for parts of the year… might be a legitimate question if he’s peaked and will look human more often, but more help on that team would also be good.

  1336. 1336 peteike said at 6:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    oh its on TV, I gotta DVR. Cruz was awesome before all the injuries, interested to see how he does. Im going to my first live fight tonight in Denver. Free tickets, should be interesting to see if the vibe feels different, the intensity of ring and the sounds. Hope I can at least see something from the free seats. RFA fight.

  1337. 1337 Cafone said at 7:34 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Virtus Roma?! Isn’t there a high school girls game you could watch with more talent?

  1338. 1338 botto said at 6:08 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    kc is winning that game BTW

  1339. 1339 peteike said at 6:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    dont we want Doug to look good vs the Pats, then we can say it will translate to Eagles offense

  1340. 1340 P_P_K said at 5:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Hey, Coach Pederson, I’ve got a guy you oughta’ put on your scouting staff — a Mr. Tommy Lawlor. You can thank me later.

  1341. 1341 ACViking said at 6:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Capital idea.

    I’m writing a letter tomorrow to both KC and the Birds to advocate to T-Law, using as exhibits his reports from Scouts Notebook.

    If (when) I get a response, I’ll happily share it.

  1342. 1342 P_P_K said at 6:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Any chance we can have a look at your letter?

  1343. 1343 Cafone said at 6:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Hey Tommy, it might be a little off-topic, but since so much of our information about Howie Roseman comes from Louis Riddick, a guy who interviewed for the GM job before it was given to Roseman, perhaps it would be a good idea to look back on the career of Mr. Riddick to get an idea of just how valuable his insight might be. It would be interesting to get your opinion on this.

  1344. 1344 Media Mike said at 6:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

  1345. 1345 Cafone said at 6:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Is that a representation of Louis Riddick, or me for asking the question? (or both?)

  1346. 1346 Media Mike said at 6:28 PM on January 15th, 2016:


  1347. 1347 Greg Richards said at 7:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Riddick is very intelligent but also very opinionated. In my own personal opinion, he often comes across as very bitter and unprofessional. He was the Redskins’ director of pro personnel before he was hired by the Eagles. He was fired by the Redskins. Hired by Eagles as pro scout and eventually worked his way up to director of pro personnel. That’s the highest title he’s ever had. You might argue that the teams that have fired him had questionable GMs in Cerrato and Roseman(technically the Eagles just didn’t renew his contract). Since the Eagles let him go, he hasn’t been in the NFL. I read that he tried to get a job with Reid in KC but that obviously didn’t happen. He now works for ESPN. If you want to bash him, you’d say that’s because no team wants him. To be fair though, some guys intentionally choose the media as it typically pays better, is less time-intensive, and more family-friendly.

  1348. 1348 Cafone said at 7:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    So, correct me if I am wrong, but then wasn’t he “Director of Pro Personnel” for the disastrous “Dream Team” offseason?

    Like wasn’t it basically his job to evaluate NFL free agents and recommend player acquisitions during the offseason when that job has never been done more poorly in the modern history of the franchise?

  1349. 1349 Greg Richards said at 8:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yep, was also DPP during a lot of the Redskins’ FA binges. That said, the DPP evaluates players and offers suggestions. They’re not the ultimate decision-maker.

  1350. 1350 ACViking said at 6:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Re: Missing Tommy Lawlor . . .

    The last time Tommy dropped of the grid, his mom had taken ill.


    Hope everything’s good in your family.

    Holler if there’s anything any of us can do.

    The alternative (which we all prefer) concerns the NFL’s rules that prohibit the Eagles from entering into an agreement with Pederson, or agreeing to enter into an agreement with Pederson.

    Those rules mean there’s actually nothing to write about.

    So . . . carry on, sir.

  1351. 1351 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:28 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    ACV: Tommy has been commenting on Twitter as late as yesterday. I don’t care for Twitter, so can’t check details, just that he is active.

  1352. 1352 Cafone said at 7:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    He tweeted: “Pederson???? I’m done! Going out to buy a Luke Kuechly jersey”

  1353. 1353 ACViking said at 7:44 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Thanks, MagS . . .

    That’s encouraging (whatever he wrote).

  1354. 1354 Greg Richards said at 7:38 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    He did tweet briefly last night with a link to his previous piece about Pederson and commented about the potential hire of Schwartz at DC.

  1355. 1355 ACViking said at 7:44 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    GR — that’s a positive indicator

  1356. 1356 daveH said at 6:46 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Something tells me we aint gonna sign coughlin… hopefully chip lands somewhere far away and trades us two 2nd rounders for bradford and maybe we end up with kapernick for the meantime..but what do i know… i just hope thaf Mr T Law is ok

  1357. 1357 TypicalDouche said at 7:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I am assuming you’ve been in hibernation and haven’t realized that the Eagles have hired Doug Pederson and Chip has been hired by the 49ers. Oh and please no Kaepernick to the Eagles!!

  1358. 1358 CrackSammich said at 7:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    you’re a couple days out of touch, sir.

  1359. 1359 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:22 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Dave H possibly noticed the unchanged headline and he does sometimes snark somewhat.

  1360. 1360 jshort said at 7:28 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yea, I was taking a quick look on my phone this afternoon and was wondering what happened to Pederson. Thought Coughlin was back in the running..

  1361. 1361 anon said at 6:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    "Losing Cary [Williams], and adding J. Lane and D. Shead has really turned our season around," says Michael Bennett:— Jenny Vrentas (@JennyVrentas) January 15, 2016

  1362. 1362 anon said at 6:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    hahhahaha. Sad thing is we started this guy for 2 years.

  1363. 1363 JoeBlow said at 6:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Pete Carrol’s practices were wayy too hard

  1364. 1364 FairOaks said at 6:57 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Adding more of Bennett’s quote from context:

    “No offense to Cary, but these guys have been in the defense a lot longer than Cary, so they kind of understand where the holes are and what you have to do, and I think they have done a great job of taking us back to that level where we are used to playing.”

    “It gives us more time [on the line],” Bennett adds. “We were beating guys fast, and sometimes [the quarterbacks] were getting the ball out, but now we are getting the quarterback to hold the ball. And that starts with everybody playing football together. We’ve got a lot of great players playing in one accord.”

  1365. 1365 anon said at 7:00 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    damn, sounds like he’s blaming cary for them sucking the first half of the season.

  1366. 1366 anon said at 7:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “49ers coach Chip Kelly could target Browns OC John DeFilippo as his offensive coordinator.

    The Browns have yet to let DeFilippo out of his contract, but the 49ers have interest based on his ties to Kelly and CEO Jed York. His hire would be a name-only title with Kelly expected to call plays. The San Francisco Chronicle also speculates Kelly could bring Eagles DC Billy Davis to replace Eric Mangini.” – roto

  1367. 1367 anon said at 7:05 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Hopefully this means shurmur is staying put

  1368. 1368 ACViking said at 7:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Could mean Kelly doesn’t hold Shurmur in particularly high regard.

    Or Kelly — as is his wont — prefers DeFillipo to Shurmur because of Johnny De’s UNH roots.

    Or the Eagles told Shumur that Pederson wants him to stay in some capacity — and Shurmur wants to stay.

    Or Eagles will not let Shurmur out his contract — assuming it extends to 2016 — to work with Kelly . . . but they would if he wants to work with some other team.

    Or Kelly sees Shurmur as a traitor.

    My own supposition is, give Kelly a UNH or UOregon guy, and you have a match.

  1369. 1369 JoeBlow said at 7:43 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Think it is because of his long relationship with DeFillipo….Niners brought Johny D in for an interview during their coaching search and i think it was to get a gauge on Kelly

  1370. 1370 ACViking said at 7:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The personal connection could be the answer.

    But Kelly’s actually worked with Shurmur in the NFL . . . etc., etc.

    There are a bunch of different ways to go with this that don’t reflect well on Kelly, or Shurmur, or both.

    I’d like to think its the personal connection, like you wrote.

    Not a professional judgment on Shurmur.

  1371. 1371 Cafone said at 7:51 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Kelly will probably go with a college guy because in his twisted mind he probably blames the failure of his offense on Shurmur since his ego does not allow self criticism.

  1372. 1372 Telmert said at 7:59 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think Shurmur was a Lurie/Howie guy that they got Kelly to take. NFL head coaching experience + Philadelphia experience. The hiring was too quick, particularly considering how long it too Chip to pick a DC. From all accounts, they got along well, but I don’t think he was ever Chip’s guy.

    Meanwhile, Shurmur was probably hoping to springboard that position into another HC job. But everyone knew it was Kelly’s offense. He might have gotten some interviews this year if the offense had performed (he had a couple last year, I think), but it’s in his best interest to go somewhere he can call plays.

  1373. 1373 ACViking said at 8:12 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Nice comment.

    Temporal proximity of Shurmur hiring by Kelly . . . very good point.

    Shurmur, per reports that have never been challenged, implemented WCO passing concepts into Kelly’s Eagles offense.

    Watching the Chiefs — and the Pats, too — it ssems like lots of those same concepts are used.

    Particularly with respect to each team’s TEs.

    The downfield route concepts Ertz ran look like the same ones as Travis Kelce and Gronk.

    (I could be totally wrong. Just seems as though, seeing the games on TV, all three TEs are getting wide open on comparable routes.)

  1374. 1374 Media Mike said at 7:11 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    smells like 3-13.

  1375. 1375 TypicalDouche said at 7:16 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Can Chip take the LBs and WRs coach with him along with Billy D?

  1376. 1376 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    If the DBs coaches are as good as we think…..byeee. Also, I’ll bet there is a nice shiny new dungeon, sorry, laboratory, in their new stadium for Huls.

  1377. 1377 TypicalDouche said at 7:22 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    You want to get rid of Cory Undlin? That is ludicrous to me. As for Huls I don’t know if Lurie is willing to let him out of his contract.

  1378. 1378 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    When did I say I WANTED to get rid of Undlin??

  1379. 1379 TypicalDouche said at 7:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Please clarify your statement about DB coaches please.

  1380. 1380 MagSaysWHAAT? said at 7:27 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    If the DBs coaches are as good as we think….Chip wants them!

  1381. 1381 TypicalDouche said at 7:28 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Understood now, sorry I didn’t understand at first glance.

  1382. 1382 myartz04 said at 7:30 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Please no. Not Billy D. Take anyone but him!!

  1383. 1383 Greg Richards said at 7:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Great piece from Bowen talking to Jaws about the coaching search.

    I realize Jaworski was part of the process so may have bias, but I know in the past he has been critical of the Eagles and isn’t overly homerific. Jaws pretty much confirms it’s Pederson. I hope the NFL doesn’t get its panties in a wad. I don’t think they would unless the Chiefs complained and they won’t. Teams are hiring assistant coaches left and right. What do you expect the team and Pederson to do: act like it’s not official and not start locking in assistants? If you do that, they’re going to seek security and accept the first job offered.

  1384. 1384 BobSmith77 said at 8:37 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Especially since Lurie and Roseman likely went to Reid in the first place anyways.

    This wasn’t a case where a division rival tried to poach an up and coming coordinator to become their next head coach.

  1385. 1385 ChoTime said at 8:41 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    It’s not just Reid, though. The ownership would have to approve. He is, after all, their employee, not Reid’s.

  1386. 1386 BobSmith77 said at 8:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yeah understood but it just isn’t something worth raising a shit storm about. That’s all.

    If it was say the Raiders, then maybe it is a different story.

  1387. 1387 botto said at 7:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    go chiefs!
    is mac playing?

  1388. 1388 TypicalDouche said at 7:34 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Noooooo, root against the Chiefs so Pederson can get to work!!

  1389. 1389 A_T_G said at 8:32 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Listed as questionable according to a tweet is afternoon.

  1390. 1390 Greg Richards said at 7:44 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Adam Caplan just re-tweeted Don Banks’ info of the Eagles being interested in Schwartz as DC. Likely means he’s hearing the same thing.

  1391. 1391 Greg Richards said at 7:48 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Adam Caplan

    28s28 seconds ago

    Just following up @DonBanks on Jim Schwartz and Eagles: they’ve spoken. Not sure if that was in HC process earlier this week, however.


    1 like

  1392. 1392 Greg Richards said at 8:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Jeff Zrebiec

    58s58 seconds ago

    The Ravens will be hiring Leslie Frazier as a defensive assistant.



  1393. 1393 Honest_T said at 10:17 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I can’t believe the Eagles didn’t even talk to him! He won Super Bowls as a player and a coach, knows what it takes to be a winner. But Howie already knows everything I guess.

  1394. 1394 Greg Richards said at 11:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    For all we know, they might have talked to him. He’s going there as a DBs coach though, not a DC. We reportedly want to keep Undlin. Keep in mind, he’s worked with Harbaugh before. Frazier was a defensive coach when Pederson was QB here for 1 year and they probably didn’t have a ton of interaction. Frazier was long gone when Pederson was here as a coach.

  1395. 1395 CrackSammich said at 11:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Bordering on some Thanks Obama levels there, man.

  1396. 1396 BobSmith77 said at 8:10 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Craziest thing in a weekly of crazy back and forth is that non only did Jaworski

    was part of the team’s head coaching search committee but that he played a pretty meaningful role too including in Pederson’s hire.

    That was out of LF even for this team’s coaching search.

  1397. 1397 ACViking said at 8:13 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    What do you think about Lurie involving Jaws?

    And Polian?

    They are both pretty tough minded, self-made, successful guys.

  1398. 1398 BobSmith77 said at 8:18 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Actually better even if I don’t buy Pederson was one of their top 1-2 guys out of that supposed list of 20-25 coaches they supposedly drew up as soon as Kelly was fired.

    It at least shows Lurie isn’t totally insular and just listening to Roseman instead bringing in some external expertise of varied background.

    The articles state though that Polian didn’t sit in on any of the interviews and it wasn’t clear to me what role Jaworski played during the actual interviews themselves.

  1399. 1399 BobSmith77 said at 8:14 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I don’t buy that the Eagles had this list of 20-25 coaching candidates as Jaworksi and others have said today that they gradually widdled the list down methodically with Pederson ending at the top.

    Been though enough executive search processes to know what plays out & this struck me as anything but an orderly and defined process with a very clear set of linear processes working through a short list of preferred candidates. Strikes me as almost pure BS.

  1400. 1400 A_T_G said at 8:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I am curious what that informs that opinion. Your comment 3 minutes prior discusses that fact that we were all completely unaware of who was involved in the process, yet you feel as if you can see far enough behind the curtain to assess how the process took place. Are there specific things that the FO did or didn’t do?

  1401. 1401 BobSmith77 said at 8:24 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Because the Jaworksi article leads you to believe this was a very orderly and defined process. I just don’t buy that.

    Still think Lurie was hoping against odds that Harbaugh or Payton was going to shake loose & he was going to try to grab them quickly. It is why he interviewed Duce right away. Just didn’t play out.

    After that, maybe the process was a bit more defined but still bet Gase spurred them for the Dolphins job instead of waiting around for a possible answer.

    After that, then they pursued McAdoo and talked to Reid to see who (including anyone on his staff) he recommended they give an interview too.

  1402. 1402 A_T_G said at 8:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I read all of those steps as signs of a patient, deliberate process. They weren’t sold on Gase, but wouldn’t be bullied into rushing by his agent, so he signed while the Dolphins still thought they were in a bidding war.

    Same with McAdoo, they were interested, but committed to the process. I think if they were scared and flustered, they would have set up interviews with everyone as quickly as possible, and made rash decisions before guys got out of town.

  1403. 1403 BobSmith77 said at 8:32 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    It is more something like this:

    – They fired Kelly on Tues
    – Lurie quickly moved into action by reinstalling Roseman and also setting up a coaching selection committee that included Jaworski and Polian
    – They quickly created a PPT deck with 20-25 candidates as a possible pool to examine.
    – They rank forced the list and Pederson was one of the top 3-4 guys on it.

    Way too neat and tidy of a process. Of course the Eagles were going to say Pederson was there guy (or a key guy) all along but I call BS on that too. He was only in the mix after they had to come up with more options and after reaching out to Reid.

  1404. 1404 laeagle said at 8:36 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think you’re really just believing what you want to believe. I’m sure there’s at least some truth to the Jaworski story.

  1405. 1405 BobSmith77 said at 8:39 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Of course I am speculating but Jaworski article and the process he laid out on the Mikey Miss show just don’t play out that cleanly or smoothly. Illusion of control from those in charge when often is the case there is anything but that kind of calm and collected decision-making process in place behind the curtain,

  1406. 1406 laeagle said at 9:47 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    All I’m saying is, you’re getting awfully certain based on no more evidence than that you _think_ that’s the case. It’s one thing to raise it as a possibility, it’s another altogether to treat that possibility as a certainty, and then get livid about it.

  1407. 1407 A_T_G said at 8:46 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    -There were rumors that Lurie stated his list 6 months ago. This would also match the hints that Chip was on the hot seat from informed voices.

    -The plan to put Roseman in place was clear from the time he was moved out. The fact that Jaws and Polian were so quietly instrumental also hints that this was planned, at least as a contingency. Things rarely happen both quietly and quickly in the public eye.

    -Of course the organization is going to polish up any smudges, but I don’t see anything that hints at sloppy, disorderly, or ill defined.

  1408. 1408 BobSmith77 said at 8:49 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Those rumors about the list being put together 6 months ago strike me as pure plants to the media by the new front office including Roseman.

    Lurie decided to give Kelly full control, let him publicly humiliate Roseman, and he was regretting that choice so much he made a long, detailed list of Kelly’s possible replacements less than 6 months later without preseason even starting ?

    Lurie comes off as kind of a dip shit if that is the case.

  1409. 1409 A_T_G said at 8:55 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    So, this was slapdash and chaotic, unless Lurie had a plan, then he was a dip shit? That seems fair.

    You don’t ever look for a way back to shore before leaping off the dock?

  1410. 1410 BobSmith77 said at 8:58 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    When did I say slapdash and chaotic?

    I just don’t buy it was nearly as orderly and laid out as Jaworski described today including that Pederon was one of their top say 2-3 guys from the start.

  1411. 1411 A_T_G said at 9:06 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    You did not use those words. I apologize. You called methodical, orderly, neat, tidy, defined, clear, and linear all BS. I took poetic liberty from there. To rephrase:

    So, this was unmethodical, disorderly, messy, sloppy, undefined, unclear, and nonlinear, unless Lurie had a plan. Then he was a dip shit.

    Just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

  1412. 1412 BobSmith77 said at 9:19 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    You are painting another extreme.

    I recapped what Jaworski laid out this process as and filled in a few gaps.

    No I don’t buy they had a detailed list of 20-25 guys or a search committee setup with external members set up almost as soon as Kelly was fired nor was Pederson one their top 2-3 guys on that original list from the outset after they did spend some initial time to prioritize it.

    I’d bet Pederson only really emerged as a possible leading guy after they talked to Reid and Reid recommended him. That would be a fairly big disconnect from what Jaworski described today.

  1413. 1413 A_T_G said at 9:37 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Maybe I misunderstood your view, but I am not trying to paint anything.

    You described the reports as “almost pure BS,” “more BS,” and “call BS on that too” in three separate posts. I read that as much stronger than “filled in a few gaps” as you said on this last post. Maybe I inferred too much.

  1414. 1414 Greg Richards said at 9:15 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Do you really think that they waited until after Chip was fired to start doing research on potential replacements? Even if you’re perfectly happy with your HC, one of the jobs of the higher-up execs is to study non-player personnel on other teams. That “NFL strategic matters” listed as part of Howie’s job? That’s one of the things it entails.

  1415. 1415 Rob Jarratt said at 9:42 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    What’s bs is that you, Mr. Executive Search guy, can’t spell whittle. You wouldn’t have made it to the first interview with that spelling deficit.

  1416. 1416 BobSmith77 said at 8:20 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “Jaworski said he, more than anyone else involved in the process, “wanted a guy that was familiar with the fan base of Philadelphia, that could connect with the fan base of Philadelphia, that understood the history and tradition of the
    Philadelphia Eagles, and Doug was that guy, in my opinion.”

    This was more BS too from Jaworski. Did Lurie want a coach who was a good communicator ala Reid? Yeah sure but the point about relating to the city is just throwing a bone to the fans.

    As long as Pederson loses a few games next year, he’ll get ripped.

  1417. 1417 RC5000 said at 8:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Where are those quotes coming from?

  1418. 1418 A_T_G said at 8:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    With the way information is rolling in, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were from the Wikipedia entry for the press conference next week announcing the hire.

  1419. 1419 BobSmith77 said at 8:35 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Added the link. Greg Richards has been posting from it though.

    Surprised Tommy has been this quiet. Probably crafting a 5-part, 10,000 word masterpiece while surviving on only Funnions and Mountain Dew the past 2 days.

  1420. 1420 A_T_G said at 8:37 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Hopefully Funnions and PBR. That way, the piece will be much more likely to include a Megan Fox photo interlude.

  1421. 1421 BobSmith77 said at 8:40 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    PBR and you crash. Maybe black coffee instead but 2 days of just Funnions and black coffee sounds like something they would do to a prisoner in a crappy ‘Cool Hand Luke’ remake.

  1422. 1422 BobSmith77 said at 8:51 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    of course they would put the prisoner in the sweat box with only salty, fatty food to eat and caffeine to drink.

  1423. 1423 RC5000 said at 8:44 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Thank you. Articles I had read were very short.

  1424. 1424 TypicalDouche said at 8:23 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    “As long as Pederson loses a few games next year, he’ll get ripped. ” So would any other coach that could of been hired.

  1425. 1425 BobSmith77 said at 8:26 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Yes and they’ll media will nitpick about his press conferences as will the fans.

    When Kelly was winning, his blunt and direct answers were portrayed in positive connotations.

    It is a minor point but largely a meaningless one. They didn’t hire Pederson because of ‘how he will relate to the fans or the city.’

  1426. 1426 AsianEagle said at 8:46 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Lol now I’m more interested in what Chip can do with Colin Kap in his offense… I wonder if he learned his lesson that the OLine is the most important position group in his offense.

  1427. 1427 BobSmith77 said at 8:53 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    It will be fascinating to see although you have to wait until ’17 for the Eagles to play the 49ers again. That should be a fun game at the Linc.

  1428. 1428 BlindChow said at 10:33 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Great! By then we should have enough film on his new offense to be able to predict what’s coming…

  1429. 1429 Fufina said at 8:54 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    The thing that makes me fine with the Pederson hire is that the team knows him, from being a coach and a player. If they assessed his skills to be those of a head coach, and if they think he has learnt enough to be a good head coach then we will be fine if we find a franchise QB, good coordinators and draft well…. pretty much what any team needs to win.

    I buy into the theory that there are only 4-5 difference making head coaches in the league… and 5-6 bad ones. Rest can run an organisation, manage the game and motivate players well, which is plenty enough if you get good x’s and o’s guys and a franchise QB. We tend to over focus on the figurehead leader when it is a group effort in the end.

    So we need to find a good pair of coordinators, and find our QB. I hope they hit the draft because imho Bradford can be good QB not a great one… and i don’t want to pay 18-20mil for that.

  1430. 1430 BobSmith77 said at 9:00 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Argue the long-term decision on Bradford and the DC hiring (and possibly a new scheme) are notably more important than the Pedeson hire at this point & for this offseason.

  1431. 1431 ChoTime said at 9:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I think you’re mistaking the NFL for the NBA. Coaches really don’t matter there, unless it’s Greg Popovich or Phil Jackson. Coaches are a big deal in football.

  1432. 1432 BobSmith77 said at 9:04 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Matter more than that in the NBA. Argue the sport they matter the least is MLB especially in the AL with the DH.

    Most nights, an AL manager can fill out a lineup card and go to sleep until the 5th inning.

  1433. 1433 John Galt said at 10:29 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    True enough. See the fact that Cholly Manuel won the World Series.

    Baseball manager is all about keeping your team from killing each other over the course of 8 months of games everyday. A trained monkey could manage a game.

  1434. 1434 Fufina said at 9:50 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Coaches matter but there are ‘few’ difference makers, and few ‘bad’ coaches every get the chance to be a head coach. People over value the people at the top of the pyramid with coaches. The supporting cast of players and coaches is far more important than what the head coach brings himself.

  1435. 1435 Aaron said at 10:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    has tommy retired

  1436. 1436 daveH said at 11:01 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    I hope thomas is not retired-ed .. u should never go full retired

  1437. 1437 John Galt said at 10:25 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Hope Tommy is okay, not like him to go dark at a time like this

  1438. 1438 Flyin said at 11:11 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    Tommy is one of the 3 powerball winners. He is with Megan indulging in chocolate pudding baths,eating funyuns with a tanker of PBR on the premises.

    Also in the process of buying the the Eagles.

    Tommy, I hope all is well !!!

  1439. 1439 Greg Richards said at 11:11 PM on January 15th, 2016:

    New thread up. Tommy is alive and breathing.